The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 03, 1884, Image 3

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    ..v.. ...... 1., : - ' t-' "'"" 1 --y - - .
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yrygiy-gii!"'' ji L' ' . MI..J.1.. 1 ...-. "-iJJ.'-gggggggggg .- -: -, r rm . . tl
i - - - . .. a. a a i i t. r - fi m r .aaa. awa ar a n vsm. w
PuWWidry Taaftdaf.
! (Mf M ball M tka hart Mon
aHoaha, a4 aoa4
""wm hborkiMU. Mead
r'a.I" l
V . Oar alnsai wil
aHwa wha wtah U
im-Mm ImIimWii
VM tr ui kahlotanaii r
II felwaTi ba nixa
karonis taanaa
af Mkilt laurxti
raapaaslbl tor thai
In; to bar
tio will do
g ...
not tret, Phil- WHk wm wall attended, and th n-
I We ara inKi
by ihafl thli rODS Win-.aanierwunui; w ouwuBri at iwasc
nine la tue Ntiaicai j" mi ) ur, uni w uu nwu
to tend for catalogue.
a a a A a -
A Orina""001 WM org-!"! in
Charlea e'' School-room, Bearer
town onAondlkT U?ht, Deo. 81, with
89 puplln the ro,, The following
la a H in teacnera: u. r. non-
man J- Halnea, Win. Borer, Samu
el Rcn. Frederick Bingainan, John
ninsvnan, Bauiuel Bnook, Meorge
Kter, and Jacob Uauch. we nope
tw eehool will result In doing tuuob
ta at the flngnree on the laol off
'lJrlri IfHI? Br"i t"" -y.0-u. Sunder whool of Troxelrllle wan well
- - - - " an it riiniv'nr
The jug-breaking at the fit Lake'
Ttav t paiu Within t wefke afrrr
rvmer li tent, eee if date la ebAiged
Ko tber raeelpt la neeeeeary. )
tf.,.l"iyC."ipii I fm
111 IV
IS ii
iintli ivf
, aftiaa4
- Wiinir
SallaMjtaTa J
1 M
I It
t M
I it
a 4i
I 41
I 41
4 It
h BRlOa,
a ai.a ai.
M I in
1 T4
aim ti taut low, u' bltl it'll
Kilt 'ei."
aa tV ,
( Muiical Convention.
rt lihera girla. Now go for
wnvention the 4th week In
f 'ththe
' owlatbo
I hreakln
re In
I .Li
"ii mm hi " ii
'tora, J 1:
pet thing to take when you
a pretty girl take time;
... you take the better ahe
; rtothrock, who la attending
cturea at Baltimore, epent
"' ... .ltl. I.l. .. I. UN
W which baa been excellent
two weeka ia augallt.
w year we add another
'! " A ll.f II will M
,nrrf.time to make your New
and prepare lor tne an
of the eame.
Hftnonlc Society of Free
Lcyding their annual Con
week with Dr. Perklna,
from the number of mar-
rld-i iniu lHaue or tne I'ost tne
raAr'ta haven't aoared anybody
,oe notion.
,-nignt aervioes were neia in
rgh by a number of youn
ia year with three daya of grace
leneing Saturday evening.
LewUburjrh Journal leeued a
luring the llolldaya, the general
of which ahowa enterprise aud
Hope It paid aa well.
muel Boweraox, reaiding 3 milei
of Mlddleburgh, who hue been
juily ill for aoiue time can Ifve but
abort time, and hia death ia hourly
The boys were enjoying tbe amooth
-Ware of Middlecreek during the
.olidaya returning luont of tbe time
. ith their aeat of government in a
tiioiot condition.
With tbe New Year the Lewiabnrg
,vil Xeu-i eoiuea to ua enlarged to a
0 column folio making it one of the
argett papera published in the State,
'hat looka like auoeeaa and nothing
uceeeda like it
Prof? Jianlel Crouae and family for
' rly it Iowa bnt late reaidenta of
,eanter, Pa., are vlnltlng relative!
, 'hie cointy. Lit fie Ray took down
. dyringllna'itute wih a neat
W '"15r f f- v C ; r.uerrtJoO U
rnnava. waa one of tha moat atiO'
Mibt affaire ever held In Snyder
unty. Citizena, It la hvyour power
uake tbe eoiuing Convention the
ne. Will you do It?
J. M.Jpauberman, of KraUervlllle,
'oven appointed Merohantlle Ap-
.aer or uuyder county y , tbe Com
ilona. Though a atre ger to Mr
we learn that publkr comment la
t favorable to the appointment.
'he eeeond annual II ualoal Cooven
of the Middleburgh Muaioal Aaao
ation"will be beld attheCourt-houae
ominenoing, Monday, January 21 it,
.0(1 to continue during the week
ncluding with two grand conoerta
i Friday and Saturday evening!.
billaT -
I9 ubvaroi The nn
Aligned will pay the above reward
"ity peraon furniahing information
will lead to the reoovery of the
and 'whit apotted Beagle
id answering to the nam of
irray" which waa atoleu from - hia
'woe about three uiontha ago.
tll0 Johx A. Stahlsikckbb.
whci. Middleburgh, Pa.
attended on the evening of the 2l of
December. The programme waa well
elected and admirably executed, ren
deruig It one of the moat pleasant
ebtertainmenta ever held In Troxel
ville. Tlie pieee, ' Faith, Hope and
Charity" waa rendered with excep
tlonal merlL The aohool realized over
The moat spirited of all Harrisburg
dailies, the Kilning Telrqraph Imsat
last consented to exchange with us
enabling ua to get all the newa of the
previous dar on the morning train-
eight hours ahead of any other paper.
The weekly Wtymph will be indispen
alble to those who Intend to keep
themselves posted on the issues of the
Pr evidential campaign, and wilt be
furnished at $1.23 a year per copy
To clubs of ten or more 11.00 a year
Send for sample copy,
A Bkautiful Gift. The Great
Rock Island Route has issued a new
aud most comprehensive Cook Bonk,
of 123 pages. Oiled with new and relia
ble receipta from the best caterers of
this and other countries. No house
wife can afford to be without it; and
though worth one dollar, it will be
sent to any address, postpaid, upon
receipt of ten cents In stamps. As
they will go like hot cakes send at
once to K. St John, G. T. St P. A ,
Chicago, Illinois.
To Repair Damaoks. Dear lady,
there la probably no use telling you
that fashionable life in a great city is
a rough one on your beauty. Lute
hours, loss of sleep and mental excite
ment will leave you by and by shorn
of those beautiful tresses which drew
lovers around you in other vears.
Artificial substituescan never pass for
those rich aud glossy looks. Parker's
Hair Balsam will stop your hair from
falling out. restore its natural color
and softness, and prove cleansing and
beneficial to the scalp.
f Bungs.
Making resolutions you
dou't keep.
Living above your in
come. Being n hypocrite.
Fancying yourself bet
than your friends.
SWEAR Stealing poultry.
Uolng where you would
OFF ON not bo found by your
Tight shoes.
Picking out your nei&h
bors' faults and over
looking your owu.
Being a dude.crauk and
of too aaany book agenta who took np
a great deal of valuable time grinding
axea for their Publishing Houses,
hich should have been appropriated
to the Instruction of the tearhers In
tbelr arduous work of educating the
youth. We do not know whether
this la customary in Institutes In this
8tate. If It is, there la great need of
a reform. A great deal of time was
taken up In the discussion of salaries
for teachers, and even so prominent a
paper as the Philadelphia 1'rtM took
occasion to editorially criticise the di
rectors of one of the townships in this
county for paying their teachers only
$18 per month. The teachers plead
for more pay, the directors brought
in the argument that It was all they
had asked and the attempts to rest the
blame on any particular one was real
ly laughable. In our estimation the
matter could have been settled very
easily by giving only a little consider
ation to the subject of "supply and
demand," and In this particular case
supply evidently exoneds the demand,
hence the low bids to teach. Do
you ask us how to cut down the sup
ply? Well, that is an easy matter.
Raise th stadard of certificates and
the ranks will soon be thinned out,
and the time wilt be at hand when a
young man will not be able to accom
plish the feat of strangling at the
parts of speech in grammar ami sim
ple Interest in arithmetic in their com
nion schools and then attend a Norm
al for one term to return all cocked
aud primed to teach, with a certificate
to back him. If a doctor is unfit to
practice medicince he should not be
allowed a diploma, or If a teacher Is
nflt to teach he should not have n
certificate. Raise the standard and
the price is sure to follow. Superin
tendent Sfoyer labored arduously to
keep down the expenses of the Insti-
stltute and succeeded so well that on
ly $9.00 of the M00 allowed were taken
out of the fund.
i Dkath. Wm. Ilasalnger
Or Q Adama township, died un
peculiar clroutuatanoea on Friday
ght of laat week. He retired In an.
rut good health lu the evening
nothing unusual waa noticed uo-
yino time in the night when he
zke his wife and told her that he
sooold. II waa aoou noticed to
;h heavily, and Mr a. Haaainger
Horns Kon SiiAMOKtN. A great
diaoovery has been made neurUeorgo
town, Northumberland Co., Pa., in
the way of large "bodies of iron ore,
which ia pronounced by competent
udges to be the same as the South
American hematite. The territory
eonsisting of about S00 acres, has been
leased by Messrs. G. F. Daubermau
and Michael Wert of Frecburg, Sny
der county, who are about forming a
company with capitalists of Shumo-
ktn, after which the mines will be
Opened and worked. This news is
encouraging, to us here lu Shamokiu.
Should said works be added to our
borough, It will add greatly to our
growth and prosperity. S. It.
Shamokin, Pa., Deo. 20, '88.
An attempt was made to steal ex
Sheriff Bolender's sorrel horse from
the shed of tbe Washington House on
the night of Saturday Deo. 29. The
Sheriff waa awakened about twelve
o'clock by the barking of his dog, aud
semiring his revolver he started for the
she 1 just in time to see a man jump
out and run up the alley. He fired
two shots at the fellow but missed
hi in. An examination at once reveal
ed the intent of the intruder, aa tbe
saddle and bridle' waa found lying
in the atall by the animal. Should
this business be carried on to any ex
tent and the parties captured, our
citizena will wake up aoiue morning to
And one of them dangling from the
loose end of a rope tried, sentenced
and executed in true California style.
Christmas passed off quietly in Mid
dleburgh, with the exception of the
few who auspiciously inaugurated the
day tackling the too weighty propor
tion of "Old John Barleycorn" which
made them unsteady In gait, and hila
rloua la actions. Aiiudleburgn can
boast of but comparatively few of the
"regulars," but their ranks, was filled
by young recruits, who evidently la
bored under the mistaken idea that
it waa a credit to get uncommon
ly full on this particular day. It waa
the first offence with most of them
and hence may have been a mistake
and those who hold them near aud
dear will be glad to throw the inautle
of oharity around them and receive
them luto their former good standing
in society tlmuld they not repeat tht f
fence. These are unpleasant things to
admit of our town, but there are two
wave for running a paper. The one
la by aaylng pleasant things aud the
other Is by saying true things. If th
Srt.ixsorovr Itkms. We have had
revolution In the price of coal lately
at this place. Stove coal that sold at
$4.80 now sells at $4.00; and Pea coal
that sold at $3.00 now sells at 12.10.
For this decline the consumers are in
debted to the fact that the Philia. &
Reading Co. established a coal-yard at
Shamokiu Dam and sell coal at above
prices. Should aald company build a
branch road down to our place there
will be a at 'II greater reduction In the
price of coal as well as in o, r mat
ters, such as) passenger fare, .freight
charges and express churgas. This
town has been outrageously imposed
upon In these respects; and we are all
looking to the Reading company for
relief, and hope it will soon come.'
The G. A. R. had a four-day, festi
val here last week, proceeds to go In
to the pockets of that Jubilee Build
ing Committee. It is well known that
after the Musical Jubilee Convention
last June a statement vas published
that all expenses were paid and abal
anoe of Six Cents left in the treasury.
Some tiaieago this Jubilee committee
got a clergyman bore from Danville to
deliver a lecture, entitled "That Cahi-
true things happen to be pleasant
' to .oall th Heigh bora and when everybody llkea them and l willing to
turned be waa Just breathing say them; but if they happen to be
ill. H waa airad 2U vnara . unpleasant many dislike them excea-
;Aht supposed to have resulted alvely, and comparatively few hare I We are iudebtad to K. O, Walter
? sart disease. Hia remains wei the Energy to eay them, iiuloss! tnel for the substantial report of th
"II. lu the etiayUry atTrotol admleslon will be fur tb good of tboa acheri' lualitute, published elue
Ing ia excellent.
The Xtnaa aervlees of th 8. B. of
this place wer held on the eve. of th
Uh, aa announced. Th tree wer
laden with lota of good thing and th
recipient were made glad a thair
names were called out. It waa indeed
a merry time for the little ones.
Christmas day passed off very quiet
ly lu our village. There may have
been a little beer drinking but no
drunkenness. ,
Ella Hassinger, an attractive yonng
lady from above town, mingled In Ad
amsburgh society duiing Xmas week.
Deiplte the cold, snowy,' blowing
weather on Sunday lefore Christmas,
the Sunday schools were well attend
ed. It Is a cold day when the average
Itoy or girl will be left, on the Sunday
h-fore a festival.
A. J. W. Markle, who Is engaged in
the furniture fnctery hi Wlltlaiusport,
spent the holidays' with ' his parents
and friends In .this1 place. "Jack"
looka well and manly.
Our smiling frletd Misa Alma Hart
man, epent last week among friendx
lu IiCwlsburg aud New Columbia.
Married. Uu the 2?th tilt., at the
residence of Dr. Kcnnewel. by Rev.H.
W. Gross, Jumes M. Miller of Lime
stone. Union eouuty, aud Miss Li.zi
A. Showers of this place. A pleasant
company of friends witnessed the ty
ing of the everlasting bonds. The
bridesmaid was Miss Itulcudcr
and tho groomsman was Dr. G. El
gar Hassinger, both of Middleburgli.
After partaking of a well prepared ro
past the party dispersed and the bride
aud groom departed to spend the lion-ey-moon
in Philadelphia. We always
thought that James was too good-
looking to go through life lu single
blessedness, and as for the fair Liz.ic,
the only wonder Is that she has beeii
able to remain In "maiden medita
tion fancy free" so long w ith so many
admirers. Mr. Miller was for several
years teacher of tin- H rammer School
of this place, is a bright scholur and
stands at the head of . his profession.
We extend our congratulations to the
happy couple.
Mrs. Dr. Mohn, of Laureltnii, took
in the wedding at this place, laxt
Farmers will probably be Interested
lu knowing that the highest price is
paid for produce by our merchant s at
this place.
And now. girls, you can prepare to
leap for a Imih!uihI ; 1HS4 is at hand.
Nathan Mhuinbiich, a prominent
citizen of Port Trevortou, was in our
midst a few days ago.
Amos Ho we tho x nud wife of Paxtou
vllle, worshiped in the Ev. church on
Christmas evening.
Rev. l'Vlker, of New Berlin the Luth
eran preacher, has started a class of
cateoumciis at this place.
George Long has returned from
Hellevue, Ohio, after an absence of
wi sn As urn mmi
"It will ma ba twisty rtara ilnoa Itii war
t'mlar tlis tat isa of Aasurt, 1M4. tin t!II
r Dotot, N..1.. Ir 'MI a ttiaHpklas In K)H.
whll J.lljun rwiarv, Ol inai tuare, ikiwij ciiu r -n
ly fiiaka oflh mmU "Vm,1 hesld, "I rt In
rm an4 mw tnar f lha lihi of llinva
tmrfbl Tram. I win llnnlly dltobrx.! Inrin m
alillttv, ronltln from ui'tkt. 1 cmnt hmn
ilfcrlU In hm Ith ami iirl'ni no nfi'tiirl Hint
I took e-.M ou f he llglit"t etiMwur. I.ilfMwm
i wort til em to ntr I llrad only In invinurr."
'Tlml wa tal ii-iU4li," 1 aalil. dmdln my
lKt two rlKm.
' That'll ," roaiiondod Mr. Sharp! but I '
owrlt. OiitKraw lit Not axartly. hn In
thai runillilmi 1 l.onan taking I'AUXKH HT"N
l:, and tnr no ntn coniinrnciMi to nniroY riK'u
away. 1 waa ammimiifil at It, and u w.ia my
wllo, I piled on the llo.'h and onuld oat anyihinu.
My amhltlon Itlaimt lip. I could a II fil l lu buae
aara, and n i etepUit Mitt I havo to tnko
eata a xjul tpn.n iny-ell tn the hut tun I
aa wrll al I wun llm iy ivniifirn. n nai nuirr
nriHi Hit? ara In tMi auiin anil IwymiaU kill
PA RKK.MM T iNIt : .art."
1 hia un-1-nratli-n. whlrh haa known a
PA KK tilNtlKH TON It, will heronllLr
I.Kallrd lmi)l I'AHKK.K'S TilMC. Aa un
prliirlpuleil da.lrniarrriMialnntly dviiliiK thrlr
ciintoiuvra hy iltitiitlna: InfiTlnr atl'l und.T
tha namaol Kinder, and aa a"Snr I' ronlly an un-
imM.tlnl iiinriidiant, w an ion in .lenninn
I'hara la no rhanaa.howairrr. la tha ara'iarntliin
il.-lf, and all buttlva MinaluliiR in lle Imnfi. ni
1f,li.m wri urd niidor th nauiriif IM KK KH'S
t UNO Kll TO.N'M', ronlnln tha Hunnliu im-d iini
II lha l!nvlinll alinntiira ! Ilmnm a t . la at
tha Ixitt iin ol tha outahla wrapH'r,
Ten Can Laugh
at the grim destroyers, Croup and
Whooping Cough, if you have that
popular standby aud Incomparable
remedy, Dr. Kesnler's English Cough
Medicine nt hand. The wiseaud pru
dent family keeps it in the house, to
be prepared for emergencies, price 85
nud W eents. Mold and warranted by
Dr. Barber, Middleburgli, Pa,
An Xxampk
A pale sickly child -three of McDon
ald s celebrated Worm I'owders ail
ministered relelved of tne eiiormous
number of lilt worms rosy cheeks.good
health and appetite the result. Sold
nud warranted by Dr. Barber, Mid
dleburgh, Pa.
I wib lo Inform lb rr ilJenti of Snyder county that I bav tat
sort men t of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heatoro,
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
tnclnding tha New Light Ilonae Cook, Silver ITrp, Ladle' Pride. Tanr
Cooka, New Snoahfne, New Jasper, Now Heoord Langta, Io
vincible, The Spear Heater. New Early Dawn, Nw
Ilia, New Jasper Heater, New (ioldon Sun
Fireplace lleatoie. aud other. My
Heaters from 15 to 30 Dollars,
are all of tbe latest pntlerna aod boat material, pusranleed to be a obeap
t the cheapest and good tue boit.
Call and see the Fine Cook Stoves,
of which I bnv aa lurffo and well-selected a atock a can bo found ia lb.
county and at prices that will compare with t boleaal JUoiiies. w
Tinware, Spouting and Roofing.
None but the very test material used. Spouting and Roofiog doD oa
short notice. liespoct fully submitted,
Dec 8V by Rev. J. P. Shlndel, Win
II. Murkel and Mis Mary Amanda
Spiglemyer, both of West Heaver.
Dec. 3. by Absalom Burner, F.sii
Misn Eintiia llerrold and Absalom
Wilt, both of this county.
Dec. H, by Win. Mover, Esq., Miss
Hannah L. lleintzleinan, ol IVrry tt.
and Ueorgo lliiins, of WaHhiiigtou
t wp.
Dec. 2V bv Rev. R. L.Uerhnrt, Mis
KlluOetz, of l.ewlslinrg, and John A
Hummel, of I'Vcchtirg.
Dee. lHth, by Rev. D. M. Steth-r,
Miss Alibi Mover and Lewis Walter,
both of t entre t wp.
Dec. 3l, bv the same, Mixs Susan
Holitz of Adaiiis t wp. and .lose (lor
hart of Centre twp,
Dee. !15. bv the snnie. Mimh Sural
Ilerlmter and David MiddlcMvurth, I
both of Aihiius twp.
Dec. 27, by the same, Miss Lizzie K.
Hassinger of Deeaturtwp., Mitlliu Co.
l'a. and Peter 1-'. Rigcl of Adams twp.
.Snyder Co., Pa.
Dec. 27. by thesaitie. Miss Mary f
Walter, of ("lent re twp., SnvderCo.,
and Mr. John t'. Kuukleof Union Co.
Oct. 18. by Rev. II. W. Jros. Win.
W. Sliolley and Miss Minerva Hum
mel, both of Snyder county.
Nov, IS, by the same. Mr. Harder
and Miss Alexander, both of Cobtiru,
1 Pa.
MWDMlUltaif FA.
n.... oi i... i, .mini r i' Mu tn.i.
about eight months. We are glad to for ;,f jjlddleburgh and Miss Clara
sec him in our midnt again. jl,. Bailey of Centre twp.
Our school teachers attended Insti- )ec. '.'"i, by the same, Harvey H.
tute lust week, they returned home HchambHeh and Miss Mattie Hower-
sox, ooui oi rinicinvuii',
Dec. 27. bv filename, .lames M. Mil-
A we intond tnovinp into our new building (Schnnre'a Old Corner) on
or about January 1, 1K8I. we would like to rednoo our huge atock o
goods to snve tho trouble of inoviug it, and therefore offer
in every department. Snme goods mnsl bo paciificed in order to close
out. The atock ia now full and complete, with a lingo variety of Ladies
aud Childrcna'
(Doatfs & dolBmiatts.)
which is the finest lino over delivered in tho county. J rcHH S ootlsj
1 tlimlaatM. Sillll VS4. I..Ill.lM CJlotll. lltUlllOlK
lnIiM nnl -nlw Undoi'Mfiir and a full line o
4riiuintvii "rl tind Ztfphyi'H. Our atock o
f;an'ieis ami (IDilcloilis
is nnaurpasBed iu Ccutral PeDnaylvania, and will be Bold at
(Dlosiaag dPwi IPiricest
Romenibor the inojor part of tho stock, MUST bo sold beforo Jan. 1,
Selinsgrove, Aogast 8th. 188:.
on Saturday no doubt greatly beniflt
ed. II. V. Mohn, the champion sawyer,
is still engaged in sawing lumber for
Walter, Hartiuun Si Co., near this
Prof. A. K. (Jobble, of New Berlin
net," the proceeds of which went Into ; preached in the Kv. Church on Stin
the pockets of the Jubileo Building I l,ll' evening. The protracted meet-
Committee. Now uuain the iirueiU
of this four-days festival are to go In
to tho poaketa of said committee
Yet after the jubilee it was announced
iu an official stateiueut that all claims
wure paid and there was a balance of
Sis Cents in the Treasury! This bus
iness is getting to be rather monotonous-but
of course as long us people
are willing to be duped In this way uo
doubt the Jubilee grab will continue.
The Furniture Factory seems to be
a dead cock in the pit. Starting up
big improvements with a Brass Baud
never succeeds. It waa tried last sum
mer and failed, and this effort will no
doubt also fail. It afforded some fel
lows an opportunity, however, to let
off a redundant amount of gaa and
gain an ephemeral popularity as the
especial friends of the "poor man."
1 here are probably no less than fif
ty houses for sale In this borough.
Not a single new dwelling was erected
lu thla town during the past year.
The name of the Delaware Water
Gap & Southwestern It K. Co. has
been changed to th Seaboard.Penna.
k Western It. R. Co. The eutrineer
waa here again a few daya ago, aud It
looka like business. But what sea
board it starts from up In Monroe
county would puizle th greatest ge
ographer A. B. C.
ing is still in progress.
W. II. Ilart.'iiau and family, of Mif
fliiibtirg, were the Christinas guests
of John Mohn.
Cornelius Snyder, an attractive
young man of Hpriugcreek, Union
county, was the guest of his brother
L. Mnydur, recently.
Constable Blngiuun is reported on
the sick list. Hope he will soon be
well again.
MissKlla Sheary of near Mifflin-
burg, accompanied by her two broth
ers, were the guests of W. F. Sheary
on Sunday.
Mr. Calvin Stetler, a wide awake
citizen of Middleburgli, was seen in
our town a few days ago.
ler and Mi Li.7.ic A. Showers both
of Centreville.
Dee. 2(1, by the same, Charles F.
Bttfrtiigloii and Mis Jennie K. Dorn,
ibotll of Middleburgli.
May their lives constitute one vat
plain of unbroken liappiiiexM.atid their
voyage down tho stream of time be on
placid waters, not ruflled by storms of
adverMt, but may their sails be lilt
ed with the winds of prosperity.
Adamsburs NKW8.--A bappy and
prosperous New Year to all the read-
era of the PoBT.
Tbe Christmas festivals hereabout.
which were announced In tbe Post,
were all well attended and everything
passed on satisfactorily.
Isaao Auraud and wife were visiting
their aon Samuel F., in Fulton county
Henry Mitohel and wife of Empor
ium, Kan., are visiting here. He looks
aa though tlu West agreed witb hluu
The Reformed Sunday School of thla
place haa elected the following officers
Sifp't J. C. Schauibach; Ass't Saiu'l
rihlery; Sec I. I. Manbeok; Trea.
John Spaugler.
ine Troxeiriue uornet liana gave
us a call on New Year evening and
rendered Que mmlo. They ataud at
the head of Snyder county bauds.
Quit a number of our citizen at
tended the lawsuit about th self -bin
der at Seliuagrove.
Different partiea were at Harrisb'g
consulting Dr. Ureen, and returned
well pleaae, Ayoar
The legislature last winter passed
an Act providing that tlie term of vv
ery borowjh njKcrr shall eiplre on the
first Monday of March, and the bor
ough Auditors shall perform their
work ou the second Monday of March
excepting the accounts of the school
Directors and Treasurer. The legis
lature Intended this in 1970, but made
a blunder in the Act, by omitting the
word btrrowjh whloh is now used by the
passage of the Act of 1883, (see pamph
let Law 123,) all homwjh and foicWit'j)
officers elected In February will go in
to oflioe ou the first Monday of March
next. And tho terms of all officers
now holding positions expire on that
day if the ir auccrssra are duly qual
Dee. 16. in Franklin twp., Polly,
wife of Kinaiiiiel Duck, aged 01 years,
4 months anil 21 days.
Dec. 31, ill West Heaver twp., Kliaa
Weader, aged 71 years.
Jan. 1, iu Selinsgrove, Kdward Kiu
nay, aged probably 00 years. He fol
lowed boating many pears.
ilIhltllclMin? illiirkct.
Simonton, Harber te Co.
It ye
'orn olil
....M to $1 00
Pitted cherries 1
L'npitted "
Spring Chickens per lb
Ties...". 2.1 to. 10
Pen Coal 5ilW
Chestnut Coal 4 ''
Blacksmith Coal oo
Kgg Coal W
Pluster, per ton 11 00
Salt per barrel I Itf
" " SUCK "
" " " small 85
Take Notick. Notice ia hereby
given that the printing books of Jere
mlah Crouie are In my bands for col
lection. All persona knowing thiu-
selvea Indebted to the above, will
please oall and settle in a short time
or theylwill be oharged according to
advertised rates $3.60 a year.
Jamks (?. dltOUUB,
illddleburgh, Va.7 tfoy. 20, W.
The Eleventh Annual Musical Con
vetitlou of the Pennsylvania Central
Musical Aaaoeiatloii of Freeburg, will
take place in MusJj College, Freeburg
beginning on Monday evening, Jun.
7th, 1884. The programme ia a supe
rior one, All ar cordially invited to
attend and partUipate.
We would be able to ahronlcl an
other marriage which 4aa to take
place at Franklin last night, but ow
ing to th scarcity of preachers lu
Middleburgli noneyuVe had to
officiate aud the eotuVVitponed the
happy avent IndefinlttO'. ;
Capt. U. W. Ryan lost No. 804. G.
A. R. extend their tiauks to Hon.
. tkiosou M. 0., for favors ro-
Y. EB. SlVii,
suxxr.uitv, i'A.
In his Storo on MAHKKT STUKET, will be found a fmo lot of
SfilNGS of all HOWBDS
and all pricoB, in Oold, Procioas Stone ond Diauaonds.
Elgin, Rockford, Springfield and Hempton
in Oold and Silver, at remorkatle low price.
of all kinds and descriptions. KOOERS' FAMOUS
Tbe Place to boy WEDDING PUBSKXTS. CLOCKS of all Cap
tions ond all prico.
ft Fans Kte Coilici M at $125 a pair
The larcest vorietv of Ppoctncles in this port of tho country.
ran be bronchi from New York for eelection from one of the lariat
mwvw - n a . a V il sail
Jewelry houses in Amonco. eicw j.
work cuaranteed to give Mtiafaclion. Lai-nops, BreaBtp.u,
Watchoa, Chaius, &o. Cull ond examine onr stock. No
trouble to show goods.
AIIU. l o.
Half St-iars Sooth of Sihoob'i eoruar.
JOEL L. UIKHL, Prop'r.
Terms $123 por day.
Mr. Illahl ti alia sanl rr all kln.1i of Farm
Implrmanta. M't. I, '
TOWS It WU, aillnaf rv. Pa. U prapar-
cd toilo all ktaiU or work at rhurt uollne.
CleaiiiBE & Repairing Neatly & Ctieap
lv Done,
lba alana Una oolketloa of latnpUi sf
tha Utaat atrial ol oiailil aau oanim. n irum
Now York n1 Plilla. , . ,
Fariom wlablns to haa i silt and it, I i
lull will da wi-ll to call oo lha loi. Than
lullur pail (aaori.
1 Am .fin.. MID.
MtTKN h CO., of tha Bi murine AssuicaX. eon.
Ilnaa toaot aa Kollciloia l it t ulj..; (iixai. Trata
Mark. (WiialiU. to tha ViMltJ btau . V"'i
...... ..... i.'i.. -i .... w..m uurlvura.
... ..'I. ..-I .... W..M .
I'i r..l. ,.l lal... J UiuiirllJLltMj CO. Hi o auUoxl
j lu.
I as A mrr.
a. .i.uiO
In iha Mi Aw U.--..I. V..t UmttU. I i
nioat atdolr rii.uU.t.4 .i.. .JAf. !J.-)a'
v.aklr. tii.J U...II. u 1
v. ,i I t..i r4.iu
ln .aalt.NJt Lo.
1 1. u.., V
formal li.
iraa arjii fri.
Lewistown, Miflin county, Penna
IurHnroof Evw',v ICind, Pnrlor, Chomber,
Diin.iitir ltMtn, llnll. mifl oli?ii, to
Mutt t mouiiH Hl'overy trioii.
Painted Charobr tsuita, from to f
Parlor Suits, from - - - f0 "P
all walnut, covorod io Haircloth, ltops, Haw Silk, and FIuiLes, id
any color.
Walnnt Chamber Suita, with Moible Tops, from f5 tn ? 1
Bedsteads from to6b
Unreaua, Stnnd,Lonn(rei. Oiiairs, Mattrcs of all kind, Tl wc4i
derful Woven Wiro Mattress or Spring Bottom lie best mnda. 1
All Ronda kept ia toek and on hand, ready fov aale, ai d at CAMI
PRICKS, that will convince all, that you can say money b Niytog
yoo pet th beat, and always jrt hat you bay. Goods parked and dKv.
errd, with tha beat of care, to It. H. depot. Call and eee the (k immi b
Htrck. No trouble to abow (rood, OUR' MO TTO t Oood (iroda, w
Pi iraa. and to pleas all. Order hy mail will receive pi r-ir-pt tfbtka
at all time. Your Raspectrnllr, .
oouoerbed. 1 I - i.