V ' - .' . . .. .. . - -' -It-. - '"Vt" "T e . - . T ' " " " ""' L V""'""" ."l " ' T" .V'TTnw, in. ' ' ' '.' ''fev'v ( SnWrlptlon $1.60 Tcr Year. RATES Of ADVERTISING : nolens, tie. Teat,. .A oo .0 fin winiwimi ww I awr,. .. t -clean, Ui Vear atwrtline, Ksaealnr, Adialnletralnr, Bl ftrMrfte.l I .aarla. nee tear ... SVOO lKi)HNtlw tl M e epeeUI aeree-meete are ine-le. all rileeoeetf leeeri-l (or lea. then toMiilb, e vkifM t.3 per tiitk or D't loiertloa I oe tar tee owd in-ei-tea end 1 mti lor 1Mb jbtwtatat laeerttoi. COUNTY TEACHEHS' XNSTIIUTS. In obedience to the call of Connty Huperintendent Wm. Moyer, lie teachers of Snyder count mot in the Court-room at Middleborgh, on Wedoeaday, Pocumbcr 2Glb, 188.1. for the pur post of bottling a t Anch or' iostitnte. At J)J a, m. Prof Moyer called the teachers to ordor, when the institute opened by ting ing from 'Song Budget ' and road log and prayer by I'rof, Y. J, Wol ertoo. 'ilie inatitate proceeded to elect the following offioera : Vico .'resident, K. C. las-,i Socrefary, J. II. Miller ; Asut. Ser. .1. C. Oldt r Treasurer, H. M. Teats i Reporters, K. C. Walter, for Middlcbnrgh Post i K S. Arnold, f jr Freeburg Courier; P. 8. Ritter, for Snyder county Tribune ; J. J. Steely, for belmsgrore Timet Tho ek-ctiou of a committee on School Work occu pied tlie attention of the institute, and resulted in the election of the following named persona : A. S Pawling, Miss Sullie Beavor, and M. N Wendt. AIho a couiuitteo on UeaolotioBi. iz. J. C. Oldt. K. L. fcpaoglor, J. O Anstin, (J. W Siorer and E C. (ildss. A Spelling con- u cjuuiiciou oj i roi. inn, Misted by K. C. Walters. The, contest to take place threo times , daring tbe week and the four best pellers to receive a prize. M prize. A!'. Keller being called npon road c very credilablo esssy on School Wi r. Roll call, ponded. Bixty-three teachora re - AFTRRtfOON SKSSIOJT. Op'TM wrh vocul njusic, from xf5ving li'dst, -TLo old monntain iif- i I fni. oiverton7 luoii (.1)0 rohtrmn aint itl tuai.iy word 8 welcomed tba teachers, and congratulated thorn by speaking of their good appearance and manly cxproeiona. He spoke also on Or thography, and Abked the question what is apflling" which was ans-Wi-red by Prof. Dill. The spelling contest conducted for tho first time. Prof Kulp waa introduced and spoke both on the subject of graded and nngraded schools and concladed strongly io favor of gradod schools. rrol. voivrtou rtsumed his placo institute is to be hold at Middle nnd entertained tbe teachere on tl o(burgb, tho week following C'Liist snbject of School Etiquette. Mr.jnma. After music "If a person finds Romig read au iuteresting esay ona lesson rAther Lard a dry" institute In temperance, fllnsic, from "Song Budget.-' followed by Teats, from White Top and Hornberger Mis. Cjllnneous business. Prof. Fishel waa isitiodnced, talked npon tho anbject of Programmes in school, striking right and left making bis point every time Adjourned. RVK.MMI XKShluN. At T p. in. as tho deep bell of tho Con rt House siundoJ an immeuco audience assembled. Rev. fancier opened the exercises by reading tho ading tbo, w 34th I'salm and prayer, followed with musio by Middlcbuih Baud which rang in the oars of the andi nee like a sweet sounding bell. Words of greeting bj Rot. Spanglor, from Port Royal, his fivco is familiar to mi '.wchers and his introductory talk appreciated. Mnsio br the Rand. Select reading by K C. Wel ters, entitled, "Id it any body's bus iness."' Adjourod with musio by the 1'and. TIUUSHAT. Reading and prayer by Prof Ji etling, after the minutes were real and received, tho Roll was call- I and ono hundred and six teachers respondod. Musio. I'rof. Allen was introduced and interested the iusti tute by considering Penmanship, ulaut, sbadin,' and epacing i after which Prof. Nootling again took the obtrnra, and spoke upon the sob j ct of Ventilation, Aritutnetio and 1'rioiu.iDship, entirely doing away with tracing books. Second spell ing exercise takes place. Recess. Muaio 'Robin Redbreast," when P rf. NYolvt ton again took the floor aud was followed by Prof. FUhel, who cUosa bis own subjoct namely, Iing'iug Ad nrnmot, AFTKRXOOX MKrtSIOX. Musie by the Institute. Roll call Jieing Dinetort' day, th directors took charge of tb institute, elected J Gilbert of Middleburgb, Chair m u, and Mr. Brown Secretary. Tbe President having given an interest ing remark, J. V, Shindlo succeed' ed bita (riviog good reasons for di ruotors being intelligent men. org. iug tbein to perform their dutios faithfully. The directore aa-raed backward, the ehairmaa began to draft Tolnnteera, J. Smith from Kramer then addressed tbe audience; followed by Prof. WwUerloo and Johnson apeak ing npon the right of director and teachers olao insinU ing npon tbem knowing tbe trfinol and that directors aboald io a body Tieit their acboola. Dill I Dill 1 1 resounded from every corner io tbe boaee. Prof. Dill rone elowly and re sponded to tbe call with pointed re mnrka on tbe qnestion. if waa fol lowed by Connty Superintendent Moyer, who proved to the meeting, that the progress of tho schools of Snyder coiioty, at present, ia far superior to that of the past. Music, Prof. Drinkwator from Williamsport waa introduced and occupied Borne time ou the snbjuct of drawing, miuio from psge 34. Adjournment. Mnsio by the Maud, followed by an essay prepared by Miss Trutf, Declamation by D iuiel Cro use's aon followed by a recitation conducted by the County Supeiintendent of Union cuULty, IVof. Johnson : it was both interesting and instructive. "Tbe last night in prison'' recited by K C Walters. Mus o by tbe lUud Prof. Drinkwator ogaia attracted the attention of tho aadionco by speak ing upon tbe anbjoct of drawing. Vocal mnsio )!obin rodbroast.' Aoothsr mothod of drawing intro duced by I'rof Scott wh blindfold ed binisolf and drew ta) picture of a bog on the board. After miuio by the llnd, iustitute adjiurued to meet 9; 15 a, m. FIUDAT. Promptly at the appointed time the touchers and a good number of visitors c tino to order Vcl musio H,..i,n u !... n from Frceburg. MiiBio from page C Referred nuontiona answered bv if( f. Dill. Johnson and Fishel. W II. Dill, D. S, H,yer, J. H. Willis, R T. Park, Bud W. P. Moyer wore d cte I as committoo on nurmanont oerliBMtea. I'rof. Johnson. Oouiitv Siifer.uteudout of I'uion county again took the lostrum and cavo his last remarks for the tirnobeinir. con- gratolating the teachers of Snyder county and tliose of Snjdor county teaching in h a county ; followed by great applause. M usie from pnge A littlo busy boo." Adjourn- ( UlOlit to IDeo v 1 ;ii). AKTKU.NOU.V SKSl'iM. Instituto called to order fit tho appointed time, followed by music, "Help it on.'' Prof. Leehcr was in troduced and spoke upon thesuhjent of Arithraotic, succeeded by Prof. Fishol and fiiofTj Superiuteudent Moyer then gave very instructive drill on vocal music, its beuelit aod power in tho achool-roora. It was agreed by tho members of tho in stitute, that for the yoar 1SSI the adjourned. KVKNI.NO ftKSsIOX. Mimic bv llin Mi.l.li.l,nr.,l, !.n,l Prof (1 (i Oroff Lewuburg U i e jVLe '?9e Tcr ranob sitywae introduc.d. who let tired' "ov M. Stotler held comma- npon the ''Wonders of the Human Body. Tho interest ia tho institute j has steadily iucreaxed from the first1 day, and notwithstanding au admin-! sion fee, tho house crowded. After! , the time and harmony of the music, 'cansod b thn Mi.1.1l.l.nr.i lt.r..i had died in Mboe.. H. J -.....m. vtll ll had died ia echoes, the cr 'that magio stood out bri lit aud beautiful aud oo duubt will echo in the minds of that audiot.ee in years to fiimn. Kf.ii-a a n...l;....-.. At. 1 note of time, Dr. (J rod had talko.1 nearly two hours, carrying his hear rs all over the world . It ia noodloss for me to say, tho lecturo waa well received. Musio, "Mr. and Mis. Urowu" by J. Mertz and Miss I. M. Moyer, whioh was much appreciated. Music by the Hand. MTI'ltDA Y. Music. Reading and Lord's Pray er repeated in unity by institute con ducted, by Superintendent Moyer. I'rof. Oroff took up laogmgo lessons provod them invaluable aud showed how to teach the samo. Roll call, lioport of corumitteo oo school work. Spelling prizes gained by the follow, ing i O. W. Seirer counting House Dictionary t 8. A. Koonae, Diction ary t Miss Ida Moyer, Test Speller ; A. .B. Sbeary, Musio Rook. Th chairman of the committee on resolutions, read and the iustitute adopted tbo following t viz. tr J ukbeas, we, tbo teachers of ouyder county, assembled in the twenty-aixth annual session of oar Institute, desiring to gi eipres sious to onr sentiments. neaoloed. That th instructions gWeu to this Institute ban beeo of an iotrestiog nod practical charac ter. Jtetolve'l, That the sinoere thanks of tho members of tha Insti tat be extended to Trofs. Wolror ton. Johnson, Allen. Neotliog, Fish el, Drink water and Cronse, for their alnable aod thorough iostructious iui parted. lUt'tlreJ, That th ina An. .gireo by Dr.Groff in bi lectures on "Tba Wonders of the Unman Rody and its Hygiene" oovered a nbjeot too often tteglocted in nnr common schools aod that w beartly endorse the sentiment aipreesed by him in urging the desirability of a more general knowledge of health. lies hl Tbat we tender onr tbanka to Rev A. II. Spaogler, for his very able ad dree of welcome. Jlenlmtly That oar thanks are due to Mine Ida J. Mover, for her services during the week and the n of her organ. fle$olot. That thanka are due to Stetler'e Cornt Band, for their ex aelliot ranio furuiahed To the County Comroissiooera for the use of tbe Court House, and to the jani tor for bis services. Retolred, That we tender onr thanks to the eitiions of Middle Wurgh and vicinity for their hospi tality iu receiving tbo teachers and doing all that was possible to make onr stay among them pleasant. Retoleed, That w recognize onr Couuty Superintendent, Wm. Moy er, a mao of energy, enthusiasm, and devotion, ever alive to his re sponsibility of hia calling, and worthy of tho entire coufidonce of patrous and toachera. Committee. Thirty-throe Directors wore prea ent daring the week. Rending minutes of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, which were reooived. The institute paid all its own expenses with the oxooption of $9 0) which wero taken ontof the County Treas ury. Appropriate closing remarks by Prof. Keller and Connty Super intendent Wm. Moyor : Musio, "Home sweet homo." Reporteb. BEAVISTOWN JOTTINSS. The Christmas festival, held in the Lutheran church on tba evening previous to Christmas, was well at tended. The mooting waa address ed by Rev. Ruben Hasiinger. Two largo trees had been nicely adorned, and very many gifta woro diutribut-ed. Adam Specht bad several of hiaH',,,,,i V!'"'.1 0"'"'"n M",.n,r. .. the nn.i.r I ainil Aiinliii'iratir of the entaie ol .lnhn nngers crushed wmie loading a car with ore, io the uiiues several weeks ago. He uas not boon able to work!,'',uorvUTm'.,,M,'l'NI, ""' m the siuce Jacob Kinney, for the last eight years a division hand at this place, wua promoted to division boss at Kramer sevoral weeks ago. Dr. Bordimr porforrood a Tory painful suriziAal operation on Joseph Kin9 of McOl.rre on Sunday Deo 23rd. Mr. Kline ia at present, JolDg very well. He also performed ou oporation on Mrs. Biokel, who now feels thankful for having taken the advico of hor physician. Mr. William liooblor and hi new ly woddod bride, Mis Fannie Kt- ; linger, visitod the latter' half-broth-ier, Dr. Strohecker, whilo on their j wedding tour from MiUlintown to J Wisconsin. Tbey were serenaded I by the Boavcrton String Band, j The evening Oertuan school is j now in successful operation. It I numbers about one hundred achol. arH and meets on M udiy and Fri- dny evenings of each week. 11. T. Hoffman is the originator and prin cipal of the school. All seem to en- uiuu eervioes iu me union iuurcu on Sunday. Mr. Lulwig, a sewing machine agont, movoJ his family from Dau- 10 beS ll t .a I a While Dr. A. M, Smith of Adams- i ... .WM rell,ru,uT rr0M a tr,P to is place ono evenincr last week Iia happened to miss the bridge west of rt ; io wn, ana narrowly escaped loosing bis on and bis horse's life. The . , ... nuu hju itu inn nuuiu uBve urownea if several men bad not come to bis assistanoe, I J, M. Rooriok aod W. A. Moyer, who are attending school at Rlooms burg, spont thoir vocatiou at home, Tho Deavertowu Litorary Socioty numbers twonty-nino mombers "Resolved, Tbat a good educution and no money is butter capital than thousands of dollars joined to ignor ance" was debated at the last meet ing, The judges decided iu favor of tbe negative. The Tioxolvillo Band paid Beaver town a visit on Tuesday evening. Wo are sorry to say that on account of the inclement weather, which aet in after their arrival, they were un able to nmob, and oiuld favor ns -ith ouly a few pieces. Th writer did not hear them play, but from hearsay he has learned that they did very well and aro improving fast. Come again. Many of our citizens took ad van. tageof the excursions duriug the holidays aud imd visits to their friends. At the same time onr town was thronged with visitors from a distance. Rsi'oaTsn. It will pay every body to examine the imnicne Fleck Furniture for sale by the Popular Furniture man W. H. FELIX Lewiatown Pa Wantkd 10 agents in Hnyder Co. to eanvasM and nell grave Stones and Monuments. Address or call on If. 8. .et..SeUusgrove, Pa, i ' - . Eliaa Weed , on of onr oldfst cititen dld oo the 8Ut alt aged 74 yeare. II will be rnlssed bj many. Isaac Troxel abtped 2 oar load of wheat this week in order to tnak room for those thai ar waiting to sell. . " ' .-n ' The farmers ar making geod ns of tbe anow, by haatinrf coal and lime That's right koep at it. On Sunday, 30th nlf.; while Levi Klin was at church, a fir brok ont in hi bouso, tbe .oauae of which is oot known. Th liouise, might havf been borned bad it not been f r I'e tar Hoffman who discovered it, went direct and notified' Mr fvlioe of the fact, tbon ttitb a due' amount of wa ter and labor tucoecded ia exting uishing th Usee. It was insured in th BaavertowBj Company, which allowed $78 damages. At tbia writing :the anow is fast disappearing 'and" ahonld it keep mild for a d iv or so we will be oblig ed to fall back to tbe. wagon again. Bob. I ALK8MKN WANTKIH To .3M. ELKCTIOM NOTICK -Thonnnn-nl Klrciloo fr IMrMtor of the HeAvrrtnwn ftlutunl l irn limuiancn kiiniii)r o( lan.vrtowti. will be lid. I nl tn M Kin- lime.-, In H.vtUiwii on NAI I lillAV, JANUAU t 2otli,lit4, bet-n tbe hour of i ami I p. in . A. H. HOW KltSOX, H.x't. .To., 'U. PI : DLIC S ALE or RE A I, KSTAT E The unilorin-l A.I nlnKtrntir '. T. A. ul theetteii lUnlnl Jarretr, I iIm of I'enn Top.. Snyilor niuntjr, ft., i!itimvI, will on lllt'KM l'AY. JAM AHV aist. 1KM, el II o'clock A.M. at the rrll-nre i. llurrlK llowtT In nl. tnwn hlp. iif1.-rnnl eapo.r t ipitllp 'le tha I .llnwlnii ItMct ol aluahlo I.IMRSTo.NK LAN I) flln.itr III I'cna lonhlp,i iiiinln.1 North hy lot of Mm. Catharine H.wer, Kim liy Uml niChiirle llrnlrr South nl W'nl hv 1'nhlip Itouil, ronlnlnlni: Fl V K A I' lifts allliiKKNl (! ol cultivation. Will be a ild Uy the t. T. rni mnjc knovru on il iv ol anli. For fu ther lii!urtutlon all on A I '. k V. S. Slinp-cn Sjll i gnvp, IV., or th 1-dcrr ir le I a Krnin-.. I' t il VKI.KS J. HflW, Jan. 8, '. Adinlnii-iratHr, iV T. A. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! A a. i v vlrtilf. of Mfi nrd.r iM.nnfl .11. 1 ..f ,1... I - l"a., will pxiuine to I'olili.i S ilr. on KKlltA v' I KHIU'AUY tut, 1814. In Now Berlin, the lollow lt.tr .t..Tlt)Ofl llrmt I'.lfirn t.i 1. k 1 .. HetVLr. it4i"i1a Inte of Jurkann In 11.. Snv.L.r t ii... i ... ,.vw iiriii'i, 1 iiiuu rfMlliT, -... imiWllU'I . I ih!o I'harlta WaIkt. Mnrkot Slr-vt, and mi, its, Iwiiik p.irtol Lot No, 1W of tha iMl"rl town plot, contalnl'i (INK F.litHTH nF AN A(hK, more orle.i., with the appnr'ennnrva. wherwm are rr.xll.1 iteod Iwo-mory l)A'KLI IN IIMfSK. Tl;KKS2.ipr cant twn. the ImUiicj on tho nrnd iy nf April, Mile to commence at 'io'nlock r. M. liftNKY a. HKAVKB, Jan. S, imi, AJinlnl-irainr. ADMINISTRATRIX SALR CF VAI.VAM.K K KAL I2S TA TK The ui . iir.lKM' l Adin.nltiriitrix ol the pautti- oil'per Sonera liiteol I 'Iipni4n toworhlii, Snyiler i,o.. by virtue of an ordor (paue I nutol the (irplmnt I ;ouii ol Sny.l.f my , will et- por in ruiMio r.aie. on tno pri-inli- In I'hapinnn townnhlp, alnintune-hall in le Ktol Me aeivllle anil U lll'li'. N'orthw-atol MrKera Hull l-VII. ,.n N AT t li 1 1 A Y. J A N V A K Y Iwtli, 18H4.i 10 o olTk a. .u. oi aniii ii ty tne li.llwlii ili'-onliud iik-k-uiu-eor trui't niiun t, tv wit: A certain traH ol land, tHiundnil Nonh hy land.of .s.ilin .n KhrlKht, Limt by l.tnil olJaouli Niwinnn Knulli bv u,..l. of Joncph Mrlnar. JViit Stroiih and othura. and cm ny . imnnuifliiott, ttiih the Kppiirionnni'e therein lirloiiidiis, r4.:iu.nla I .N L II U.N UK Kl) AMI Sl.xn-TSUI AUIiKS Kndthreo pin-bra whi-re.iti nreereohM n l. AHIIK IUVK.I.I.I Ml HcJI Ni:, STINK HANK IIAKNaml all othe pieHry nutiiill.inK la:o 1 1 'rrbardaofrholre rru t irovn t wl jI (ty.d water run ulnir wiir III Terr n"li.' Thirty Ai-T. i,f Hie hIhivc la well llnilirr.Nl wail Wljilu UuK. Rch kOak, 4'heMnut. kr.. Hi'' ri'iinliMi r lii In a voml at it ol cultiva tion. II. I. tr.irt of land will be uld In on or two tree to tint piirt'li.iacrii. Tcriua will ou umde knovrn on dnv nf rule hy 1 UZAr.F.I'll SiiW'KHS, AdmrT. of the i-j-uu ol l ain r .s,iwor, dee'd. Jan. J. ai. BEAUTIFULII I will mall (Tree) tb ,., fljr ou),u Taaetkble balm whl.-h will remove tan freVale. plmplea and hlotrb.ee Uavlu the akin aon and rle.r and eomplexi..n beautiful. Alao Inatrue li ma f r prdurtna Inmrlant vmvili nl hair an Mill iUBB CO JTT: ZiC'u '"" . C9D "-i lerU. ' Urod era. New Gold for (he workln-.f i Send 10 'cnie tor tMi.iniio mul wo will mail you rreo a royal, taluulilt' 'K) ill a mule kihmIk that will out you Hi the wy ol luakliiK more inmicy Ina few daya lli-in you erer tlioiiKht poteihle nl any bind- na. t'apltnl not rouulred. We will atlrt von. toucan work all Uie tltne or In aoare nine out. The work ii unlveveally ad iiite.1 to .nh . ir. yoimif and old. You ran euallv' earn from kj eonl to every eyenluif. That all who want work may teat the liuaiuoa. wu make thla iiq- we well end f I to pay lor I he trouble of aniiicicu oner to an who air unt well aalirllfd l!.K"',l:?.7!"l.,l";.?',J0"-.' wrilliiK aent Irec. rriuiicr win up inmiu liy iniHH1 ho ulve their umTjciS, r. ilnat a uvew ahao- St.rt How. A.l.lru.a Ml-iaoa k Co , I'ortlaud Maine. wanted for The Liven o 1 i Anlr"11 "" 1'rcalil.nta ol the U I 1 r I 1 1 s- Tl" laitfcrt hand- A U VI I VWiiit boat hook ever XJ oM lr leae thitu Iwl.-e ,iur.rir,-. i lie iiKiMi BvlllUK iMMilc In America. liniilono prunti to nxcnla. All lutelllKelit pvo pu'wauili. Any ono ran become a tmvaealul nucnl. ivnm (roe, HAI.LllT HtloK TO.. I'ort and Elaine. Lamps! Lamps! Largo and Beautiful Aessrtmont ofLampibfevory variety acd kind. in glass, Porcelain, &c, sc. GLASS HAND Alfl) STAND LAtlPa. com plate, wltb borirra, rbltuncy. ami wlcka, for 16, is and 3 reuta each. Soma lami baoiUnmar a VI. in ab'l ko canta. complete, -,i u u,m,ii, viuiNbe boo wioisa. j neae lam are a Volt ta. ptieea we forui.rli reld the imrt.ia at at alone. Thee very row anu win ue aoiu T.ry low TAM1 "la. r niUKii.aa nn... iiraai MouDtad. lea to twelve Inebea hluk, totaplete. with beru- a, ehlioB.yaaDil lok, at Iteente eanh. bold laal (aartD fbiSI.25 tot 1-60 eaek. HOBS BTYLISIlVr 1nD.ININO ROOM AMU fAKI.UH VAISHI AMPSIroin W W W eaek, eowpl.t, )ta ieooreU4 Hhade HAPTIISIGI.AII-I1,u.neli lhad.a. at Slaoaad i B)44taaB. Mil. UII Mid at li.uo and IIANHINn LA MPS, Port. IIALIJI.DIKINU KOOMS. PAHLOhJ. Vto. wUb U-lach - itiadea, plain, dabutatedlaad atakrd, Irora 1 60 toiaaeWi - ' - V ciiAM)EUi:in;s WITH 2, 3, ' 4 AND 6 LIGHTS, lor Ckarehei, Storea, etc., alabout oae-kair tb. nri.aaof lanta.taea. Ha4tn lavapi.it la I ranob Uronaa, t-bony anddllt, Silver aad Ulut, foil-tied lireaaead (lot), with Pri.uii, eie. i ni larn.ai ai'irtmeai aad the ereateat verl.ty.ta nail all utiee aod maketa. To the Tralde. Oos Lundro J ilozco Dsroors very low One liundretl barrvl.: i moejs F G. FHifctHa-Viy. c Tnii.r incMianiomp.. Ilimi and other kNii ry Sk. MiikU -miiliivmint aimmn trl. A LA K V AMI KXfK.VSrJ I'AIII Aprlr atoni'n. CHASK HhlM'HKHS, Kochra ler.N. Y. IKef-r ta Ihir uir.l JO 8. rr 5 "S R-R. XT; n mmm 9 to K B - si n a - o t n iT & C-.2. n- 2 B ertrO' Z4 n h! S u u u 5 3 P 2fi g" a CM PT n ft K 3 F ARM FOR SALE I Sitiinte In Centre tnnnrhln. rorH'ttnar of inr .v i. r r., wiiii kimni plant irame I I.I.I.IMI Uilt'SK. food new HANK II A UN. roo, young m. ii ii if. nmi rinaa irun, spring 01 never fitllliiK water neitr I he door, fliml niilhni.lin-a All ol thin land la clear and under a irood flute of .iiiiivniiiio, eicrpi anoni vi acre nl jronnK cbeat. nit timber. I'rlre fm-i. IVi.) down and balance Ineany pnymenta. For farther particular call unoraddreaa, T. H. HAMTFH. MlddlchurRh, I'a, PUABfDVilbTEl4 PHILADELPHIA, PA., Ninth Street, South of Chestnut. W- PAINE, Proprietor. Ilneunre Souihof the New I'oat Office, one tmlf npiarc fro n Walnut St Ihtatre and In the very hnmicM ccntro ol the city.) jlln the Amrrl an and F.iiropi-iiii plana. (IimxI ronina irmu hrt: tot3.Uvl pird.iy. Kciuodoli-d aud newly luri.l.h-ud- Not. 'ii, 1. MARK TWAINS LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI, A KEW BOOK. AgsnU Wanted. Write for Term a rRiBLESL.WKB8TER. 008 Broadway, N. Y Solid Facts ! Solid Facls ! ! U.I IdiK'etlon. I.lvrr I'oinplniii'a.and Uvncrul D.bltlty. Hetnro oon ceiitratod, one txiltle ootitalno more mt-dlclnal pmpertlea mid I other Klttcralu market The done vl-tin a than three Ih.hI a of ant ix'lnK l ot one tearpnona, or a wine 'lua full; proving that !' V) run t kotti.k la worth three or lour i nn dollar iMitiloa. Foraulr by 11. M. Mhlndcl, Allddlchuruh rl lr. Hawvna' lnmroed Miui.lr.ike I'll.li. Thcr urc mild and elloctlre. I'rlce 'ite. WARRANTED WARRANTED to a;te aatiarairtinn The beat aailhraa- eal co"Hn vae I'rlce as auilAO t enia or ninuey refiiadMl 1 hla eonli cure la unparall .f Arf 'oitKba.t'olda and l dicoaa of fAs I hniut, l.un mid llrotichlal tubi-a. I n. china are cnnatimtlvfurilvriiiH connuniiillve puiii-iiU to t li fine W ooda: we have aucrecd e.1 in briiiflnif nil tha virion aud vllij principle nl the . nerlee to the Invalid at home iintxiinpllaliliiir . lint many have lontt tried to We have demoii'trated thepcrla.la.il. uldllty nl tho tar. and thereby IU ready aheorptloa late tlie 5 alein by a much m re rn id mid itciiernl power thau merely lliliallnz I Vie air nf the I'ltiorlea. It la iierlrrtly afe to lie taken aa (ho e:ie may r.-oiilrc amnll end ft-vntinnt lti.l i. Iti-tug iniiel cut Imiiiibillty. lor tree auiitpit. llectual In allavl m thn evl.t. Sold by ). M. rihlndol. Aak a.I'ae Klnii'a Cum Cure I'rlce ii ecu I. No ente no pay, l'J-l-a'-ly ADMINISTKATORS' NOTICK I,eltere of A-lmlnlHrMl in no the ratate of Satnuel Voder, late of Mlddleereek tnwnablp. Snjder Co., I'a., teeeaaed, tarlD heen grant ed to the underaliiued all peraonf baowlii thcmaelve Indebted to laid .aleia are requeat ed to make IraiKedlate payment, while tuoae taavlni olalina wllliref.nt lb. in dulf autheo tloatad to 8EM. L.KIT7GL, Nov. J H. AdtnlDlatrator. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Theaiihacrlbarnftura hia hnile and Intel privnlc "ale. Situate In the Hurouah ol AtlddletiiirKU, Snyder t'ounty, I'a,, wbercn la erected a largo Two-Story Frame Dwelling House. a STAI1LE and other neevaaarv out hulldlntta. It in pl ananily aituulcd near thecentrf ol llualoesa ou Main Street. It la a dorlralde location. Kor further partloolura apply to T. II. millllHAT'S, I' l- Mlddlclejrfh, I'a. ADM IN I STRATORS' NOTI CK. Latter of AdaalnUtratloa on tbe aaiata of liaeld II. Walter, la'e of Adarr.a towuahlp Snyder Co., I'a., deeeaa.d. harlnn be-s nr""'i w .u un iar.iino, an peranna fenow lt tbemrelvei Indebted to laid aetata arer. qneated to make Immedltte payeiant, while iu-w u.iiik riaiina win preaeni tueia duly authenticated to .. . JAMES E. KM NR. ' AdiniBlatrator. fa mam VHOttUWAOgUaMNTID WtIM TNI OlOOfMPNV Of TNlg OOUN t'WT will S)SE SIT KlfajrSllwtfi THIS Mik THAT TNf BICA0a ROCK 1SL ARD & PACIFIC BT f the eantral paaltloa "" or lie line, eoueate the ilte""'S?'- ri paeaanfara, . iiu mo weal i ilLn!5A..,2h,,, J;neapoHa aal u -au voieue aua anu. Cite. i'n.,.7..i u .""! t-'eauell ludatLeaveu- eonneoia in Vuiou iiDoia w.ih .11 ,. ! 1 1 ZXSilVL?:'.'-.-It? lit-. "K - --rii,wuani - "ALHa-eTV are ..,.. m m nwuia. Tiokete for eal. et ell principal Tfeket OSlaaa the United Siaiee and otnada. waaaea aiatigen. caaoked ihroui and ralee of Imtm mL jya ae L a. .p-uto?. iHS i!u?l2'3l. Uorf1''d --tea.Set tke Hep. .ad rel- GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE. Ksr.4Wr-rr IK tr mi n San A W 3d If II? -r 8.53 l lis u B3 a - a' aTTMl saa 3 w w- Kj ftov AND'lllll L eompoacd of Hop S9 fl PjT oih. neriM rouifi 11 thua 'orinlnic one 1 ii edica In the tnnrk PI 1 , TTlADEj .. Jmark I , " AW AW AEDIBADD CPE1 ALL COMPttTrOM. -0- -o- We have just comeback from the eastern cities. We are ablo to show the people one of the largest and best selected ever offered in Snyder county. ' Come and see for yourself and be convinced that we WWMU YOU THE TRUTH. We can sell you a Grand Qing-f '., ham for 6 cents and Dress goods ' at 8 cents. Hand-made Boots at lowest prices. (ROODS CHEAPER than you ever bought them. No trouble to show goods. AH we ask is that you look at our stock before you buy. SEEBOLD & RUNKLE. Middlcburgli, Pa., Nov. 3, 'S3. FALL SUITS OVRCOAT? Tlie like of wbinb bos never before been displayed in SslinaftroYS. nro ruoDy clothing bouses iu Suyder eouuty. and eacli - of tbsta t t ff.n- tbo bent aJvBiitttges. Rot wbeu you examioe tba merits of will Aod tbat we sre abead. Ahead inRastcfuloeps of style. Abeid in f;od solid sewing. Abead in fine material, IN3L0W WK A15H PROUD OF HONEST GOODS AND tl i. 1 1, l.j-l,.. in,.,A.lanii nm 4. lb IO VI lue LlurDi iiopuiieuvv e.ff um .v iqibiu nuu CM I M I a B PI QJ. UW . "We are well preparod to do so." We especially pride otnrselvM on ; beantiful diepiy of 1 . QP FINE WINTER eLtOTHlka''': for Men, Young Gents and Children. A full line of Farnishiog h j"1 SVhat OVERCOATS BY THE HUNDREDS. ?S a e, a V iw . f of all tbe different fashionable materials, colors aod y'esj ift prioes '-iiftj J," JJ,trw, 41. Sea aaa aw, vl at ea M m 4 a I Ii a eajnaaas Y f SV Vt J1l4 MtBA.liiai l It.. A HOUSEHOLD NEliD SUPPLIED. ' Qi i) -V WV ' iz t . W desire lo call tbe atteotioo of . end most d nrable ever rflered. Tered. Tbe price only $150 and $5.00 per eel. wbiob br)nfs I ' ' ' ' the reach of all. Kaeb side of tbe bed sets! InJ.nen.i Ti within other, and as an osy position of the body is rmsrary fo.jcy ' nators swset restoratiTe" refreshing sleep, these eprinRS accompUsb it. Hsj ' liable agents wanted. Liberal commission paid, tber particular! apply to II. I.HOMlGf 1 -Jl CJ Ahead ia ptod trisamiBff. ' Abead io assoitmtiUk. Abead, aod tneao to keep so. , mm. A. OUR REPUTATION ON SOU DBARGAIUS mImSm mm.X t.. m.' tbe nnblio : La tb iv aaaU.1. a,t-lMi ... BED SPRINa V4 Vot gsbUs aod for- ' : , Reavaar Sprfngii, . Vc. c "? , u or tb .tor. . vr."' 4i . I -i ..I -;t ii t 'i I cm . a 7,J- t ItlVla-Hn. y , i . I rtift'A itl.lMM.at Do. 6, '83. x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers