The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 03, 1884, Image 1

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t lWJ " J.wL -- vll
Ho tliat Will nol reason i a bigot : he that oaanot is a fool 1 lio hit daro not is a slaro
- tr-T
no. xiv;
, ...... , - -
ill ft .ra rv
i a '.ill
. .. A
1 . 1 '
All hall tltelioy with loud acclaim,
Whotfnred dfd m sUr's naiuv; (.
"Who bore the shame, the grief, the
Of ftiMler.wronrred and father slain .
InjuHtloe frvetl the iruilty one
Whom Itftio.uiniouH death had wen
Arui guvs hlin liberty again -To
tauut the ioy with sUter's shame.
The boy endured the (railed turuiul
Till Injured flood begun to boil.
And then thl plan was given birth
That swtptKa Hoouudrel from the
forth. I
The doom tleta-rveilhequlck received;
The world rejoiced; men were relieved
Of him who on the record's face
Jlad set what life could not erane.
Oh, where' thJ man cannhow me one
AVIro would not do as Nutt has done T
When father, sister, homeland nil
Were ruinedburlud 'neath the pall?
The boy denerve a natlon'B praixe;
The pronlent notes thesoii will raise
And swell the anthem lon with joy
Till all shall ay, "Ood I.Icks the boy
... . . ' J. O. Dailky.
. -
In brown Holland upron she stood In
the kitchen;
Her uleeeei' were rolled up, and her
cheeks all ulow;
Her hair was coiled neatly, when 1,
(Stood watching while Niinoy was
, kuouditiK the duUKh.
r .
rpiow, M ini oniiKi utr 11 cmer, or urigmer
j i & i . i
ire Pr eweeier
ther'n 'Who hum a song so delightfully
petx low,
..IfVwho Io ' o ni nder, so graceful, so
4,Wha ,,4,der,
to-nljf.'1"', swret'Nancy, while knead
"" v ing .lie doiighT
:.,.' I:
ti (How deftlysli pressed It, mid squeez-
1 f wlsted atid Uirned It, how quick
4 J-howslOwi '
t tl$rf Jftfv-Ji thkt 'madness I've paid
, r' ft " hi ftddnessl
Ju iVRmy J jart he was kneadintr as
'j-IVH " a "e (ioukii.
lost, when she turned for her pan
the drew.ipr,
saw i:ie and blushed, and said
M shyly. "rieae. ko.' i .
dumy bread Til be spoiling, li spite
or my roiling,
If yon sand here and watch while
I'm kneading the dough. "
tic! begged for permitiNiontOHtay. She'd
c,-lJ not listen;
l'he sweet llttlo tyrant said, "Jfo, sir !
"H, no!"
Thejlet when I had vanished on being thus
jffact bani.Mhed,
.olid(tv heart stayed with Jfancy while
t kneading the dotij. h.
aY "V
I'm dreaifdng, sweet Nancy, and see
Wa youlntapcy;!
Oii Tour heart, love, has softened, and
ark, pitied my woe.
'haind we, dWar, are rich hi a dainty wee
aac kitchdft
tlpWher KJ
anuy, my jancy, staiuls
fS. kneaiA
inf the dough.
1. Fr'hei-Jr., iithe Century
2T r'
Mhytssioii fraud:'
oo -t'X man about 5 feel f. iocbeb high.
liiiiit complexion, sandy moustache
; i rjena impel mi, bearing a i. A. u
f vest and coat, and at times a full
' ' suit, about Si years of age, aud
t&V weighs about 130 pounds, is ont on
'""'the war piA. lie travels uudor
' several oli4 and represents bim
eelf to be a U tiled Statue detective
and pension examicr, and claims
the right to take up pension papers
ood promises pensions increased for
those who will pay him a fee of from
$2 to $5 Pensioners are warned to
(deer clear of this fellow, as be is a
genuine fraud. He also talks relig
ion end tetupeiauce, but likes a
drink. At times be ays'heisa
Methodist minister. . ,
1, whoAa no-
Miss JoBie Mansfield
torious ia connection with tLSo Fisk
Btokea aasassiaation,' is aahji to be
living in France. A oorrspondent,
while walking recently through the
gardens of St. Cloud, iw her leaning
on the arm of her last busbaad, a
porlly tnaa who looked like a Hue
. eiuo. . Josie, as the, writer adds,
"wae elegantly atid uiost richly dress
ed, bnt io plsin black and ln,ca. She
'. - bad I'growo tbiont r, ..had lost tbe
. flesh that for a while made )6r look
"Toss and sensual, and was yadianily
bert eautiful. Her huBband iaj enorm.;hd IransicUd any business at all ,
. .iy weauoy. i am ivW, V't
,vitfl4 tobwlk ilt;. -;
Dr. Bliw, who luid charRO of IVs
idoot OrtrttJd's esse, is one of the
most jamiliarvfigare4 Jo WoshioRtou
life. JIe has cjUirelj reoorered bis
bealtb, Which was so Dent I; broken
down by the. trial of the eighty days'
strelob at QarQeld's beilside. It in
only this year that La line fully re'
covered. Barnes and "Wood ( or d
bad'tleir deaths hastened by (Leir
labors altendaut npon (Lis celbbral
ed caso. Dr.. Bliss has now one of
the finest practices io Washington
Fie rosy be "seen every day flying
abont town io t closo coupe, drawn
by a pair of haudsoroo bay horses,
with one of the bBt coaobmeu in the
city oa tb'e box. Tbis driver has
been with Dr. BIihs tot jearc He
has, pel haps, unconBciounly; drifted
into making himself up to resciublo
the doctor. Ho Las tho ramo cunt
iron gravity, tho same sbapivl niJo-
whifkurs, nnd hi'tooroplesion is
lighter even than the .Spatiinh-coni-plexionofaced
. Dr. Bliss has re lured from a trip
to Cleveland, wboro ho went to at
r4eikd the jroljen wedding of his siB-
tor. Whilo there Mrs. Jul field in
vitvd lniu jnnd Mrs. BliVs to Lor
honso to spind tbowuftoi noon. There
were so uiauy interruptions in the
way of callers that Mis. (iui field de
sired Dr. Bliss to call upou her the
uext morning, so that they mi;!it
have a free atid nuiutoi rupted tails.
In that conversation tho two wont
ovtr their id utuitl exporiooco in the
terriblo summer of the nBsaHBination.
Mrs Gaiileld in this eouviNut.'o i
expressed a renewed. appreciation of
Dr. Bliss's service. Few people can
really understand the- terrific strain
to which Dr. Bliss was subjected
In his iuterviewt be wo8 the' mere
spokesman of the coonsul of physi-.
cisns, wbA enstainod hfoi tlitongh
out. rho torreuts of criticism aud
even threuts poured out npon the
men who had. tho I'rewidont in
chargo wtro cuough to unsettle the
mind of a weHk man. I asked Dr.
Bliss how he found Mrs. Oai fluid :
"She was looking very happy aud
contented. Bho bus rounded out
sinco leoving Washington. Sheisjeiick, io tender oction, and muke
beautifully situated, and has every
thing abont her to make her com
rortuble. bho is the couttr of a
great deal of attraction."
During their morning talk the
doctor says her eyes often filled with
tears, showing that she had not !eu
tirely forgotten ; but her lifo in the
main is more pleasant than the av
eroge mortal has a right to expect.
1 aidced Dr. Bliss this quention
last eight :
'In the light of the information
given yoa in tho post-mortem, do
you think Garfield's life could have
been saved "
Most decidedly no. The med
ical profession is unanimous opon
this subject now. Garfield received
three injniies; cither one of which
woald hare made his death absolute
ly certain. Tho shattering of the
vertobm was one, the rupturing of
the splenetic artory was the etcond
and carrying of the piece of the
pieces .of the denuded bone from the
shattered riba into the system was
tho third."
Dr. Bliss said that the rupturing
of the artery above named would
have caused death npon tbe day the
presidont wan shot if .it had not been
lor his sinking so luv. During this
feeble oonditioo the blood flowing
from the ' served artery formed a
clot, which stopped op, for o time
tho lossjfroto, that direotion. If he
had not been injured in any other
way bat this be might have appar
ently recovered np to a certain
point. Bat the moment be should
come to make, a . sudden movement
the. dot wsold fall.Away and. death
would have resulted, just as it did,
from the falling awsy ofhe clot.
..-$. Bliss say a fbattbo grout Lon
don snrgeou, MeKoozie, who re
cently lectured in Now Yoik io tbe
Bellevne boppilal 'opon gunshot
woaods, supported the thoory of the
physioinus iu charge of tbo Presi
dent. Dr. MeKoozie, in a word.
said Jhat modern surgery did not
approve of tbe probe ' Probing of
ten resulted in more injury than
be ul j lit, . ' . ' i
I asked Dr Bliss if'Oou. Oui field
j" ' .
1 J took bi pea iu bii Laad x-
actly thrte times," said tho doctor.
"Ho once wrote me an autograph
npon a little : pad. Upon, another
occasion ho signed au extradition
pnpw for,. 1r. ' liluinr Tie brief
loiter uo wrote io uis moiucr was
the only continuous bit of writing
doup by Imoa while bo waa-etek,''
"And you really love me donrly ?"
ho askod, ns ho coiled his arms
around her waspliko system. "And
you'll always lovo me so
"Always, Frederick ; ever so."
"And you pledge me ' to sew
"Sir I '
"And yon pledge mo to so bonnti
fy my life that it will always bo . as
happy ns bow y''
"With ray Inst brcnlli. rrederick"
"And darling you will meud my
"Your what, sir?"
' You will mond my socml ways,
aod dpaw mo upward to a butter ex
istence) It will be tho prido of my life to
do so I'rodei iok. I will sacrifice all
to your comploto happiness "
"I know Hint, sweetness. Bnt sup
pose some accident to to suy tho
trow" 1
"You forgot, sir I To the what V
"To tho trousHoaii j would it defer
the hour which makes you uiiae '
"Never, Frederick ! I am yours (
aud naught cnu separate ns."
"But what I want to ay is, that
should my pant "
"Begoue, bir ! Vhot do yon
mean T ' '
"Hear mo, my life! I say, If my
panting bottom should grow oold in
death, would your lovo elill warm
it!" . .
"As the sun melts' the iceberg,
Frederick, so would the rajs of niy
uHection thrill your heart "v,',f'iti."
, "And you sail care fur me ever,
my soul, and I for you, for though I
may nevor havo a t-hir '
'Enough, sir ! Leave mo forev
er." "But, listen ! Though I may never
have a shirting position I shull
sometimes, in the Htrogglo of lifo,
forget tho plain duty "
"And I'll remind you of it, Frod
tho duties of existuueo so pleasunt of
peiformance that to avoid thorn will
bo puiu."
Ouco upon a time a country editor
awoke iu tho night to liu.1 a burlut
hunting through all tbo pockots of
his clothes.
"Whut moans this unsoemly intru
sion t auked ther editor, rising upon
bis elbow.
"I am in search of money, ' rrpliod
the burglar, as bo turned tho last
pocket inside out, "but, alus ! I fear
I have got into tbe wrong bouse. I
have found nothing but a bit of lead
pencil and a ticket to a magical gift
show. With your permUsion I will
retire as I came."
' One moment," said tbe editor, "I
do not think you are a subscriber to
my puper. Allow me to call your
attention to ita superior features.
All the local news a carefully, se
lected miscellany impartial editori
al discussions of tho leading ques
tions a household department that
will delight your ' wife a religious
department that will direct tbe way
ward steps of the wioked to the
straight aod narrow path no oh
jectiouablo advertisements inserted,
and only $2 a year, strictly in ad
vance. I shall bo glad to, enter your
name on. my list You doubtless
know that every man should support
bis local press." , :
"I am glad yott have called my at
tention to this matter," said the bur
glar, "and I will anbsoribe. Here
are $2 and my address oa the bureau.
You'nre a man of busiuess."'
"Yes," replied Ibo editor, 'I never
miss an opportunity to push trade."
Nor I, either," said tbo burglar,'
and theiefoia I will steal tho t'l I
have just paid you for subscription "
Aud pocketiug the bill, the burg
lar climbed out of the" window and
aud slid down tbo lightuing rod.
Sergeant Mason said to a reporter
ia. Washington; "You may say
that I am not going fo make a show
of myself, and will aoou settle down
to bqsiness, and all this escitemoot
abont me .spooling Ouiteau I bopo1
will Id ovtu suod," : - !
Sinn, eras loa rass.
Ad old man ' who had for years
been a striot . church ' member, and
who had done much effectivo work
for the cause ,rf mperanae, was
found lying Jjjr the roadside the oth
er day In a state of . intoxication. He
was drown up before a committee t f
tho chuich and asked to show cntiso
why he should hot bo excommunicat
ed. 3.
"I acknowlnlgo that. I was drunk
brelhreu, and!i'vegot a mighty good
reason for it.')(
'Family troubles ' asked the
chairaiau of the committee,
"No, sir, for'l'vo had no trouble
It was pride.' '
"Pride 1' exclaimed the chairman.
"Yes, pride.' s I wont along to
town I mote drunken follow and I
begau to think well of myself bo
cuimo I bad never boon drunk
Pntty sooo I bngan to foci proud of
it. A little further ou I met au or
dinary lookiu' fellow an' wouldn't
spouk to him. My neck got RtilT
with my pi ido that I wouldu't even
nod to people. I reflected that my
pride was wicked, and I tried but
conld not throw it c(T. I tried to
pray, but was a liltlo too proud t
pray with fervor. Th is' won't do,' I
mused. 'I am geltin' to bo a regu
lar Pharisee.' After walkin' 'round
awhile I met an old negro an' aked:
I'ncle, can you tell mo how to
Hirnur I (Y mil ti1r. J'
V- ... .-J ,..
"D.t I kin, sah; d.iCI kin."
"Well I wish you would, for to
contiuuo iu tbis proivl way will be
daogerons to my soul..
"Wall, dar's one thing .dat oober
fails ler knock down a iuan's pride,
boss, an' dat fs whisky. (at diuuk,
au' when yer' gcls sobr jer'll feel
mightily 'milialed."
I acted ou tbis eiigis'.'oo, t,c'
qnt. dvunk ah tk 'kH mu an ow',
though I nevors:iw an ol drnuk.
When I got sober I was tho most
humiliated man in tho woild, an' I
prayed with un earnestness I uovet
felt before. I am now willing to
leavo my case in your bauds "
"Brothieu," hiiid tlm chairman,
What do you think-?''
"Wall," replied olio old fellow, "I
fuel sorter prom
How in it with
yonrstlf V
'Suiter 'Pharisee'
I low do you
feel Brother JenliH ? '
'Proud an a peacock ' Brothn
Iir!.Hin. how do you (eel T"
".Mighty proud. Let's go down
to tho htill-houHO an' btimiliuto our
neb on,'' A;ith.nti True 11 r.
"My dear boy," raid u father to
his GLiy son, "you nio iu bud com
puny. The link with whom you ns
sociute indulge iu bad habits. They
Iriok, smoko, swear, play cards, aui
visit theatres. They are not safe
company for you. I bog you to
quit their society."
.. .... . . .
' xou need u t bo niraiil of me
father, replied tbe boy, laughing
"I guess I know a thing or two.
know how far to go and when to
Tbo lad left his father's house
twirling his cane iu his lingers and
laughing at tbe "old man's notions.'
A few years luter and that lad,
grown to manhood, stood at tbe bar
of the court, before a jury which
bad just brought in a verdict of guil
ty against him for some crime in
which ho bad been conoirned. Bo
foro bo was sentenced bo addressed
thai court, aud said among other
things : ".My downwaid course be
gan in disobedionce to my piroots.
1 thought I knew as much of the
world as my father did, aud I spuro
ed his advico; bat so loonns I turned
my back on my borne, temptation
carao upon nio like a drove of hy
enas, and hurried ra tj ruiu."
Mark that confessing yo boys who
are beginning to boyhsr. than tbeii
parents I Mark it. aod learn that
disobedience Is Urn first step on the
road to ruin. Deb't (ako it I Scl. '.
Ceo. Grant prinounoes tho idory
that be uud Mrs Grant had boon
converted to spiritualum n contomp
tibia fulouood Ho fitter says
tbal bo never Jdtendod a icotie iu
bis life und ho ielievfld spiritualism
to bo a sy stein cf j jgllery eurriod on
by jugglers, it i. .
Io llayti no n'-i .rson can
como a ciii jo or fc propei ti.
do one Moept unr can do hni-
Lll lULre. ' m ."I
.1.. il M
a liOTtos iiiflue:ice-
The following gem shonld bo read
in every family :
A tuolbor on tho green hills of
Vermont was holding by tbo band a
son, sixteen yeais old, mad with lovo
for the sea. Aud aw she stood by th
garden gito, she said t
"Edward, thev toll mn for f nevet
II.-. It.. til tl .
n,.., t..u vuii iuiu iiiu Kienempin
lion of a Benm.iu's life in drink.
t romiso mo beforo yon quit jour
mothor'n hand that yon will novcr
drink lio'ior."
"And ho gave tho promise, and
went over to Calcutta aud tho Medi
Icrrnnenn, Sun Francisco and Cape
of Good Hope, tho Norlli and
Poles i I saw them all in forty yoirs.
and I never saw a glass filled with
the sparkling liquor that my motherV
form at tl.o garden gate !i I not rise
biforo ir.y eyes and to-diiy I am in
nocent of tho tuflto of liipior."
Wan not that sweet evidonco of the
power of a singlo word T Yet that N
not hul f. "For,"sliil coutinuoil he,
"yohlcrday thcro ranio into my
counting room a untu of folly
"Do you know mo V
"Well," said ho. I was brought
drunk into your proneiico on ship
board ; you weio a p issenger ; thuy
kicked mo imide ; yon took mo to
your birth and kept mo thoro till I
nan siopi Ml my lutouc.tliun. l on i
then asked mo il I h id a mother ; I
tol l you 1 never had a wor 1 from
her lips; you told mo of yours at
tho garden gate, and to-day I am
master of tho tiuest ships iu Now
York li'irbor, und cumo to ask you to
coma to see me." ,
' How far tho little co,inYie throws
itsboami The mother's woidson
tbe green y.V. v.( VuraoU Ood
bo thuLLful for .ho power of a single
word t
A (loriUHn firmer was on trial in
one of tho justice courts tho other
Uy for assiiiilt and b it lei y. and hud
pleaded not guilty. Wliuii tho crost.
c Miiuiuatiou ciinio the opposiug coun
tc! asked :
"Now J cob, tleio win tr u h
butwuL-u uud tho pluilitliT, Wiu.n t
lliero ? '
"I oxpccl deie vhas."
"Ho sai.l Something about your
log being a sheep killer, uud you re
routed it, eh V
'Ynell, I calU him a li ir."
"loudly. 'J'hen bo cullod yon
-iijiuo hai d nanus ?"
"Ho calls mo a snuor-kraut Dutch-
'.IiiHt so. That m ido yon mad V
"Of coiiiho. I vims so mudt I
shako all oafer."
"1 thought so. .Now, Jicib. you
no a fit u it who sponks tho truth. 1
lout beliovo you conld bo Li red to
toll alio."
"Vhell, I pelief 1 vhan pooty hon
est. "
'Of course yoa ore of ooiirs.
Now, Jacob, you must havo struck
tho first blow. You sec '
Tho other lawyer objected, and af
ter a wranglo tho defeiidout turned
to tbo court and said :
"I doan' oxactly make oudt how it
vhiia. I liku to own o p d it I struck
tiist, but I huf paid my lawyer live
lollurs to prove do udder vhay. I
dou't like to tell a lie, bnt I fuel badt
to luso dor money!"' Detroit tret
Tho two highest salaried Govern
rs of tho Stat en a.u thoso vl New
York and Ponusylvnin, who ro'oive
810,0 K) a "year each. The next high-
out are thoso of California, Nevada
aud Illinois, who get $1,0:);) each
Tbo Governors of Coloiado, Iudittuu,
Kontiickey, Missouri, New Jersey,
Virpinia nnd Wisooitsiu aro pnii
$5,000 each. Most other Guvoi uorh
tra nrii'd fronf 91 500 to tl.UOO whfohL
. j
latter hguru is tho pay allowed bj I
tho great Stato of Oh in Mont ol
ibo Sontborn Ktates puy from $3,000
aod 1.00;). Tho lotobt salariei-
paid uio tJ tho Governors of Ver-
nout, New lltimpshit'o, Il'iodo Is
land and Michiguu, who recived bill
$1,000 each. No wonder Governor
Bcgole, of Michigan, begs from tho
railway companies on a of tlnst lit
tle red pocketbooks f ir hiinsolf and
During tho past year
I I' Ulllttl . luv
Ktaten binds to the amount of lA''
PI Till im.rD 1 ........ .. IU- .
Altornrt8-AtiAi w.
A'l l.iinlnm nf bu4 x tit par will r
ic iti mil '. rth n i:Da1Uilun ln( r
a n inl kiiillch. H I M.
Attorney ami Ciwuxrht ul
.......... ... ..y ..It I
,-BlUttVr t,rl .11 MM t I Rlnr nr. mr-
&VnU " ui'm"
V.. llUl iSULUIlI,
rKI.IM4i,lVK, i'A.,
iollootlons nut ll othT I'UFlno. prmnpl
ly mtomlS'l lo. :ouultlloi. In Ktiklltli a'
J tin 1,
II. Dl Mi,
LruidiHi'l, ViMl'a
All tiutlnnan nlrat'il t M "r Willi,
ru m 1 1 y rttleuJnl to.
S. jit 39,'J'i.
'ati(hi:v i r.i.ur. SI., Si liiiii,iiiV0. To.
All iirofrf.linnl I uitom i-romptly ticnj.c
to. iiuOAUlinlloni Id Kii h 111 U and (Urinun
r. t. io.
1. 11
Mititloburi), Xi)itlr ('
Cn t tomultcd la Kanltib of lloimio.
Ju. Jr. xi,
,1 E. B0WKI5,
Mi'liUtturi, I'll.
mni innii.
ui:'i I'lill" iuuiiv.
;oniultllin In Kimllib
(June 3. '
New Borlin. Pcnn'a.
'r'i'iiliintl l'iii.ln.t iMitrmleil n M "t
will rm'ivi ii-nniii ittti-iiiiiin, JunHU,'7.
Attorney & Oouuaellor-At-Law,
o(Ho In Ani' lluilillnc nas dooi r,'urili,o
K uraion llorKfj. '
lliilleollnim ml :l other prod ulnnn hull
tm i nulli'lliil nJ will reolve artlnl nnd
iM0iit itautloD. Apr.ll,'7MI
rn J. SMITH.
M 1 1) III. r.l! I' III I, SN Y KlUICii., I'A
IfnrpliU I'rura'iilniiitl Servli'rj to t lie fu !)
lotmult ttlmiH Id l-.nlbu anil ((firman.
.1 rion.Yh Y.s 1 T I A W,
SolinsKrove. Pa ,
(lll ir ttielr irnlfml nlir i'e the piihlle
A II l l 'iii-l - nlrti-tOil o lliolrnnre mn
reii.'lvo fr-,t?i ;t itilonltuo ' hiukiu m jid rt.
July .
r 7 t rt .v ; 1' A 7 I. A w.
Kliii!Lri,, t.
.. i i nil Iiu.Iikk.' mi l i i'Ium'I inn rn
Iru.te l In III. ' wil I i.o irniiiitl nttenil
,4 m 'n i' " inul' J In r.nll.h ur
(tannin, inline mi .Market .S.jure.
mi v:, -j.
A 1 1 o v 1 1 a V- f 1 1 . T i i w.
SI) HISI'K I 'l' I l ullN KY I nil SM i (IMS
ri 1 1 I V .
I'rrebui ir I'ti.
4 'nnjulutluu Iu loiiu KuhII'Ii "'' 'lermen
l.itUMU.KUN. i'l.i mri
Attoi'iiuy t Inw,
Mlll)l.KL'IM, ..
I'l-oTeiiiliiiiel I'Uilnem cntrnitel In hl our will
lie iruuinly Mtrmloil in
Jiovvixhn rg Pu.
(lirerahtK prof, mlnnnl "ervl.e In the ru,,,l'
(lolleotlnranl 1 1 nllier I hual
uo ruino'l t i 'il ,i im rii mod ve
prompt mii-titl'in.
Seliiisgrovp, Po.
OiTnr, hl pruff ".loiiiil n)'Vl'-c to the puhllo
All iiumiieiK entriiHt. ii t iii nuri-win i o
promptly uotjteil to.
Jit n. 7.'a7
A TTOllXf'V-A T'L A W,
I.ewUlMiiff. I'nlon Co.. I'ii:
Mill 'o nn Mirk 't Strnet, one ilonr ttt ot l'n
oritt llnii-p.
Deo. jo. a:.ti."
Hot, I Cards-
National Io.a
,si:idN.stiitovi:, pa.
ReinniloUiil, 1,'ufiirnU'iO'l am) ImprovoJ. 1 li
iiin-t i-enlfnlly I .rule. I hnl ii In tl.e I n l lrn
ilu, ''I'lini'iilatluL lur ilia travuii public.
Aoril U.
il! e v e Si n n C I e o m
u:i i ir
Terms --l.r0 por'tlay.
ui.miti oi'AJiK, rrop'r.
Vlfrtk epr.l,re.
I. M. HO'JSER, Proprietor.
I'hln Imlvl Iim I tiR.y Ixien tetilt-il nril rofur
nthl, miklurf it n nn bur I lintel In ell rr.
Iioi'l, No iuum will In H'ulr. it for lUeucomu
ui4iletlnn ul tiie lrvolln u li 1 1 . .
K in 111 ii n peril' n III It ml I lil -me nf the ho l
pl n-e In tli ii ouuulv t'i iliiiti Ktl llslilug
the ' lie Id vlnlully ul lui Ii aol,
Auh. 'i, l.
JOHN li. FOCiaKK, Prop'r.
WoliUHjjcfove, jttt
riil" lint I le'itownlitly l nutvil in the qiWr.i
MiMTor en i.iniiD tellu-ie el Lai,.i... b.1.
he Im,
U -teuretil luooutifrlifr w, I
lAi'f.u.'.c. 1
1'htfsicians. Ac.
" PHYSIC I Af7i D rr.
1 '.'litrrvllle. Pelin'H.,
lUffrii Mn ifnreloil t lcc,i lli f lufn
u((' uirrrlUfl n.l v ) . Ask- -
KlXiAK HAi-'SlNOi;'.',
Mlddli'bur;;li. lVnii'll.,
(iffi'm ifnfemnnl 'ii rvr 'li cltlrrn
nl M.l.iirruf,:h kuiI vli Hilly. 1 01' I ii.mrit
III W ,ljlvlli llnur.
Jaly 1J,'.'.
(JKIKU B.Vlllil'.B,
Midilleliuruh, I'l'im'rt.,
tlljofn IiIp irolrrnl erpfii ! Il i-Htrri
nl VI l.l llrt.u r nn! rlrti.ttv I'fll'f n law limit
Wr,i nl ti Court llmlT. In ti..l'i I ullillns,
R'Vl Icao" on rcrner i ! I'. II i iorcl..
j II. lHIUIiN K 1 1. "
riiixi m ut.r.o.N,
ItK Wl- ll l'itW N. I'A..
Ollm riin i.D"l nrtl,,i t U tltl,n
n( rl nuwu si l to ill. A r. ,
Fremont. Snyder county, Pa.
Ifii'liiaioiil IWlllmiTii I iM"ic ( I'ly.irlnBi
nil Sui Kfii. "Iln hi I r.ilr. -I nnl rrlo
tu iLe il'llo. Ni Utf Knsoi. uil iii-riuub.
.Mi. l., 17, iv. ti.
Physician A Stirrcrn,
' .V.nvr .S'; I. ('.(', .S'.j !,.,! ( nunhi,
i(tnr b' " cil-fl.Mil cei v Iff 1n)hf (llill
nili. o uu .Mil I ii m'al. Juuck'i ".v..
jju. J. o. w.r,Ni:ir, "
I'll sl ian and Miritron,
( IITitk lit. .r.if..iim I . r i, c lo 'hi- ft, it
I A. tr( mn! lrli lljr. A uf. t,wil.
ttKBKUT'h lll.Ol If ,
Srliusffroce, J ', it n'a,
l'rufi-iloi)l bualneu irouiiitir tt.-iit.: to.
- -n4lYSlC:AN'A-l'JRflfN;
A"mrfVr(.V, Sir.i.'tr (,'., TV
fITer hi" prnfr,i,iirKl ri li'oi lo thepltllDt
j Kreitorvllln ami vlnlnlly. A tin 3,7
a'UUIOAI. .1 MKCIl MC.b I 1 NTIS f
Seliiis'revc, l'i nii'u.
1 f .
i f '" 7 (
Hi1 ri'iK-lpt ill tI nn. I i ll
i, r. un i in fiuiiiii..' on n I .. -, u : i .
il. ,-f.: irii.lo -1 i.i- VIH..I uk'.ii.,-,. ,;,n.j .
li:Ul Pi "l! i.ii ri'n hi'il , Vl r' fH.'li.
Rtll .1, win. i'n liuiki' Unlit fi 'ii fiii...
'.I . "I. V., I nM'l.liH Hi'., ; I ' rk i-
' iii. i uu,
The Press
WeoUy fresd, . . . H.ooaYcnr.
Dally ITuas, ... -eo.OOaTear.
The rntnlnc vt-:ir will bo -,.i,..,n,
i!inli'i lii'thiiii n li. iiubllruii
lM'llllll-:UiO J .IIP,,., Will 1,0 i.y lT,.,m.
luaklmr. Tho ;ie;it bnttlo nf rroti-rtlmi s:',t
fri-o IiimIo will titalo tho ai,J th.i
country. Tim I'lolileiitlal tMiiipulKu will bo thu
lianluAt fnuilit ami imut m-itimr n.iiniil
trniTRlo fiir(iiart.'rnf a century. Kurupi, In
tho Diiiiilnn nf tliu liLbl iiifi.ruioj, tiemlilce un tho
Willi null lit Olltlnok K livo
priiitHlill the in wsaud tclln thuulu! ti ul ti about.
It li unuo than ever a iici iiihiiv. Km ii ....k.
ht I Tub ruii.Ai,i:u-i.i.i 1'kkss. Telccrnnli
lio9 in It own ofll.-o place It Iu iii.timini, .",.
ciiiiiiniiiilcatloii witli a cm in of over llvo liundreil
. -"K......-.uimi;t,;riuiiU"l nil over tho civil xii
"'III. TilO HK'i'illl d:illv riililn ..i-iIlx U.I.I..I. i.
li:u."i Willi tho New Voik Jcrnht cuvcre vcry
'.u-u i,r nctivity In Kurnpcan lire. Ni p.i,iT
cvi'cls ii ! all tho t-lt'uiciiis ublvli co to uwltj u
a liroail, full, cninploto Jnnrnal.
Untitle ii.inx u coiiipluto re-.Tspsnpr, Tifj
W lii:ni.v I'm is lias several i-pctial lu.iturce
wluclv put It At t!io t..,. Tim Ai;:i!i'fi.Tl'itv.
1'I.I Aill MT, Clllichfil lir ....iiMl-.i.t I....
tlmm from tho 1 iruino.-t wrlti-rn Ii v.iilnii
brandies, r.lvo Ibo pr.iotlcal tliiuu lint poop'o
want to know mi tlin I n m n,i, t, c.,;iieii. Tim
llCU'lNU IlAJio Vent WiiU'CI or It,,.,,.. !,.,.
input, milled bv (n. K',.,1 tT)i;nit ( 'I ti'.- li f ,'t
or Inform itlon.lilntiiaiia hapry'tliouitlitslorcvory
Villi llf.llln. ... I I. I ... .
...... M . ..ia UU4U 01 a iioui.1. nuui.
A crcat foaturnnf tlm .nmi,,,. . ,.-
lilKbly valunblo lottcr$ ot ''il i. Wkcks on
a;:ci of Worklnu'-uion, tbe tjonoral c iUuioik of
Labor ml tho Com of Mvlnif In Kuroi,. at rmn.
pared llh Mr. Wccki.wbo h ul rharce
of this tuibluot fur tho
lifo Mud)-, anil lion boon abroad tliia ycirc n-.
tluctluir ft epcclal Iurotllpitiou. Ill letter . 1 I
Rlvo tlio fact a tj earnlnm ia all tho varlnu
i.uui,i ii.e,v:io purciiait.i;; pnvveror wai.'oi.atrlkue,
tl'iiilei unloiili.u. urbitraUun. t. .
IIIUW KEl(t.y Plli:KiilarullnrhnlnK..n,. -..,.1
Inn, wiili puulea u.ul otLcr uiaticr for tho liltlu,b'rlce and ptline fora UilU and thililion,
rikhiiui notue, rcuipui, lileuniuite liom curruuc
litnaturo, a careful emumary of Uuinuttlo anil
furehju iiowi, and on uuct Uuuutuiua of tU
(leut iii'iiti'im nf tho day.
Au;iijy chmi I iiai(t ii ir.
kewtsrhToY TEE PRESS: .
Hv m ill, p.t wo free iu the IT, H. and Canada.
T'W, aecepi Puml iy, 80 cte. i innut!i 4 a year
iail y, iiicludlnc buuiluy.iii ou. a tuouib; tf.M ya(
Sunday I'rcii, tiWI a year.
Weekly Preaa, .. . l.OO.Tsar. '
tr rUi uhJ tU u.ii Ik utuUf -4yul Iu M urd cf
ZZ PP.ESS CO., Tr!""'
A -".---
vyuj i HVIV " ii i e
z-mtrt,y ; -'-''w.j.