tyt giiilltburglj lost. -nv- t. ii. ii,vitrri2ii. SiiltHiiijitioii !$1..0 IVr War. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Column. n V. MeekeiMViaian lig Itir Hae-foer'Sj oiumn. ( Vf frl aeluB.il ranis. f tsar AtMlnr, S'se-ntnr. Administrator, ..nvoo ...v. VtlO aisjnae Nuifi-ae fj '0 nu ielal arrana-'in-nts are tnsle. all atritaenents. Insert .1 fuHeas than sinnutha, rkeiae at M r lues nrfla Insentnn I m forth (.'! tnaenloa aod 7 teats lor each tabeeqeaat Insertion. THAT TENSION LIST. Wrht Exi, November 20, 18S.1. Ed. Post. In 'ookiug over tb Tension l.iat, published in tour lust issne, I notice n good many oaova tiiat onelit not to Im there and still others tbat should bo there andnre! Hot. Can uii Ml us why this is thus? rionne explain. Your, Ac, Tbo above reached ns unsigned, and tbe writer is henna unknown to, . ... . . i ns, uni we will uevortneloHB riso.K""'"- ney uuto ou.jr i and explain. Ho touches tho oft repeated and thoughtless accusation that half of Iho ponsion money is Mrs. Mason not to pay them a cent. ; U)e roce $ lLeg0 ft80 bo weakcHt, paid to fraudulent claimants. If j'l'bo Pliilndulpbia postuUcard scheme j tjJ(J p00rcBt ntu moRi wicked." Ibis b truo tho majority of tbo , has done a heap of good, but tl'f Hygiono ia not charity, but justice; frauds ojuot bo confiuud to tho large' newspapers have always boon on my j wo mi18t try to socuro to all men cities. It will bo well for people to' side- nnd tbey have doue tho mottl l , ,jnni chances for life and health, remember that the rixid cxainina good. I hadn't lost all hope, The avcrago number of deaths iu lion tho applicant bus to undergo though Ietly had given up tho cao I !ftlti ruoro is 900 a yeor. If we can with tbo examining Miirgeon appoint-j long ago. I thank tho Presidon 1 1 ewen this even a littlo we save ed by the government, befi ro his aud the people for slow justice, but precious lives. Tho small-pox epi claim is recognized by tbo ponMoii j I don't feel grateful for my libcrtj', i demic last yenr cont ttie city OO.UOO department, admits of no possible t for I always deserved it ' 'directly, and portions $1,000,000 in- doubt ns to bin divithility which, viewed from a staudpuiut ignoraut of tho true facts and probably tluo' tbe glass of jealousy, bus tlio outiiuanon guard over n sneaking as- vaiii appe uuiieu of fraud. fMiydorjeahsin of a L icfcidenf I wuut to war : county Del uot i osharnod of its i and fought ngaiuat four uncles and : Tenbion Lift. Its length proves j twenty two cousins, who were rebel" 1 tlmt when tho nation was iu ueod cfjand 1 thought I ought to have bad j defi-nJors our county was not blow in fiiruicLing its j ioto, who, when danger threatened were not found wanting. The bravo Spartan moth er uiourned uot for her dead sou but for tbo living fearing bis escape from injury bad been purchased nt tho price of bis bravery. W'hilo onr ( fathers and brothers risked life and limb at 918 per month that onr flig should not come down, tho many who kept on tbo safe side of the Mason and lixon line and made cjodc) are now tbe first to growl. Tbe liquor mcu are dragging tbe liquor question into politics, wbotb ,rr tervporance meu will have it so or cot. When they orgauizo to defeat a man no matter wb.it ticket he is ou simply becauxe bo is a temper nco man. it takes no prophet to di vioo that the liquor mon will Boon array the temperaoco men nf all par tics against any man they favor, In Ohio, a Ilepnblican candidate for! State ofEcO WaH defeated beCOUSO Of l bis teraperenco proclivities, and in i - i New Yoik a tomporaoco Democrat wos defeated by the liquor mnn on tbe same grouud. Self-iutorobt iu a felfi.b business knows no bouud of friendHh:.,ndarkwU!nan.,ne. i. .mi;.i; p , IV SinlllitlOn. Iri nhtriinna mnn tuliol go into a politic. il campaign as can didates may expect to receive the opposition of tLe liquor men, with ' all tho inlluenca thev Mn ,. gainst Lira. Kx Woikontbe Washington wont. hich has reached a height of 410 feet, has been suspended f r the siutcr, but tho Hinsh Electric Light Co , propose to ntilizo it in1 their experiment to light tbe city, ' Theypropoeotopnta corona light ,i. -11 I 1 .1 41 eu .110 1uuu11.1n.u1 iitoi awvc 1110 . top, ov at a LeigU of IM fitt and another upon tbu dome of the Capi tol, and assort tlmt thr se will illurui- bate tbe city andinsuiea brilliancy fpial to tho Loon l.i y sun. If titis can bo dono d ine it will prove a ..M.t,.4.;.. .I.. ... t.:.-:..i..i .uU iiumucj aff rds a light buiely suiTicietit to make duikness visible. The National Orange of the Unit ed States hits been in m ssion in this city for somu d ivs pust On M 11.- .1 iv 4iv4.r.iinr lie i,.eim. tl,A f1....-) . Uiissiooer of Auneultuie addressed thu LTIillL'lll S I'ivill.T lliom Biiina enl-l uable iufor.uatiouand a lvieo. Quel of tbe fi iemions discussed by th8 body wus how to restore the former high standing of and iuterebt taken in, tbo grange movement. Perhaps tho best advice that could be given on this point would be for tbe or ganization to steer clear of party politics. . Tbe President has at last pardon ed Borgeaot .Mason, the eoldier who wbila oa guard at tbe jail in Wash, iogtoo, attempted to shoot Guiteau tbe aasoaau! of President Garfield. Tbia aotiou of the Executive is sp. plauded by Dioeteeotwenlietba of' the public, while tba atrict discip- liuariane of the army affect to vUw itsriUjaUna. . SSMSAITT XTAS01T Ai.dant, N. Y , Not. 2C The par diiu of Sergnant Musoo, who attempt t'd to kill Oaitenn, re-whod bere to ilny and Le was release J. When 7e 7'imca correspondent reached the piinon Manon had boeo taken from the sboe shop, bat bod and lit ted cut in a new unit of clothes. Id sat at a table, eating Lis first meal . otiiRitie of tt e ririaim mess room in twenty uiunths and Ion dnys. IK raid bo first heard tbe pood news Saturday, when bo was shown a dit- palcb addressed by an iiititu.itt fiiend in Vunhington. lie ban pric ed ton ponnds during Lis confine ment and looks much stoutor lbi.ii when be entered. A big soft pulled far down on bis bead. w 1! concealed bis closely cropped Irnir. The reporter oskod liirn if the par - poneroHKo.ii.itn u ne par- don as the good result of a fresh move ou lue part oi uia counsel, ana, , 7 . . .. vuereiore, noi wuoiiy aueipecioa o.v . 'm- I Counsel nothing," tho Sergeant .'od, ruining from bis chair; -the lawyers have never doiio mo nj , i mm i I I : I mooting on my case, mo a 101 oi doctors at free bo pitols, and I told . AUer sotuo turtUor talk tho Berg- oant said: -It's learned tho array of-; lici rs not to put a brave enlisted , 'a better job1' When the reporter tol.l the sergeant luat there was a estimates. etory printed to tbe (ffct that be,BjUQ, aud Hetty bad fallen out because of """v1"" her injudicious handling of the sub- i It mny be of interest to tbe egrU scriptiou fuud. bo becumo excited. culturalist as well as tbegoueral cou lktty hasn't spent hardly any. ! smnor to know that tbe corn pro thiug oi 'that uioneyj she's almost ! duct of 1883 is about 40,000,000 earned her living oflfonr little placo.' "What aro you going to do, sm geant V tbe reporter asked. I'm going to Locus (Irovo, ray home, on the llluo Hidgn, fust as steam will take me. A manager of a snide theatre iu New York wanted mo for a curiosity, but I ain't going into that s ,rt of business. A cloth- ii.g lit in in Chicago will pay mo 1 ( ) a month to be saloHinan for them, but I don't know nothiug about set- J ling goodri, so 1 reckon tbey wuut , me for a Jutnbo,and I'm sensitive on that point. I am going to let liotty ! decide il," At five o'clock he took a j train for Washington and bis borne ,a ue ()ld dominion. aaaa.aaaaaaBBBaaaBa FrvCH THE SUNNY SOUTH lUl.TlMnltK, Mil., Nov. I'usr : Arrived hero JIou- i 1 i n.. l i .mi i "y u.u; Hl. W , " aU" ,vea P"rt,ftl Klea of wLo,e 1 ' ad have been, and what doing. v " lUltiinoio does not make a favorable i impression ou tho visitors at first ..:..! .I.. i- i .. .B , ' 7 1U" u. v ,uie eu ,f'y rwoncuej wr lew 'lays, out ; nil"f ,UM"B u B,rou Broun'1 cuy -.ii i At jarni navicg uianK nom tuo louuuins Muna-'ofLfcUL'whw"0 tLo BPaikling wa - ,e'8 Cotu0 out ,u a11 lbeir 1U" nu J where many a poor heartbroken creature has been mado glad by res toration of former health, Baltimore 1 has good, nice people and sheen- . f" Z T 7 u.i inn ncm vcn 11 fill uu null .... ... . .. . li specieu 11 a tlispoblliou lor It IS I shown by tbo visitors 1 poo leav- Zn,. At.!.. I l..n :4 4 1 . - ; in;,- mm v...3 vuore comes OV- , ft you ipiue a iwuereui. nun warmer 1 i- .. , . . leelllig Ijr tier IliaQ you hail On JOlir , ..,...! ,.r - .... I 4 1 , jj.iuy uiujf euu euiun HUH u ... prosper. On wo glide to "Duid ' ,. . ..-. Hill Park" which nresents some of the giau.b.Ht picturesque, viz, all va- rieties of flowers, trees, funcos, monuments, animals of which are it r 1. . 4 -1 i. 1 U r,,m. iu lu.uc. picwutuu ojr tf iv. ym. I mntiii ntl Inlv f.,e 1,4 lorlr A 113 The largest on exhibition. iThe Pmk eontin fiOr, irma ut,i,.l, - . - -.- i is beautifully Uiil nnt in romla nn.l f j . --v. n 1 1. .. . i . ... 1 1. 1 7 """J ,ow ru(" erecteo. 1 01C lor tue purpose or resting ani1 bttviu a BOcial obat witb tbe 0,10 whom you are esooiliiia. For the small sum of three cents you can be conveyed to Washington's Hotel, distance of 2 miles where all kinds of refrebbmeuta can be procured All who vsit the Park ot.ee, leave it with the fond anticipation of seeing it again. What ruukee it ao vtry pleasant for all classes of people is tbe couveoiency of tho St root caia. Visited tbe fisheries, some iuexbaus table fish ponds 12 aud 18 miles distant 1 know that if some of onr fishermen of Middleburgh could have access to one of those grand ponds abioh are ao richly supplied ! witb fish, they would think it a u'raud trett. Aud oysters are drawn nu aboto as bitf as a mule's ear, more or lies i yet tbey aie big'i in price. So luncb for strolling. The College of Physicians and Surgeons is Laving a grand success during tbe term of 83 and 81, She numbers ovnr ..00 students tLe greater number are .represents 1 by IVunayNituiii and Viriioi. Dr. Unudry's Lectore on Sanitary Soi- eoce. I'r. Unudry delivered a coiirso of litmus at the of l and tf. yesterday afterooou. Tbe hall was filled with studeota phy liciutis und others interested in tan j itary utTair. His style is easy and giaceful, and bis delivery pleasing. I liis evident desire to avoid sens" hjonalistu on tbo one baud and a ,mtrow male, jalimn on the other, I Rnve thfl euti..e lcctura ft aoientifie 1 , (li ifie( . L fi Oost nilcl prncUctt nmn WM iaiD(, np ni.jec. oq wmcu no is mor nn((hly poBlod Aftur givintf BUlill. ties to show bow much faster onr citic tLntJ J( onf towD. anJ rurftj commuitic.g. he said : We CIUinot stop nor tarn back tbe civic r tid citios have beome tbo chosen rBNilu.lieo9 .,f ,npn . those are tho Btr0DCC8t t!l0 wiaPst ftn,l the lst of .lirodiy, yet proper precautious luL-ht bnvo prevented it. Tbo com- meiciiil value of a life is uotsulfi They know ciently understood. letter in the army. lr. Guudry went jQto n cart fill discussion of tho various estimates of tho population 0f Baltimore, showing conclnsively the difficulty of obtaiuiug accurate Which I will not tueu D. It. Kothhotk, biixbels below that of whilo tho potato product has beon the lurgest since 1 875, or un average of .1 bushels per capita, or a total of I'jS.OOil.UUO bushels. Congress will ussemblo next Mon day. Tbo Franklin Jitnniton says that our representative, the llou. Louis K. Atkinson, has already h. cured quarters aud will bo there at tho opening His constituents will tiud him an etlicieut aud obliging member of Congress. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Col. Suowden states thut neatly JM.OOO.OOO trade dollars were coined, of which there aro about 30,000,001 in Chiua. He estimates that theie are about 0,000,000 in this country, and that 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 hao beou imported. Tbe triul of Jame Nntt for the murder of N. L, Dukes will begin at j Uniontown, Pa., the first week of I December. Daniel W. Voorbees, of ludiaua, will bo one of tho couusel - for tbe defouso. JAMES G. CHOUSE, ATTOUXEV-AT-LAW. MIDDLKHURHII, PA All lii.ln'ii entrurtrd tn blr ear will re eelve prompt a'tntlon. t oo ultailoo In i. r man 11111 Ktmllrh. 1J I HJ. j I IACOIJ OILllKltr, Attorney and Cottnnrlor al Tjiw, Mllim.Kllt Klill, PA, ri 'iillr.-i.'n ami all nt 'iar lutlnei iiroront- I. alien, la. I In Cuutiiltatl in la tOKllih an.l IM M. tleuuan. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. XT,Tlf . . ,,K ,.:., u. ,,. 1 ,u,i in mi.tif iirii iimi llir 11 -nirin.ralilp heritolnre evi.Hnu Petwueu jaeuu i mneri i luniep ii. rniMe. itniuu tiiiiiueii un.l.r the tlnn inmeol (lillier rouim. In tin. prieili ol law, Pin thtii Jay Iibi nill-iilvi. hv inn tn.il ...iin-nu All pir-i.i . kn .wli.u IIiuiiim-Iv. 111 . I.. ...i.l h.,.1 will ,.)..... ... .L 1... I...... n. t "v""" .lAI'DIMMMtK.KP, J AMKrt (I. t'KUUSK. . ' j Grand Jurors ' ' rwuur trm eomuieneinii Deo. lot b. Aoia-lorn Lapl" , ,KA v KK - Allre.1 Hin ebi. .lafloh O Snviler 1 MArH 'MT -John 1). Clou, N. II. Mid- illo.warlli. OunTiia A. I.. HpDBler, O. W. Waltar, r ren .; . 11 .yer Psski.i-Aarun 1 Stetler , jKaa.Hasrv Hrsoa i MH'ih khi imii-Juhn V. Smith, William H iiaiver. I M,. i.i.u 1,,!,,. Hnkh ; j. B.p.j;;,,,"fci..B .,.. Pi.Riir (leu llrnilnii hi:i.iMMiiiDV t.l K. UemberllDB, J. V. Dion tar. I'kiii.m K I) Hwlnefonl, 'lao M Hnu.tr. WtMiiKUTOM Jacob Waller, I'blllp 11. Moy. r. TeUt Jwcrs drawn Inr ranalar term onmaienslng Dm. loth A dam lae llackonlit rn, Jauiee Auranil. BaVKB HeuU-u llreeae, L. II. Ueluea, Jacob A. l-'raed, Henry f. I'n-eil lllAVnn WiiKT-C ti. Ureenlion, II. H, Man benk. Kre.l Stalmllnir. Lal Kilns. CsapMAM .In tin S. Kmc, J. Kuhler Pa.lt, Auvuttui Troutin d. CaaTKic H. . Hanp'tl. KAti Jaoob W. Kliaobower, Samoel JnK"21l)avli1 Wettel, Hansel r. Walter, .I s a H YaarlKk. MiDiiLenraoH Pblllp 8pd. Oo O. Kmirk. Miiiiii.a'HBKk-4!liaa. t). lienUrllDB, Ji. Ii. Helutielinas, Tbeoilore How. Momma fetar Kliunler.Thouiat Statler. 1'aax S. A. 1-liber, Levi Kronlnger, Juaapb I'lahar. PkHur Job a H. Arbnt, Mlobael T. War. bar. Jao, b It. Arbugiial, Habri UvodllOK, A . II. Markli-y. Paauv WaT Daniel W.Haaa. SaLiaaiiaova .1 K.sebarf, J. T. Walter H . Ubarlat, W. W.Cawlej, U. W.Cal tar.H. II. I'm. Vmiok II. H. Ttiurihy. W4"SiOTo-Jo.epU le.u., U. f, arsolit, a4uai uaiwaiti The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! RHEUMATISM CURED. RnrnfxrFS, N. Y , Apr. 6th, t3 (fKirr I buy tvtn frrm mfWcr from Khontnii'Innfnriiix rcAnt, and hcioof the mrmi f Rhfiinwillc fyrup loiinduile)! SCROFULA Post Rrmos, Shtamalle Pymp Co. I hd htf-n dnptnrlns fnrthrrc fr fftir yem, wli h ilinWrviit pliy- lrlno. for rrofuld, miwiiiiorMl. led It, bill ftmnd nurolluf until eommenrrd Ukiiir yemr Syrup. After tAklnir It k nhiirt time, (u my ittrnrlM. It bt-saatahclBtnu. o nv ii inni iu m? own Fw. ina 1 ebMrfully tnj Uint I hnve tvm (fTotljr lH-ncf)iI by It uwt. caswhIK Willi antlra frpwlnm him paln.itnd myirrnmkibmiHh itwV mach luipniTrd. ltl alnmlld fvmHT th blood x. chu rr.R I'A r k. m. n. oniliMilnn 'fuiiw) una mym-il nawcll M urcr. A M.iod purifier, I ttiluk It Iim no nml. MKH. Vtlt.I.IAM PTRAVfl. Manufactured by RHEUMATIC BVRUP FOKM.VLKnY DKlTfWlHiTW Price ..STIU OPEN ! Offer Extraordinary A UllMU for $1.50 1 Nunilior For Nothing. iiar? Moot Cos!. Ail Elegant Kngiiiviiir Free. r. KnTjr New Sal.Krlher ! Ilyuur aiibwriptlon to dm 1 American Agriculturist lor IM4, W ftirwartlril nu lrf..re Inth, tln ""'IT will ho pr'-MMili'd wlih the It i,,i.r miinher i thla vp.ir rrei : al'u with a noil'Xin; HUH M.tAKt, with fitly th.iu. 1 wr.l. an, I Inrty live nnrro hum. ...i-ln'. (utt r I hi . I th lu i.i'nt . i xini imi.t I n ut lit imv iSwtniM- un iHi'tinnarv) t ali the M.iiiiiinwii r.nur.ivlim, lint'., -Mih.s H I'KlLMis lli COIlUl lor 'UtlW,' ) TO ST HAM IK IIS, The A l Kirn ax Aiihii ri ti hint tnreUi the whiiM 1. 1 all rh, ,. In My, Vlllaae an l 'niintrv: It In literally r erj lx..ty n taper. II lielp the 1'iirmer, the U ir.li'inr, the fruit limner, the Mi .-liiinle. the rr,,, -.in-i il h n. llumneM men : II lfn.tly nl'la every ll,,Fe.ie.,i.r It li. . iiml In-trucia the Youth iiiel lli ,.ite nne. Il it e,i.., witii if r. nt e.ire nn. iM.t.e. Im pa rr iiIhiuikI In u-elul, .ra. Urnl, rellnhlu In Inriniittiin and tiireittli.n. Kwry nuiuher ,, .erilK ii, with enirrni lnu, liri iil variety nl l.iilir rnivtim hii.I llnll-rhnl l l'niiiiinli'a, nlln ili, riiinlc, rinwern, et-'. Ill thin tn t II .urn M,'., I.y lr, all nth. er (niirniiU. 11. ,hhi.I tut K.Mnii,e ul lluinuno and Swtndllnc .Schemrt are I nvnluahle. ami ate iiuiiy tine I t e -i In every re i.ier. It m . lilll lii Iho lt.i MivertlHturiit,aiid Im illllrii-l. worthy H,vi rti i Hr linuieiipe rin ulmiini en. Hhlm the ruhlMieni lo t-aiie It at vcrv low rate., iiihI In ileal liherallv with inilwriheni lu thu vav ii' ireinluui', ete. S uiiplu i 'upyu' the Ainerie.in Airrli-ultiirixt." orehaant I rin. i ii-h l.-.i (ai l.iiumnim-an I Ufi eiilitniiiii ul ma.liiiK im.iII.t). ei nl ou reeeiptol two twiM-o!it at.ini.a ti,r intiiliiiK, HtaHe, ete, I'r ! a j .ir : Mnvlv iin:i.h, rn ! t. .. 1;'i;!K,ANV.VSKIIS HAMKH KVKKY W HKKIi A. I. lie., l-ulilinlier-, ORANGE I'JDD C0..D-W. JDDD, Fix 7j1 Uroadway, New York. gUEKimj SAI.K. Ily virtue i.l a ee'tiln writ nf Kl. ., Iume,! out nt the foiirt ol ( 'fiuiiiiiiii Clean ol Suvili-r rotllily. I'a., ami In me illrii leil. will eii,ie In I ! e Sale at ihe Court II -ii-.i In iMhlilleliuruh, 1 11.. "i, 1 .t.-ii'v i . nr.i . 11. 1 mi 1, at y H li-k A. M , Ihe lull .Wlli ie'tllieil Ileal l'late. In wit ; A eert.iln traet nl Unit annate In YVnrliliiutiui T i Sll .iler eoillily 'a. , lioumleil IVurtli Ii V hiiulii 11' II r.Strouli anil .laenh liaiiifler. K.i't I. v lauila i.r A'le llerrnlil. ,l oli Nerhiaul ami . II. Il.iekm. Hniith Ian. I- nl . . Ita -kim, "'' h'S-l" "I J.-neph Slialler. euiiliiliiintf KlillllY At'K KS iiiorenr lem, w th the appur lena'ieet Unrein helunirin, upon wlileh ere ereetiil a two alurv ilwelllnn limi-e Inul l.iun .ml ipihereutlnilliliiiKii. Ai t TKN AfKI-Snl alaive trai t In wihi iam TKIIMS t'.XSII. See, a'lil likin i H it eteeiittnii ami lu be luhl aii Ihe properly nl Win. Hi tieiil i ht. ' KAVIU HWIIhY Sher d. NherlrTu iillko MliMlclnimh, pa. Nov.Vji, i. HK LA WARE WAT Kit OA P AND VJ htU'TII WKSTKIIX ItAIMtOAIHNl. riillailvlphla. I' , Nn imilii r an, 1-S '. A Selir1 Meetiinr ul the MIim-UIihIiIiti. ill tin li.'liiMnre Wainril p an. I South. We-tern Kail in il I'l'mpany will lie 1 1 I . I al -ii Walniil Sinet I'hil iilelplila. I'a., iib Sillllriliiv. the l illeenlli liiy nt iiii'enii'i-r. IH t'i, 111 1 in,, h i Iik-u, r. M., lor inc piireiii u vu'iiiK upon tlio rHlitieiitloii or re. Ircllnll i. nu agreement nl eoimoliihi inn ami llinrer hcttreeil ahl 4'ihiiiimiiv no. I il,., s Ian il. rif.luip.'h ami IJ'e.il Ue.li rn Hallway vuiin. ii tiiuwr ui me iioarii hi miiUHicerii, Nuv. W, 'ka. ;nv. H, i. I KM., .Sec. PMII.ADKI.PIIIA. PA., Ninth Mtrei't. rUmtli of Chestnut. W. PAINE. Proprietor. hie iimro Sunt hoi the New I 'out (Mtlee, mie Unit upiiire Irom Walnut . SI lluiitn.. an. I In the tery IiiiiiIiiumi centra nl th ' elty. tin tho Anierl eiiunml Kurnpeini plnn. iuu, rooiu.. Imiu Uu-H, in a.i.ui per Hay. i(eumelel ainl in ly luriilrli- MARK TWAINS LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. 1 A NEW BOOK. Agents Wanted. Writ fop Tnrme CRaBLKS L. WKHSTkll. 088 Broadway, N. Y NOTICE is hereby given that the following Widow Apnralaemnnta nuilnr Iba 41UU I.tw, have hi en tlliil Willi Ihe l!erk nl the Druliaaa' f 'nurt uf MiyiP r eiiuntv. for ion. Krmatlun ou Mau ley, Ibe hah day uf IieoiuuU r Dt'XI. App uini'iiivnt ul r.ve lloiniim wll iw oftlcnme He. iiiaii. late nl t 'eutrc towiirhlp. dee'd, AlHinimeuil'l.t of k ouia June a .1 wlilnw nl .loli 11 Helt, lilt n ..I WiuIiIiikIoii lowiiHhip, ilee'd. iippritiFeiuuiii 01 i4)Hiii iirui.iiKer. wlilnw nl Alirikhuiii llrulmkur. line ul I'uiiiu IowiihIiIii. tlece.ii.i'il. ' Aiiiirahwinent nl All In s. Wltuier a minor ehilil ul l-yilnt Winner, ili-eM. J.UKUUSE Clerk O. U. Doe. 1 11. rmoHiwi ran rracueiii imiwejw nmv aaaant to onr flUHWI Thai ibe lurlher North need. nr.. i Ihnrnrller Ihi lr prniluel will be." I this mu? a full hue ol HUmlaril I'ntatiam. I V oltur I .row v.iiaiiH-, a-niwnou ury iiuuiu ; ncnbjl t le aiiil llluaSUiiii Wlieat; White UuwuanOaU. ttaniiCali lnure. said to tie one week earlier than Karly Vork ; our M orth Star Vellnw Iwut I Uiru atl II Ukm the lead, and A IjCKdlaa Tnden Tttyw tela a rMtabllabea aa UOlee lu New Verb, ' for tbo Cure of EPILEPTIC FIT8. Aasilm.Jesrwaleifiirn. Is. AU MeeeroletlaWnf Lendiwil.wbomakaea F ul Rpilepay, baa witlnml doubt IrMtod and Isftf ul Rpilepay, has witlnml doubt treated and surad 6iureesaMtkaaanyeflvrhV4Buk7stelaa. Uiaeaaaeae SB aiiulily bkeS BAteolalllna t wo liavebaard lit bum ul SrarSUyuaniatADdiiui, eureeeafuilf ewnMl brBiui. He aa paliliatied a work on tine diaaaae, which beeaoila stub alaruaolileot kia wonderlal eere free In any aiioeiw wsiiaauay aatld Ikeireapmesand P.O. addraaa Ve adnae any one wiahlne: a ewre to address , fa. .vLt. Utoi&jLli, tia. Ml Juka bk. Now York. PATENTS MI1I1 a CO.. Of the Scia-NTinc AuilllrAM. eon- tlnue tooet as Sullelturs f'ir I'utuuts, CavaatJi. Trade Hint, coi Trunin, lor lias uuiuxl Blau. I ana KniiUnd, rrutice, uornieuy, ale. Hand Uonk eh Palmits eenl rrv Tulrtjr-aeven yiairs'esiiarieneav, PatentsnlitaliM tbn.uuh 1IUNIS A (XI. are uotioed IntheSi'iiMTirui Ausmii am. tbe Uixest. beet, ana Bioet widely elroeUittd OXIeulWs paper. SJ SU a year. Weekly. Slilendid eavravlnes and Internatlna In. fnruieltna. SpeeUuea eoy of Ibe Mcleullae A aseir lean sent rnm. Artiiraa alUNH CO , tu lajiliviu AMIUIOAN umoa. U llriaulway, Muw York. THI8 PAFEI1 Swt,H5 Kawsrsvaa ABvaansian Biiaava lit Sprues tat vsi an Marly wraiAsvfinasiir av?aSSl . aaataJ - si alasejaf iv ioiiuir i.iih hi eur ; tn iiiiiuu aiien. InlnaloeA. rarnita, peas, Se., ko , a full llub and lanra enm. all lJKrowtbou our own faruia. W ud Hl.e for duck joiids alwaya nn hand fur Hrrltur or Kail aowlnir. lb Annual natalisriiK . T. I. MliTI'SI.I?, t.rwwrr, laasiwrteweV Jobber, (. Paul, illlatki NEURALGIA CURED. i i r airkbt. N. T., March 1J, 'M IthfttmaUt Bymp Q. t OrTH-filnco NoTcmbfr. iMH, lliavelm-n a ronotnnt (iilTvrvr (nun nriirnlirl and have n! known what It vi to t frc Irum pal a unlit 1 pommvnwd N.T Teb. 70, 'Si tho uv of Rheumatic Syrup, j have felt no pain alnce mtngihe fnirth Umle. I tliiak Itthe beat n-medy 1 hareerer heard of fut pnrlfylnir the blond and forth few w-ki. 'ii re of rheuioallam and ncu. raiRia. w. B. CHASE. CO., I Plymouth Ave., Kocheeter, N. V. " 1.00 per H.ttel or iiH.ittlHN for 0). The . Press THE FOREMOST REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR, 1884. Weekly Press, - - H.OO a Year. Dally Press, ... -80.00 a Tear. The coming rrnr will lie nntnlile. Conpreia, ill rliled between a Id'pubMcan Hen.it o and a letnocrtlo Iluuaa, will te bu.y I'mlilent makliie. The trre.it b.ittleof I'rotoctiuu BCaniht Pre Tradn rill acltate tho C.ipltnl and the country. Tho Presidential campniRn will be the hrilet fniight ami mint excltiuj; pulltlcil rttuKRlo for a quarter of a century. Kurope, lu tbe opinion of tho beat Informed, tremble ou the co citapreiit wnr. Willi aueli nn outlook a lire nowpnper wbicb print nil the nen and tell the whole truth about it le mora than ever a tioceeslty. Hutb a nowa paper Is Thr riai.Anri.l'iit. 1'itr.s.H. Telegraph wire In Its own oHIca place It In InMantatiootii coinmutilc.it Imi wltli a corpe of over II vo hundred newa Riitherera illstrltinted all over the civil. ted World. Tbo aiierUI d.illy cable aervlcn which It lhareswitli tho New York llrralil covers every phie of m'tlvlty In Eurneun life. Nu paper cxerH it In nil tho elements which go to luako up a broad, full, cmnpluto journal. lloiiles lielnit a complete rewapaper, Tiik M'K.F.Kt-r PitfcHS has acvvrM aiwclal leaturcs v.liith put It at the tip. Tbo AontcfurfiiAi. Ikpaiii mknt, enriched by constant contribu tions from tho furcnvrt writers In varinus branches, given tho pracllr.il t.ilnps that pooplo want tn know mi tho linn mid in tlio (tar.len. Tho 1. tLI'iNO II AND Kull Wulirs or .limits Dcpart neut, edited by Mrs. K.i'.o Up'on (.'lark, it full of iufurin.uiiin, hlnta mul hapny t liouchu for every wife, lumber :uid ho ld of a liniiieliiilii. Acrc.it feature of tho Comlnj ye ir wi'l hn the blKhly v.Uu.ililo loiters of Jomtii D. Wkkks on W aires of Wnrkli.R-ineii, t!io gcucr.'l cnndittons of Labor nnd tho Cost uf L'.vluti In Kttropo as com pared with America. Mr. Works, who bad rhareo of this subject Inr t'.io I'enausnf 1SH, has mailo It a life study, and tins been abroad th s ye ir con ducting a H-cial Investigation. I li letters will plvo tho farts as t i cnrnliiirs In all tbo various Industrie, l'.io piirchislu pmreroC Mazes, atril.es, trailes-uiilnnism. arbitration, etc. The Wkkkly 1'ui.hs U full of choice li-ime rcad inpT. with puzzles ami otUor matter fur tho httlo Inlkn.btorles aud paMlmcs fnrmlults and cblhlrun, faihlnn nnles, recipe., ulcanlnm finm current literature, a careful summary of douiostio and foreign ncw i, an I nn earucat ilucussiou of tlio great i)Metliitis nf tlio da)'. KEW TERMS CF THE PRESS: r.y mall, postage free In tho V. H. and Canada. Pally, rserpt Hun liy. M ct. A montht frt a year Uail j , including Hunday.tij ots. a mm. th; 47. M a year 8un..iy Press, I-.00 a year. Weekly Press, - - $1.00 a Yoar, 7ni.'t r'ii't'n PnOflr Ortrrt v.ii,sl tit tur risk und ikulil 6i iuiu's inii.6.' to tUt oriUr n THE PRESS CO., Limited, rillLAUKl.l'ltlA.PA who ie onAcojAw 'o mi. m oiouitAv or mis ooua TRV WILL Bit IIV f V4M.HIMI1 THl.MITH.T TMt CaiCAQaBOCK LSLAND&PACITIC R'T pr Ibe centra! poeition or lis line, eonneete Ihe KaMt aud Ilia Weal tv ibeaboruat route, aua ear. via paMitiigera, wlthuiil ciianoo of our. butwa Cbloao ami IiDMi Clljr, Louuell Blu!t, Iiaven wortli. Alcbiiun. atmunapolls and bt. Vaul. Il eoiiuuuie lu Unlou Uepola with all Ilia prinoiioil liuaa ol road belweun tba Atlautto and the Fai'ino Ooeaas. lie eqiupmvnl Is unrivali-d and niairutn eaul, betuu eotnpoii.'d of bun Comfortable and Baultful Day Coaches. afacniBeent Horlon Un. eliuiuat Chair Cai. fulltuaa'a Vrattleat I'alaoe BlepinJT Cr, ud (h If cat Ltn of Uintnc Car In thm World. 1 iirro Truuu t twoa t liiriwjfo nd lisouri Htver foims. Two TriDai biwu Chi mQ usl MiimuJ0i.4Od Hi. Ful,vi J'uwua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and IJlrect Line, via fli noca ami Kanka. J,'1. '""""y buna oponad belweeu Rlahniond. Worfolk. Newport Nuwa. Chstlanoona. Ailania. Au rusia. Naah villa. Louiavillu, X.esinuiou.Clnoiunall. ndlauapotia and L:iraalta. and Oinalia, Miunneu. olia and Mi. Paul and inleriiivdiale poiule. Ail lluoukU 1'aaiMugera Iravol tn l-'aal express Tralna. Tijikeie for aale al all pnupipel Ticket OBeeela the United HiLa and Cana.la. Baiiaaae ebsekod thrniin and ratee of fare al. waya as lew as ecnpeiilore lhal oiler lesa advaa. latfne. ra'or'.he"14 'nloruu,Uon-0t the Uapa and Fold. "great hock island route. At your neareat Tloket Offloe, or addreas S). Si CABLE, C.ST. JOHN, A) vkta-ftaa.abaalU's'r. ia I IlL raw. Aft, CHICACO. C7ourt L'oclniniH ion. 7IIKR1:AS tbe Hon. Joseph O. I It llu.ber l'rel leut .luilke of tbe Ju.ll- -lal Ulslriol cii iBirioi ""Inn an.lS couiii..sed nf the counties ol (Snyder liMilfltu and tsamuel A. We sal and Satu'l. II. Voder, Li.B. Associate Juditss la and fir Hny.ler county have Irsued their pre cept bearlim. d .te ibe luihday ol Del. A. 1, li-s.1, to tue directed Inr the bolillnir ( au Or. 4ians eourt. a eouri ol tlonitnoo Pleas, court ol Oyer ami Terminer and (loneral eourt ol Quarter Hss'Iods or the peace al Mlddleliorab, Inr the eounty of Moyder; on ibe Mil Monday, (bolon the lutb day ol lieu, limi,) aud eontluue tine week. Notice Is thrrelore hereby Klvsn to the Core, car. J ii ' Ice. of the Peace and i.'onhtoiilen la and lor the county of Hoyder, to appear le ibelr proper psreons wlib tbelr tolls records, loiiui altlons, eiatnlnatinns and other temrmliraneei to thore thlnKS to their others sod to their be. ball pertain lo be dune and wilne-aes a ail pay aona orii.eniiiliia- in bokalf ol tbe t'uiuiuou wealth anlot any peraooi are required lu be tbi-D and there attautllDM and nut departln. without leave at their peril. J unices are re. quested to be puoniusl In I hair attendance at tbe appointed time agreeably to entire. tllvi u under my band and seal at the flber. II'S oltloe In Mlddloburub, tbe 1st day ol Nov. A. IL, one thousand right hundred and eighty-three. DAVID HKICUL.Y. SnorlS. I7XE0UT0US, KOT1CB. Let XJteri toatasseotarf oa Ibe state of (leuriis Uariunn lata of Cenira toaui-blp Hnyoer tlo., Pa., deoeaaad. bavlna bea r ranted to tho un.ler.lMi eil, all person know, na ibamselvaa Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, while tbuse bavlna elsltot will present tbetu duly aulbsntloaied to HOHKHT II AHHINdCH JACUU UAHSINOKU, Oct 15, 'el. Ltecatori, RUPTURES HvJIe tiae nf Hie t.M'll.vpiK lll'ITl llS rl.Aei r If III Al IMi I tVilP' .'NU iiil fin te.liuiuuiuUUl i'.U. Aii4auca.U4(dituliui(,K.X CURED. AWAf AM E A BP 4MF ALL COMPETITION. -o- taVAYBELOiV IM PRICElvJ We have just comeback from the eastern cities. We are able to show the people one of the largest and best selected STOCK OF'GOODS ever offered in Snyder county. Come and see for yourself and be convinced that we TEbXt YOU THE TIIUTE We can sell you a Grand Ging ham for 6 cents and Dress goods at 8 cents. Hand-made Boots at lowest prices. ALXt GOODS CHEAPEK than you ever bought them. No trouble to show goods. All we ask is that you look at our stock before you buy. SEEBOLD & RUNKLE. Middlebuili, J'a., Nov. .'J, '83. FALL SUITS I OVERCOATS The like of wbicb bns never before bpeo display ed in Stlinj;rovt.. Tbere are many rlotbing Ldiihcb in SnyiU-r county, ami encb of Ibeia claim to ofl'er (be bcRt advnutuprPB But vbcn you exuiuiuo tbe ineiits ul all yon will tiutl tbat we mo ubeiul. Abeail iDjtafttefulneps of style. Abeid in Rood Holid newing. Abead iu Gue.matorial. IN LOW WK AltK I'ROUD OF OUU RKl'U TATIUN ON HONEST GOODS AND SOLID BAGAINS It is of the bigbeat impoi tance tn ua to retain nnd enlarge tbe name and "We aro well prepared to do bo." We especially pride ourselves on a beautiful display of FINK WINTEK GkOTHINCJ for Men, Young Oents and Children. A full line of Furnisbliig Goods. OVERCOATS BY THE HUNDREDS, of all tbe diOVtrent fashionable, materials, colors and styles, at prices from tbia side of nothing up to tbo very highest grades. J. B. REED, HUNllURY, lyV. Dealer in Breech & Muzzle LoadiiaO Shot Guns. PINK nnd IS LACK WADS. Brass Shot Shells & Ammunition. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING IMPLEMENTS. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK, ' '. '. 11; SHOTGUNS. 1 CONHTANTLY OIV llAIr. Full line of PISTOLS, CJRT1UPGES f REWLYEItS .T. H. KKKD is nlsn ono TJNWAUK DEALERS L-l - . J SALESMEN WANTED 1 Tn can. vuss fur the sale uf(iraifs, Kuans and oilier Nur urjr Htm lt. HtasMlxensilojFBienl rftinraiitovd. Hslary and lxiiiiia Fuidt Apply at unoe. , l'li'.i H'uisiiKKS, llm lvnlcr, U, Y. Hep. in, W. (staler lu Ibis iat.,) , seessi krsitaseejea. o- Ahead in pood triroruior. .iht'ml in anHoittuent. A hi nd, and mean to keep so. PR MM! TArKK SHOT SHELLS. -u of tlio larpnfc STOA'E AND in Ibis soetioii of tho State., '. . TAKZ HOTICB. ; "lr. .lis,hss left ,M i a,d wiiiT. out any eauaa l..r an 4i.ii.ar and 1 barehirVue,. all IWMMIS SKalii.l wllliiif hur ,( ,u77ii,, SSl Wl!lu u duuis nuuwmited liy bar ' ' ' . ;.SeiH.i;isa.s...: -...WAAuwisau ' iMrf ifitf wiau ri .. T A A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers