The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 15, 1883, Image 3

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r mS
rt V 4 I
I 41 C
Fublitdird every Thursday.
SwTrtrn I'nrsTT rrrTV Thn rnmli of
f nt tr LonnlT r liTl on tint fourth Momlnyi
I kdirmrv, M-iy, n Sjorieulitir, to,1 serooil
.iir' frl piN thrnnutmiil t'i rnnnljr Kill
! y fr'Mi tin tlm r In ti tlr i !..
tlvc lo x lllinci nl t e.r hi'orlieitnt. StP'l
(I i lain feint i. utirl HI elr. lhm tip.
II i,. il t,. Our ol imn will I $ I e-, n
t-' Hi who .-h lorjiik IIimhikIi tlie'n"ti
rfivfsl ir IiipI 'picm :,ii of i nt. I" lulir-M ;
ul o will l"t I'll eutfi'l tef itnl' lej lot Hi
rpliiliiiia II f )' limy r.t or".
0i fis-.iT,Ys
t,')n'-i nt I'll' Itf'tu'enon Iln label of
your paper. Those 11 -;ures tell you
TIIIC 1)TK T'l XVIItt'll Vorit fit USIMUI'-
Uo.x; is I'Aln. Within :i Tik after
Money Is sen', see if il iti lt changed.
'o other receipt is necessary.
Wvit't Mill lis l-TA' iil. l M Villi
r ni n r.i I A . I. v nt i ii
4T) ii 4j I ,.ni.n .1. ; vi a:;.
4 7 ; 1Ij!h rri-l 7 I l
4 ; 11 n l,i"Hn SI
4 HI V H ft n 1 1 1 l. I 7 4 : 2 4
4M HIT h 1 Paint- r T
4.rl 1 1) II sa In. Mi " a ' '
4 00 'iii.i J xvnusnf "41 )i"
am M 17 !M" !' ! 3.1"
841 "47 S' l!ftiii.' M ll'l T .'.7 3 r
3..'4 S. 81 A'luW.I 1 "' .l ' '1
J.l'l .:.! '.' 1. vo-l. n " : i'l
an .:i : Until r '.'.1 : .'
:i II i .''I St Ilillnliil'trll ' : ' 1 '
:i nt i'T ?.! m rr ' 1 "'
U 7 1 J :'7 K iM'ncr "4i 4
V M 7 :." .n p''l 1 4 1 1
V 4.1 ' 47 4:1 Srli,iv,r. v -1 '. '.'
5 7 Ii 4 ft SoIIii-tivp .1. .' . T
V V I 7 V'V f 1 n-lli'-v 'M i f- 4
"Ii:rs 's a calls' izr,i ye ii V to's, an' J;:ti t e','
Tnrkity niHIiiiir apt now in twili r in
Hit1 runil iliM i ( .
Miilill.-liiipiri liotn!ii-t Kill will
wriir Imnir?" 1 hi wini it.
Ii-11'. 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' h "lio.r Cart,
in Hurl It t m. lu-t Snrnl.iy.
w 11
Mii.-T.i-i" Mu-ff "f llurili'tini. i
vi-ilii: tin- rililir" liiniily 1 1 i vt !.
II. A. li'i' li.i-t 111 t'l t nititii'i l:n
IP IV CI IK lit -4 llis p'-iil 'lie" nil Slllll
Ir. WiKi nii ltiiclil'T linx ijiiit p'ail
i t vf iin ilii iii'' .ui'l i- iiuw l.i- .ii
t i tit to In .i-
'I'll"' I I'Trnill v!'i t'li!i"l til" I'n-V
tlli V"i'k yf 'ln' to l l.niil.l fur
lNmltry cf all Kiiuls U no'v lii-in::
i.r"ii','!it to air iiii ivliuiiH in l.ii,.'!
ii;iiit ii i'.
A.lniii MiiiiT anil x : ' ft CatitiT
I hi .'), D"l. arc vi.-iiin:i Snyi.lcr cdiih! y
li ii nils mill rt-lat i vt'r.
Henry StctliT wliu t t"ii' hiii't fi'lini
in I'liii'ii enmity ;'iiii!!:tyi'il with lii
I it li t - ill 1 1 place.
Doc. liirher w.i out r ' 1 1 1 1 1 nn.!
h'.iut n li - iitli a il - ocii a tn - m il a
pli - m il a IHi'l.iT.
1 ii M 'i lay tliU vicini1 y wim visit
il ly a snow dot in. The ir.iiiin'
wa-i covcrc. 1 willi ."'m-v.
Doe. lla-iiier Ii'cxpN at tin
V'al.ii; :t in li(n:-e 1111.'. tint at ;!r.
Jial tci. a.) stuac liavl suppnsi il.
lietij. Wittcmiiycr i f I'rim'.ilin ha--
1 1 II 1 lli resilience e, wllicl;
nlils lillic'l to i' appi iii-.ui"".
'l'lie iiy-.tef.iii n r aid la-s nmiIIv in
111" I'. H. I'hup li "it Sat unlay even
iic: wiim not a siicce.-s tinaiii iallv.
Colonel, liow many bail'
"iiir 1'iiioii coiiti'v I elv
i.. r lip
1M tli.-.t
ci unit ci
i!.- t!:e eaci
O. llrutmt Arnold n umlllntf hohlnd
tint counter M aorxoiint Outellui tliin
vi'o!t. He tliinkn tlmt tin Im lvclon
Iter n talent for JutNlno, ninl witli n
little experience will lie ftblfl to beat
till? llOf,
M.C;. (iiitcllnn started to tlm ritv
on Moml lay a in frcyh Mock of
tfou(K We lea in from tlm U'cdmo
il y jmpern Mint tin cnlicd on liisol.l
foinmandcr Kvi )v. Hartranft on
Tuitmlny. Tlm Uov. was niiU'h plcuh
I'll to M'O 1 1 tt.
a i!irrt iiiai-K near l:a: liecli ("cell on
(lie liioiitain Sonlli of till: place on
ev ernl occii'-ioiiM l.y part i vlio nro
eni,'a'je tliere In eiittin prop ti:n1ier.
(n FrMny a party of Iniiiter went in
;i"irch of tlx? bear but failed to route
old bruin.
W'o are infonned that Dr. T. 1?. Hi
bi(,'haii formerly of Middlebinvli.bin
worked up uie n lii Tntivi practice
it Mt. Fnioii, Jlimt iiurd'tti county.
I'll" doctor . taicl.4 at th" Imad of Id,
p;'ol'cMi)ii and Wi? predict fur liini a
i'l'iulit future. HIm family i still n--iilin'
in tli is place.
When tlm editor nf till- paper left
for tlm mountain on Monday m tft i nr :
be Imd bin lnoiitb I'-icked and primeii
ill ready to hi, i. ot otT. Ifn deer
tra witbiu one hundred ntid ift
yards f that machine : it w ill think
'hat a mine of dMiaiiiilc has ivvplod
Ml luesilay evening I-rank Kelt'
-aw u tii'-kev llviiiLr o'. erli.-nil ninl
Liking it to lie the American Fa-.d"
h" oie. hislll iUtll to cheer, II' Il
: Ii" turkey . Wi ll - Frank cii.ui.!
'd his n. Hid mi. I iiisle;a ol cl iin'
'u-oki' be :!rd coiiiimni hie iit all into
; i s.
A report reached this place on Tue"
lay lien nun: tint of i be party ol
huntcrx who left this p i ,n
lay that nearlv all of Ibem wen
-'nt In-f. ire they reacbed
-lianty," we li.'lieve it to be true, for
e siw th" tops of the f. e.ii,i- stick-
iiertcit of th'ir picket whin th'-j
c It. The editor was uninjured he i-
t' reii:!os sll.ioi liliaself.
Fioiii 1 o". l ii-k, iiuiiii, of Sunday,
'.ive:ii!ii-r 1 -I '.i. 1.: :t, be a'uh.rd
u I II I. i;i" of lh" I' uh Ipl.i.i
Ileadin;.' Uaili uad Company wiilh"
I hat b.ise.l it..-,n ...Ve;i!y liflb
aiei idian of , s hui-il ii. I", and tic
hour named, correct li u" under the
n -w standard will b" !;ien from lb.,
ofiiee .' tin. Superintendent (.f; '1',
rapb .it Heading tuail telegraph of
All ( locks an 1 atclies ni'l.-t b ' s (
to conform to the new standard.
.1. I',. Wi ' n i n,
ficneral Mami;'i-r.
The ?r:Mil!el.iir-h Choir was th
.llbjeet of a ii al of f l v.irall!"
.laiment a."!er the lecture by I!, v.
paii".'r in the I'nui t l'ri
day evetii:;. for the v ji: is! t manin i
in which (la p ndered severrd 'e -i
'f on that i,c. ai "i. A'lh m !l
.11 ('id well, special p.abe jsdiieth"
I'-u'anist, .1. II. Kb m.U. Tie. !.
comp ised Ol' the f, -1! ,w!tl;c per:-' lis :
f. II. itlioiul-, oiiraiii-I ; 1 'r. if. .1 . 1
St. t! :, eo, JidtJ. M. Darber. Metiry
-t .-tier, ba.-.'s: Dr. ). IM,;ir 1 1 ...s- in: -er.
K. C. Walter, teii'-r-.: Mrs. (i. A.
''cl.o -b. alio; Mi-s Alvi-da Wet. ninl
Mrs. . (i, Farbcr, s. .; ra uos. Ti.i-
In ir ha i ma le rapid
under the iiirectorsliliof,J . M. I Salber.
John Mldlewnrth ban moved Into
liln now liousf on Went utreet-
Fphriilm Kliiie ban bcnuii tbo erec
tion if n new house near the west end
of Walnut Mreet.
Namuel Nnook Is erectin'; fn nddi
tion tub's house and otherwivo im
proving his residence.
Albert Kngle, ( 'buries F.ini;miin,
and William Ifovel caught three fox
es In about four hours, on Saturday.
II. I. iJomljr, the maniifaclurcri f
the Double Spiral Fed Spring, lies
been In town, and hasappointcd y. (J.
We I It his ii .rent.
Th.- Democrats hi this section have
all been up Salt river.
J. -mum Ai(;ler raised u radish that
Weighed 1 1 i pounds.
Ilo-f cholera lias somewhat revived
A M. Carpenter lias lost t went v one
units during the summer and fall.
The new brick pavement in front nt
lobn M. Smith's residence improves
the sidewalk.
Cult b Shirk and wife of Kichlleld
tave visited frl aids In town,
Inhu K iiii-i iue, operator at Fed
lord, bas i.-ited friends In Denver
Master Frank Simpson of Seliu
;rove i (lie irucst of Jndcje MMdlis
Mrs Kiilicn Klose and her dau:.'htcr.
lis. Adam Smit h, of Ad.llll-lilll-..,' hp
i it ai.: ft ieiids in town.
.b'lm l Smith ma.. a bu-iues
t rip t.. Philadelphia r week.
N'T Smiili and wile are vi-iiiii";
Iriemb. in Centre county.
The m w railroad is in rutinim; or
tier for some distance from the nioim
lain. I'.u tie- :;uin,-t.i (he mountain
for whortleberries next summer will
liielittu th'-ir In I ei est to seeure a
In- -a;;!' over this road.
The latest fraud p-'i pet raed at this
pl.ic" m.i-that of a youiiLf mini who
-old a kind of plaster, which he war
ranted to remove corns and warts in
t'UMU lionrs. lie promi-eil to stai
-evei'al days and refund the money if
tl e Were not removed : but be slid
I'-niy tli-app. in d withoiii paying hi
I'o.ird. The I In-t er is ( boll" hi toll
patent wmroii irreas...
'I be I See. Verlowil l.ileniry Soc-et',
I . . I .
uas in .en iv oriraiiireil ityttie y
men of t own.
Tor the I'oT.
Wenndertan l tho ('.v, Iji'.bnte,
this year fs to be lielt' bclr'-en ;hrist
inns nnl New Yea-. H N eertainly at
tho wroiiK titim. Tho Pciiim , Kelmol
law nays, "Vint a Co., oifitufe nlmV b
ill ..i'ui (if latrtfi f( (f'tt.t." As Christ
mas: occurs on Tuesday, 'he institute
will be In sfhsion only a bout twoilayn.
The firt day will bo romiimcd in the
organization, we venture -,o nay that
about one-half of the twicers will be
pri seiit on the hist day. Of all the
Institutes held hi tUe. ii;vte. Tl:e
S.iyder Co ,1s the only one lield at that
time. Wc Mippose tho time f ir ad
jotirniiiciit, this year will ba the
same us lust year. The Co., Snpt.,
should take not ice of this and roc hi
-i-ler it. Justice and the Hoard of
lircctors are no, satisllcvl.
Moneyellt moved
Aililani-lairif. ,
"so valuahle and
'l Tl!' sd.IV H"V
from tiii- place to
are s.rrv lo loos
IV pec ted a c iti.'ell.
On 'i'ue c! i m f Ferry .V Mass's
mule s bad bis Ice- i.-oken while com
in' from the i mi-tin. Tb" poor
cn ature was killed then and there.
Ki.'i'oi! i ii. i;.
. .
K"V. II W. lii-nss bas had a very
inter, stin-; protracted ineelin-.; at
ltoweiso's church, three miles south
cast of this place. About forty per
Si lis w ere coll veru d .
.1. M. llartinai, reci mly toak a li'i
iness trii. to llarii-liur:;-.
Coiainiuii ui s-rvi-es' w held in
the i, i,,n t '!i".r,h tin Sum lav by !,Vv.
I". K. J).-il. Hie liefoniied pastor.
Tlm chr. 1'iie. weather grumbler is
about to ch.imre his croak from "too
n I III to tun cold."
Onasymiare correct. The l:i,v n?
cplires the county liistiiute t be ii
-es-icin five tl ays ; uf course, tlmeiiJ
lowed for K'ohnr and eoiiiiii ,'. Hon
the boards of directo.- tail allow
teat hers live days when they only ul
tend ins. it Hit- three; is a thin"; we cmi
not explain. We refer the question
otheCo Supt.. who in bis piit
wisdom is pe rhaps aide to eyph in
iu t bin;.-. Our opinion Imwexer i. 1
iha, hi: has a kind of a hoi,' law i'f hi-
lW II.
"It'll war nts un "Free Trade" a moii
his der tinner do-,'. Silid.-r sc-leiu bill
i'b im favor for an tai ill."
"U'os hut tlich so schn-.'l , ! r.ii t V"
"Well idl boll us te tsi i.lilur , "-alasa
We Wolfel dus see ill Ivll-loli, ,;laile-
kalTa kenna. Ich Imb itmi r an w inder
-nil K.'eca iiii--a. und ich bin nuiuier
t.-U em Solly Oppenheillli-r ol, Si lill--i'l'nve,
im du dad.-l I ii' r i s lb , ht nel
u'la a. nvver icii hah webh-r "jakoft
tun cim th s hie im u 1, 1. 1 ,,i,) kenna
woo sic u-i P.' bi, lVent ;,i ;i for an
lei aravet."
"Well, wo- hut se ll Init dem t.-u do"'
"V.. list so feel. le h it nil li t to.
ile iiu.-r an bo, her (arid uf '! od- hen
lone dan s tie (;l,ider hocb liiaeha.
I ' men - ta Merchant s i tenia h Hie e
.Use un le.!,alVa era ;;lader,a ho it tlrei
mold so hocb tic. se setlii."'
"I n clo sa.dit ini.-r this tier Solly
bat-til ki n t.irilV
"N.i. ich bub sell m t jfasoj'ht.nvver
ich hob ;ra-oirht this tier Sully ippeii
beiiin r I'erkait so wolfel this icii net
sail, i koli W ie ai.' es dud wtiil tl ohera
net keiia ii;n am hoeim larilf. So
I .ii.' tins ich my -jader kail'u k.,i( fun
la S. illy I ppciihei r on free trade
ira un yr,-i; ,t r .luj; fur lay aiavi t
hin icb in favor Iue an In icher t.-n it'.'
"Wdl. i- It hob f.e shun fur del. i i'a
hat ., und ifli in in iiinolil die kinm r
ii: r l- a en, Solly de next imcli un
ri, see mis mit Khtder Inn kup tsii
i'iie i"t t nre of 1!
"ii .'.! iri in
li- d at ii,
A. II.
'I'. 7. Smith. K-o . bus p.ut on a new
roof and niHil" otheri.iipf'ivei.ieii'son
l.i- ri -idi iu e on S inrstr. el. 'S'ji.ii'e
it looks u, .
A parly of A, la nisi turners were in
1 iwii on Suinlay, mm ter ihcu we no
I iced ihe smiling conn teiiaiict.' of Dr.
A. Al. Mnith.
I'ted, Fowttf and Dave T'eiehly
wtiidd better semi for the Fpiirata
blood hounds, and no iilliili"; for
"Dutch Dalton."
Mrs. I'.llen C. Aurnnd has just re"
reived a MW stock of Millinery t ioods
to which she invites th" attention of
the ladles of Middle hurcji ami viciu-
Co, Walter, has hleepine; apart
Hu nts, in the "Dost Flint bitr O;',!
Ilctlesiri-s to have Mutinous furnish-
I for tho Hccola.llui ll.ijll of his
,'verybody we meet lells ns that itth uiebt.
i-c.d? Do the infernal fools tiiink
that -.vetloli'l know t be ililVercuce le
t ivcen .1 ii 1 v ami No veinbcr or have
lu-t all seiisil.ililv
I I-aia'l F-.iwei'soV of I ' , f ,,i. . ill.,
i::pl'o i in Mil - ' . i . ,
, ,, ,, ... .!'"' h'l" tl here on last Sunday 4i
.Now the lon.r. cool evenings are up.
Uller which was a, I v. T-1 'Ves Us wilt, a re parents
r.iiou ehilivh. took Hl.i.'c "l' W,'U '" " w" kll,,w '"'
111,. I 1. V'S III'., ff .... . I . . .. I
in i !i" ( t, mt Hons i 1 'r, la,-. . nil, ; . ,' ,
- theCommi-loners' -cl '.. ' I,s Wl" h, ""'v l'"t- II.C.
hu-'to build iu.'.Ti.ereie , i '"""I';"'
;,n was , .cle I bv a lai ' ... Mover, ami Alfivl Trovel. of
n.d vei-e a; ;,.,,,-;, audienc'.. and thei 1 ,'"x, lv,:i" w-'" in town on Sunday,
lecture was n.m of ibe rare literary j l'an'1"' visit our sdmol.s and m-c
IPMts Ciat mu-t be b.-ard to be-,pp,-.'. , ,!"u ' ''""o lloot."
ciateil. II" follow. , the K''e'i itIuiti- 'bi.-U.'n colera is still about these
i' fivin the cradle to the .'r.i ve. and 1 ' M" collars them by the
Ls-wi, i...a
".t the e-ritii d, -I no ers, I'n.up 41 nt I
VV'li-....i..u, Il you I1.1t t h i I
popular standby ami 'incomparable
reui'dv. Dr. Kes'sler's Finnish Coii;.h
"tb dicine at band. Tin- wiseandpru
h lit f.iurly keeps it ill the l e to
he lirepared fur einei'yrelicies, pri .' 1
in. I .VI e.-nis. S,, I and warranted liv
Dr. ii.tilt. i-. Mid.ll,'biii-i, Fiu
Wo Cna-'fTlIlm.
''When Oreeoo her knef Greece
knee--fireee.i'i her knees," Mniniurretl
nn Mu bar raced rh'Hil boy, forcjettliij;
the next lino of iii-t rerltiitlon. "There
is no oe"asion to grease nnybodv's
knees,'' shouted bis teacher. "(lo
study your piece." Neither Is there
occasion to urease your hair. Park
er's Hair iuil 41111 Is all tin? dressing
you want. Hcstores theori;;ina1 irloss
uml color to uray or faded hair. Does
not soil the linen: not a dye; e;nod for
the H-alp; prevents falling out.
Liva Ar:r.ts Vr.r.toi
To sdl Dr. Chac's IJeelpes; or In
I'ormatioii for everybody, in every
county in the l inicl and Can
ida. 'l'";."l bv th.' publisher to
!l pa'es. It Cotllllins over '.'.O ill
.1 uisi-hold recipes and is suited to nil
las'- sand conditions of lo.-iety. (
W'niel. i f'd book ami a bou- ebold nee
ssity. It sells lit si-hr. Iiieale: lin
hiceiiient - e cr o.T 1 red to book 1, a "i 1 1
ample copie s sent by mail, postpaid
for f.MHi. l'.c!is:ve terrilorv nixen
A.jelits in. ire tba'.i il 'Ul.le (heir t'l- 1 i
x. Address Dr. Chase's St"iim Print
inn lions ', Ann Ailmr. Mil iil-aa.
Ai!'!il :'. '. ':'.. I'm.
The Fisyd.t Shirt at S. Oppenheim
I 'ane bo torn ( 'hairs ns loxv as pel
J to.e at Keller's.
Carpels (if all kinds at x our own
prices at Keller's.
Flour and Table Oil ("loth stiil the
fa re at Huffman's Selin-pive, Fa.
The only Oriental Khnir 1 Hand
made Foots fur side at M. S. SebltiV
.r's, Seliiisrove. Fa.
si'.wiNti maciiin:: rmi s.m.f..
Apply to F. Wi- llurlt, Si litisu-rove,
I'.i. 1 iuod Maciiin" and will b,': ,!i
It will pay every body to cxionine
t l.e in. tin I'M' Muck o Fmniluic tor
side by the Popular l'uni'tun' man
W. II KKLIX I.cwi-lown Pi
Wam kii 10 a ;eiits in Snyder Co.
to canvass and sell u'liive Stoin-s and
Monument. Ad, In s.: ,,r call mi N. S.
l-'ishe r, at Selin-rox , P,i. j
When yon :."t to Seb'ii;;rove. stop!
at S. W. i-'. lie has jtlt inlded :!..IM
yard t.f carpet to bis already lai':-'.'
stock, ami bis immense line of all
kinds of tr io s i, co,upl"t '.
Mens, !oys. ami Youths Ibiois,
Wiiiiii'U-:, Mi-.,", und Chil-heii-sh. te
all I'.hnira Hand made for sale cheap
al Sebroyer's. ear Depol, Selins
.'I'ove, Pa.
Silt Win "i: Sr,iii'-. I'mm the
owner' residence, near M i,,l!ebur:di.
about September P., l'- !. a black and
white F 'ii-rle ho. tnd. The per-. .11
lea vim; inform it i.-ai at this o'llee t hat
w ill lead to his discovery w ill be bin r
nllv rewarded.
The famon medical eel Flannel! un
tlerw car Is one of S. oppeiiheiiiicr s
Fu Valo, Japnuese. wolf and Lap
robes, burse blankets .Ve'.. ill jjreat
variety at S. I ippeiibeiinerV.
S. Oppen
Now is "Woiafi ITicaac !
Iwinh lo infrra l"0 rcsiJcuts of SnyJor conolj ILat I Lato a Coo M-
Bortmont of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters,
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
fnclticlin.' Ihe New T.iolit Ilonso Cook, Silver ILirjt J n lies' I'litle. Tpnrei
C'ookn. New (Sumsiiine, New .JiiHper. New lit-coi l Jetirt'eH. Itis
viucible, Tl.,) Spenr llcntcin. New Kntly 1'iwn, IStw
lis. New .lasper Heiib rs, New (ioiihti JStm
J'ut place lii-at"tH. ninl oHiom. .My
Heaters from 15 to GO Dollars,
,ito all of Ibe latest pnllemn nt? 1 brf-t ni ilcrial, pmi nr,l c .1 to ho nH cheap
oh tlm da ii pent ninl us ns I he let.
Call and sec tho Fine Cook Stoves,
of which hdvo ns larjro nn.l wvV, ", t led 1 sl -c!; n fin be forrnl in tho
ooiit.ty Hli.l at pnci slliMt will toii,.-iit! with U' lesnle Ifraiscs.
Tinware, Spouting and Fwoormg.
None Im F.o vt'i'y 1 est tn.itci i il u n d Sp .iilin uml Ihic llii"; J.tiO oa
sliolt UotR't.'. Uft-I 'tclfullx si.bnnMi .1.
MIDDItKliriKJll I'V.
As wo iiitettel moviti'T into our m-w luiihliti"; (Sc'itiiiiit'H 1 1 ('ortier)on
or nbi, ut .hiuuiiry 1, -il. wo would Iil;u lo ro.lueo tcirluvio blutk of
ootls to hhvo the ttoiiblu of tiioviiie; jt, and tlu n lore (.ft'er
in every tleptrtmont. Some j,io.l must l".. saei iflct-tl in order to cltmo
out. The Mock in imw fall and ci mpldi, with a luio variety cf hiulit-s
u:d Cliildii n st'
which is the linesl lincr-rer h livcrcl in (ho coutdy. I )i'ss oods
S SUmiIc., Ni:ivs. I .;li4tM" :it Ii, I 'liiiiiutM
J -ii I i s n ti4 1 4n t i 'n;,.' .( i- in,, i u (.ni l.i,,- o
( riiiiintoxx n W 1 :i nd 1'li. Ibir ivtcck of
(Dtt Dwells taE2cO dDBa?Eilas
in nnHiirpasHtil in Cudiiil l'i nnsjlvni.iii. utol will ho fchl nt
IJctutiiiLi-'i tho uvijor put of tlm s!o,dj. MI 'ST () h jM buforo J.iu. 1, 'Si.
f-Miimrovo. Aii','iict S(lt. 1 ss.J.
Those seal
lleillll'I' S t akt
I. in eais at
the cake.
( iociil suit s for bi ivs
for cents, at I reif u
liiisi'roe. Fa.
at il.'.O. Mat.
s i. lip Is , Se
A p
of Mt Don
I x oi ill rowilel'- n,.
i veil of I be em irnaai-.
ec ! i.-al
lllilli-l ere , I .
i .....
inuiio 'i- i.i worms ros
In-ali n and appel He i he re, nil .
an. I warranted by Dr. Darber,
tliebur.-ll. Pii.
:.s i.i
eto!!e l ti e l!ia;iy c, inin -t-
over t h" Koiiian ( 'hiirch w!
. i .
im nine mm "rnvii Hi.. xvi,!.-t scop,.
o hell.-ai ilil y by decking its reli ;i,:'i in
a thiiisy i-lt. iik of sentimentality. The
only objection to tin- lecture was what
was thought its I'i'evity-lhoii-h h
mil spoken for u:i hour and fort live
f Lather I "'"'lv ",,lt ''"' uoi.ois...
I, M1,tl)i ' H. Miirtman, Iloptmi S.unpsel,
i.exi .inisser, 1 1 i'ii i v I-. Lon-riind (iid
"on Pick ol this place are takin- in
the hiiittin,; excursion to tlm While
Deer mountains, this week. Hope
th.'V liuiy'et some Hue Venison.
ill ( ap the huckster, explain why
A. W. I'.owersox has just completed a
ll-in' cabinet -iii-iker sluai to i-ciim ,,M,;
-idi-iica im West Main hired, uml is
'"tW I'eailx til receive or, lel-s for nil
-i'l'l- of win k in his line.
f:liciiandoah, l'a., bail a if 3(10,0. K
'"nn Monday, Nov. PJ, one humlrcil
I'l forty-live houses Were tleslroxt'd.
no hundred and Hftv families home-
", without footl or clot bin;:.
We ir Jnfor that Henry Fea-
X'cr. Aili.iii.lwt ... ..r i,.. ..i.....r
'"hu S. Heaver, ik'cM, on Frida,' ami
aturthiy, ilisposed of ell the real cs
ll'' of sakl chtiite id public sale.
' Stetler of Midtllt -burwh ami JI . II.
"'Uimi ami others of Frccbiir;:, were
a a ihiek hunt one day last week, ut
r:vr in lint vicinity of McKclm .1
''If. iSt'lpiel: Ju thicks.
nunuies. It Win ii htlin;; liihiitt to e;;;,MMmm.ind such c.xtibed in ic.
. I . ... . - .
iue lour 1 1 ii ii I nt Ii aninvcrsiiry or the
birth of Luthei'.aml surprised all n to
how little we know about the Ill-ill
who by his dashing-, darine;, and
eoiirae;e had burst the chain. i of re
ligious intolereuee ami paved tic wavl
for tb
on Monday. The two lnr,-e pine trees
... ..oi u i no resilience ot I. (iel.
Soiue of the oldest eiti.ens say they
irht, free judi'lneiit uml free ' ''' ":lw "J!"'"nny a day as we had
I lit imc Site it'.s. -Mr. John St. ill. re
iiresentiii"; the Doi.-y laisv Washer,
- . . . . . t it . .
-iow, lucre la notions in 1 Ins stale-1 ( if, inai is peculiar, luif, there is a
Were blown diiu n
The Ailanisbiir ' ( '.,i ii,.l li i i
. ... - - r. ....... nine
purctt.iscd a new pair ol si s. aeaiu chosen I li..r ,,l,i I i.... in i,
w tin imd to resi-'ll llbeilll ji t-..,k.
lt:;il Oil III i.'il ..f III I I.I. n.i
I .1 il. ....I .1 .'. . to lietlllll. ill
' ,. .' """ biml ha al.-o
eiiliar Ieature Is In the siieoflhe
hoes-l hey are simply Immelisc, The
Tint C. ,il.-. ,.' I.t.,1,, i. tt t , i.
'''llsllctl last. Year's deletion i-ei:4iill
f"' lalcJutctl to chanter till! hi'lltl-
OIIP ri'lk liiCU ijlirtitl.l iLmxnuM ami
n Plltium I IJ" '"II I'll
y tiiei..i ii
'H Ullll,
builder of saltl shoes was severely ecu
mi red for Lis tardiness in sendm";
tlmni. Hut the shoemaker was not to
blame as will be seen by the follow im;
note which accompanied the shoes:
added neveral new
iiicmhi-i-.s, making sixteen in all.
Samm l F. Aurand ami family mov
ed to Wells Tannery, Fulton county,
Pa, on Tuesday, to taka charge of
the Sleaiu Saw Mill fonnei'lir n.
tellih'd by Jacob Fllhllilli, We are
sorry to loose Mr. A. as he wiim n ....... i
"On iicfount of the Inclemency of citizen ami a kimi m i-hbor but the
the weal her 1 wild Unable to i;tt out 1 :u , m- ., , ' ""
into Mr. Fepper'H livoucro lot to in. l' '" "f NV''"N 1 '"'"'' can fed
proutl tliat lie luis luovetl in tludi-
on the bottoms.
A. I). Jt.
Jonestown, Miss., Nov. H, 's..
Mr. Sioil in speaklnj,' of the shoes
himself said: "Tlm cows lire perfect
ly sat islh'tl, their hides were
not cut in pieces." Wc Infer from
this Matcinent that It took nt leaM
two hides to make the shoes.
The old pair worn by him have
been carted into Middleereek as a re-
Kovoir fur eels, but they not having
i. i ,.ii .i
h. us an,,o.m l.,i;a Kr.u,. Dcm-! " " lu v ru'u1v'
'"'ic victory. Fred. evi,e,y re I ?t .U", Hl,v V1. ,,,!"" 1 1,0 f'l,;tl
mt; mums ni i nn i-i eeu HP) Kl I'WXVII
with dead llsli fur miles, ami their de
composed state, in addition to Killu
viau siirroumlhii; (he disc.nrdt.'il pedal
covers, has made livingnn Intulera.icc
I'-ovunniut on thlsbMicof the I'osr ami tho ilwcllcis alonjf tho historiu
j luioredit It fo the ul, :ei,c stream have simd for ibiuunre -win.. I,
, , ------ r- - " - ii
i "H uillior, who, Is l.i tl.oj. vfii may result dlsa.stroiihly to tho Dorsev
thin wedt kUiiiiji tlucr for ft',,y Wotber ami its advocate. u
tout, wuUu, v.'u wait, wo tlironl.k'.
J. F. Forrester moved into the house
vacated by K. F. Aunuid. A. M.
Forrester took chiirgti of tho confec
tionery shop, with Mr. Wabblelmek
as head clerk. This is now the place
to buy your bweet-ineats.
Uev. U. F. Hassiu-er of Newton,
Kansas, has conm east to eo his many
iiieuds. Mr. 11. is hale ami hearty
and looks as though tho went unrceil
with him.
Daniel yttul has gone to Willinms
bury. Wo tlo not know on what bus
nes., but wo think hois looking for
some t-no who will niako him a. good
. Ituao Wetzel who has been Hick for
tho put two weeks U ublo to be up
The hog committee U on duty. Will
.'Imi rtport uuxt woek. -
Farm Al' Pit I VAT K S A l,li,-- Til" un
tlersi-netl oilers a valuable farm al
prix ai" sale, situate imar llartle'oii,
I'nii.n eolinl y. Pa. Terms rea-. ,:u,bl.-,
eoii'itl ions easy. ( 'all on or adore ss
Hartlelou. l'a.
Lev. .1. P. Shindel Itatl his hour" e
painted oil West Mitiii street. (Juile
an improveiiieiit.
From a coiinnniiicalioii received
from .lucksou tow nsliip, xve learn that
the Fniceii i, dialing I.M-wuai uf thai
tow lishiji has be en 'eo. e;ii,i.ed. For
w ml of space we ar unable to pub
lish all pertaining to it.
Another re, hi, lion in carpets for
Sivty Days i nly.
Carpet that m-ed toselllat 1.10 now 1.00
1.00 now Mi
HI How ,tl
fit) now -in
at; now w:
Hriissell " " I.lOnow Lou
" " " 1.00 now im
" " " HO now HI
I hav e also reduced my prices on all
my furiiitli'-e. l.'eluember I be.-e prices
are only lor hixty days from Nov. 1st.
( 'oiue ami sec my stock.
Yours Ke fully,
LiiM Kiii.i.Kit.
Wood bottom chairs at i0 per i
doen and a good chair at that, at
Put away tlm liniieii duster, hang it
on the garret tlnor.ainlt lieu buy one of
Solly Oppcnbeimer's world -renowned
overcoats-Made especially for his
trade. Noun others like them.
You cannot iilTord to pay two prices
for goods when you can get the same
articles for half the money at Druhuss
Uro., Kelnisgrove, l'a. Them Is
the place to save your hard-earned
pennies-ami don't you forget it.
FKTTf.KMK.Vr NoTU'K. -Notice i
hereby given that tho printing hooks
of Jcromlah Orousoaro in tho humls
of fiiibert & Crouso for collection.
All persons knowing themselvrs in
tlcpted to tho above, will pleaso call
and settle immediately.
(itLUKUT Si CltOt'HK.
Middlcburgh, l'a., Oct. 18, '83.
Full New Line of Ulankets, Shawls
Hobtry, Under wear, io., ut Iloffiuun'tf
Kim Ira band made Poit-i for men at
J.."0 at M. S. ScbroM i 's, Sclin.-'ro e,
Neat, nobby and styli-h hat for
w inter in great abuud nice nt
S. I Ippeliheilller's.
(il't'llt bargain i'l Dress '.ncil-i lll'i-
otTered at S. Wei-', S,'linPiVe.
We have jllst reluriieil from the
eil v with a large variet v of Miiliin-ry
I f at an v t iui" you ' to S lin--.'r -ve
call at Keller's and -,.. his stuck of
I'etl n inni suits. Chairs, L uimre-. Mar
he lop Til I lies, I 'il l-lur suits, ed-t ends,
Waslistands. Side Poards, Spring
I'd.. Caiun ('itiir-, ('itiii.'ts i. fall
kinds, ic. .V.y.I, It.
A fine lot of 1 n.:i -at Keller's. I
will guarantee every Lounge than I
sell to be jllst as represented.
.Just i ived at Keller's a new lut
of ltcd room suits which will be sold
cheap. Call and see them.
All sorts ol stocking yarn, zephyr,
saxony aud'J feriiianlow u Wools, r.t
For Fancy Dress (ion,!- and Dr -s
'Priiiiniinus l-o lo .1. 11. HoMman. Se
linse,rove, li,
oO.Dlii) Fijile.n inch. No. 1 Fine
sbiiulcs, averitiring I inches mid clear
of knot?, at v Vim per thousand. Cab
i nor address T. II HAitnit.
Middleburgh, Fa."
Cuiiui:i Ti:n w i cgl.Y i V
Simotitoii, llarbcr Sc Cn.
In bin Stoto on MAUivK l' Sl KLLl', nil! be. f um l a fmo lot of
and all pticfH. in (iol.l, Fnc'oin Stone und I'ininonils.
Elg-in, r.ocliford, SpringfieZil and Kempton
in h1 and Silve r, nt i' low pirot.
Wheat !: to j- 1 0-
Kye "in
( 'ot n I'ld
I )als
Filted cuerries Is
l.'npitteti " !
Hliiclibeiries K
Kasober.ics SJ '
Onions M'
hard I-
Tallow Cf
Spring ( 'liii kelis per b i
Turkeys II
Ties to .11
I'.aCoal iSii
Chestnut Coal t r.i
Itlacksmitb Coal A0
F.tfgCo.d I
Plaster, per toll 11 sl
Salt per barrel I til
" " sack 1"
" " " small 11a
of all kinds and d. f -criplii.ns. IHUil'd.'S' J-'AMOUS
I ho j luco to buy WI'.DDIN'ii FKI'.Sl'.NTS. CLK'KS i f all dticrir-
tl'T.s till 1 :i! J. l ices.
ft Pamsas Kings K'isaiisii itzti,
The 1-irgint v.ii ic ty of Spcctaeh s in ( purl i f (he a untry.
i lootls can be biuiie;t fitim New Veil, for st-h cti"ti li tin i re t f t he Im jji bt
Jt-weliy houses in Ametica. tS':iiiiii' a Fj-tcinlty, nntl all
work guiuanleed t') givo n ili-l.ictioii. !'. ir-rii'irs, Fn; ius,
Wu'ifhts, CLaim", .Ve. fall and t vm, inn our fclctk. No
ticjullo to show goods.
El $1.25 a pair
Aurj. T-;l.
On tboi.'ltb ult., at the Lutheran
parsonage, by He A. II. pan-rler.
ALL. Wagnerof Ilea vertown uml Mis
Annie K. Tobias of Troxdville.
On the 4th Inst At Hut s'niiu i lace bv
the Miiine. llr. .laiinii .1. I Jreenbiwi nn.l
lillt Minnie Kepler, botb uf IVotUoiit.
Lewietowu, Ivliuin county, Pcnn'a.
Jin'l! ill'? ISvor.v 1 inil, 1 jiIoi Ohximbur,
Jl i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Itootu, Iliill, mid Ii. i t clii'ii, to
wuil tli int'jiiiss ofn 'tii i'i's()ii.
Painted C-haniliur Suits, from - m . S25tto $55.
Parlor Suits, from - - , iNO'up,
all walnut, oovorod iu IJair cloth, Hi pp, Ihiw Silu.uud TlubLes, cf
any color.
Wulnnt (Mmmbcr Suits, with Mniblo Totis, from $IH to flai
Hoditi udu from to 50
nureuus, Slundg. r.onnqoH, Chuirs, MuMrcHti of nil lindu, TL won
lot fill Wovcu Who Mutlrcss or Spring J'.ottom the L M luudn.
All goods! kept in block nnd ou hand, ready f r (.ale, und nt CAHI
, rillCKS, that xviilcouvinco all, thit yon cuu suvo money by buyiD" xd d
vou get the uohl, nud aUays got what youbnv. lioodi piicted nnd tit-lit
ared, with the bout of caio, to li. It, depot. Cull and 8 o ti e the imutnse
Stock. No trouhltf to thov goodn, OUll MOl TOi' Good Goods, Loir
Prioeii. und to p'.oioui all. Ordor by mail will receive pit nipt atletticn
t all limes. Vol n r.orptclfully,
nu. -f 134 i vv. 12. i'I.IT-