The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 15, 1883, Image 1

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    .VEI.7U . A
I. tl ....... I...
limirnnuiMi nun nil
n Went ntrccf
3 linn begun tno
"Sioune iiear tlio wen'
Is er? tin;; tin
1UIL. x.
Ho that will reason it a bigot ; lio that eannit U a fool ; he that tlarc not is a slave.
NO. VII 1.
lha Manic of tho Rah.
Falling, falling, on the lionsc-topn,
With a liinulo quaint iiml run-,
Like the koiiihI of htiiiuin hettrt tlirol)"
On tli? xll'-nt midnight air,
Or the tears of itngcl! fulling
Wlifii they weep wit lit hone who weep
Or the lullaby of mother.
When they rock their liubes to hlecp.
I.Ike the drowsy wine of poppieo,
With IfVi wlerd, enchanting power,
Coining to the weary lintner
Like the dew to damping (lower;
Like a nihil olecp to those who nutTer,
Or the tenr to tlione who inoiini ;
I.Ike remembered word of loved one,
From our aching Iohoiiim torn.
tStrungly nweet, bewitching iiiumo,
All enthralled my Mene lie,
As I watch thy myotic. Future
With a fhullowy I'uxt go by,
While a culm mid holy ipii'-t
iSfeul upon my heart nnd bruin,
Then 1 fall asleep, Ht til listening
To the tiiiiruuir of the rain.
Ho, inayhnp, sometime hereafter
I "hull lay me down to rent,
Overweary, and shall listen
For the Hindu I loved best ;
When hi gentle cadenee fulling
Through the midnight silence deep,
Hoftly soothe my troubled spirit,
While it luls me into sleep.
When, at last my soul has fallen
Into sweetest, Kind repose,
That on earth sunshine or shadow
No awakening ever knowa -I.Ike
the voire of waiting impels,
Or the vesper hells in toll,
May the softly falling raindrops
Chant u requiem for my soul.
An Epis:d9 h a Farmer's Lifo-
To the city
Farmer Chitty,
Plain, but gritty,
Came one day.
And he wandered,
Ant! he pondered,
Ou his way.
Thus while gazing
At amazing
Sights, and praising
All he saw;
He was taken
Hand was shaken
Hy mistaken
Mrs. rihaw.
Why to right it,
And requite it ,
Him invited
To a smile;
And the farmer
To the former
Grew a wanner
Friend the while.
Foon, elated,
And Inflated,
( bitty waited
For the deal:
When Borne ares
Showed their fitcws
Two hard eases
Made him squeal.
In the city
Stood the gritty
Farmer Chitty
Cursing all.
Not a penny
Of the many
llod he, any
More to cull.
Home returning
Through the burning
Band, and learning
How to tramp.
Hpouse she took him
And she shook him,
Grit forsook liliu.
And she wouldn't believe a blamed
word he said iu explanation.
2rxw Siftiiuji.
Take pleasure in your work.
Think small things important.
Don't let fowls roost la trees.
IIave your stock well sheltered.
Keep np with the improvements.
Don't let fences sag and fall down
Never go to town without busi
Don't i nio stock by low fonciog
and bad fencing.
Don't bang barn ess in tbo duet.
nor forget to oil axles.
Dou't leave wagons, tools and
farm imnlnmnnta emosed ta the
l fW. 1 I .
Don't be s'ingy and penurious,
lint. r.i: i i i. i. .....
.... I I
- . w v.w "'I
If Satan ever laughs it must be at
jpoorites. Tbey ate the greatest
pupes ho bes. They serve him b t
h't than auy others, but receive no
fvages. Nay, what is till more ex-!
Inordinary, tbey submit to more
piortiacation than the sincere!
Charity is one of the noblest vir
ica '.hut liuks ourlb with peifcuiiou
T-----a m
My dear," said Mis. Toppcrmfto
to tier husband last evening, "I was
looking over a bundle of of old let
ters to day, and found this ono which
you wrote- to me before wo wire
J married, when you were young and
"What does it eny T"
"1 11 lend it"
"Sweet idol of ruy boar1. If Ibou
wilt phi ce thy hand iu mine, ntid nay,
dear lovo, I II bo thy hi Mo, we'll fly
away to some fur realm wVil fly to
mnmy Iluly, and 'ncoth soft.cerulcuu
skies we'll busk and sing aud dream
of nan;bt but love. Rich and cozy
paintings by old musters shall adorn
the walls of tlio civile I'll givo thee.
Thy butli shall bo of milk. A box at
the opera shall be at thy command,
and royalty hIiuII be thy d lily victor
Sweet etruiiis of music kIi iII l il! t!us
at eventide, and warbling bir.lj sliull
wnko theo from thy morning slnui
ber. Dost thou accept Htyyts,
and fly, oh I tly with mo."
Aud I flow," Slid Mrs. Copper
man." ''15iit if I Imd boen as lly as
I am now, I wouldn't bnvj ll iwu."
"WLy cot, dear!"
'Vby notT Have yon dono as
you promise.! in that letter Win n
we were married, did wo 'lly to sun
ny Italy and bisk 'nealh soft cerule
an skies,' or did we go to llobokun
and epeud two weeks lishing for eels
on the edge of tbo wharf f"
"Well, yes."
"And how about tho pictures T
You know very woll that every rich
nud costly painting iu this houdo is a
chromo from tho lea etoio."
" Thy bath Blir.ll bo of milk.' Do
I bathe in milk f Do I butho in
milk, or isn't it liko palling teeth
every moi ning to get ton conts out
of you to boy milk for the baby '
'"I'oyalty nball bo thy daily visi
tor,1 Tbo only daily visitors I have
tiro book agents and clam peddlers.''
" Taint my fault
'Swoot 6triiins of music shiC g. eet
at eventido.' The only cliunco I hnvo
to listen to sweet strains of musio is
when you and I go out walking n(
night and follow a monkey and a
hand-organ around the block."
"Ob, I am so sleepy.''
"1 don't care if you aro. Where
are the w ubling birds yon promisee
me? I bear Mrs. Maginis'a crowing
rooslers next dour every uiomiug
Perhaps tbey are what you ino:uit."
"Well, uever mind."
"liut I will uiiud. I was to have
a box at the opera. Whero is it f
Tbo or.!y time I po to an opera is
when you get bill-postei'd tickets to
a dimo museum."
"It's too bad."
"It is really too bad. And then
you said we d talk and dream of
naught but lovo. Since I married
you we ve talked and dreamt of
naught but rent. Good-night, Bir, '
and Mrs.Popperman turning out the
gas and jumping into bed, lo.iving
Mr. l'opporman to batk bis shins
against the bureau in trying to grope
to bed in the d irk
Ungratefulness is tho very poison
of manhood.
Doctor's motto Patients and long
Colitoness is prudouce; impolite
ness is stupidity.
What is tbo worst eoat to bold one
up ? Concoit.
Oao always has timennough if ho
will apply it woll.
Talk to the point, and step when
you have reached it.
Morning for work, evening for
thought, and night for repose.
Why is a prudent man like a pin f
Because bin bead prevents him go
ing too far.
Envy is a passion fo fall of ow
aidico and shame, that nobody ever
bud the confidence to own it.
Be brief, for it la with words as
with sunbeams the mote they are
condensed the deeper they burn.
A Detblebaiu man is tbo fathor of
two sets of twins.
There were thirty-three deaths in
Alleghany City last week.
Two kilns containing a million
bricks are being burnt at Hunting
A raccoon killed 62 taikeys in
due night iu West Ooshou, Chester
'Brandy is dead
Fo tlio men -aid, no the women
said, and bo tbo children called to
each other as a piece of new.
A drunken, good-for-nothing. A
so-called man whoso brain bad be
come dissolved iu liquor, whose mind
was enfeebled, itud who bad disap
pointed everybody by hot dying iu
the gutter, instead of having the
roof of ft tenement bouse over bis
Why should anyone- grieve when
such a vagabond passes away t Tbo
world may owo him room for his
hones to rest, but milling further.
Ho in "I-randy V cuso men said thai
lie was well out of tho way, and wo
men cluttered their di.dies iu the
rooms below, and cured not' for the
prcsenco f tho dead.
When tho undertaker came to bear
tbo body away a dozen peoplo crowd
ed into tho room, and among them
was a boot-black. Some siid that
"Ibandy' looked well iu n coffin :
others spoko lightly about bis face
having at lat lost its ruby color, and
tho dea l pauper was no more than a
dog in their minds, and why should
ho have been t Ono can bo a man
or be cau bo a vagabond. If bo be
comes n vagabond lot him lose tho
reppect of mou. All had a heartless
return k except tho boot-black. He
stood at tho head of tho coffin and
looked from face to f.ico aud said :
"Brandy was low-down, and ho
died liko n beast, nnd yon aro all
sneering at biin ! Did any ono among
jou ever givo him a cbimceT Did;
ho buvo a homo when ho was a boy
Did men try to encourago him and
guide him aright ? Is there a man
iu thin room who ever took him by
tho hand and spoko ono kind word
I'idu't everybody abuse ami ill-treat
him? Didu't everybody look upon
him as a dog T
There was no answer.
"Ayo 1 Brandy was low down!'
whispered tho boy nj ho laid bis
hand on tho eofii.i. "Ho was
"OKtfe aud hnogrv. and poor nnd
liomileRH, and without ono ii gle
friend. What man among yon c nld
have stood out against it any better f
Coor old mau ! They kuow all about
it in heaven ! Let mo Lelp to curr
him down."
And when tho dnad bad been
driven away, and tho poor boy bail
disappeared, more than ono man
said :
"After all, wo might bavo made it
easier for the poor old mau. 1 wou
dur that some of us novor sought to
make a mau of him, iustead of help
ing him down."
A lint of gills for the considera
tion of young men contemplating
marriago :
A good girl to have Sal Vation
A disagreeable gill Annie Mosity
A fighting gill Ilettie Bodoxy.
A very sweet girl Carrie Mel.
A very pleasant girl Jennie Bos-
A "summer" fcirl Ilelon Blazes.
A nick girl Sullio Vate.
A smooth girl Amelia Ilalion.
A seedy gill Cora Ander.
Ouo of tho best girls Ella Gant.
A clear caso of girl H Lucy Date.
A goomotiioal girl Polly Fon.
A (lower girl Bhoda Pondrom.
A musical girl Sarah Nado.
A profound girl Mottio Physics.
A star girl Meta Oiio.
A cliuging girl Jessio Miue.
A nervous girl Hester leal,
A muscular girl Callio Sthenics.
A lively girl Annie Mutioo.
Au uncertain girl ISva Nescunt
A sad girl Ella O.
A serenogirl Mollie Fy.
A great big girl Ellie Phaut.
A warlike girl Millie Tary.
A medical girl Klla Cumpane.
A undeveloped girl Lillie Putiaa.
The passing girl Jeuuie Bation.
A grammatical girl Eltie Mology
A fat girl Addie Cose.
A city girl Minnie Apolis.
A light girl Carry Seen.
A band girl Clara Not.
A drunken girl Maud Linn.
A volatile girl Sal Amooiao.
A drawing girl Lin nio Ment.
A mechanic's girl Kit O'lools.
The menagerie girl Anna Conda.
A noisy girl Katie Did
Our country's Lib Erty,
A dentist's girl Susie Dont
The best girl of all Your owo.
cwxr 7002 own no:
Every man who bus to live by bis
own txertious should bo the master
of a trade and tho o nor of bis own
home. We wish that ive coald make
every voting man in tho lan nppro
ciate the importance of, early in life,
after be lias acquired a trade, setting
to work to secure a modest and com
fortable home f or himself anJ little
ones if bo shall bo thus blessed.
Any wago-woi ker of steady and iu-
duotrioi's habits, iu the possession of
a trado aud the owner of a little
homo to live in, bus reached the
highway that leads to futnro com
petence. The greatest obstacle to
tho progreb" and prosperity of the
tnecLnuic k. Iho constant drain which
tbo landlord mnks upon bis mea
gre income. The man who makes
from SoOO to !?'.)0) a yen-, bus to piy
more than one fourth of Ins wages
for rent, if ho desires tint bis family
bavo ft conifoi lablo mil respectable
home. Kvcu at thepu figures the
bouses that aro usually f r rent lack
tho modern conveniens, anduie
objectionable, both as to situation
and sanitary arrangements. The
demand for tbo right kind of rented
homes is iu most cities greater than
the supply, and fr that reason the
first step on tho part of ;lio mechan
ic toward comfort and inlependotico,
i.- to own bis own houso, Ho must
pny out as much in rent every eight
ytft's, as will scenro a (.ood homo,
and such being tho esse, if bo con
tinues to rent, there is but little
ebauco iu life for the accumulation
of money. The true policy for any
young man ami his wife, ia to prac-!
ticu tlo moPt tigid economy, until a
homo is assured. They aiustbtgiu
the task eatly in life, or never. If
tbey defer it until they got older
and have larger and moro expensive
families, tlio homo will nover bo ac
quired. Once a saving working
mini becomes bis own landlord, be
cau pavo each a sum equal to
his n ut at leiiHt, und Ibis, continued
for a period of yours, must brin a
competence if a judicious use is made
of tbo roomy. It may not bo pos
sible for nil mechanics l.i rhbiin
honies of their own, but many with
a liitlo effort aud self denial certainly
can succeed.
Every young reader hns beard
pussy culled Tabby, but nil do not
know that tabby cut win turned af
ter A tub, a f.uiioiif) street iu tlio old
city of Bagdad. On this street the
merchants sold a beautiful wutored
i-illi culled atubi. In modern duvs
this Pills has beou styled talleta. The
wavy markings of the siik wore
thought to teseiublo pansy's coat of
Til .
-Jei uenves us name from a river I
in Lycia tho (lugutes in tho bd!lls
of which wero found pruooMi black
htonoa culbid gaet, of which juwelry
a made.
A pamphlet itt a book bonnd in
paper. A lonjr, lonp limn u;o a
learned (Jreek lady wrote the hibtory
of tho world iu thirty-five little
books, which, after her, wero called
I'uiDph) lia.
Humbug ia a bit of fuu nimed at
Hamburg, iu Germany, which city
was ouco rather fimoua for ottii
up gcurjutious which turned out to
bo uothiuj very wonderful after all
Hamburg no a a was humbug.
Dollar in from tlio Ueriuun thaler,
named from Thai, iu liohemia, where
were locutod tho Bilverworka which
mado this coin.
Mouey tiucos itn history to a re-
moto peiiod, whou the coinage of
tho I'omana wan struck at tho tem
ple of tho goddetiti Juno Mouiota. -
larjw't Yuuny J'totlc.
Tbo bog cholera ia prevalent in
and about York.
Harrisburg is no longer afllicted
with tramps.
Dy taking revenge a man ia but
even with hie enemy i but iu pasn
ing it over be is superior.
Contentment ewells a mile into a
talent, and makes even tho poor
richer than the Indies.
He travels safe and not unpleas
ant who is guarded by poverty atd
guided by love.
Pride is increased by Ignorance j
those assume the moat who know the
why he left the cnuacii.
"Yes, I ba gibbon np my bench in
do church," said n colored brother
' I koin't 'ford ter b'loiig ter a con
giegutiou what employs such a thief
ob a preacher. 1's duo vi 1 him, an
I d an 'low him ter speak ter uotif
ub my ftim'ly "
' Your preacher is ft bad man 1
"Well, I reck'u bo is. Dut run
ain't boues'."
' Iliivo yon proof of hie dishoues-
"I reckon I has. Tether night I
went down ter do ben bouse, hd ii
hrntn a mighty lluttetin' 'miing di
chickens, an' who phouM I,
but dor preacher, n helpin' bi-so'f to
de chicluns. 1 'ill's nbv I say be
iiin't honeu'. In fuck, sir, I'so alums'
'viiieed dut dm 'a suthiu wrong w id
de num."
"..bout what time was it wbeu
you went to the hen houso f
"Bout II o'clock iu do mornin',
sub "
"And you found t'10 tuinittor
there .'"
"Yes Rah i foiin' him lil' in down
di chickens, an' dut' why IVo fonn'
fault wid de church."
' Docs the Leu houso belou.; t
you r
"No, stih ; itb'longs ter Mr- Jack-
"Well, what wero yo.i diing !"
"Hul. V
"I say, what busimss bi d jo t u'
the hen houso at euily hour .'"
"What business I bud ? Why
sab, I why. sub, I beard do chick
o'is s 111 i' an' went dur. I didn't
n ant. none ob do chii'keu.4, h.iIi. 1'hi
got atl do ehickeuH I wants. I hap
pened to be outer bed at do time "
"What work tiro you ougugod iu?"
'I say, w hut's your busiuo-ts
' I bus been a preacher."
"Why did you hupi ou to bo out
of bod ut ;i o'clock t"
"l got up ter gago iu 'ally pru'r,
sub. lo piu'r oh do 'ui ly libir is d
soones' answered ''
If you v; anted to pray, what
miide you go to tho beu bmibo !''
"Huh r
' You heard what I said."
"Wall, I went dur ter suo dut di
cbiekens wusa',1 rigid.''
"And you found tho preachei
there '
'Yes, sab "
"What did yon nay to him ?"
"M.ih ?"
"Win know very well what I ask
. What did I Pay ter him ? Why
sub, I tolo him to turn looso do do
ui'itcko' ben. Put's whut I paid."
"Why did you want him to turn
looso the hen
"Huh f '
"I wanted do ben myself, pah "
'Then you are as much of u thio
h0 lH '
' No I ain't Vuho wo don't 'long to
tho huiuu chui ch. lVo a Methodist,
I in, Put man in a Any
how it gin mo Hiich a dingnst tlut 1
init de church. Hut'a nuificieut
I'ho a gwino to try Homo udder
'ligion, 'c.ihu all dut I Iium tried
ihnliotiea'. Wlieueber I I'i-h 'm ii
chinch tl it'll keep mo from Hte ilin',
dut'd mine. Up ter din time I tiin'l
fouu'it. 1 ain't got no confidence
in a uigger, nohow."
Thcro 11 10 a bet of malicious,
prating, prudent gotisipa, both male
und female, who murder charucterH
to kill them j uud will rob a young
fellow of hia go d nuiuo boforo ho
btiH ytura to kuow tho value of it.
8iu is uever at a stay ; if wo do
not retreat from it wo ahull advance
in it ; uud tho further ou ive go the
moro wo bavo to coiuu buck.
l'laiHo nover gives us much plum
ure aniens it coccur with our opin
ion, uud extol us for ipialiticb
in which we chiitly excil.
lMato, hearing that tomo ai net tod
he was a very bad mau, s iid : ' I
bhall tako cato so to live that n it
body will believe thorn "
Tho proud have no friendx t not
in prosperity, for then they know
nobody i aud not in adversity, for
thou do cue kuows them.
The prodigal robs bis heir i tho
raiser ribs himself, Tho middle
way is, justico to ouiselvos and otb-
Gaiety is out a-proof that the
bfBrt j8 (lt M8f lot Uii in tlld
I'luisicians. Ac.
'entreville, I'eiin'n..
llltwm lit irnfloiiil tnt l-o to Ihn rti n
ill r. iiiri-ril'o n l rl"lnll-. Auk. 1,
M i.lilleliurKh, lVnn'a ..
(Ht r. hm m:l . rvlr-p- I i ilm i ll l -n .
hi vl 1-1-1 1 rw M nml I 'IMt i o ..(r
rl ut W a -lil hm tun lmu. .1 u'y C.'nt.
j (iuir.i: i;vuii!:.i,
M idilleliiirxb, l'elio'u ,
Off, r- din tirn(i'"-li ti il rvlrp I tl . I"tii
I ilMilliliu-ii mill vli-lt lty. 1 11I1-1 i i-il i un
olr( tii.- i 'mi rt II.mi-c !- A rn...r I in .Miik
Uiflltni-i- mi cnrtier t t "Ho I:. It I'luir.-li-
j II. HOllDM'-K.
IMlVM(i tl K ui.i:o.
Mk vi:ii town, l'...
I I itlnr hi-iToi---nn o -nrvt. pi tu tti 11 1 -pms
ill li i- -tuw 11 , v .
I r 1.. - i.
Frcm it.t. Snyder county, Pa.
Mrti.lii iini.l lllt,.ir 1 'hIIuko "t I'l.r ilin
.til Mn u iri. I'lli-m t.l 1 r.'li'-l nil -n ut
tu 1 ho . inlli-. ,Si, m KnK.I-1 Kiel tiriunu.
.March, 17, 1H-1 tl.
Physician & Surqcon,
id'i c Nirii;., .N'liiiT ( iwnhi, '(.
H!lr lil iriil(-iiii,i nervlcr-t to Iho tit Ii
'III. mi VI .t 1 ti -trout. JunoTJ ';,,
)ll. .1. O. WAdNKIJ,
I'll j li I it is iintl Mireoon,
lliTor-i ht. iriir.ion il m-rrli-nf
A'Wiii-tiirn miU vli ltiity.
In On- r ti. n-
.1. Kl'lvlll'.UT,
ici uiii-:ii 1 's itt.oi K ,
Si ItV.fnn , '(Hu t
i'rn.'H"l'iiil buiilnana i r 0 11 t 1 y tntnloil in,
v. y .-i,
Kintzi ri'illi , Sii'ihr (ii.,
1 Irlom hi prnfiK.lnnnl -or l''o tu tlior-lllfn"
0 lirnn irvlllii in-l vl 'lnlty. iik ? ,';
Uluitt;.Li Ml'.i'll S!'.L DKNT1ST
Selinnirovp, I'erin'u.
Iloh l (lords
1 1 it If S'iro Smith nl Holmi'ir curutir.
.101:1, ii. in Mil i;, Piopv.
.(mi t t' o i nn vi'i o .
TciT.'.o M 2i per da?.
Mr. K loh I la almi nxvnt I- r nil kin In nt l ino
I tnpli uiuiiti, Mpl. n, ''.i.
J. M. H0U5ER. Prnprietr
flit- Ii it-l h i him y li on relit til nn'l rolur
il-lin.t, 111 k 1 11 u it 11 ti .iiHi. i- I I ulnl In nil rr
j.o.'i- N.ipal-i- w 11 Li u H' llr. t l ir 1 ho ii .Mm
:ti 1 I i'l hi nl t i tr 1 1 ol in.c 1 . 11 ii I li .
KI-hl'iK I' iril i ulll tin I I hi -1 1 1. nl I I.m lrt
pi irin in Ih i-niiitv tn el; tininl li.lilli;:
11 I'll llliln II ltd vl.iii.ll.. ul tho h . 1 0 1 .
A 11 -t -I.
JOHN W l-'OtHv I.Kit, Prop'r.
Soliurtgfovo, la.
t'liln Itolol In uli-l-iilllli .in:iti.. 1 1' Hi.- "iiiuro.
in t l v.-i v -I n-1 ra,i..- pt-i,'i' fur Ir-ivi-li-ra ln-.ti.ii
tie- hichtiiI' h'i' 'iiii'i . I 1 1 1-11, - ut i.ew rut. n. I'i'r
1, h.i. 11, 1. 1 11 hi ,v 1 : 1 In. ni'r in rail itm. Tfct
l,i'.l nl li'i'i 'r In Hi" h:i 1
f UrO'iU.. li Htturaiil 1 11 0011 in-.' 1 1 w.
lit ll iti-l. Aiir.l'i.'7.
M 1'ffliri (III!
I'.y W.M. IKH.WolM'll,
ski.i nsi; i: i 1:, i'A.
iirtniiilt-lpil, Iti-r irnl-'.icil n p. tnif ripo.l. Tho
iwl 1 'itr ill I toil hoiii In 1 1.0 t-.wn. I'l--t '
.-I i ni'i"i'!liiiiiiliitlniili lor tho (t.ivtillnu I'lihlic.
A 1 til ia '.
1 1 : t . v 1 1 r.
soltril Ttll Ul KTKKKT. I11IIA I'A.
Toi'Jiirt --!$l.r,() porMav.
t; V.M'II. I Ink- Apr.l.'JS.
A good solid Dlacksnit fur only !?1 'J."
Mcu'h neat 1'nion ('iifMiiicio miilH in
dark .o.Od.ii (K)..iJ 2.-,,
!?(.'''. 67 OH $s.U., ?S o'), tin
$10.00 per suit.
A solid good pair of punts at 1.00
and 1,50 ouch.
Lot of Ii3i350!ii3 Over-coats
at 00, $11.00, $0 fiO, 7 5!), $7 75.
es.00, $8 50. 10,00 to $ 1 5 00
each big bargain. Every thiui
Bottom Prico3.
Dry Goodn, Notions, (irocerieg.IIata
,i Clip, Moots & Shoes, aud every
thing iu thft lino of general merchau
Jibe, Ni trouble to uliow poods.
1 1 I 1 1 .1 . . I TH"1
Al (III ui i.m.iir. IKK" i. 1 ot.
MlUld.KlltllU. I'A.
oirt-r tliolr l'ri-1. n-inti' if lio in th Pah.
lie II l u-Mov oniru-ixl tu Ihrlr cr vlll r
i-olvn I'tmi t rl trtltlnn. ('iitinalmtliinf In t fin
llmi a inl u-rinmi. Il"l . '"I-
1:. iiorEinii.
M i.iNMiutivK. Pa.,
1 iir!l 'ti- mul ll iilhor IokixI liii.lni-"" prnm t.
I'i lu. Cuu-ull-'lluiif Id LdkIi'Ii n4
1 In .1111.
JUD t.
V n
I.i iritliuni, Vfin'a
AU tll-li)(. fntnl-t-l I 1 hi i-tr will I
prtfin'tl mioiul. a tu.
s. pt. an, '.in.
j ('.. DI'.ITUICII.
at 1 oi:i 1 r.M w.
M:rk.t S., S oivi in.'. I'c;
Al! 1 riilo-l..n il 1 u-it - T' itn tly nttocded
In. 'ui-ullikll.inr. lu I.tij.lPu nml 'lormnn
15. W l.'NUKUI.Y,
Mil ,'. , ,,)., r ('
run ho onr-tilt. ,1 In KnuM-li i r Hor n n.
Jun.iJ ,'si,
r.. i:owi;u,
Mii.i, I urij, Vi.
il'ri-iinri mull,
uti-u It h 1 on In K-hMhIi
111 J l, 'Tu t(.
b. s noi:ii,
Nov; Berlin. Penn'a.
I'rnfi-stntiiil 1. 1. -in.... ,'iitniktrl I,, pnra
will rnrrin. pn.tnpt atti titini.. .I,,, , jn
(JIUS l- I I.UK'H,
A't'i'iii'v cV Cnnii-i'Ilnr-At-L-,
.,irn-..n At-; '- Mil 1 IIiiik 1. no ii.ioi North of
K 1 1 ot -r. Hiiti-i..
S'lllui , I 'ell It'll.
('nllootl'in ami 11 I i.l I IT .r I. .1li,nl ...
no-. . -,.,-ito, an ) will ri n Ii o , nrotul nt
ir impi H ioii'l'.ii A i r.l I ,'T"
rP J. SMITH.'"
M ll.i,l.l; (H, S V KIK Cti .'r
1 ar til- ,-r,i(r...,inil Scrrli-m to tLa
vA.iii.un:mn in i.tiKiirh nil :leruiL.
A.W.l'OTTKi:, - X. I. lOTTKU
.1 TlOhXr. YS .', V LA II'.
Solinsxrovo, Pa,
I'l.rlholr t,i the
All loitnl I11-I 10-- rnlni-lml 1.1 their raro will
rooivo i.ri.tiipt mtoiiilnn. iirflaeuo M.ln Mt.
July 4. :j.
J l)U.Ci: AI.I.KMAN,
T 7 ) l! .V !: Y A T L A V.
Irii-toil In hi- i-iiro will i.n prnniplly etirnU-
p ri io-ii i-ni 11 1 iiiiriitir-
r'Ollei'tll 11 tt)
ipuy 11 1 1 r
Ktlirll.l, 1
- - ' 11 ' v I- iii-u 1 1 i-ii in r.iiv ii i. ut
' lorinn 3.
lull, e mi Murki I Siutr.
JJ II. iUl.MM,
Atloi'iiov-Mt- Law.
I'i ' Inn u I'h.
fmi'iiltn'l 1,111 h. tu I nuli-h ami Oorman
l.iinii.iKn. Oct. , ie.
' :i t I iiiw.
1 iiii.i:i!i u), k
n I I tihltiomi i i,ir..M..l tn hlr cart Will
I'" pminp Ij nttrnilvil t i.
IVi'lon-l -
7M- van ;i:zi:i,
ll.Tcr-hi- prof. ml, mil -orvlr,. tn II111 puhllo.
iiu--ei,tru-l,l I. - ,re nl I roculvt
pmuipt tf ntlnn.
,.-ii aim mi hm. or iiriii.t,.i.i 1....I.
SelliiHgrove, Pa.
lliTe-. 1,1- pr.,f,...n no vl.-o. t pi..
All l.iimt.iiM' etitruH,, fi I I- 1'aro III It
i r..nni- attcmlo l to.
Ian. (T, '87,
l.rtvlliiiriz. I iiIom ( o n:
'iMP-enn Murki-t str,.i n.,,i
r.-n II. "i o
I, - - - M".., vaBl ui 4,y.
1 1"0. .'I.
1 v r-y iv-iiiT-
now lost, m mmw
Jimt pulill-li-il, nri III. ti , 1 11- ,
V.IM.II.I .l.hra,..,, ,.;.. ,,.,,,' (V.J
no lt,v .I. I,' irv N,.ia !.,...
.... . I I HI hfl.
Ke.iKr,v . InJioi'il'iV.ul.ldu';:
Ht-iio, ,i.r-e,n,i Kiriv-fniiri, '.. ",,,LUU'-
.... .'i.'.' r,'";""' """-' In IM- n.ltnlr.ble op
mi I'lo.i.h ,li 'iimn-irHt. - I-,,,, ,,lt, , ' ",
"ti.M.tlu piHi-il,-,-, ti,., !.,,. l ""
in. n.-o-..l,P-niii-, ,, , r).Vll? runT
Mint Ui iler.eul In pl.- n otivi lni, , to ...
-ill-re-., p..,,-, .1,1. ,, relp, t "
41 4 tin s. . New ,,,, n v . Z'.
1 'I I'. I I I. V r I, v I I . t Mi in., . ....
Ilox, UC,
'ct. IS 8j l.
i r .-tratl ,n, II y,i." i",' '' V ""L""
I. .ll.orotu.o.t.o.M. ..i'.rnr"f .Vu'1i,e;?)'.nA',
A.f.Wi'iM'w "hVA!!,"1 of ",8nn..
IW.yiu,. 4t, k falhuys .-.., IU.
Clcanioi & hmmw Neatly & cucsji-
lul lur.i ,--. "u"'
1 ui yu.M itp.
,Oct. ll,'8i.3m. Globe Mil In, l'.
, --.'V V