' do. C3ULD2TT SLAT X2& On railway train. JmhI lliio il o p'litilj llrossnl, inolhn1y-loo!;il wuin to. nprrmpiiiiie I I y ft u-i-v l v k it lo fishit ra' Iv tlnsft 'l hi.lii' Thn boy . a jji vt-n t 1 nihil,,; 1,1 hi-i-l d fil'flj ij nations und u r.iimtl!? mmuI I whine uo u 'iii i.iiJ t .ijt Liun-elf around and f.et '( I bvl boll of hi a V r h mi;. 1 f. blitter tii'O tilt bo o ml I u stand up, ' aiJ on vf t'.ie ladies, ll ir.i, '.ban. ' rpli-il th imther It I i 1 jr. ,,oi tuny tk bjl I of him If jo'i wnit to rdip hi;u, l.ij. Iii it. I h.eu't tin hoirt to l it." Ki ate roe " f.ltfrtl tbe annoy rd ; "I di I not think tliit yuu could i- .f mj remark " ' :, oo hinu dono. f'jr I know n u . W fiioil'ii o n y anyone, i t 1 1 nny mom u r.trii'1,,..- i Mint do not l.im. bt I cv.i't. ).iCo I had i lilMo by tliut I Blip i ul. lively tiiuu In w mid :ck f.io! (juestioun or l t tt. I'd rUp bini ,8 determined to tiling llltll Up n'!itlyt no fiitt ho wool I pIciHi ct j enboly. IU wn the i ltd vt nn I f I Hll. I I ill I HO ILIICll WUIlt to HCC t.ru roi'podv I Eviivbly mi I t.nt 1 ivai ii molel in ilt.tr aud thai in y ti-jii would bo n uroat iuiiii, and I M s.i flittered by tljfHB reuinik. I iitt I .! even mie sliiet tuatiev- r with biin. (un Lnlit juflt after 1 , UaJ put Li.n t b 'J i- uupiiii ciui.'. hii I while wit wcro t t!l.in the tilth-fi-Ho tuL.e nn I b.'.in to cry. I tolJ hiiu to bush, nn 1 uhou 1 foinj.I bo Ji1 not iuteuvl to obey mo. I went I tllO rtlhl H1lli' 1 ill. II. ' I'llllt ; wh.it I r ill l.('ii)hi",' ono f tho Pvi'iipuoy i f nvirk-' I , 'niul I iihhiiic von dit i : xl'er umih ymi Mill in t ivjri't t '! n.' 'i 'lihiiicn wbic'i yon invo ii.! picl ' rbunPii i.''iiiio my littlo buy. 1)0 hie- to ft up. riiJ nil iNy .n tc I At nijht I sent for n i. bu' bi f iO til TUillil he 1. ! ibn't think tlu-r i to i.i ue niin.rnhlo w miio in tin oiiK' I t --k 'u:b Iitllf b ot whii'h n i'.i i1 i -. befoul bll wh'ppfil 1.' .i f r t'i'i!int m'l l lr-mil I p'H tl. n tuy buro:in. I cool I ut b. ir to li vi' in the same ho;ino whero I . i'.Ii my htihbwul anJ little boy LnJ ibi d and I move 1 awny. On t vn rin. while walking a!on u l.inoly Irtii'i t, I aaw a littlo boy a veiy Umull boy dtaiuling nmotig anmA nuiur tall weeln. I RKkel him where lit lliii il. nn 1 ho pbiokeil a IiIohhoiii atul ) M it out to mo. I nhkoil him where were Lis iu ther and father mi l with curious intelligence bo ro l-lii-! thnt fon.i li men too!; them a v:iy in box. I knew then, tint bo wiim n w iiif, aiul 1 took him home , witli ran. In the niht hi critnl , nnl 1 nut up and h&t by the fire with him un 1 rix'ke I him. Ho wm very del icjl.-, but ho wan a liijlit tlmt rhonel cm, my withiiinLj noul. This h the I chil l, and he'a woaring tho little ' b it that I put on tho tmreau. l o i luuy nlap him, but I ciu't." b.9 Gpsnanaa's Handb:ck Froa. lb-fore btartiOp; on hinautum hunt in; or fUliing expedition the ih apnrtamAn Bill da well toconnult the pnt'cH of "A P.irit lise for Gunner and Angleie," a neat and bnadypub- lii-Mion, reeeutly ianued by the 1'kh- pi ni IV-pnrtment of I'hiln b-lphin, i Wiliuir.tiiu HtiJ lSttllini'ire 11 lilroud. i I'i i i M little pamphlet tui.ln Iheppmts-! iiiiin'd paradino in the Mitrylnnd und -htwnie Peninsula, ard that "lib j -ot i exhaimtively treated with 'te giird to it huntin,' and fithing re onreei. Tbo book ia handsomely iiluatrated with phtea of the princi- n-il tinaMAa nf cranA an.t vill nrn a valuable prize to the pportbnmn. copiei may ue prucuiea, iree or chni o, by addrenbin J union H Wo ul, General I'taneuer A cent P. W. aud Ii lUilroad, l'hil-idelpli- (Cvnlinuai rum lost uart.) How Watch Cases are Made. Imitation always follow, a aurccasfiil trliiie, aud imitatiun ia ono of the beat proof nf real hom-Ht merit; unJ tlnm it ia lliut tho Jtnun 'W (iM WutcK Cue Liu in imitator. Ilavi-m ran uUay till the j-i :iuiu by the r ule-mark of a crown, from ........ - - -.tlJtWH ?!:. lie mil -.-m ill crouiionul I. 1' i re i-i!iiiipi in the cop of the wutrh ;i-. ..tier, are very i-aiitioiw uImiiiI en i!. i Jtn ; an article unit lln-y not only kiuiw tli i t it i gixHl, Itil that tho clmrai ti-r of tin-1: nnufai-turor i (uth that the (piulity : iLe giKxls will ba ktpt fully vp lo rtandard. Wiu.iiaimir, P , Feb. IS. IW. Tli Janice ISnaa' Uold Watch Cax an Hku b t f t.it. lAcb on. I eall anlla aooUwr. ikhi'I n4 1 1 ivtiuiui.nd tbuit tli.y M-U UtruiMlviti. Ono ul t i a. k'linri.lia. buie JainmH-iM'UiildW.k bl'a. II. u-"( rfcl yi-ar.,(uii U la aayodaaever. WiUiUui rt i .lo Hot U.itil In wit my owu guriiUJ. ea Ici!.1 y villi tlia n.w and lii.pmvt-d taaua, wtiica a. .iu L oi .(dutuia. 4 aaac T. Li n La, Jtt" . Nw Paun.win. N.J.. Jan.L IM. nilu -Kfi. i tr l I rate, No WM. knuwn aaliie Jauiaa lluaa1 'i-liliCor.oajn. into my poawiwlou about . iu um iuce Dial tluw. and la l'U I lb rnou ilaT 1 lianntui.utl.iU.oui-wU'b wtaiDtba Na0iJuM ll.andlu ounditiou lowe lhat ILa fcrtJ"' r ou! aorii tlie movruK-nt. wblcb U tii eilber1'1" . n.j. h. k. tu. o. "M)0. WaUb Cm. raaarla.Palbw tbflIU aDOtha". 4 'raua PaaabWUbeala, new ytars befor tb . .) , IhA MAftd flN.MlJlUU 1 1 tit i. PI ,1 VtXftilU 1 - ' Jr - ".other 17- inVkn - Ki yV--. HocTl of A. M.S.SCHROYER'S' Selin3rova, Pa, j A r"l notion of 12 pir rent on nil ioooils, witb upTinl t'iiri(iiinn in .lob i l(t. Womon'd I'tbblo HoMon Shoon. ui tt.' huttH'liil'i. iiinrked 0. for $173. Moii,1 tV.f .s'hin it t. Knots iniirkf.i ff Ivr !:t oO. A.'.' iIht boots nii'l hI'H.h ftu, in joopoi lion to Um nbov( priccH. Sumo ware mil l lit coit. U-'infiubur tlmt nil my oorln will bo moM for oavli sit lb nbovo i iln" ion for tbe month uf Ango-t oiil. I J thin in onlei' to iiink mom f.o I'nll Mini NV in t-r to k. Calliiiul hpi-f-r yuuiKclf tlmt I iimmiii pint Uat 1 hiiv. Ucspi rlfullv Vmiis, M. S. SCHROYER. Ant?'.). '83 Slinri.va. - - - - On nm C- H,inhtGl Selinsgrove, la. Wliolosalu and rtetail Ucput for Pian os, Ora ns, and Sewing Machines. We alulotle ami retill ih- f I'.i.alnu I'ari nter an I ltrl-liiip. t Umbiip; Sul'tner. Hailjt Ii HvUI ii . W bi tl-i k.. un1 H riniflnn I'lanna, an.l tlia r.lcl-r-e. Nw Md red jo and Kly Scum Mdilii-.. Wi-nlve. a aunrtitea witli vrry i urtf unieut (or ellil . yr w 0 , t0 fln,anj ,. a ard baenn. ! 'In.od Warrrnoni. in K-lr)' 1-uildliK. aimvr the N.tlimal ll.'tel. Auii. ':i A- '!J. H. II3F11AN & IVoiuiotoifTof tho Old Corner Store, SEUNStlKOVK, I'A. Send greeting to tho people of Sny-. ,t r ccmnty tbt o duly add now ' ood to their cf'usive stock of 'Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, Qaeensware; Glassware. Notions, L.MIi:s AND (i K.N IS Furnishing Goods CUrpCtS. OilclottiH Wall Paper, Hardware, Cutlery, Oils, In fact eveiything found in a first- 1 cliisa atore. Every depuitment in completo. Wo have- a good (dock mid invite you to come and aee it. Oeiil.ir proof ia the bent doiuountra-; tion, K( 6pectful!y Submitted, J. H. Hrrrman & Bro. WILLIAM MANN . Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power MaJrJf T E.B J. Jr'uud mind ia ovcnpied iu h'Kitianto w Vou never saw en iudiitiioiis, i i lit- it r r w "' - atlBtt..l:voaig man wlio knows mmo Happy Eoxnes ! 'ins nuiwxjKix op- iioBiEo r.sjrvDxs by tha i '. wr la beyeW.a of cantyiataUon. CHtr Yhsvrappcrasra waxed gn tan hi MM (or tntbotbinfj the torfaca ot yoor haftdlron. ctvlni ttrcm a relish end smoothness, that wllflrcgft?asslttin Ctvtafl y,t)ur dothes a finished look. fferjember this Soap It than any ether in r the market, and yet OP for it. . 7 j v a SSQ29 BAY'S SGWU? and Bickering odors lo fill vour houses, no laborious rubbing on tho waah-board, while the washing can be done in one-half the? time necessary by f'llowing the old worn-out method. X1ADAM for it is to the ladies desire to speak more especial iy--you are the interested per son in this matter ; you it is that suffers the ills aris'ng from the wash tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfullybelonp, and you it is that should interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this toap, that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation Wc do not come to you with a plausrble story calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring m; wo do not come toyou as irresponsible parties, who have no reputa tion to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this br.inJ of soap upon an absolute guarantee and recommendation of a well known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you suppose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to you and ruin our well-earned reputation ? No, dear reader ; what we say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sus tained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from all over the country , besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. WDAl'S SOAP the Original and Only Patented. , , mmm ii - f Wltlela k Mlr' Sklaaad Cloth. Trt TTV k27Vrd? ftS VT n TtTl l wm.i in. uiMkimiihi' m.i.d. citiM. U II f, ri T nTI IU tkm at Monanf In (h M of Snap that vUl data tbiikla well u Ikt tUlliM 1 ttla Day4 Iwp Will Barely do. It w rlH la no m.; Ko soda, no vuflMnpr crystab, no lyes are to bo used, but simply supply yourself for the next wash-day with a b ir ot DAY'S SOAP, then ciref ally read the directions and follow them to tho exact letter, and if you don't siy pitch out that oil 7aah-b0iler, for I am a wiser woman, you will be the first person we hive yet heard of that haj been disappointed. BfiPNCw remember If you don't intend to follow ths directions do not try the soap at all, for unless you d this you will be disappointed, anJ then you will scold us and yourself a well. The cost of one cake will convince you that it is the best and cheapest soap ever offered you, while the smiles that will encircle your brow will do justice to a golden sunset. Have you confidence in this newspaper ? If so, do you suppose the owner would allow us to swindle his readers by offering them tempting inducements? He uses it in his own home, and can c-rtify to its merits. Now you get a cake from your grocer in time for the next wash-day, and become acquainted with its intrinsic worth. Ask your groc;r for it, and do not allow him to put you off with anything else for a substitute, for every dealer can obtain it, aid should he refuse you, send direct to E1W.& FFaiCaC, Prop's, o! tho Philadelphia Steam Soap Wert 17tVW6-58-6(W2 Howard Street, Philadelphia. RELLER'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM! -o Selinrove, r rpilE undersignod tvoald rospoct ' fully announce to the public that bo Hi Htill in tho field, 1 tU tho most , complete stock of Furniture ia the couuty, which the Tremendous Sales of the pant few months justifies lim i to aell at bottom prices. Tbe stock ; consists of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Stands, lounges, Chairs, vfty whero for thu ?-ill sums on SI und 80 ir i I Oi k. ' Ik? ; ffot QQy lie lobboJ, frugal benteu a to injuro him for a .1-1.1 t.. t - .a I- t- n, mini. u jo". uu thun t,-,i.i,t tho noetn. - nP.la,,nd MIT Happy Koines ! ! N a Um CWlebtato! labai- m Baalta-waTta,! rtv v n fiu-IHtV Air th rrna'nrtlAti of H ar) tared r At-. i -i i v. t mTna Itlll 1 1 Ifmt I r" 1 Wlllel , W Ul tlMa t.-tur a natlabrlor Ut moatdr ltctt Lewistown MARBLE WORKS! D. R. Stratford, at Li-" low ii ih pri'pureit to 1 1 1 r 1 1 i k 1 1 MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, AND 3UILDINGW0RK of all kind. In Hi neaeit an oandioiu,! il .not wiirk.il out ol ib Best Marble i at n'lort notli a, All wutk warraDted to (It .lll'lft.'ll o. O-I'lear rail and etamln my nml. rial and , brnr oi y ri -o brforn pU'ebaalnn l.ebi. I .Iao 6, (nil.'. YOU WILL BE SORRY - o tyou r.placa Ibat old Pump wild a new on iid.tn nut Aral carefully etemlti Hi Buckeye Force Pump, Pi. Ililrkev. la lb vrr laala.t liunrovruieu I Iu I'mupa, It la cuu'triiniod with alr . htinlior , wlnoii mako it v.rv .aty tn nprr.le . Hot. eta I v aiitlii-il In tbe tlii'iiHV I'll in p. and wnt.r ran I Ii. thrown ui'iili any I.iiiI.IIiik Iii ca.e of nr.. 1 Von i-an w.l.-r vour Hnnlnn and Yard, Willi VV liidowa. Vli IIiiuiiik., and have a FIRE ENGINE pvi-rrmdy no vniir o n prftiulne, at uu mora ot man an oniiuary pump. 11 Cannot Freeze la cnld wonlli.-r. Uurtlil.. ti.vond a doul t. Tha vt-ry puinn tor deep walla. Tlie workliiK parte ar It-aib.-r uoilniit and talvr wltlilu a pore laiu lined t-liaiuber. Notblnit to decay abuut II I Ho Iron Turbine Wind Engine la elan iir.at Improveuiant In Wind Knulnee Call and ana t'lnaa nuiniia Iu oneratlon. or for parllcularaaddr.. c BHATTON. I.pwb-inwn, Uol.SAl8TI.tr, Mlffliu cnuuly. Ha. SELINSGROVE MARBLE WOMS. N. S, Fisher, at f llntt r va, SoyJer eouoty, Fa., I, pr.par dtoluralib nioiiumtntN, Oriivc Ntones ..lid Bi: I Id in Work ol all klnde In tb aawett and bandtomeil d luul, itorlmd out ol lb Best Marble a (hnrt notie. AIX WORK WAEBANT. til TO (UVK a ATM I' ACTION , Plata ea'.l and aiamlna my material and learo my prlnt be fire purcbiilDK eliwbere Jnn.S, lJ.y, Farmers & Dairymen USH ONLY TUB "Woiulerliil Clmrii GKORGE OAUGLEfl. Ageut. a n7KT.THevoBTUN sny deb co., pa, but HoWondcrrul Cbur-B kt, become Ih favor tlm re 1 ia laratwra ane .liiirviD-. iMiy.fJiara. lt ta li eonelru. .. ring mm riuillTurtMBU MB Mun UlUWMMimiiinpniii , UmjV IAY S scalding or I t f X . . Jrt.- f. J VltmTTVtTW J 1 . , V .i . lvv V J. U1.JI.. ruiiM i 10 a aao ier. no vvvr"iB.Wiw. - .i. iiuiiiti s inn iiii)iuc(vte luuouiittriTrr mi mi.to llioiuelvtB ludobiiariTf Klld r.t.tu - rlol Jr::':,?: Happy Homes ! J I hapey Day's Soap o lt nfmort t annpty- fhO onlr4 Save your health, Save your time, Save yowf patience, ftf uttafj this Soap. 'f.la cnpleasant odor Ha tlcknets at tha result of a hard day's wash. Ha fcot water. Ho wash boiler & but clothes nice gyJ whlta 2nd as Ira srant as new pqwb hajt THY IT. art a ti-..-.j .1.naM. n HlKctalaUt' Hkvlai Join.. KvaiyaicKljr'a SklB aa4 '!) eomplloaa. UGHJRUNNING SEWIHG MACHINE C0- CHICAGO.ILL.- ORANGE, MASS. ANO A1LAN I AjJjA nrm W IBLEY' OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, FOR ALL CLIMATES. We are t'ie lanrttt f armi-ra, turret aeed araw. r and laiyuat aced dealer aiibuni baui bive itruatuit famlitliie fur produtlng Heat Pteede A 'I ... ar. imi1, and only tlie lmt eent out Qu ArmuttiCatalogu on fVic I'M blinira THU 4IIIEATKMT Hi:EU 8TOHH IN TUB WORLD TO VOIR OWN DOOU. It In. dudi-t all tbe deeirable new and ttandard varleUt of Flower. Vegetable, rield and Tree Beetle, aud riant. bentPKKBtoanyaddreaa. HIRAM 8IBLCY A CO. Seodamen AlMhar, M. X. aa laktactt 111, THIS PAPER may t fnnnil e d e at GEO. p. itrktvirTi r.frvA Krwini'ia APVBBTiaiaa Bohbao 110 Ipruo win,' 4uir coutraeta may uadf tor ia NEW YORK, 1 From $10 to 30 per tore. These farms have Rood buildings, timber land and fruit of all kinds, good wa ter, bealtby climate, good land, good urrketa. For further information and prices address J. D. HENDRICKS, Ileal Eatate Agent. Houston, Del HorCaialogue Free.-feU i i. . nut u utsustht aa'Aor are fnutuUd kit all. A t... i.... -...i l'..l..r I'.n.i ulll ur r-' ur. re- iiLVJiu ,.r,r..i..i i i...r-1'vn. Inviy SIMPLE MEWHOME?" ii Datuchi ,ti fjo'$ Advrtinti'nnniti Itetter thnn Itreei'K nml I't-wtoinn Under ii New I-'Iiik, F.xnthalt im nif ntut ofh (if n 01 I'lnrlilil hiil til kr,,t f.fiip lull i,t Ik ,l -1 I i-inilg ia art. Art in'int linli nnlnr. r lii-r in ih If. ilc hiiiimim ih. -ln r I lift Nonb 'Aril rhll tin tha !. iiuit hii..i . r . i).i I In til t mad." rli. Hi. .1. (I. "' r'f, ul Kufl lut ie, fl.t , "i Ai RkH'n Tump It .in it. Iin Hi wurlii l-ir itftM, nn I in -it 'll i h purrstu iioftn t i : eli! in . ai-tt m I h uf i it I i Hi a r. -' n ilnllpiil ml i) .lio foui K I.i t, wl'li b" lliti! K'Ul II) hill r rilt. It meil Id :m tni.i IIH -'I hil Hi Ii -tl I .rff'iu In nml Irt-M'tiFnl lor lhl n I'nr.itilti in I t.l I i wfanl; t h-itin i. luiit. I nm ul") lml m t'e Hint lh tuiil" nr lit rill Tim molU nf hi III lo o i nt nln kiii dill -I Mho Mum oh nf ln.it rlnnilliK II Ii tin Irnl i ur fl r aril Inrlvu aul " l-n. inn.'', Hi t o till mrrrUI ntluit t i tb lift tl l uttsr April 14. 13. n iinnif nml mil 1 1 thin n-i m.t'i.n l niiiait r t flinply I'n k r'lt Toi.Ib ' (llnm-r ' ii ilr . n il. I"f the I. nii In! uni.rliir ' 1 1. ii lrilri" i. i-nnn'untK nniii Ii t,.lr mtrr nr i.y n i i 1 1 ii 1 1 k irforlor 'rratlini omlci Im Hum oi ltlni:M i 'l ulnn-r Ii mi un 'mini lm II irnrinn i grmllanl In our l o.. ic t ur lht Mif rrlniiii. Hill tf. will, ui i lo lk ir prlelf ul tli i-bini; Tbar I, a okaaitn, hoTr, In lb prapira tlnn It.tU, and all l u'tl, rinlnlitR la tb. hun.ln olilaalari, wrappad aniler lh amnl ntn tlinoca Tomo cnlla tb ,nlr -n'Hi-li. 0 lh l"lm'l- faatar ot llmrui u. i at li.f Uitiom ct th- aulrlil wrpi- Cat a rrH nAY-rEVE?. t-l vr'cT Kof jtt t tv ian miclil nlih Hay Fer from r. 1 In A at until front. I nv :T Orairo Halm a trial. rii rallel waa tm. ' a OFWft. . . . rlAYrlvlH ht i. rbtlon It r- a lip p laotaa Ir r umii 4ATaMaf Lf Hia na.al pawaa -.1 vttrrhl vlrut. etui.in bealtlif p.cratlon. It allaya lull tintnatton, protect the mfiinliran l Unliiir t't tlm boad Iroiu ail.llil -nal cnldn, completely l.etln the aun-f and renton-a lb' en or taut and mnell. H.neflolal fi-ull" ar. nallr.a.l by a tew in.llntt lont. A tb"f- oiia . Ireatrrem will rnr. lnrqualeil f. rcnlilr in iiea i. Avroeabi to n". f'nd lor cirmn.r So d by druKHlKtt. Ily mall 6Go. apaoka; 'irrp. tl.V BKOTHKKS, llruK.'Intr, Oweno, N. Y JOOI PAY KOII AMICKTM HV lo lnO ri-r uinutn ii.ailt-allinit i-iir M.e H'Nile tnd III-l-a. Writ In J. O. Mt-Cl'llY A Co., Pblla. I a PRESENT POWER. ToMorrow n Long Way Off When Help ih Wanted To-Day. Comfort la novel In a burr. Pain and rill. Ir.n are In h..t lite. Ill to the "friend In need" the friend wbo due ..tn.thl"H nine tb it tb o d ailann i n , in compliment i.r te Inir 'a frlrnd Imleeil." 1 bat Ibey do not ken Um lulti rer in iii.ne la lbs .allei.t xref lenee of IIKNSON'S UAl'ilSn roll.U'S I I. AN'I KHt. I lie iilre of rtber ilit wbelber imniui it tberwl paid " Walt un. Ml tn.iDor rn w : ive oau .roiuiie noinina; no thatpur olth inoraeut. lint pain unrenev i iki- n-ilie liniB-ieu. tuanein in-i uvi.rii.ii-a llen-nin'K pianiem i t - n applieatlan. Tbey ..run at.. rn.HI.e. warm and b. al. euntalniuu. na n.ev do, rbeinloal and itie.llolnal anenia n in hlunoat ainoieney. I neir mniin nuw.anu lb ai-nulii bare tbe wnrl II API' INK cut In lb miilili ol racb planer. r-ri e :o ceni. sa.ibury a Joboauu I'liuuilftl, New Voik. WATER- BDAAat Tliiii wftfrfrtm!fmiaTrrTr fur niif,out4t'(iwallaif ljUldioirnLuid ijrtVftn Uo ur niMir. ;ntjijirnit . til U ClVVrfl "M 4Ui.lJilrW.ilt.ljW.n -a BOOKS-2tonsafijj iter tofl.fifO Vnlui nnwlitn ly. Th ii-np ...t ll.aralur nf li t- werld, nil. n tbe l-eni edl tlnna puimmied loo pmie I aialmii f'r.. I.iit pru-er ever kiino n. Not noi l by ileal at. ."eiit ior nttinuiHtlun Perora payine t, " evulen- ol a-iind laltb. JOHN II. Al.l'l- N l'ui.libr, in Veney .Street, N. Y. 1. O. Hui l'Ji-7. HOLM AN S nt roil i a i. Famly BiWc: nnlaliilnu bnlh verloin nl lh N n-i.l. lu ib.- I'lim l"! nfnur l.nrd ami Sa vi ir, ban Imiinel IIHiHtratioiia. KINK I'llO I Ml l A r II ALhlVlS.elaKaiit denic'i'. baid- 'iiitiv bnii d Kxtra iniliii-emeiili. ollered t. 1-netneilo Aaent. Jllunlret'd rata lou ai I -n .pplloatlon. A. I . llol.M AN a. t o., 1'blU. Ii Lla. rn A Tub Wobi.d W athb STATiosanv X AJXill Pai kaok ia tbe lumen erlilnii r He in ma inata-1. contain it eneeta Itotii Paper, It Ki vel a, I'enell. Frn-ILiMor, pen iDd a banilemne pic ul Jt-walry. Hattll prl ii root. lour duz lor .oo. A waieb unr oit.ed w th v-ry lour iioieo you nr. er. r'tir 'ii leuli.lo on or two cei l utiaue ttamiie w will .end a i-nmpiet aiui.e packaK. wltli leaant Onld I'laled Mi eve Kuttone, Hold f I j led Slude.Hold I lal.-d roller Hutton.lland nui Wat. h rbaln, Oold Plated Klnar and e.- rant Mearf I'ln, Healeter It'u .lui untn. 41 .me Illustrated rialoiu of Onna, S. II cuik-In,- It.ivnlvare, T let op. e. Spy illaeeet.VVtli h ,. Aeeordeone, Vlollne. llruanellei, ar., Iree. n'tlie al on- lo Wuiilu M a m r ai ttki no I n , ; Namau Stret. Nw JJQ'J'JJ u 1111 and all Billeu, Comolilnt, ar rvlieved by taking Wright's Inttian Vegetable Pilh. Tvtly VifiUUi; X, Orlplt. rrtc, iit. AU Srtf (UU ii, ii. i:i:b(bi:k rramTME WARtlROOMS! Having sow in store the largest stock of Furniture of every desorip tion ever brought to tbis town. From tbe moat Haborata PARLOR SUITS of latest etyles,to tbe common Lome. mads Kitchen Furniture! I sm enabled to offer great bargains and will irnarantee satisfaction. Fur niture made to order and put op in tbe most substantial manner. lie uj mi ' . hi w f rm oitinim. rsaaru T. SJ f lmwf.tr iinroif II t. MyPf ltuiaisiaaB.feiipt.nl I L y tb,M.j. EflOACHE pairing of all kinds. House Carpen- larinnr nrnro ,T nHi... t :JtK'l'l tin ll lu.i.iaT; iliaid lriiiiiif Philadelphia nd Keadl rtaa Koii. Arrangement of Posserrger rains MAY :inl. 1HS3. Trunin h'iirWrtn(m an fottam . Fr hLRmckin ll.1 amflhlO m-.l:in an :l p. m. ror vt.iwnti, it-Mind. Tamtqara, rult. VIII.-. Hr 'lnaa i PMU1lph1t i:l . at. Iratnnfnr limn inn vtiV an follotti :' l.aar Mh.mnkln H-.o and mms a. m aait l:M nit a.iOp. m,, lat Phll.it.lpkla 9M a. naanioa a. m.. rnltPTl'l MU m. anc in Sup. m. T.m-iqua 7'i t. m.il M, AMilnntlf.it t. ni. and S.-M a. All. Oarraw 9;3I a, in niiJ3:i p, m. 1 1 mm rrtne llnrriuurn n, fnllomt :' Tnt Nri York. ia AlUBtowa, T-M a.m. ami .4ti p. m. rnr tori, tib i nnaai.aiann noana Prnrk H- rt.." N. t a. rr., aid I 4- . !'. r riillaiKlpbl.. t.3. 1 .Ml. f.tv a.m . l it ad I on r. bi. v,r h mllna. M. M. I W. I H a. m . 1.4. I o ami p. m ri.r roitiTilii.l90 nt, i u a. n, 1.41 and 4.'' I'.m. and via lhuTlklll a (.unau.tiaa I'.ri. 1 1. at a.i.o p. m. I or Anl.ara, I ID a rn. ''ii- A Hon town, 5. IT, 1 10, t JO a.m.. l4Sm t no it. m Wn Market rnf l.a'ianoa wJaMt, aad Salnrd. onlr. 4 no a, m. Atiiiitmaal for Hnmrneininftn. a mn. ra. ia- larBiM. Inata llBtamolftown at H.40 p. m. Tb T.w a. na, and i.4 p. m. iraia bt tkroagk 4r, fuf ! Tork, ia Allapiowa. Shu day a Fnf Atlanlotra and VTa Station, f.W a. . -..r Tln.illn. I'MNdclDlila. aad Wat Sta ll -n. 7.iv a. m. and 4.ro p. m. 7ii-ii fur i7Pniiiiv; i'nr ni fnwnrM f l.rtr 4a York, tl AII'Blowa, 9.00 a.m I I" and i :m p. ni. . . .. l.otTft Kw Vrk, U "Hound Brook Bent" ai.j l-lill..'. Iphu. 7 41 a. m , i ao. 4 t.m p. oi, . and II tin mMnlBht, arrlvi at llurrl. tiari I. n, , nu, t, p. m.,aad li.lo and 40 a ltta Pbl adalphla, 410 .M a.m. 4.00, 1,10, aim t an p. m. Leave rnttevlllo, 6.00,0 DO a. m .and 4.41 P l.etv Neadlna-. i.oo. 1.S0. ll.SOa.m.,1 .l 7.,-u, en.l 10 ss p. m Leave HotUvlll. via Sehnylklll aSaeana- banna llranrb, I im. ni . and 4 4 1 p. m. I,env Alleutowa, t 00 40 a. n., ii.il. ,, ami 0 Ii, it. in. Way Market leave T.ebaaoa Wdoidaf and Saturday! only, 1,16 a. in. 4?nir,t7V I.rave New York, via Allenlnwa, 1. 10 p. nr. 1'hlla.leliibla, i,!0 a m. and ., p. b. I.eav llomllnu o.not. in. aud 1U.36 p, m. Leae Allenlnwa at 7.U p m. svt:v.t.ru IIR! II I.etve Hurt lubnr, for Paxion. Loehlat, tad Siuelton d.ily, etcepi aunday. 4n,0l,a. m . I .16 and V 40 u. ni.i dally, exrept Malnrda and Hunday, 6 3, p. tn and oa batarday only, 4.45 and 6.10, p. m. Ka'urninK. leav eiernen oaio.rrn nn day, 6 in l.i, lo.OO II 46 a. m., 2.15 Bd IV. 15 p, m. dally exrept Saturday and sundav, 6.10) P. ni. and on eaiurday only, 6.10 and 6 0 p.m.. J.E WOOTIKN, Gen'l Wauager. C. O. HANCOCK, (ien'l rn'r& Ticket Agt. rb t'fl.vll a 4H. TOTT'S- PALLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From tlioao aourotta nrlae tbrca-fotirtha of tlia illm-Bm-a or I no buinan race, l ln-a ayiiipuuut iiiiliciitn tbinrcxietenrn: Iae ( Appetite, Atovrrl co. live, Hlcla H.aal nclie, fulln.t after catlnaji avarelon ( tertl.in of bttdy or mind, Kraalatlon of fond, Irritability of temper, Law aplrlte, ,eella of haTlnaj aajlt eitntadm-, Ulaaluaae, 'Iuti rla, at taa Icart, ,) belor th eyeehla-hlv cola orcd trltie, lOXaTIFATIO.-a, ami ! niunil llinuau or a n-inmly tlmt ot ta dlreellr iii Hut I.Ivor. AanLlvurmttillcIno TCTT'll rl 1,141 liavn no o.iinI. Their action on 111 Kl l.ii.yaiinil skin iaaltn prompt; rniolnaj ull linpurltlot lliroiiffli tlicae three eeav narer of th ayet.m," prtMluclng aipe Mif ,outi,l illKoailon, n-iriiliir etmila, a clear akliiaiulavlKorouabrxlv. TI'TT'a PlI.La) cnu4 no nuiiM-a or gilptnir nor luterlarav tvlili rlnllr v.-ork and are a pi-r feet , ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA' nn FEr.i.M like a niCvr mam. "l Ii iro bad Dyeni-pala, with Coneiipa. tlou. two yenra, and liuvo irl"d ton illtTi-ieiil kliiila ur pllla, und Tl'TT'l arn tho 11 ret that nay Uoua uia any good. Thi y bava rleanmt rno out nloefy. My apptdlla la apU-mlld, fund dlBt-al readily, mid 1 now liavo tiutural paenairt-. 1 foci Ilka a new man." W.l. EDWARDS, Palmyra, Ot FoUovetywh.re.a.Vi. Offlie,44 MurrayBt.,N.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Vbat Hah oa WniiKKB rlianrad In tantly to n cii.oear Ulai-k by a alimlo u plication of Ibl 1T. Sold by Ilrutff lata, or aunt by rzprea on receipt of 0)1. OITI'ti., 41 Murray Btrewt, New York. TDTT I MANUAL Of USEFUL RICEIPTS FREE. who a uu,j,niio .tm mi oimumI e rtt ewa CBlCiGlROCKISUNDSPlCiriCB'r pr Uiao.oir.1 position of lie line, onat taa jCmi and in. W.i b iha.nort.Al roul.,aod eae . riM ua.Mii, ir. wuboui oiiango of eare, mIvm. CliioMe anifa.n... City, Couuell BluOalLeavea trorta Au-h.'oo. alinu.apqlia aad It rl. It ronueoia m V uun lluie wiia all tbe priaelpal ium ol road k tw..a tbe Ailauiio and the VaUt Ooudl lia ei. upraeui te unrivaled and aaaaoia eint, blna eoloud of aloet Comfortable oa auiiiul Day ..'oautaee. afacoiaeeut Ilorloa Me ellaina Cbair Ore, l'ullaiau'a Fretllcet ValM aiaepina- Cera, a id tbe li.ai Line of Limn Car la lb world. 1 .r. Tr.t:ie biwee Cbioaae and Miuouri River Vi-'o'.- Two lni betw mo Cat. aaeautf atianeaiwlieaaa Sb P.ul, via tee laa ju "ALBERT LEA POUTE.' A New and Dlreo- Line, vie M. ni. m 1 K . k...bu reoenlly ba oim i. -l i.viwu.n H . ud. Morfola. Newport N. t'n nun . .,;a m i. . j . fuata, NaabylU. Louitvili. U . uu.v . ... udianapoliaaod L.fajeti.-. ... ' oi-i i i i. lie and at. 1 -oil aud i'i l-?-' All TnrouU A-aeue' Tiav.l ou ,..i kwa- Tralna. . , . . Tion.ufor ealeat all pn' 'Pl ?la.t OatevaUt tbe Uoiied Biaiee and Uauao - . , , Duixt eh.oaed iliroiuu V?? "i of fare L waya aa low aa oompotiiore tat Aer leaa advert "foI'dnaUed InformaUen.fei tl). Map (ad Vslo. ar of th GREAT ROCK I8LAND.ROUTZj At your r aeareel Tioket obim, or acr "eee OABLS, ' . r- .HM, i-l-ra. A ww I B'l'r,- J . V w. n a, Vloe-fne. A w' 1 " V i leva V BOAaDINeSi.SE. in i.i i . i i msd J. amplaprapatatloB t 1 J" Tft YT ' datlea of tb publi aould repr UialllJUlrw at D win lurnun noarum, , i. rrm. rataof,venty-ayeant,We,,t f-a centtauieai. BiaoiiDg jjpi A I !"" Tbo. not utyloa: tflaS b, the Br- -tOBoU fully Invttad tooall, aad away dlatatiaSad. Maom a S Hoffl VSftba UoartHuuea, ktlddlabara i utatiru-i Doo.l.lMl. TJENRT A. WOLIJ Saddler and Centrevll nvdir , . j , - , . flv -. , ' P. 7 T vi tn t