- i V 4 SI . ENOCH AES2JT3 TSUS STOUT. When Entwb Arden cam liotue nfier t tint ttieiuoriible find ili-oio.tr iin j oyiirfO wliii-li bliipwrt-ckud biia ntnl! hin Lopon, liorrtpt up the utiont to! I i'j dI I Iuhum. a Tennyson iofirnn n, and looked iu the window. Tbtrc lie mw I'lulip tv and Annie, bin Miff. nil tlioir dill, ull rented nr.nnt 1 Hid fuo rra'.-kinif w.iluut T a wbolo Ixt.ter truth ciiiiu 11,1011 litui witlt tunibln force, -nnio sup j) mintf Ij 10c 1 ti bj ilut I, ImJ iinir iim.I I'nillip. PD lit t ) b ivo n lioiuf f ir bttrmtlf an 1 chill mi l a until to iiiu nh ml llm liotiso in c.imj if tri ii;h It wi. n mid dining Imck fur K 10c '.1, mi 1 bo wtri mi l about it. Nt in uiue'i b.-ci'iNi) I'bilip hud tuuriol bid vvifd. f r tlimo w ro plenty in 110 wivfi to bi In1 ; not lioiiw bis child 1)11 1 loul'liud to ritll iiilliur nitti "pi,' though tlmt .van a bitter pill, in iuviHi ni tlio r hil.l liinku.l 11 littlu liku I'bilip au Imw. Ntitbi r of tlti hii tbinirs wor ried him ln.ir k. nindi n to noto .. . ...... 1 , t- 1 x tlmt l'h.l.p -vcniing.,.,. (Lunch,), rl .tlirn. Willi n in.-ificiii gesture' Kuoch win nit to ditch i'ltn tbo lionmi niul ruinilnl.ttn th.ttii. wluii Miilib tily I b nnyer 111 bin coniilcn-; nrirn wnn Hupphintcil by ti lookuf tur lur ntnl lit) elm k ftv:ij nH nilciitly iif. li Im l cumi'. IU bin! cuight nilit if Antiii'8 mother, ubo doing! K'lorira nb.xt'iico bail bii.kon up ii..uH,k.-ipi.-,' uh.i mho over tu in"' M.ti, b, r ii i'iht.1 an 1 bii.i i,,,.. j n riTltiri. Ilii-iii. r. 111 nil t. I I wntim I film bov uflil ivitld tbut it W:H the uiirrowcNt ,hc:ip' of bin life, niul ! tlmt bo wiuilil rullier bo hbip-win k til every livu iniuutin tbiin to cti C"tuil'r bin tnothcr- in-l.ii'. (.'inuiii" tali .tiiitiiiil.iv Nitibt. the lzacc:: Tll'I. Tim nriinnl of tbo f ll..vin fiunint ntticlu wnn rcfiitly f niu l in j n obi t.nvt r iu the uiy imcii iit tow u if v'btMtcr. Kiiluinl It w in Minon a lot of cKl boi kc, papcin1 ntiil JtM'ioilie I I iiI'I'IbU that ba l it trcn notat tbcl by some n pairs that , vuo bi'in ni'i'U' on tlto bniMin : TliK "Iikaso.n why. I Mr A. tliinkH bfcaiino bis .1 ..dor! rfconmit'Lils biin to '"tiikc p littlo." Ml- M licC.I'lsi) IllR tl ictor oliliTN ' ... llillll Dot to vllink, ftUil llO bales (lilckcrV. " Mr. C takoii a ilrop bucauKO I10V Wit. XI.. 11 ,u I.. '.. .1. .. I'i'l,ii.in Iii-O.ll j Mr. K. bccaiixo bo feels Hoiuttbiiif.' ' rising. Mr. r. bocniiRe bo ft iIh n cinkin. Mr. 0. becanwo bo wcut to vo 11 fiiifil ( (T to Amriiro. Mr, II. becatisi) ben c; t ft f. iiul jiirt ci.ii. i' from AtiMlralia Mi. J. bccaii'ij lie h t-o wai 111 in the ttt 1 'inj. Mr. 'I b"i'jusi !. s s c..i in the ui''rnui. Mr. Ii. bo .v.m. i 0 bas ft pain it, Li bral Mr. M I'luiuso ho bna ft paiu ii lllM rl.l'V Mr. N. becnaao be bus a p.iin in bix buck. Mr. (a becmso bo bas a puiu iu bi rb(8t. Mr. I'. bfcaueo be bas pains nli over bim. Mr. bocatiKO bo fells no light ami bappy. Mr. K bocanflo be fecla so benv t D'l niiHcrublo Mr. S. btcanse bo' manicd. Mr. T. becanHO be in't. Mr. V. becaoeo be likts to eeo bU frien 1b. Mr. W. l eranno be"8pot no fiiiuln, Mr. X. biaune bin uiiclo left liiiu & b''acy. Mr. V. I remise l.is nnnt cut bim off with a billing. Mr. Z. bteniBO Lo went to Llmi iI'lIlo ytbttnlay, ( LI tniludno ro fcts to ft neijhborin: towu thai 1 T, lunff ao was ft famous rttoil lr inn rymakii), etc. An old lady leirp lute nt cliurclt. n.terrd ns the cnngrci'rt i m wi-ro i- v,; for pmyer. Lu!" naid flic, 'dvii't lino on uiy nrcouut." C"-jntiuur4rrrt latlufk.) How Watch Cases arc Made. Ii:ut.ili..n V.w.v-g f..!' wg iiirrMiful ni'lu,an l i'ltitutiuii . . i,e of tho kf.t ) n.f c.f rval hdrn-.' . urit; an.l lima it U tli.it tlio Jwm 11 , 0'. llolfA Out ha iu init itun. I . rican alintya toll tho yi naine hy ilio ir.nle-niark of a crovm, from v hii Ii i'i j,ai,!cU u j.uir of u vntii. lie tiri'lioTitc.i.Kuniid' Zi't Kuf nr.- Mamjl In the cap of the watch tahe. Ji-wvlcra ore very raiitii.na nliout tn- tlor iiiiiiiniirtiilctinU'Mithi v not only know t!.. t it id giMnl, but Hint thu i harailor of tho inuniifuctiirer. la biu li that tho quality of the goods will he tif vp (a dawlnnl, . . WiM-uaaroitT, r., Teh n. inns ne Jiaiea !ka' O..M M UU iixa o ik h..t ciiIik. Jj,U oi, I abll a.11. ain.lliiT. Imu'l ii.. t i rii-oiuiw.ini ttinu: ilu) nil Ui.iiiu.m. one i f .iy oilatmm lM ha. ha.la Jiiim 11 ' iKililM'atrlillaa u-'f.i'iaj yi'ar.uJiiBai.ar.laauvjr. Witlttln ' , 1 duiiol IvkHam tutrix n.y own ruarautce, e. mill Ui uewau.l luiernvi-l cum, wliiik iirlatlur. Jkmk t. I.irri.11, J.u.l.r, lt) KrwPnrnKwirx.N J .Jan a. lien. ii i euia. kuowu Bath Jmiim Ikaia eliv epviiiioni) Hiri..uiii,,uiix t J'1 tinui. audi atlll Iu icn4 . lO CllUOr 'latlwoui'wliKh waalullio .. .,' canditiou ahi.w. that tuein anotua uiovruHiii. whi. ui . ' Tkara befor luav . r... c. itt t La good tjualitiij.. 'lM ko. UitturU) foods- X fCt. SHOES' Cheap for Cash at M. S. SCHROYER'S Sslitiigroyj, Pa, j A ttsilui't ion of 12 prr crnt on nil tfoouiU. with np'ci.il biirgiiim in Job I"l8. Woiuch'h I'ubbbi liiillmi SIhk h, work-il bntton-boluH, in iiko l 00. for 1.7; r. Mens' Calf Skin J-cw. d lioots mailt' 1 ?t. r s?:; .r)'. All ".ll'"r l"",,M 'f'"1 ",""'9 1 iu I"l,l'm "un to tli! iili.jv. iiiocm. smt, w,o ,a est. K -in.Mi.b t- th.it nil i,,y good w ill 1t Hold f"- c.imIi at tli' iilinvo.iciliic- ti' fr tlio in 111th of Aii!iit o'.lv. I il i Lin i'i oiili'i' tii 111.1U11 loom fur I'iill niul U'ihti r htncl;. Cull an. I mi fur voui.sulf tl.u'. I niv 1 11 iu.st ubat I my. Hispid full v N'mn . M. S. SCHROVER. .N linxgmve. " " ' Salem & Iticliter, Selinsgrove, Pa. - ""T. VVhnlpsalp and Hi tail lii iuit tnr hi;wi 03, Orfl r.s, anil Sewing Machines. ... ... " .. . ... ,ritiirrn.t lrll. i drn ; S.imii.ci. II 1 lul l".l . W I.. rl ti. :in.l il-o llr. r.t.Kli.u 1 uti. hii.I tl.e rrli.l.r'r. New I . I ri.l. niul titer rwln Mmlilii s. W.iiup uiiarui Ir n itl. enTy in-tcuii.ri.t fur nulil !yi ml" I w .'.nu'ink ..u in -m . 0 ti.i . ami 1 1"-. n. iln nl. W;irni"ii in Kc. . )'n I. ml. Ml k, I...V 11.0 NHtlullkl II-tel. Ail,:. V ' ' J. U. H0F1M & Proprietory of I bo Old Corner Store, SKLlNSiillOVK, . Send Kfctin to tlio penplo of Sny . r county that wo daily mi l iie' ,'oods to their cxleiisivo ntock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware. LA MLS ANli (iLNTS FurnishingGoods Oilcloths, Vall Paper, EEunhvare, Cutlery, Oils, In f jot ovcijtbinf,' found iu a Crbt- .:liib8 bloro. Lvoiy depaitiueut i- eompltte. Wo bavo a gxid etocl; ni l invito you to coiuo niul bbo it. Oeubtr proof is tbo best douiotiBtra tiou, lit hpcclfulJy Submitted, J. H.Jifta & Bro. WILLIAM MANN . Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Stearn Power PRINTER, No 629 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. 1'rotnytnett. One i'riee Selling Prict JIarAedOnAU Goods In g . Ajr. la-s. Happy Homes ! Happy Homcfl H Happy Homgali l TUG KTOJEOSSt 02? I2AJSV If th (utofUu Cclbmt4 Vahmr mmA Beltlf4Vln HI ftf hfjrnnA pnwrr nt tipnitUm. " fmT "P7 "T Jt ' 1 II tn.U inn. T3l-. II - wvu VAUHMTWA HQ Trie vrrapperc are waxed and can tie used for smoothing the surface of your j hand-Irons, nftlnfl) them a polish end! smoothness, that lllflreatlyasslstln giving your cloth;? a ttaishsd look. Remcnibcr thbB B Wo wash holier Soap Is chea;sr8 ' 331111 Ebrt clothes nice antf than pny ether litl ;;i$ i'W white and at fra tft3wnrkgt.findwtf "f fC grant at new mown goes fci I ; ; ..fl Sgg to. FkaT Wash-day has no tcrrcro for the household fhcro DAY3 SOAP ia used, no unpleasant and sickening odors to fill your houtca, no laborious rubbing on the waeh-board, while the washing c.nrt be done in one-half the time necessary by following the old worn-ou. method. HADAM for it is to the ladies viz dosire to speak more especially you are the intwested per son in thi i matter ; you it i3 that suffers the ills arising from the wash tub and its heavy cares ; you it is ts whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that should inkr rest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap, that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation TO.gBFF Yc do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount of money .uch a sale would bring us; we du not come to you as irresponsible partic3,who have no reputa tion to suffer calumny, Lut we do present to you this brand of soap upon art nb30lut0 guarantee and recommendation of a well known industrial establishment of l'hiladelphia.of sixteen years' existence. Ui) you suppose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to you and ruin our well-earned reputation ? No, dear reader ; what wo say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sus tained by the cviJences of thousands of housewives from all over the country, besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. gUfVA 1 8 SOAP it the Original and Onhj ratcnttxl.HH QIa thoonotoaxmom tn the naa. of Gm.pU.ut will cleat) thou in vrll a Ae clothe t ; D-.y" iu will eitrely a It wtll li ro r-7 0)ire ths flnMt fitbrlca or the moatdeltoutccurr plexioaa. H a-fVr miMai-ie. irrrj-w rmmmum ,m, mrvmm.i w rVgijr rrr-MW" 'ffil JfVI''a"ri HUM I naU III II M i I II No soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, but simply supply yourself for the next wash-d:iy with a bar of DAYS GCAP, then carefully read tho directions and follow then to tho cx?.ct letter, and if you doa't say pitch out that old wash-boibr, for I am a wiser woman, you will be the first person we h ivi: yet heard of that ha bet-n disappointed. l&rNovr remember If you don't intend to follow tho directions do not try the soap at all, for unless you d this you will be disappointed, and then you vviU scold us an 1 yourself ai well. The cost of one cake will convince you th.it it is tlis b.?st and cheapest saip ever offered you, while the smiles tint will encircle vour brow will do justice to a golden sunset. Ilavo you confidence in this newspaper ? If so, do you suppose the owner would allow us to swindle his readers by oiforinj them tempting inducements? He uses it i: his own home, and can c-rtify to its merits. Now you get a cake from your grocer in time fjr tlu next wash-day, and become acquainted with its intrin-.ic worth. Aik your grocer for it, an 1 do not allow him to put you o(T with anything else for a substitute, for ever dealer can obtain it, aad should he refuse you, send direct to Ba&Yefis tFSfiEGKj, PropclthoPhl!adelphlaStcanS32?Wcrfet. mi-6SCS'8053 Howard Street, Philadelphia. RELLER'S FURMiTURE EMPORIUM! I in strove, Ba, T, ndor,c7Ton,7rc,: , fully uituouiifo to tbo public that bo is Htill in tbo field, itith tlio most coujphto elock of Furniture iu tbo ; cuuuty, which tbo 1 I Tremendous Sales j of tbo past few mootbs jiiHtifica bim j to sell at bottom prices. Tbo btock j coutiibta of 1 I Parlor Suits, i Chamber Suits, Bureaus. Stands, Lounges, Chairs, Matresses, and everything iu the Furniture line. Call oud see for youraelves. Respectfully, iYIRKLLKR, . c, 182. SoIiDfcgrove, Pa Onr fWHIHi fnr f lie rarlr4lnn f it mr tat to tti ntnMtut to mpplf n or4 wide m.ma roa;rMalv otii.lry. lUrht her tn rnrmtlaa III. ur cukvJt ioiuit wm in wotwiai-nu trrotMmcai E .7 "I- I'J TiiivTo NOCOiutu: 6$8v your lirallh. Lewislown MARBLE WORKS! D. Pi. Stratford, at Lewi-tow :i in pri'pnivil to luriii-li MONILMKNTS, (5 RAVE STONKS, AND SUILDIN3W0RK of nil km '1 1 In Me nenrat an nan Inimical J alKiii workcl 1.1. ni ilie Best Marble at a'mrt no'U. All 11, 11 Ii H.irruiile.l to Kir a.itl.i i .n. , i.a ra l an I ennml. e my material atnl L. nr my i ri.'ea I. lore i.u: clmslux clr lii'ie. ,l.iti &, iMli. YOa 'WL "BSllBY - o Imh riil.na that ol.l I'ini Willi a new on M l In 11 it lli -it r irufully avaiulue llm Buckeye Force Pump, I 'III il ieke la t II V..r In.l.i .iv en III riitiil'. t la c in-.lriiuli..l Willi alr-.'l.aiul.. r whieii tun... it v . r ey to nimta . Unit. rn , I ! alt i.'ln-.l I., tiu lta.'..Hii. I'.limt. u.i.l waiter ..an I..' tlir..n II 1 ... M any l.llll lm In ri of rire. V.iu .-in "t, r v 1 'r 1 ir.l..n and Yard, WU 11..I .a. W.t.h !liiiii..na,an.l liavo a FIIIE ENGINE I'vei reu ly .111 t.iu r awn .i ....tire at uo mora oe ! Hi 11 11 an or.lmtiri jntup. It Cannot Frceza Iu e.iiii w.jiiiir. Hurjlili. 1 i-riiuil a doul t. Th ; fir l v well. Tn wi.rUni arl ' are l.'t'li' r anot..i,a mil valtvi wlihlu n.r. lam IIdu I rlia.ui'.T. Nuthlu 10 ili.oit aliuut II i he j Iron Turbine Wind Engine j I ala.i Kret tiu.rovi.iueiit Iu Wind KiiRlnna l'l W. "I .... th.. ,. pump In iiiii.ratlon, or lur l.arllciilura a.l.lron j W. C, 1IKATTON, I J.iwUtiiwn. 1 ticl.SniSTa.l'r- Mllllni cuiiulv. I'a. SELINSGROVE MARBLE WORKS. IV. 8. Vlshvv, t h. hiHir ive, So'der ojimty, J'., 11 i.roi.ar- I to luroi ' ilomimcntf44 Carave Ntosies tuitl I5,:ihl Ui'tX Work nl ell kind In the newett and handananaal ile. Uu, wurkiil uul ol the Best Marble I'leaae e:i end examine m, ruaterUI and lenrn uiy .rlee. hefire purohtalug .where Jun.y, Iwij.ly. Farmers & Dairymen USE ONLY THU "Wonderful Cluirii" OLORHF. GAUGLKI. AReut. POKT.TK KVOHTtJN BNYUEH CO., PA, The Wonderful Churn hai beoonie the few r He auioiiK larmer end dairymen and haa in p. planted all other. Ill dm pi lo lie oiu.lriD loru. durable anil .heap It tinea halter and .....wiS.iii w.ira man any oilier ouureaver hi vanud. It la the pruduot ul an eperleneij ....... . uiure Bun better butter, end every fr jier a wile who uaed It br teailiuuny t.. a,ir..r merit. Addr the irt to ttiriUn particular. Juneta. lavi. MM Pay's Soap SEWKHG MACHINE CO CHICAGO. ILL. ORANGE,, MASS, a Lin ATI A MTA DA . ... -- Iitr-l'-Vw , 2& OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, run ALL twLIMAl t5. We Kn tin lirfont larinrri., lartwl Lerd irrow era oji.l lar;t at'fd lleulir anywhero; h:.ie liave arualt-il f.il:uei fur prodarpin Ileal rieeil A .1 our ,v J, ura iiJ, nd oidy lite lut emit out O.ir 4a.-wilfwie'o.;iM una) ivie, LM he luge TI1K UUUI.U TO YOl tl OWN UOOU. It In. Ctu.ln all the doaiiahle r.ew aud aUniUrd Taxigtlf of nower, V.-ceUl.le, Jleld and True btodM. uul 1'laiita. Kont I'll LI', to any tvldreaa, HIRAM SIBLEY A CO. Seedamen Miark M. . ami tkaieeere, lli, THIS PAPER Wity t fonnnl 111 me nt UKU. r. IrllULil I r..w..J Iirwai'apta Auvkmtuimi 1111111140 (10 Rpruu. ' ' ' , .. WJH'I vi HEW YORK. 'Ulill ruulmrla luye lor I a From f?10 to $30 per aore. r i, HDDS farms bavo good buildings, timber land and fruit of all kinds, eood wa tor, btultby climate, cooj land, pood unlets. For ftutbof iofoituatiou aud pneos addroBH 4 ' J. U. HENDRICKS, ' "Ileal EtnleAgciit, Houston, Del JCutalogue Free.lwl RUPTURE, CURED in SO Hay. Ht'lTI'lti By (lie nee of the hXthI.siuR l'IATt ft AIIIAl.lNUUiMI'Dt'M). Hind fi.i ! relt ct a hard lr rtfrL. I tftuZ? : V .-l-.'-.-. i-Ve" -fA'A K Daanchi .ft O'' Atiinrinttmehlt SONfiS NEVER SUMG. "Hn ilD'O that Ttrtei rno I Hoi. lliln Ilk i this ln'l II t Tl.fr ir lio tmirh tli tint (Is rtrlnc, A oil nol-jr lam I prouil lo win H.iu ( A la I f ir tho who tmur tin, hut ill ltii an n,ir murloln I hem "Y, tbla bMoitliu;, i i-lli ei 10 an.ll lro," ti lil your rpei. nttte. 1'iia rnial alm.te. lo pn..i ho are nmU.)W ti..reMi I, ami ' ! lhlr full l niiiM of joy anil lr. Wi irh r.i.ln.l ni of a latter n,o m th other ilar lr Hie. ox h !'., of Ne Viirk Uriel hjr lr, K. C Wltlla.n.. of ( h-t.ran. siitiler tin., Fa . a promlnrDt tnlu iduD ul ttit I tnr. II w rlie. "I bT iinrJ with ftliRK f..r 0ef forlf tenr and hail a lerril.l ait ek In llirarnhir in! f rnu.rT.iai. I h irilly kn -w hl rro.ni.l il ma o tak I'ahkkU' Tomic. I rl il an.l tin. rr.l ilajr I In .k f..nr iln. Tha aflrl itoMli. tin Td.it niiihl 1 tlepi If ooth Inir . -l e tmtlr wl'.u ma. m l hare er Inee. I hme h.nl ml. I. tln-e, I. til nn at.nia My Lratthlni l 'inn ai .erlrrt a II I lia l l e "r known ttiikt lii.e II t.iu knot nf mi m who ihin tell him In Itijr nm tlmt "" " i oir win cm it n arier r.rt Tear..' There m a mm frho a-cieil the (ai nl lli wlmmlh poet linenl. IU- .rei.railon, nl.loh har heretofore Lean kn..n Pan Kit' Oijiikk Tumic will hers. It. r I a.lrerti.e l an.l .1 1 nnl.r the nm olt'AnKKR'a loir. li.niniir.ii aa pi I . at er l re.llf an tinlmi ortan t . ;.eillenr, anil nn l Inmple.! .lealrr. era rnnitai.llv il.'rflvlhic their ruatotnrri ly il.tlt.nlnu Inferior t.reir. mimia miller the nun vl uluuer, w droj. the ...l"'e.llilK w,ir.l. Tl.nre la n . ehanit, howerer. In the preptra- mm itanii, ami nil i.triiea rein tining in tti" h n.la i f .lea lera, w. a)..ei iin.ler th ntn.i of I'AiiKait'e tliucn 1 ...in eontnln the nanuln me.llelue t the itfeltri 1 1.- al rnnur.. ..f llien.x t o. I at Ih bottom ol th uulKl.le rr.ii:r' B00KS-2tonsaday over foo,no Volume now Rea-tr. The e'-lee-l II eratni of the werl.l. nll-n tl.e l.ai i. tl..na .Mi.ilaliil ino-paite fatal.. xue Kr. I...et .riera ever known. Not loll hf ileal. ' ent 'or nanitnntl.in halore p tyma .(, evi.ten- ..I k-m.iI inioi. joll.V It. ALDKN, " Usher, is Vtrty Street, N. Y. 1. O. Hu W.7. HOLMAK'S ra 1 1 lit I A I. Fain 1? Biiilu! t'oiiUlnlnu In. II. orloria f tl.e NTeta- ini'tt. wltli Ih.' rrni . of on r J.or.l ar.l s. vl.ir, linn.la.imel - lllnairatliii.a. I INK I'lln. TiitlHAI'll M.l.t MS, eli'Hai.t iletn iiat.il. a uielv ton - .1. r:itta Inilupeinanta u'leri'.l tn ener.eilp Airei.ta. lllu.-trat' il eita 11.11" rent . ti " ..ift..u. A. i . ll.'l.M AN i. t o., l'klla tlelihu. Catarrh iiayfevee. 3 I ran ren romend Klj-'a I 'renin Ha m to all Hay Kaver tifl-rera, It l.n at . ' ti hi oplnliiti . f .iimlel H.nei-rleiiren.l . euro cure. 1 waa itlllliMed Hay lev. f l. r 1 year, ami never lefi.re finml t.ermai.ent relief. W Ktiari 11 II. Hakk ihn. Maral fleld, Vt. Ai ly br little (In vrr Into the nnatrll Hv ai.a. rl ll.in It el. leelually rlenn-r, ih natal paaaK o HAYFiVER ;jAY-IEVER l catnnhnl vlrua. eulnj healthy eenretlon It allay I. fl.i.tutu.n. p...'eci Hie tnaml.ra... al lloli.at-i f tl.e head Iroia ad.llil. nal enl.U, rniiiileiely Leal the aorn an.l retora ttie ena i.r tael end email. Ilerellol.i I rulu am r-all;a.l t.y a lew i.lloa,tiona. A ttrnr. ..11 Ircaluem will . nre. I'luq inle I f rrcl la ill lira i. AKieeaui lle. Min.l lur etrc.ii .r Su d l.y drui(klH. II y Ulall 6jo. (.aekage lUI.B. 1.1A BHOTII KKS, Oo,jo, N. Y. T A TrTI Tun Woin.n Watch t atioskiiv X i.lVXW I'm it mik .a the l ietoai . I Inv r mi tl.e 111:1. it--1 . r.intnltia 11 theeia Note Pal er, in hi t k .r, I'enell, I'. n-II .l.ii-r, l'en mid a han.l..tun pie.-e ol Ji-welrv. Ket ll "jrl.'e reut. l-i iir di.e lor tu. A wo-h ii.i.ir.niiee.i w 111 evry lour .li.ien you nr.ter rnr i.i tenia, in line nr two cent oatawo Ktatr a ne will atn.l a . ..iu. 1 1 am,. la .ackaio, with vi ituin 1 iair,i Mive liiiitoii, wold I'Ii.ii. I Simla, .,,!, 1 1 i, ,i i inr lliiltun.ll end hub mil n 1 imin. i,,.i.i plated Kltm and el amir r in t'l, Heut.-ler lru ai..i.tinla. is nee iiiii'iraiu.i 1 ittalouue i. t ne, S. II ini k' llU H. vi.liera, lei ... a. K.y ilu...i.n ,t, h fi. Aoo.ir.lnona. Vlollna. Iru inetl. . k.'.. Ima H'i lie at on. 0 to Wn111.11 M sir i. 1 i himi 4 11 . tk M..t. .w NOTICE. MICi:3) AB.Bi (U l!.!, but KeKteil 1111. 1 H.'frebet a Weury Man in Mfinpbis. "yo. it never aiinm n' e l to an acute rain, hut 0 nil lour ,1 tn I e a 1 11 1 1 weai ) a he In the (mall .i in v nan wr.ioa r .1 .n l u..iu.ia, i. N .v n Milium atrri t, , ,i ... Teiin 1 waa hd ni.i ei. -rl-h", an. I 1 I b.oine du!l lit . : e I c I tired all nv. r, ivlili u tn In n.c lower I'tnt.a, ami 11 hal.it i.l I I. k awake of i l hi. I.'eret.llv I tried . f H fcN tlN ri I ! A I't 1 ,N t iliKnl S ei,Ari'l.) aud wa (leel.lcdlv re. I .ne I wl hln 1 w ebti'lour huura. It tuny i.ar boon l-r.ii I ion1 tl.nl .11.1 the wrk. Ii..t I i,. ilieerriili to lliinanii'a l'. r. 11a I'laalir." Mr. I hnnaa' reiareii.ini Me ilm-a lilio eredit.hut Hr.11 l.lnnre work l.y a non t k. ai d aiming thrill llenenii' .aaier rat.l.a ii ml a an eiternal ri'medy. Il net. i.il.kly In re Irf nn-l lirall.,K, and ron 'era li'e b tier wmlh lliln.l. I'tlfeii. . etna. I.o. k lii ihe ml.). II,. l the i.Uater lor Im word t; A 1 1 I . K, Atk your il,rli-lan jh.nitlt. huahury ft Juhoauu L'h.'ini.ta, New Voik. an.l all Bilious Complaint, era rv.it.v.l l.y inking Wriirht's Indian Vwfahlo Tills. tmlj T,rUKi; Ve Orlplag. triittU. AUSnct-itl a.ta .. rnr. aMjaaaaaaMaBBauaaawBaaieaMCBAawMa 11, 11. ki:i(;i:k FURNITURE WARjIROOMS! JIavini? now in store tie larcest stock of Furniture of every desorii)- if.... a la.... tion over luougnt to tbia town. From tbo most elaborate PARLOR SUITS of latest Btylcs.to the common Lome- made Kitchen Furniture! I am enabled to offer crrcat bareaina and will guarantee salibfuctiou. Fnr nitore mndo to order and put op In me most substantial manner, lie- pairing of nil kinds. House Carpen toring promptly attended to iu town onu country, ttcspectrniy, U. n. RENNTNQER, Middloburgli, oear Depot. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. 1 1 EliAOHE tke thi. m.tbod notify thore indettdio,Centrevlle, Snyder ' County. Patina on.Ol'Mlllllen. lot, work. fco. Ihalthaaa. ' T " T me nnun L in IIMt It. tt iml I kna a itana I I p.uVlTyYnt,l toteraaM aw "eea tS ai a. vlrlne. and unl. aa ai-lleled aoou tbu will .a l. tc the kaudrLijollaiitur. , f. Philadelphia snd Headini? Arrangemcnl of Passcrfler rains MAY JkiUnd. 1HHI1, Train Unre Ifrrnrbn a follow ; For fihatnokia 11M nil 11:30 a. n ,r'Aia.. p. m. r rut.ttareiel, A-hlawd, Tamifwi Pottfc till.-. K.llna a. d Philadelphia i:a a. m. Trnhi firr Henuimi Imve an fiilUw . I.eare Shamnkln :0 and mm . m end Mf and r0 n. m leave PhlladlrMa 44 a. . Ileadina- Wis a. in., 1'ntt.irine :M ,. ra. enf tn.an p. m. T maqti TtVt a. ro. and t: n. m, Arhlan.tatrfla. n. and IiM p. en,, Mt. Verm. B.Jj a; ro ami 3:13 p. m. Truin Iravr Jlnrri'tlmrn nt fnllnwi i Vor New York, yii Allentown. TM a.ta. end l.4a p. tn. Knr ew Yorh, tie Philadelphia and Pound Itri.i k -i.ie." e St. 7. Mi a. re., i a I ..p m. K..r Philadelphia, o,a. l.W, ,6 a.m . 1 4J intt 4 oe f. tn. Vor II a.tlnr, J 19. I 74, T Id.tVM n .,, l.en, and a i p. m r nr Potiarllt. o W 1 W, t BO a. m , 1 4 and 4.t p.m. end via Schuylkill Ik Bnaqneban lir. rl. ai 3.ihi p m. I or Auhtira, i iu m. For Allentown, S.JO, J to. io e, m.. 1.4aand 4.1 t. to Way Market for t. el. anon Wt.lnai.layi aoi Satnrdav only, 4 0l a, in. Additional fur Kamtnelatnwn, U lfn. m. He turnlnn, lee llutnn.elatowu at MO p. m. The 7. to a. m. an.l 1.4. p. m. tralna hire throua-h eari fur New York, vU Alleotorra. Sunday For Allentown and Way Stattme, T.m .. r. por Itenlln. I'hll tdelphla, and Way rite tPma. f.io a. m. and 4 oo p. m, Trni-i for Itnrrixhurq leavt a follmv . l.ave New York, via All-otowi, t.00 a.ra 1 oi end 6 3'i p. m . Leave sew York, via "Hound Brook Rftnte" and Phllad-lphla. 7 4i a. m.. 1.30, 4.01. t.!u p. tn.. and 11. nu rnldnliiht, arrliloa at Harrl. burn 1.6 1, s vi, p. m.,an l li.l'i and 9 40 a nt. Leave I'bl'adelphl. 4 SOO.M e. tn. 4 Oi, Sn, ami 7 si p. m. Leave P.iltavlllo, (.no, a ik) a. ra , end 4.41 p in. Leave lieaOlnar. i.i i), 7.6H. 11.50 .. la., 1 . 2T 4.15. 7..'0. and lu 2ti p. m. Leave p.ntavilie, via Sehnylklll fc Suaq te hanna Hranrb, t '. a. ro . and 4 4n p. tn. Lenve Alle .towo, 0 Ull It 40 a. ni., IS, 15. 4,50, and v no p. m. Way Market learea Lebanon Wadaidy and Saturday on ly, 6, Is .. tn. SuvdayB L"ve Nw York, via Allentown, l,Hp, nt, I'hllailelphl. r.,3u a m. and 7.Jft p. ro. Leave lieadlne;. tf.oo. in. and lO.Sk p, m. l.eaie A Ih'iitown at TM p m. sTi:i:ii iii4!rii. Leave liar, l.hni for Paxion. Lnehlel, aad Slt olton da'ly. eteept Hun lay, (. 54. 4 4 ', 0 8a. m., IM and v.4o p. dally, except Halnrday and H. in. lay, 6 :i p. in,, and on t-aturdey only, 4.41 and 6 10, p. ui. li'uriili,n, Irnte Uteelloii dally, exrept Hon day, tin I.n, li'.O'i II 45 a. tn., 'i.lfi and In. II p, tn. dally ex ept .Saturday and Munilar, 8,l0 p. m. and on faiunlay only, t.loand ( 90 p. m. J. li WUOTTK1S, Uen'l Mai.ngor. C. O. HANCOCK, (Jon'l I'iishVA Ticket Agt. Feb S '14. ll n 46. PULLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tliuso Hntiroca titUo Hiiro fonrthf of iio ilirifund or thu liiitiuiii Hivaa aymplomaliiillcuio iboir existence: Ixa APtlt-, Uvw.U tiuatlve, kirk Head aolie. ruilne.e alter entlnej, averalorato exertion of body or mind, UrncUtlora of fond, lrilti,aw r temper. Low eplrlta, A hrllai of hwrtnff neRlectect aome U .iy. IMaxtuea,, IutternK at tha Heart, l.,te belore the e . hlshlw eol. ored liriiie, l'0.NTIIATIO.-, mill le in:iii.l thB hho on toiiui.ly ,nt nits Hire fitly ttlrtt.lv-!-. AsiiLlvoi-jnuiUi iuo TUTT'fc ti i litvi.noo.iiinl. Thi'li iictlonon tha H.lnyiiiii.suin ImuI.o prompt; rumovlnic nll liupuritlfs llirntmli f,(..Ho tlnre aa enarvra ot the tni,' proilncnT appe WU',(iii i. ili4.it ,ni. ri'dirtiir Htoole, n clnnr skliiaiilu,vliirniisl,oilv. TtlTT'W PII.I.M laiiv.i in, mutwa or iri liHnir nor luturicns wltli ilitlly work mid nio u ptrfeut ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA nn FEEI.H LIH12 A .M.1V MAW. ' "I Invo Im.l DyHiii'psin, with .o"lipa tlon.lwoypma.Binl Imvi- iil.'d tut illrriient kllliU nf jillla. niul TtTl'll urn llm fliet that Imve Uono mo nnv Boml. T)iy liavo cliiiimut mo our. nlcelv. My npiietlio le epliiii.llil, r.H-icl dlRi eia roaililv, niul 1 now liuvu imluinl tiHi-Hiiica. foi l liko a nev mau." W.b. KUWARDd, l'nluiyra, Ot i r-ildverywhere,9ne. OfHre.41 Murray BI..N.T, TUTTS HAIR DYE;. CKAT lUlS OH WlltPICKKfl Clllltle.l iu. taiitly toiibi.iir HLaiit liy n alngle a p. plication or this DTK. Sold by DruKtflaU. ur aetit liy exjireas ou rucolpl of I. Orrioo, 44 Murray titiei t. New York. TOTT'S MANUAL Of U8EFUL RECEIPTS flit WHO ! ON AtQOtl T f O ITN TMI QIOCAAPMV Of THat 4ttJIH TUV WILL t)Cf BV CKAWiMIN'3 VhkB MAf THAT TMf CH1lTAQ3. ROCK ISLAKD & PACIFIC RT liy Ilia oenlral poaltlun of II. llua, oonaeoa kutaud tli Went by ibeahoitul route. and , riea paeaeiiat.r, wllhout obeiiee of ftr, btlVM tnoejie aua JLaomom City. Council Bluini. Laaiu aHi Worm. Atotllaou. UitlllettDO la anil HI. fctil la finueol. tu Union ticpot with all lb unaapal ii of roed between tb Atlentloand the Paalae voeeat. aa iuiiuioni, i uorivaleo aue mwalB . taut, betnj eointjoai.d vt Mo.1 C'omrortahl. an. i.aullful Day CoeoUea, ItaeniOeuut Hortoa he. luius Cbeir Car, falluiia-e VreltloM fmlmmm ?''?J"n.S cll'- S1!11 "'!. Utmt Lin of liming Car) lo tli World. TliraTriuabmwuCbioMoJi atiaaouri Kiver Point. Two Traiu. btwu Oh. ai aud atluoeapoltaanii tit. Wui, via lb mm i. "ALBERT LEA ROUTB " A Vw and Dlrcol Lin, vl Bnoa and Kaaka. Olla aild HI. Paul anrf ,i..r , . ...77... AUTUraimU flwutm Yai wlail t ,." to' al. a all pnnstpal Ticket OMeee to) Ih Uulted Hlau and Canada. Uaaveai cbaciaud lliroiub and ru of la ad. wara a. low a eoaiputilur ibat ellr turn a.vav "torWaitalleit loioranaUoa.(al the Mace ani VelaW era of in GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE At your near! TloHM OXh, or ad.r. . It OABLK, I. ST. JOHN, Vaavt-ra. ul H'Cr. u.a ! nt raaa axti CHICAGO. I BOARDING HOUSE. rPIIK undersigned Lading made X ampl. preparation for the aeeouiaiotfatlea of lit. puhlio would r.potfuIly announce tkat he win furnish bnardlnit and lodging atth. ran.. vm)-iiv oenta a oy or twcaly nve rent a weal. Sl.bllDg and lead for bereti furnlfhad eheap. Thnae not having tried hit table are rip. Inlly luvlted looall, anil Ibay will not go away i1l.llirted. Ilooiin a few iloort Wert of tha Uoutt Hooaa, UlUdlebnnb, Pa, UAUMlFL ueavkr, Iieo.l.Ull. froprletor. TJENRY A. WOLFLET, IJ. Saddler-and : Harness - lalaKer -' Ifaani nan kaa.l a a . ( H.VpV..'VjulMliVld W kl.V'tJo ..'r! a All .... 1 . . . . - -77". , T ' F " ' V" " Mr Wi.lflt ..ili-"rLl',I''L "NT