3 "A H i mm aaafaajajaaiat-ajt-qrWP-a HBH.g.BL. ..11.JU. . ". J . - x -.-1 '- -1 -J.J L j JUWflaL - I i 1 .'.... . I . , ..II. . IWJ. wo T..H. nAHTKH.. ' Ho that will not roamm is a bigot; ho that cannot is a fool ; ho that dare not is a nluve. KDITOU and l'KOPKIl.TOR -11 I 1 - - " 1 " " 1 ' I UM I ! .! l i i l i . i i . .1 , VOL. XX. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO, PENN'A, S.EPTKMBER 6, 1883.- NO. LI. .rOETKV: TUS BIVOUAC 07 TH2 SEAS. Tbe muflVd (.ruin's sml roll hns boat Th floMivr's litt tnttoo ! No more on life' it parade shrill meet The brtr nnd fallen few. "Ou fume's etorual oainplnif Krortnd Thlr silent tentu am upread, And Rlory guard., with lolemii round, Tlis biviouac of the dead.11 Ho rumor of the foe's advance Kow iwcIIh upon the wind, JJor troubltnl tUouht at midnight haunts Of lored ones left behind. 'o vl.lou of the morrow's strife The warrior's dream alurius ; No lirnyliitf horn, no sereauiliiK fife, "Stt dawn shall call to arms. Their shivered swords are red with runt, Their )himed head are bowed, Their haughty bami.'r.trailed in dust , Is now their martial shroud ; And plenteous funeral tears have waidied The red stain from each brow And the proud forum by battle K-udied, Are free from anuUh now. The Height ug troop, the Uiibhiiitf blndc, The bugle's stirring blout, The eliarK', the dreadful .'uni.oni.ilc, The din and shout are pted. No War's wild notes, no (Glory's peal, Hhall thrill with tierce delight, Those breasts that never iiore may feel. The rupture of the light. Jjike the ilerce Northern hurricane, That sweeps his great plateau. Flushed with the triumph yet to gain, Comedown the serried fo. Who heard the thunder of the fruy Hrt-uk o'er tho field beneath. Knew well tho wutch-word of that day Was, "Victory or Death !" Editorial correspondence. OLIMrSES OVER A BATTLE FIELD. A TRIP TO THU STATK KXCAMPMKXT AT OKTTTHUI KO THK KIKM AS IT IS TWKSTV YKARtt AKTKll TUB WAR. ClBTTYSIM UU, PA.Ailff. SSth'83. We hoarded tbe train at Middle bnrgb, on Fri.lu; ruoruio, Angus! 24fh, bound for Oettysbnrff, via lewistowu. We reached Uan isbnr At noon and were dianppointed iu finding the Leisliituro adjourned until Monday. We coald not blame thorn, for they bad oot been notified of our arrival. We visited tho balls of both booses, however, and found few straggling members lounging io tbuir easy chairs rostiu tbem selvos after. tbe many bind unfooght battles. When tbroagh examining tbe law factory we proceeded tbrongh tbe other departments of interest in cluding tbe flag. room, wbere all tbe regimental colors of tho State are displayed or concealed which they really are, being so close together! that (be folds overlap, rendering it Impossible to ttll tbo color or con dition of the standards representing us various regiments, la a corner of tbe room is a complete collection of tbe impliraents of doatb used in both armies, the chair on which Oen. Moaae sat dnriog tbe battle of Get tysburg and tbe muslet used by Old John Burns, the citizen-soldier of Oetlycboig, ete. On the afternoon of the next day we joined tbe excursion over the N. U, It. B, for Gettysburg. Tbe ride Jong tho Susquehanna was a de lightful ooe, but nothing of impor tance happened excepting tbe Com mander of Middleburgh Post G. A. K., losing bis bat. He bad stuck bis Load out of tbe car window to locate tbe position of tbe enemy when be came in contact with a branch of a treo that was going tbe other way, When tbe train rolled in sight of Gulp's aud Cemetery Hills, cheer af ter cheer could be beard above the rumble of tbe train. Tbe old veter ans were happy, foe it was tbe first time many bad been there bines the evening of tb last days' light. Tbe Bomber of men belonging to the Grand Army of tbe Republic became more and more numerous , on the train, and when we reached Gettys burg the pavements, botel balconies sod public thoroughfares were lined with blue uniforms. . . Cere we are now, on the battle field of Gettysburg. .Twenty years go its streets tba now teamed witb motley crowd of bappy people were aceae or earuage. flsbel batteries planted' on vsrvrotfiwct and f tk lemlen Jifjf jut tbej ... 7 - - - j country round about echoed with hostile cannon. It was the gloomi est period in the history of the Uni ted States. Tho war which bad been carried on for over two years bad accomplished comparatively nothing to what wss expected, Fredericks burg bad echoed defeat to Chancel lorsville and tbe Southern army bop ed to prolong the echo to Gettys burg, where tboy expected to panil ize the North by locating the brunt of battlo within its borders Hu mors of foreign iuteivenlion became rifo and Koglaud stood ready to leud succor to tho South just so soon as tbe threatening aspect of foreign powers against itself abated. Lee bad evidently como to stay. He bad brought 00,000 comrades to- share tbe prize. They had for gotten, however, that they had now turned tbo aggressors in plsco of tbe defenders giving tbo North the advantago they bad so long enjoyed and so fuitbfully improved, lie fell upon the Union army ouo milo west Gettysburg July 1, under Gen. Reynolds, and though tbey exceeded our numbers by two to ouo they were met by a bold front and every inch disputed over Seminary Ilidgo back to town, where, huddled in uarrow streets and snhjocted to a raking artillory aud infantry Tiro they fill into cuiifiihiou which terminated in a complete routo. 1,200 men woro enptured und tbo bnluncu took a strong position on Cemetery Hill just south of tbe town. During tbe night tbe steady (ramp, tramp, of tbe boys brought tbo hap py uews of boavy reinforcements. Tbe morning of tbo second day found both armies about equally matched, numbering about 80,000 men each, with ft fair field and fair Cght In fore them. Gooeral Meade wus tiow iu command of the union forces- The 6ecood day's fight lasted un til ten o'clock at night and resulted in heavy losses on both sides with out any decided advuntage for either army. Tbo third da) 's battle opened at four o'clock in tbo moruing and end ed at sunset with (he confederate army repulsed at all points, having lost 5.000 killed, 2:1,000 wounded aud 8,000 nnwounded prisoners. Tbo Union loss was 1831 killed, 13, 713 wounded aud GG13 misning. Thus ended tbe decissivo battlo of Gettysburg iu triumph of tbo army of the Potomac. Leo at ouch moved his nlmttorod army toward Virginia, followed by Meade as far as the Potomac which had been filled to the brim with boavy rains, but tho confederate leader by skillful management kept tbe nationals at bay until the night of July 13th, when part of bis meo crossod tbo river on a slight bridge wJrilo tho balance linked arms and thus interlacod and stoidtod they forded the river in a mass, nearly shoulder deep, with the loss of but three meu, Meade had ordorod an attack ou the morning of tho Uth, but daylight revealed that tho bird bad flown, much to the disappoint ment of tbe loyal poople. Tho work of burying tbe 8,000 confederate dead was a herculean task, and owing to many being in such an advanced state of decompo sition, tbey were buried io slight ditohes, in the fields or gardens, or by the roadside just wbere they were found, and the visitor frequent ly finds human bones along the banks of brooklets and in newly ploughed fields. Everything shows the traces of war. The poople do not seem to have recovered that en terprising npiiit with which tbey were accredited before tbe war. Some fields bavo not been ploughed sinoe the war,- and scarcely a bouse but what is scarred with bullets, while some of tbe old fences that stood twenty years ago have rails witb eight and ton bullet boles thro' them, rendering it a great field for relic hunters. Driving through the country you are met at every farm bouso by children carrying cigar boxes full of grape-shot, micnie balls and pieces of shells, tormenting you to buy until you wish they bad been shot in another direction. The balls sell from one cent to 112.00 a piece. Tbe former price being paid for tbe common mlnnie bull and tbe latter for a solid shot from an English gun, the missile weighing about thirty pounds, a . foot . long, witb converse groves on the sides, The gun wss placed on tbe extreme right of Sero irie ry Hidge and tljrsw its shot witb great accuracy into tbe Union fjrtI flcations on Little Round Top, four miles distant. , Tho State encaropmont of the Grand Army is tbo leading feature of interest in the town at present, but to outsiders it sppoars a stale nff iir. The soldiers sit and discuss old scenes and at times becoroo very earnest find elaborate in their argu ments. We overheard one comrad dispiriting another ou a cirtain point, when tho first comrad jumped up and exclaimed : "1 gneos I should know. I was there, and when Lee oponed bis heavy guns on aa I bugged so close to old raolhor KartU that I rubbed a bolo in the ground with my nose. Go along down and I vt ill show yon the edoutical hole!' Tho encampment Jis located on Cemetoty II ill, and nearly a thou and white tentH greet the eyes of tbo visitor as ho emerges out of town on tbo llullimore Pike All tbo earth works i emain as they wero at tbe time of tbo hatile, aud cannons com manding the field around are still iu position. Ilonrds locating tho posi tion of tho various commands are seen in every direction, wbilo a num ber of tablets aro erected every year designating tho spot where heroes fell. Tbo only Gouoral who scorns to bavo been neglected is (! eneral Royoolds, whrt commanded tho first corps in tbe first day nnd wus tdiot dead by a rebel sharp shooter about half a mile west of tbo Semiuery building. Tbo exact placo where be fell is in disputo.Jnnd tho, board lo cating tho spot is freq ieully chang ed from treo to tiee, probubly to al low tbo relic hunters a chance to cut canes from "tho tieo under which Reynolds fell." Tho National Cemetery is the principal olqVct of interest to the fit izen. It contains seventieu ncrcs of land situated ou Cemetery Hill, tho sceno of homo of tbo most terrific fighting, Tbo grounds aro semi circular form each body pointing toward a common centre the loca tion of tho monnmeut. Tho number of dead burried hero arc 3,57 "i !I7S of theso aro unknown. Pennsylva nia furnished T35of tho known dead At tho entrnnro to the cemetery tbo visitor is confronted by a maguiliceut statute of (lonerul Royuolds.a braver man than whom never drew a sword. In tbo centro of tbo grounds is the National Monument. It is of light grey granito, sixty feet high and twenty-five foot fquaro at tbo base, aud is surmounted by a wbito mar bio Btutnto of tho Genus of Liberty, holding in her right hand tho victor ions wroath, and clasping in hor left tbo victorious sword. Four buttress es projoct from the angles of the pe destal, supporting four allegorical figures reprosonting war, iiibtohv, vekcz and PLENTY. The entire cometory is lined and spotted with evergreens, loudoiing it one of tbo most beautiful burial places tho Nation could have select ed for its heroic doad, whose blood has soalod a covenant in the eyes of God that our ll.tg should not come down. Kent on, embalmed mid sainted dead ! l)eur Is the blood you gave ; No impious footsteps here shall, tread Tho herbage of your grave. Nor shall your Klory;bo forgot, While Fame her record keeps Or Honor points the hallowed spot Where Valor proudly sleeps. T. II. II. Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice, aud yet everybody is oontont to boar. lie who swims securely down the stream cf self confidence is in dang er of boing drownod in tho whirlpool of presumption. A new post office iu the South is called Lang try. It is hoped that it will not bo truo to its name, and cause the mails to go astray. A Peruvian living in Milan has made a clock entirely out of bread In this country many porsons are trying to make bread out of paper, but tbey have only been partially successful. Tbey complain that subscribers won't psy up. A complimentary vote is some thing that is thrown at a man to make bim feel bad because be is not quite popular enough to be elected. It is said that Dr. O. W, Holmes has nsed tbe same pair of razors for fifty years. This statement, if true, proves two things t Mrs. Holmes is exempt from , corns, and eba has vjtlet knife in th bouse. WILLIAM Y0UN3 VICTIMISED. The rhila.' "Press" contains tbo following acconnt of tho way in which William Young, recently of Mifllinburg, was fixed up by wes tern sharpers t Waukesha, Wis., Aug. It 'The fact has just leaked out that William Young, president of a bank at lUa.N ing, IV, has just been (locoed of n considerable amount of money by con (Hence men. It appears that last Wed needy Mr. Young arrivod here and went into stylish quarters at the Fountain House Ou Tburs aftornooo a fino-lookin yotiug man approached Mr. V j'iiig, "Mr, Young, of Reading," said tbo strang er, traveling and have not seen any body from homo iu weks." and tbo young man informed Mr. Young that he was a sou of Henry H. l'clc ert, president of tho Second National Rank of Reading. Ho asked affec tionately for uews, and about Mr. Young's son, who is randier in bis father's bank, aud other pooplo in Reading. Tho two meu sepiiatnd agreeiug to meet Friday moruing at tbo Silurian Springs. Promptly at the hour and tho p'uee named tboy mot Bj;ain. 'i'ho:circlo aiound a storm, stranger was iu buggy and begged Mr. Young to get iir and tako an airing. He did so, and. they started for Hethesda Park, which Mr. Voting had not yet seen. Wbeu near the foot cf main street, the stranger re marked that be had bought some lottery ti.-kets, aud guessed that ho would sco if tboy had drawn any thing, so ho halted in front of tho widow J olio's house, ni.d tho two went in. Tluiy wero ushered into rooms, tho only fui nituro of which was a wooden table, on which wete a sptcial drawing ebuit und a bunch of numbered curd. A mnu at the tublu said tho stranger's ticket bad won tl.OO , but tho stronger bud owned only on -'enth of it, so bo would bo given 100. Mr. Young saw a pile of hills a foot deep, and piny began. Now his companion was f.V'M) ahead, and then anin penniliKS. He jumped fiom tho table in a frenzied stale and wautud the lottory mnu to tako his note. -No sir." I'p and d nvn tho lloor tho young stranger walked, picturiug tho horror of an exposure, and tho sorrow of his respect.' 1 falh- er and mother, and tho coolness oN vo,U' r,',MI 4,"r ,,,,L'ulur lm ,,,"M his higbtoned friends. Light camoM,li,k,ni vlmt a to BOio-fcnuf at last. Tbolott.vmnnw..ll k""1 tor oil ur seena tea been tho noto of Mr. Y'oting, n bunk pres ident, and savo Mr. Ytuitig's friftnl. Tbe latter gavo n noto for $ 1 .100 for security, for seventy days, and tho stranger gavo a noto for. JlfiOD to Mr. Young for sixty days. Mr Y'oung began investigating, and found that ho bad beeu swin dled. On Saturday ho informed the Sheriff, and beforo night tho agrcos blo young stranger was iu tbo cool er. When tho case was called to-day Mr. Young was uowhoiu to bo found and the piisonor was held until 2 o'clock for tho appoarauco of bis oc ousor, but at 2 o'clock u i complaint eamo, aud tho prisoner was discharg ed. Au hour later Y'oung came steaming into tho justice's ofllco and inquired for tbo prisoner. His sur prise and chagrin when ho found hi had beou discharged becausfl of his nou-appoarauco may bo iinmagined. He explained that a fiioud of Kckert took him out of town on tbo promise to get tbe $lf00 noto and io that way freed Kckert, and he discovered, too late, that he was victimized, simply to keep him away from the courtroom until the pris. ouor should be discharged. A u ef fort was mado to re arrest Eokert, but ho hud loft the towu. Always possessed of a devil printing office. According to the Cincinnati "Kn qnircr" a trump refusod to saw wood for bis dinnor, giving as a reason that he was bitterly oppsod to tbe destruction of our forests and would do nothiug to encourage that kiud of business. And be walked oil picking bis teeth. While a dootor was visiting a eick woman in Rowlandsvillo, Peon , two children poured a pint of molasses into bis silk bat, which he didu't notice until bo put the tilo on bis bead. Language cannot describe bis feelings, but it is said that he will petition the next legislature to pass A bill making it a criuiioal of- . , i;u vi vears iaio. ,,, . .1 a I HOW TO FORECAST WEATHER. Tho Pnrmers' Club of tho Ameri- cau lustituta has issued tho follow-' ing rules for foretelling tho weather: 1. When tbo tomporaturo fulls Buddebly there is a storm funning south of you. 2. Wbeu ho temporal tiro rises sitddeuly theto is a storm forming north of you. :- Tim win.l idivnv t.t.iw fim n region of fuir weather toward u le gion where a st mm is forming. 4. Cirrus cloud always movi from a regiou ff'iirj a storm in in progress to a legion of fair weather. 5. Cumulus clouds always move from a regiou of fair weather to a region wbero a storm is forming. 0. Wbero cirrus clouds aro mov. ing rapidly from tbo uorth or north east tbera will bo ruin ilisido (if tw mty-four hours, no matter bow could it is. 7 Wbeu cirrus clouds aro moving rapidly from tbo south or southeast, thero will bo a cold rainstorm on tho morrow, if it bo in summer, and if it bo iu winter thero will bo a snow storm. H. Tho wind always blows in a and when it blows from tho Uol th, tho heaviest rain is east of you ; it it blows from tho south, tho heaviest ruiu is west of you ; if it blows from the oust, the l...nvi.i.f ruin iu umitti. if it lil.ivvu I ,hT"r" h'' lriif.mloiin I m-rvl.-.m In id- ,- tn-n neiiMChi ruin is souin , n u oiowsi,,, A i,,,,. ,,,,,,,,, All(( from tho west, tho heaviest rain is north of you. 0. Tbo wind never blows unless rain or enow is falling withiu ouo thousand miles of yon, 10. Whenever heavy whilo frost occurs a storm is forming within ouo thousand miles north or north west of you A DUTCH HECirE which COST $10 A LINE Vo paid If '0 i lino for tho follow ing recipe how to succrod in life, and llrr Huns Yn,r h:is receipt therefore : Peon gout, your brayers say every dimes ynu dein forgot. Ptiou hardt vol kin' like dr rich ol.lt mans mil der grafo one feel in. tie! up from pod on top dot sun, und don you putter sco that you done der day all through. (loiio der mead-Hohore yourself to. l'ot vns dor must imboitenest ding from all sufo ninny tollnrs. Ni for oiidstny lader as vheii you homo gome on dot pianos dor frau schuno her wholo niiduro and got so m t I lilio a she tuiful. loii't dobt run into ; it vub pettor ouf you valk iu und oud run. I.if in vono room undil you so many chilleru got you most dwo rooms Imf-it vas putter to grawl oop and shump oop und full down. Peeii demperato-trink iioding stronger as peer. Look on anoder viinmens. not ; for ouf you dot do, dey looks at you, end dem vas pizeu lookt souio dimes, I'onM peon afraid you shilleru got, liLo dem Yitnkey vim inens ouf your fudiler nnd mutter peeu frtidt fon dot yor dou'd vin hero to mit blousure lif und trink higer bear. Msko friendt mit ef orypodios vono enomy wurstor as four buodert frieiidts. Pon'd iu dar church box pud lesser as fouuf cend doso voneceud man mako der bookeeper in-hcafen madder as ter tuifel, uud him ofurydimos scharge a hundert dimes more ou der own sido und nodiugs ou dor pay side. Kentucky State Journal. Ireland has Bafely passed through her period of famine for this yesr. Shu is saved, not by the good will aud charity of Kugland, but by a new crop of Irish potatoes. After Octobor 1 two cocls will car ry a. letter ah easy as threo cents does now, which shows that tbe country is getting easier. Hut it is just our luck. Just as wo used to three cont stamps we havo to lose a cent on ovory letter. No wonder that crime etulks boldly through the laud. It is ioipossiblo for a man to bo careless in business affairs, or un mindful of his business obligations, without being weak or rotten iu his personal obarao'.or. Show me a man who never pays bis notes when they are due, sod who shuns the paymeut of hie bills when it is pos sible, aud I shall see a man whose WOial character is, beyond all ques- i'usicians, 'r. J W. SAMl'SKL, " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Viitrcville, Penn'ii., (Tori liN rr.iff ,.onil hm Ice, to lh rliuon i.( ontrvllls ami vicinity. Auk. 'i. Q KlMiAi: HASHING Kit, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Midd!i'lui'li, Peuu'ii , ()llr hi! rofK.iti n.rrli-K t.i ih lllmni Ml '""rK!1 n I virlt.lty. fin l. i in ! -i i. Juljr li. ni . ne.t ui aMilnitliiii limine. (iRIKR MAUI'.KIt, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Middli'lmi'li. IVtm'n., ( lltrr til, profcMlrnnl rvlrM tlm r'tni a' MliMIMiurg nl lrlnltf I iilli-o ion ilouri ! ef III- I ourt llnnnn, l'i Arm.l.l Limiting Ilcxl Icncn on coriipr i'. file t'. II cliurrli. J II. RORDNKlt, iilIC i Al M ltt.COT Hie avium ow.v. Pa., OHtr irnf(iinnl rv. m to llio dtloui oudrlown i,il vlainlty. Apr. t, 'J. Jll MA RAN I) ROTH ROCK, Fremont. Snyder county, Pa. Hrn.tilMeol lUlllimira Cnlli(ft nf I'hy UrUnn n. n K"n. oilorn hi. i rili's.nnl irvlc : tn ili pui'lla. N-.!k r;nill.U ami Ofirniao. Murch, 17, MM. If. J J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, V.ir r Sii'iii'ii, S tifltr ( uunl'j, 'n. I TTnr ll. lrnlr"M.i:lI not vIltH Inllm , iil.ll I olll.-o on Mnln meet. Juno li U. J. ). WAONT.H, I'll j sl laii tun! Surgeon, II. J. KCKBKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. Kl Klll.lt I 's IM.OCK, St tiuyov, Viiu'ri. IT if'i'l inal biMlnons (romtly ttmll to. p.: ItCIVAL lil'RMAN'N, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, J'rnlz-fvi!li Sn'ittr ( illtiri hl iiifnl'in:il norvljoi Io tlm rltlini u iv rt xnrvii 14 mi. I vloinlty. 4 iw .),'; )U. A. M. SMITH, r.s'r.i.v ax J) sriaN(ix l MtoTK lil iryfn!innl -rvlini In the Itlrous A.lniinhurn ami vl. lultjr., Se I. 4 T.t. J F. VAN HUjKIUK, a ucilOAL A MUCH NNK'AL tKNTIS7 Seliusgrove, Penn'a. E. E. BUCK, MERCHANT TAILOR. IHWS II l.l,, Solln-nrnvK. Ph. U Ti.ir- r I tu ii nil klli'li ul wnrk ut h rt itntlre. Cleaning & Ri'iiairiiijr Neatly & Clicap ly Dans. I Imve aUoii l uito full, rllun nf nni nl tlm Intn-t tv If ! i-'iitiiH ntiil ouhm imi from Nim, ..rli it nl I '1: 1 1 it . 1'rr.iMin wl-hhiK In lnvo i ni"tif nn.l mvll-li mill III .1 0 ni li in . nil mi tho .b.ivti. Think, ml t r I'.ist (ni . 1 mu yuum rsi. K. R. lircK. FREE for TRIAL II ANoVHt S SI'I'i'lKMI. At. unl.lllnn uml eily fure Lt Nrvnti llalilllty ml Wak- na.K, I. mi n( Vllitlty nn I Vluor, Nitvoii. I'rilrtiin, lly.inrlii, nr ny ell imult of It iltHcrntliili, exifli.. ii, nr work, aMiuca nl Alo Iml, i.iimni--, fco. (nror forty tliou.aml I ttvo riii-ai, ) 0-Senil !.1i. vil.irni)h r Imix of nu i. Aililria. IHI. M. W. IUiIoN, I'nr. l'lrk M, ,v ilii.'un l lce, CIiIcko, III. 7-1UI V. .tuft r-iibllalii.il, nnw tilllloi) of Dr. it I -vrrtwll' ( . l. lirnlnl I ..ny on Dm ra.llcl ours nl S i-ii it u M niiiiiiiiKA i r Snnilinl Wimnk ni, Inv.ilnuturv Mondial I. m.ea, imphi icn i v, Mi niiil an. I I'liymntl lneumi-lty, 1 . i.l i . in-nla to MarrljK". etp.: l , l iiMnrim) Kril.ki'HV an. I friTH, ln,lniii l.y aeli-linlul Konou, nr Hekunl mravniiitni-ii, k. I II.' I'nliitirnta.l HUilmr, III llil" uilinirati'e r. aay rlitiirlv ilunionlr.iti i Inim a Ihlrtr yrari' aui'.i.lul luui-tli'ii, ti nt tbe hIiiiiiiIiik n.n.o. U nrea ol el(-l.iiin may to rr, II, ally eurr I ; p ilnlniK- nut a uni'lo ol i-iim nl on miter wiiai Iiih ennilitloii nmv -. my our blu aoll cheap ly, r rlvmilv an. I riiilbully Tn In I.B.-iur alioul.l im In Mm hantli ot t ry yoiiiu anil evoiy nun In the lun.i. .nl t niJor aeal In a iUln anvi-Uip-, 10 loy aililrana.pnat iil, uu rai-alit ul aix cents tr twu rii.-t in-- t'auil.a, A. I. Iii'.. T'l KHI.Vr;ilTH.I. M K DIO A I. '()., 41iuu hi , Ntw nt, IS . V. ; I'mt dnlca H it, HO. Oct. li.'K ly. MILLIONS OF THEM i For FLORISTS iq! AMATEURS. llullas rroudi bullaa, Auuarloaa Bulb. AIM yuiifforliraaiihnaaaaa uil Window Uar-laaia, HIRAM SI8LEY& CO. aauauiaM. a.i.auuiip J.B SKLIIR1MKR DEAi.r.n iif ' HAICUWAICE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Waro AND MANUrACTUKI.lt OP Stoves ALThnvnrc MARKET 8TRKKT. HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED ! ULIS BEAUTIFUl Cataloffua t FREElCiUfi. I jOivlNloWllw hltftil.'Ua !:,!. ... Punn'n Atlornvis-At- Law. ' 1 1 . . 1 1 j j . i ji i l. i n aiuii uiLiaHT. it Mia at. ciuvaa. GILBERT & CROUSE. AttOIMlUVH-At-IjllYV. MiDi.Lr.r.i'iiu, i'A. ciffor tliflr fn-rraaloiMi tArrlna. it tha Pub llo All litiatna. aniruaiad to la. Ir ear trill rn ralva irnuil all.utlun. t .alalia tium In t oa. Ilsh ami urrmau. H'Jnt t, "aj. y.I. K. HOI'SWEUTII, ATI0RNEY-AT LAW, MM.iNMinovii, Pa., ttnllanllona anj atlothar lnal liualn-.. srun (il ly allin leu lo. Cotiullatl..i.i Iu KnMlkak tad il.rman. Jnaa t, li. Di iX, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I.rti ilnrfft I'cnn'a. All lualao.a onlrii.ti.,1 to Ma .ara will l vrainptly atteu.l.d to, N. it. BO, 'JO. j (. DH1THICII, " Murk't Kl., S'linijrwf. fii All rrofr.aional l.ua.tiraa ruinrlly ati.cJ.J tu. ..viimii.iiiiH m r.Daiiaa ami waroian 1 I!. WTNm.KLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MiiWrbunj, .Viijiir C , Can L. eoLiult. il In Ktiallab ard.rjian. Jan.it,'Mi, I n. myi:i:.s, Attoriiti'.U-hnr, Mlrtillrliom, Paan'a, All pr iloxlunal lin.mi.ii antruatal to hi oara will rn.'-lvn irmii.t atlarilinn. ' in u latli na lu LnnllMi actl tjarman. Hi t. lnTJ. K. I'.OWKH, AIIORNEY-AT-LAW, 'nt'oi-t'oni tnaita. ami i larn.an. I'ouiullatlrna In Knullah June 3, 'Ta.if. la. SCIIOCII,- ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin. Penn'a. rrnfraaliinal bnln. rMrnale.l n bit car will rr.-.ii. .n,ini alii.iitioti. Jim. So.-m. QIIAS 1' muni; Attornoy d, Connn-llor-At-Law, (linoe In Ai.'a liuiblitic ii no ilooi Nurib ot K k a llilK HilTKI.. Slliia,m o vr. I'Dlin il. t'nllacllnna ami all. oilier proi. a. ion. I bnal naaa la 1 1 1 1 n, I uinl will reoaH a rnralul anj iroinit anentlnn. Afir.ll,'7.tl. riTJTsMITII. . ,. . . ATT(IKrKV AT LAW. . M 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 1 ; I ' it 1 1 , s N V C 1 1 1( in., y lrara Ma I'mfnanlnnal Servlrr. Intra BukU C'onaultatlona la l.nxllrb aniUlanuau. A.W.POTTKK, .V N I. I'OrrKTl Solinsgrove, Pa , OHr Ibalr rilfii.iiial rrrt.-a. to tb pubilav A II loiial iiu'tooaa antru.taj In tbalr rara will reralrr ir.niiit aitenlloo. umoaon Main M. July 4. 72. JUUACK AU.tMA.V, T 7 O I X I Y A 1 I A W. N'IlllKr', All i r.iiij.liiiikl loialiinaa ami coliei-tlnv an lruinl Io IU i-ro will da n niiiily aiun.i nl in. r.iu ha '.in-i 1 1 -.I In r.iKli.iiur ilrtnn. tirtl.-o u .Mrkul .siiuara. C irt. v,, h. J II. MilMMr A( tornov-at -Liv. AXI) DIKTKK'T A'lTuliNKY mil S.1DFll UU Nil. I'li-rlmm 't,. rnnaiiltallon In bulb i:nKIIMi and n.rmu l.na'iaiea. Uct. , sl. J O U N 1 1 . A 1 1 N OLI, " Atlornoy nl Lnw. MIIMILBCUBU. PA I'rolaaaluiial bualnaaa atitrnaia.l to LU ear will be IToinpily attrn lail tj yM. VAN (iKZKR, ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Luwialnirg Vn. illlaralila prnfa.liinal aervloa to It.a roMla l'nlli-i.ii anJ all nihar rrnfaaainmil I. ml nana outrui-io.l to Ma care wi raoalva rniuit attention. A U. SIMI'SUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mol:nsiov, Vn. lilten bla profnalunal a.ivlrea to Ilia rmMlij. All liuiitic-i rntruatnl lull, rare will tia l-ruiupily atieinlad to. Jan. ",' ', A M 1' KL II. UUWIU, ' ATTORXKr-A T-l.A W, Lrulabni K. I n Ion o.. Pa: (ilti-a nn Market Street, on. door eaat of Cam. arin llnna. Iiecwn. fTI.f. Hotel Cards- NATIONAL HOTEL J. M. HOUSCK, Proprietor. Thla hnll h.i late y be-i te.lit d an I f.fur nUba.l, inaalnv Ita nnniii.r i hnial la all re-apei-n Nn palna llli a a(.i-.. ir laaaceum iii.ilailnn of the traveling pin. t KlabliiK i.artli a ti flmi u,i e ol I be beat plaoea In tb. eoaotr to aiopat; aood Liblan u the lll.lu-.llala vlulully ul tuu a .in Auk- t, . rjHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKK, PropV a. n. Thla Uotel la plaaaanlly located la Ibe "(auera and I. a arydealrahle place for traveler lo.i.'. tba aaaTuf aueoiniuodalloue at low raUa P-t euiiaatnpplni once will be aura to call a at a. Tka beat ol m nor lu tbe bat M . " aTA Bralolak H.alaaranllntann.olt.a w. u"'- Apr.i.'r,. TUB NATIONAL DOTE ! Hy WM. UOUffOUTII, BELIK8UKOVK, 1A. BeiDailala.1, Karuralebod and laiprevaj. l b in.i.t i-eutially I -oal.il bote) In the tuwa. riraa el are-raninilatloae for tho Irvallaf fuklu. ItIcrcIinnt9Uou9e, NOUTU TUIUU 8TRKKT, VUIL'A PA. HCN11Y SPAIIN, PropV. '1 i - -w
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