1 Published nvtry Thur.o Jiy. irnK !of!fT Connf.. fhe Cn.irt or Ffi isr Cum'.f ere tiel.l on Uie tuorth Monilay 4 f'ebruar' M.T.an.l (September, end Second Monday ol Deeemif . ."' rrl-nJf th'onctiAnt tho rodnly will osllae by tendlne; u" the tie! In tt tlr rcfpei-. tire teft, tllixt ami .emhborlion.t. tivti.l the plain ft. nd te will ilri Hi em up. II r.ed be. Our oolnoinn will el.y ! nprn tothe who wlnh to pak through tlitiunn tnml or looml quMilonn of fuliile lnr l ; t tve will Dot hol.l urll ronlule lor til cplnlom ibey may eirre. 1T07IC3 70 SUESCSIBSr.3. Look at the fluirnre on tin label of vour paper. Tims Aitares tell you rnn path to wiuni yotr st menu Tiox is PAtti. Within 3 weeks after mnnev in hunt, see if dat e is ,HunK,tl No other receipt is necessary. WfiltW 'Hi l" I l.r I I ' i I r."ma'm A. I.: iiii i. ii. 4 Si) iu ju I.nwl.town .T. 7 ID 16' 4.VT I Main strel , tH ' -il 94 l.rHI-t n 7. IX Iff. 4 ia 9 ,viti ; t. , s.ii 4 lu .l Hin t r : 7 31 -' .1 4 04 K.('7 I 11 ' hlii'll . 7 2 3 4 110 9 ol 13 I Wainer '7 41 ' 1 . (.41) K 44 ' 17 . Mi" lure T J ! 3 1' .4 ,s 33 3i Ftfl nta M tlla I 7 7 ! 3 1' i, 1 s.l ' 31 Ailnturi ox ! 3.1.1 ..o mo v. ! H-rtown !') a a. 11 7. 4 , JO ! Intr ! M ' 3 4i 3 lo 7.:t ; 3.1 i Mtii,llitirnU , .10 (i ' il 01 7.31 M I Mo'eer ; H 4 I.' 5 1.7 7 17 , 37 I K runnier "4' 41 3 51 7 07 8) I rcwllnn A 4 ;M 3 4! .60 i 4:1 ! Pollniirove .M 4 J' 2 a 8 :ii 4 Solliiitr..ri J. " ' IX 7 5 30 ( ! . ' "-ii I o'f H "Iters 'j a tiile" anci it tik:n nus, aa' l3ita t:T piini "ea." Jonh 1 Sinltlt is nlill on tlii nicl, There will he plenty of fruit thin year. (. C. Mntelins wrt on the hick lint pevurul diiMj laitt wouk. Joseph Walter's .tiew van raised on Tuesdav. bunk liiirn CI. C. (Uitelhis visited friends nt Kratzervilln last Sunday. CI. M. Sliindel p.iid Mirtliiibiirx rein lives a vi.sit on .Saturday. Aaron Stetler's new hou' near the Franklin bridge is under roof. NiiiuUy Selii'.ol l-'ehtival on UowerV Island next Saturday evenly; Klins lluuitnoi is Ijuidinun nddition to his liverv stahlu in Middleburt'li. R. Weis rulls especial attention to 1 1 i h magnificent line of White inods. If you need anything in the line of Hosiery cull on S. Weis, Selinsrove. Samuel Wittenmyer lost n valuahle cow last week. Cans of deutli un known. avis Ciift and family of l'aitonvillc were the guests of Siit-riiT Keii-hly on Sunduy. Mrs. J. S. Hoohand dMUjjhter Veii.., of Miniiuhurif a ret vi.-itint; Midddlc burgh relatives. Kvery lady in the bind hhonld nse Day's :Joap, ic will save her time, la bor and patience. Ladies' White floods in eudless va riety nl the accustomed 1 jw prices at CI. Alfrd.l Schoeh's. l)r. 1'erkiiis was in Mitldlelmrh on Tliui'filHV evening and rehearsed the hinders for the jubilee. Dr. J. M. Wallace, of Itichlb'ld. spent Saturday ai.d Sunday in Middlchurgh ;ue.t of Jcre t'roiisf. tnu of the Snyder county irisiners whs a lii'uer man than tirant. lie luadv t le third term. Linnen (ioods of every description I and for all nnes, hi,.,, and tastes ut S. Oliponheimer's Selinsnrove, Ma. I .uisses .u nuni; xearner. 1 acy. j,une and Kittle Musser of Hartleton, vis lie I in Middleburnh Saturday. For all the fancy fascinations famil-i'' iar to frail femininity, cull at S. Weis' Dry (ioods Kuiporiuni, Selinsnrove. Mr. I'lmerSchoch of the Mitlliiibarn TfUijmiJi, his wife and little boy, were tho Kut'ht.s of tho editor ami w ife Sun day. fieehold & Hunklo continue doinn a amahhinn business-far expocdinn their ! expectations when tstartinn out in Middlebuinh. Wt linv,l lit l:.uf ntlll.rtif n irl. r.t 1. .,11 , . , , , ; llOnottlnr tin. lolur fi.lt umil ,,f .1 lt.iiiLr 1 in Middlebuinh will bo mpphed in the near futuie. The majority of our people are nt- A -ll.l ..,ll . . . xeniiinn toe juouenio-tiay ( J liursilay; arid our tow n resembles Holdsmiih's "Deserted Village. " Mr. arftl Mrs. William Harter of Aaronsburn, Ma., father and mother of the editor, were in Middleburn, (Saturday and Sunday, t, u. uuteuus remeiniieredtnel'osT with a lot of Ilrst class ico cream on CJ-A 1 i ninuniuy eveiunn. i wuu oomk, una no mistake uhout it. Mr. J. Y. Shindol and Mrs. L. N. Myers, who hare been spendinn a week with Mifllinburg friendH, return ed home on Saturday. One of the heaviest thunder hlioxv ern paused over Mlddlehurgh, on Wednemlay night that ever visited thin section of the state. The prime ry election of Snyder county will he held on the ltlthof June. Polls open at one. o'clock P.M. ami closn ut 7 o'clock P. M. II. 0. Sa.mi'ski.i,, Kec. F). T. Rhonda has two more chilled plow brand now which lie will tell for $4.00 a piece. They cost hint $V0 t the factory. This a rure chance for any person needing a good plow Dr. Barber & Hasnlnger last week j force us to produce serious internal removed the bandages from the brok-( injuieg from which she suffered excru en limbs of Mensem. Jaineu Hothrock, elating pain for (several days. At this la., ..I tir.i... ,1 at. ixr 1 1 inn-.. ,,, ... 1 . i . . "imim iici.u.uuuumr, iimivi, Mrj are .11 perfect jol, au! tic patient, are huppy. A LEAP FOIl FREEDOM. An:th:r BJd Attor.pt cf the Snydor Csunty Cafo Blowers t) Exape. The two prisons taken to tho East ern renitentiary by Nheriff Iteichly and Aaron Sutler on Monday oflast week, made another bold but unsuo cussful attempt to escape from the I'rasp of the law by jumping from the train at Downington, 8',' miles on this nidd of Philadelphia. Tlierlrcumstan ces as related to us by Sherill lieiclily were as follows: When they left here the Sheriff had them hand eulTed together, but upon reachitiK the Selinsrove junction lie deemed it prudent t put the hobblo on them, against which they utroiin'b protested. Afterthoyyot on thetrain tirnin they seemed perfectly nnniiiub ful of w hat tranxpirei'.but were clos. -ly watched by the Slu rilT, espcciall.. so when he formed the ncnaililitn'i of Hon. Herman C. 1'ry, member tf 'he Legislature from Luzerne county who reeoj.ni.ed the bijj fellow as tin man who had been sent to the pcnl tentiary from his county for horse stealing. Kverythititf passed olT tpiietly, how ever, until the train had pulled Mit ol tho Downiutown depot, when boil jumped up and ran fur the d.xr -the little fellow ahead druin the hul ble, and the bij; fellow Mlowinj; with the ctilts fast 10 his w l lt. T.ie clinki n of the ch iins br.)ii!;lit ali tin' p is-en rfers to their fe-.-t and the exciteineti1 was intense. In an instant the sheriiT n up and after - reaching thu plat form just as the littl. f llow jutiipe,! .ifT b it in time to catch the bi fellow by the nape of the neck and haul him back, at the same time pulling the bell rope with his other hand. The train which had been runni:ir at the rateof t went y in ii.'.; an hour, stopped almost instantly, an I detective William Ur.-i dy jumped oiT mid followed the Ih-ci;,-little I i ir I i .-I : i ii :t 1 1 in hot haste, while the train pulled out for I'hiladelphia. with the sliei'iiT and his one prisoner o-i board assured bv the railroad au thorities that I'r.nly would briu in the other one. How they bad trot out of their irons no one could I' ll. The bin fellow, in walking from the plat form to his seat after bcin caught lo the sheriff, nulled the culls olT his wrist and threw them on Hie (loor as if thev were but cotton slrinjrs. On reaching the I'enitetit iary, the Deputy Warden greeted the pri-ou.-r w ith -- "Hello! are you, back naiu "Never was here before." "Ves you were, and your mime i.- ilierdorf." He was then blind folded mid led to the Warden's olllce, who upon seein,' him. asked : "Is this your third or fourth term lel e ' The prisoner seein;' that the name was up, nave a hann do look and re ! ponded: "Third term. Five years last time." The Sheriff then Marled for the h. renu of I uforiuat i-u, xxhere he ex) t ed to net news from the little Fnnlish- luan. I" pun his arrival a . . , : ' " awaited him from Mradv, slatin ' Unit 1 , 1.1 HiepHM..,,-.' was recaptured and he 1 ii ... o . . .1. . . . .. 1 lllllll.l lit II III III. .S .I...I' .I.I.III.IIII . I 1 ' 1 lll. e, cor. :!lst Market Mreet.. and net him. He did so and found his man rather the worse for the racket. Hoi Some people no to church to hear, had jumped down an embankment of j""' minister discourse on the b,joei nt least lift ifoef wliile 1 1,., i r.o .1 w ,.s I inoxinn twenty miles an hour u'nl I 1 landed on his head-badly inninn that portion of his anatomy. II unknown to the prison initio xvas lilies and cooly rem. irked (hat il' h XXollId to e e.inty llls , k '" 'Mempiin; U WlJ"1'' ""t ''"t Suyd-r ll"' 'ney. tireat credit ndew Metectixe Mradv ,, t)l0 ,.Hir(,a,j authorities for the ivady'assistanco they lent ini ecapt urn the prisoners; and be it said of She) - Mcichly that the county may be proud of anotlleii'.vxhowith the poor- esi laciimes, successiuny m-M ami safelv delivered a brace of the worst 1 1 1 ,' 1 .! . , black-leiis that evi-r wore Irons. Mart Shannon, after a sojourn of ; two years Iowa, Inu returned to his home at Meavertoxvu I I'vrvthinn in the lino of ( ieneral Merchandise will be found represent-T ed at It. Alfred Schoeh's store, t foods alxvax s just as represented. J 1 The House Friday, 1st, passed a bill"" 'lv''""' L oir.rinK new bar with only ten dissenth.n Votes, to ex -! a,u "' ,,,t' i,n)fy io"ds. No tenn'nate the Mnnlish sparrows. They ,in"H' I''""r.v ''"'"'s Carpets, Mat UU II do not prey upon insects. Let t hem .1. p Utilized for that purpose. I'ho bill1 j I has also passed the Senate. Wool Ciiiinixii,.-Tho undersinneil j will receive wool for cordinn if left1,,,. ... .... with Philip Swiuefork at his Furniture! . mUU,r M,K "' hU ''as' ''llair- store, MMdlelmrnh, uml return it to name place when corded, free of ; churne. He also sells, all kinds of Furniture. llK.MtV 11 ICISKll. M,..,...jn U-.,ut.ill,. ,.M.,..I.I K.i.n.ur, ..o.uo,..! i,r,r,n, ,.,.1 ..i,..f nttv v.,.,. si I.... ' -"i " eveuinn. June a, coinuiuieusuiciao ny shoot inn himself In the head with a revolver. He had been ill for Home time and the rash act is attributed to temporary insanity. Owinn to the Inclemency of the wea ther the Salem Sunday Sohool Festi val diil not take place 011 Saturday evening last uu advertised, and conse quently wmi postponed until next Sat urday evening Juno 10. All ure Invit ed to attend. Skuioiis ArcinitXT. Mm. Philip Spade, residing about 1) miles south of Middleburnh, on Thursday evening of lust week trap ted through a hole in the floor of her barn, striking her I side on the edge of a plank with Hitch wrillllg U IB BUppUHUU II) IIU OIH 01 I,- ho.il,l ,ull,.l. 1 1, .. Ill .o , dau,er. Dr. Kothrock, attciril.,.? ,,ave ..I. 1 .l,.n ' CENTEEVILLE GOSSIP. TI,.H,.1,n.l lln.nl I,L lnJ.!.,' . . v...,.. v.... ... up the work of tho year. Satisfactory settlement was made with the tux collectors, a financial statement was prepared for the auditors and the did Hoard adjourned. Tho new Hoard met in the after-noon andornanl.ed by tho re-election of the old officers : Pres. S. II. Straub, See.-.?. 11. Hnrt innn, Treusiirer-L'riah Herder. A special meeting will be hi Id neM Sat urday after-noon. Mrs. M. F. Slii'ary, spent several lays in MiflUnbtirg last week, visit ini relatives. Mr. Michael Youmr, who has been ittemliun school at New Merlin, has returned home, where he expects to einain duriiiLT vacation. It has been observed for some time Hial our friend 'ha. 10. Siitnpsel, lnc li.'en carryinan eeeediiily pleasaiit I'inteiiance, somo thought pcrhap ii" had received a forlu.ie from the ilil country, but time has ivvc.ilci. dilTereiit. lie gently reniaike 1 as In nine up street the other morning "The new b.ihy is a nirl." Audits tin ilrst baby, too, that ever came to hnl It'll 'hat ley's heal t. We coiirnt ul.it i liiiu on bis new found joy. and Imp, lissluuibers may not b dirlurbvd by this'iio. t we!coii;e iitor. 'I'lie I'. anelieals will hold theii pi.irterly confvrenei. in their church it this place, on the pi'h. Fri mdiio iy I'. I'. SweiiL,'el, V. L. of thisdis ! rirt, in tin eciiniu;; and Sunday fol lowin,; ill the forenoon, when the Sri raui-nt of the Lord's Supper w ill b. ailiniiiister.il. Miss Kate, daughter of ShcrifJ I :.-1 1 1 -, is iiitin:: her ninny yoiin;: I'rieii Is ill t his place. She is, evident ly ha in a tine time. Mr. .1. V. S lit. wife nnd dau-h !er, of A.hiiiishurn, spent Sunday in town, as t he ntiests of Mr. kcuawcl. t'harle Matteui ami Alfred Troi 1. of Troveh iMe. took in the hinhtsiil this place on Saturday afternoon. t'hiTiiex will be plenty this year, and th" aveiene boy is cast inn a wi-t fol eye on t In-cherry trees, count itii: ;the hours .when the warm sun wili j;ivti them a deep red Color. The ! iroulile, is tli;,i ju tln ir hist,. t,, i tat the fruit thev i at it before it i- ripe, w hich eaU'.en.'.ich sharp pains in the internal machinery. John Martly, Hi" fireman on Muckle Snyder's haw-mill, ..pent the last two weeks with his family and is itppnr eiitly happy, lie says its a bouncing b h y. II Mil lilt. Tin' Tenth Annual Interstate Mic nic and Mxbibiiion under I he auspice., of the Matroii.iof lliishandry of Menu sylv.inia. Maryland, West Virginia. Jersey and Mclaxxarc xxill (.ii..i m ! Williams- i irove. ( 'umb-.r! i nd ' ity, 1 " "" Motnlav, Aun'ist V'l, lss , .,,! coniinue until Saturday, Aunust '.Vitb. Two years ln nce, b.', we may ex peel liie loeilsf,.. Tlley ;,M ,;,,; th-ir appe.iraiicc in I v. ;. heir pn - - 1 1 om1 111 tiiirt tin 1 1 1 r v 1 ' 1 t nil M il ) 1 t r ts::i ivm , ,1.1 1 . . . 1 1 :'. . . '"OI..I.I, 10. -o 1.0 or 11 piiearan 'is liar 1 ,.,,,.: m, .,, A .. . I ...... , 111 1.0 1. I io I , I fori 1 1 ei t linos eo I o . . 1 1 ... 1 ..ii Iv)l, -' ' !.., o iii.ii .i 'S ol Christ la nil y us laid down in the ; '""'' o" make a display o . 1. :.. I . 1. . ; 1 : io 1 1 e 101 n 1 ic; - especially II tlley have -I'leei inn a sllllllner trip. I in OooK lanythinn lioxv ; - ot h el's no to passjcali be had byealhmr mi any ir.'enl a x ay I ho I i uie, a ml home make it uu of t his co:npany, or em o.- in ; IJ cents oecasi in for tin M'ciirinn of a ipiiet i for p. .sta ; and niilres:nn Tin -. L. uoo.e, Mal'tile s all oTer the Slate are com- pi aid i ij; of Hie ra vanes of 1 iiu 1 1 es- i.i n fly in their w heat lield-. Siiyd- r count X' is not beliealh the lioti I t h.-M' ,est rudix . Iii 1 1. posts. Mr. J. ,', rnch ,,f K rat .orville infor.iied lis last week 1 hat some of his lidds xx ill' ,lut yield over a ouarier of a cron ow - .j,,.,,,, , . ,.;IV,..,.S , 1... I In icuera Svnod of t he 1 .1 1 1 ! I ' lit 11 t luircli at its recent session at Spring Held, (Hiio, appointed the lot Ii No yember next as a day to celebrate the birllnh.y of Luther by the Church and Sunday Schools, The I, ut heraus over the entire world will make this auui I'1"-1"'""' mieresi aim , " wifl '""""'d sj.i.if. S. Weis comes to the front with a 1 l"'Ks.''ii v uans, . ji is store is too ! well Known inroiiniioiit tins section loeiiaie. 10 require any encourage nient in order to secure barnaius. He Lives (ho Strictest attention to ov.lers ..r . I... s' . bv mail. p)1',,lt('1"" his head for he had nohair 10 u l" " " weary ami achinn . I"1''' ah no tniniisoflils liorrihle, horrildo fate . . 111 a man connemneil to earn his .....i u t.. .. '. i'j n.iioojj u weekly weak!,' sheet. II if.am.s.en u, il. 1 lie nieiu House, Selinsnrove, Ph. .is! gralually growing into publio favor inies is seldom goo I for anything ; he as a hostelry, and the accoininodatiiig'iH made of that kind of maternl whic'i proprietor, J. L. Kiehl, may xvell feel Is so easily worked, that everyone promt of his successful enterprise. During this week his house Is crowd, d to its utmost capacity by people who had engaged rooms inonlhsugo.vhVh is sufficient evidence that his accoiu inodatii ns urj in publio demand. A Centre township man Is reported to have set his childr. n to work pick ing stones in his fields on Sunday of lust week while he and his wife went to church. We are not a theologian, but give it an our unsolicited opinion that this fellow, like Hunyau's Pil grim, will find a good many hungry lion on Ida road to heaven only they i i.-... ., . . . wuu I. uu umuueu, ana ir, perclmnce, i . J lUIWUpll 111 l lU- .lax XiliiUA ttjle In vrMi to fct JiUxIe. LITTLE FOLKS' PIC NIC. v ......... ....... .....I I I . I.ul... ntlli school which closed last Friday, after a successful term of elht weeks, I suitff the oversight was dMc to -i "sore foot." but such a pleasant event should not lass bv tinnoticerl. On the afternoon above mentioned, at the rinninn of tho bell, tho pupils and some of their niatiiiuas ass-.mbtcd at thu "school bouse on the hill, "after which they formed in double column and marched to Mr. Il-iriy Smith's nrovejust north of tow u, w here the little folks enjoyed themselves, us hildrcn only can. for several hours by di'.Terent p!ays and names. At about . o'clock supper was iimioune ed, when they heated thctiiscMcs .tround the table tilled with the uuii.y X'mhI t hinns iisiinUy prepare.) for Mich cciisiiis of which they all partook wlili a relish. After supper they re turned home, all feeling that the time was well spent. This day widben rreen spot in the memory of the liitl. folks and one loiin to be 1'enii.Miibi'red by all present. Onk N.r Iwn no. 017. The net annual session of the I'elilisy Ivaia State Teachers' .ssocia ion will hi- held nt Williamspori. July 10. 11. K (Tuesday. WediM.h.l.iv and riiurs,l. ,. A eonvenl i .n of ineSu .eiinteliilelils of (he State has been ailed to inei t at the same time and olaee. The rates at hotels and on iiilo.n Is have been reduced, and no doubt this will Ii the lar gest iiietiun of educators eve: h 'Id in (!;. State. mix person .i.'Minin intori.ur an obtain the sa,e by address!,, . Henry llouck, llarrisbnrn. Ma., win. i chair uian of t he i xeeutive coiuini' The band boys have domed their new suits. There is but 1 1 1 1 iftlie ' Ihish" about them which makes them all the more liandsouie. T!iey have a Ideil a new member, wit 1 1 a reed in s! ninient, xx hii'h lioxv make- twenty .iielili.-s in (ill r. lid. Till, i' i f tile host, if not f'e hcs hand I, . '. ;d Mi 1 1 1 1 - I ania. 'M'iii't hwi-.ir so, John ;'hat if x.iil should be si ruck d- ad x ith Slirh horrid out Ii-on your lips ;" said his wife, hoothin-lv. "Swear so t .Inn ininy crickets, by all that's picat, I'm1 not sxvearinn. "it 1 am n"i"n ex press my opinion of this confounded nine -cornered ba.oo of ii blamed rick ety infernal bit of stox e pipe -" I )it the wife with her hands over her ears, Cu Sunday a couple of vouni; folks! Were seen proli e me I i n ill broad day Hnht with arms around each other's necks. They did not seein t . i n. t ic ieoii!e passing them nxxinr to love heiun blind. The rest of I he pedes ti iims drew asid .' under a shady nook and luoiiifiilly hummed Mr. Wat Is faciiiiar hyiiMi, "lloxx vain are all ll.ill- here below." W' have received a c.py of th" Summer Mxcnrsion Uoiite liook of tin M. 1!. M. Co. for sea. f lvs.(. The nooiv lor tins year has heeu xciv . . 1 . . . , T""1" ""I'roxe., an.) . niaiKci, aim Million improve. 1 is ju-t xx hat is xx anl. i".u-t what is wanle.l hy por-ons niplatinn a summer 1 1 if. Il eon t 'his about lVo dim-rent routes. " vi'l o.liill lul col, .red map. xxl.i.-h 1 w ill iiild largely to the nil.nit.iu' in 1 1 . ' Wat i- llOelih Av. Mittsburnh. Ma. I', lit or Sini! h of the Milton . ;ii s i has been arresied i.nd j 0 , 1 umier ! bonds for an allowed lib. ) p.il.lisl.ed iiirainst 11 man u lion ilauhtei- atleiupted suicide on 11 i,.f the ill! real 1.0 Ml of her father. If our brofhi r was uiisiufoniied xv are sorrx ! for him: if it is true, we e.,iv in his siunk in hoxvinn the man up. We xvould hot nive a piccauue for a man xxho would run a iiexvsiapci- all his life and not tell enough truths tonot soinobody mad. Sin h an one should he placed at editing a Died eal alma line. Me sure y ur'e rinht. brother Smith, then hexv to the lino and hoy or mind the chips. Wanted -A xx ife xxho can handled l.roo.u. Tol.rusi, doxvn the coio.xel.s and sweun 1111 t lie room: To make do cent bread that a fellow can eat Not the liori'ilile compound you every xxhere meet; Who know show to broil, to frv, and to roast -Make a cup of nood tea and a platter of toast ; A wo man who washes, cooks irons mid stitches. And sow,, up the rips in a fc'- lows'sold breecln-s, And make h'i',l,ai'.l oxx 11 nariuclits au item which Is horrid expensive as every one knows-. A common sense creature, and still wit h H mind to teach mid to nuide - exalted, rctlucd, A sort of an annl ,and housemaid coiuhined ! .. .... J'.NKMIKI..-- IIHVe Villi I IIUinii'MT HO I . ... , , . struinni on ami nuun mem 1101 If they block up your path, walk around tl,Mi d(J ',. ,,lty vvgnuA ,f , r their suite. A man who ha no cue has a baud in it. A sterling character one who thinks for himself, and speaks what he thinks isalwuyssine to have enemies. They lire as neccs sary to him asfiesh air; tliey keep alive and active. A celuhratcd char acter who was surrounded with cue inies, ukihI to remark: "They are sparks which, if you do not blow will go out of themselves.'' l.stthishe your feeling whil i endeavoring to live down I he sea nihil of those against you. If you trtop to dispute, you do but as they desire, and open tho way for more abuse. Let thopoorftllowstalk; tlier will be a reaction if you perforin hut your duty, and hundreds who were once nlienated from you xi ill ft ..! In Vol, tfk .fiL IK.U lii.lr,A II iw 'tn-ur. Bark, Batk, Bark. mm A n "V. . i.riiin,-, ... .hv .., 1. I.,..!, I V.I. U ..I. .. 1 D. II. Hotmhoi k. j J. H. HofTmnn & Hro.. Selin'irrove, ! ,vi" tnnlntain their renitatloii for I liavlrnr Hie tlnest and best arrc.ni;ed store in the county byalways bavin); their r-tore chock full of the latest novelties in tho market. J. II. HolTman & Mro., Sellnsnrove. Ma., extend a cordial Invitation to ah - persons attcmlinn theHreat Miisiea' Juliilee w ill llnd our store nearly op posite the Jubilee Huildimx where wi shall be pleased to show you every thiie,' kept in our line. 'all and set us. .1. II. Hoffman .t Mro., Selins;;rove. Ma., W ould call specj.il lit t ell t ioi t -t'n'ir tine assort un lit ol .New Mort Ties, hinh colored i'ichue- in ail the leadhu; shades, the newest and most fnshionn ble arranneiiu'iit in the market an illustrated card will be uiven with ev ery purchase, setting forth tl e differ etit ways of wenrinn the Ti. s, Ac. J. II. MolTniaii ,V I'.io., S. litis-rove. M.I., lire the m knou led,;...! h a.lers ill ladies tine end fancy dress ! .( every desci iptioii, ladies neck , ea r, h osery, c. Mart i. -nl. ir atteiiti.ei i. calletl to the new invoi.'i' of Shetlahii Sh iwls. ladies black lio-e, the newest Ihlnn in bosi.ry. Also a full line of kid. brilliant Lisle. Tlifea I. and Met lin nh'Vi's. also silk iind cotton milts. Thestraw Ilatsat S. l ppeiiheiiiier', take the cake, tirealest Variety ale lowest juices in the county. Head w ear of every d. script ion, ii, cludiiin wool and fur hats at S. I M penheimer's. Cull and see them, that ! V(,M ,n.iv ,.,.,.,. ,. tl,M tvl,.St j Whip' Vests are all the "no" Hii summer, an I S. I ippeiiheimer, antiid p it inu' t lie 1 1 1 1 1 -j 1 1 I . has laid in ah extra larne stock of all sizes, styler and x n riot ic. Why sxxeat and swelter durinn tin hot sinnmer months, when you can Cll'lse Von'. olf to fool c..l:if. .!( !lh!o II II. I I - ..,' r... loot a I do or ,i i-o I , l.ii x in,: ' . 1 1 1 p.o I -po!,,l' A I Trx one n o-.- i .ater at cuts a pair. Mtts. . M it . oil can by a nood Mill Ion Shoe fol !,!. Jo at Mrs. K. Marx', Sehns-rove, I'a. in can bnv men's plow shoes at I a pair at M rs nrove. Ma. K. Marx' Seliii'. W u i Mi:n i:s. I hav ceixed a luannilieent stoe wear for Spring and Si m ike a speej.ilt x of t he i ,ls( re of fool op Ichratcl lJochc-ier Moois sh, i:oe, for diirabiliiy 'ol Clllillot net I hem place iii iox.11. I'.very s, xxhi.-h an and 1 1 1 1 f-. 1 1 nt any other air warranted. Mits. U. Mxux. .1: .1 and loM,.,, ve, M.I. M an I el x 1 . Hotel. S. n litis It will p:iy every body to examine the immense Slock of l'lii-ililUll' l'o -ale by the Mojiiilar r'ninituie man W. II." FKI.IX I.ewisio.xn IV W.Mi:i'. A pia tied M.ook An nt to a-vinio the inaiia;'onieil of the subscript ion dopn rt nient in a puhlbh in,' holt-.. Address, statin,' ex pel nee. M. 1 1. Mux, V.'H, Mlnladi I phi. 1. M.i. a lu --t. Messrs. W. W. Wilon Mr... the Milllinbiirn M.akors now x jsji . . 1 1 r toX'll every Tlle-d lX mid I'rid i, sup pi, inn ''ir oil i..ii- xxiih fresh xxhcii and rye bread II. .11-, I'a! r, I'd I, "b A.C i.e. W. W. Wll.sox ,V Iiu... Ji -r I.'io inx i-o. A Hue lot of I. a die.' dr. s. si. 10- al prices that wi'l C0luiilce X0lltll.lt I sell a b. tier si I hau yoi ever boiinhl b' tore for the same inoliov. Mi:- Ii. M xi;. Mi'tXVooll Nll'ioll d all l KeXstolie llo b is, S.-liiis. r.iyo. Ma. WVMI'l' 10 linellls ill SllXllel Co. to ealix ass and sell n' ax e Sloiics aln Moiruneiits. Ad. Less or call 011 N. ! Mi-her, at Solins ;rove, l a. c ui itl.i I i n xvi i:k I v ti v 'simonUm, H:ulx.l- iSc Co I I Wheat .V(, '"' " (,',,.,, )',exx Oals j Potatoes... '.''.V' ' mjous l It I n ;" r.11! !.! to r. i t ic ; s IJ; .J'l to I'allow. IIS pr. II). . , " Ties pea l 'oal 'host mil 'oal I'llacksiuith ( 'oal. L .'n Coal Plaster, 1. or ton.. S.dt po b'UTel.... i;n j -in ' , , .1 .... 11 uu . i " j II"; .1 sac . sun. 11... May '.'nth, by Uev. T. U. Clei.se, lJohc'rt Aiiuiiller to Miss Mollio Weis, both of Pawling Station. Drovnsd in Beer. Concerning this Popular Heveriit;e Txxo Men Lxpr. ss I'lu ir Minds. l'l, l.u't ! nlr, uml you may illi'k I'ln llier.. th m ti.u .Biiie of nil oountry are like ly in lu iln.mi lo I In a llooil of lm r beer," lioulelin it. 1 1 uu a si la teetotaler ill" oilier .lay Int. the eur i xnur ouruere.l erreion .lent. 'Hi. i iterunm ilrlnk Iiu utruok uu karO. U it Hi. nei-mi I iiel.me." , 'T. 'I ml tin' orft of tlili Lei r-tlrlnklnx liiiklin-x t ill ii Ii set" "l kl.lney trnul.lra, a it lienvy win . r lo Hi" wve," aJiltJ a oily i Inhlol .ii, x no lnJ a knowie.lne "f llie tuin a au'a u'ii'l.i" y to mi Uplior. "Tbo uililnlsul diioi ner" loivie belilaU It a wane ol lurre.t inn lion. lituiJa.-uei, turnld liver, caueee, ami nil uail.sh.l lay' the k'tuJulluD ol HrlKQt'e i.i .... 'liiiu iiinUiicUoly faoti aonount. In rrt for I ho lucrouulng of UKNSUN'S OAl'UIN L .101 iii a wi k' m wi.inli mI iin.:. uiilljiktee .,mi,t.,nn i-rio. :t oeoia. Ak your ......I I... .hfiiil u 6t-ufy fcjQboiob,C!iemUU,iNw Now bs Tifoiir TTnnMie I I wish (o inform tbo rosidoula of HnyJor county that I bare a fine o norlmt'ut of Cooking Stoves, Ranges. Heaters, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, Including- Ilia Noxv Liht House (,'ook. Silr Harp. La.lien' 1'iide. Taurei L'ooLs. NeT Suiishiiie, Nexv Jasper. New Hecotd ln?cs. In liticible, TLn Spear Jleattili, N I'ltlv I'axvn. New Ii is, N'exv Jasper IfoutMS, No.v (i dl'ii ,juU I'inplacu llcnli.iH. ami othejrt .My Heaters from 15 to 30 Dollars, 10 nil of tho latt hI p ittet tis ntnl heel imi'i-t in!, ittnl it. Iwin; l )tfl ju ftasiiii I olli-r Iheui below actual cost I i hc-nro then- s,i1d. Call and see tho Fmc Cook Stoves, f wliii'h I liavo nn .ryo and xve'l o!erte. i noe; ni Can !o f nitnl in t litj foutily Hinl at prii'en tlmt xvill comp ite with Wholemlu lloti.iud. Tinware, Spoil ting and Roofing. None but fli t very I est mntet i , used Sti. utiii;r and It ji. lino; J.inu ntt holt tiolice. Ki.-pi ctlully hiibtnittcil. Miui)r.ri:n:ii ma. Seiinsgrovc, Pa,, IM-'.AI .I'.i: IN Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpotes, Oilcloths, Matting, &c. Takes especial flcusit re in railing atU ntitm to his fina While Goods department 'mrtrisitfj 'icforia l.-iwus, P,( le, Aj-iisthiks, ,SV. lie is .selling his t iitirc sit bk oj ))' (loods at fu r rent less than the usual . ;. order to reduce s'i.ek. ilinc till" oj liih eonr, t ishnn re ood,s 0 u'l kinds . ,,', V ".'. ..'.'..'. . , - dies .Until 11 ICitittroidi red I ndc: m ar and S- n ts fine line of SJSll UUIHOXS. regular mal . !;.; anion i than a brilimnt linen' J',INI,K TIE 1(13 AB JIQ&K. in all the 'axhiunul 'le colors. I!rcriithin new, neat and i hcaft. UtSPLClrULl.Y YOURS, is. wi:ijs. .''':' OnltTs ly in;iil i i- 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Mllcndtd to. BE NEW STORE LEADS I SPFiIKS AED SUMMEFi CLOTHING ! 1 ! jimv.Ml iin I In -mi I .r t!. (rj on n uui l l-y ull in(j;ini i;io ti a . ul, ,iii j Irl'lnr.l .1 r 0)1 ji s I ti r i.t - n.l Ii rn XX'., 1. to. r;. . In., ' 11 11 1 v . j imI 11 1 1 . 1 . 1 r y 11 11 I t a im am 1 1. . 1 . .111 r I il:i "l I- in u AJ CSBBiASJK KY BS 1 1 1 : ti mi Iotii iIo. We .,r 1 "1 tliiii M.'i.s' Sul:n I r p: M iiml n it it r !.i Coys s tuts. uoo:l. for 5I T.0 an ) ii)vr.iils. Utitlcrwcar (or 20 cet.ls ani tp v..-.n!s. Min's Wool H.its 40 c-.:;.s and iiiivvaid. Boy's VVr.cS li ds 2'j ten. s anil tipwaiils. b'ravv H.i'.s lit.Mits.ifid upvvai (!s. Finu V.'lnle ini: Is. PciCiih! Sliiits. Cij,c!! Mii.ts. &c.. Cufts. Collars. Nuctii'S. Kukp. Clnvcs, Si'speiKtcrtj. 1 rttrsks. bntcliuli, Valiccs. Canes. Untlii cll.is. Win (is. Lap Ruhcs, ' in I h I. ill 1 no i I I'm ti;-h:u (I. 1. 1 nrrii l' a r u,,t i! o.n, in K. e 1. 1 ia -'Mi u i nu ' . i. , u U-. f.,,1 , 11.' v. . 1. 1, 4 I I II I.I I . . !.,, I'. at 2l IJ.G'O FOUNDS CF VVUOL WANTED IN tXCtiAoCL FCR C00DS..--.-.J W.H.FELIX'S I ! I 1 i Lcwistov;:i, Hifliu county, Pcnn'ta, Sm-i iii l 'i.v Iv in, I'iii lor, ( 'li.-iiuliop, J inniiu" lm, Iltill. ;uil Iv il lii 1, Hilil I ll HK'IIIIK (lI'l'M'r' l M'l-SsOt 1. Paiiite.H'lmudii i-Suits, from . I', ol. flolll all xviliiiit, eovcroxl iu Haircloth, any Wnln nt Chamber Suit9, with Marblo HolstcndK fiotu I Ibireaiia, StandB, Lounp-os, Chairs, Muttroas of all kiods. Tho dui ful VYovoti Wiro Mattross or SptTng Iiottoii) tho best maclo. All goodd kept iu stock and on hand, rouJy for Balo, uud at CAS II IMIICKS, that willeonvioco all, that you can save monoy by buyitiR whr IIia l,,it,f nii.1 nliuna ntil u.l,,if ,am 1..., 1.x. ..In .l I 1. i: Jll'l feXJU 111. .. m. .mj a fuu null. ei od, with tho boHt of caro, to li. It, depot. Cull and boo tho the ltumeniv Stock. No troublo to slow goods, OUIt MOTTO : Good tiuodi, Low Prices, and to please, a'l. Orders by tuuil will receive piotupk u''eution at all times. Youra Hebpectfully, Jao. 'J7.1831. W. II. IT'KI-.IX. LIGHT DRAFT COMB! 4M1 I t Tho Worhl. Stretcher renn Harrow it made of the P-t V :i every way firt-class. Forme' I x i . . with our iiiiprovvmcnts ii i. i' . . .10 . tu your iutcrcbt and l. i . 1 ' . .." . . ..; U Cpposilc riini1"1; '.. . . , B. T. RHOADS, S3 .7 j Hi. j.iiLli ', uu I t!i m. In i. I fu:li ,:vU i.nru.i .f .- ..,.! mulio h. . I i:,o . n - i- k , it Hill ic r . 11 : . I -.i.t In 1 1-. t ihv mu XX i .!. .n'l in o i, . ,i ,,,,. if, i , we ..j L. I r . .1. I X K I" l"'' ! ' ( Il AU nu i.rk .1 f. If. I. iSoS3:!"ou:rK c. V , ii oj.is.ui im r, i , vt r-v i-'i i3 - .'.' to !j'ft5. up. liaw Silk, anJ Phiul.! s, of lo-p color. Tops, from - - 4 to if.1" wou IUUUIIJ. XIUUUH llli;iwU IIUU UBilV HATI011 PENH HARROW. ent i Wheel Eevolvei anil pivet thr) prtx-m! iinrrow, two UttrrowniKii il pawiitt; ct . t it oncf, tlicrclorc wilt clo uuble u otliti Harrow and lavetln f i 1 1 . Another yreat advantsi-e 1' i over any other, if c ti ! ij toto lTv Mirert-H' I'.il'l and u 'Wi, c.o .,,1 1. 1 , .. , m''l" . . r !. ' 1. -.1 !' ,i. , ;.- 1 ' ' ..;.,.. ,J ; - v ri.'jiir I.I I st !n il .- .1- hi 1 ,. I.r.;' t!,. . . 1. I 1 1 ! Mi MOXXMN kl,.i.,it.i. oA. 7 t -7-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers