The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 14, 1883, Image 1

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    aw v
3lQ rrrnf'
H s,bat will uot roamm ia a bigot; lie that cannot i a fool ; ho that dare not in a nlavc.
Who lit modsst, but not bashful,'
Free an.l easy, but not tll; I
L!ke an apple, ripe liu'llu'
Not too youititil not too old;
llHf Inviting, liatf repulsive,
Now advancing, nntl now sby--There
Is miMchlrf in her iliniplt',
Thera it dunr in her eye.
She hni studied human nature;
Hhe Is acboolod in nil her arts;
ghe hat taken her diploma
As the mistress of all hearts.
be can tell the very moment
When to iltfh and when to smile;
Oh, a moid in sometimes rhurinintr,
Hut a widow all the while.
Are you sad t How very serious
Will her handsome face become!
Are you angry t Hhe is wretched.
Iaonely, friendless, fearful, dumb!
Are you mirthful t How her laughter
fcUlver sounding will ring out!
Hhe can lure and catch ami play you,
As the an-rler does the trout.
Ye old bachelors of forty,
Who have grown td ami wise;
Young Americans of twenty,
With the love-look in your eyes;
You may practice nil the lessons
Taught by I'upi'l since, the full,
ltut I know a little widow
Who could win and fool you all.
There Is a farmer who Is Y's
Enough to take his E's.
And study nature with his l's
And think of what ho Cs.
lie hears the chatter of tho J's
As they euch other T's,
And Z's that when utree 1) K's
It makes u home for IV h.
A pair of oxen he will L"s,
With many haws and t.'s
And their mistakes he will X j's,
While plowing for his I".
And raising crop lie all X Is,
And therefore little O's,
And when he hoes his soil by fpells,
He also soils his hose.
11. C. Dmhjc, in Whitehall Timtn.
sxers SZrSBDONT.
' Dick Lynchfield was ia the library
tmokiog, Trill) bis beels a good deal
higher than bis head, bin eyesun-
eeeingly upon tbepnpesof Week
ly Romancer, and bis ears strained
eagerly to catch tbe sound of a girl's
merry voice on tho lawn.
Grief, anger and cbngrio were
nunplod in Dick's heart. He bad
co rue down to make one of a delight
ful pat ty at Ouk Dell, with ovory
loason to bolievo that bo was tbe
favored lover of pretty Nell Oakley,
lie bad made no socrot of bis devo
tion to her, while she bad played
biin off sgniDst that white-beaded
Walter Simmons with tbe most en
gaging air of innocence imaginable.
She was flirting with him at that
very moment over a game of tenia
on tho lawn ; and Dick chewed tbe
end of bis cigar viudictively and
gUred at tbe columns of tbe Roman
Higbt before bis eyes was the ed
itor's "Answers to Correspondent a,'
and tbe following paragraph sudden
ly caught bis attention :
"Nkmo. It is just possible that you
are too devoted to the young lady,
J iris are sometiiues capricious. A ju
dicious suitor Is willing to let his
sweetheart do a little of the courting
Dick straightened himself with ft
half smothered exclamation.
"What a tramp of a fellow that
editor is ! Wondes if be bad much
experience with girls ! It's comfort
able to know that 'Nemo , or any
other man, is ia tbe same fix that I
am. By Oeorge, I'll try that pro
scription. Little witch 1 I'll pay
her in her own coin."
Half ao bonr later tho gay party
on tbe lawn bad drifted away tbe
gentlemen to tbe village, tbe hdios
to their rooms. Nellie Oakley, tbe
pretty daughter of tbe hostess,
Bwnog to and fro in tbe hammock
between tbe veranda posts.
She looked up witb ft charming
smile as Dick emerged from tbe
I have been wishing for you, Diok.
I want ft tail down tbe river. Will
you take me V
For moment Dick was tempted,
bat a wicked gleam in NtUie'e brown
eyes recalled bis resolution.
1 am sorry, Nell, but yon most
excuse me. I am going to the till
ge. Perbspa we will go down tbe
river to-morrow. Aurtmor
He tuned her tbe roie from bis
ly down tbe drive.
Nell actually gasped ft she looked
after him. This was new order of
things, to desure.
Only yesterday Dick Lynchfield
would Lave considered A sail down
tbe river alone witb ber the seventh
Heaven of delight.
She must teaoh him better man
ners. lie would surely claim that
ail to-morrow then she she would
surely punish bioi.
Bat oa the morrow Dick had ap
parently quite forgotten tbe matter.
Nell watched him witb increasing ex
asperation. He treated ber . with ft
gay gallantry that was very unlike
bis usual deference.
He did not try to gain ft single
tele a tett wilh ber. auJ ho flirted
outrogoously witb nelen Dunfut
He seemed suddenly to have ae
quirfdft new power and fahioo.
Nell wondered that she bad never
before noticed bow handsome Dick
was, aud how pleased tbe other girls
were with his attentions. He had
been her humble slave for so long
that she bad ceased to pnt any spec
Ul value ou his delicate attentions;
but the missed thuu sadly to-dny.
with surpriso aud anger at first. then
a gradunl sensu of pain anil fear lest
through her own wilfullueus sbo bad
lost him.
Thov woro standing together np
on tho verando late in the afternoon,
watchiug a group wl3 woro prac
ticing archery npou tho lawn,
"Dick" euid she. reproachfully,
'you were to take mo djwu the river
' I declare, so I was !" exclaimed
Dick, in well simulated dismay.
"Hetter late then never, ma'm'selle!"
and then leaning over the veranda
railing he called to the others :
' J ml son, Simons, Fiske, and ladies
what do you say to ft sail down the
river Tbe moon will bo up by tbe
time we return."
His proposal was bailed with ac
clamation of approval, and ten min
utes later tbey all went trooping
down to the shore.
As for Nell, she was roady to cry
witb disappointment, for she bad
expected to regain the lost ground
in a qniot eail with Dick, but it was
very evident that be thought rjoth-
iog at all of being alone wilh her.
Hhe had lost him now, all through
ber own foolishness. And worst of
all, she mnst keep up a bravo front,
for it wonld never do for Lor to
mope in tho presence of ber gueste.
Not one of tbo party was a gay and
bright as Dick; bo laughed, and
sang and told stories, and Nell look
ed, and listened and smiled, with a
growing pain and dreariness in her
Tbey came borne through tbe
moonlight, Nell walking silently
with down-cast eyes at Dick's sid.
He looked at ber pale cheeks uod
said tenderly, yet witb a certain
light undertoue ;
''Tired, little girl V
Nell laugbed and did not look np
lest be should see tears in ber eyes.
'"No, indeed ! ' said she.
After that be hardly spoke to ber
all tbe evening.
As tbe summer deepened,Nell and
Dick seemed to ba.o changed places'
Of all the lordly cavalier-like lovers,
be was the greatest and of all tbe
meek, deprecatiog maidens, she was
the meekest and most deprecatiog.
And strangest of all, Mother Oak
ley made ho attempt to bring mat
ters to a climax, although she could
hardly help seeing that Nell's ca
pricious heart bad fixed itself upon
this handsome young follow who
seemed in no haste to make known
his intentions. Uow was Nell or
any one elso to know that Dick had
already made a contident of Mother
Oakley and won ber over to bis
side t
It was a lovely day in August ; so
near to September that some of
the liobes aud dreaminess of Autumn
seemed to have flavored it,
Nell, on tbe way home from the
v.llage ia ber pony carriage, bad
overtaken Dick.and was be beside ber
uow, watching tbe little, gray-gloved
bands that held tbe reins.
Presently be told ber in ft eool,
indifferent sort of ft way that the
hrto of which be was ft silent part
ner, would send him to South Amer
icft next month that he would prob
ably spend two or three years there
Poor little Nell I Her pretty face
was like ft white rose. She tried to
meet Diok's keeo eyes with careless
smile, but she could uot control tbe
i .ur of bir pallid lips. Ia sgooj
button hole aod sauntered
of shame she dropped the reins and
clasped both hands over her tear
filled eyes.
Dick cangbt tbe reins in one band
and unco voted be face with the oth
er. "Look here, Nell," he said, rather
hoarsely, "would you like to go to
South Amorica with me f
"I would goto the end of tbe
world with you Dick, you know
that," she cried, ft passionate sob
rather disturbing tbe clearness of
ber enunciation.
Dick drew the little tearful demsol
closer to him, and kissed ber in a
masterly way.
"All right, honey," be said con
cisely. "Have you ft pretty white
frock and all tbe fixtures 7 We will
be married in just two weeks."
"Ob, I could not get ready so
soon," demurred little Nell, wiping
her eyes and trying to look dignifi
ed. You mast, asserted my lord,
calmly, "or I must go without you
auu u kisnnu uer nniu, oim m-ii
aa a ai ai .a
i .i i. - i.: i i ... i ii- il (leciarnn tuai uo ,
should u't go without her if sho had
to bo msriied in a priut dress. And'
ho didn't. Nell accciupaniod him to
South America, one of the daintiest
little wives imaginable, with an ir-i of n young iuau taking a young girl
reproachablo tron.mrnt iilthougb jto a party, or a bloigh ride, and fcot-j
thero was but a fortnight iu which to' ting .hunk, and humiliating her, and i
prepuieit. i
And I will inf irm my roadors iu
confidence, that Dick novor roliu-1
pushed the advautngn he gaiued.and
bis wife remaiued bis most ardent
aduiiior, though it is my linu con
viction that if it had not been for that
answer to "Nemo in tho Weekly
Romancer, I'ick would havebeen this
day either n rejected suitor or tho
most wretched of beu pecked bus
In tbo office of ft certain western
railroad superintendent it was un
derstood that when a common look
ing stranger entered the outer of
fice and asked for the great mogul,
one of the several young tueu thore
in employed should claim to be tbo
official wanted and thus turn the
bore nway. The other day a wob
footed stranger, with a business
sipriut to his eyes, asked to sou tho
superintendent, and tbo chiof clerk
promptly replied :
Vcs, sir ; what can I do for
you r
"Are you tbo mau ?"
"1 am. '
"So mistake !"
'N'ono at all."
"Then it's all right. Six months
sgo ono of your trains killed a cow
for mo, and you have been just mean
enough uot to answer any of my lot
tern. Old hoes-, I'm goiug to lick
835 ont of you 1"
'Hut, sir, you see "
"I see nothing but you ! Prepare
to be licked 1
And tbo proxy-superintendent
was not only mopped around the
room and flung into tbe wood-box I
as limp as a clothes-line, but the
eowownor kickedtbe others out-door
and upset tbe desks and tables witb
tbe remark :
The next time I do business witb
this corporation I want you to not
only to reply to my letters, but put
'in baste on your envelopes 1"
A bridal night experience almost
surpassing in tragio horror that of
tbe bride of Dammermoor, which
Scott said was "an over trtio tale,''
is reported from IUo Grande del
Surr, near the Uraguay frontior. A
young farmor's marriage was post
poned on account of being bitten by
ft dog. Tbe wound was cauterized
and all went well. Three months
later tbe doctors declared all danger
over. Tbe marriage took place. A
sapper followed, and at supper the
bridegroom was noticed to fall into
gloomy sbstraetion. After supper
oame dancing, and when tbe ball was
at its height the bride and bride
groom withdrew. About an hour
later piercing screams came from tbe
bridal ebamber. Tbe door was burst
open. On the floor lay the bride,
still alive, but torn as though by a
wild beast. Tbe bridegroom covered
witb blood an d foaming at tbe mouth
cowered in corner, but in mo
ment sprang upon coe of tbe
mtn.wben ft brother of tbe bride sent
ft ballet through bis brain.
A ten sere estate at Oak Lane
Station, on tbe North Pennsylvania
J road, wu sold wently tot $'-'5,00r'.
A Chapter That Every 7cuag Girl
Should Read and So Shsuli
tho Bays.
A mother residing in ft small city
at tbe north writes to know if the
Sun can't say something that wilt in
duce ber daughter to quit keeping
company witb a young man who gets
drunk every time be takes the young
girl to a parly. If a mother cautiot
say auytbiug that will induce the
daughter to give up an escort who
insults btr, a poor, weak newspaper
canuot do any good. Tbo girl, has
got tho fevor too bad, if she will not
break off an engagement with such n
young man. The girl should look 1
about ber ftrd make inquiries and
see if she can find ft case in tho ex
perience of ber frieuds where such a
young roau evor made a decent bus.
band. She will nnvir find such n
case. A young man may bow wild
oais, UUtl Jfe II up HIS UObO, linn oe I
l.. ... ... . I
. ....... i ... . - . i i .
lull as a lict at tunes. iiikI l elonn.
aud btcotuu a square, useful citizen
and a good husband, but be will ,
'never have a spree in tho piOMcnce '
1 of tho gii 1 ho loves. '1 ho mere fact
causing her to deoeud unou others
'for escort to hor home, is ono evi-
denco that he has no respect for hor
aud eho should break oil' her en gage
ment aud cut him outirtly. If rlm
puts up with such insults now, bef ue
be is married, when she is bis wife
he will be liublo to loavo btr to look
out for bereelf, and ho will got drunk
from habit. Twenty years ago there
were hundreds of young follows iu
this state who thought it was smart
to tak ) respectablo girls to dauce
and get drunk, and let the girls ride
home with somebody who kept sober.
The gills would bo vexed nt the
time, but as tho boys were rich, ami
went iu good society, the girls got
to looking upon the sprees as good
jokes, aud they would laugh about
it. Wo kuow some of those girls to
day who are earning a living fur
several littlo children, while tho
smart fellows that got drunk have
filled drunkards' graves, or have h ft
their wives aud are wondercis on
tho faco of tho earth. If a young !
man loves a girl as ho should love j
her to marry her, a look of disappru'
batiou from her nt any act of his,
will bo enough to bnak him of any
habit that ho has that she does Dot
liko. If tho words, "I'leaso don't
drink, Charley," from tho lips of
Charley's girl, is not enough to spoil
his oppetito for benzene, "Farewell.
Charley, forever," should he the next
and Inst romark she should ever
make to him. Marrying men to re
form them ban never been a success
ful enterprise ou the pint of women,
flirls are woith too luuch.num irried.
to sacrifico their lives to beat sense
into tho head of any mau ou God's
foot-stool. Too many girls take the
chances of marrying a young man
who baa an uucontrolablo appetite
for liquor, thinking that tho sur
ronndiugs of a homo will wean him.
Such a man does not weau as easy
as a calf. Ue will go homo only to
sober up, and tbou not till tbe other
places are cloaod. Fivo years of
uoh a married lifo will make a mid-dlo-aged
woman of the handsomest,
sweetest-diepositioned girl that a
mother was ever proud of. A girl
will marry such a man hoping that
nest year he will bo better, but noxt
year ho will be worse. The nose
will begin to got rod, tho eyes hluai
ed, tho clothos carelessly worn, aud
tho wife who would have been such
a proud aud happy mother, with a
husband that bad sense, becomes
asbomod to look at herself iu the
glass, and bad almost rather bad a
fit of sickness than to bo visited by
any of ber friends, for fear that ber
busbaud will give them all away.
Whiskey may be all right in its
place, and we hope it tbe plact,
for it is not in tbe stomach of a
young man who contemplates matri
mony, end a girl who takos sucb a
man for life, for fear tbe young men
will be all gone, makes a foolishness
o( herself, and will rearet it as long
as she lives. TusreT are sure to be
sober boys enough for all tbe girls,
and there is no need of marrying a
drunkard, and tbe girl who does do
so, sgainst tbe advice of ber mother,
will deserve all tbe unbappinesi ebe
mariiifl. J'eck't Sun.
the iwer or dynamite.
Within the past ton years, a new
instrument oi uavoo ana ticsit uciiou
hns been added to tho agencies wilh
which men matio war upon oro an
other. Tho iuuid r of tho Czar of
Russia, two years uj ), tho blowing
np a few weeks sitice, of a tlovni.
mcnt building in London, the sei.
uie of cxplosivo machines in tho
hands of suspicious clinmcteis, have
called the startlod atteutioii of the
world to tho teiribln power of ilviia
mi to.
What is this immensely destruc
tive substance It is a compound,
usually made in the form of u pnte.
of liitio lycetino and gun cotton.
Nitre -glycerine, as the lender n;iv
know, is an oily of highly ex
jl,loHivo ml . 1'B:- M"il"
UtW'COllon IS COUOU n.liununi in
certain ncids, which mnl.cH it n!so a
very t'Tplosivo nent. '1 ho I wo. com-
bined in tho form of dyuumite, nuke
, . i i i t
11 subsiuuco which cnriies ieuiii nni
.i.... : .... :.. .. m.. .1 1
nenn iiu.iou i-uin aijf in ia iui j
coinpiiss. I
Tl" glass bomb of dynamite- whii h
not only killed tho Czir Alexindiii.
but wound. -I hilf-a-.lorii of his s-;
cort, nu. I broke thi window panes of!
houses Reverul hundred feet away.
could be en lie 1 easily concealed in
tho puhu i f u man's hand of iiiedniiu
si.c. No d.mbt tiio explonvo ag.Mii
whatever it was Ahich ih all such
l.ttvoc iu I. '.union, was ipiito small
and easily conce.iled.
Thcio aio many p h-mIiIc. forms
and combination if gun cotton, ni-tro-glycerino
will not explode by the
tnero application of lin ; on the con
trary, if lighted, it will burn ilowh
and harmlessly. Hut it will explode
by a bharp concussion, A dynamite
bomb, too, supplied wilh a small
percussion cap, will explode if Ihrow u
violently, jiiMt as does a toy torpedo.
Tho most common way of explod
ing one of these agents it to have a
short fuse attached to it. The fur
ther end of tho fuse is lighted, hih!
then tho operator hastens away. !y j
the time the lire reaches the h'tioy j
ing agent tho operator is abln to get j
to u nafo distuuee, aud defy dc-tcc j
tion. !
The explosive power of dynamite
or nitro-glw'i rino is generally stated j
to bo about ten times in great us '
gnu-powder of the suino bulk. 'I lit
explosion produces no siiml;!- what-
ever, but creates a deafening dctouu-l
Dynamite, and oilier forms of ni-tro-glycorino
and gun cotton, arc
taking tho places of gun powder in
.many pructical directions. They
have been substituted for gun-powder,
to a largo extent, in the opera
tions of mining and Masting rock :
and this kind of woik is mmo lapid-1
ly done by their meain. Such ex-
plosive ogents ore also being intro-!
tluce 1 into tho operations of war- (
'"'("un-cotlon is used in nrtille.y
j operations and in naval actions, it
being found Tar moro clean in its ;
... la i Il
use. 11 is also auopicn in too i-jn -
U. ...ilinary ,
TIim wo ibat 11... li...-ov.-ry ol
llitrO"gl)Cel 1110, gUH CotlOU llUil OV
namite, with their various combina
tions and tho improvements con
stantly made in them, hits given U
meu a new and most potent material
force, which they uso both for wicked
and for beneficent ends.
Henceforth, not only will mining,
blustiug, and similar work bo done
more rapidly with less labor, but
wars will bo shorter I ecauso moro
Uut wo cannot regard the treracn
duouB destructive power of dyna
mito.and tho ease with which enough
of it to destroy a palace or a prison
can bo can iod concealed about the
person, without procoiviog what i.
terrible weapon it supplies to th
criminal aud assassiu.
Nor cau wo wonder that tho Eng
lish and other governments are earn
estly eousidering how the manufac
ture and ealo ofogonts so formiduhh
in their action, and indeed in theii
very existence, can be restricts! with
out limiting their proper and bono
ficial use in saving human labor ami
makiug it moro effective.
After mature consideration Reiner
Wilbelm baa concluded that the
youngest, of bis nephews, l'rinco Al
brecbt, is tbe least prom ising (prig
of tbe royal family, and has derina
ted him to attend tbe czar's coronation,
Physicians, r.
riitsif h. ai st m. i. or,
I'K VK Tc.wN. '.,
ltffor hi iria mnl aurrl. t'i tint i'IM ivm
of jKmenown i.l vl.-mlty. Apr 'il.
. ii i: n li t hiii:n.
Oll. f tin lr prnlea.l. n il r-f rlnpa t" M, i IM ii
ot MMcllelmra nrvl vl.'lnttv i i itm .1 ,.,r el tin-1 ouri Hull., hi AruM'a I in ..Inn
I , laai.
Fremont. Snydor county, Pa.
Ormltiaiftnf lUIMnntK i '..llof ,,f fi, .ilin
an.l mi "n. uilora Ma ri. I n 1 1 r t l-a
tn i MP p'liilh-. Sp-itkil Lmk lli ami niruiitu.
March, V, ltti. II.
J. SMITH, " "
Physician & Surqccn.
ii 7 ; Sji-i i , Snii'h r ( ii'Mi'r,
I iiIit ,a irnn..(ifl an lei a ii.iir
I'll), a un .M til. . uui'l. .1 1; i. u 1 J
j yi .i. .,
1 I'll) fall lltll illll Mir
liTi. rahl-IT'i. (iiiil I'n
,., A
l.liu l"ir ill.. I I r 1 1 1 1 1 , .
a l.i !;.
A r t f mi
Va nr.
ill 'l.l.l.llrlil,
a jl .
i;i'i m.iii'K,
till I OI7 , '. , V
,.rj,,.KSusl bU,inM!1 t.r .i,,.ti n-io.i'.. i t.,
mj .a. :.
)i;m:iVAlj III'IIMANN,
K,u,!t.; .v ,,
I eirra lil pr. I, hi il or l.-aa In tli i
ii i 1 1' r 1 1 i i I v I 'In it v . v it
I'IVSK'LW A.Xl sri;fii:S
l)(lir lua ir 11". ion H I " tl' ia I i 1 1, a r II 1 Mi
ni Ailnmr Inn i; uu.l 1 1 lull j .
si t. i
aiHHCAl. 4 MKi'll MC.h bKNTIST
Sclinsgrove, IViiti'a.
J. II, HOl'MfiH & Will,
e aro Now Readv
I'n -v iiml -all to tlia pmip'o f Snyiet ami
in I ii . i inliii! ruiiiuiii-: tliu iiuri-l l U ill.
mt lh i- i oi
nr . lliir. l In Hit" cmmly an l nt P II H l 'I n
I'lMi:. Hurt! iila livo been
I .-1 . 1 rofrrrn- in Um
Wants of the People
mi l k t ol tun' tint t'.cy
Will Prove Satisfactory
Wo li-ivo l.iro f i'i k al 'I rct vitriol)' l
,.,i,ril, ,,lk. .,n t,P i .lUn. an i hii.ia.
'.Ji., Jl" 1 Vi,".., h V-. -.'.'.tVvrVt't n.;
'MUSlinS, JcailS. LlUCllS,
Waliava mini 1. to it- rtmeiil nl
, . TT .. ,. r
GlfiV S.feW illM
, , t. , ,', ,,i ,., .
orytUIUil lur Hreai. 1 riuimlnai
Fnralsliia Good
In B l.'llli n t ' a 1 1- i-i.liipli li iia-'irllll- lit "1 1.1
.lira linn. liui,.!. i la u a .i v vr) ilii.k III the
1 1 III) III
Geataa's Dress Goods,
mnl Komi f r avarvilay wi ttr. Alan a lull Una
ol tlia vi ry l ost
Groceries) Spicesi Wood
and Willow Ware,
(inrpeti. Oil rlniha, 1 iil'lu 'nr. I'lmia n are
ilar. ' I iioiiaw urn. I ! In t'uilrry,
I'n 'ket mtli-ry. I ' u P' utrr I nula, Nulls
Ulna'. Lump, 11 iMhth, MmeinaU
ara l'liiilf. sliue urn' Stuck,
Hum, Kiali. Mill. M.Ij.i,
IS li'ili lilfr. I 'mil (11,
laiilu IfittlnK
Wall Paper, &c.
anil aviri tliln'..' diuml In ft (Ir.l-i-litaa l
avcrytliliiK nM lit ttin aaiiiit I lo-t ailvaiira .n
tlratciat i-iiiiatatent Willi fair l unlinaa, ami
Uviiik pnilll.
Tlianklul fi.r piial lv iia. a rrn i a. t ruUf
mllflt an aaamliiatlmi .1 '"ii- fiw-k ami ric a,
ladllnic una tli it uliall In '! ! aocuiii
iu "Julo uti l I'lanae.
In ndilitimi to my litrjri t-tm-k of
I'lirnit ui-, wblrb I'oiisihtsnf Hetl room
mnl 1'in'lor Suits (if all kln U nml pri
ces, Sofas. 'hairs, MarMi'Ttip Stands
anil lied Springs. 1 have ju-t'il a
lai-Kc line of CAHIMTS, Inruiu nml
ItriiHHels, if Miit'rior ;i.iliiy ami low
in price. It is my tlcteriuiiiiiiioii to
keepa tfotnl iiality mid sell nt the
very lowest living nuures. ('all and
see for yourselves before purchasing
else v her.-. Ui Ui:i.i.i:u,
tseliiif-grovc, Pa.
JINL , . CI;Ot .
Attornev-i-At - I u w.
Miui-u 1:1 in;, r.v.
iH'nf lli'lr IT, I -i i i ll ,trvli-a 1 1 I'm I'uli.
Hi' Ml a. ia-- iniii u.itpl to ll.alr rma will ra
rriiu ii 'n'i Mi iilii.n I'oiitm t .. In t ut--
It Hi mi I ! i nnt l. II"'' i ,
HOl Stt Dulll.
1 l.l.-4iiltn K, l.f
I'nl fPtl ini iim. I al nihi-r li. il niii-irif-"- rmui'i
I I) nil. u Iv-i In. l'i'lihult.illu..l tu I.B).li'L ilili
i i f i iii.iii.
J aaa 3,
A. "
.' irt-l,ui;t, I'mn'ft
All I u-tlio-a ni'Mit"! ( lila . re wilt to
r r win j 1 1 y .ittcuil- il to.
S 1 1. '..J.
i I .MU.
. .S, " ia l'(
M;ik'! .V.
I All t-r'a-alinat ' u.. m i r-mir' -it'arrf.
I III. ('iilultalllili III t.Uri:-ll Kill 'i IT In, it,
I 1 I'.-r.
I;. Wl NHKlilaV,
.i, ',,', .. s ,, .,, r
Cnn I . rmi-ult' il In lill-li tflT nn.
I J. N
m vi: ks.
. I Harm
I Ml, I. II. I iii, I'rim'ia,
Ml pr .(. , i,.. . M ilr.,,. j hi
I r.f p w 1 1 fi'.-i'i 1 1- r..iii I i t u i.l .i.n .
I I II Ml l illi li III I llll.-ll III il 111'' tli HP
I i' t E".-'-.
K. i:ovi;i;.
M u'.'j'i ''in-;, l'if.
I i nlVri una mail.
I in,. 1 1 1 IT, .,!,.
t (in -ii ; i p. i ! I,.
.i n
In I nu); b
fa'. 'I.
I- srii'u::!.
ATTOP.r EY- A T- l,A V7,
New iJcrlin I'cnn'a.
,, f.-a-intiai bnair. . ri.t.-ui-tril .. rra
will i ... i a i r. Itl l tall.'l.tiiMi. Jul... i,,.-.
hi as r ri. men,
Attnl'l"V ('
IllflCi' In Apl .'a 11,1'l ln t
T'-"'.nr- At-I-TW,
t n ini, i :..,tii. i,f
I. II. T .t.
K i: n
Srlluaii'oi I-, i'ciiii ;i.
I 'i.l ti-t t ,n .ii. il ii.l .l hi'f ,r a.:initl lnl-
tic . .,l....,l au I Hill ttr Ii i i n Iui mi 1
i pMinpt a i"iiil..ii. . i. ii,';-. tt.
ATTI III ' y V A T I. A W.
M IHUl.t- lirHll, SS Y I I'll CM., '.
oi'eif l,l 'r ilr-nlnniil Sff.-r lnlt.e ul ll
Ci irull itli'iii In LiiKllali ami llaruian.
A.W. POTT Kit. .V N I. IMTTKli
I I V.
SplinsRrovo. Va
niLr llialr priili-mlniial irvl.'i.a I- no puliM'.
A II li-irnl I.n I ii.-i-nirii-tH.I i , i i.i-ir '.i f f a ill
riPi-H ii nr im t ill tun IK 'ii t ii!l .'. nil M iln M.
.1 hi . ;:.
r 7 an si: v a 7
I. A W.
All I t l",ul lutno-a HT..I , 1 I ,'l-tll n ea
iru 'i ,1 111 'ii. - 1 n I. , , I i.c j M' ; 1 ! v ii Mo in!
i .l 111 1 m I"' ''mi ! 1 1' I in l.i u 1 1 Ii 11 r
Hit. 11 11. 1 1 :;l j i . u ia ra .
1 vi. .; , :1.
At f oi'ticv-Ml- Law,
and vit 1 ia 1 a 1 n u: vi: y nu; M tu
tu n 1 ,
!''' I. it 1 U
'.-n -ill ' ill .11 iu t. ia. hsllal. m! il rinB
I., 1 -. . t i). 1-1.
Attonie.v :il Inv.
M I i i l I ri'l.ii. I'i
l'i olt-;'l i.ul I .'-Ifn-a' Mil r ai-1 I,. :.9 at 111
I u i iinp l ittlrn I'.' I I i
' V '
ii a a . ..... a. . .
J.c wifluirg Th.
O' pr..f a-l mnl 'fiii -a tu tlia polille.
t'lillo-il ma an I ii II i.' hfr ,r'!alniul lual
ttoa a 1. 1 r ii I i'iI I I. ia . ri- . i.l rvecti a
l-r-ni. 1 1 it t' nili n.
A C. SI. Ml 'son,
tV. ahiii;m;v at law,
Selinstjrove, Iu.
1 1 lea lila pr"fal tml anln t ' the pulillu1
A II i u-ii.ti-a Mi'.i-i. l ii. l.i- i'iiT" ahl I I
I ruini.ilj mivuiliii 1 1.
Jan ;,U'.
A TIOHXI.'V .1 T-l.A H",
I. laittuiK, l nloii ( .. la:
lilhr-p mi Mitrk'-l strict un
i-r- n 1 1 mi
Ooo. ju. B"" I'.?
l". r caat c l I'ain.
Hot I C,ns-
fPlli; NATION A la ltO'lKI.
JOHN B. FOi'Kl.i::.. I'roi.'r.
SuljnHjji'ove, Pa.
Thla Hull I la i l"a.o.l i i i at. i! i,. ti . "'ji,nf ,
all. I la a i i l- I ra I N- ! - i. r I i.rrln, n.,i
tliu HUa'l i f i. .'.'iiiiiii (li.'l. ,a at ii. lati.a. pr
ami -I, 'i'i' I hk ' i .r ill I., u'vii.Mlitmiu 1 ua
II, at nt llijllur I) ' ' I ', t
at-A flfaU'U.a Iteat r ran I in runm-i Hi n w '
lie lluli'l. Kill . ".
ii!, HOTEL '.
Hy W.M. MtM.ZW i; i Jl,
Ilrrrnilo'c I, II. Inrnla'ie.l nl luipr vel. Th
in. 1. 1 i "li ' 1 1 I o 'lei Lot In t ha t in n. Klral
ol" ''-. in ii .latlou, uv i ho I r-t v al Iiik , utilio.
A. ril Pi 'a i.
.licri'h.iEitV IIoiisls
-it:! at .i in
Terms --tl.O piT day.
llP.Nl.Y srAUN, lu p'r.
C.W. si'.ll, link air.l.'iB.
QCOKUK u, utxi tu.
County Survoyor
Kratzervillc, Snytfcr County Pern a.
imivlncn an'1 l utuava . a frnajiitla rd
ail'ilui eiiiila i A ra n,. ,j.
.le I-;. . I . u (t aoiiiiV,a.
Ja: - ..
a .