The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 31, 1883, Image 3

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    L1 . 1 . . JJ .1 L i ... J .. .. . J'l"
$, DiaWr Jutjjli Jlcst.
Published erery Thursday.
aa ItofliitT CoeT. r Coorti f
rwr-'aT l oantt ara hal.l on tla fnurlh Mon.layf
f FVH-narr. May. ami !lBl)or, anil Saoond
MafSvy X DaeaaiUr.
WOar1 Man (hronchAnt Ih oanly will
..MSya b taaittac tha la thalr itarwe-
lift (, Tlllaaat ml nihhorbonit. SHnil
ill alala fat, aail lll d'( tam p.
I ( M . Oir mlnnlt will alaT s owy
a iaM "ho lh to af throiiKh tkamnn
Cant-rat or lnn qatMttotif of tmiillit latrt t
nl wa III sol kold ountll raajioaaHile lor In
plnioai luajr sa aipiata.
Look fit the flngure on the label of
our paper. Those figure tell yon
TI02T IS PAtl. Within 8 week hfter
money is sent. see if date i chunked.
Xo otiier receipt is necessary.
& 1EWI3T0W1T It.
ht I TH". I lAiriAnn,
i. Vo i a id
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Mala Htraat ; T il 1
l.Mimun Ml ! I 64
Maitlan.l T "4 ! I. H
'iM-r T si I n.l
MllD'lla Til t Sl
W saner T 41 ' .;iii
Mni'lur T 41 I 8.V
; Hmil.-i Mill! 7 T I 1
Ailaaitliura: .10) I .vfl
1). atartonn 1 1 IA I a an
Kolr I 131 I 141
I UI.Kllel.nigh : 1 3d 4 no
Vs.aar . S.7 I 4 III
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Pawiltitf , I 4-i)
I Cillnicr.it4 , Ml 4 4
Sallnrtror J. i 4 37
1 Nil. .tor ! ' 4 4t
A Bjld tat Uccuccoscrd Attompt t
CEKT2EVILLE HAPPENIN33. ' C-rnraenccrcent Eserccn cf UrA:n
" Seminary, How E:rlh, Pa., 1SC3.
'Seek a good wife of thy Uod, for she Monday-Tiiml llsnmiimtionfi
Standins Conaittco Mooting.
Tt- mtmhcri of lh Kinhlli4a Slunrllng
I'niuinHl ' riUetii1 In iiisot at MuMI.
l.orKh. od TuemUy, U m 1 o'elork
) id , (or tha ! AkluK a lima (or h.JJ
lug Iba t' tlTllon.
' ii. r. pauks, i'mairh.
)1 . '. Siiii'tKi.L, StcreUr .
."inert i a cni!i' axane it takin' boils, aa' laun e:'!1
riia! 'ea."
The farmers have about fliiinhoil
planting corn.
The MiiWKfburk'h Hand will uttciid
the Jubilee on Tlmrluy Juno It.
Thai public Sule of Julin S. Heaver,
rfoc'il, on rfaturday next, June 2.
J. I. Hlugfimnn hul a full line of Itu
pleiiient on exhibition this week.
Do not take Cnnmla money in
r Initial). It ia not worth it fai-e.
Knuuri Kothrock hint week khip
peil eiftht ear loaiU of bark in three
ilayti from thi depot.
i.i the bei-t gift of hi providenre
Among the social eventsof Itmt week
the wedding of Dr. (i. C. Mohn, of
Laurelton, formerly of this place, and
Ml Ha Laura A. Hhower. take special
prominence. The happy event took
place on Thurcduy afternoon at the
residence of the bride' brother, C M.
Shower, in the presence of u Urjre
number of relative nnd friend. At
10 oVIock Dr. O. U. Mohn nnd Miss
Laura A. iShower follo.ved by the
brldrt and groom elect, entered the
room and took their place before the
Uev. V. II. i i rof. the otTitiitin tniii
(.tor, and plvded theuisi'lve to live
and ussiKt otiu another through liTe.
That thi pledge will bo faithfully ad
hered to, no oiio who i ncttaiutcil
with either party, doubt, and nfter
the word were proiiouced w hich tiiadi1
them Muni and w ife, they w o hi r -ly
eoiigratiilntcd by their iiiiiiici'oiim
friend pnent and the fincer w i-hof
all wus that he.iven's richest blcMii;;
might bit theirs. As your .orri't.pc in
dent in not well versed in ladies t oilet,
think it buM to leave going into de
tail, b:it would say that the bride
and bridesmaid were dressed in hand
some nilks, and of course looked love
ly, as ladies always do on sncii oeca
sioin. After the ceremony nnd imii iou the company wcru ul.
M'uted and served to a suinpt in ms re
past by obliging wait'i's and it is im
The two burglars arrested for at
tempting to crack the af In yohnure'
Mill, on the night of Haturday, May 5,
were brought into court on Monday
afternoon. T. J. Smith appeared a
their counsel, who advisad them to
plead guilty to the churge, and were
kcutenced bv Judge Huclmr to ierve
a term of three year In the Peniten
tiary at hard labor and solitary cuti
mietm lit. They had expected sever
er Just Ice and expressed themselves as
more than satisfied with the sentence
They made a bold and almost suc
cessful attempt to escape from jail on
Thursday of last week, nnd had sue
ceeded in gaining their liberty but
were recaptured. The plan was so
well laid and admirably executed that
it proves them men of no mean ex
perience in that line of business.
I'hey had been behaving o well that
watchman lteniiiiiger had allowed
them the freedom of the jail while he
wan in, which in the cud proved their
most effective mean of escape. About
i o'clock, Mr. Ueiiniiiger went Into
Israel Krb's cell and wa followed by
one of the prisoners, who non left,
and. in going out locked the door
with n bolt-leaving Kenniiiger in the
cell with Ib. He ran info the yard
w here his pal had n rope made from a
sheet, which they fastened to their
cell windows, which being higher
than the wall, they easily climbed the
rope and gained tin top of the wall,
when they dropped the n pe dow n on
the outside and easily descended.
I'hey joined hands and with a whoop
started across the lot back of the jail,
thinking they were free. Hut not so.
They had been discovered before they j
had got olT the wall bjr the Sheriff. I
whose attention was attracted in t In
direction by Mr. Keiiiiin 't's In,-
ly callr for assistance, and w ho hast
ened to the house to hn himself, af 1 11 prosperous journey ' Soi-i-ly of Fr.-fbur will I.
June 8. Friday I'tenlng Anniversary
of the Kxcelslor Literary Society.
June 0, fctaturday Hvening Atmiver-
! will pay rvciy body to examine
llie inunenso Stock of i'liiiiilmo for
i! by tho Popular Furnituiu nuui
W. II. FKI.IX J.ewisloun 1
V.vxit:n. A practical Hook-Agent
to assume the management of the
subscription department inn publish
nig nouse. .vi'ircss, slating ex
June 10, Hunday Lyeiiliig-Haccalau-leate
Sermon by K. Zeh
ner, of Carlisle, l'a.
JiiueM. Monday Kvenlng Lecture
before the Literary Societies by
Hishop It. Dubs, 1. D., of Cleve
land. O.
June 12, Tuesday Morning Meeting
of the Hoard ofTrustee.
Juno 1'J, Tuesday Afternoon Annuil
Hook Ilecepiion of the Ncocos
inian Literary Society.
June P.', Tuesday livening Address
before the Alumni.
June b!, Wednesday Morning -Met t
iug of the Alumni.
June PI, Wednesday evening -( 'o.M -
On Sunday morning, June tilth,
Hishop K. Dub will preach in tin
Kv, Church of New Hei lin, nnd d. liver
an address in the afternoon on hi'
Observations in Ktiropc.
All are invited to attend.
A. F. (ioiun it,
New Merlin, l'a.
- - . . .
We would he to hear from i.'ny
persons residing to the tow-ushlps in
the coin, ty where we are without e.r
possible to describe tin good things , repoiid"iits, nnd w w ill endeavor to
furnit'.ied for I he inner Hum and w -ere : make sat is fact ory ni'iaiiire'iunif with
thoioUk'blv cliio'-fd bv all. The In i.)- , I b"m to fu rtiih us the news. It is
was the recipient of a number of our desire to ha e evi l y distri ct rep
choice and valuable presents, most of j resented and we w ish to givi- the
them useful for persons just entering ; county news in lull
married life. The haipy couple th-n ,. v,.,kii.s will bent Middl-lcirgh
started on their wedding tour with ,, Thursday June ?. to rehearse the
the ii, .on train from Mifflinburg fur ihj,.rs foi I lie Jubilee c.t S-lins.-, .e.
the city of Piiil.idelphia. The t hue A number of singers w ill l.. pr.nt
was one long to bo remembered by all f,,,,,, A.!amburg. I'.eaveriown. ,ee
and ail joined in wishing Mr. and Mrs. ,,,,. ,,ti,e- places. The I'll,;
sary of the Xeocosmlun Literary jperleiice, 1'. O. Hox, '.".Ml, l'hiladel
ter which he mounted his horse and
followed in hot persuit. He was head
ed by Messrs. John It inUe, D. T.
Mhoads and James it. ('rouse. Kun
kle lind apiiroached near enough t i de
tain one of the nrisoii..i-N liv t . i,, an excelh-nt tcaeln r and
Ii i in to a healthy shower of stones, to
which he stopped to respond ami was
captured. The other one was fol
lowed across the ll"Ids toward the
creek by the Sheriff on lmrs
w ho succeeded in running him
May they ; ltt teiideitciv
down t he st ream of time.
i ""I'l'.'' aM.'ii, uie ,uli:ei. sliuiiM I,,, pr, -,..
l'rof. 1'echr f Selinsgrnve was Tho meeting will l.e ill the i leliii at
here last week giving instruction in t,,. Lutheran and Kef.,r d Church.
music to the band. The Professor is ' ..i.n 1,1 7 t iv!,.k
I'.very o Muctiiu- to carnet w Icn on cm Inn
f ir the s.iiue in ii"; at !
grove, pa.
I hla, Pa. .110 Ht.
f lt !l 1M C I. .,
luessis. . y . it l.soli liro. Ilil i
Mifflinlnug Makers now visit our
town every Tuesday and Friday, sup
pl ing our cillens it, f,-,.sh wheat
and rye bread Molls, Cakes, Pretzel
c, c Y, W. A Hii...
(Irent bargains in floor oil cloths
and carpels at J. H. Ib-lTmaii iV Mm
S.'lilis.rove, l'a. They- sell t van!'
lloor oil cloths nt o! cents, 1 lards'
vide at -I'l cents ami yard wl 'e at j
'ill rents, they have also reduced HI
their carpets from t t,( .) per c-nt.
Jl "T Ml rl iviai. A fine lot of 11 I
lies dress slues at pri-cthul wrl!
ons ince yo-l t!iat I sell a butter sin
than you ever bought befoiv f.srtki
'lime ui iin y.
Mits . MAitX.
Met ween Null, ml and leyl..,e Hi.
ti ls. Se!ltlnroVe, 'a.
W U i-N I'itll l.s. I have j it fe
liv.'il a innuiiitle-ut to.-k of f
wear for Spring and Suiinner
illlike n s; inlty i.f the ci '. brateii
loichest-r Mo .ts shoe, wh'ch nn
note. I f.-r diirc.'iiP'y an-l r
You cannot t l h.-ni at nn o' :i, i
place in town. Firry p:i;r w :i n-.-in!
Ml I!. M
'o.eii ln-t v ii National and lvyl
Hotel, Selills,..,., ',,
.1 II lb-!l:u,iii ,V Mr. i Seliiis-.'rove. Pa
llwais keep the Very l!le- line ,.l
fancy i nips, N O lie .l,i .., "itTT.
coffee ninl groceries ill I ' to l.e
found any e b nnd prices a lute
low. r than I !i" .. .--t.
Il will pay !. ' :t i ; i i 1 1 llell.-r'seai-p-
before l,. . ill- e -re. hi.f,.. .No i.c.-.i
I "it to pay a lu.:'i pi e-e f..r a llim-v
a i:o ..I i.;i,.
llel-'s Seliu-
I wish lo iufoi tu tho reniJents of HnyJor connly tL:.l I linro a fino i b
BOllllll-Ilt of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters,
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
Including ll.o New Light Ifousn Cook, Si'vnr limp Indies' Piide, TauiM
Cool,. Ni-t Silhsliilif, New Jasper, New Mfo;j4l l.sligca. In.
Vincible, The Spear H.fileis, Ne.v Kl'lv Ibiwii, New
llis, New ,lns.-r lle.itcis, .'o (i .Mull Silll
I'inplacu llmt 'is. Ri.d iilliiB. My
Heaters from 15 to 30 Dollars,
ne all of tin- Lit -d piftettiN an. I bc-t m ilei i- 1 . nn 1 it b-in lufo in i,o
si ason I olVi r them bel .w actual cost t i neme their snlo.
Call and see the Fine Cook Stoves,
f Wl.ieh I 1,'lle IIH 1 ll (.'. :iu 1 wi ll-s..lec!ed i st ic'i as C III l.e ill lilt
com Iv and ,,t -i h-cm that wili compate with W1(.,!iMle Honscs.
Tinware, Spouting and E oofincr.
VotH- bill I ll-l Vol J- 1 est lll.ltelil! ie. S; lllin,.
-hol t notice. fully siiluuitli I.
id i:
,' iL liC ( Q
mipi Li:r.ri:c,n pa.
Stock to supply everybody in every thing.
t Ii-- baud is
I miikinguv-sl.fiit progress. On Satin--jday
they were d .lined in their new
j uniform and they mad.-u tin-- appear
! mice.
i t I. .. . . . ...I. . . .
uu, n I'., itoug, iviim is ein;.!,.,! In (l
,,wll 1 furnlt lire factory in Williauisport, lis-
itetl In parents lal week.
John l-'uriisworl ii, who is traveling
Keller W ill Hot be ll.
oil". liilt- III II :i c.ill.
bi K.-ller nr.. ,ii r,M:t.
th.-i nr.- ...,. for
U M I I ..-..lit-
to c.iiii ass nn I s. ! e;
Molllllllellts. A'l Ir-..
I'i-li-r, at S -lin .gr.. . hi rn iv ltnti.t SI I )'M
. , ., i i . . . ,' less than half u inilii from town. Thev
tnke the cake, (ireatest varietv and
. . . . ... .i " i were eomnletelv e vli-msi-.l VI.....
lowest prices in iiif com iv. r.,.. il... ..i; .1,1.. n r i .. n .. i
1 brought back thev were placed in ! , ' "h.ib.,. " m of J s. Ilo.,r
Linneii Hoods of every description Isepcrate cellH and chnined to the 1 "" "f 'llli"1''1i,l'i'1- interviewed our
find for all aires, sires und tastes at S. ' n ri.. dealers one day l ist week.
i -' ,,ri n i' ui'i'-ii fiiioiner es-.
0:.peiiheimerSeliiisgrove, Ph. j cape on Sunday, one of tl m near I
Next week we will publish full pftr. j 'y sawing the head off of o .f the.
ticuliirscf the Musical Jubilee, to be riv,,,!' on his shackels with ,. rim. 1
heldatSelinsgrovu. commencing June ' lv,,if li,t w" discovor-d by K-n I
1J. 1 niiiger, who relieved him of th- im-'
jpleiiicnt and put on a new rivet. Th.-v :
will get tlieir free ride to Philadelphia!
in a few da vs.
! J II
Pa ar- -lill e.t.
I 'iiin'V I Iress ii.
There will ho a cake walk nt Trox
elviile on Saturday next. All are
cordially invited to attend. A grand
time is expected.
Head wear of every description, in
cluding wool and fur hut ut S. Op
peiihfiuicrY Call nnd see them, that
you may sucure the latest styles.
Thi week luring court week, our
streets res-nthlcd a fairground, owing
to the tine display of Funning Impli
The Middh burgh Hand will furnish '"cuts, producing oim f f the n.-st
the nuisii: for the Coiniiieiicenieiit ex (uiiichiues now ni.inufnct ure.l. Prom
errh.eH nt New Merlin, on Monday, ' bn-nt ainoiij: t he attractions wa the
Iiit-sdiiy and Wednesday evening, "'aciimery represeted by the Ki-ld (
June u, v; and PI. inowiers. wuniui I nestiay in ide up a '
parade of their leadinir nrti.l..s . I.-.. .. ' '
On Friday evening a c.,w was killed fl,y on,. t,f the ma-nl'i .,..,i s,.. i'..f.H..i,i S- K- "".ipff,
by the accommodation:! mile west of i tract ion eicine .. 1 1,.. ,i; P Win. Martin,
Sh-riff K-ichiy and Jam-s M.
zandl were in town on Sunday
What have the fair sex ben doing,
ihat l 'i id h-r lions ojv,.s them sucli a
tarribl.- raking.
Saiuu-I (ii-oss, of Kraterville, one
of the candidates for Associate Judge
took a survey of his pro.-p vts 'n this
lowiiship. on Wednesday nt last Week
Like all (he other candidal! s, he is
sangllill- of success.
I; i: Cui:am I'ics i iv ii.. ''h- .'..l-m
Sun I, IV S- I ol till. p;,-e uill r a - -1-1
an I' festii al on Miwi-r'sis
laud, on Saturday, June !, eotum-'iii-ing
at "i ..'clock P. M. All Ii i-n.i-of
Sunday Schools, and p.-r-ons i i -ner-
al, w ishing to have a g I ti will
do well to call around and pal roiii.
n. nnd bv so .1 iin-c.inti .Inn. I ir
somewhat elhausd-d etch pi-r. '
Cii ke w n Ik s u i! I I i.i it. oi-.I.t sir ,,i 1 e.
orn-i ii. .mi mis i. iien cngii-; to
furnish music for t he weeakion. A line
time is anticipated.
Co Mil III-1:.
The "Lew isburg Chronicle"
it "might b.i well for some of Ihe
small counties surroumliiig Noilhum
berlaiid Co. send w f.-iv pi i-oi.-i -they
may have from lime to time, to
Sunliury, for siitn ki.f.,,l;r t itould call and shh
l.e i h. i-sn'ci,illy in winter, for i . nli ii. i an. I
such count ion to do si than l i U.ep '
op an entire jail in comfort able order
.r s
! t
Id bi :im
III s-.i !'! I . .
' ve Si on. v ,U,
or .-.'ill ..a N. S
ing til
I . II. c.
.--nil -groi ...
tu:. ;( in
rv. Notion-.
in -i rt i : .
iiniuier M
and .ici.nie I .rn's. M i,..., ,
uiei i: 1 1 Ml i :i i i si ' t of nil
lisphiv of Spr
rv Is nl C.
i. i
si: i 1 1. km i: 1 1
klolji; Ihilll-,
on Mil. -cripi ion.
Wort, lire r.'-pe 1
Noll. ;;.
es ll-l. I.'
I. Ml.
I lo
; Just opened. New and Stylish !
! Coloj-cb Cnsl.ntcis. Lr.dtcs Limn Ultt is. Fine L?ccs. Kid Cloves, nil coLrs-
n Ucr.k Wsar. Ladijs Musl.n Und.'rv;cnr and Skills. L'S'c Ti t tad C!cvcs
i.i ctulL-ai lar.cly. I!c;iiinr M.kIc IIjs.c. Svv -.s Viu'.ci ia Law: 3
All wool SACK!CS. Laij-c V.uuly if
(1ALICi)I S, DIMiSri GOODS, &(
One ol tlm Lndu ij attractions in Se! nsr-ove is tuir may 1 Ti. cut line cf
v. hir.1i ig '.v.-li wi)it!i t!i.i covt of to rj ll-.cru to tec LVEP.Y !I!IG SOLD
a I veri ism-.. .
.-irully rep.
at tli. ir .1.. i-i . -1
really oiili---.
V.. II I - ,-.
.1 i;ki: cij'H
loll cr 2io::o2.
The following is a lis t of those who
iiive paid tln-ir su liscrint ion l. t Im
r since our lurt issiis.
Mi.ldleburgh, and on Saturday even
ing another one was Injured ut the
J. M. Noriiiand, (teneral Travelin,
N. M. Middleswurth,
Airent. and M. K. Ilss.i., n - ,,"',- snyilor,
Next to thethe i.ii"iii.. wn. 1 1... t,. W- 'illler,
White Vests nr nil (l.e 'Vo" tl.i. ! Mililieapoi Self Minding llarveter. i
sunuiu-r, and S. Oppenheimer. iintici-1 u l,icl1 u,oli "'e eye of every one pies ' l'- - iu'ders
pitting the demand, lias laid in mi,''"1'
i lira largo stuck
mid varieties.
of all, si vies
It wa aibniraliK- n...n.t...i I... I Jonathan Kud
M. Corwiu (ieticral Traveliuir' ',av'' Wet.i-l.
I . I lS,
I Agniit, and Harry App of Selinsgroi-f, ;
ri iurs. Dogged if we know, . .? Simon Kow
it...,, i, . .i i lor close cutting, to securo od'id
Hent. Last we saw of her she was I ... . ... 1 U, i K,,.,,;
i ii i, i , L, i and tliort grain. .i. i . iiouiig,
l ullding a dam HcrosstheNiisipu-hiiii-1 - , , . , . 1 dain Mubl.
iiu witli n i-.ii- .f I...,. ..I. I ..I J i rTnlMilute certainty u. binding. ; V ' .'. " ' '
,uing (lie least twine, and him
I .-.-. I,
I lee. I,
Pec. I,
May, U
I I.
Mer. I,
I. .Ki
The primary election of Snyder' tightest bundle.
ling' mail,
.i hi; usi us ,-si rauo,
county will be held on the Kith of
June. Poll open ut one o'clock P.M.
"ltd close ut 7 o'clock P. M.
II. C. Sampski.I,, Sec.
Klsewhere wo publish an essay on
"How to Conduct a Quarterly" Ko
view," which wa read before the
Snyder County Sunday School Con
vention, nnd voted to be published in
the post.
TllllAA llllniuldiiu . .- i
J'osTfreeof charge are expected to
1'i'iid im account of marriages ami
tleaths at their earliest convenience.
1' U s is the only pay wo usk, and think
To are entitled to it.
Why Hweot and swelter during the
'nt summer mouth, when you can
Huso yourself to feel comfortable and
j"ok respectable for a trille by buving
ue of S. Oppenheiiner'e splendid Al-
I'-ic. taut. Trv one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orwig returned
fi lust Katurday from a week' visit
"long friends and relative in I'uion
"uniy, John ha been unable to
p"Mou his vest ever since hi return
result of ratlin; too much chicken.
John Homiir. of near Selinsern
f'l'wts the following wool yields: He
beared two sheep, the pelt of which
l'gner 51 pound. Hi boh, John 1
0l"ig sheared three, which vleldad
' pound, und another son, Henry
-. sueaj-eu It sheep nnd realized 110
-aiuus of wool -one of these shfoii
I'll ing a pelt thut tipped the beum at
f J'unclB.
" W'OIO favnrfld lr
I " fr" Snyder and Union ooun-
mu week, our roll of honor
ft iWelleU ulii.ot to irhrantlo m-n-
Ptlons by their liberality to tho
-er. ve hope they may all live
vor Us wjt, riuther Vlslt-and
f'unwhjla eniov reading II. oir aw..
I""" nd realuVth-j full bencllt of
r lasniy.
J. I., (b.l ,e,
i Tin is. P. Herr,
J. L Kline,
'James Auraiid,
I H. K. Mosser.
; A. I). Kraiiicr,
! Meiij. Ilarman,
Samuel (ii-oss,
J. Spungler.
For perfect separation of bundles,
uniform in si.e, allowing better shock
ing and stacking.
1 or ease in raising and lowering the '
entire machine, uhile in motion, w ith
only one lever.
For the Automatic Packer Trip, us
ed only on the Minneapolis," which
utisolutely prevent the Hinder fioui!
dogging, whatever th condition of W". Keisi.-r,
the grain. F. M. Molig,
Then fnllowe the Champion Light ! John Young,
Single Ken per, Champion Su. 4, Com- W. Meal,
bined Keuper, and the Champion i.w (Jeo. Scliiuue,
Mower. Theso machine are too ' A. Mi Idleswai th,
well known to admit of any com 'Isaac Milger,
nient u to tlieir Koud ipialitie -huv-1 Amos Kugel,
iniug been in the lead for n number of 1 John 1-Vlker
Horace Allenian,
ifor two or tin piis.iicrs. I'ui n coul.l iiia;i,ti.iu
isll lb. ir Sunbry nt much
clu-iipi r nil- than to take cms . f
t hem at home. "
M t nul l .i it i-t-.K Okimi.i:. Th-rewill
be held oil oiler's Miand oliS.itu d.ii
.1 line -.' I, Is.;!, n raii I I 'riole nnd Fes.
tiwd for tholie uelit of l h Lu l- ran
and Kiforiui-I Sunday School nt
(iloli- Mills, Pa. A trrau I inn- i- nn
ticipated. I'll.- public is invited lifter
noon and evening. I Yearn and
other refreshment , on th- .'round.
I'.xeclleiit music w ill b- furi.idic.l l.y
the Kn-iiui-r Mind. Also H,-,. works
in t Ii- evening, ('nine one, cume all
and Inn - a pl-.-isaut time.
My order ot tin- different
' 'n.M.Ml I I I I.-".
A I'lKTI'.i'N Hol.l.lli WoMlN. A
ei!i.en in town last Friday related tin
escapade of a cilieiiof the east end ol
I '.iietti. tow nship among lie-gender
set. The Fayette c;ii-n, hesavs has
been married three times. lb- parted
w ith the l;r-1 and nd wile. I in- of
the women live., in li.iuphiu connt.i:
I In- t her lives in Pi
"" - t .w
I'ci. i, s.i now lives pl-aaiitly. lb- s.iid thai
I'ec. I, "h:j the too much married man i n w
l'ec. , wooin-; his third wife in Suvd-r conn
ty, to whether he can win In-rto wed
remains to be seen. - .nr.i( t h(iVi.
C Ml II I.. I I I. Mf l. K I T II V
Si nioiil ni, I L-ii-! K t- ,V '
spsma km summer clotmg
I. I nrrii. I .tu I iii ..j.i-T r
M. i.l. ' y nil iii.'il.- ii i v fl u a . .1 1 .
-. .' I ol '
i. i;.ll -, .in :
I.I 1- U. I "I .
1. M
1, s;!
I. 'Nil I
May It. l
Me,-. I, V:t
Julv il, 'n:i
I o
i iiit-
i mi .ii-
Spriu-: i 1 1 1 I
l urk-v -
I'.-a Coal
'best in,t 1 ..I
l! ekv,,i;!l ( ' .
F.g Co:, I
Plasi-r, per i .
S'lt' per l ;il -i I
r Hi.
r. .
i Ii
"i '
I 1
I. ;
t 'l.l...
I i I :!:
I l l-l 1 . .1. .1
-I'll l.r- f V I' yll
.1 il I I- oIK.Iil I" . u'
... , ill,.,,, I.
. I.
lit v situ, v !
. o i i, i-i i i :
In i!is
t li.i n -Mi ) w Imtu 1
In I r i ; '') ai.'l m vtn ',
finvs nits. toed, for SI .50 and upvwtiiis. Undcrvvnr for 20 cents a. d I p-vv.-mis.
r.ii ii'i Wool Hals 40 co-Is nnd upw.inl. Uoy's Wiv.-I I! :ts 2!i
cents a:iu n.iv.aiils. Sliaw If. its 5 tents ami u::wari. Fino Wln'.i:
V I,
uts. I'ui cabj bliirls. biTtC;c Mints.
lo '..I
I f I
I In
" '"' ' nn I a l'ill ' nn ..I I in nl I.
. I -l-l Ii.. I- II,. I .. kiiiv I 14 -rl r
I I , i I i . V 0 II . . ft I , i. . I. ..' (.. r i.i'
i ; .
. i i"
Ctilfs. Co la;; ,
fii'Cties M jso. Cl-ivos. StiS'ienik'rs. Ii links. Satchels,
V.biccs. Cants. L'r', VVIi ps. Ln;i Kohcs.
'. ii. Til y V. u
I .r it a 1. 1 I ..
1, i '. r I ! J I 1. HVi!
'' ;i t III .1 :
IM I i Hi. I
K All It C
! U . n
n ml .
J urn
lcc. J)i-C
I lee.
I. M
I -l
I, 's;l
I, N.l
I. 'Nil
6 - a
m a it it i i :i .
At M-.,le
K;. I. M.
ii n. M i .'It h inst . bv
Mi l ler. Mis-, .1. . sel.he, .
I Welllllgtoll
co, !,,.,. hies in Perry county. Tho l.oth ,.f M-a eriown, p.i." P!p m U
inl wife he s.ld for !,., a I'aye.t.t May .,. a, , h, ,-dd-. f , . brid- ? S g 33 fP
wnship wid.wer, with ii h she by, . . V-rg.-r. F.,. Mis. Catharine i$tr& U tlf J
pr. arpna a
ffe til V
.'t-vier, "i 1 1 1 1 1 , - , . n toi,siip
Willi. im Moii.f c.f perry township.
years. 1 he wh uu iiniKihliiL-
one und wu met with general fuvor
with one exception, and that was by
u man who refused to move his horse
und lieiii-o compelled u stop ill the
procession. The Individual wu met
by the jeers und insult or the disgust
ed populace, who have placed him
down us possesbiiig two extraordinary
quulite vU: the stupidity of uu ox
and obstuuey of u mule.
The Springfield Thresher wan also
on the ground and wus the centre of
attraction uinong the thresher.
Mr. Mary IL Snyder has returned
from her visit to her sou ut Osceola,
It will puy you to go 20 mile to J.
II. Hoffman ii 1W store, Keliiib
grove, Pa., they keep tho iiewedt und
ftiiekt tock in tho county.
Furniture the largest and best stock
In the county at Keller', Beliusgrove,
8. Oppenheimer last week turned
ye editor iu a new suit of clothes.nnd
we have since had several order
from New York to appear on the
plates of popular fashion Magurlner,
S. H. Orwig,
Peter Hosterniiill
J. F. Wntroner
Me. I, Kl
Jec. I. "n:j
J)-c. I, 'u;l
June 1, 'h.J
Jlec. I, SU
Hcc. I, fl.
Iee. 1, s;
Dec, 1, :;
Dec. I, X;j
I-ic. I, 'SI
Do. I, 'Dij
Dec. 1, 'UU
June I, 't'.l j
i i i:i .
Should there be any mistake in the
above cre.liiu i,,.. . .. . . . . i
, " I'm licit iiiiei esiuil itu,...,
w ill i.l..,..,. .....If I 'luue,
If the people who havf been lured
into Dakota will, after realising tlieir
folly, go to some Southern State and
there develop their energy ami in
dustry, they will not only do them
A i u. Ksi'AI'l-:. -On Wed
nesday evening about 7 o'clock, the
alarm of tire was sounded, occasioned
by a lire in (he F.van. Lutheran
Churchill this place. The lire was
communicated by the heater to the
joist, and when discovered was send .
ingotit a large volume of smoke, till
ing the loom ami nearly stilTocating
those who were (iist to enter. An
opening was speedily madi. in the
lloor and water dashed i.i on tin-
which lifter' II considerable
struggle was extinguished, but not
until several hitinh-ed dollars ot dam
age was done the building und it
contents. The firemen, both I lose
Company and (he Hook & Ladder
Company, were promptly on hand,
givhigeviileiiea that although their
I Near Maniiervilln, May Villi inst..
'typhoid fever, Sarah," wife of ,lu-
d 1 1 years, 0 mont lis
Huiuu-ardiuT n
and 1'' liavs.
MayL'u. in penn tow nJn'p, Mary, w id
oW of (he hite Willi nil Wondlili.r,
a),-euii years, i inonuiaiui ll...s.
selve great good, but greatly benefit 'service hiife not been required for
tlie country. The South I thi place
to find a comfortable habitation.
Yesterday wu Memorial Day. The
Nation's defender, buried in Middle
burgh received no tribute from the
hand of surviving friend, save per
chance a tear or sigh from an utrec
tlonate mother, sister orsweetheai t.
It i too bud. True memory t not1
the essence of pomp and display, und
hereafter if our men have not the am
bition to organize und hold regular
memorial service on the aoth of May,
let the women, who have always been
noted for their loyalty, gather'flowers
' Hllil korAn.l 1 1...-. mu tl.u i
lMshuii wool hoi ,u h,,t - ..'..r ''
,., . ""iour oeparieo neroe. A Ins ! are wo
uis ur.e , our m on my rye. s? uwu jorgoitcu wUeu w nre s.n J
some time, that they are us eftlclcnt
ii ever. Had the tire not been so
promptly extinguished, n serlou con
flagration would have been the re
sult. Tribune.
Dobson best Tapestry and Mrussol
I'lowest price at Keller', ;-linsgrove
You can by u good Mutton Shoe for
1.3.1 ut Mr. It. Murx', Selinsgrove,
You pnii buy men's plow shoe ut
1.3.1 a pair ut Mrs. It. Murx' Selins
grove, l'a.
I sell Ladies Coin 1
cent it pair.
s Outer at 00
K. M.vnx
The Wonderful Effloacy of
DR. 8CHEft3G5C58
ff bN-n ao f miiiully su I nuisfkcfvllf prnron
tU-t It issiiiiii ulni'Wl uuis-rflU'iuii tu eay iud'IIiwi
luurv lu Ci.-ir fiivnr. i'Ua Uimuiiu ami miisUiitlf
lucruiuliiK ili'iuuuil fur thorn, ls.Ui In Una anil for. urn
cnuntrliM, la tlie Is-il uvuluuco ..f tlieir vahiA 'i hnr
aaletiv luy lu llu fulUil Kiuti-a U tur irn-uU-r tlia:i
any oth -r c itimrtl j iui-iIk-uio. Tills douiaua U
Bui aiaiu-Ju-, it In rornLir ami It U not
of Unluyor )li riluy, It U an liirmaiaiUiat tuwls-e
stoaiUlyirroKiiiK l.irtholiwt thirty aioyi-am. Wtinl
are loo luutjuj tot lUm rroat auj muwiug ik-aiaii J t
Itr. N. li.-nrli's limdriikr IMIUi-nnttlnnomi-p.
cary, auj y. t l-i. y a.-t unit wumU-rlul t H.s-l ui ou
Uiu livur. '1 ti. y cl. .uno tho f..iim,-li an I UiwiiLi ul
all IrtiUUiif in itu-r. which. If tllwt-. t i minam,
1' 1.1 ki I, ami i :l M nlsr n. CliUls an 1
I'uur, an. I mauyoilirr iIIm-wh. 'i lny (-uu UiallU
sail utrw.Klll t. tli li-t.".tiu cntuiin. '1 Ury i rrau
BIlUtuiiu. lam vitfurt i tint vlmlo l ysti'in. Tin-
an- Hi (act Hi. uii-ilirii.a i f : ullum tiU-i .)inul I
lo tukou iu tnuiM llku tint ruM',i(, mI .-u ninlanidau J
,ctlk r I'l-.iti'iiii. aara ru rlun, u lu. y 1 n-imro Uiuhj -.
(juj U ruu.l alUuLi ot U.-4: Jit c.tuy oliurjcur.
Dr. Si Ui-nrk' MuniJriil.f Pltla arnnHiiya'l
drui-v.s-.i ul li.ic. s;r Uix, tir mat by Ui-i1 iaU.w.I,
cu IkCWJ't vt l'HOU.
Pr. Nrlit-nrk's Hook on Coi-i nminlon, t.l
f t ( oiiii.Iui.i-. lifMK'I'si.ii l i li'Kluli ur
Odri.on. 14 sunt f. c U ail. iixvi lr. J. It.
tU'lll M K it S., -iit.:i.l. l,. In, l'a.
Lewistown, Miflin county, Pcnn'a,
!"uril ui-o nl l-'.vci-.v Kind. I 'ni lor, ( lijimlin-,
liiinine IJooni. ti;il I i t iu . to
Nllil I III1 llll-illlsj Ol'l'l Cl-l' )('I-si)I.
Painted ( 'lnuiilit r Suits, from - h . s ((1 ijn.
Pallor Suits, l'i i nn s . . s; i up
nil walnut, coveiid in Huirclotli, LVp. Katv Silt;, i.nd I"i:sl.ih, t f
any cloi.
Walnut Cliuiiiher Suit, with .Mittlilo Toj , from - si t .
Melstend fiotu , . si to..'"
U.iieiiu. Stun.l. Lounges. ClniiM, M ittr.n of nil kinds I lie won
.1... f..l ll-... II-,... H...I... ' li .. ....
vii-iii.i ..u..i. ,i on in ii pi ing iiiiiuiui i ue rest'.le.
J A II goods kept in stock nnd on hand, ready for sale, and nt CA. Il
! PKlCP.S.'thnt will convinco nil, tli-it y.ui save money by buying wi iie
I you get the best, nnd itlivny get what i on liny. ( iio Is piel.e I .ml ,l,l,v.
irred. with tho best of cue, to K. It. depot, f ill n-i I m c lh . in.m, t,Mi
JStoclt. No tionldo to show goods, Ol ItMOI l'i): Coo.l lloods, l.oir
Prici a, and to please a I. Orders by iu ul will ivc.iie ( iimpt ntit ntii ii
I at nil times. Youis ltespcctfuilv,
Jim. -J7. ISL
LIGHT DRAFT C 0 T.1 B I M AT 1 0 i! PEilll M&RROW.
IllHt In L
1-1. Ilorlil J
S' f(M
Str ( lM-r sent i Whpp, K,.Volvc nil iriven the jrronnd
hL Willi llnrrow. Tn o llnnnw itir ia inu-siu Tr It
1 ll Avob-t Ollre, tlit-rrl-rc w ill il.i tleullc ilic w-ik ol any
J !if 'yts--k oilier llatroti niul 4eilie I'jinirr lulilu labor
Anotlitr s the linn 1I.iii.iw ruu
over any other, j rim lis easily rhssgnl
inte live IiifTcrciit llarrsivs, u u Marker
pn.i u Cnniili'ie Mrd ler .u: ll.iirow, wiili.sit
n.l.liu- an riu pit cc or holt. '1 liut il. f.unicr
hnt all Ilic I Urr-M in lh est rriiaiitd ou I n
I lair, and llu-y are ailttnteJ Id anv soil.
Tenn Hirrow ii ma'c of (he Hist While Oak, with t-'u-tl Tieih, Well lvniieit aiul in
every way fir.i rhs. Koinicily a lUo-w watlie most iinplimeut on (ha farm,
with our improvements it ia the imt convenient, mi I a creit i.ivin al l.nic and labur, laok
lo your iutcrvtl Hint buy the Penn Hairow. Mauui.ic'ureJ -n'y by th
lvmi Harrow If nuvr.ictiirlnR Co.
ni usitf riiiUdt liiliht. r-i,
(iowdi-u, TVcv. Jerevy,