The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 31, 1883, Image 1
III ' I . - ... 'T. II HAUTEtt. . He (tint will not reason in a bi ; lio that cm not is a fool ; he lliat tlavr hoi is n .slave. UMTOIl and I'liOritlKTOU VOL. XX. MIDDLEBUIIGH, SNYDEw CO., PEiN'A, MAY I.88.J. iPOETttV: sous cm ecnccLiiccis. l have bcn back to my home aaln, To tli place wher I wan born. 1 have nenrd tbe wind from the stormy Ulftitl e nt1lnjf through the corn; 1 tve seen tli purple hills one more; 1 bftve stood on tliti rocky count, Y"Bere tlio wave atorm inland to the bore; but the thing that touched me moot Wm alitt'l leather strap that kept So i no school books, tattered and torn. I sighed. I smiled, I could have wept, When I came on them one morn; Tor I thought of the merry little lad, In the morning sweet and tool, tT westliei wan flood or weather had, Oointf whittling off to school. My finger undid the ttrnp ftitaln, And 1 thought how my hand has changed, And half In levlug. half in pain, Hack ward my memory ranged. There was the grammar I knew so well I didn't remember a rule; And the old blue speller I used to spell Itetter thau any in school; And the wonderful geography ' I've read on the green hillside, " When I told myself I'd surely see All lands in the world so wide, From the Indians home in the far, far west To the mystical Cathay. I have seen them oil. Hut home l b-t-t. When the evening shade fall gray. And there was the old arithmetic, All tattered and stained with tears. I mid Jamie and little Dick Were together in by gotia years. Jamiejiai gonu to the better land; And I get, now and again, A letter In Dick's bold, ready hand From some grout western plain. Thero wasn't a book, and scarce'a 1'ng. That hadn't some memory Of days that seemed like a golden age, Of friend I shall no more see. And so I picked up the books ngain And buckled the strap once more, And brought them oer the tossing main: Come, children, and look thenio'er. And there they lay on a little stand. Not far from the Holy Hook; And his boys and girls with loving care O'er grammar and speller look. He uid. "They speak to me, children dear, Of a past without annoy; And the Hook of Hooks in promise clear Of a future full of joy." iirfr's 'Wttkly. MAUDE'S EIN8. Dr. Andover threw himself iuto the big leather-covered chair before iiia study fire with a little weury eigh. He was a fine-looking man of thir ty t not baudiome, but noble and mauly-looking one to be trusted for over, with his broad white brow, nud grave, clear grey eyes Dr. Andover's patients especial ly the poorer class and tho children tnrncd to bin instinotively for ad sice and sympathy. i'oor old Ujtty Cary.Ja bedridden paralvtio, could not repeat to him without shedding tears of gratitude Little Jaue Ellis, Buffering with an incurable hip disease, looked op on him as a sort of god upon earth. But fate had lately.frownod upon Lim. In the first place, the bank in which the greater part of his snug little fortune was deposited, had fail ed ; and direotly upon this came the Dens that some mining stocks in vested were worthless, or nearly so. The doctor did not fear poverty himself his praotice bronght hi a: a comfoi table income, for the rich ap preciated him as well as the poor i but miles away in a distant city there was a lovely girl whom he bad hop ed to call wife by Christmas time. A gill who, though not wealthy herself, bad been extravagantly ed ucated by ber wealthy uncle, in bose luxurious home she lived. He knew that no privation bad ever come to ber she saw a petted darling, with hands like a baby's. Lovely, dainty, useless as she seemed, Dr. Andover bad poured the whole passion of bis great Leai t out upon ber ; and you are not to think him weak because, just at first, when the news of bis ill-fortune came to him, he shrank sod trembled under it, thinking ol the girl be loved. For be must give ber up, tiers fts no duubt about that. lie could not ask her to sbare the fate of a poor physician who depend--ed upon Iiir fees for a living. So Dr. Andover had written her a brave farewell letter just annontb before the time arranged for their wedding, informing her of hPs alter ed fot tunes, and releasing her from her engagement to him t aud he had received no answer, although it was now Christmas week. The doctor was worn out with ex posure to rough woathor and many sleepless nights. The demands upon bis time and strength bad been greater than us ual, yet ho had replied to them all, never failing in kindly courtesy bo side tbe couch of Hetty Cairy any more than iu the luxurious obamber of ilia lame Goldschtuidt, who fed him so generously. It was Chris truss week, and Maudo was to have been his owu next i'ri day evening. This thought tortured him un ceasingly, together with some words in a letter which had readied him a few days before a letter from an a -(luaintanco who was visiting iu the city nhere Maude lived, I mot your fiancee at a parly lust erei ing," ho had written. I almiro your choice. ''.She was the brightest ; loveliest girl there." Dr. Andover experienced a cruel sense of devolution a he tnrnodthut senteuce over in his mind. Maud hnd not love 1 him after all. She could bo gay and blight when they were forever separated. The study fire smouldered to ashes, and still ho sat there, weary and sid, until from sheer exhaustion he full into an uneasy slumber. About miduight bo awoke, alter nately burning uud sniveling, while a dull pain throbbed iu his templed Ho was his owu patient now, so bo swallowed n powder and hastened t led ; and when his landlady came in tho morning to rail him, sle fouud him unallo to liso from hi pillow, feverish and half delirious. Christmas m rjing came, bright and frosty a duy after good St Nicholas' own heart, aud the doctor, a trifle better, although weak and languid, opened his eyes to close them again immediately, with a lit tle pang. This was to have been bis wed ding day ! He could hear tho meiry Faluta lions in the street, the cIuhIi of bells, and the pealing organ from St l'tiul's Church over tho way, and the suuligLt, and miith, aud gladness made his own pain seem tho koeuor just.for a moment uutil his gen eroua heart could gather strength and reassert itself and bo glad bo cause others were glnd. His landlady, who had been like a fond mother to him, came in pres ently with a very smiling expres sion upon her broad face. Many of bis gratoful patients had rememberod him with some lit tle Christmas tokens. Mrs. Derby had placed tlicra up on the table at his bed-ide ; but now she held in her arms a smsd package addressed to him in a la dy's familiar hand, aud registered in a Aidant city. Msude bad returned tho engage ment ring. Dr. Andover received the pack age in silence, and Mrs, Dot by look ed at hiiA with a crestfallen expres ion. "I thought you would bo so pleas ed, doctor, "I've come to know Miss Ever leth's handwriting you see, I sup posed she had sent you a Christmas present. ' The package eame two days ago when you were delirious, and I made bold to send tbe lady a telegram telling ber of your illness. "And, Pootor Andover, can you boar some pleasant news f "I received a telegram in return, stating that Miss Kverleth would start at once to come to yon. -'Now that ifc the sort of a girl to mako a man a good wife. "She will probably be bere to day. To day ! Dr. Andover listened to Mra. Der by in bewilderment. What did it all mean f With trembling fingers be tore off the wrapper of tbe tio ' package, and opened a jeweler's case. There upon its bed of purple lay a wide gold finger-ling ex traordina rily nide-tbe ioiide of wbicb WM oompletely covered with fine lolbr ing. And Dr. Andover read slowly, through blinding rapturous tears the word which the jeweler's in struments had traced there the grand old Scripture words which had arisen in the heart of the 'girl who thus proved herself worthy of hint, when bis letter had Come to her after many weary dnys of delay. ' Entreat me not to leave theo, or to retnru from following afior for whither thou goest I will go ; and wheio thou lodgest 1 will .lodge thy people shall be my people, nn 1 thy Ood my (lod ;whero thoujdiest will I de. and there will 1 bo bin el; the Lord do so to me and more also, if aught bat death part thee and! me.'' the sidewalk ? Mrs Dolby slipped out of lie How would yon like it if she stood room, crying herself at the eight of jon tl street corners, or in frout of Dr. Andover, usun'Iy so calm snd tbe theatre on matinee dsy and strong, and self possessed, sobbing winked at all tho fellows an they like a baby over Maude's Christ- iune out? mas token, j H' would yon liko it if she It was nearly noou whon Maude chucked the handwuiuo w liters un- herself came. ' ('l'r ",0 cu'n flt)J Culled them She had removed her wrnps iu j "dear ? ' Mrs. Derby's room, and after a light! 11 ,w would yon liko it f oho vuut tap on the hick man's door, sho oii - teiod. Dr. Andover had thought her lovely in her exquisite parly, aud carriage, and home toilets, but uev- er had sho seemed sr swyet and gracious and womanly as now, when iu her pain grey traveling costiiino, her lovely face a liltlo pale with wearineHS and excitemeiit, Lei mouth tremulous, and her daik ei glowing with n polenin light, she glided ill her swift noiseless vtsy across tho room to Lis side. My d it ling . "My own, nweft.trne-henrSed d ir- lingl' eiie l (ho doctor, clasping both hands about her nud drawing lior fiieo down to hi own. And prcMntly, nfl. r tho fust greetings weio over, Maude ex;;l.iiu-ud- "Yotir letter was delayed in some way. "I did not get it until a week ago ''i'on iet))oin-r the gicat pieco of gold which you sent mu from Cali fornia two years ago ? ' Well, when I got your letter 1 look that gold to a jeweler, and had it inado iuto that ling. "Aud then, after I received Mrs. Derby's telegram, I made mule promise to bring me t i you at ouco "I would have couio nlono if he had not come with tim, horriblo and unconventional as my faslibnable fiionds would have died me. "Why, dear! what a silly butter fly yon must have thought mo I "And do you think I am good for nothing but to darco and ting, aud play the piano ''I assure you, sit" and hero she doubled one small white fist in a very threatening fashion uuder his very noso "this ; hand, which you consider so w eak and useless, can make most delioions bread, and pies, and cakes ; can even mako beds, and sweep, and wash dishes. "Aunt Alice never neglected Ibal most important part of my education and I am sure I shall make a most excellent wife for a poor man. "That is, dear" and hero she flushed up glorously "if you will have me," Dr. Andover smothcrod ber last words against bis shoulder, and as soon as she could free borself from his unceremonious embrace, she be gan anew to coax and wheedle bim into oousenting to soma plan of ber own, to which at first be objected, but finally yielded i snd tbe result was that, at five o'clock that after noon, Maude Kverleth was made Dr. Andover's wife, and at ouoe asserted her authority by taking upon ber self tho duties of nurse. Of course, uuder such treatment he rocoverod rapidly 5 ond every day grew to appreciate more aud more tho loyalty aud worth of tho swoet littlo woman who had not failed bim in bis dark hour, A father has been complaining to a friend of tho family of tbe conduct of his prodigal sou. "You ought to reason with bim seriously," says the friend of the family. "So I dot So I bave I" says the father in dispair, ''but it has no ef feot. Tbe young sooundrel will lis ten to oobody who isn't a fool like himself. I wautyoa to go aud talk tobimP inOW DO YOU LI233 IT I Young nan ! II ow would you like if you had to stay in tho houso nine days in the week and bear nothing but dissertations on shirt buttons and historical reminiscen ces about bur6td suspender but tons T How would you like it if every tiiuo your wife saved a few dollars, she would como honlo at l'J o'clock H' morning with her back teeth afloat, and pull every door bell in the neighborhood out by tho roots f IIOW WOUII VO'l IIKU II II toll met heron the street with her hat cock, odonlho back of Ler head, while she was doing' her ulnioht to make sauage meat of every ash-ban cl on l ,, elub every night and came home with her breath smelling li Lo a decayed skunk T How would you like it if you had to have all tho children of the house- i hold attend to all their wantH and jthuu receive only look.-i bleaker than a ton of coal for your pairs ? j How would you like it if you had 1 to live all vour hfo with su -h an am- algamalud brute as voursilf ? Youn,; man do mi e-ir think that your wifo has a ton h i, loving iieai t right under 'I.. corset that must have been tsr j i ibly lender nud loving and bum j to Imvo sai l "Yes" when tlio minis tcratd.e.1 tho fatal c iiiumli 11111 ? Drop it, young man, or 0110 nf these days that teti.i.-r. lovirg.bravi- foui hi 1 h vr, hi..! ra ready t . -. . . ..!.... 1 1 1 ... . . . 1 11 he. u t will bu ak, aud then von 11 hovo to tako the oliildreii and 10 live with vour mother-nn-law. 4: IS SOrJIQTS C7 03"IU3. Homor wan a beggar. Terence, the dramatist, wns a slave, I'lrttitus, (ho l.oman eoiniu poet, turned a mill., the poet, died In t! 0 Klreet. ("levantes. died of hunger. Spencer died iu want. Iiydeu lived iu poverty and dia tress. Sir Wulter llaleigh died on the MCulVild. Tasso, Ihe Italian poet, was often distressed for livo shillings. Duller lived a life of penury and died poor. liacoii lived a lifo of meanness and distress. Otway, Koglish dramatist, died prematurely, und through hunger. Steele, the humorist, lived u lifc of perfect warfare with bailiffs. I'aul Dorghesn had fourteen trades and vet starved n-ilh aII -.i....... ., , ., , . . ... ... . v.umierioii, mo ciillil or genius 1 . ii- 1. mi-olio 11 1 1 1 1 ii 1- wiiii 11 vns lojeit'.i and misfoituuo, destroyed himself ;,. 0 ., , , , , at eighteen huu. J he 1 unkeo had eveiy botnli i: . 1 1 . lout 011 the ground itli tho bung up Hentmogho, was refused admit ,, K, , , . .,, , :.. 1 ii. iii- ,, Hu procured a bucket and tilled tance into a hospital he had himself! ,, . , erected .them all with water; then ho came Savoge died in prison at Bristol where he was confiued for a dobt of The death of Collins wni llironn-h neglect, first coining mental dorong-1 moniioh' ,Leir ",'"'U1"t wa men. I great The water h id fro01 dur- Goldsmith'a "Vicar of Wakefield"! iu-11,6 niU1, uua U' ,ilur,,i:," was sold for a trifle lo save him fiom r',n, ""n W"H " f"" Z" tbo grip of the law ing water had broken every bomb I'ieldinir lie. in thn .,.- ground of the English factory at Lisbon, without a stone to mark the spot, " " J 1 Milton sold bis copyright of ' Par. idise Lost" for $75 at three pay ments, and finished bis life in ob scurity. Cannons, the celebrated writer of tho "Lueid," the great Portuguese epic, euded bis days, it is said, in an almshouse, and at any rate was sup ported by his faithful black servant, who bogged io tbe streets of Lisbon for bim. An exchange says : "A friend tells of the' remarkable success be has had in the use of decayed wood as a fertilizer for bis fruit trees. IU has fine, thrifty trees and plenty of good, sound fruit aince he adopted tbe common aonse plan of fertilising bis good orchard with decayed logs and lumps.'' AITSa KAKtlAOE. One frequent cause of Iron bio in mariitd lifo is a waul of openness in business matters A husband mar ries A pictiy, thoughtless giil, who has been used to taking lo more thought ns lo how she should be clothed limn tlio lilies of the field He begins by not liking to refuse any of her request, lie Mill not hint, no long us hu help it. all euro in trifling expenses bo docs I ,,ot ''ko to associate himself in her( I min.1 with di.iapp jintmotits und s.-lf j -m.!in. mm "no, "iii nom i iiuvi- boon willing enough in the sweet -'ig-niess to please of her giilish! bve, to givo up ony whims or fancies of hor owu whatever, fulls into Lab - : , i , if. its of caielfsi extrav.igai.oo and feeis - ... ... .. ueihu.i iihuioii wiieu ill litbL a IT- mouslrain-o comes. How much :oiii.e n .m.ou nrii. Juno u wiser would havo been pel feet open-j j () ness in tho begintiing ! "Wo Lave!'' ilHt ho iniii-h i.ioiw.v i . u.,..i..l ll.i.l J ' -l - . ... Hummer. .ow, simil wo mmiim mallei's thus or thus was tho question I heard a very young hii- band ask his still younger bridon .t long ago ; aud nil tlio wouruihood ) iu her nnswered lo this demand upon it, and her help ut planning and I counselling proved not a thing to boJ despised, though hitherto she Lad ''fed upon tho losis and lain upon the lilies of life." I um Miodkini? I i ,u'1 mariiagis that urn not mai ringes when eniis has wedded' ulcun beoauso Vulcin hud proHpct-: j'1' ftl forgo luil marriages whine' two tiuo hearts have io-l out o,'.!i -it r,r love's bake to Irani the lesson of lifi-, an I to live togotliei- until the left ofi'leath shall purl them. An I 011.1 of tlio lir-.t less .lis them o kail) i to trust ciicli olhi r enliu Iv. Tin tn it-t fi ,v. o ts gii 1 of ail" til i 1 osi bu 1 gat ili 11 i.f gii Is, ' if hli 1 1 n! v l ive , 'acquires seiouthitig of V 0:ilH!llllll--H in 1 1111 ' help and make her email mm ili ! CVH 'or gem-ral 'good Tiy her and yon will see Our (-ifinfi,t 1. .. . Jii o . . Miny yars ng.i it J'lttslmr iron lii 111 ptiiohaHid a lot of .11 . 1, in u i-i I j bouibshi-lls for old iron. 'IhohhoUs I were not loaded but in t 1 . 1 r to luielt Iht'iu it was necessai v that tin v nhoiild bu broken iiii l ili-j W.tS lit . . , ... , , , , tempted With slodgu ImiUiarlH, 1ml .111 11 .i-.,i tint hiiioieiii made but little progress. and it "us finally given up as a had jib. I luii day a long hlltn Yankee) 'came along and s.i i : I ' i mi'ieisiauii you i.avo 11 j id i..r u man hi re." ' Yes," was tho reply ; "o waiit tint pilj nf boiubd out thero liol - ! eu." ' How much will you pay ':" "Wo will givo j mi a tip npicO" siv and 11 iiuai'tfi-cunti-i if voti will 1 ' ' agl eu to blOali them all .' t.t I I.. I.. II,., " -..j,..,,. 1 i .1 IIIIW lUU I..IUII.II I , niliV.elC.l I ho Yai.kee. Tho d.iv as a ...i i r iluwu to1 r nowu 10 'one, and the thcrmoun ler ..-ro. The man immediately went. 'ID Wdll,', 1)111 illH.I'ltlK'.l lo lllliO 11. r . . . . , iuto tuo house, made out tlio bin. and said ho would call mound in I tho morning for his money, lively ono wus much mvNlitied, but iu the inio hi least a uou pieces. "What makes you limp ho t" mk od a Harlem man of a friend who went hobbling aloug towuid the bl vated railroad 'My knoos are awfully sore ontsch !" he yelled, as he struck his leg against a hydrant. "Have you been saying your pray ers a great deal, lately F" "Not to any lemarkablo extent," he grinned. 'Well, Ibon, what makes youi kuees so sore t" Tulliug the lacks out of carpels, preparatory to house-cleaning. Con found it !" ho exclaimed, as he paiu- fully climbed the stairs leading to the station. Henry Ward Ueecbor observes (hat "when one is religions through fear or Doll and Dell s remuneraliou,K,.,. fur vuurselvea before nurehasiiur be ia apt to carry a good deal of Loll aUut t i tli Liui," f'ttsicittrts, ,Vr. II. HOUDNKIl. riiisii, snti.i:n., HuAVKUroWN. l' , Hili-M 111 Mfc-. . n 1 1 ,rt l.-vt to t!, i-liW., ol U 'KvKiiiiwti vlj.i.lty. Apr ' , 3. I.UItHOt IHItl'.KH. l. Kll. IIA1MM.KII. BARBER & HASSINGER. PHYSICIANS AND SURGtONS. OiU r liii-lr proira.l. n il ...rvi,ir. (. i',o l:ln "I Vt lMl"t,ll K IM- vt.'l'.HV ' nn 'I n.'l'.ltv i ili.-n n ! .1 . r Won el lb oiirt II. .u-s, Ir, Am. If. I iii.iim: . .. n, i. -a. 1 II M A I; l v 1 1 iii i i i 1. i.- U ri S.iyiler county, Pn, ilrilunivK Hi Ii l:r.ri ( i llmr .,( I'lr, : ti li'. i."uii"'. m. Z iL'Ju .M.iivii, ir. ih-i. ti. j 1 I J. .SMITH, 1 n. Physician & bwrceon, i ,., ' . . . . .-r-vr .! v.4, Ur(.., I llllii.. til. . i . - . s njsit mil IIIMI Jnr on, ..f A.ltui-h.iri; n. vl.-iniir, AuM' Jif. I , J ,:t'l!,:,JT. SURGEON DENTIST. 1. 1 U fll .Il l' s Itl.'.M'K , V'.'r-.I ,'.;. rffci.iiil bu.lnr.i ro:ntly ein.i 1 ,, Miiy :i. )Ki:ciVAIi" HKI5MANN, PHYSICIAN & SURCEON. .".ii . ii .Vuv''r In., Oflnri bt p-.ifiionn I nrvlcaj In lhrllltn 11 K r.npri tlio . 0 I vl.Mnllv. t A. M. SMITH, i'vsiciax Axn sriioms hf h. TVl-.ln:l tv. i- 1 . '. i Ut,.1,. ... A.ifttiifl.i.iK ni I 1 11.11 y. j Sn. 4 . F. VAX i;r'.KII!K, LIHilCAL MI'.CII !('.;, 1 1 K N T I S T Selllisgruve, I'enn'u. OLD CORNER SELIHSGUOVE, J. II. IIOFFMiN & Wo aro NowReadv I'" i x hi t 1. r. 1 foil t t!i ("'Mitfl ( Si, y ler nt..l AII'I Jk ' 1 IflllK f'MtTltit'-i (ItU lltll'st t "t sriMNd AND SUMMHlalJOOnS . . -.r .!tiT. .1 In tl.l-r.mni y ml l I Kll is In n r 1 11 1' IIMI nnrtr- 1- Irixi I'ciim. ' "I"' I' I' "1 1 .1 roti'iun.i) t . tli" 1 Wants of tho People nn-l . -l sui.- tli-t tiiiy Will Prove Satisfactory Wi) I, n o litri;i ni .1 li l .1 uri'iit vili lo'y "I ' DRESS GOODS, ! Notions&Trimrninfis su;,,. -mhi... .1 v..t -. r .,1, ,.. m.. 11. I.r 1. I .. if 11 il 1 1.1" t .1 m.i 11 1 1 I ii 1 iiii I .li'i.ifw ul lim, 1 1 !.:'.' i liu h iiii-, l'i llilf, itii. I vvr v I Ii tuu I" on- 1 .-.- - lino. . Sluslins, Je.j:s. Lin:ns, m- 1 o nfiAt-n-irrc .kt. Tickings, &c k-vi- weiiav, ,,',,i..., 1 1 J t ULlbi , iUllitlfA 1 UlllUiU, I c-, I- IkIiiui llrilii.,;.. I'.itiuiii, itn.l ev 1. i In 111 l.rl'ig.".. I r 1 hi .. 1 11 v is. LADIES AND GENTS Fnrnlsliing Goods ! In ml(Hf l n t our riiiil-lo iiwurini r.l l line 1 1 ri l n. ii. li 11 is titun llili.u In lis I uuo i.r J, I mil u.iu.In ii.r ovoi yilny w -nr. Al" a lull line i 1 lit . ry l.l Groceries, Spices, Wood and Willow Ware, Cr.eoi. (Ill l'.illi, 1 ulile ( nvrrii, I li riiirnro Olnmwitr, Hum nimire, TO in i n'l ry, ln. Uil Cu'liiry, t '.iri.'iitr T'ilH, Nullt III iii.. I. in I 4, II .r, I .ro, himeniH k . r 'l'i..ili. - hoo 111 u 1. 0 r ' Mmk, ll.iin. I'. III. SrII, Mlu., Mi.ul.lnr, r..l t il, l.i-l.i Ii-hOiik lUI, Wall Paper, &c. una rrllnni! fiion.l In fli-.l-t-lsm '.irB.n l evsrylhlun miM ut tun il.ll.l mlvuliot .11 ft i'.)nIH8ilt with litir lUFtllrn, km) llvnk t.'"l1t. '1 Irtiil.iul ..r i'l lav,". wi ri i, tlullf olli-il 4 'i i a m in.o I hi I .in' il.'.'k nn. I 1 rl.'.i., Inolliitf in( tli.t wo c(ill hi ni ls 1.1 nooi'iii n.,iJiilo un.t , le.ii. J. H- HOFFMAN & BRO. ITLV7 Ls:Ar.Tur.: Iu addition to my tarire Muck of 1'iirnii tire, which 1'oiisiKli.i.f lied room mid l'ui'lor Siiitn i.f nil Kin N and ju l eeii. Sofa.-t. I'liuir.', MiirbleTi.p StaiiiN 'mi. I Wed Springs, 1 have just ml, led u liitc line or I'AUIM'.TS, Ingrain and ItruhKeU, of Mipcrior ipiiility and low in price. It U my ileterminntion to Ikeepatrood ipiality und sell at the very lowt'ht living tlureu. Cull and ehH whue. I . It V I Kl'I.I KU, J At I orn el.-Al' ,;. i a i i n oil n mi r . JINKS it. ciiot i GILBERT & GROUSE. A ttornoVM-A t-Ijiiw. MlL-iil.MM UO, f.. ofW thl f'r-l 1! m ti nnrrl 1 1 tSu IV II I Ai; ii.e.i l i liitlr ! mil , I'olm .f u..t -.'trull. D kiitul n'lnr.f In I l.i llii'i utiil imrinuu. I1''"1 , '-. ! V- K. HOrsWEIiTIi. ATTORNEY AT LAW. !Sl.l .i:;hiuovk. P. . I t-M .ni r'hI !' niliir l,iiin. fjruiii.-' I Iv ntirn.lo.l lo. 'ouullatlji In Knuluh r' 1 1 rr urn ii. Jos 3. . K 11. 1)11,1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. .-. '..'.(, I'. nn'a All lu"!lin. filnt-l-.l M 'r ( (. r in 1 1 1 luu-ii l-d M. ft i",'i. ('. DKITIMCH, ir roitvi:v tr.i.nv All .r.iii-..n I 1 1. ur, ,rrm It iil'r I I i. ( iiimi,iIiiiu Iu hnll-li utiil ilrrsr.n I!. Wr.NDl'KI.Y, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, .Vl... .?,;;, Nll..,,T (' , ('nn I o cumuli, it In i.r lnr.n n, Jiii .Ji MYP.KS, Att'trm At- T.rrr, l 1,1.11. Imrs, I'rnn',.. All T Mini .,i.,i)... 11 1 r 11 -: u I tu lit' cyrm will ri.-iH (.r..iin t uto-M ..... 1 : 1 ..I i.. in In K1.4I1-I1 unl iltrmnn t. tO.'T-.. 1:. i;uvi:i:, Anor.NEY-AT-LAW, Miihilrburit, r.i. f-nliK.t'nn nm.l. nr,. 1 1 rr I.. ..11 . CnutiiliHtl'K In Vnet' S Jul :. 11 M. L S'll'll. ATTOk .ICy. AT-T,A7. New Bcrliii. Pcnn'a. Pi-.f. r 1 . . ,.1 triihtf I - .. r t Will II .'.!... I . Ill I I Htl. UlM HI. .Illll S",'.. 1- n.Kicii;"" I Attorn- 7 i (VinselLir-At-L.i-. , fll t ti A..'i- II.oIIiiik ..i.r .I.M.t .Ni.riU .f j K 1 1 1 . s l 1 1. . r 1: L 1 Selliivvii i. roiinn. 1 t'nlli-i-tl .ii n'l 1 I ......t fr ... m'nnal n r- - ni . 1- -. . 1 1 1 . 1 an t nlll reo.'Un i iiroinl m. t .r..n.. n cinl ,11. Ajr l!,':.u. ri J. .smi th. A- A TTofl V V AT LAW. ; I" in I. I.I HI' HU. ss Y r.Mt c.i., r 1 'rr. lit. I r.iii...iml .inl,-r. ti. tin. uL!l j . .Miru.t.inoii in i-iiMiirii itn.i iifrunin. ! A.W. I'OTTr.U. A N I. I'OTTT.K ; .1 TlnhXh ys .1 r 7 .1 w. ticlinsRrorc. Pa , OT.r t hlr .r.'li' ..i' 1. 1 ...i .-r .. tn fnM!. j !l l.'fc'.i ! ii.ii.m pi r ni-ti'. I I. tr.rir .'1.. wiil I r I. .. 1 f .in j t it t ttii 1 1 i.n 1 tlti!f 011 M .In St. .lun . H'i:An:A.:iKMAN, t 1 1 . x 1: 1' A T I A IP. Kliii! A!l .r...i'-o..i.i I iii'lni'. mil .-ili-iiriK tn 1 r ii. I 1.1 ii l ' irn 1. 1 1 1 i... i.r ih 1 1 n 1 1 r n il It. 1 ' n 1 .n'.i U. I In Km 1 1 h ur U. riiiH.i. ui'l-uiiu Al 11 krl .-..iuro. I'et. j;, J Ii (il.'I.MM, At toriifiv-at- fiuv. I AMI Ills IU ! I' I l'i 11! h V K .'( a 1 Citti I inl'Ml. 1 I'n l in s l:i : ('..n.nli.ill. n in ii. iti i-.iiH:: i. nr d i"li-rmr t l.iritf iii.ii'... (., i . i( ii( i II, .lli.MMJ.', IlltlV- II (ll.. & a j . . . 1 Al ,l' J1 V, ! M I l I' I. V. Ill I'.ti , Vk j li frw-..ii u.1 I trrnte (., (till i, n..r.i.rn. i VM-N' rKir. ; Al'TtM'.NKV AT I.AtV i 1 w 1 -.nn rg m. nn... kl. ..,.i...u... ... . ... , - ,.v "f.v, U. A C. SI. Ml -SON. ATTDIiNKr AT UW. Selinngrove, Pa. 1 )K' lit. prnf..)r,rn, 1 mrvli-fi tn tb pntllo' A II .ii. n " nirii. 1. 1 in 1 1. oaruwIUL I rum i ll v 1 1 e ti'1 Bl to. J.m gv;. (AMl'FL It. OIIWIO, A TTORXFVA T LA W, l.ov lsitn g, I 11I011 C o., rn: nfl nn MirH !trfel. on dour ml nf ('... I nr. ti lloii.e I inn-. .0 t:: if.' I oh I Cords. rjWK NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN li JTs.i'Tvr.KR. riof r. Selmrove, Pa. Tli 1 1 Il.itil l l.lcannl'f I . ' i- I In tl "i;nir, KB, I If k l . .1 1 r. 1 .1 1 iUou 1, r lrvulrr loam'pi tin. ri'.mi nf m roiiiuiinliitiiiii. bi 1 ow rtt t. Pr ,.n..i.. .li.H our. will t in. to 1 kli kfils. 'ih In pi of lniii,i- 111 t ii lt -A lirmolkk Utiiiinnul Incuni f I on be iiuisi. Aer i).1;!. THE NATIONAL HOTEL I l!y WM. IIOI.ZWOUTU, SKI d N ; IK V I', PA, Kf mn.lo'c I. liuturnt.'iD.I nr.! lit).rjo . Th ii, ...I ,e,,iiiil.y I i'.u' I l.uij in iiiu I iu. Mm clan it 'i;iiiiu jiUlUin lur tb ir.irlinii iiuiln. A, .r.l it 'ol. i i:t Ar. nr NOr.TH Til I tt I Si'ttBET, I'lllL'A PA, Toi'ins'fJ-'O per Any. HFATtY SPAHN, lVop'r. C,V.SIAIIN, (Ulk Apr.l,';. QUO KGB P, llENKKR. County Surveyor1 Kratzerville, Snyder County Pcnn'a. ....!... ,i i n. -.,.... ri -rpf, aaC ' u . i i i,:. . . . 1 l, l'Slrri-t 1 1 '.'i i J'l tfUlillBim v-ikittlki lit. A ih