) .. . ,.. ' II - Wit SWftturgti Jtcsl. I Trj!hi eery ThtirJny -r-- r-rrt-t-i--rf i,.m .,miiT rwtit'.s.-riie Court ff ). we will S.l1oK"eU re!' IWUe fllM tlet St 1T0TICX To'sUBSCBISEHS, -; Look at the fWnrwion the label nf Vnnr papsr. Thou nicnris tell yon mt r atk to VHirn virn priwi Hir io?r is r m Within 8 weoks after S.onrr is sent, see If "te fllnCd to other receipt Is necessary. . i .' t . - "TiKi 'I I till!' uutt Te tafci' iota. U' tiUi it'll Itilt 'ea." . Old wiuter utill ltiads tin proessslon. ' A new Star factory wan started at XcClure last Thursday. Today in Asrension lny. Every- laxly has none Ashing but the printers. Fifty-one indies of snow fell In this portion of the State uiu ltin th lant printer. Sparkled trout mar he caught in April, May, June and July. but only lth hook and line. Some of our correstyondents must ' be frostbitten. Come boys, let's liear from you again. 8. R. Zimmerman of KMiflold, b nn! ,ed the Western-bound train on Mon ., 1ay, bound fur Chicago. C. C. Seebold is wentherhonrding bonne and building an addition to the h me ou West Main street. ( J)r. Ithoads of Hnrtleton, wan in town lost Monday. The doctor eon- ' templrtteo moving to Mifllinburg in the liHor future. filycerlne on a cow's teat will do lunch to removo soreness when they i lire f racked, and a little attention at several pails of milk. Tell us not in mournful number?, that the girls are what they seem. When a girl that weighs one hundred, K"'" outside a quart of c renin. 1). T. Roades has a few more of the Pilver Chilled Plows on hand which lie will anil very cheap. Call earlv If yon want a bargain, l'lrnt come, first tterved. Henry S.Heaver.ailinlnistrHtorof the ' estate of John 8. Heaver, dee'd, will Hell (terminal property of said entitle at Xratrerville, on Haturduy, June 2. e bills. i On Sunday morning last the Steam Baw Mill in Went Iteitver twp., nt VhJeh C. C. IMtilch in sawyer, caught fire nnd wax burned to the ground. The origin of the fire Ik un known. It will be re built at once. A Hedforu I'oai.ty wmunii mum pieced "' n. quilt containing 3.SHK pwcs. Ha ! she nolhing e!n to d ? At lie denth nbewi.lnrt b. ho nnuh l'ui"iitd n wan Dorcnn w!j. n-ndrf jjariiiut fur the poor i',.rry Couiitji Fikhmh. We are Indebted to Hon. CherleM Miller for the prompt information ut the action of the 1'nnlon Itoard at their recent meetiiiKii. He alwayH in formed um by wire from llurrixhurff ; and thus enabled us to give our read- , ers the latest. You will find, my dear boy, that the clearly prized kiKH, Which with rapture you nnatrhed from the half-willing mica, Is Hwecter by far than the legalized kisses "Vou give the mun. girl when you've inude her a Mrs. The Middlrthurgh Hand has been very liberal In its herenndes of late, and continue to be the pride of our town. Tim boys are continually prac . ticln;; new pieces not to liiuke money by rendering them In other pieces, lmt always have their best for their own town. There were only four bands repre sen ted at the advertined meeting of the Snyder county Hands at Middle dleburgh on the Sth ult., for the pur t"e of waking arrangniueuts to hold a Hand Fentival in Sellnsgrove on Wednesday, June I3tlt. They report no bu.iiness dono. There are no loss than thirty eases of mesHles in Middleburgh at this w riling, producing an unusual epiiet 1 in our streets and Treating a boom in saffron. All the little oues are doing well, however, and we hope to see : them all out again, enjoying the ad : vent of spring after their eelge of temporary confinement. Fktivai All lovers of pleasure ; are respectfully invited to attend a t lVstlval and (ihus walk, at Kichfleld, on Saturday evening, May 5th. Three ; bands will be preseut to enliven the : occasion. A general good time is ex pected. Come one, come all, and en l joy yourselves. By onnsn oi' tiik Dand. I Our regular opening of Spring and , Huuimer Millinery gools will take 1 plaee on Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th. Our stock is an exten i.ive one, comprising all the latest I novelties in head-wear. C. V. Si Jkxmk Doiik. ( Middleburgh, May 1, 1883. On Monday evening last, the 2ind Session of the Normal Musio School organized In the Musical College at 1'reeburg, Ta. The largo audienee wag address by Prof. William. Mover And othors. Studeuts from eight counties are represented. Members admitted at auy time. Address l.C. Moifcit, IMreclor. : - - I ERB'S CASE DECIDED ! SIS SEATS SENTENCE COMUT TED TO 1MPPJC0NME1IT FOU LIFE. JJrkir3 Uit 2?rrs to Vo iMsonor. The board of patrdoxis held n social mtinrln the offlrnn of th Secretary of Internal Allalni In til afternoon of April 0th. Th session lasted four houriandwas Intended to complete all business possible before the retire ment of Col. A. K. Dunkel. Recorder j Krerett read thetestlmony In the case of old Israel F.rb and it took over three hours in the hearing of it. Tin paper books are voluminous affairs. The board, after a careful considera tion, decided to recommend to the governor a commutation of the denth sentence to Imprisonment for life. The paper o bat effect will be pre pared and signed in th neit few days. Krb will probably be conveyed to the Fastern Penitentiary at Diiladel phla within 80 days should the gov ernor net upon the recommendation of the board, which he undoubtedly will. KRll 1STKKVIKWI-.P. The news of the act ion of the Pardon Hoard reaehud Middleburgh on Turn day and was the general topic of eon versatlon all day. On Wednesday morning we called at the Jail and the Sheriff kindly permitted us a private Interview with the old man. We ask I'd him if Ue had henrd the news from llnrrishurg, to which lie responded that be hnd heard some talk but was slow to believe it. Heing armed with a daily paper we opened it and read it in Herman- translating it from the Kiiglish. lie fixed his eyes on a spot on the floor and slowly shook his head as If it were unwelcome- news We asked him what bethought of it. Me snld it was not what he expect en. but, continuing, he said, 'what Justice could you expect when there was as much f.ilso swearing done In a case as there was in mine. Yu bay it i for life. Well 1 do not expect to live very long at any rate, but do you think there Is any hope of pardon?" We replied in the affirmative, but could not give him nnie'i encourage ment in that line. 'Well.'' he continued, "then the thiinr is as good as settled. 1 would I rather have it that way than be bung. (Those of my friends (which he emph asied) who were so anxious to see me hanged will not now have the pleac ure of attending such a pic nic." He asked us why he could not just as well stay here In jail as be sent to the penitentiary. We told him that there he could work at his trade (shoe making) and earn his living. That there lie would cost the county only about seventeen cent n day which would only average a little over one third of a cent a year to every man, wamau nnd child in the county. "Well," be said, "I have never been to Philadelphia in my life, nnd I would jiit " leave not go now, but I hope tliey will get mo a new pair of shoes, and my cat und hat are worn nnd durty. My pants look better but they luted patching." At this point we chimed in by remarking that his suit would do to go down in and when he got there he would be presnted with a brand new suit of the l.ites out and striped. "J)o you think th sheriff will put me In irons to take me down?" lie in quired. We told him he could rest assured that the sheriff would take every precaution to prevent his escape, tint at the same time would not place him into unnecessary discomfort. (, I'm too old a man to runoff. II would not attempt to escape even if 1 were to be hung. They need uot be ufrald of that." As we prepured to leave we asked him if he had anything to say to the nnblie wl I.. r.n..n.inl "iu il.u... that I realize that lustice was notlf"1'" BI,J ,he ronl- l "P'Tlous. doue me," which some maybe ready to believe but not in the same sense be meant it. Kosroe fonklinr I a mnn r.f Mi till. neciiliarities. but Im is .mm, I .... n.a newspaper ipiestion. 1 oncosald: ' 1 lie Hinallent county newspaper ii more io us county suimcriljers in one mount man its price Tor one year, and I uncle of our townsman I. H. Wuuder does more for Its iielghlmrhood for ly. paid the l'osr printing ofnee a nothing than any high ofllcial does for 1 pleaant visit on Saturday last. He his luutiilkuent salary," A woman iu Medina, Ohio, had been coughing more or less for nineteen years, when one. day not long ago she fell down stair. Up to the time of that accident the doctors were per suaded that she had consumption. Hut when she picked herself up after the fall, she coughed up ashirt button and since then hat been a cured woman-cured of consumption. About the worst enemies of poultry are lice and ruts, and the best reme dies are probably keiosene and arse nic. Tor the rats mix au ounce of trsenlo with an ounce of lard ami corn meul enougl) to make a stiff dough, and put water where it will be handy. For the lice, dilute the kerosene with melted lard, about half and half, and apply to the chicks' head and neck with a small marking brush. Hats will even carry off eggs sometimes, as well us chickens. We met Detective Lyons the other day coming upon the train from Se linsgrove, and were introduced to him by our friend Hon. Charles Miller. After exchanging a few words wa told him that we had met once before, and that was at Nevada, Ohio, where Kt tlnger bad jumped olf the train for hlin and got away. At this announo ment liully had important busi ness in another car and left impromp tu. He probably remembered how he bewailed the lots of hit reputation rn ttiet particular oreatwn CSMTiaVlLLS XTEH3. FSAHXLXN rXCZI2T33 School opeticd on th 02nd itist. ns uftunl th6 littlrt Student waul a new I slate, new peiicil, everything new. as tlm old hnd partly dsed material have gone the xvay of all rubbish. The young boy mourns to go it "barfeol;" Straw hats will soon bloom, but the (spring bonnet is appearing slowly. drain Is looking very well. Th time to plant tat-s, has oome. The fields are ngaiti clothed in green. Soon will wo sea the jolly fisher man with his hook and line ami bot tle of -of well we might call it fish extract go merrily forth and see him return with empty bottle, empty bas ket and empty stomach. lr. J. W. Sampsel a prominnnt nnd young physician expects to depnrt for Kcllevue ()., where ha will locate and practice hi 4 profession. Sorry to sit you Ro, Port; Milton Cornelius has the contract to p'aster P. liartninu's hew house. Milt., is an expert (it spreading mud mil fully understands hU business. A. 1. W. Marklcls tending bur at the National Hotel in Selinsgrove. Al. is an expert at shoving beer mugs Cap. the egg man is the plague of the household - for the reason that by his gobbling up of the eggs he keeps up the price higher than it should be -he reduces home rations - home comforts in the highest sense. If Cap. don't do better we shall haxctonnpp him. P. llartmau the boss lumberman spent a day or so in Sunbury lust week. N. F. Sheary and wife spent a few days in Selinsgrove visiting friens, the guest s of S. W. Hartiuaii. Miss i.tta liowersox one or our prettiest young ladies is in Miflliubilrg at present. Pat, mourns - 'why art thou so far away my love.' If any line looking young man is in search of a wife let him come to this place we have several beautiful and intelligent marriageable maidens with the word yes, on the end of their tongue. What more can we offer. Jf.HT So. A EEVZIttED PI1I3SB L3ALD. Miiini.tcin iKiii, Pa., April SO, 's:i. HtMToit Post. I am n younir lady who Isslieves ill the advice iven to Hamlet, which was to the effect that he K'tve ear to all advises but should reserve his judgment, and as ouch have very much appreuiated the many wholeMome advices you have t;iven the yoiitiK ladies through the Post. In your Issue of last week, however, I noticed an article purported to have been written by one "Sphinx" under the caption "To Young Women." This article is worthy the attention of every reader, but the writer's guilt of plagarisui is so flagrant that it would be a II. lining insult to our sex to allow such a bold literary theft pass by un noticed, and as such 1 baste to an nounce that we jiieeept the long ago written advice, copied by him but de nounce ".Sphinx" as a most stupid, brassy, unsophisticated literary pirate - one who has not even the wit about him tochuuge the heading of his sto len article, but only changes certain words to suit his particular ludicrous position, which is unt only aslf inflict, ed but most deserving. Now, Mr. Kditor, 1 do not believe that you published the article with out knowing that it was not original with "Sphini." Hut the code of journalism justifies you in publishing articles for their merits only, if an other party assumes the responsibility of copying over his own signature, and us such we take pleasure in vin dicating you, but all join in most heartily denouncing all manner of de ception, and especially plagarism, which is heaping insult on injury -counterfeiting a coin and then prosist ing in believing yours, if loo stupid to 'lecern ino iiirierence between the j ""'l' For further particulars sea "Iloyal l'ttth of Life," page 74. Om; ok tiik oi'KK.tDitn. Furiiltnr the largest and best stock in thu county at Keller's, Selinsgrove, Ha. Mr. tieorge (iross. of New Herlin had with him a most valuable relic the Inaugurul address of Thomas Jefferson, printed on Satin, which was recently found among some old (Mipers 011 his garret. The .relic hears the date lMt)l, and besides the address it bears a picture of Jefferson. 1 1 is u sample of typographical beauty, ami though time-stained ami sheif-worn it is nevertheless a most valuable relic. Kinigratlon to the United States has been more extensive this year than it bus ever been before, and still thero is room. Think of it reader. We could plane the population of the United States into the State of Texas ulone, and there would not be us many peo ple to the spiare mile as ilassachu settshus to-day, or pour the entire population of the world Juto the Unl ted fltutes and there would not be as many people to the siure uiileas Kng. land has now. The I'liinesa Kuipire with a population of Ono.OOO.fiOOha an area not exceeding that of the Ktate or Texas. Vhitmer& Foster offer extraordinary bargalutiu their new advertlsmeut. Wonderful as their statements are, they ure never the less true, which they will convince every one who w ill favor them with a rail. It is worth thepriceof a trip to Sunbury just to see their magnificent stock and it will require but small purchase to make up the amount of your ore. A large stock, good good, low prtcea and accommodating tlearneH are the inlu iprinjs of their uv.ms. Cool hbrhts Thfl agricultural iittpliment men ftreliltlOlitotl, Harbor fc Co.j ..ti i 1 vr ; . Ills nicest plot of grass In town ran be seen at th resilience of A. Krgr. Itsa icnitv. Milton Comfort of Lewlstown, Pa. is the guest of his uncle, Heed Jones. Mrs. Z. P. Krise, and her ton Char ley of New Berlin, paid Franklin friends a pop visit, Tuesday last. J. C. Bwlacford ha gone to Sha niokin where he Is employed a saw yer on one of the large mills of Kulp, McWiltlaina A Co. Jim Is an ermrget ic man and understands this busineiis. Joe Siller has been appointed Pns ener and Second c lass Freight Agent at Painter.S. M, U. R. nr. K. C. Ham iltoli resigned. Henry Stetler was performing on the Hicycletha other day in the bridge tiear the Planing Mill. We were not far off when the elele threw him about fifteen feet down the hill while he was in the act of coming out of the bridge. He picked nearly two-third of himself up, saying, "bovs this is not a to be laughed at, act." Wekriow that only those who ha e stridden t he teed and felt its charm can have mix conception of the enhanced beauties with which every passing scene is iin lined. Henry just keep in the saddle you will make a good rider by and by. ' H. (iltANiT .1 1 iok; drawn for regular term i'i;iiiiieiiriii;t May 2. IHV.1. Hkavkii Kplirini Ib uiix HkaxKIiWksi John D. teufer,Is-ine lleese. Daniel llasing.r. Jr.. )'. ward Kncpp. Ann is '.. Mitchel. Isaac Nlnery, I 'baric S. Snx der. 'H I'M A X -Jonathan Sower. " I'll AMil.l N - I Jeo. K. Specht, I In v id Kersteter. Jack.hom - William Shollv. MlltPl.Kiil nun N. P. Hare, I.. M. Moatz. MoNttoic J. p. Wagner M HUM. Kelt K.l- k A 11 1 n 1). Kaiuger. John S M cNer. Pkiiuv W'K.vr-Win II. tlravbill. I'U.VN Samuel II. Maiirer.' Sm.lNsi.itovn I'has. II. Hoffman. Daniel A. I hi-li r.NHN-Vui. I,. Wltnier. ieo. M. Herrold. WAsHI.KITON -lion. F. Miller pktit .m hoks drawn for regular term, commencing May ,N, isS. Adams' NVui. llassiuger. Nia- I. Mutilici'k, Tobias Mitchel, ii e, re Norrnuii, I'sler Heigle, A. ii. Swart. HiC.w Kit - Hanks Dreexe. Win. II. Ilreese, .lames F. Keller, A liner Middleswarth. Isaac Winters. Hkavkii Wir Henry l-Vik-r. .lolm I'elker, Jr.. Jeremiah Hasketiliiirg. Sephares Id Ifriek, Joxepll Peters, 1 . A. Wnirner. t'lCMUK Win. I'essler.t'has. I Samp sei. Fit A N K I.I N Jeremiah C. Howersox-I John Norman. John A. Sialilneelt. I . " . .lACKSos Mi,,,,,,,., gross, Henry . Wagner. ' M1IUM.KIII lill John 1 . Stetler. Mn.MtoK -Hawreiiee App, Jnhu ('. Iletrick, Win. Hill, .1. I. H.-ufer, J. K. Smith. Kdward Young. Pknn Win. H tienil.erling. ,, ni .. I'KUKV 1 honias Ii. Arbogust, Absa loin Koiish. PKItltV WUST J. M. Ronsh. Ski.i xsu itov k Samuel lietnlierlinir. rrnnn A. rvirimin, 1 rank I Inch, Ii I'. Wllgenseller I'MoN-M It Herrold. KliasS. S.ahl. John II. Heigle. WASIIIMi'l'o.N Win. A. Pi-lier Jerome liarinan. John K. Mover ' ' ' Cagago Smashers. - - tine hundred nnd fifty three rrnnks .from s. o,pe,,heimer'N Seli..xg,,.ve ; rMVui.".:.:;; 1,Vi;.7::l"-,iT":,!", " "nVi'..' ) Store went west.this spring; some to : J, ",' l ii't J i " ' 7iVt Ii" . iV '-r ."i-V i"' j Kansas, Nebraska. Idaho ami 'oiora h7i""7,eiViri. do and every trunk wiihsi lT,'VYi'u Haggage Smashers. At a lai.-cm . n i ai.i ' ' nun hum. M" f thesmasherK. at iimaiia. Nei. , ' . j. i i.(.i k. ri. n. s. lit was unanimously resolved that Sol. i 'ppeuueimer s tninks wouiii neither I ...... I .... I . ( I .1 . . , Lend nor break and that they were I neat, durable and ensv to handle and ; reipleKteil liim. the said ppelihf iilier. to order .hi for those ready t..go we.-t. 11 11. 1 I .!.. ... .u. .... I. . ...I ... I... . i.n iinn iii iiniiii iil ii 11 1 win prices. nine and see. H '...,., i t , estern bound traveler you will save inonev by huvimr vonr irimKx valices and travellugeiUipments from S I li ii ift.n IimI in.,,. ..l: I...,. . . .. .1. Oppelilielmei Sellusgroe, I'a. - T?P ATiTTTt?TT wiMmr iiaAAtvAA, . , In aildltlon to HIV 1iii l-c stock of r.-. .111 'i . . i 1 nrnltlire, Wlliclieonsistsof Hed rooill w i-'"iii and Parlor Suits of all kinds and pri- Cl'S, Sofas, (.'hairs, Marble'l'iip Stands oil Stands and Hed tipriugs, I have Just added a I large lino of tUKl'KTS, Ingrain and ; Hruxsi ls, of superior tjuality and low in price. It is my determination to keep a good quality and sell nt the very lowest living figures. Call and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Lkvi Uki.i.kii, Selinsgrove, I'a. Keller will not be under sold by any one. Give him a call. All uoods sold by Keller are warrented to be what they are sold for. Wantki) -10 agents in Snyder Cn to eanvuss and sell grave Stones and Monuments. Address or call on N. S. Fisher, ut Selinsgrove, I'a. Ask for the Duklte Klectrie. Hat. A galvanic battery in eucli hat. Also he l'ulctte llat-tho newest novelty For sale by 8. Oppeiiheiiuer, Selins grove, Will. A. Mover will sell real estate about 2 miles east Of Jieavertown on Hatiirday May 13. The tract consists of 15- acres 100 of which is cleared, the balance woodland. 4 -2(1-31. It will pay toexamiiie Keller's carpets before you buy elsewhere. No oeea tioutopayu high price for a flimsy carpet w hen you can buy a good one for the same money at Keller's Hulins grove, l'tu Tbe Czar of Rrtitia will he corro. Dated on tbe 27tli of May, but the Nihilists twear bj tbe great born poooatbej will blow Um higher iQtu ni:o kito. c.fnri.Trn wirsit nr 'win - .it 1 JS((. s.... ! Rye.... .... l OV J 0 1 1 (to! pvorn new Itatx.K Potatoes Huttcr F.ggs Onions I.urd Tallow flprini Chickens per lb... Turkevs Ties...; Pen Coal Chestnut Coal.. Hlncksmllb Coal Kirg Coal Plaster, per ton.. Salt per barrel " " sncj small W ! M to 0 m 14 t)H ,. 8 ii ?.' to M ...... U(K. 4 40 0 IM 4 .l 11 iH I 7 I 1" Time ami cliauge-'ale ruieiy tiom; Prow may wrinkle, hair grow gray, Friendship never knows decay. For 'mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew, Hut old Irlends, alas! may die, New friends must their place supply, April '.'2nd., in M'lin-grox e y Rev. V. A. Hans, James II. Ilnriis to lilleii II, ,W.. Heaveriown, April 2.'nd by Rev. 1 ) M. Mltler. OalileMi ItoMisx ... mi Musser, butli i'f Adntns Tiimi.Ii) i i : i . Auil 2jth, in Selinsgrove, l'aiiii iemliei ling, aged pi'obahlv '" years. April II, at Nw Herlin. Mary, wife! idliideuii 4 'hi Helms, lined about .',(1 J yen i s. April II, at New Hei-liu. Adam Mil ier. iik'ed .""i fiir, T inuiitli and 2' drivs. I In Hiddl 'ci' el, twp. on the '.Mlli nit. i t riieiiniiuiin. hdei letii:i of .loliu 1 1-lilUS. d years n muni lis and I MAY TERM. 1883 ! II. K. All". . Illrm if.Nnll 'lur.:un .1 ' W. II. ilm.r, ! A . S llrl'rl-li Sn .1. r l '. ni.l I' -f rv l int n-lilp v j I 'hupni.i n I ow i (l,p ' "i;'' K -i"T ..t.i.....-i.lit,K! Smff ns of .l.in'iih oi IliitU'V. tins, Hft nt. II ink .. Sr:-i '..VI-. I'i . n. W. I irHfTi .lilm il'f i . I I s.m.ii, li ti i:ll.i. Spring i.nn. 'nriil'.i' tolili A l"! Irr v. lutiVI II" r If r. Mirrlf! .I.W. . I Mi iimi.l I l Mir i-i ,.tm ni I'dri'il.n lien-r v , " . -jf r .liir !nl . I . .t I . -1 . ?'irrv. I eirn lnf.l. ilitvn. r-.ir mm 'lulll.n II. o,. r sr. il"l'.'i Miry. Cl"r nri'l A mi ti 1 1 t'.li nnr III i Is lit n( A iimn .l v it illelli Shrry. V. W . .i.... rt xl .i- A' II II irk in . t til in l'.iln,lll. sohnel lli SI.I i . t. r sin . v. I .im .' w.iiv UAnrciMi no i.ir.. .1'ilin n maivxt. Miirv K Sii,lr vD ll'T..1 hn ii.n. rlir:o. Ili vrr t A'irlixin l .niir ami u n'r.i Unrr.ii.1. Krelorlc. Iin. Irli-U i n .l.i'n sli i;i.riixr i U"Tl'. II lull , I TK V I'l 'ill.l n. anil 1 s ontixl i '. i ,iu I xt I... iiirnir ,x." Infiii II ii'iniiH ii"o K. I' lii'li' n S v.. .1. Im A i .. .,.-!::L.k. ...... ., , .SilTIIH f.. Sum.- sttili.n .Hr.ir I 'lnt t iiihti .1 "i,M..vr. CUk Miliar no I l.xnls Ni'ttrr vn. N ri r i r ' 141 W. II. M.n ku . I'n'l Kiin-nlisrt. Tlia li'H r;iMi. ht ill la.u n l I ir ti 11 Bl Mi I'ariu A. I). .i. r:tnrii:, iT-oirr . 1 I ICKXSK NOlK.'i:. .otie. IS ' j IJ l...r..iy lr, n ll M. s cl,.ruu iuIIIi, Willum swum, ! unr Hp .it.. ! ''i, i.ir', i,.,(,i hi. ...t-. S.onufl liiei lMrn, I n.n rl lunri s. lolm u ..! II.I..T.W.I, .Ai.r.n.l, ! J,", !., K. 1".' Hut lli-.r i 'liinn MMillni.iirtih JtLl.tlT- r-e. M.iurus i' i nn j .inim n Ki.rKisr, Sriin.irv In I I, II .'.I. 1 ; VTU;!"'' I I l;r-ii Imnir. ' ; .'. N II u.r. In Inn iV',',1"'"." " . , , " I Kll liner. XVnMiiKtun I leivr nicl il.elr n Itilnri" lir T i" rn icin..- t'i . Hi 'l"rl nl ijimrter sorlnnxd s.i,y,i,.r t 1 v . j nn I ii!iT w ill Im prc.Miile I Inr ui'prnvxl ,lii . 1 'I 111 IV. Ilix .'I 1 1 IV 11 .1 uni ' . t.i.i the . ir. m th.' rtn.fri m o.e 1 n ,, .... ,. . u . ,, i I 1 ( I n I I . . 1 i i III." I t nil, I IXC I II I i . .,,.,,.,..,,.. ,.,...., ' ,.,.. ! "I'1' n.i run, p. x. (i um rnuniii" ..( siiy.ior I i.mn xii.i .iiiini nini ..411111x1 a. e ! mi l ssm'l. II. VixI'T. K,. A.m.i-Uio .lu.Ui". in POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE F0K GOODS... eel I'firlnj. .1 1 1 Mm Klu ! I-M. In ma tlirm-te.l l..r t .. Ii.iI.Uiii .1 mm llr. i , . : . ", ,. i I ilixii cn iff a "iin nt I mnipnii IVrn. rourl I .1 i iy.r xn.l I em nnr ami ilmicnl e.n.rt ! 1 rier xrl n m u.e i si n ai Ml I lltn.iHkli , ,, ,.0nlT , liy,,r! u .,n.v, ('""'"s "" H'tu iiay i .l iy .'.) ami o nitiuuo Nut I. th' rxinr Imri l.y ,ivin tn ihs Ciirn-1 uer. Iiii,' hi Um I'm.-naiil I 'iniliiiilo liii Hllll ,r ,,,,,. f My.Br,t ,,,., n, ,i,,,r; i r npiT r.nn I'll t liel r nilli racer. ii. Iinii ' i iluim rxhihUmtiun. ami mimr mini m rale-el I l0 ,,,, u,,,,,,, t ,i,ir ,,ni,. H. , .,. r i,,.. 1 halt I'crUm In lie ilnn m l wilns-.o ami nor I nn i r i-xi-ml iu In linhili nl H e riiiniiinn- altti Munln-i any I'ur.nnii ru rcnilro I in li. llh. nan l lliura H'temllnj an I lmt liurl Inn i .Ithmit le.ivt ill their erll. Ii!ll-i urn r- i muipiiii ic i v v 11 1 inoir r r 1 1 . .1 i;n j .ZXJXX n" Hlv.-n iin.lr iny liaml Hh't tnul III llMI'Ule'S HI l.'O Ulv. fi iiri'isr iny liaml aint tal af II 0 Slinr Ill' "ill'-o in .MI'l'l;oi)iir,h, llm i-ih il ty n . Ii. ma tiiuuxaml elgl.l liuinlraj anl ailthtj three. 1A 111 Ur.U I1I.Y. Sharll. TVot , VOTirK is hereby given tlinl the ll f't'oxiHK Wi'lnvN p rnin'iiixi p iiful'.r (ho ! I.4, lnvi' lir.-n KI. .I villi Mil. I'I. i U "I I r,.,l..' I inirl ,-l Sll..f i-nu.ilv. ,,l .nil. nrinill'in mi .Mnmiar, in 'JHU ilay nf Miy 0" Ai iraliinont nf Utmint lira ir. i, wl I m nl Sniiiilnl lliekluan, lata of WainiliiKtnO ti , Joi-san il. A ii alaaiiit ol Mirirxret K ling ler, ni.l w nl RHiiKlor, l.itf nl .lai'kmn Iwii, ili"i. AHiial"fi.ieni il roll Us nr. vlinw tl Juhii S. Hoaixr. lata nl .1 xcka m imp , ilaoM. Aiieraliani. nt nl l.nulia ll.i.ilnvar. Mi nl I 'a Id H iflntinr, lata if .Mi'ltlosri( tl .lo'eaieil. A (M'Talioin'tit bl lUohel Myr, al.liiiiol Mli bavIO Mnyar, luto of Wa'liliitnn tn 11 , .Ii caMfAil . A.irx.mant "f Sar.li Snook, w .v ol Je entt Nfionk, Um 1 1 Wo( llxaer twji., it.oM. A .iriii!"ii I ol I'nllr ( lln., tow ul lian'l il.ii, Uix nl tVa.alriKtiiii twp., .Uo'.l A iiral'0inar.t nf Marv Muyar, widow ol ' bai. A . Mojar, lata el SMI .arnva, 'lan l. J. UKOli.iK Clark U. V. Mtj3, ' NOTICE TOJJKEDITSrvS. Iu the matter of the assigned estate of I'uter Herman. A T al'onrt of C"iumon Pleas Ixdil at MI I'lli InirnU. In ami for tla rnmuyul Snvilir. i.n Hie ! 'lx nl MarliA II In a. Hi Uuurtnii tlia iiell'lnii of Sniieiai II. Kiruuli, Al ilidiaa nf ml'l .itHia. gramail a rma uu liiu . roil Hurl to .hi w cnu.a if any Ihci h, dy il.a mil Uv "I nati ann, M ay '.vb A. Ii 1-1 1, why Ilia ixlil h iniual li. Ntrniib ib mil not ra- oinat in 10a li fattr llariuan iko ixll ai il.nid Hflaia. wuni ma lion jriain Iim-lia-, I'reil. lent nnr axlil l.'o irl ut Hiililiau irKk. tlili luth day ol Marob A. I). ISSS j. Liiui'sr., rrain'r. COMMITTEE ACCOUNT. JEKIMIAII O. ItuWEKHOX. Committee ofUlil Wrlck. a Lunalln kfi Blailan Mnunl lo His offloa of lb frolb "i.'r nl. onini .viaij ivi vuniHiwtiua ii laiy larni, J wish in inform Ui rcsiJwuts of Rortmoiil of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, Including Ihn New Lipfit Hons Cook. Milfor Harp. Ladies' Pride. T'lr Cook. New .Smisljine, Now Jasper. New Kecotd l.antres. Xu Vincible, Tl.B Spenr Ifeatets, Iiis, New Jasper flnater. New OuUen Suu Firiplacf! !IrJ"is, am olhera. .Vy Heaters ft'om 15 to 30 Dollars, no nil of th" latest pillcrns and host ttnffriu!, art'l it being lstn in llie siiiHoti 1 (d)i r tliem below ficlitul cost to (tecitte (heir stale. Call and see the Fine Cook Stoves, jif which 1 h no as luigo nn l wetl-solcrtcil n sleek ai cm bn f. m l in Ilia coinitv uud nt price that will cnmp.iie wild W1i;i!(,ku1h Ifotisus. i Tinvare, Spouting and Roofing. None but tin. voiy I est. iinilet inl use, j ''" I tioiiov. liuspoclfiilly subuiilted. Minni.Kp.nwiii pa. HAIL TO THE CHIEF STOCK 0P GOOD? IN SNYDER COUNTY! V Oil III" .(111 Mil, jrr "i'stock to supply everybody m everything. dust openea. iNew ana Dtviisn; - - Coloicb Caslimcis. Ladies Linn Ulstjrs. Fine Laces. Kid Cloves, all fnlof. LATHS T XOVKIjTIKS in Nrc! Wear. Ladies Muslin Underwear and Sk lis. Lis e Tl'reati Cloves in endless ancty, Ketiular Made Hose. Swiss Victoria Lawns- All wool SACKINGS, Larq Vanoty of CALICOKS, DUKSS GOODS, &0. One of tlio leading ndrnrt o is in Sclinsyiova is our may nliccnt ii ic of (JAItPKTS I which is well worth tbr cost ol jo .,iAI THE, UbUAL LOW PRiCC. THE NEW STORE LEADS ! out ivviu.a; stik k SPRING ARB SUMMER CLOTHING ! 1 1"' "rrl1'"' "i'i ' "111 I " t'" ln.r!..n , 'ii. I l y nil iiiomiix kivb u - ii . sli n il l.o'nre i rch.iili;,, rlcwlife We if n rim t ntir .." Ii nf ii. (.ml quallir n in. I'M Id ths r nii;i , .ii'.l ii lii.juiry ui.u "ksiulnaliou o( uur Ulna rinrk. I', will ll l.utnl thet tin isius '1 ii . 1 1 1 I K at SOIil CfflKAI'ttK 15 Y than anrwhero ! Wi r irlllnit Mono' uitt ! r ) M nJ urwr.l. : Boys uits.'cood. for $1.50 anri upwards. Underwear for 20 conts nnd ir). ! war(ls- Men's Wool Hats 40 cents and upward. Bey's Wool Hats 25 cents and upwards. Straw Hats 5 cents and upwards. Fine White Shuts. Percale Shirts. Bicic'e Shirts. Ac.. Cuffs. Collars, I Nucties. Hose. Gloves. Siisiienders, lruttlii. Satchels, j Valices. Curies. Umbrellas. Whips, l ap Robes, un l n full l.ns nf Kumlrlitnir ' ... iiirai:y. W'a il.m l iinirk miy unmli l.ol .w rr t re1 tlen imikn Ii u l i'Iiii.hIiiii liu il I "1 ' K ot. i" 111 iks 11,1 or ll All t ark li trial ,n"k" " ur M , I five. 114 n en 1 1 , HI I. II ku !! klilix Knn.lH .1 110 l V I5B.O., Slillsffrovo, I'll, W. H. iropiiiarsr eiraitoire STOFIE Lewistowu, Miflin county, Penn'ai B'-uril ur of IZ iv Iviml, Inrlor, C 'lui mboi. Dinnlno I ( 001 u. I lull, mid li ii cIkmi, to Hiiit l lii itiritiiN ol'ovi'i'.v pci'itou. I'liiiited Cli tuilior Sails, from - - 92, to 9,15 p,., I ... W.,jlo frnni I 1 iXlJ. " ' U ' oil walnut, covered in Hnireloth, udv er.Iiu, Walnut t'lnmbor guild, with Mublu Tops, from - fili to 91 IS IJadetcfulu ffOUi - . . !4 lo $.')' Ui'.ri'S.ns, .Stands. r,oungee. Clmirx, Malliess of all kinds. The worn .lcifdl Woven Wire Mattress or Spiing Hotto'ii thu best tinnl't. All goods kept in htock and on hum 1, ready for sale,, and nt CSH IMUCKS, that will couvincn nil. Hint you on n suvu money by buviiiR w.-re vou gel the best, and always got chat youbuv. (loods packed sn-l ih liv red, with tho best of cue, to It. K. depot. (!,tl and see I he (he intnii-tit Stock. No tronblo to show goods, Oflt M) I'Tl) : Oood tituxli., I.ow I'rices, ond to please al. Or lei s by mail will reoeivn prompt atteotioD st all tiinnH. Vouib ltospectfullv, '" -'7. 181. W II. PIILIX. LIGHT DRAFT COMBIHATIOH PENH HARROW. llMt III Tho Worlil. Tenn Harrow n made of the Uet Whins Oak, with hicrl Tseili, VS'U ruin,l and in eery way firv cb. Kurmerly n Hanow wt llie nuit unhandy initilimaut on the farm, illl our iiiiprovrmeuU ii u ihe nutal convenient, and a j;reat laving j( tifpe and labor, look lo your intcrsxl and huy the 1'vnn Uarrnw. Manufacnrcd only hy the Posm II vr row 9Ianant3(urlnat Cs. Siiydcr counir ll at I h it a a 3ne M Si Kiting and H loiiuj done oa D. T. RHOADS, WALL PA PUIS ng there to sew EVERYTHING SOLD RESPECTFULLY YOURS. 6. WHIS, SELINSGROVE. PA, ol iu iiii.Ii', nri'l llm In lpoI nl urh n 11 iii Ijnl loll. FELIX'S 10'uii. Iteps. Haw Silk, and I'IubIioh, of 8WC.,!er M',U I R'volvf and Rives lbs irrenn niiw imrrow, i me narrow iscs ta PHssiotr ertr It ODre, tlirrrforc will ilo ili.ulile the work of any i a till Harrow suit tli iarmey hull IiuUIkh Another e.rcat S'lxsntnge the I'tnn Marrow . over nny .tlirr. it ran Is ss easily raanffe4 into Five Mlferenl llarrewi. Com M.tWr ml (.'oniplvi Mcil ir c.T-h irvnw, ihrwii sililim; n citra piece or hnlt. ' hui the taimrr h.i all thi Harrow, in the on miiireil on t i. lilacr. and iIilv are ailiiultul Ia ud anil.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers