The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 03, 1883, Image 2

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    &f fllitfcl burgh pwfJ
rr. ii. ii.vitrii:ir.
Subscription 1.."0 Per Year.
"ini!,i!mii(i, i'niVf ,, 11 oo
I n. h ilKViliOn (rt t r fl . ii
'ie-I.iur'n ntntni. ft Vcf M '0
I'KI anoint iTaMr. r .r . '
A 'i4'nr, fimiiii, A. jilnl,r' r, nl
.V.-tnIM H.itM , W M
W h n 0' n tsl air ion i. nut, urt mvt l.
r i. r. !), tfrt -4 (I- ll lino 1 m intl:",
? S.n '. i r h,"i oft, noriin iv
f'-r ! .n1 invert fttitl ; cut. Ir .Oi
Ma)'iat lur.rt.
I'Liiip P. Thou h ir. Jr., the lb p
rem LtiU ve of t ho Eighth Kentucky
district in Congress, shot nn-t t it
tiintlv killed Walter Pavin it grocer
it Hoiiidsbnrg on Sutui 1.iy morn
ing !fit while mi a train on llo Cin
cinnati Knitliein Rnilroad. at the
Hoiii .Ifbnt't Junction. Tho men
' not seem to havo noticed cttr !
other until Dnvipproaohed Thump b,ul.
.on rind riT-i 1 to shako hauls, win n
rhonijiM:-n drew bit piab I nod re
marked, "you'll ttko ray wifo to
Cincinnati again, will you?"' Pavi
no oat on tlio platform unj sbuuod
Tb fill vv bo tio'v i-t n t on the the di.or nftcrhim, but tho ball
rM t-nVntiiil rvfi wul t t i tvn.'l. too -.pi"', ami breaking tho g'ftas in
out of bicttU to )!! p . fin ifivc i iiv . iti ii.'k bin ba-k of the oar
Irir lie h the time ;to .l.i. ti u up-! killing bin instautly. Hi body
lJi..':hs iio'.bd to tho fid of
1 " j'hotrsck. Tho train wan Mopped
K natm-Wallace denies the lonr ard titn body of Davis taken to bit
landing charge of personal vTpi. ,""u wl,i: 'liompson co' walked
acriM tuo tulUs ami ?avo lnmsull up
to the authorities, whin ho mule
tho following rtaUment of tho ease
to the conrt :
"Last December, being called to
land feel tbat I will leeeive the srm-
patdy of tlio goo 1 and virtnon. nil I
now submit to tie notion of the
Com I." j
Thompson is said to bo and cx-j
pert with the pistol, bavin( killed;
no less t li in Imlf a ( men in
f!lf (Icffiif-o. llo win a luombnrof
Mui'ana Ibuid during the r, and
ia said to be vory (topular illi liiK
tiniplo. He wa rclanrd on 65000
We Still Lead, and are Bound to Hold the
Front Hank,
ity in tlio tutf od tinturaliration l a
r and tax receipta whiob tiurcd
in tho catupaign of l.C",
The F.tiiliah Kovernmoiit
iu uoo a voar lor bit ;ii itarv
tka in Krfvpt. It would bo rcovied i "" l'-v ",v n"" 10 v iu,'nrt". ""
with a gnnl deal more ffor in gm. nnx,,,,' lo B't " inKtoii na
eraliftbat coTernment ..U mn a ponniblo I Mt that city on
Bate a littlo ot that amount to the Mo,,,,,lJr' ll,e ,"",,e ,ly ,f n-T ""
bnib,i,. f i.m... r...i , llirio, nn.I It It tier with fnrtid
-.1 I.rd Wolaolcj a penaion of i Un,,,linton "J " growing
0 o voar for bit Military aor-loul cf "1T roei,ion- 1 nooompan-
rnK8oi.uiKs okOkstru. Pkns'syi.
vvsr.v to Visir a Ukkat lUTrtK'
Wo bavo clowd out our entire Winter Htock, and all onaalablo gooJa at
At J we bave cow a bran new Htotk tint will invoice
instead of giving it to ono who
next dav Mr.
l'livin, the docca-oJ,
' i . :. : i i. . . . LM
ii- i . . . i uuio iu v I'lvmimii. iidii iinvinc Mini -
aariica uiuiaen ny auooiins ritib!... ... . board. Tho lVntiavlvania Kuili oad
Arrnnemerts ba?e been complet
ed by tl.o lUi'rohtal Apooiation if
the One Nnudiej and Thirty-tirst
IVnnnyNinii'i V.'l ltenra for a grand
excursion to Krodorioka, Vii., to
which (Iran 1 Army posla an ! their
frienda oro iuvited thionghont Cen
tral I'ennayUauia Tho excurmon
mt will go to WaHhington on May
'21 t, remain thero ono day, thence
to Fie leriekbnrg, where extensive
ttrrungomnta for their reception are
contemplated by tho pnldieiM and
citizen. Tlio ntnrn will bo bv
hteaniHr, mainly by daylight, on Fri
i . ......... ..i i ;..i i?
lltt,l.nITUlfcllT3 I ft: II II illlll nil'" v . .- .
i i i ,i m .' mniiu uiea oi me advantage it won d be to have rmpIi n tnrrm
pa hatjitock regiona and the Chena-:M.1(1i. fri .. ... n. "'n im io nave aucn a large
1 . . . . Hlwt 'o hul ct fi on). No wilt ofliTKpiiriai ludiiceiuenta to Jbivera com !
peako bay. iho steamtr is firat wg hviu a JimUuco nnd will bo ablo to convi ui-o thoui lb..m ; . .!
ciasM in mi na nppoinununi niui a
ineral re unim will bo hel l on
1111(1 tit
IriMM tlial vill iu(crHt vr.vlfl.v
in Sii.vlr oiiutav.
li wJ
1 1 y
iron into a rabble of Arabs
mile rnngo.
Tli cop-iroittae appointed to ex
amine and count the monoy and e-;
ctniticB of the I'uitoJ Statea Trens- i
ury completed its work on the l!il
nit. This cooDt, which iu the only
ntsoluto verificotion cf the condition'
cf tho Treasury made uinco lTJ,
waa rcipiied by tho retirement of
Treaaiuar Oilfillau, who had not yet
been teluared from bis ofTici tl bond
A discrepancy of throo centa only
was discovered betweon tho Treas-
lif II i Mia kl i nut 1 n 1 t .t a. 1 1, ; I
1'VM IIIV I, M"inirii"i II 1 III I r.n lhearinL' from her ' '"'l'"y ordera in
and the la Iv r.ho accompanied her I U,,'il" ,u,l,:il 1,b'',fl1 "" " V"'
(that oho iraa itopping at tho St Clair ! tio" of 'v'llioI' ftt tl,e fu,1,,winB "
Hotel, ho fallowed her there, when ' ,io,,B' "'-' tickets may be pnr-1
he repi.tered himaelf again urnl-i- c,m,"M ' bh.i r-
1 turn, gii'ui K'ling on iilay slut to
Washington and
an assumed uatue and took a room.
He then tot k l;ei out. au I. bavincr !
),.. u.!il, .i.i. l- 11.-. : on the '2Jnd. am
I 11 1 " 1 ti i u m n'iiiigv ill" 1 " - I
tost of her f.iends .until she wan ot- ! m",e " -l!l,' Bt tho 'ftU;" ''"t"1--teilv
benotted, well knowing hci in- ' ,wk Hilv,,n' ,lMil 1 Jem'T Sh,,1P'
anility in that regard, continued bis 81" 10 ; Williaroi-poit. S'.V.n ; Mil
npplioaliou until ho c.uiiod hr ,0"- s : f'"wisbnig. .S 7.1 ; Sun
bin roc in. dH.iunhed her, made her ,M,r.Vt fS0,i Ninticoke, 1(1.30 :
the vicliiii. in bei ULfortnate c.mdi- Will.esbarre, li..'.S,
pay everybody to take a look through our immenpo stock btfoio buying.
1 to' FreJeriokHh.ii L! ? . TP , r"Uvnc n variety na you will find iu a city to
' , ' f'" '"i'o H't will compete with any other toro.
1 return from halti- '
ill iMMK
RP. fiT.Ti 1 P TI RTTf T.E
1. m m m a m 1 ti a 1 s 1 91 r 1 1 fl & 1 J 1 1
11 ....1 1 1 i
iiiiinu iiiicii;ini'"i lin'Knn'a
ol'jromls t'onncrlv holoTtitv
to A. lCrwirr, losi it t iiu-
iiniinci to the 'ilLzt:isorSnv-
. 1 "Sk tlicv arc aiMttuT :it onliro
new slm'k, t-.ousiftitir of
Dry Goods,
k 0 uons,
Boots & Shoes,
Or ceries,
Tobacco & Cigars,
Arc, '., wliicli tlu'y will sell
.it Mtcs th:it will roinparo
r.ivorablv with ntiv lnmsi' 111
th St:ilr.
Vx'wv 11s :v rail ami
wf will lo lor vou. lliin;iu
vour jiroilitff and wi will pay
vou the hmlu .t lash pni'f lor
Hi'spff tfullly suhiuittfd.
I'iil iloor V.aA ol' Salfiu I'.
H. Chtin h.
V i,;u ,1 un,., .1........... M.wi.M( inri,v.'i .Mimin,
ur.'a accounts and the onal. and " ' ' ' " " " " - si s Iwiatow., Junction. 8 HI.
i,.n.i ii..- ; "i" o wanner wnerj me
rviai9 via ajMuwf ntiM img niiiij in
an excess of tho amount stated in tho '"1 '.til picked up by tho night
books.and b.longa I tho Govern- "htnnn to her friaodn.
jjj Having accomplished my dishonor,
mm mm be b ft tho h nine beforo break faat.
.While I Lad bci u informed Ixfore
Feoplebad better exercise a bet-f pome of tho factH lelating ti. h.r
ler eantion aboot joining the present 'iutoxicitien. and that ho waa tho
I'akota exodus. Perfectly anthenoauso of her public exponuio umI
ticatud reporta aro coming from degradation nt the hotel. I did nut
locrtlitita thereof dire distrees among know tho e xtent of tho wrong until
newly arrived emigrants, and their 0u Tuesday nigLt laut. us I camo
stock especially. IVowJiug in ly ,0rne. f was fully informed of the
the hunJicJs of car-loads, the new' jofamy v,hieh he hud heaped upon
tiwnaand new country ntTord no her and my family. I do no believe,
adequate amount of food and water, ' tbat I will receive tho censure of
faying nothing about shelter, and ' this, but whatever is the will
the weather Las been unusually in- 0f the Con it I will now bow to and
clement. Many cattlo and horse bear with us becomes a good citizen,
are reported to have actually died of Thin has broken no and destroyed
llarrixbui g.
MilMin, 7 -
ihcSrt lates inn.-t bo nd led lo',
tbeMeamer faro from l redi-ricks-buig
to lialtimore. Many of the
oIluviH and men will take their wiven
and families with them, and the oc
casion pri inises to bo one of the mem
rab!o events of the mi tinner. Cup
tain J. H. Oiwig, of this city, will
ilistiibiito the card orders, and has
charge of tho details of tho excur
sion. lliU'riiuiti'si 1'utriot,
d A A A W
p W If j
ftoezi mm
na Low as 12,'t cents n yard. Wo have a largo lino of
To Pflrct fion: in New Patterns that are something different from whi. h
you have been seeing. Our Block of
Is lorgo and in price much reduced fiom what tLey Lave been helling for'
111 oluer season k.
Btarvation, and some parties have ,Uy domestic relations, my peace and
snipped Clear back to whero they bappineKs. My daughter, dearer to j
Martod from odo such case unload- tiinii ull cU on, is an exile I
ing Tuesday at tho Tipton depot a fn,m l0mP nn (uteant from Booietv. !
Mr. M. Whitiruer frra toward Wil- ho has sobbed fferself t-i aleep ca i
ton. Mr. Whitimer htaited from ,Uy bosom under this gi eat calamity,
bore two weeks ago for Miller, Hand pait of which only the knew. Thi-j
Co. He spent ahi.i-.t n wi t h llwon l.l..r,.l !.,, o f.,Kl.. t ...
, . v.'.v, ...ww.i ..1 t, I'-rum n I iiijeuii' 11 1 I'll j ,
(hiring which time ho camped out iu her tenm. and if he hu I a bundred r
n ri.iz.u l, anJ a- ueaily drogue 1 live all ,f th, hi would not 1' n f r
in a ' Jrr.v.'' TLtn I..; Litched nj. tl. u'iit wr.'iig. l'r tho (lit
sill cimr. I.ak t) (;.lar. thoroughly , tium thia morning I met feiin. nn 1 I
d'Msuntel with iJukotn Tho nil , fetl that I did what every man who
roaJ1l.u0 so thoion(,'hly italic I bio a home which he loves ae. I a
tliu situation as to ltfiikH, since daughter dear to him wcnlJ .b, jf
Slarch 27th, to make any shipment he Las the com aa to dnfeud thnu
to Dakota about ten carload now fl0tu the wrong In thin I expect
waiting at thin station to bave the aBBMnMi
1 liiclnipjiibil
j tnvk. compli , cure, nil nnii'iyini;
' Kidney, Ithidd.M and l.'rinary lieae.
?l. lriiL,ii'!.
I Sirietlv tii'f-t Hi.-m goiuU nt lower
i prices tli-n can In purchased eluc-
wle-re at UellerV. Sulinsrove, I'a.
4 an at,
'T?OIIJll Oil IflltM."
Cle.iroiil iiiih, mice, roiiclioH, Hies,
anl. I.ed-l.Mj:. ckiink-, ciiipmunks I Homo-mado Ilac Carreta of our own mannfueliirn at Kl eenta a vnr.1
n- -' .. I ' ' ' .'7
ll will pay every body to examine
the ilium use Slock cl Furniture fur
s i'( by the Popular Furniture man
II. 1T.I.I' l.ewi-lovvi. l'H '
C.NIn.TKS' (' A 1! DS
ia..Nh..Ko k. April '.mi, M. ! 10 "Ul11-' cents ayarJ.
InrrOU POST -IMeaseannonnco;
J iOi 11 :i e ll ,n S
Pil.'irk nn 1 Colored Casbmers, w Veep i,f nil limes n larpfe lino to pelrrt
from, special number a oil and 7." ceiiln wo are s lliii'' bidnw value. Vt'o
hiivel-iiL'e linen of clicup lrebs ImioiIs to Kelect from, Colored CusbmerH
II. mifr ni Mll llo
. irn tin 1 -Ii i im it eat nl l(o I. r r-'iniiiin:!
flun .1 iIho nl Siivnrr cuu
- v - tiikft iliiir-In ' rriium-n,lintf him n
, l;lltil mil :ll -I ut oncrr tm Ii i B he will
Ii fi Hi l.ot.iif ilui liiiii iroii H" t''v
tin.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 t, l,i 9 luntf nn ! n i.-iliiiiii'.
I) ..uu... A II ifciniiK lii'.rriH.i. as.
J.I. BINGAMAN, Middleburgh.Pa.
Iik pli.nmiro In Inlornilnn Mm piihlli Mint h Iiri now .ipnrfd Mm ngenfT for Mm fllowltif
Imi lur l niiicliiucry an I l.iriDlni lni.uiiienl: 1 h Cleur Scott X ('o'i
which innU M,e t ruiilnm t Mm AManllo Tt. rr.MIMX. HKIMIUTOII, iriiinfilgril
m IMrlim i,l In I, IM TO KMilM), Ii A l !! T 1 1 1( Kail KK aud if A 11 ON
I'OM T. III. K MA Mill., nmn jlrrturuil at Hat ri.lmr. I'a., Its
A.MK!.I -IIIM)i:i:, Trliimiili Muiilinr, Kat iucr'a FiUnd
Tlsfrfrir-il-iinpnixl ruverifa IIAV llKK, oianulartiiril it Pavton. Ohlu nt itu
DKI.I. I I.O I. It III l.!.KIl. ' ' ""
:r HO U& E KE E 1' 17$ GOODS
embargo i cmvoJ, Tipt-jn
: To.
The young men of this country,
Bfom to be avoiding the ministry
in oro than ever. While the medical'
colleges and the law school are
ciowded and graduating large class-j
cs every year, tho theological sera- j
iuariea aro not in a flourishing con-j
ihtioo. An English newspaper say j
that a religious denomination in one;
of our Western Staton ha written!
to the President of a theological
seminary, in that country, to nnk if
Le cannot eend thcni n scoro of
young iniiiihteiB. The 'Coiigrega
ti jualist' says that tweutyiive of the
leading pulpits in New I. upland nio
vacant. Presidunt lilliut, of Harvard,
referred in a recent speech to tho
fact that young men of biaii.a and
ambition were avoidiug the pulpit
This la not h favoiabla symptoui,
and nothing is more apt to produce
this effect tho foolish i lea of the
many who think that uieu who have
devote 1 thoir live to hard ttudy
cid exponded fortunes to acquire an
educatiou Ctiug them for the high
calling, ahonld not look for any
iuoro salury than i necesgary to
keep thoir body and soul together
whilo ablo to work and then bfCJiue
charity cbaige when they have out
lived thoir usefulness. Ability com
mands price in every other profoa
aion, and tho sooner the prejudw-es
nguiiist rcinigters asking hotter pay
i done away with, the sooner can
v. expect to reclaim ability to the
t ir.imulni,litrl I v the Wurrlf i-ur Mnuufaeturlnu Co., Irou. Uram Diiual. kii
j. Hi llilllr.l 1'I.OWS, Kill! I 1I.IZI.U-. " "
of all kiinK Tuble l'inena an low ns 20 cents, all Linen, Damask Table 111 VP "Ti1 I I TTATTC
Linen "0 ttntH, woith 75 cents, und Hoioething Handnomo for il u yard. J Vj 1 1 1 1 1 XI VT J V iVljLi IVliNJJo,
; Mtnlllnu. I,mII . r-, In fct evurj In Hi llrm ,f Klim 1 1IPI.IM K'VTS Etar 111
cl.lne la nairnnioil, an I will le rota at tlm l( cauli price or on ku I tnaii. '
txtra Heavy While Quilt l,,ULL LIN13 0F G00D wagons.
-1 Tall Dil l xml"i my ?loU l-elor bujrlnt?f1whr. I I VK 4K.Ti VA SITED In Vium
I I u ..n.l Mllllln ammllai I'arma mi ill raklva im.. a u 1.. a... . . . H
JuLiiita, una illlll lu ouunllM
Wo have just opened a vory handnome. line of Goods for
Foreign & Domeslic Goods.
Lending Novelties in Suitings and Trouserings, Cjotha. Doeskiim, Wor
steds, c, Ac. Loweut pi ices como'atont with runt-class goods.
Faruia will r.oMv n.uit allcuilun by ajilrai.lng
100 Pirn's of Spi int: Styles Calicoes at
100 ricccs Ikst Stvlf Calicoes at
I cents,
(i cents.
Headquarters for
Call and sco I ha and
of Gooda in this aection of the Stato.
Whitmor, Foster & Scott,
Market Square, Sunbury, Pa.
Next Door to Central Hotel.
P"vM "d furtrl lj )r. j. AHhwrmax' mMhod without rKrd lo i or Huratlon of
... . .., i i'um? iMiiiii, 'r innurnpri irom moor, nun th rurl'r from
MraonulaUon-iil ahlou, areordlu In i,talltlr, Bnt la ilian o,i ou ,HeJ ilur'nn tbi. J ' ml
uim ia iaC who liat a fninur qi) upon a truii. In)ih ar a .liilil tid am nil I
lai: lirlim on kliliia,, lila ldar anil otliar uruaiils ili,aa, wlil b aili-cl aantral haiur.
Ilmu lalinr. altioiInK manliooil aud iltairiyiDif all Incanilva loaelal
rll-nli fraio aliroail can ralv tratiui)t anil Uava lor li.m ila. Or Kli.rm.n'a
Uuk, in phntniiraiila IlksiKM nl haU eaaa. hloraaU allr cur, ami IniloriamViila L.
I lijrlelana, Marrli.uta, rarmara anil ulii.ri lo btv bo cured, mailail lor hw M.nJ i,,r
It aa I ilI .rtuxuur.Hl. I'nnolral om-a, 11 UroaOwa;, . V-i d ol oouaullaiioi i aaeh
As low as f.O cents n yard. HANDSOME GHO.S OKAIX 1LCK
SILKS at ,1 OH a yard Something better for ?1.2' and f'.MH) Coh.ied
Silks at &0 cents a yard. Silks in plain, Mriped nnd I'aucy Checka. Also
a very huudsome nud desirable lino of 11(ISS SI LKS.
White Goods and Fancy Goods
I z I 1 IT Hi IS rl'.
Wo bnve a laiga lino of White floods to select from in Dotted Swiss and
Mulls, Plaid Muslins, Ac. J yV I J X. SO I tS noniothing new, just
out this 6eiiHou and a large lino to aeluot fiom,
Is filled vfilh beautiful lines of Laco, Embroidery, Luttonu, Hobicry, Kid
Gloves, Corsets, Ac. We are uolliug
j)calcr in
Breech & Muzzle Loading
Shot Guns.
IMXK and
wfi k ,Mipita)a, I utili)i -aln'l J.
Obuiuliaiiut tacb
Host White Sugar 0 cents, liest Syrup. 12J ct'iits.
Whilmer & Foster,
Market Square, Sunbury, Pa.
Brass Shot Shells & Ammunition.
Foreign anil Amencau Dole anil SinglB BreeWoaig
corvHrrAiv'rjv oiv iiAivr.
J. 11. ItKKl) is also ono of tlio largest STOVE AND
TIN WAH Yt DKALISHS in thif ecctiou of the fi ?to
l, uaj a i.
i; 7zzzz tm n