Mm v. 4 .1 s tt3fovtwtf TijThe Gallows. I'liUi-died eveiy Thursday. tin Tecu i 'fr rv rnenT-i ffiO .TninH of P,rTi' I 'iintt mt ltM itt Hut fnitttli Vemliivi M iv, n I Stiieui' if, u.l -i-i'ii'l Momlny ul I'ti'ciul er. r r " -r r - - - - - .." : .(ur frl -rtiN t1wnii:linit I' rnimty will it-tua tt n-ii'liiiK " l "" i"" '" " fir i... tiff tutnp. vllltui- .m l t o-i'HS.ofh- . : I I ut tlif l.i t . !! c ttlil iltf.-i u."i lie. ; If t.f.l l' 'Ijr nr.i will .iny tit (( It tb"- hi wlo. t ! :iU Ileal 'li Ihrni n fcam-ral ir l.rnl nte-Mln f ti t . ! I - oati'i, ci It.luui tuey nn ci r. .. SALE REClSTtR. Ifot'.co undr tlii.i he.i-F will bo printed free of chariro for nil part I. -S havlnj, th"ir bill pr'ud.- 1 "nt tin odice. Olhir will be charged 5j Cent. Saturday. Mirfb 8. In IViiver ship! f. I. Kjhkr wiil bell Farm fctjck, il.tiil.iy. Marh 1H. f'lvivl"'? II. Krep. tttl'l sell 1 1 r '-. ' ''. Farm I n pieui'.Mits, & i:i Ad mi h .vn-nip Tt'lnv. March I', H nv'. Si I t..r will ! H I -"ii. il ,;r -i- tty i; mile ea-i of Middi Fa. Ucud.iv. Mar h ? t. .T. .hn M--M ;.-'. will n'll I'i'i.-.iial Property in Wali lnt'.ii town-hip. Thur-.lav. M.u-.'h .tolm W -.Ifer .1 .leromi.ih Wilier. Almini-t im! rs of .Vi lli) W.l'.l.T. .1 '' !. v ,1! .-ell K.'iil I'.-tate in Franklia l". ii-h.p ... . ,i ... i p n Wchi''!'! I .if, Mar-hit. .1. r.. 1 1 ti n- - e.itt will ell Five Moek. Fa mill'- Ften.iil-. V''.. in A.l Hi" t iwn-liin lit -.v. e.i A'laubur,; ami TrA'! ville. Tliur-.l'iv, Marcli b.. V. 11. Knvpf, wi'.l ""II Fr-nnal Properly m Wet Heaver town-l.ip. . ,. v . J.'.J r..' . i 10.0)1 n"wp-jp '!! for ti'il at the rv;r prb.itir.j orUv; r -i e-iit ','p r (lO.'.c'H. 'b V.'lST'Ilt 10 a r-'tit-i i:l Sny.b'r Co. ... j .... i ...11 VI..H..M i!i.illiH i'v r I't ii.'i'i in I . I. .l'i nini -' ii i.i i.. . . i ... .i v ' .'1 .liliaieil' .'l ir or -r.ii on Fi-dier, at r'i'!iii.--rov", Fu. Y..U i'. in ll'i I fM v ' v . w Vi'. in ! the Carpet lane at Wei' S' lii.-I., zr ive. A ii:i.' liii" of h tm mail" U.u carii-'t in Mo 'ii. - " Til". VO'.ltlif il eol'T, be.nity iititl b.s tr. Hie -r.l.liilily le-t"re.l to K'fy huir bv ParUer'it liiiir Fa'e aiu. M ir. h. A f'.i'lb'ie of all I lie desirable o..l ! ; In t'urp -t t.'lfiin in (!!n or Wi... nU-ajniti hU-cl; at S. 'ei.-i,' S' lin jjruvit. 2 . . -; t 8. Weix, Si!i:i.'"Zi'"ve, lm.s in -itite'KliI very lnrM,i a-s.n tiaent of wnll Paper of th- btte-t S:.riiu Mv!"". An in ! f,itetin i:i rvfelfiilly ii.ilieite.t t-'ailiplen Kent on appi'.eatloli t'i ai, uJlre-s. I fi ll iSi;iTL!;.tt;:r;r Nt.TI.M:. Person! I kriowbl-f theni-elves i'.ij-.oie.l to Im -n vi'j-erip'.ii.n. iclvei-tiiiii;,', j-L Vo.-k, ;.ie re: ,,( f li! iv.pie-tei! t. call ml -."1 ' I" a! t In r Col. V'Jiil'.IJ'-'ti -Aliil 'trea'ly obli VdUl's ie, .n;;;i: crof5f.. S. -fippetib.-i'iiers cl'ithiii' l'hnpor iinil s'ill b"l i I an immi u-e rtoe'l of winter (,'oo.l.i wliieh iau.-t bo inl.l le- I. Ml" Sllli,, fill'.ll ill! Hi L U VI, llil. I III ..: i I ... .1 .....I i , or.l'-r to ilo tl'.i-eveiy artn-l" lias i ''"" ,li imii keil ilown to the .o.-. t.-iit-e" luimeli'i b:il;aiiis for b .'l.'. ( furl t' ami taliu uJvtmtj";o of the of fern. S. Oppeiihi I lmr, of eliiisrovo Fa h '.H the u.-eiiey for the Vent Poi-kel t'liiit, whie'a is proiHi:ni',e.l tho mo: I I'on.f ,ii ii1.!.. shirt in the world, nipi liorbi iit, ihiish and ipialii y. (live it at. ia! nml be eoiiviti.'.'il of iti laeritM. Th"v fhow for thetiihulves. iiimv i i Hie pi isi hut, nu t n koo I t n v Trunks for the millions, cf all izs, I ei,u!, lo c ..uiiiaiided Ion ii- Tin nhapes iiml styles ean be -s-'en nt S. , I'l i-mii r. ilmiu;' the tmi.ninr, wall.d Oonenbeii. 's S .liiwrove I',. i f I i n 1 1. is w m l' e.t -.'Vi i a! 1 1 iii.-.s, and tool;.. y. 'it intend to travel -ive hini a call, I ami be will famish vmi with yon want at prbres that can not bo tlu pit iii ted in tint county. If lha whlppimr post will be adopteil fts a punishment for wife beaters in theStateof Peniisvlvania, Solly Op - i : n .i '. . . penheimer .villeometo the front nth , . . ,. , ., . liKslmuienso sto.-k of whips, whi.-h 1..' in now retiiiii.iir at rock-boottoiiijii-io-:,,(, -. Foa Hun r. As I hiton l topoto farmine; In tint sjirin I will rent my hoiiHH mid lot, toi'other with shop, Inniber shed and Stable. My shop is 20xit feet, t wo story hU!r, the Ituu'.ior . . ... . m . . hel i.s l.Jxta fuel. lh property U uii ; Rood n locution for a Wilson maker 's ran bo f iuml in the county. For further particulars address W. II. FuI.liMAN, Ih'iivertow n, Snyder Co., I'a. S0L13IS23 attu:tt:o:t i i Mil.) II. Stevens & Co. tho well , now., War Claim Attorneys will be ! f "presenteil at, Mi ll!, ',,,,:;!!, I' t., 'Vi..o A- S iViflvi, J.tio,'i 111 mit K by their l I'liial a;"i!t. Soldiers and others in leit'htoil In cluhun fir Pension In iroastt 0f Pensi,u, Arroiirs of Pay ninl "nnty of tliu.-u cliaryo l w ith uVsor Ji ,, or other cljhas, it lit h po 1 will vo hlin ii P;,n. f , -special aeni fill ha ut tho ofiloo of the Prothono- A Vexed Clergyman. Even tho iniiience of Job would bo niiausti'd Wei'A titt ii ib'M'ii'tiei' nnd ittt. . tilViil in K to in tt-roHt bi iimlieiieo while. were kciiiii(; up nn iucrRRtint ffiiKlihiu.nittljinsit iiv.pneiblu for liiin fo hcHf.l. Vet, hoiv very e iny cm. law be avoided by simply iialuir Dr. I Now Digcrivory far COnsuuip' I", tiiujjhn and Colds. Trial 7'ntlle8 el a y at J. A, MouU' Drwj Sluit. E.. m mm . a mm m m xsjuihn cf l!:rcr rr Cor.ja- city in &o ll-:rd-:y cf J;fcn IflELAST NIGHT OH EARTH .i-! s .. umm nEcHNXlNO OF THH ESU. Not-.vitlistatnliti'.: the rupl.lUy of lii apprer.eliiiii; ilo.iin, Uriah F.yer Iiml been (.jii.iin pit ri'ii;;t 11 for the 1 . v t iv.'.'l; nr ifii il.iv-i. (in Til. ':l. iv eve niii'-C l!ev.'!er lii- hpirit :ial ail vi"i" eniel e.l hi" eell, ami w as Mirpris- I'll t ,1 III Ii I II i III fit I iil nil llirl I II'' I I'only wuti'hiit t!K' ere. 'lion of the ;alovi. l'bi w;im I lie i f-1 1 i::i" t ' Sp.t.ii.-rV fi'li:.,'s..t the belt. r cfhilil, tin. 1 In b iwv.1 .-i..:i.t 'f etii'-Mon. vbereiip..i. M.iy. r i .'!iiiiii "1 : "Don't i- t e. ii I'd liow Sp.ltl, lT II- II-- 1 II 111 r.'.'l. I ainr.'inly to die. haio lately "inim I ami broken the law of my (to. I aii'l m i'oiiiiI rv, aii'l I w ant to hiili"i ! a.- (i "I ilireet-." Hey. ."in. M in ee.-! lent ndi-it-i. Fef.ire Mr.;;. r I I ! . 'M ver biiii'le'l liii.i a e. mi. i.iii 1 i 1 1 ! rli l'i 'Me i vi-it iu.r imi!, t i( 1 1 1 1 1 name nl 'lii - . -t. M f-i. Fli.-.a I nri.-f, prim - " "'-I " re'l'lesle.l to have II pin : in 'I mi hi.- lnva-l lifter be wax in bi- e. nm Tin tlooi'ieil man retire. I to hi ivm al. out '.lo'lm'-i on Til.". . lav eve . :.. - tl'l i I .. I.... I I .. .1.. lillll;. ttll'll ii -.'. - I n'iii.i in- ii'- . ni. v.. lie lo hi. in in III-, eel I v i b Ibiiii. be !.eli:ii'il, !-ai.i; llial I. 1 1 l'...;i,l't it wait. I i,.,t l.e i --ai t I'" y. 'in 1 1 In -lei i v eiti'I't , u: el t ' ,.,.p, r m - be only tnrne.l nveri. iliisl'..! one" or twiee ibiri.i,' tl' jl.i.'lit. .l. "it il'i I'M a ! .. 'A ..:..' ale I inilii. -11 ' ' : ii i n-' . III. I -1 1 1 i!iC v. ..s t en..'.i.: l'i pi a v. r. In. -n he m' vera i rime-, n 1 1 er , a .-.I -. 1! sii.l !; !eil i s i i i i i r.'ii.'ei- ihio, lie f.H'e, Itllil tl." Sll"l ill' '. - til.' ; T" .' ' i-t .'ha.'e inin rinai'le I : . i . i 1 ' -f i .'.i in lii :n I.. .". ri.i.' i nine ! i I .i a v. r t i. 1 1. .! I." e.e.l i. , . , .-b.'i'.lv iilor li"ar the -I Ml' lile- V. i alv'ii "If ' a liiin. an 1 I lie fn . .loin of I. I I W.I- 111 II. lb I II .l'i. l'i '. 1 1 nn il. I i r '. ib I i. i : i i : a l.eii rl v I l . i i't lire i i-1 in.: "f I'i'i-li. pinlil'ii.r. lie. e 'll.-e. i-ie. Il'- iii.i.i i-il i HI ill I in it i ',1'ei't bir- a l'i" I I'liin.r 1 In' e irlv rt i !' t Ii nn 'i n r. A; uliiiiii i i:;;: il" v..i fi. it il I y ii.s K i- I tin- l.'.ntV S .ni.i'r m.i- i-i ..r."! I hiei by hi- epii it ua I n. i. r lie -. iii.-S il the .i'M'liee i Mrs. K.'ielilf in 1 1 1 early pari of Ih. ei 'iiiliu, an I a '( lioiii-li ii w.i- ill .1 J ible to III.' I.t'ly. in- ' fi in i - - -Ii ". y !-.i.i tlv e ili'. -ii'.' l. II" p 1 1 I.: 'il .1 'I'iimI part ofth" llloi liili.r. l ,1 Uii " 11. w :n 1. 1 I lii'li 10 'iii'ii a wor.l .1 I v . with 1 110-" who wore in 1 he rn. .11, a it ii him. U i:.'iriiiii- tb" j iil was b -' !.'... I b a ei I ;.iit.i,us t,i ... 1 ii i.., 1 ilt .1 in l m ill, iilel I'm a'l !'l npni whi.'h Ii" is lo b.. bun. l'i b w as i -il o,l ul ' ill .1: lit n'e'.iel. all I sai I I'" fell ba.!! J'.b .'I' 111" ee mi. .11 Hi- e. II I i..!m .1 out upon tie se.'ilT. .1 I bin I,., -.i.l 1 .'.I .. I I .rl.. . Iiim-eil t i.w lie- ...lie iii tl.i- r. n.ltul 01 enrrt ii".-. All. Ml " o'l l. ; till' pr . IMT W.I. vi i-i .i by K'-vV-. r ,' in. II". !. lane., I nil. I II. 1 ilil, wiio i-poko -v ! 1 1:-. of e. im f i,t to l.iiu. ii!- i 'ii.Mu-iu;.'' in pr.-i. 1 ami ti i-iii". About ' o'.-l'iiU ih. pliillel- llil:, ill nil ill III" Si:if il t'.:i--h be Wil to !'. 1 i ; s t r. t w.i- a dirk mit, with ;-tiii'"l i-toi-kin::- an ! I - 'fi ' i l.ty-ilio n i "I I.' r and mili'ie I'li -nil the one in v hieii he i-toi, 'an i il. 1 1 ili'l I nl put ids i ... im ;ii;; the m. a nin:; hut Walked whn.r ni his shirt -Ii i t i ,j e li n .1 ri'int hi I bfon reil I jlhe . i-..ii r ill a.t I "'.i' w ei V s j t ' . i , j ' - ' I 'liter I', was ri i i i t e I. The prisoner -A . Mill- - p I led h:l V I li hi- I- ' 1 1 ' 1 1 II :i I t le i iil le'.v biolieii iu upon, and A. is f iv. I rum nil ili-.iioi-aba. reli tem t s lo hi din' b. A' ! o'.'l'.ek Ibesei.n'old ';m put pit,, lir.ter I 'i' I lie cm I'litii.u, nml the no. s. .i. ..i-l iy and ea 1 1 lui.y miju-ied. T. t j il a l d i- ni" Ul I t eiity !. el by ihiity live, nml in I In- ea -b i n 1 1, -1 it i T t his a t i-i ifl'Js iits for the ii.-i i 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 i. H i nt limit l'iil .eop!i) wjis reeled. Tin tie i th .Id w.i - di i i ci I v iii fr a.t oi'tlie win ,!l " II" In il no (-motion I'.itet i r I n t lew iiijf it. The iSni'i ill had peteu Hpicml police it. ih an ti-.l i wo for l he jail yard, two for the inii ii'.r nl'ih" jail, ami thuu for the oil'M.le of the Iml I. i i i.j,;. TneSneiill' had i--uei lipurh" foul h iii'ln d pnn s I n Ihe execution, Hml ' hum I l.e i-ai it pari I ll.e moi liii.i: tim-e ! In, I, hi e 1 1 1 io ii l.e . in l,i enter an, I n . i t . I i 1 1' '"' " i'1M .'" ' ' 1 "I1 o 1 i I l" llliie o I a-hiinuliu; lien was ii con J t , ,',,, ,,. ,,,.,,,, Iu and c ..,v,".atio... Tne Sliiiillwa ipell.d lo hate l.iddeis , ., . ,i , i , i iu up on ll.o . ..t.-Ido , tint J ul yard wall nml to pliieo many le; dm- passes Upon Ihttt.pnf the Willi. 1 nil WHS n. C e.-s.iry oil lieiuuilt Ol tlliH Willil l)t loom ill the jail ymil About '2) niiiiiiton of 10 o'oloek the . .1 . I ... .1 ...... I t .... tl .. 1 iiiiiii i'i un' i.iiiiii.-u iiiiiii, .uir. iuiivit, f!l...,-.l him. A flio.-i I time al'ierwards bis brotlieraf.peiireil. I From sixtoeiuht per.'oiis wen- in t be "ell ail I lie t hue ir. mi hail pa-1 it tint il then t bought t hat some boy was stand til" time if lha e.VeiMilioii. I Ii.-i eon hi": bebhid a I ree who would be sure vcr.-aliou to llie.-K was of a spirit ual , to f ell if nnythiii"; happeiied, so I whis liiitltre al'.oether. He I reipleiit Iy e. 1 1 h'd - whi.'h was a signal of ilanc"r to pres-e.l bis willingness to ihe, ami said j Perry, who then earn., up to where we that he wan prepared lo meet his lit d, were. We then joineil ha mis ami made Ulid hoped to be saved. Ho said I hat be knew Vi'l V well be had broken lin taws of man ami load, and waspro- P'"' " u. j.ay tne peiiaiiy. . l, nl' T.? V'i y!. lit I. 'H-; til un I I'll '.' iii" I'lii. iT i'i iii.- t .i.i'iiiion. 'J'htt Sberiif, unwiihimls was I'oiiipilli d to put out on "or twi per-ous who behaved in an indem nt iiinutiiT. A ili-icraecf ul noisu and uoii fusion uii-t hcim,' kept up nearly all I liu tiiitii by tint assembleil crowd wiii.h ili-lied'tlie cU'orts of tint fclltrill and bin police to Mibdue, Shortly ufier h) o'cloeli un immense crowd a-'iieinhleil out-sidu Ihe was only wlih ihe iirmo-t ilit'.iculry t hut tho.-e liolilinur passes wt-ro eiui bled to slivi udiiill lance. Many luiM:m.' passes wora iitiuhlo to cut i-i' a ml hml to bu rcfuseil entraiice to tho J Ul. At 1 1 : 0-1 the coik 'innml prisoner eil.t(.'cl In carlli'st pi-nycerlobisliDd to rfeelvo his soul, ll-i remained etc SH'cd pi tlos uboiit 2 minutes. At exuctly 1F0J, (hi procetslon Htarted for the pillowii. Tim prisoner asceiitied the ytuhows with ti lii in step, an opportunity was given for fpuuk lnt,, when Moycr oid, 'Ettingcr nod liiywlf wr the only ones ut the pluoe oo 1'iiday evrnliiK, my brother Jonmlian us rot alon, altUounh u.f 7 i.voit iu court i.s wm. ve nlo'iu. Jonathan went Mit urdav nuhf. Tlii ret pud." Ho then ri'jicnti il n confession nf Faith after liv.P.ihitoiiiN 1 " " " 1 ' VI i'. II H I I ' 'Y 'IV I 1.1 III 1 .1 viti. th- iw. iMiiit-t .- ami ttiti. ,, I1,..,.. ...a ... 1 1 ...a. i i .. I'. .11. I in- iiiin.:l"r. I l;on l( i li.l-.l llic fii!lni, vti.Mi !. tnrni'il iiml 'U li ii. It iui'1 iil-.i ki!.'l Mirriir 1 1 i t . i -. II.. lii. a oai.l. '7 Ui,im! lh ; i,..ii. fi . r all Hi. v liu il.i.n' f')i" in.'., i SK: id -lUi'.i iimn iini lacailil.-' crmvil. Wln'ii tin' Mi.'i iil li.iil iiiiuii.'.l liiin In-wtii-prinl ii I'.nv wiii-.U to Mm. Tin' 1 1 r t w:ii ti.t'ii pliicnl iirmiiul lii li.'ck ttilli tlir Uliot in. ii"r tln li'l"! nr. Tim wlii'i' rip iIimwh iivit lari' an. I ' In' ,i.'i i lIM. sr.'kiilc .1 r.un Ino iMl!'.M. lu an ii.nMut tin' ir ii I. I!, Ht I'H t'i-cl) 1I.IW- Si'aivriyu mIiu1 !ir V:n m-i-ii In i' i- li'iiiuuii In IV niii' , nii'l ilfitli inui 'l:lr I. .'I'll ill'! llllalll'"'l, Willi i lie I'Xi'cptiim i .fit 'ilil nl'iln i.'ii no tiiuli hi tmlii'i'il.ti'. Tin li i!.' licit very flow l.v an. I i .' 'j miiiiili' i tiff tin fill if in,' ii.ii n pro- tinlllli'i il i."l I l!f pl' :ci mi' tiff, t f. Vr.n r IM.'n'l.r.rk I' .II",k'. .i. . si'n. ii.. i. v. s i -.t. i. ii. i: ii ..i..hit IV llii'm in. ul' : il II. II ' In r. u l'ii lir. II I', v: m- ii. l.rr l.i -h irK, !i(.. uii.trr il.f .. "I.I ,i ii I ri'i r t -t ! . I . i..w I-, n : 1". MIIJ'I'.C M I'l.l.n I'i ll ..I I r t. I ; l 40l . i i i j ii; I i . t ' tic I ! I' r-e.i' ''I'll, lit I f'.r. in i. ley: I! II I-. -p'uv. M..r l.r'ly. II . t-iiiriOll, Nil .Vl'l.l . wurtli. ITiTikI n llu! I., ( ijt. Itl Mllio,-, suii. ilrio", I. K. I'4wiln:;, lt-tirv r', I. I. Mii'iiin-k H o nn . ii n I .1 f t. I . ik r. Si' l-ni't. .'I tl" y rtir M ii'f w. rm i'U oo T : c 1 1 IV" riry 1 1 i i Oi t i t , . it i it,.". . I ll. Tl it IT ,'l IVillll l.l1 I tll'J OII 'l' I ft'i 'lit I Q'l j ' lt.'llllt.' j V. ' pit tlio !ri i' Ir'l Hi loo! Kippfl irn.i. l til llil' l.i U i I I ti 0 tin . lie I. II til tin) ilrn J . it ;i ii'i-t .iti.i 'J Iti.'lic" lie in e I .If oh In n io .' r k . 1 1 It' .'ii mi l rt"-l I.. 'I tiiHntu-r. mi I nr I i r i''l rv tv '-no t i.!'iir'iiH . W-i'-i h w i. il-l'-pl r.Mti. 1 u;- IH'.-U li. I I 411 t - I't.. ' JT4 tr, 1.1 ll lilt Ctt.'..lllll''l U III 1 1 III- Ir . i, i . if . r. . If .. ' t ' m: , I .n I tiii" l.i .fly hiiit 1 .11, I K -l I 't " 111 'll III' t l.''.''1'fl III tl 'fill. 'ii. 1 ii u -li "i t I nn-' I lii .' it i w I -i fn 'lu n i if! 1 1 .'.'.! I ii 1 1 ii it t i' In, itiiil I I'.iii r t .ell 1. 1 i. o i . ("I cm, VI liv.c ll a v .uvt j I I y u II niiiiH'Ltu . l.'Vt.l, Tho Confession. I ii- ver t'i'ii; ht of timr'!. r uiiil I iMi'l l i b f like 'o uieabimt the killing 1' .(o!. ti hinller. Sometime before be iiii'.l -r how l.iiir I't now : I'.'-. I. but a eoii.-iiieral.!.' . n"lh . f . line ! f. i.e. He a-ln'il me if 1 en'.. I ! .ill any b. ..y. I lol l him no. lie I ll -ii v.ii.l I ba t ok I Kinti r a Tea! leal 1 f ia 'iiey . t hat a liian hi " i.:hl - Ulle f. if I he oli I W olll.itl, t ha t ol.l ,. .1,1 1 : as 1 1 :i : l-li. i an l the man eioe.. .. -lay w h h loin .-'.11 ni . hi ; ami t-.i.l him ii- bli-l'i" Fi b . aiil ll" hail -eeii i. ' ;i .-al ileal of :i ai .y I here bet' ire. that il" .-I'll. a kettle fM hfs . ill M.-e.l iuit I." he. I til" ii. .im y. in bur '.. -.1 ir.l.lef til.' t!'i'.r bi l.eilh the be. I , 1 1 " -ill I lie ; oiil ,1. .li 1 1 w a a mean . !l j I - ih 1 hat he e ill", him a i 1 1 ihi iil'l ii f , Illel I he W i :iM ilk" 1 o - e him kiJ.'.l. Hi' i.ii'l in ri I thai! wa- no ;; to ant b. i. ! . I iml le- l:..! no fi i- ii' I - t o him I i; up If I. w ,. i. ill". I a'.'l I hl.t n pe. - a i y. "i.l'l b" pe, .'I I f - il'" ill ... .im 1 wo'il.l li"i .-! lir I l"l!' e: ii. Afb-r .!! I lli'b s-ii I. .ei i llilt t hi-. I "ii'l r if a e M i r e "l;i. I -.illl ili'l in. I '..I'll.! ml !" I'l. liei- ill I b" ('"I t . I ki' .-A. b,i ; Fib left .il ; ll end .' edi ! i. ' i' et W I Hi Meb ' ..ii I. 'I I .-r hoiili r ha I i;.. fi-h . : iii.l il ''i: 10 it w.i-. in. . Tn. -a tl'i l l til 'lite. I'd fi V le alt. Iilel I t ,t- I I ili'iii: to .- !!.. r : l"ii le.' J-.i!!. I ' i a y ei' a :;i " I lo i ! o a 1 1 kili. :.. S'.n.i- I ' ' "ni" .-. II .-i- I be I . i'l .. i .; i I , is way I o la 1 1 1, ! I I'.'- . d by tt h. re l ;,s . ! , r her. ill I ! , .-r ;.!'. i h'.r w I, I i-enl r.-e. il ' ' 1 wi i.-h. I tli -n t'.M bim I w. u'.l r' i i: 1 1 a:-r I "I" I ii i 1 1 "f. I 'l l i - , 1. 1 . ei : i.e.. li 1 o kill i-i' I ,b .li n. I s ii I ye-, H " J t In ii - aid, we 1 1 ml i a -e. bi .i' I he old ; v ni. in. we ean lav hi th" t..o..j .hove ii .: hon e ami then wlienoMj John coiii -h up lo h t ml Ihe water In! I'.uiii over his land, weeuiild T-.hoot ll'lll ,-l lid I h 'li t ie our f.lees Up t o t he i li ; v i ii.-i ii Would imt kimw ii-, whi-h) iy. iiil I . u-.' h"r and --he would t"ll ; 'I- v li"i'" elltli" m.e.ey was. ( Ir he -I. i. I I a ll 1 1 11' iu b' be kill. "I It. old .1 "li n j i hl-fat.'n.'d t 'i !. ill sniue of bis iei..-h ! In r- and ihi n l ai n up his 1h.ii-.. and , I'ini-.'lf w it h it. I lb"! i told I'laiami.-I l-'.t i iiivr "!' the eon yet -a t ion pa-s "I b"t ween ni" and F.rb. and lie .1-,'reeil to i'o alon..' ami ilo hi- part.; So I'ni iiiiiel nn.l I were th 'I-.- and j watehed in the wooilsat diir.-reiif times but net er ".nt si"t of .li'liu Kinller. , tine day, wli.-n we were watehinur. Tub. M iti-l.i-1. eaine walkim: up tons I ll order to ileeeive him. we looked up llllo il tl'.'", I'lul I told lillll thill I '.ieas..t!l hml Ilown into on,, oi the ' lees lllel We eon Id Imt see it. Well en , . so,,,,.,!.. ... , .... . ; ,i ..,.,,: , ' " .. ' I lie e emu..', Perry Hn-khari labrnmr nml mys -If. Witl-r k. i. this oe,-ai., V 'i" .' K'' m."'-' ."V"1 ,.ii ' ii 1 1 i ii -' i ' i i ' 1 II". i -.- i ..-i 1 1 ii. i ii un - ,,,,., M(ill, ,,,, ,,,,, ,, llt ,.f , . M.i.-I. toward tl . I We I hen made a noise ahovethe hous,. ! In the v.-ooils 1 he' t Imt w oi i Id eon ii out I o see w hat was ron.r. t Iii ll lili-kliart was to rlmot him. Af I ..... 1 1 1 1 1.1 1. . ii ' in- im-ii- iiii-iri-i'in.. Mini, i Miuiii:iit I beard somebody walkii.- ami t. .1.1 l.ttim.'er, H" then said that nobody' was near nml that I was a coward. Vow s never t o reveal what hml hap pened. Welheli stal'led for liouii', (In our wa v home we passed t he old church above Trovoh tile, when Perry said : "I wonder if I hero is not some money in the cliur"il ?" 1 then said, "no; why WO'lld there be liiniiey hi the cliuri ll?" I think il was Kltim-er who then said: "nouict ililt'S I Imy leave the collection In th" church," whereupon Perry said, "well, we can noon hoc." They then opened the window and went ' in. I siooil iiut-i.le in Ihe Held ami watehed. After they were In the church some time tlmy called nut to come to the window.' I did so, when they said that there was no money I here but t here was a bottle of wine. Wo thiee then drank tho wine. I then told tlioni to noiir out and wo would leave They did so, after we had irone a short distuncit, Perry h.iid, "Pe hero," looked and be had tho communion cup -itr I plate. 1 then said, "you should not have taken lluise tlilrifjs, it is soinctbiiix we can neither uuu nor sell; somebody mi;Jit sec them in our pos session and the next tbhn; we Would bo in Jail fur robin;? a church." lie then swure he would keep ll) Hlttin'cr took the pluto nml Perry the tuo. Kltluzi r atterwRrda told turn that he made fliiK'tT-rinurs out of the plute. What l'uiry tfid v.ltL Iko nvp 1 dntl SwSs i wiin'imwiiifwiirn-inTrr-r"--- ayi- if "' f tlii-ti nai.l that I ni'V.T wonl.l vr o KiiiltiTHAtruin, tliat we Iiml b"en therv no nfi en an.t it. ummttiteil to not Iiiiij, nii'i ii appi-ar mac wit wer.' UoC to Hiieceeilln t in T tin' licliey. I nearly tliamin.-o I Ii f.Mi:i my Inin. I wli'Mi I Wiii , "h i 'II.-'I I'v 1 I li.iit'J t i ts 'r liiin ,' I h.i'l, .il,J mwiiv Irom me ail I mv lam'ilv t hanllv knew wiia! to ilo, Iml lin" ill v ill.. .. , - i ', oieei i il.'.l In Keiliii: en I. r'.erM, nriil ,i..t tlie money from tlm Miillintmrtc Fault. Wliell tile note will lie, 1 1 ly .III... mv fiitlier Mii.l to me t!iat ) rlioul.l . ill nieatii pav that note itm not maHi the ball pay it. That they !(., ,ee!i kiinl nn.l I hhoiikl Hot l't ih.' ii -liek. 1 handy knew what to ilo. po I saw b rael ItIi one ilay amlt. .1.1 I, if he knew lllivboily who W I, ll t ei I t ' . tmy a eow nti. I x.'iii" fhoaif, he honl. -ml them tome. Ilelheii fni. I "it on would b it " il.'i.e a I w atiii .I you toilo. Vi.ll W o'll.l iiit Ve t he nn iiiey im.l eoulil keep Vonr t!illl.M too." Itiii yon ineaii le lp to kill oM Kitiil- r lie Miiil "ye". ' I tvolil.i ;''iiil"iiir. 11.' 'iui'1 tin more. I then aw I'.iiuiiui. 1 I 1 1 i i ' -lt r anil we m-nl. .lit totfo there on a Friilav evenim.. Ilia .1 He of t!ie m..lit!i 1 il.'mt kin.w 'hi the Timr- lav (i., I went int ibew.iii.l-. win re my brother .loan ih in mi pplit i in wo' t l.aii.l t"i hi', what we wi re ;-.iin,r to ilo. I 11-14 .1. hi 11 l.i un 11I..11J. e -iiil t..,t ,, iii'i-t u'oto Kreb'i to Imtelier on Frl .lay. anil at anv rat" he ili. imt w.iiii 10 1,-0 alor.iT. I then went home Tin ne iteinii;' I '.; I in jep ea-li" tomt iiml' . I ten a load in one i f mv rH. 11. .( 11 .rv heavy l.i.nt. I Ii ul t 1I.1 1, 1 laiil to h li''i'f. M'VftH! .lav liel.ire o have it mi iii!.'.. .. t tent to l int l. r'-, nl'ier we enlere.! be ft. lis.- J 11-ke I 1 1 i -1 1 if he rni'h'l eil 1 bill ea 1 1. He ;. be ba I ..(. 111,.! why I .liil 11. a L U it to a linn. r. !'!'! him I knew b" wn-. hn ly hi i., III." -i eh t hi'l-- 1 1 1. 1 llol;:l.l 1 hut i,. ti'iiiii ni' ii l it ..r ii:.-. lint if ii ,h, 'i"l -'ii; bi n I w.miM w ii- I In '. 1 'line t.i uii'lnl it. but wniit. il t. biitele'l-the neM ilay. He then rani "I w ill men. I it for von en will not ha e t o e. ime a:-a ill after if .'" b t lien went t 1 work. While h" was iiu-n-liii 1 he ean In- -liiMit tti'liln i'i"nli o !.n u-i. I -I I aloiiL.' i-iil ..f him. r.lfiii.-. r was Milium on th" critel Willi the 1'iin Ixiii:: -lint all til" In .1. s I Int wit I hen -aid we e uil -. e If e v.,ii. r into ji, and thai I w ' m it. W.'Ul.l put eiM onto ti -pi lll lllel put Will r into it. W la'ii I n.-irt.'il lotlie -i riii' Knit! .line to the,) . ,.r. F.ltiiiir. r slepp. ) .nil of li'tl t'.the ii:;ht ,.n. -b. id there, I wet:! to th" sprim,'. :!' "d lb" ean i,b .ut half full of w.n. r ami. in I w.i. e.a.i.n.r awnv fr en the prin. I was In il lin ." it no' ,i i, . .. . . i i .... i . i .... . I le'TI I lliiliA II i' IKS I'T Ml, Kill! ler ill-n came w iikii., toMar.l me A lien li ,-. el .... I,, i-ii. mi, , ' I .'ii''.. it don't l.'i.k f T all." ,lu- m . I tuit'i'd III" .-an t p. .'iron! tin- water' 1 .1 1 .ii .-"I- lir.'.l, K iiil rb-r turned ,, ir I the h . i,nm" "y I tl'"-. '.." it'eree;,te, hbu . r i . I .1 .eiere Mr.i; .ii,.,). j p.f.,i toil to run u th-'-IU'll the ... cot on th" fell ' ind . ..en l.a.-l. hist a- I'.M I'.er il'-p iteh 'I III" old lil lll. He then I'lllil" "i 1 1 1 'ii-'iio lie- hi bet lid w here I wa-. I b. -ei;.. n. d him with the hiii.d to .'n b.-o-k. I lii". ml to kill lb" old women, for I kle-W llntt .l" would (. 'II oil ii. 1 ! linn"!, ran buck, no 1 m. i I lie i... l.-.dv i i .-lit in t I" of ni i. hi r ' .net' villi -!; t ink I " I l.e ibli .r. the .bi.r lb. f be ."in when H" then . . . . . i i in h here I was, v II. ell.'ll for III v nlie in l i ho ..! w ho mi. lit lo; v.- le t : l . I i J I III,.' m i.-iihi.r if ! it io ,10 pea I" oil I hi N p,. 1 , wc the liou-e. I." When ,',! d ,...,.' bi ih Weill h.i.-i. no.. After we enter, d I b 'ii'.l thu ol I I i It breatlie tsrt b-1 1 nt . w h.-n I .nt to l.i I In;.-' r, " M V i it, I be i il'l t .:n i!i i. tl I .I 'l l ,' He Ih. li M.t,. I i.i.t.i :i. n h it now." If., iii- n tin k "f w I ami -trm i h. r It a.-s. Wotii.ti Inn, toil for im. in -y, Imt not v-ty Ion, V, f lltiiiuhl 'we heard -nine ime Oomiii.;, w Neil H'tiiive l.i' iv d lb- lid oil' a ele -I or b., of so. ne kiln I. irr.! il. . I w wan in it Mint rail. We had li .tlun"- but I , -I. .ii" I ii'hiiel us. ill-Mi.- In Uii.'."!. lie i. nee pulleil nt 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' u 1 1 r Willi hi- tiiumb. when Kini.ler h '.r.ri'ini mil a-ke.t him' i-.ii ii ii" whs o "iiu.- i-.tiinu-er sal, i I .. .... I FX v ... iu-t plavinu' wi-htlii- haimia r. " '"" w '.! I su-. eef of beir,.; , , nr t(!U. N i'li.-l't--ai'.l. "I w mt I... IimIv t" fiol ei.t i fun ii eh.irr'en Jw it h t- ilark a. . .r. ,''.' ' V"' v. il !. a "n, i., .1V hoii, put it .I.,,!!. ,.i,no I K,l. f'!-f'''"K'a'y ', I th. -ii lu i ... iiiinau-i. p,,t it '-iv,; ? r,-' '--'A l.wii." He -li. ... Alter e Fill VII M il' lis lillAM.M.'l MKH I V'L '".'. "V KAVV.V' lue,", ..:,;,(. "J think it -till ... , , , ,. .1 VCllif 'V leaks." Kini.ler s. i't. "..., i .l.a.f I Mrs. Haiti"-, I rah Mi.yi rs iirari LCi Uw-iv;.'..:V I ir w a I eli erxttal.s and a few t il n kel .!,.' '. Not a pent of mou.-y. P.v this time if j a.low .... We then went home. i ..' ' 1 to my ho, i-e, F.itiimer to mv brother 1 . .'" ' I ...... I I V I..- I. I ' .. .1 : . - I I e'S at t he I inn hi i- i"i iiwiii ni. nil inn Mill' : The ii. t day 'Saturday) I bub her ed. All. r the hues were kill"d ami the lard wa. on the tir f n- rcml'-riiic, I look a pair of shoes and went over to I.ra. l lirb. I thought if the tbin' wa. kiinw ii I would Iiml it out. Km and I did not speak of it Unit after in. on. Wln li I lelui'iied home, ,oti itihali nml l.litu'i r werent my limi-... Tliey had l''lli.-li. . re."-iu. t'.ii. ,i; ,1 ii I ii i I ait away Ihe men t . I had pome w ii." in I h" cellar at the time, Tlc-v had ilrank ..f it pretty frei lv. We waited until niter dark Wliell we t Iii test aid d for hint.lei '-, d.itit kimw what time we pot there, bill would Suppose it to have I n about U o'clock Weliien em a lieht lll.d b". nan to sear.-h f..r the mouey. We hunted bi.rh nnd low in every place we llioueill Ihele llii.'ht b" soilie. but found only seyi lit v lit edollars cither a few cenl s llloi-e ol- 11 few cents less.) Hew, Tv 'r.'.'.". "io 'v. i'"' ". "fl''""'l nii.Phil.eP. hnvenu p-i.-nt.-.l the West corner, II I Malls lllliliT (ill . . ' old bill. It contained H,m(.t,i,ltf!lUipoVill.eIltN, lillV pelMVl I.isb neht like liny t wo dollars. Kt tinker found 1 1 mmiuf.icl ul o ' 'I hiis yon s.-o tin a paste board box villi smut-thiujr -I,eii,1, i" is tlm pi if.ici. Scvvim.. hke twenty three dollars in it. The Jlltl.,.ilii, ill Use,,.! I,e vMHH tin. (i ,f largest pi if inoni'v found wasa . u . live dollar bill, whi.-h was in th. f- '""" "t I ','"'' m Votn fee pol. The next largest was a dob ' olil-lnshioin d, stiiall lii-H'led, Hoist lar in coin, The collee pot bin I a pot -Un H le,l Ht t lu-lri' p. Imi I-1 Intl. II Uiealinany peni.i. sin il. The paste ( w,.mi ii-l.illiti(? tinm( -1 idd.-u Sinf.., board hn.t bad till si Ver coin ill it. ii i i 1 1 . o i Ati'.r we ba ,it..i i "owe Aniiiicun. drovtr .V IM.-.-. and foiiiiil no more, we imide prcpar lions to leave. i. .ii.,. ,,, . . . i (-I'm iiin.iiiit iiiiiie ,ii .iuit nun uii;i I-:ttin:;i r cariicil the old man inlo tho house. We then kindled a lire under the bed. piled wood on it and li ft. Hi-side llm money, we took with u some upper lent her, tl small compnss, ami I l Link that Jonathan hud Hsm.-ill I air of pincers. We then went (o mv lumse. 1 'ot ii h;,'l.t. We went to ihe cehar mid ihcre naitilo l and di vided tlm money. 1 would nevi'i' have consented to Ihe murder ; had 1 not been Ititlueiio ed by la b and sorely prestod for iuoii ey. yri'.HTiov -Uriah, you will rhortly appear before your Clod tube Judod. Now tell me if Mary llarily was there or not, cither on Friday or fciutur'biy evening's? Answicii You have done ail for me thatu until could biirnlln; iulolearsl, and if I tell you she was," then I tell you a lie, and you suv 1 enn not be forgiven if I lie. Assure as I must ap pear before my God, die was not there.' (ii'K3.-Was any tuouoy under tin. bed? Ax8.U' found none. Ih uld . . ..... a.,.,n, ijiii lll.ll there was irioncy buried the re, but wo found iiono. QlCUi Wi Mist Lrply's tcry true T AlVS. I thiol; It was. The wuv p-h" , 'l-,'. , ' V-m,- -j," j" i . ..imi t!i- oKl pnojil -. Tim oil w.mifin tin. Ivinii 1). Iiin.l the ilmir. nn.l I lie it 1. 1 ! man down towunl tin hi'i lnj1 I Miy i It w,n irile (i n How nboiit tlio ti g An. Vi'l en v n w i i i' iln'rc mt Frl i lav r iiin.r. tlie nl. I man tol.l it t '' wa . i.nnii.;iiii.r l,N .lo. J 1 e luiil a ' l'ln? ft irk t iivl to lii lieek. On Mattir- . . ... . i il:iv cvi'iiini; I lieanl tin il.e ;";r..'Ui in In Mi kennel wliieh , h.u.M,. ,,f , the holi-e. How lie nt to tlm (.,,. .o mt know. Ferliap-i lie nn Hi. re when the liitis v;m iiiirniiiir ami i?ot fast with the Ht ieli lie.t to him. Qi l-'S- l'iil you Sf utter any petii.i. s thioiii;h the ou-r 1 A '. We iliil not. We fon! nil th money aloni; wnh us that wo f iiiinl. 1IW 'nV-: - I eeriify that the above l-i n trm aii'l eorrei t e. t 1 f i-s.-i. Hi imule to me bx Friali Mover before bis i xeeuii'.n ; lielieve it to be trim In every puiir ilia", thitikiuir that I am iapal.1 i ill ;iiU its tint bfulncr-s, haiui,' be'i as,..'i.iti., w p the poor uiifni f mi.iti nun as bis a it is; r. I inuk. If p it'll. s.i (h it t he pei p' tun nn I'T-laii'l a I'libjeet whie'i has a .-.lal. i the pnblie mln. I f..i lit- loirs i nr-. I l.i leit leali"ii pi'imy from tie' pub lieat . in o t his e mfe ! hi. ,;j ni v r seie hoi I of tli.' iiiif. if 1 an ,; . lion of others t.itualie iieii.ev. A. II. M'ANOI.I'tt. 'niMifiiiraMirj A SJortiKii's l,-r F. UK wt.-1. 1 (ii Miui'lay afiernooti Mrs. Mojer l'ri. ih's mother, i.siti'i him nml nfi. i i l.'liir.'thy ihtervietv toolv In t la-t far.' s-) of h.'i k n. 'I'he'.e nvi r- iti.'ti wa wry roiii!iioii !.ie nml ib-v ail inl biterevt until fh parting tool, pl'iee when, tin poor oM rom nl.'lely broke , iliovti wi'hfMti i vi r whelemiiii burst of rii f rb se. in w:s una that biv:.irs .li-erfp1 ton The ta-t fou l einbritee w,a.s taken ami -li. left, the room, t urr.iiit; i r it.t the hiiti-Is of the law i -.'.'oni -lei, tvhii-e lif" M .11. 1 pa ve. I he petm!i of a Capital orbne. II. r np e;ir,a.i. e Tlllll ol il Kill. I ol.l lill!i'f. l.lot leT. s ll t III; wit ti I rial, s iii IroM-hi'le. She is idmtv venrs old. Iiml lint this eMretm n'e . ( tpiite .pry nn.l .1... s a Komi d.-tl of . irk. . , mauim::i. i Mareh '.-t. b the K' y M I, lleil Albri .-ht I h-ee-. t Aiu.n ll'. il. t-lllli..', b.'th of .ii,j;,.nir'. Stliiiiii.v 8 imi, "Well." lli.i'th Kiltoti-r" H'stoie iie.i'ih and vit'ir, cuns I it .i p-i.i, Im- i i i I. mv, SeMi.d I ili'v. .fl. TT"'T",-"T'" TT T""l fi ' f .' l" . hmmm Old it IJ '-'- W"uaiall' i ave il lo doetor. to re ! e i. inn. ii. I m 'di 'liies, but Parker's i in ,'i-i-'!' .tile bar- b. en so us f il u , ."ir l.imliV hi relievin.' siekie'- i am! i M if er I in t hi. t we eat in. .t si y to inm-li 'in ii, imhMi.-l.ili'iii Ar'iM. i - MM car. ii n nn uniiiT n t iimotitim, 1 :irli.'i o . i Win .....I ,' .... 1 i" n r.u t ; ;,n to ci I -ive ... i '..I'll I l it-.. F .!.-. Hurt.. I'.": lli'lO tl- p"- it i, . i i i -.i . im' . V I'." I 1 1 , Pi III' . 4" 1 1 uu . I 7 ". . 1 J" 'he-t I 'ill! Hla. U -mit It 'oal ... ; K .vi 'oal , Plaster, " l' Imi i -all per ban ! " " M'J Mllilll. The World's Loader Sewing Machine. I I tn viihinhlc iinpiovcnii'titH nre n!1 rt. kliow a d'i d by li t lei H pall id ft'.tii Icvoiy civili.ed n .tioii on cmth Then tit Kill WHIINIlt HHiU 1 1, lift 1 I ( I - siou of F. S. Foilit lHNl. Tim ol.l ' ,,M' ",T" si'ln'-Kf"l f.'l'tla I Woi id H "la ad' l" w b ch is thii li-'ht- r st niiiiiiiiej. aiof.t beiftct iScftini: Mtichitin miul'i, Fveiy ' Li u i- r'' h fully v. .iri ciitcii f it tho ti iiu of five jcitts. Full in stt net inii ami fiett delivery to set part of the enmity or n lj. lining conn ties! Also l;ccp for nnle tint v.oilo ll'liOVMil.'d Wlnto nliieh has bci tl iiie piovcd since Fl i t iitti v 1. lSII, sin im now cnllitd the W Into lm jn i.ved Ainu tho I'ojiil St. John whit-li nut bitckw.ud nml forwwil nnd ncv. i htcnlis tho tliicml uiul sews all lie tiiuo in llm Mime dilution. Tl.i above, niacliiiioj are all eeif-thinndiui' in Mneliiim slid illtutil t. Ca 1, see ui'iiuitie aud try tlicin iiml you will buy. riceo'id-limul itiitcliiucM itoli from $5 mi.l ujwunl ceordiiit t. cpi tlity. Sold for CjhIi, Note, Hook nceonni or on Piuy monthly inhlullinoiits, foi sa'.obyC U. .Sccbol.l. Middlcbur!. Po., I'riucip Ollico, or Iltu diicks, Kiliiisriive, P. li. Mdltir, licwibbtir. t). lluucli, Kelly X (heul tl l.i . i I, ., J,,liU ' ' ',,'1y. believdle I'm., u. iie Ihubcli idlieiiH ""licit" roiiie ri.mlonee for tin "LeK',' . frvtu niv o'-o-.J") I'lr ' . i nn i 1 1 er. I- u t in;: v.-ii ii i ria I. s lie a 'e t L. L. necoujil i L' i.... i ..... ... . u I,..., . n H"1" "'"Kiiim ni urn l.i i nil nil l l f ' ' . vniiflv nf f!,i i'- tt v. I ,.n I v.1.;i .n I J I ..a -l;..t,i ' X "V ' ' ' ' ' " ''" , -V'1 ' n H" ;T ,C ?, P''-A-.U,J 1 V ' "' I " i,' '" "'. -Il'Hir. to 0 Oar fhrr.l out Iti f n ', T IDcH-ef'.. I '"i. lit i f I. a lie an I I 'hi! Ii oi.'h C ) 1 .3. ioo ' oio-f ntn p'iD" tr t ' inn, i am now in in Krc.ii i.mcsimi in lt-tv c:i I ntl tr.C- M i Tf' w cokI. Aho a few I leS'l I HS 1. .lttle tlionev if yon e i!l iny.v while 1 1:0 l fortriHMit 1.1 filil. "! Att'la . f .! ,imis iit bottom piie..s, lhtss (:n.iils. O.Ii.l niW. f'J.Mil. . St ' . ha' vl I i i II 1 1 i Inei I in I ii'i h. 1 I; ive 11 I't.n i f . I ','h Uial lM,r p). A ( . . ' a liieu I a ni olb i in, f !' tin 'h li'.K Iti in tl' a e ii b b'.'iif p I S. r . .i i o-i un ii.iit.i'l lo r ill i.ti l ti',.' it look tit lb. en t Vp-p.!. Oil n ib, 4 t! , Will llso be B. I I ul I e.bli',',1 pr Cos. Tne obj i)t, of (H ftt Till.t I 'Ii H to lei'.iiCU the nti ( k as t iel i-.s J i n ,il.:.. b, f,,W ih-. 1J .' If oil w a n't 1 1 1 1 ''ii lis pin I ul 1. 1 hue tin. ( ! i'jt. i" la 'l i I it ij J tuck, cull now. si limiotoVi.. lit sj i.oiinUy Sabiiiitti'.l, EKIFOEIUM! o . Nttlfiuggi'ovc, Vn. , r -. 1 1 r i... i .,i t , I ii. i iainii-i.--ij4iit- i u ii i turpi i i I I bi'Iy iinii- nt.0 t to t In pul l c t!,t In I. . ... .. n ntill in thft (nil, ith (lip. nn .' conipli.'ic cf I'uitiitino iu I In ciuiity, which tlio -i 1 1 i rp"if"b .V"j vaio w C V J 'f t ll" 'll ft'W ttl' jllfitlli t ;to ho!I nt liottotn piictH. Tim Iii'ii rt. l l- ei IIMtstH of Parlor Suits, Chanibcr Suitn, "b't-i -ft i -t i rt Siaud3, Lo Li i, l'F C lCili i T, I 'if'1 "t!" X-AiV. I bOii.i in 1 f vn (liii'r in II"' I'm i. il lire line. Call nn I la" for jonrst !vcr. JI"si. ci fully, hi r.Li:i:. Ihe. 1,'HJ. lil.f 'loVl', I'll A LECTL'iiE TO YO'JSS m nu Tii!i loss or U t . . ..... f ui. - ..... m . '.e..'-.' .-. A l.f no n It., linen. 1 r. -I'nif M nn I Hu ll.' ll i". If nl MntiltMl er M'l'lt ' M ruillnl ' tit 't. rl I y S.'l t i i : - , I n . . . Ill) I In l.-1'.n.. I M Pi T KM , I". HUP l.f I I I i . sill 111 I f. Illlii ft. t lit tl IrliiA. iinaH. .; I ' . s -l tl r I . us Iflt.ll'.f nml I Hp; .tltnl'i. in. I lie .1.' I 1 1 f . I -,-. i I 1 1 v I'lliai. I' l i l.v i it a y 1. 1., .M . p , .mln, i u.. nrif n l.."k," t. lif W'.rl.l ifii' unril iinil,. ir In t',t. pile I i l".i 1 ,''iine. i. n rl v i r t.' r an I.e. t; ti t '.rtili ssli.l r. rt-. Teat, p - . t v.-'l- t f u-f i,i i 11! rl . 1. 1 if ..' I il .iti. .t in : i it unli 'I "I TOI'i .t ".I. Ii -. In l rn nt ii.i.i'i.j. in f..r I'll-; i I. linn, i in . i 1 i-1. r ti a t i -In. it. if I. In, st.'l lttii, I t li.t-tl, i li.. h f.i'ty ptiiti n r, in. n. vi l b lilit.i in .y I' 11..1J I'nro l.l.i , til vlifujly jil v.'.rU . s '. I t " i'i; v tf 1 1. I o ittr l;'ir t it I in .n tn ll eil j -4: .11 il .1 II I. II Hll U. I ss -a ll a. r - f . ! 1. 1 h l Oil I'ttv I -" , In it rt . , '.iri'-i, i .'t n i 1, ni tf-i"ji' ul nx ilia-tr' 1 -. i I " t u p' .. itic, tin' Illl. I 1.1 I li A I I.I. Ml 1 1 1 ' I ' ll.. 4! I lilt S' , .Suiv I K, .'ti . . I l i -i 'Ill -ll i.'.tf. I 'c I. U . 1 y . lXPflTOHS XOTICF, Letbis t J ! r-t iimti'it ll'V - It 1 1, it r-l .11 f ul I If r tin 1 1 it 'll ll, 1. 1 ! I ir k '"it I i .tia iIit i ' , l'i .. t.-.-f ii-.'.l. ti4Vtl'K I'ffrt H'llllflln t'f llll.ti.r. .tuni'l. h 1 1 .rr- t..- I.nit'i ll;fi. f-.r Ir. tit'U'. I l'i f-t.t srf "iiiii. 't I lutri.iiif .. it. f .11 a IF : illl'tll, ' lllli' I I .-f l.ill.iii i'lii;ri, .ri'ini t'.cm il ul y nuil.f i.llr'itol ! r i-lllci .cut t'i i vi; e I'uri.'TM.v, W .it . Al .1 H I I N . I'O li t. SI yi I. t.Iirtiti.r.. 1101133 LjO. PHI'l iini1cri.jrf'.l will eol nt pri I M.ti' i nl. 1.1' l.'.tn ' nn.l I. l ili i-it.1 in M . I'.r'inr n. iwa il i"ip ii .1 it i'i int I'I'Iipi'. ni wtil -li oi rr i't 1 iit'.u ii a 11 .rn, i v i . it r ut I illl'tl iKI 1 't'J Twn Siory I runic Ilouso t' In ii' n t pet Ir nr t w.itl 1 li m.tlti'.l.. Jn. lii. I' t iiiiliuii r. ii'i . tin tin1 I i l" i'li "fppti'l t III .. lroi;ii t.ti I 'lii.', tli'.o rul to .u s I iie-'t r. .1 .1 tl ! wi i r r.o ir ti " .1 i'.r I i.r iii-iLoul 'r I ' I AliMAt.o.M l"'tJ, J-:)3m. Jli ;.!li',u'sU. Tft. rrnrrirTriTi i- urt nrinoT nnm mr i iMni i'fihnm'dob tost nearly 500. ri - - - - w Tho MJ-lJtiT O0,''f for It !i0Mftlr. tij o-6iord'jcd r.tix.m tntit ! (xti-4 tia b'it.' tul t, u u itu.iLjy :.t.,-p J 1 t it vi. I ut pruirp'Jy rjj'' !'! Kiuiuir . Ui tci a- i. i,i it- .kl!i;t ri-i-? lui' M. du it or Vd .i;i"it.iiiiu J:j itv.V.' -' may t fSrt .. : t OOJ. P. IU)V. i lYW hii4rtia Anvi.i.rntN'i tlusbn lit f-jvir. ff. Int run On? n lin-i (.k. '.t ! The POST only ioiw, Si .50, The n ' vrr; rr in l")) iiilctlc.r r, ; ti ;, c. I'.'U li i.v.t.f,' .v .' SCi'i i 1 : hi!?CCi!,1)C- . i.'ff ii fni i l.i 1.0t i T, CDIVMXA icill Tutc iln- vii)si at 1 1 nrirr rcj'finif : r uhttt rf !;i Sni:tirr cmtn t'i, u-hi?,' its Kl'ITOKr.llj icith th.r ii'i ;' i ov,; y rmi, . iiiC . 1 1 iini;. ,111 wc is a, hrarin SI r0 f,ii,;tc iii nr. 7 els. 'or .s.v won ih. ,Q rcntd i'i r four vinli, v. Jfttrngjufit adifrrt aliA oi iiar .1011 TV IT. and ijinuntlhj fjvcrluuilid (hit f j)!c,3 irr are now rcjmrci to e.wu ul,: jlr!i lass JOB WORK (fall kinds i n short net ice. vi f)Cialty made on SALS BILLS. Our ;: fjr this utyle oj '? orders maif uill r ej ceiu f prompt attention. .iddrtss, - 'i ..ft T ir Y t i J 1 IV . , .