sa.a. &v:c3 Rorarr xma; xztwvmmiKzvtQ, vjl v'--" "e Fiftieth Birthday. . Although the weather was in clement on Friday the 13th of December, a party of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. George Hann to celebrate that gentleman's 50th birthday 'anniversary. After spending a while in conversation, Mr. Hann, who was in McConnellsburg, ar rived and was much surprised at . finding many of his acquaintances assembled in his home, who be gan to wish him a Happy Birth day. In a short time a bounte ous dinner was served which was j enjoyed by all. Mr. Hann receivad a number of gifts, among which was a rocking chair, and other useful gifts. Those present were : Mrs. John Hoover, Mrs. Jonas Mellott, Mrs ' B. H. Shaw, Mrs. M. G. Lam berson. Mrs. Bosler. Mrs. H. C. McClain. Elizabeth Laidig, Vir ginia Mathias, Mr. and Mrs. G . N. Sipe, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Russell Daniels, Clem Dan iels, George Summers" JohnlfeSs Dennis Hess, William Hann, and Charles Hann. - Birtbdaj Partj. On Tuesday of last week, Blair S. Hess reached the seventeenth mile post in his journey through life, and that the event might be pleasantly impressed upon his memory, about thirty of his school mates and neighbors assembled at the home of his parents, ex County Treasurer and Mrs. Sam A. Hess, Needmore, R. R. 2. The young folks played games and the older folks talked about talked about-just whatever they thought about and so the evening was passed along rapid Iv. when refreshments in the shape of plenty of cake, lemon ade and candy were served. In stead of going home after the refreshments had been served, the youngsters played more games and the older people thought .of more things to talk about, and the first thing they knew it was "to-morrow." Blair is proud of the nice lot of presents he received. One Hundred Per Cent The following schools have reached the 100 per cent. Junior Ked Cross membership work dur ing the past week. Taylor. Fairview School, ' taught by Miss Olive Clevenger; Waterfall School, taught by Prof N. E. M. Hoover; Cherry Grove School, taught by Mr. Howard Knepper. Todd. -McGovern's S c h o ol, taught by Miss Maye Pittman, and Scott's School, taught by Mr. Frank Pittman. ( Thonpson. Boardyard School taught by Mr. Howard C. Peck. The Chairman of the Junior Red Cross acknowledges, with thanks, receipt of $35 50 from the different Junior auxiliaries of the above schools. Some Pigs. Among the most successful pig raisers in the County is Robert I. Huston, near Hustontown. Of a litter farrowed on the 7th of last April, Mr. Huston recently butch ered six as follows: The first at the age of 208 days, dressed 244 lbs; the Becond, was 22G days old and dresBed 251 . lbs. ; the next two at 229 day b that dressed, re spectively," 282fr and. 29&: the other two at 252 days tipped the . bsam at 3471 and 370, respective ly, making a total of 1790 lbs. From these six pigs were made . eight 50-lb cans of lard. Next! Come on, now; don't be bashful 1 " Engagement Announced. At a dinner given at the home of Mrs. William Baumgardner, East Market Street, on Monday evening was announced the en gagement of her daughter Miss Mary to Mr Reed Bretherd Bish op of Kennett Square, Pa. The wedding will take place in the near future. " ' . .., , Mrs. Lemuel Direos. " After a week's illness of flu followed by pneumonia, Mrs. Lemuel Divens died at her home nt Knobsville, Tuesday morning, u icember ,14, 1918, aged about " "t.ir8. ' The deceased was a 'fc Vti&i the late Mr. and Mn v '.'era. Sheii lurvived v ond ten children. B e a Booster There's nothing to bo gained by nursing a grouch. Il will not help your business. It will not help you. Be a booster for your own business, any way. We are boosting for our busiuesa in a modern way right now. We want more business. Wo have built up a good, strong, creditable bank. The more patrons wo have, the stronger our bank will become. We need your business. We want you to do business with this bank. But this is only one side of the question our aide. We can also help you. We safeguard your funds. We offer you every accommodation afforded by any reliable banu. It's to your advantage as well as our to make our bank your bank. FULTON COUNTY BANK "OLDEST AND S T R O I(Q fe S TJ ' Capital, $50,000.00. - - - Surplu'slod ProfitsT$48,000.00. ' Tremendous Sale of Garment ' ' HOLIDAY OPPORTUNITIES IN Coats-Suits-Dresses MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF THE YEAR. We have put our entire strck of coats, suits and dresfoa on sale at very much re duced prices. Here is a chat ce for Holiday investments you cannot afford to miss; an unlimited assortment in smart models. r , -v 'A I'.. : - 1?1 V H S ' T f -( ; s .f. L r '. X J If SEtIS COATS : Uoro you wi.l 6nd coats of individual distinction, styles that will meet with your instant approval, in the season's m- Ht p( j u!nr itatena1, tbowing the beauti ful Evora r.'o'h, ailvo'toncs, cryBtsl c'oth, llniivia", VV'i umln, Velour, Korsey Velour, Croadc'o'fi at,d Duvet do laiue; most any wantf d -hi :o f t color can be supplied. Ail biii)ti:ut up to d.te models. SUITS: -II re is an opportune feliirg of woojitiV Mjits. i:i ho complete an assort ment, rr,d in f u'h excellent qualities, that twry w(imatj v.hf stos them will realize the advflntnj es i t in mediate selection. They arc i-J own lr all il o fashionable colors and in mhtoiials as Velour, silvertoue, DuVi-t rlc Jiiit r, T(plm, serge, broadcloth aiid bunlh -cloth. 'They are notable for then1 smart lines. DRESSES : la an almost unlimited run tnr.of dctiiis, thown in Tri colette, 8f)fe, n.'lr, crepe, stirj, charmeuse, teffe tn, velvtt and combination dresses ' Many etuiinirg models are shown in this assort ment, any one of which will prove to be a good investment at the prices asked, this early in the season. Tbe above garments represent our entire stock, together with a few choice mod els bought for the occasion and are fff 3red in alviuce of our usual mid-winter sale, giving our patrons a real chmce for llohday gift savings. LEITER BROTHERS Chambersburg - - - - - Hagerstown. - - SALE NOW GOING ON - - Seborn Zimmerman. At the residence of the off.cia- ting minister, Rev. Edward Jack son in McConnellsburg, Dennis Edward Sebum and Miss Amy Zimmerman, both of Thompson township, were united in marri age, on Thursday, December 12. 918. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Zimmer man. . John Rex Irwin at Camp Meade has a holiday furlough, and is spending the time with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin. If Yoa Fave Property Yea Don't Want --or If you want property yo a don't have, consult us -We bring buyer and seller together. F.M.TAYLOR, McConnellsburg, Penna. George H. Reiarer i3 home ten days from Camp Lee, with his nirent?. Mr. and Mrs. J. . G, Reisner. A child cannot choose its period of growth. Nature attends to this with laws well-nigh inalterable. A child of retarded growth or feebb vitality faerls and should have help to promote hea!Lhid.'ro'tffe. semi ii' i ipir abundant in nourishing substances . that promote growth and strength, is invaluable m itsf help to a growing child.- Scott's helps a 1 child over the weak places. Scetfs helps a backward child develop naturally, Grissinger Locke. . Samuel R. Grissinger, of Three Springs, and Miss Jennie Locke, of Fort Littleton, were married in McConnellsburg on Thursday, December 19, 1918, by Rev. C. F. Jacobs of the Lutheran Church, Sale Regiser. - Saturday, December 28 Ros well (Staines, administrator of the;8'ate of Annie M llerchpy, will i e 1 a house and lot m New G(ada at 10 o'oloeit on tbe abfive bamed day. See bills.' tl Prvt. Arlmiral Smith ceme to town Monday evening from Lake wood, New jerspy, where he has been in a hospital for treatment for sf veral weeks. Mr. Smith was formerly principal of our lo cal High School, Educational Meeting. The nrst local institute in Thompson township was held at Bald Eagle last Friday evening. Written Work; Value of and How Much Given? 2, How May We as teachers and Patrons Better Our School? 3, Red Cross Work in the School. Very able and practical talks were given by the teachers pres enr, namely, Thomas Truax, Jes sie Yeakel, Floase Sharpe, Wre tha Winters and Howard Peck. Also Mr. Samuel L. Simpson and Mr. David Gregory gave very interesting talks. The school room was tastefully decorated and a good program was render ed by the school. Flosse Sharpe, Secretary. The second local institute oi Belfast township was held at Philip Morgret'a Saturday even ing, December 21, 1918 The topics discussed wcrf: 1, Dis cipline. 2, Grammar: and How Taught to all Grades. The fol lowing teaches were present: Mrs. Blanche II. Hnshead, Mr. Guy Mellott, MiBs Vernona Mel lott and Chalie Peck. Charlie Peck, Secretary. . The 1 hrice-A-Weef Edition of He Kew York Wor!d in 1919 Practically a Daily nt the Price ot a Weekly, No other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price. The Tilue and need of newspaper la the bousehold wan never greater than at the pres ent time. We have been forced to enter tht Kreat world war and a lurite armr of Ours 1 itlready la France UiMHlng great battles and winning mnirnttlcent victories, You will want tihavs all tre news from our troops on Eu the niont momentous year In the history ot rope'n baulettelds, and 1911 promises to be our unlver.e. No other newspaper at so smtll a price wll. furnish such prompt and accurate news cl these woi Id shaking events, ltls notneoessary lOKuy mure. - ft The THHioa A-Wkkk World's regula: subvcrlptloi pilce Is per year, and mis pays ror iw papers, we oner mis un equalled ncspuper and TiieFui.tonOouktt News together for one year for fci.iS, The regular subscription Jpnce of the two papers is k.bu, License Notice. IS THE COt'UT OF QUAUTKR SF.SSIONS OFTHK HKACK OF FULTON COUNTY. It In ordered thnt all applications for license lor ine sine or vinous, Npiritoux, malt, or brew ed Illinois, wholesale or retail, for the year huh. win nc ncani ou Tuesday, I lie nth nay ol January, luiw. at in o'elook a, m of said ilav. at which lime all persons applying or making 'jections 10 iippiiuiiuonH, win lie neuni ny evidence, petition, remoustrance or counsel. There must he no coiuuiuulratlon at any time on the subject vl h tbe Judttis personally either bv Bluer or anv p Ivate wv. The netlLion. verified bvaHldnvlt of annllcant. shall be In conformity with the requirements or tne act or Assembly, judgment bona shun be executed In the penal sum of two thousand ($MK) dollars, with notlessthun two reputable freeholders of tbe county of Fulton us sure ties, each of them to bo a bona tide owner of real estate In sal countv worth, over und a- above ull Incumbrances, the sum of two thous and (-ii dollars or bne unieleutsurei.y where the same Is a Security. Trust or Surety Com pany organized snd existing under the laws of this Common weulth or under the laws of any other state of t he United States of America, duly authorized todo bulness within theSUte of Pennsylvania by the Insuranoe Comm i-sion-er thereof; to be npproved by the Court grant ing such license and to be conditioned for the faithful observance of all the laws of this Com monwealth relating to the selling or furnishing of vinous, r-plrltuous. malt or brewed liquors, or any xdmixture thereof, and to nav all dam ages which may bo recovered in anv action wn cu may be insiuu.ted against the licensee, under the provisions of uny Act of the As sembly, und ull costs, tines nnd penalties im pose I. upon said licensee undernny Indictment for violating any Act of Assembly relntlng to selling or furnishing liquors as aforesaid. If any person Is surety on more thunone bond, be shall certl'y that he is worth four thousund ($t,(XXUu) dollars over and noove Ull Incum brances, nd ovrr and above any previous bond he may be on as security. The sureties may be required to appcur In Court and justify under oath. The Court shall in all cases refuse the appli cation whenever, In the opinion of the Court, having due regard for the number and charac ter of the petitioners for und agulnst the ap plications, such license is not nerssary for the nccommodution of the public und entertain ment of strangers and travelers, ortbutthe ap plicant Is not a lit person to whom sucblloense should be grunted. Petitions must be Bled with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions not later thun Saturday, the 1 t day of December, IHIH. Ob jections nnd remonstrances must be tiled with the Clerk of said Con t not later thun Wednes day, the 1st day of January, UHH. Upon sufficient cause being shown or proof helmrmade to the Court that the party holding said license has violated uny law of the Com monwealth relating to the sale of liquors, the Court shall, upon notice being given to the person licensed, revoke said license. My the Court, DONALD P. MCPHERSON, Attest: P. J. B. FRANK BXNSY, Clark Q. 8. Nov, 18,1.18. G. W. Reis ner & Co. Have a large .line of 8 Ladies', Misses' and 8 . Children's Coats, which they will be glad to show you. Prices frorris$ J.50' to $30.00. Avery 9 good stock of -Underwear for Men ? 0 in wnnl anrl pnlinni Al, i , . Oi ... .. v-wnw.i. niau, iui i-ctuies and cb Children, Boys and, Girls, as long Q as they last. They are val- 0 ues that we cannot 0 rJl lrAli-V, U! O season . ' o Shoes for Everybody S at reaonab!,? prices lots of them selling they must be right. Domestics a full line. Wo consider ourselves fortunate to be able A . . . L 10 snow as good a line of outing as we have; but our early buying, saved us. You will need lots of goods and we have them for you at prices no one will beat. Let us prove it to you. Geo. W. Reisner 4 Co, McConnellsburg, Pa. 8 P. E. LITTLE, Resident. JOII STJGERS, Cashier. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ONy TIME DEPOSITS BY oThe Hancock Bank Hancock, Md, The Bank placed by the State Bank Com missioner in a high position on THE ROLL OF HONOR, Resources over half million Dollars. We respectfully solicit your business. WlnterSchedule McConnellsburg-Chambersburg Auto-Bcs Line Leave : Leave McConnellsburg Chambersburg 6:00 a m. DAILY 8:00 a. m. 8 00 a. m. Mon. Wed. Bat., only 1.45 p. m. 2 00 p.m. - , 5.30 p.m. 8.00 a.m. SUNDAY 10.30 a. m. FARES MoCornellsb'R to Chambersb'K fl.N) Ford Vnrm to ClmmbornbiW .OT MoCollDfllsburK t Kt. l.onrlou ,75 Appl Way to Chmiibfipibuilf ,0 Ft. Loudon to UliumbersburK .',6 Ft, Loudon to St Thorn s .11 St. Thomas to Cbambereburg .40 In Effect After Not. 4. MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN SOMETHING ALL THE TIME We pay 3 per cent, interest onchecking account balances of $50 and over. ' Four per cent, on Time Deposits. The Union Exchange Bank. , HANCOCK, MD. A good Bank for Everybody. Come to see us. Open until 4 p. m. Subscribe for the News. " & . . . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers