- 5T33S roLTesr ectrerr sews, HifflireaLL3irao, tffSTlNt PAMGKAPSS (' ct' md General Intercut, Gathered 11 Home or Clipped from oar Exchanges. JONDENSCD TOR HURRIED READERS Mr. VV. R U?rk8tre3r and 4auhter Mrs. L A. Ltmberson 3f Taylor township, spent a few hours in town Tuesday. On account of Flu all the com roiitors on the Fulton Democrat ,nd all but one on the News, iave been in bed during the past jveek. We are very thankful to be able to tret any kind of paper ;o our subscribers this week. If you have been a victirr. of ,he flu be very careful of your health. Those best informed lay that flu convalescent? are nusceptible to the tuberculosis Iterm and unless great care is uken for a long time after re covery it will develop. Don't i,io(T at such warnings. Heed ihem. Your health is your mist jirecious asset and you should conserve it. Mrs. Albert IIkoo. Martha Jane Barnhard Mix3on vas born February 15, 1851, near IVanklin Mills, Pa., and died December 10, 11)18 after a ling i ring illness, aged about C7 years. She was an invalid for a num ber of years and had been con fined to her bed for a long time. The deceased was a daughter (f the late Isaac and Rebecca Dernhard of Frunkiin Mills, Pa., md wa3 the wife of Albert Hix m of Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa., where they resided I I the time of her death. The deceased was a faithful r.embcr of the Primitive Baptist (hurch for a number of years j rid held her membership with t ie Tonoloway church near War iordsburg, in Fulton County. I he was held in high esteem by I II who knew her, and the pa tience with which she bore her EjfTering manifested her confi- ( ence in the Saviour she so dear-1 1 loved. The funeral services were con ( ucted at the home in Waynes loro by Elder A. J. Garland of Washington, D. C, assisted by Lev. Poffenberger and the large r umber of attending friends gave evidence of the high esteem in T.hich she was held. After fu lcra! services the remains were 1 iid away to rest (and to await tie great resurrection morn), in the cemetery near Waynesboro. The following are left to mourn ter loss as a wife and mother. Her husband Albert Hixon, the fillowing children S. T. Hixon, Luth A., Agnes, of Waynes toro; Abigail Stocum, Philadel phia, Pa.; M. M. Hixon at home; C. G. Hixson, Massillon, 0. Four brothers, three sisters and 11 grandchildren. She was a suf ferer for about 30 years and death resulted from a complication of diseases. Njtici to Shareholders. The regular annual meeting n! tao Shirehollera of the Pulton (ljunty Bind, :f McGsanoll. turg, Pa , for the election of di rectors for the ensuing yeat vull be held in the banking rooms of said institution on Tuesday, Jinuary 14, 1919 between the tours oil o'clock and 2 o'clock, I'. M. Wilson L Nace, 12 12 41 Cashierr Notice to Shareholders.- The regular annual meeting of the sharelntdei's of the first Na- timalBinlr, of McCoanellaburg, Pa , for the election of directors tor the ensuing year, will be held la tbe Banking Rooms of sai3 institution on TuesdayJanuary 4, 1919, betxeji the hours of 12 ('dock r.oon and 2 o'clock, P. M. MeiiRjll W. Nace. 3 2 12 4t. Cashier. OR. FAME? HAGERSTOWN, MB.1 -DIA6HDSTIG 1 Specialist in Chronic Diseases Acute diseases get well of themselves or ;un into chronic form. There is always a 'ause and you can not get well until the ause is removed. Cause and elf ect is the i jreat law of nature. You know the effect -find the cause. Send me your name uncL address and let me study your case. Consultation Free . Mrs. Bertha Strait. Bertha, wife of Stewart Strait, of Belfast township, diedattheir home nt 4 o'clock, Wednesday morrir-r, Drermhrr 24 1918, aft er (id iUi-osio! some tAo weeks. Funeral Thursday. The deceas ed was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Truax, and a fine woman. SOLDIER'S LETTER. Corp. Levi II. Garland Tells His Ex perience Since Leaving U. S. Cliatillon, Sur, Seine. November 28. Ill 18, ThankHiiivinc Iy. Dkau Bkotiikk: While I was Hitting here watching the rain fall so beauti fully my mind ban diifted back to i year ago today, while with my wife we ttcte seated aioiind my mother' table with a large turkey in the cen tre, ami today I am aliiioul five thmir, and miles away in a foreign country. Hut I thought I wduld take a few moments of my leisure time and write you and tell you all a few of many experience, since I have land ed in France. I nhall begin with July 31 Ht. While torrents of rain were beating down upon the parched earth, we were called out with our full equipment and about six o'clock we bid farewell to our comrades in Camp bee and otarted through rain and water for the port. After bik ing about eight miles we arrived at City Point, there the 111 Cro-H i sued U!-plentyf hot eofT-e, chewing gum and cigarette, and believe me, they wero nurely appreciatt rl, for we had had nothing to eat for several hour and were wet through. Wh took a small boatabout JO o'clock that Highland drifted down the liver t Newport News and landed about ten the next morning. Thai after noon we ascended the eang plank of a large station transport and about an hour afterwanU that great mass of steel wai shoved out in the briny deep. You cannot imagine the in ipiration as land grew dimmer and dimmer, till at last we found our selves surrounded by bin" water and (ierman subs. We were attacked on each of the following davs, respect ively, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 11th. I do not have time to' go into detail about ach but shall give u few dut.iils of our attack on the 11th of August. I was down in my birth when all at nice, a tremendous cannonading be 'an and I rushed up and climbed up m one of tbe large derricks and wit nessed one of the fiercest h.tll'es on water. Ojr ship wan fortunate enough to escape without a scratch but our sister ship just on our right, received a large torpedo and began to flounder but was hastily towed in with the other ves""'" The battle lasted about two b . o or more and we were tbe conquerors, for what subs were not sunk sneaked away in old German style. About five hours later we cast anchor and waited for daylight to enter tho magnificent Harbor of Brest, which wo did the next forenoon. Then on the after noon of the 12th, we decended tho gang plank'and started in a hike for a rest camp, and reached it about sunset. It was ono of Napoleon's old camps where his famous troops several years before, had trodden. After spending a week there we left for a rail head and late in the even ing we stepped aboard a western bound train, and after two days and nights anived at the Classification Camp near St Aganian on the 20th day of August- That afternoon wo started again and hiked till about night when we arrived at an old French barn, just about famished with heat for it was ono of France's hotest days- St) we soon fell asleep and were awakened by tho clear nous of a distant bugle. As the sun was just appearing up over an E intern city we started up for breakfast. But unfortunately for mo I had con tracted tho Spanish Iiill tcuzi and waa sent to a hospital while my out fit went to the front. After spend ing twenty days there, celebrating my 23rd birthday the second day of my sojourn in the hospital, I loft there on the 10th of September and went back to theClassifiualion Camp. I spent a few days there and in an adjoining camp. Then we started for the front again,, and after a bike of several kelometers we took a box car and rode for.two more days and nights and arrived at Chatellon, Sur Seine, where we still are stationed, a few miles back of where the liue was. You all must remember that this is a very brief sketch of my experi enoes. I don't have time or space to describe all oar stops in various cities and plaoes.'but my experiences i that I have bad are worth rnillious to mo, and more too shall bo honor ed by the people iriKte.nl of being chini-ili il a a shirker. I lmve t'iv'n UJ l'iv home .11 il InVC'il npi H to ilo try nil'' -mi i t . i I nf in ;une, ii- 1 miii Um veiv'lioi oi luahh and weinii about 1 t!0'l.-i. I chill close for thin time, w th lov- f'-r yon nil. Coin'. Lkvi 11. (Jai!I.ani, and Corps School Oi'ii'l-, (Jo. A. A P. 0. T30, Am. K Forces Franco. Great Historical Dcuin;rjt. President Wilson's address to Congress on November 11, fol lowing the signing of the armis tice by Germany, will stand out as one of the world's greatest historical documents. Next - Sunday, December 29, this wonderful address, beauti fully decflrated, and containing a photograph of the President, will be given free with "The Phila delphia Kjcord." It will be done in rich photogravure, size 11 by 15 inches ready to frame. Every American would be proud to i ave this histoiic treas ure framed and hanging in his home. And here is a friendly hint : i you want a copy, place an order for next Sunday's "II c ord" with your newsdealer as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. 'J horn is Ileder and two sons Harry and Melvin made a tiip to Chund ersburg early nn Christmas morning tuid spent the day with their son-in-la v and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Adam West. The road was muddy but Mr. lleeder said Christmas only came once a year, and they would spend the day with their daughter. Flnlclcy Elephant. An etcpliioit, in 1 it 4 nntlve Innrt, Tin1 n 1 1 1 1 1-4 1 Juli to liinl vlril hi' likes to :it. C'.inlrniy to (In- geuerul hellef, he will ll't eul nnytlilliK. lull lie seli-ets cure fully Urn liest nf roots, Ih-iIis. fruits mill Villliilis ve'eliililes. When 111 enp tivity, lie ents nluiiit the saint' Idml of fodder, Willi a few exceptions. Includ ing puslry, lire-id, nuts (cliiclly pea nuts) mid sniiicotlii'r jiooilics which may lie ofTered to him. Kli-phniils eat no kind of meat whatsoever; they will only eet pure grown food or clean bread or paslry. , Know Whortleberries? Very few people, we suspect, have tasted whorlli-hf itIcs, and many do not know what lle-y are. There is nn excuse for tlieir Ignorance, us rxl nerts were long in douht whether the fruit, was I he same as the Mllicrry ; hut now they are agreed that I hey are one. The Scots call them hlaehcrries on ac count of tlieir color, which is a genuine lilue, mid so in Hie "Merry Wives" Pis tol Instructs (lie fairy to "pinch tliem blue as bilberry." Birds Speak a Language. The birds and animals do not use n great many words or sounds, but they can certainly understand each oilier, writes (ieorge I'.ui'bn In the Colunihiis Dispatch. That Is, they are nble In converse with each other to Rome extent. There Isn't any doubt libout It. They bave (heir alarms- ol danger; they bave tlieir distress calls; they have their softer tones 01 affec tion. Caesar's Wounds. In n paper read before the French Aeadmiiy of Medicine if was declared Hint although .lelius Caesar received .'to wounds when be was murdered only one was fatal. The first blow produced only ll slight wound, but Hie second, which penetrated the walls of tbe thorax, was mortal. After the first blow Caesar fainted and then Ills ns suilaiils struck at lit in repeatedly. Twenty-Four Hoer Time In China. In China time Is calculated on n basis of a 21-lnmr nt retch instead of two 12 hour periods, as we are still dolntf. This Is Indicated by n time table of the Shanghai-Nanking rail way. We have, for Instance; Tanynng, 12:li!1; Chltiklnng, 12:."2; Nanking, H:1.r; Pukow, ir:.0. Italy also Is ns Inff 21-hour time. The day begins ut ene o'clock in the morning and ends with midnight as 21 o'clock. Teach Child to Love Pictures. A child's taste In pictures enn be ciilllvated by having In bis room pic tures which are good both ns to color mid subject. Pictures dealing with nature In any form are always at tractive to n child and If they nre hung low In the room so that the child enn even handle them K lie wants to, this adds much to his enjoymeut Docks' Electrically Equipped. Electricity plays nn Important part In the equipment of plerc It Is used for the operaliou of the Are pumps, tho sprinkler system, lire nlnrm, for trucks, lighting the Interior of the pier nnd for the protective lighting outside of the pier, also for' the move ment of freight cars by electric loco motives. Had to Have Their Tobacco. In the Revolutionary war long pipes Were smoked with great delectation by the Continental troops, nnd when to bacco wns dilllcult to obtain ninny of the soldiers would go out of their way to get la contact with bauds of Itiner ant Indians, who always had a goodly upply of the weed. MIGHT BE OF VALUE TO HUNS Some Real Object In Their Learning the Meaning of Good Old Ameri can Word "Nuff!" In (lie halcyon days of youth nnd the country school, when two lints had nn argument that could only he settled hy resort to fists, and nil the. hoys foregathered in the wood lot adjoining tho school to witness the nli'iiir, thcro was just one good old American word that ended the ilehato. The hoy on his hack with streaming nose nnd battered optics yelled "Xtiiri" Then the victor let him up, and further hostilities were called oir until the loser had gained in weight nnd ngility. . There is a legend of Aguinaldo, handed down from Spanish war days, to the effect that when the American .haul am weight, Fiinston, was pressing him hard, tho Filipino leader sent his secretary foraging through the small domain still under his control fur an Ihiglish dictionary. Ho finally relumed with the precious hook, hut could not Hud the word he wauled. It was "XtilT." There is n suggestion here fur sur rendering ('ioniums. Villi their ob session for clliciency, it is a reproach to them that they have not thought of it before. Instead of yelling ''Kanierad," let them substitute "Xuir." It is two syllables shorter. Our lads are terribly miick on the trigger, nnd many a man has un doubtedly lost his life while yam mering out these extra syllables. San Francisco lhilletin. THE CREAT LAKES. Creat Lakes has some sweet tooth. Tossibly it is just ns" well that there are no sugar bowls on the tables in the mess halls at the naval training station, for Jack evidently gets his share of sugar in other forms. During the past three months rec ords show that the sailors have spent ijil ",'5,000 for candy. This amount buys on the average of 50,000 pieces of bar candy every week, not count ing 20,000 bars of chocolate, 10,000 boxes of craekerjack nnd 15,000 packages of cookies and cakes in the saino length of time. In seven days ibout 20,000 cigars nnd 11,100 packages of tobacco are sold, not to mention the 1,0:20,000 boxes of matches. ' A 15 per cent profit is made on all articles sold in ships' stores and the proceeds go into the athletic associa tion fund. THE FAITHFUL ANEROID. A pilot left his aerodrome for n cross-country flight on a very misty da', nnd carefully set his aneroid. After flying for a couple of hours by compass he thought he must be Hear ing his destination. He could see nothing below him nnd so descended to 500 feet. On ho flew nt this height for another five minutes. De riding to land, he was about to make a magnificent volplane, when sud denly the mist cleared and he saw tho ground immediately underneath him, about ten feet below. His faithful aneroid still insisted that he was 500 feet high. The explana tion lay in the fact that the place where he was about to land was 500 feet higher a hove sea level than the aerodrome whence he set out. Trifles like this nre nil in tho day's work. NO PEACE ON EARTH FOR HIM. "I seo the kaiser is anxious for pence." ''1h3', after what he's done if tho war should end tomorrow and tho kaiser live to he 300 years old he'll never know another minute's peace." THE C ETA WAY. Tlio Kaiser Prepare plans im mediately for nn airplane that will travel to the moon. Draftsman Hut, your majesty, wc don't need such n machine. The Kaiser liut I may in a short time. J udgo. AND STILL GOING. " ' ' "Vat's dor news from der frondt?" asked one Ilerlin citizen of another. "Ach ! Der news iss dot der frondt is now vcrc der rear vns," replied the second dolefully. Koston Tran script. . CHEERING THEM UP. "Have you done anything to make tho people happier since you grasped the power?" "Yes," replied the Russian terror ist. "-I have had my funeral an nounced a number of times." THE HOMESEEKER'S OPPORTUNITY. $l;0()-Nlc 1 srrand well bill, cay 8 roni route on an elegant loi n(-ar churches and 80 ool, with concrete walks to erelloca'ed on a residential Btret city watei and a desirable home In every nay. Poaaesslon jfhen in 00 days, Call and examine. F. M. TAYLOR, MoConnellaburg, Pa. FOREIGNERS WILL BUY Citizens cf Foreign Birth Ready t3 L5?,d to Support Uncc S::a. ' ' f I r I lii nlnrl ncllve unili In ronml Injr up xiilisri-ipKiiMM fin- tin. Knurl Ii Liberty I i In I he Tlilnl Kcilcrnl Itescrve liislricl nre the people of foreign blilh. They have ;i line or Kiiiil.nl Ion fniiiicil mill premise that they will produce the ciii,ition nt the c-n 1 1 1 1 : i 1 1 . leliiils Imve Just been plven out by 0. A. Sclcliklewlcz, cnciiiIIvm sccre lin y of I lie Korelu'ii Limu'ii'l!' com mil lee. Mr. Kcleiildewlez upenlix sev en! I liiliillliiccs. lie d.il net propose fljnt Hie Korclun l.iinuiiiMe committee wouM be much! n.ipp'iiK In Hie nine pnicn which Klsirlii :!cpt ember 'S:li. llefoie iiicklinj: Hie fiiielKii hiimnouo people for Niilrsrriptioli he w'nnleil In know bow they were llxejl fur money anil how they fell iiImuiI Imyluii l.lhcr ty r.oinls. To ecl the fuels he iniule II lour of Hie h.illistrliil centers thrtumhoul the ilinlrcl, liilklns; lo Un people In their holl.es, in the milieu mill simps, nml In meellncs. "What I lenrneil wns a revelnllon lo nn," sahl Mr. Si-ienklewlc. "The forcinii-bnrit people have money In haml which shnulit be n Rolil mine fur us in lli.allin; the Kmnih Loan, anil lliey me mure than wllliiu: to invest II in bniiils If rightly approach, eil. I will li'no you some Instances lo show what 1 mean. In Slininoklii the Hon. Will'iim McI'iiUch lolil iiii nf a Pole who was In.hireil while winking in the iine. When be was brnnghl to the l.nspllal II was fniunl thai be hail SI' I wrappcil aroiiiul his anl.le. When ipiestinneil. he salil that he thought it was -;ifcr fur h'ni to keep the money with him. but thai he wniilil have put It into Mberly lloinls If he hail known what they were for ami what a gooil liivestinejil lliey were. "A man In Old Kovgp was emleavnr. ing for weeks to buy gohl amminllng lo $1000. When (pieslliineil where he bail bis thousand dollars be said be kept it bnme, ami wanted lo get gold because he believed II was mure secure I linn buyim: bonds nr deposit ing money In the bank. "In Clearlleld :l Slovak priest told me of a visit to Slovak homo where lie delected gold pieces in n bucket under n table, t'pon Ids perslsienet. to nnd the purpose of keeping gohl at home he found thai there was SS.'.n, ami the woman fTionght It was i In only Mfe way of keeping her money, t'pon bis persuasion she lie linsMed most of tbe money In the haul!, nnd we expect 11 to come out during tin? next Liberty Loan cam paign. "The chairmen of those different dislrlclH declared that lliey bave no trouble with foreigi.ers The only thing needed I a vignruus campaign mining those people speaking differ ent languages." Mr. Sclenkiewi.-. established effi-c-llve cnmniillccs of different nationali ties which already are out rounding up "prospects" for bond pinchase. The Koieign Language I)i vision In Philadelphia Is ready lo start the drive. A series of jieetings lias been arriinged for next week. The Seamliiiavlau people will meet on Thursday night to discuss tlieir plnns for the campaign. The Hungarians nre gelling ready for the first time to. take part in the drive, mid show their loyalty to this eounlry. Tin Polish committee notllieil the secre tary lluil they are wailing for word from the headquarters, and that their force is ready to open the campaign .1. It. Noynre, I he chairiuan for the fJerinnn-Ainerican committee, wrote to Judge lliilliiU-Vn : "Our eounlry Is calling us iiguil. ; I inn ready lo re-, spend, so is nnr ,,omiytl loo. We shall be glad lo serve flgain whenever yon command." SHEAVES AMD SMELLS Along (lie Vesle river Hie shells nre falling hy the thousands Into the strongholds of the enemy. They are exacting ll terrible loll of life from Hie lierman ranks. They are forming barrages behind which the Yanks are pushing fiiiwaril. always forward. They are demolishing trenches nnd barbed wire entanglements. Occasion ally they are demolishing ml enemy ammunition dump. They are fcentinR Hie Hun backward toward tin Hhlne. And over thousands of fertile acres through this broad laud Hie sheaves are likewise falling into Hie yawning nioullis of the threshing machines, Streams of golden grain are lilllng Hie granaries nnd elevators. The yield has been exceptional. Kew nre the fields Hull have jiot set n new production mark. And Ibe price Is better than It has been In tunny a de cade. Like the Shells, the Sheaves will help In beating back tbe Hun. Kor not only will they furnish sus tennncc to Hie' allied armies in the Held. They will nlso contribute ma terially in furnishing the militant sup plies of warfare. Iland-in liand Hie sheaviTj ,,,l shells will serve. Tho fanner has done well Ills part In production, lie will reap' liaml soniely In profits upon bis season's work. And having done so lie will lie In heller shape Hum ever to help Ms country further through Hie pur chase of Liberty Ponds. And bis country, more than ever now, expects Ii i lit lo do this. Ttuy Pond", nnd liny Knrly. The Man Who Knows. No one knows better how some trrent tnsk Intrusted to some ono else ought to be done than a man of no prnctlcal experience of his own. Ohio State Journal. tuslness Woman. "Ah, here comes Mr. Hocks. I'll be nice to blm and maybe he'll make love to me so my husband can sue hlin for alienating my affections." M 7i P fv. :' ' 8 UV H We started last week about Fall Underwear but got too busy to get it to the printer. We wish now to say that wo wero fortunate in getting WOOL UNDERWEAR for men at $2.25 each, and the Wool Union Suits at $3.50.-and these ARE WOOL, too. Men's cotton union suits I 7G to 2.25; Men's heavy fleece-lined shirts and drawers at 98 to 1 20. Hoys' and Misses' underwear separate and union 18 lo 1.00 each. Men's sweater s 1.50 to 4.50. BLANKETS Horse Hlankpfs. 1 n n 7 HO T?rtl I'll -?- Its OrT to 7.50. iMcn's and Hoy' Men s Cord pants lined all through, 3.1)0. Men's 36 inch work shirts 1.25. Single-barrel SHOTGUNS 10 and 12 gauge 7.50, fullchckcd, shells of all kind . k We .have a full line of Nevcr-slip goods this season 1 1 ana at the right price. 50-11). heavy tinned lard cans 05 cents; butcher knives 15 to 35 els. Coal oil 13 els. a gallon; holdfast shoe nails 5c. The Heaviest stovepipe at lio cents a j ,int; elbows, 20 v cts. Eureka fodder yara-nice goods net all tar, A 21 cents a pound. I Rubbers Rubbers We have a nice lot of rubbers of all kinds, and at V the right price. We handle Goodrich and Hall A Band goods. Shoes k Our line of shoes never ! iUia tall . C, y.t would rather they would advance the price and keep A fi up the quality, than keep the price down and take j y it out of the shoes. j I Just received a nice lot of MISSES UNIOX SUITS V I at 45c suit, and some Men's Ileavv Under-shirts nt V 75c. Come in nnd we think dav's wattes and show " J- . ' 1 1 . 1 1 uuju rce 111 an uic stores. Thanking you for past service. HULL & TO OUR PATP.ONS AND FillENDS: We extern! cur best wishes for a lirosperoi.H uml happy New Your nml. respivtfiilly mriicit 11 con tinuance of jou." piitronajjo. SHINNEMAN, McConnellsburg. Chambersburg. I'liimiwmjaJi' ii.wihwm'.w ,mn - NOTICE TO During Decem ber We Will Pay $3.75 Delivered to our plant in McContiells- burg. Soe Mr. Prank Tntle, our lo . cal manager for further iuformation. Cumberland Valley Creamery and Dairy Co. rTTT.rPfYM nnTTrxrnpv TnTTCWp in T II Ll T1UIIII . $L50 a Tear in Advf f I , A to lellyou something: r V Mackinaws 4.50 to 10.00. A A Shoes was in better shape than i .. 1. . ..i. we can save you a good f vmi snnu i'o.ul ilmt von f r ' V 1 1 favors, wc arc at your BENDER i v vW --i-tisw.rw. -1 FARMERS Per Hundred for All Whole Milk U U I 111 I IMI V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers