The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 26, 1918, Image 4

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V v
FULTON QOUNTY NEWS.!,, 0 urimi crmmr
Published Every Thursday.
l55Ut5 VYAnNInU
Increase in All Respiratory Dis
eases After the Influenza
Epidemic Probable.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprieto
DECEMBER 26, 1918
Published Weekly. $1.50 per
Annum in Advance.
Bitre4atthePotoffloe at MoOonnallsburi
Pa., as leoond-olaM mU mailer.
Fousework is a Borden.
. Woman's lot is a weary one at
best. Bat with backache and
other distressing kidney l is life
indeed becomes a burden Doan's
Kidney Pills hare made life
brighter for many McColnells
burg women. Read what Mrs
Lucinda Clevenger, McConnells
burg, says: "My back achod
bady and 1 couldn't do my house
work. I had d zzy spell and
chills and was annoyed by blad
der complaint. Often swelling
appeared under my eyes, 1 wa
nervous and was troubled bj
rheumatic twinges. I bought
Doan's Kidney Pills at Trout't
Drug Store and they removed
all signs of the trouble."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don '
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills th
same that Mrs. Clevenger had
Foster-Milburn Co, Mfrs.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Results of Experiments Made by Ital
ian Physician Said to Be of the
Highest Importance.
The tuberculosis cure upon which
Professor Monaco of Rome has been
working depends upon the novel
plan of creating an impossible en
vironment for the tubercle bacillus,
instead of destroying the organism
directly. The studies began more
than a decade ago, when small hypo
dermic injections of sugar solution
increased the secretion of milk in
goats, but large injections dimin
ished the secretion, the composition
of the milk being unaffected. Since
then it has been 6hown that sugar
has a like influence on such secre
tions as saliva, bile, gastric juice
and pancreatic juice. An explana
tion being sought, a marked expan
sion or contraction of the blood ves
sels has been found to correspond
with small or large amounts of sugar
injected, and action in stopping
hemorrhages and on the gland sys
tem has been shown. The experi
ments suggested that sugar might
affect the bronchial secretions of tu
berculosis. In the early tests on
tuberculous soldiers, marked im
provement has followed, and cough,
night sweats and fever have ceased.
It is assumed that stopping the
bronchial secretion by the sugar in
jections has taken away the medium
essential to the life of the bacillus,
thus eliminating the cause of disease.
Are yon good
friends of the
I should say so.
"We're taking care
of their canary,
bulldog and gold
f.Bh while they're
away on their vacation.
Scientists In a Fair Way to Solve My.
. 'tery Attaching to the "Fairy
I Lamplighter."
I Just what the secret of the fire
fly's light is the scientists have not
as yet discovered. Three necessary
factors have been found water,
oxygen and a photogenic or light
producing substance; but a fourth is
probably involved which has thus
far defied all research. The chil
dren say it is the fairy lamplighter
iwhose wand lights the little lamps
.that add so much to the beauty of a
Hummer's night. However, a method
thai been evolved of extracting and
drying the light-producing organs
cf the firefly without impairing the
power of the substance to phosphoresce.
The dried material may be ex
tracted with water-free solvents. It
as ground up into a powder, and wa
ter containing oxygen is added,
which gives the golden glow without
the assistance of either the firefly's
will oi the fairy s wand.
"Uncle John," said a young sol
dier to an old Confederate veteran
in a Southern city, "what do you
think of the war by now?"
"Well, son, said the old man,
, "you see, I ain't been readin' much
euf late, but I'm still of the same
v". ''U1 1 always was. I don't think
have evei
' ""'ft'' Hpe had ought to
Influenza Expected to Lurk for Months.
How to Guard Against Pneumonia.
Common Colds Highly Catching lm.
portanceof Suitable Clothing Could
8ave 100,000 Lives.
Wellington, D. C With the subsid
ence of the epidemic of lnfluenaa the
attention of health officers Is directed
to pneumonia, bronchitis and other
diseases of the respiratory system
which regularly cause a large number
of deaths, especially during the winter
season. According to Itupert Iilue,
Surgeon General of the United States
I'ubllc Health Service, these diseases
will he especially prevalent this win
ter unless the peoplo are particularly
careful to obey health Instructions.
"The present epidemic," suld Sur
geon General Iilue, "has taught by bit
ter experience how readily a conc'.ltlon
beginning apparently as a slight cold
tnny go on to pneumonia and death.
Al though the worst of the epidemic la
over, there will continue to be a lurge
number of scattered cases, many of
them mild and unrecognized, which
will be danger spots to be gunrded
agulnst" The Surgeon General likened
the present situation to that after a
greet Are, saying, "No Are chief who
understands his business stops plnylng
the hose on the charred debris as soon
as the flames and visible fire have dis
appeared. On the contrary, be con
tinues the water for hours and even
days, for he knows thut there Is dan
ger of the fire .rekindling from smol
dering embers."
"Then you fear another outbreak of
Influenza?" be was asked. "Not neees-
surlly another lurge epidemic," said
the Surgeon General, "but unless the
people learn to realize the seriousness
of the dunger they will be compelled to
pay a heavy death toll from pneumo
nia and other respiratory diseases.
Common Colda Highly Catching.
"It Is encouraging to observe that
people ore beginning to learn thnt or
dinary coughs and colds are highly
catching and are spread from person
to person by means of droplets of
germ lnden mucus. Such droplets are
sprayed Into the air when careless or
Ignorant people cough or sneeze with
out covering their mouth and nose. It
Is also good to know that people have
learned something about the value of
fresh air. In summer, when people
are largely out of doors, the respira
tory diseases (coughs, colds, pneumo
nia, etc.) are infrequent; In the full,
as people begin to remain Indoors, the
resplrutory diseases Increase; In the
winter, when people are prone to stay
In badly ventilated, overheated rooms,
the respiratory diseases become very
Suitable Clothing Important
"Still another fnctor In the produc
tion of colds, pneumonia and other re
spiratory diseases Is carelessness or Ig
norance of the people regarding suit
able clothing during the seasons when
the weather suddenly changes, sitting
In warm rooms too heavily dressed or,
what Is even more common, especially
among women, dressing so lightly that
windows are kept closed In order to be
comfortubly warm. This Is a very in
jurious practice.
Could Save 100,000 Lives.
"I believe we could easily save one
hundred thousand lives annually in
the United States If all the people
would adopt the system of fresh air
living followed, for example, In tuber
culosis sanatoria. There Is nothing
mysterious about It no specific medi
cine, no vaccine. The Important thing
is right living, good food uud plenty of
fresh air.
Droplet Infection Explained In Pictures.
"The Bureau of Public Health,
Treasury Department, bus Just Issued
a striking poster drawn by Berrynmn,
the well-known Washington cartoonist.
The poster exemplifies the modern
method of health education. A few
years ago, under similar circumstances,
the health authorities would have Is
sued an official dry but scientifically
accurate bulletin teaching the role of
droplet Infection In the spread of re
spiratory diseases. The only ones who
would have understood the bulletin
would have been those who already
knew all about the subject The man
In the street, the plain citizen and the
many millions who toll for their living
would have had no time and no desire
to wade through the technical phrase
ology." .
colds, Influenza, pneumonia, and
tuberculosis are spread this way
Copies of this poster can be ob
tained free of charge by writing to the
I'.iirgron General, U. S. I'ubllc Health
lirvlce, Wiishiiir-on. t. i
Work for Better Times.
To what signifies wishing nnd hop
Ing for better times? We mny make
these times better, If we bestir our
selves. Franklin.
Spasmodic 8ermon.
Men are known by the company they
keep tind companies aro known by the
men they keep.
Optlmletlo Thought
It Is a tare Indication of good sense
to be diffident of It.
, S. Public Health Service Warns
Public Against Tuberculosis,
One Million Cases Tubercu--losis
in United States Each a
Source of Danger.
Influenza Convalescents 8hould Have
Lungs Examined Colda Which Hang!
On Often Beginning of Tuberculosis.
No Cause for Alarm If Tuberculosis
' Is Recognized Early Patent Medi
cines Not to Be Trusted.
Beware tuberculosis after In-
fluenza. No need to worry If ;
you take precautions In time,
Don't diagnose your own con-
dltiou. Huve your doctor exum-
lne your lungs several times at
k monthly Intervals. Buildup your
strength with right living, good
food and plenty of fresh ulr.
Don't waste money on patent
medicines advertised to cure tu- '
Become a fre.di-alr crank and
enjoy life.
Wnslilngton, D. C. (Special.) Ac
cording to a report made to the United
States Public Health Service, the epi
demic of Influenza In Spain has al
ready caused an Increase In the preva
lence and deaths from pulmonary tu
berculosis. A similar association be
tween Influenza and tuberculosis was
recently made by Sir Arthur News
liolme, the chief medical otllcer of the
English public health service, In his
analysis of the tuberculosis death rale
In England.
In order that the people of the Unit
ed States muy profit by the experience
of other countries Surgeon General
Itupert Blue of lliu United States I'ub
llc Health Service has Just Issued a
warning emphasizing the need of npe
clal precautions ut the present time.
"Experience seems to Indicate," says
the Surgeon General, "thut persons
whose resistance bus been weakened
liy an attack of Influenza aro peculiar
ly susceptible to tuberculosis. With
millions of Us people recently affected
with Influenza this country now of
fers conditions favoring the sprwud of
tuberculosis." '
One Million Consumptives In the
United States.
"Then yon consider this a serious
mennee?" was asked. "In my opinion
It Is, though I hasten to add It Is dis
tinctly one against which the people
ran guard. So far as one can estimate
there are at present about one million
case of tuberculosis In the United,
States. There Is unfortunately no
complete census uvallablo to show ex
actly the number of tuberculous per
ilous In each slate despite the fuct that
most of the Mutes have mude the dis
ease reportable. In New York city,
where reporting has been In force for
many years, over 35,000 cases of tu
berculosis ore registered with the De
partment of Health. Those familiar
with the situation believe that the ad
dition of unrecognized and unreported
cases would make the number nearer
50,000. The very careful health sur
vey conducted during the past two
years In Framlngham, Mass., revealed
200 cases of tuberculosis In a popula
tion of approximately 15,000. If these
proportions hold true for the United
States as a whole they would Indicate
that about one In every hundred per
sons Is tuberculous. Each of these
constitutes a source of danger to be
guarded against."
What to Do.
In his statement to tlio public Sur
geon General Blue points out how
those who have had influenza should
protect themselves against tuberculo
sis. "All who huve recovered from In
fluenza," says the Surgeon General,
"should have their lungs carefully ex
amined by a competent physician. -In
fact It Is desirable to have several ex
aminations mude a month apart Such
examinations cannot be mude through
the clothing nor can they be carried
out In two or tlme minutes. ' If the
lungs nre found to be free from tuber
culosis every effort should be mude to
keep them bo. This can be done by
right living, good food and plenty of
fresh air."
Danger Signs. j
The Surgeon General warned espe
cially against certain danger signs,'
such as "decline" and "colds which
hang on."
These, he explained, were often the
beginning of tuberculosis. "If you do
not get well promptly, It your cold
seems to hang on or your health and
strength decline, remember that these
are often the early signs of tuberculo
sis. Tluce yourself at once under tha
care of a competent physician. Tuber
culosis Is curable In the early stages.
Patent Medicines Dangerous In Tuber,
"Above all do not trust In the mis
leading statements of unscrupulous
patent medicine fakers. There Is no
specific nrdlclne for the cure of tuber
culosis. The money spent on such
medicines Is thrown away; It should
be spent Instead for good food and de
cent living." V '
. A Sweet Job.
"And now, Rlnce you have come out
and asked us, Clara," said the Indolent
and youthful editor, "we may as well
confess that our Idea of a strenuous
Job Is turning wild honey."
Misconstrued Silence,
"ne who says nothing Is never mis
quoted," remarks a philosopher. No,
but sometimes his wife accuses him of
sitting there thinking things. Boston
Transcript. ..
Indian Superstition.
A Rtudent of Indian customs relays
that among (he Seneca tribes was cue
remarkable for its beauty. When u
maiden died the Indians Imprisoned a
youDg bird until It first began to try
Its powers of song, and then loading
It with messages and caresses they
loosed Us bonds over her grave In the
belief Hint It would not fold Its wlng
nor close Us eyes until It had flown tu
the spirit land und delivered Us bun
den of Direction.
Accuracy Better Than Speed.
. People who go In for speed record
are not ns wise as they think they are,
for speed without accuracy Is of no
avail. True, time Is at a premium In
every line these days and we should
not under any circumstances waste a
minute unnecessarily. But If we aren't
sure about uny phase of our work we
must take sufliiient time to go Into It
and not rely on chance to help us
where we can possibly help ourselves.
Monument to Genius.
Amid the ruins of the capltol at
Rome, on October 15, 1701, Edward
Gibbon formed the resolve to write
"The Decline and Full of the Roman
Empire," and on the night of June S!7,
17S7, nearly twenty-fhTee years later,
In the summerhouse of his garden, the
last word wns written, but In those
laborious years Gibbon had built an
enduring monument tu his own genius.
Explanation of Snow Line.
The snow line Is the estimated alti
tude, In all countries, where snow
would be formed. Even at the equa
tor, ut un ultllude of from 11,000 to
12,000 feet above the level of the sea,
snow Is found upon the mountain tops,
and lies there perpetually. Proceeding
north or south from the equator, the
snow line, of course, lessens in altitude.
Sardine Oil.
A new Industry has lately become
established on the west coast of
southern India for the manufacture
from the sardine of fish oil and gua
no, according to report. Previously
sardines In many thousands of tons
had been dried whole on the bench
for mnnure, but by this wasteful
process nil tho oil was lost
Lorraine Madden ia all i mile -,
Ita a Farmerette.
Mr. and Mrs Divid Kneppor
mt d a business trip to McCon
nelMjurg rrceotlv, and caIM on
Mr. Knrppcr's alitor ' Mis.
Amanda U .ger.
A number of nur young: pcop'e
attended the fat mer's institute
at Uustontown.
Mrs. Waiter llorton of NewJ
York spent a coup'e days visit
inp her ci usin Mrs. Wra. Knep
per ' Mi 8. UurXon is a pot grad
uate nurse and has been spend
ing much time nursing "Ila" pa
tients if Now York.
Wiss Huh Lit ss, who had
spoilt a few days at Petersburg,
has returned to her Lome at this
pin CO.
We arp having p'enty of rain
at present.
There will be Sunday Scho 1
9:30 at. Ceiter nex, Sunday. Ev.
erybody come.
Martin GrUsmger is r mploytd
at the tVountiin. The mill
row in charge of John Gri&sirg
M"-. ard Mrs. Charlie VVilsor
and family are visiting at W. D
Miss Beatrice Kneppcr spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
her ulcIs Howard Barnett.
Korean Women.
In Korea women occupy a plnco
111 society which has no parallel else
where In the Orient. They are both
better and worse oft than In China or
India or Japan better off because
there are more fields open to them,
worse because they are overworked,
often Ill-treated, and uutll recently
were actually enslaved.
Pretty Compliment
Winie had as a neighbor a larger
boy named Itobert, of whom he was
fond. He would wutch for Hubert's
return from school, as he knew he
woidd play with him and amuse him.
One day he wus asked why he liked
Itobert ho well and he said, "Robert Is
just like a papa to me."
Defense of Automobile.
Out nt the old country church tho
mule nnd buggy has been knocked
higher than n kite by the automobile
because automobiles don't break loose
like the mule did, nor do they gnnw
the shade trees In the churchyard.
Commerce News.
What of the H. C. of L.T
Ton cannot play with dollars unless
you nre an Idiot. No dollars can put
Into your mind ony thought worth
ivblle that was not there before, and
good thoughts nre the reul wealth.
Washington Times.
Beyond Power of Law.
To stop a woman's tongue Is be
yond tho power of the law. A man
asked a Itelfast magistrate for a sum
mons the other day to stop bis wife's
tongue, as she talked too much. He
wns told that the law could offer Mm
no relief.
The Difference.
"Of course, It seems funny," said the
facetious observer's wife. "Hut the
evening gown Is for the woman who
Mays up most ull night, und the night
gown Is for the one who goes to bed
about nine o'clock."
It Is possible for a fellow to kick up
a lot of dust on the highway of life
without making very good time.
We have yet to read of a female
spy who Is not also a beautiful society
woman. -
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accept d
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
Fou Sa'e, Span of borsov r ib'.v
live years old. I qi onf J h
Llebnor, one halt n i wi'st ol
Las-h'ey posttffic ll . U fan town
hip. 11214
M EN fl'ANTIX- ! , . r,o' f rf, Car
penters tleiputb, chauics Hel
pers, Firemen, Trackmen, Slock
Uuloaders, (Joiu Oven Men, and
other help., Good wages and
strady emplovroeot Apply tc
burg, Pa. 8 23 tf
Fou Salk What is kt;own a-
the S E Koher farm, Chen j
Grove, 125 acres, 63 cleared, rest
in Umber, gntd 6 roomed house-,
back barn, tine cpnng at door. and ternn risrht. l'jr
iUi iher particular h ir qmreof the
owi er, E J Git AY, K 1, Uox75F,
Tares Spnugs, Fa.
Real Estate.
By virtue of an order of the Or
ohans' Court of Fulton Couity, the
undersigned administrator of Annie
M. Herbhey, deceased, will sell at pub
lic sale on the (.reinUes, In New Gre
nada, Fulton County, Pa., on
Saturday, Dec. 28, 1918,
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following de
scribed real est te, to wit: consisting
of a HOUSE AND LOT, adjoining lot
of Mrs. F. O. Mills on the south, on
the north by lot now or formerly o'
Jehu Cunniugham, on the east by pub
lie alley, and on the west of public
street, containing about 0000 squ an
ted of groubd. The dtv lling house h
a two-story frame building, In good
repair and the location U an attrac
tive onolnthe ceuter of the village ot
New Grenada, being but four miles
from Uobertsdale The other improve
ments are a s ab e aud other b lid logs
. TKltM Tenty-five percent when
proper y is 4. balance at confirma
tion of bale y :l: v'ourt.
12-12-3t V'Jminlstrator.
For Fulton County for the Current Week, Approved by Food
Administrator John K. Jackson.
Articles. Retailors Pay
Bacon, . 4oJc per lb.
Keans, Pea 12 to t3o per lb
Beans, Lima 13 to 13jo per lb
Bread, store wrapped 1 lb loaf,. - ?io
Bread, Btore wrapped f lbloaf. Ot
Butter, Country 42 to 45o per lb
Cheese, Cream ' 3fi per lb
Corn Meal, 10 lb bag 6O0
Corn Starch 10 to 11 per lb
Kgga 6O0
Flour, Barley, per lb 6I0
Flour, White Corn, per ib Cio
Flour, Ric8. per lb 11c
Flour,' Whrat), pi r Ib I10.6U per bbl
Hams,.v. 33c per lb
Lard, Country ' 30c per lb
Oats, Rolled 6 per lb
Rice lloperlb
Salmon, Pink l?o
Salmon. Red 2"o
Sugar, Granulated ' f 9.87 to 110.07 cwt
Buckwheat Flour 7o lb
Rajlni. seediest Ho
Hominy , , , , io
Consumer Py
50c per lb
15 to 16c per lb
16 to 18o pEr lb m
45 to 50c per lb
40 to 42o per lb
55o -13
to 14 per lb
60 per lb (21 lb $1.40
38o per lb
32c per lb
8c per lb
14o to 15c per lb
llo tolU lb
80 lb..
Rayo Lamps
A central draught
lamp that produce! a
aoft, clrar and rentful
light Many beautiful
del 1 Una to chooae from.
Safe and eaiy to keep
clean. See your dealer.
Rayo Lanterns
Give U14 mont light
for oil conauined. Cold
and ht blaat atylea.
Easy tolidhtand clean.
Stay lighted In the
trongei-t wind. Sea
your dealer.
"Don't have to make
so many trips now"
You should have a Perfection Oil Heater, too.
No one is sure of Betting a full supply of mnl
this year. When you have a Perfection you
can keep warm and comfortable with less coal.
And that is what everyone should try to do.
A Perfection is safe. Of course you can use
any kind of kerosene, but
will five you the most heat. It is known by
this special name because it is a special kind of
kerosene. It lias unusunl qualities thnt give
unusunl results. No odor, smoke, sputter or
charred wicks, but an even, steady heat or a
clear, mellow lijjht always. Use it in your
lamps and lanterns.
Go to your dealer now and select your Per
fection Oil Heater. They are reasonably priced
-5.65 to (10.00.
The Atlantic Refining Company
Evtrywhert in Penniylvania and Delawart
The Fanner Receives More Than five
Thousand Dollars a ImlQ From
Swift & fepany
This amount is paid to the farmer for live
stock, by Swift & Company alone, during the
trading hours of every business day.
All this money Is paid to the farmer through
the open market in competition with large and
small packers, shippers, speculators and dealers.
The farmer, feeder, or shipper receives
every cent of this money ($300,000 an hour,
nearly $2,000,000 a day, $11,500,000 a week) in
cash, on the spot, as soon as the stock he has
just sold is weighed up.
Some of the money paid to the farmer dur
ing a single day comes back to the company in
a month from sale of products; much does not
come back for sixty or ninety days or more.
But the next day Swift & Company, to meet the
demands made by its customers, must pay out
another $2,000,000 or so, and at the present high
price levels keeps over $250,000,000 continuously
tied up in goods on the way to market and in
bills owed to the company.
This gives an idea of the volume of the
Swift & Company business and the requirements
of financing it. Only by doing a large business
can this company turn live stock into meat and
by-products at the lowest possible cost, prevent
waste, operate refrigerator cars, distribute to
retailers in all parts of the country and be
recompensed with a profit of only a fraction of
a cent a pound a profit too small to have any
noticeable effect on the price of meat or live stock.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
"I don't see why you find fault
with him bo much."
"lie's a blundering fool."
"That may be, but he's a young
man, and he's very ambitious."
"Oh shucks. The kaiser was am
Mrs. Willcrs IIow did you got,
this lovely material for 29 cents a
Mrs. Datus We mobilized out
side the store, marched in wedge for
mation and surroundded the bargain
counter by a flank movement.
ery -V