THE FUI.TON COUNTV KWS. MrCONNELLSBDRO. PA. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man wai really never down-and-out. Hii weakened condition because of overwork, lack of exercise, im- f roper eating and living demands stimuli ion to satisfy the cry for a health-giving innctite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength. GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. Tbey are' wonderful. Three of these capsules each day will put I man on hii feet before he knows it; whether hit trouble comes from urio acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or atone in the bladder, stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-realous Amer ican. The best known, most reliable rem tdy for these trouble ia GOLD MEDAL llsnrlem Oil Capsules. This remedy has stood the test lor more than 200 yean since its discovery in the ancient labora tories in Holland. It acts directly aDd gives relief at once. Don't wait until you ire entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. Ac cer.t no substitutes. Look for the name (iOLD MEDAL on every box, three sizes. They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Adv. What He Say About Hit Wife. To Ills Neighbor You will find my wife, sir, extremely fulr nnd Just In oil mutters, I nssure you. To His Hutler Your matrons will direct you In everything. She Is a per fect housekeeper. To Ills I'ortnor Yes, my wife Is ex trnvi.pi'iit, but how can I help that? To His Sister She Is n wonderful nii.i:i'Pt'i', Is Allele. I never saw a wonmn who could ninUe a dollar go so far. To His Rest Friend Yes, old man, oil women, ns you say, are alike, and I guess my wife Is no worse than the rest ot them. Life. How's This ? We offer $100.00 tor any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak n Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Bold by druggists for over forty years. Frlce 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Piano Conveyed by Airplane. I'lanos by uti-plane Is the latest use to which these wonderful machines are being put. One of the new large allied bombing planes, In order to dem onstrate Its carrying capacity, brought from London to Pnris a full-sized up right piano. The machine landed In Purls safely. The airplane Is capable of carrying six persons nnd much bombing explosives. When this weight Is measured In pounds, however, It Is not readily comprehended, nnd It was determined to bring over a piano ns striking evidence of the machine's ca pacity. Cutlcura Complexions. Nothing better than Cutlcura Sonp doily and Ointment as needod to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft nnd white. For free earn. pies address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Bos ton." Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv. Discovered A New State. Frauds was sitting nt the table dili gently studying his next day's geog raphy lesson. After poring over the map of the United States for some time he turned to mother with the question : "Where Is the state of Innocence?" "What do yon mean, child?" mother asked In astonishment. "Well," explained Frnncls, "the teneher told us today that Adam and Eve wns born In the state of Inno cence, but I can't find It on this map." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Ppnra iha Signature otXs&?J?2f In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Some Difference. .Tack Rnrrymore, tho actor, was In i croup who were cracking conun drums, when he asked : "Now, you fellows seem very clever nt such things, so tell me what Is the differ ence between a mosquito nnd an ele phant." "The difference?" nsked one. "Yes," answered Rnrrymore. They all gave It up, when tho actor, walking away, said "Their shape." When Babv la Teething HaOVBg BABY ill US ML MHJblUNH will OorwiOt leu. Bin directions on tho battle. This Man No Wanderer. Fifty years in one Job Is hot a com Bum thing thorn- days, but that Is the splendid record of a man nt Tarn.. worth, New South Wules, who wns a collar-maker for fifty-one years. lie swept out tho Methodist church week' iy for fifty years, has been in the choir for forty yenrs, and In tho town hand forty years. Ho 1 now seventy years old, ami Is still working and like ly to be so. .Good health depends ur-on rood digestion. "right's Indian Vegetable Pills safeguard ur digestion ana your health, yonlo ell as purgative. Adv. His Mother's Accomplishment. Theodore, aged four, was visiting relatives In tho country, lie stood watching his aunt preparing to light the kitchen Are, and observing his In terest, she Inquired If his mother, too, burned wood. "No," he answered dejectedly, "she don't burn wood." Then his eyes Jlchted ip nnd he added triumphantly, "hut she burns the dinner sometimes 1" -Harper's Magazine. Keep eean in,lda well ss outside by taking !';Mle laiatlre at leant once a week, such sa "octet Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Adr. Copying Their Elders. Hohert and Harold had been angry t each other for several days. One "ny they arrived home from school Jfiu in arm nnd when Robert was ques Korett, ns to his sudden chnngn of h('Mt, he explained: "Mo nnd Hnrold "ened nn armistice this morning." Cheerful Giver. Are you ninklne nresenta thin fair?" "Yes; I expect to kill about IOrty friendships." pt Is producing fuel ens from "fetabU refuse. IMPROVED UKV0EH WTEMATIOMl SMfSQDOL Lesson (By REV. P. B. FITZWATEM, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1918, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 22 THE BIRTH OF JESUS. LE8SON TEXT Luke 2:8-20. GOLDEN TEXT For unto you la born this day In the city of David a 6a v lor who Is Christ the Lord.-Luke 2:11. Note: Since the lesson committee has suggested the birth of Jesus, a Chrlstmus lesson, ns an alternative for this day, doubtless for most classes It will be desirable to use tho Christmas lesson and substitute the alternative lesson for the review on December 20. The birth of the Saviour occurred at a most propitious time. The need wns great, for tho systems of morals and religion were tottering upon their foundations. It was also u tlmo of great opportunity, for tho wholo world was under one rule, making It posslblo for evangelists tp go from city to city and country to country without fear or molestation. The place of his birth was Rethleheiii, as tho prophet had foretold somo seven hundred years be foro (Mloill 0:2). God permitted tho emperor to enforce a decree of taxation Just at the tlmo to cause Mnry to be nt Itethleliem when sho gave birth to (he Saviour. That which the Word of God has announced shall most surely come to pass, though Its fulfillment seem most unlikely and unreason able. The surroundings of his birth were the most humble sort. The Al mighty Creator condescended to take upon himself humanity to be born In a manger, becoming the poorest of the poor that none might be hindered from coming to him. I. The Saviour's Birth Announced (2:8-14). 1. To Whom Shepherds (v. 8). In the first ChrlstmiM service the audi ence wns composed of humble shep herds. The glorious gospel message wns first sounded forth to these hum bio men while watching over their (locks by night. Poverty Is no barrier to (he reception of tho gospel message. God does not reveal himself mainly to the princes and great men of tho earth. "Hath not God chosen tho poor of this world, rich In faith nnd heirs of tho kingdom?" (James 2:5). Neither did their devotion to their calling exclude them from this greatest favor of God. Moses, Gideon, Amos and Kllshu were called by the Lord from the busy ac tivities of life. He never calls the Idle. The Lord has no use for n lazy man. The working man is God's pe culiar Interest. 2. Ry Whom The Angel of the Lord (v. D). Tho first gospel sermon wns delivered by the angel of the Lord. Angels, (he exulted ministers of God arc Interested in men (Hebrews 1:11), nnd this one announced unto men God's plan of salvation. These beings no tluuht sincerely sympathized with poor, sin-cursed, fallen men. 3. The Message Good Tidings (v. 10). (1) A Saviour Is born. Surely this was a gladsome message. Heath en darkness which had so long cursed tho earth was beginning to vnnlsh. The casting out of Satan, the prince of tho world, was about to take place (John 12:31). Liberty was about to be proclaimed to those In bondage to sin. The way of salvation was about to be opened to nil. So glorious was this news . 'nit n multitude of the heav enly host iwcompnnlod this announce ment with their snug of praise. It Is through Jesus Christ that God's kind ness and good will uro mude known to man. (2) Pence (v. 14). Pence with God peace of heart peace with man. How Incongruous this message with our time I The world wnr was tho re sult of not receiving this blessed mes sage. (3) Joy (v. 10). The gospel message Is n Joyful message because It frees from sin nnd removes all tho burdens of (his world. II. The Shepherds Make Investiga tion (2:15, 1C). Though these things seemed pass- J Ing strange to them Uiey did not stop to question or argue; they went straight to Rethleheiii and found everything Just as tho angels had said. They had the glorious privilege of gazing upon the world's Saviour tho very Lord of glory. III. The Shepherds Witnessing (2: 17). When they saw the Lord they could not remain silent. They were Im pelled to make known abroad tho good news. Those who have heard the good news of salvation through Christ nnd have verified It by personal Investiga tion must tell It to others. The angels said that the good tidings of great Joy should be to all people (v. 10). The gospel of Christ Is for till people re gardless of nationality or condition. It. Is Just ns really good news to the king ns to the peasant. It fills the hearts of all with Joy. IV. The Shepherds Praising God (2:18-20). The testimony of tho shepherds hud a varying effect some wondered, and others kept the sayings and pondered them, hut the shepherds wont back glorifying nnd praising God for nil they had seen and heard. Those who have believed (ho gospel message nnd proclaimed It abroad have a peculiar Joy which must express Itself In praises to God. Evidence of Christianity. Tho best evidence of Christianity Is the life of the Master brought down to date. As Jesus was the Incarnn tlon of tho Father, wo must Incar nate tho mind and splrlth which were In him. A man who had greatly wronged nnother was freely fort'lven. As ho clasped the reconciled hand of the mnn he had sorely Injured he said, with entire sincerity, "Now I know that Jesus lives!" Man's Right If by any means n mun can heln It. he has religiously no right to bo dys- peptic pr deformed. I'lillllps Brook How Christ Reveals Himself By E. J. PACE Acting Director Miiiionary Course, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TEXT Now ye are the body of Chrlsi nd members one of another. I Cor. 12:27 Imnglne a slave-trader writing bymn like this: Quiet, l.ord, my forward heart, Make mo teachable and mild; Upright, simple, free from art, Muke me as a weaned child; From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleases thee. Rut It so hap pens that John Newton was not n slave-trader when hewrotethls. From a blasphe mous, brutal bI a v e d r I v e r cracking Ids cruel lash over the bucks of his black chuttels, he hud become one of the most sainted of our hymn writers. If over a man " p ii s s c d fro ii. leath unto life,' "from the power of Satan unto God," It was this sweet singer of tho Christian church. Some one else had taken possession of John Newton's personality; had softened, sweetei ed and molded It Into his own likeness and Image, and that one wn Christ. The transforming power of life lias been utilized to Illustrate the manner In which the Lord of Glory transforms humanity Into his own likeness. Tht figure used Is that of the human body, amazingly Intrlcnte In Its makeup, yet, In nil Its variety, a wonderful unity. A living personality dominates Its every part, causing every utom of mntter to pulsate with Its own life. Every atom of this body of mine once lay dead In the senseless clods of the earth, a highway for worms. Now, they are mine, nnd they have passed from death unto life. Ry the power of this life present Within me, they have been transformed Into living tissue, formed Into myriad cells, assembled nnd ar ranged to suit my particular needs, the whole becoming my Soul Revealer. The Foul Is sometimes Kpoken of as "Imprisoned in u tenement of clay," but Is this true? The body does not shut In and conceal the mml, but Just the contrary. It Is the great roul re vealer. Indeed, so far as we have any experience, It Is the ooul's only re vealer. We can know nothing about each other save us wo reveal ourselves through the acts of the body. Our characters are written plainly ncross our faces so that even "he who runs may read." The sublime truth which the New Testament teaches that the Spirit of the Infinite God lays hold upon us who are dead In trespasses and sins and takes up his dwelling In the hum blest believer In Christ. Through llieso believers, In whatever place or time, the Spirit of Christ reveals him self to the world. Gml has many ways of revealing himself, but In the moral world only one, and that Is through mortil agents submitted to his loving control. Does the world see In me any thing to suggest the character of Christ? Is the world led to sense the presence of the Master In my conduct of business affairs? Io my compan ions In the home who know me most Intimately, appreciate the control of this divine life? Rut to be u true re vealer, the body must bo The Bond Servant. The body Is not only the revealer, but also the servant of the tuml, and Just so far as reveals. With one sovereign will controlling every part of my body, every member alive und alert to obey, I urn enabled to do my work in (lie world with delight nnd ease. Rut If any member refuses to obey, what hindrance and loss re sult! And has our master no object to nt tain? What must be the yearning of his great heart to bind up the world's iruel wounds in this crisis, nnd how ran ho perform this ministry of heal !ng except through tho yielded obedi ence of the members of bis body? God grant us the will to surrender to him. nd that habit of alacrity In our obedi ence Unit delights to do his will. This old world bus no greater need than this. "Ho that dootli the will of God ubldeth forever." My will la not mine own. Till tliou hunt muilo It thine; tt cannot reneli a monarch's throne Until Its crown resins; tt only elunds unbent amid the clashing strife, When on thy bosom It has leant, And found In thee Its II fo. dcorBO Matlieson. Divinely Appointed Process. We nre to look upon the monotony and the hardships which meet us lu mr experience as a divinely appointed process. To stand them, we must seo them In their true proportions, ugainst the bnckground of tho will of our Fa ther. They do not come accidentally Into our lot We need not steel our selves to endure them as if they wero irrational Interferences with us. Best take them cheerfully, as the sort of experiences through which every one hns had to pass under the discipline of the Father, not excepting tho sou him self. Value of Thinking. Thinking, not growth, makes man hood. Accustom yourself, therefore, to thinking. Set yourself to nndei stand whatever you see or rend. To Join thinking with rending Is ono of the first maxims, nnd one of the easiest operations. Isauc Taylor. Road to Happiness. Man's use and function nre to be tho witness of the glory of God, nnd to nd vunce that glory by his reasonable obedience and resultant happiness. ttusk'lu. J S " '-riff Temperdnce (Conducted by the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union.) HOW ALCOHOL ENSLAVES. "Why should the drinking of alco holic beverages be habit-forming and not the drinking of soda or milk? What, If anything, makes nlcohol dif ferent than any other substance In this respect?" In a recent number of American Medicine, Dr. Carl Scheffel of Roston presents these questions. He an swers them thus: "In the formation of the drlnk-hnblt the snmo mental factors play an Im portant role as In the formation ot any other habit, but In the addiction to alcohol these normal psychological factors are tremendously Influenced by the toxic action of alcohol Itself, In that It narcotizes certain brain struc tures and Interferes with their nor mal functions In a very definite man ner. . . . Under these clrcum stances the mind can no longer be considered ns sound, for the controll ing Ideas nre no longer uble to Inhibit opposite Ideas and there Is great dan ger of chance Intrusions entering con sciousness to the detriment of the In dividual. "In drunkenness the person's field of consciousness has been greatly di minished by the toxic action of alco hol, and In hypnotism the same mental state has been produced by the sug gestions of the operator. In drunk enness the subject Is controlled by the sight, smell, taste, and desire for al cohol, Just as the hypnotized subject Is controlled by tho verbal or written suggestions of tho operator. . . . "The Intemperate man finds In alco hol n desire und temptation that he cannot overcome alone and unaided. Once alcohol hns become master ot the personality, the threshold stimulus required for Its subsequent Indulgence has become greatly lowered, and ns repeated actions have accumulative In fluence, a man may easily become a chronic alcoholic." DRINKING WINE. "'You must drink wine In I'rance' Is an injunction that enjoins," says As sociation Men, organ of the Young Men's Christian association. "There Is little dilliculty and less expense In getting water that Is pure or can be made safe by boiling or Altering, and that Is cheaper and safer than the plain red wine of the country.' Kvery American enmp has Its properly pro tected water supply. Oim of the most pernicious hallucinations that has ever (truck men going over to France Is that tbey must change their habits, their principles and their v.ny of think ing, when they reach continental F.u rope. No man will be handicapped by puritanical habits. Our men who have been In France for months come back robust and strong who have never touched wine. Itishop Mi-Council ami others declare that this talk about the necessity of drinking wine Is all tom my rot. When a man breaks from the settled habits of bis lifetime, drops the standards that he has stood by, whether It Is wine drinking, cigarette smoking, clean speech or stern stand ards, he loses bis grip on other men ns well ns himself. No man can put on religion ns ho puts on n chink In France. It hns got to be tho genuine thing or It Is soon discovered and de spised. The strain of the work and the temptations of the nuuntry over come him and to which more than one man has fallen," says Association Men, organ of tho Young Ven's Chris tian association. BOOZE INSTEAD OF BREAD. The New York Tribune gives the fol lowing figures showing the amount of food sacrificed to drink during one year : Four million people could have been supplied with rye bread for 100 days. Fifty-six million people could have been supplied with cornnieal for 100 days. Sixteen million people could have been supplied with rice for 100 days. One hundred million people could have I. it'll .supplied with 18 pounds of rice each. One hundred million people could hnve been supplied with one gallon of molasses each. Two hundred nnd eight million two hundred thousand loaves of bread could have been made from the rye. PROHIBITION CITIES LEAD THE NATION IN BANK INCREASES. Itradst reefs report of bank clear ings In IH) cities shows prohibition cities well In the lead In the rate of Increase. The list Is headed by Tulsa with a percentage of Increase of So; after It comes Muskogee with 70. Okla homa City with (10.3, Atlanta with fifl.. Richmond with 51, Wichita with i'.'.2, Denver with 4.U. The highest wet city Is St. Joseph, with 41.:t, which Is Ighth In the list. A CAUSE FOR PROHIBITION. "The ninteiial ruin of tens of thou sands of families," says Archbishop Messmer, "and the moral ruin of tens of thousands of young men nnd wom en can be traced to tho saloon. It Is this universal fact, not fanaticism, that has caused a tidal wave of prohibition to roll over the land." A nation that can borrow of Its citi zens nine billion dollars In n year does not need to dicker with brewers, dis tillers or llipior dealers for money to curry on the wnr. The Commoner. TWO GLASSES. (Revised Version.) There sat two glasses, filled to the brim, On a rich man's table, rim to rim ; One wns ruddy and red as blood The other was clear ns the crystal flood J The one was water as you have Kiiessed The other one fessed strawberry It must be con- Wns Boda; for nothing stronger Stands on the sideboard roy loDger. Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take cascaraE? quinine Standard cold remedy for 20 yean In tablet form Mfe, eure, no opiates breaki up a cold In 24 hours relieves irip In 3 daya. Money back if It fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. HUl'a picture. At All Drug Stores. Glenn's Sulphur Soap No other toilet soap is as effi cient in clearing' the com- plexlonof blemishes. The sulphur Purifies (All DrutfUU.) Contains 80 Pure Sulphur. HHPs Hslr Whlsksr Dys, llssk sr mm, l HIS ADYICE TO SUFFERERS Mr. H. T. Strlgbt. of m Arabella St., Knoirllle, PIltAUnrtth. Ha., suffered for 2U years wltb stomach, lifer, bladder, kidney trouble and aathnin. During bla suuVrinits, be tried eTerrtbliitf udrlsed to blm, whlcb coat blm a furtunu. Hii botilesnf the Hon, 1'rof. Dr. loa. Iloriiinti'a borll IIIimmI I'url llor proved to him Its merlin. 'J'hla Master Keniedy can be received by parcel pout, prepaid, three bottles fc'.ou. fr'nrspeclal adrlco and testimonial, alve trior oiiiib diagnosis of vonr cue. K. r HKITIiokglt, Manufacturing Chemist, Currlck, I'ltubumbi I'a. RfiOK0. "'lf IMdlnaophjr) "Manterlng Vital For Nllea U. l.ood Active, 1'. O. llol 210- A. ChU'iiKO. 111. Prospective Disappointment. "Yassuni !" said Sister Mautlio Wad dles. "We's done whupped tie Ger mans. Mali husband Is over dar, nnd I reckon he made a hand at It. I s'pects when dat black man gits home he'll be so puffed up he'll think he can whup me. Itight den nnd dar he's gwlne to 'skiver dat I ain't no Ger man." Kansas City Star. RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION FOR THE KIONEVS For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Moot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp Hoot is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver ami blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all drupnists on its merit and it should help you. So other kidney medi cine h.iB so many friends. lie sure to get Swamp Hoot and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Ilinglinmton, N. Y., for a fample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. His Consideration. "Hiother .Johnson, that dog ah! howls most distressingly," said the presiding elder. "If there Is nothing the mutter with Jilm wouldn't It be n good idea to make him cease his ulula tlon?" "Aw, I d'know, parson," replied Onp Johnson of Ituinpus Itldge. "That there hooraw hain't overly entertain ing, for a fact, but It's the poor var mint's lily of music. And when any bodydog or person is trying to do the right thing I believe In letting blm alone. Kansas City Star. Grove s Taatrleaa chill Tonic restores Ttiantr and t.npriry bjr purlfvintt and en fleams t bo blood. You can ttHn rmjliuSlrongUi ening, lntiauratlnx MiTucl. ITicedUo. A Lifetime Job. Askett Win; I tlo you think should lie done to punish the kaiser and his sons. Tellum Put 'em at hard labor for the rest of their lives. Askett What would you suggest? Tellum Make the old man clean nnd press all his uniforms and put the boys at polishing up their tin medals. You Are Dying By Acid When you have Heartburn, Gas, Bloat, and that Full Feehng after JJ-ii''ftrs' Rids you of the Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel the GAS driven out of your body-THE BLOAT GOES WITH IT. IT GIVES YOU REAL STOMACH COMFORT Sold by dniKplHta irenfriilly If yoar ilnnriflHt enn't supply yon a blir bo of Kntonlo for 60c, send uh this ndv. with roar namp nnil address and we will acnil It to you ynu can at ml ua the 60c after you get It. Address Kutonlo Remedy Co., 1010 S. Wabiiab Ave., Clilenuo, III. That After Effect. (From the observations of a cynic.) I saw a ddfe after a Pat. I saw a cat after n rat. I saw n young man after my daughter. I snw my neighbor nfter the almighty dollar. I looked nt the fnfinlteslmal bit of change I received from thnt 6nmo dollar ufter buying a dozen eggs. I heard the plaint of the wife after her husband got home nt ' n. m. I heard one of these after-dinner speakers. I mil fed up on this after-the-wnr stuff. I heard of a workman after higher wages. The preacher dies to score mo nbout this after life. I snw a boy take after his father. I snw another fellow nfter my Job nnd I snw a chap tho morning nfter the night before. I don't need to see the knlser nfter the wnr to convince me thnt this life Is Just one blunkety blank thing after nnother. Indianapolis Star. VAIIM Granulated Eyelids. H II II r Ey1 inflamed by expo lure to San. Doit and Wind IPlfAr quickly relieved by Marine Y rJS fyeBemtdy. NoSmartinf, 7 Just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists or by mail COc per Bottle. For Book si the Eye free write n Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. TOWN FATHERS KEPT BUSY Municipal Authorities of Danzig, Ger many, Seem to Have Had a Hand In About Everything. Frauleln Gertrude Hnumer, In the diary which she contributes to Die Hit ft, quotes the following from nn official memorandum Issued at Danzig: "Tho town deals in coal, babies' soothers, methylated spirits nnd petro leum, old clothes nnd wooden soles; It fattens pigs and geese nnd breeds fowls and rabbits; It cooks dinner nnd supper every day for inuny tliTmsands of people; It provides labor und horses, distributes prizes for horse breeding, ft t it 1 places orders for army supplies; It estimates the harvest and counts the cattle, extracts fat from bone, nnd sells vegetables and fruit In certain shops; It dries vegetables nnd makes sausages; It allots laud for potato and vegetable growing, and Itself cultivates land ; It collects or organizes the col lection of nettles and fruit stones; it buys wood In Germany and In the oc cupied territory; it kills beasts and makes Jam, examines applications for leave from the front, and provides the farmers with manure; It revises the prices of bread, mutches, meat, boots and various foods, catches fish, and supplies machinery ; It collects copper, n 1 ii ti 1 1 nut n and brnss; and It distributes sugar for Jain leaking, and regulates the feeding of sick persons and ba bies." ' EASY TO SEE HIS ERROR Yankee at Once Perceived Why Eng lishman Hdd failed in His Ex periment With "Fog Bricks." ltecently an American was showing an English friend about the cnpllal. "Our government Is very econom ical," said the American. "When we've an extra thick fog they suck it into a big cistern and convert it into paint for buildings." "Ileally?" said the Drltisher. "Talk ing about fogs reminds me that my brother Invented a machine for com pressing fogs Into bricks, and one thick November day he turned out enough material to build a country house. "Yes, he did. lie moved Into this new house the next April, and was a happy man for two weeks, until one morning he found himself, also his family, lying out on the cold, dump ground In company with some bits of furniture and some miscellaneous Join cry. The house hud gone, lut It wns the thickest morning ever seen In those parts. Of course, you can guess what bud happened. In the night those fog bricks hail somehow got back Into their original element. "Well," drawled the Yankee. "I reckon yer rel'tlve ought to have glazed those bricks." I ion Tit -Hits. Make It your life-rule to stamp your best upon everything that goes through your hands. I r. Orison Swett Marden. n a settle Canada. Canada's invitation to iWH JiPTT. 'UMI IHavmwiBauuaai Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta is especially attractive. She wants farmers to make money and happy, prosperous homes for themselves by helping her raise immense wheat crops to feed the world. M You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free or other lands at very low prices. land at $15 to $30 per acre that wheat to the acre it's easy to become prosperous. Canadian farmera also grow wonderful crops of Oats, ing is fully as profitable an industry grasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches: , markets convenient; climate excellent and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Supt, of Im migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to J. P. JAFFRXY, Cor. Walnul Broad Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Canadian Government Acrnt eating. TAKE ONE (FOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) "Nuf Sed." The following sign appeared recent ly on the door of n llaltluioro busi ness establishment: "Store closed dining alterations." The name of the firm Is Casey Cohen. Tou never con know how superior to other preparations Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" la un til you have tried it onee. A amide doo cleans out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv. His Chance. The teacher was teaching the inenn Ing of some new words. Among them was tho word "monopoly." She told of the monopolies of KliznlioUi's reign nnd then of somo of the present day. Then to make sure that every one un derstood It she decided to make u more specific example. "Jnklc" she turned to tho son of n pawnbroker "suppose that there was n great snow on the ground nnd that all the sleds this town held be longed to your father. What would he then hnve?" Jakle's eyes grew bright nnd his voice eager ns he flashed back tho an swer: "A chance to make a lot of money.' Neglected, calumny soon expires,, Women all over the world reall.-s more and more that their work at hoin ; helped the men at the Front. It In volved great sacrifices, hard work nnd uutisunl physical strength. Women at home should sludy nursing -for the home. A good way to leans Is to nsk your druggist for a copy or send .Kjc to publishers of the "Med ical' Adviser," CG3 Main St., nuffalo, N. Y., and get a copy of their 1 ,000 page book bound in cloth, with chapters on First Aid, Taking Cure of the Sick or Wounded, Physiology, Hygicno, Anato my. Sex Problems, Mother and Uube. Nobody, man or womun, can do good work when health sis impaired. If a woman is nervous or has dizzy PtH-lla, a-.'ffcrs from awful pains at regular or irregular intervals she should turn to a tonic! mauo up of herbs, and without ulcohol, which makes weak .women strong and sick women well. It is Dr. Pierce's Fsvori j Prescription. Send Dr. Pierce, LituTul,., N. Y., 10 cents for trial package. PhilmltUthia, a. "I n in vory (lelicat! h (-tilth in inv ritily mar ricil life. 1 lirn utir duy my Itu-ilmnd brouM mo humv a bottle ul 'Favorite l'rr-riit(!Q' nn J urKiil inn to ii it. I found MlrtiKtb nml relii-t in the timi bottle HIiiJ kept t:iKlll( it until I wan in p-iiict IWItli. For yeni. h.ut nrtl:4 (e'i-!nli d upoo ttiu 'i'rt'.-icriptiori to give me st it' tij; ill iir!ti expect unry nnd iVrt vwis HQ ri'imition al JSJ7 E. CUmentino $t my earlier expfHrnre." This Larrj2 Bottle of YAGER'S LINIMENT contains twice as much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment and lasts 'he average family for months. It quickly alleviates pain caused from rheumatism, sciatica, neu ralgia, sprains, etc. Sold by all dealers. Price 35c. OILItFIlT llKOS. rn..Ttaltlmnr,ML Kill Dandruff With Cutlcura flW Sk A" ilniPir!tif Hoap .1. (lliilrticnl ,'V i It Iltl .A 1 ilrlHli.. Sri Hi I'll ritrh f freeof "CltirBr. Dfpt I, M3n " .einelwoSBercftfs Ti'. rt ...;rrt..."m.rt that's what thousands of farmers H say, who nave cone from the U. S. to on homesteads or buv land in Western every industrious worker to settle in Where you can bny good farm will raise 20 to 45 bushels of $2 . Barley and Flax, mixed Farm as grain raising. Die excellent Write for literature PATENTS S Watson E.Coleman, Talent l.awyer,Wt.imiUal Bates reaionabla. UUhaalreferaDcM. Uouaenleaa. Virginia Farms for Sale All aiies and pneea: rains to bo had: enfty paTutenui eomo and aeo us first: l '! In the. tuiln.s; mea land SMI l.i I1W por acre, One lima sent free nn annileiulor. U. t. UOUOAKD i CO., Norfolk, Vlrglnliu IN X'Sli t'OU S3 VDAItS The Quick and Sure Cure lor MALARIA, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE l( Is rower; al Tonic mid Appetizer Will curs tlint tired ferlliia:, pulua In buck, llnilia aud head. Coiiinlna ni quinine, araenlo or Iiabit-loruiliiu Ingredient. AIRPLANES Won Ihe War tTvTn. nmcbnnto. Leurn how to build airplanes. Manufac turer and UnvennueM need trained men. Let us taai'h ynu how to build four own airplane. Our ouunw In praetlral airplane, eonttraetimi quallnea ton. We hat laiiiht hundreds of others, ao ean aehyoo. No book-dudr at our achnol; pracUcal Jura only. Write for Illustrated booklet, "tl. II." V. H. Ah.HO SCUOOL.M l ark Una, Mew Turk. Old. Folk's Coughs will bu reliered promptly by Tlno's. Stops throat tickle i relieves irritation. The remedy tested by moro than fifty years of use ii W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO mm teg? A V-rwi -KRA1T - m 1 u Ml H) fit cil im It 'V' 7? ft ilf rfgjgj&sif lor SOc I PIS