The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 12, 1918, Image 8

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German Coal Fields as Secnrity.
There isnodoubtsayB the Phil
adelphia Inquirer, that by the
treaty of peace Germany will be
required to make restitution for
the devastation committed in
France and Belgium, and also to
pay for all the shipping; which its
submarines, have Bent to the bot
tom of the sea. Justice demands
no less, and when the damages
shall have been appraised the
amount of the indemnity to be col
lected will be stupendous.
From what sources shall it be
derived? And as the liquidation
of this liability must extend over a
term of years, what security shall
be taken for the due performance
of the obligations which Germany
must perforce assume? Those
are the questions now engaging
the attention of the Allies' states
men and it may be assumed that
in their consideration of them the
opportunities offered by the West
phalia coal fields will not be over
looked. It is not perhaps generally
known that Germany's supply of
coal is immensely greater than
that of any other European coun
try. France and Belgium to
gether have an estimated coal
supply of 28 billion tons. Austria-Hungary
has about 55 billion
tons of this indispensable min
eral, while the British mines are
computed to contain 189 billion
tons. Here is a total for the coun
tries named of 272 billion tons.
Far in excess of this figure is tne
German aggregate. TheSileaian
coal fields are estimated to con
tain 160 billion tons. There is a
like amount in the Westphalian
fields east of the Rhine, and there
are other important coal mines on
the western side of that river.
Altogether, Germany has coal in
view to the extent of about 409
billion tons, and it is to the pos
session of cheap fuel in practically
unlimited quantities that its in
dustrial expansion is in large part
Here is an inequality which
calls for correction if the com
mercial equilibrium of Europe,
upon which the preservation of
peace is more dependent than is
eenerally understood, is to be
established, and its correction
could not be more effectively or
equitably accomplished than
through the appropriation of the
Westphalian coal fields on each
side of the Rhine as part payment
of the indemnity to be demanded.
They should be divided in just
proportions between France and
Belgium, and France should also
receive the Saarbrucken basin
with its estimated coal reserves
of nearly 60 billion tons. With
the surrender of Alsace-Lorraine
France has regained the Briey
iron district in its totality, and
the juxtaposition of the Briey jron
and the Saarbrucken coal would
be a very important industrial
Germany cannot possibly pay
more than a small fraction of the
indemnity in cash, but it can pay
in coal and that will be an accept
able equivalent.
Sale Rcgiser.
Saturday, December 14, Thom
as Benson havitig sold his farm,
will aell at bis residence 1 mile
west of Dublin Mills 2 work hor
ses, 8 bead of cattle, buggy, har
iiess, farm machinery, corn,
buckwheat, cornfodder;cbickens
etc. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock.
Oq turns greater than live dollars
3 percent off for cash, or 6 months
credit J. M ChesDut,auctioneer.
Thursday, December 19, Alii
son S. Greenland, having sold bis
farm and intending to break up
housekeeping on account of the
death of bis wife, will sell at bis
residence 2 miles southeast of
Wells Tannery, horBes, cattle,
bogs, grain, bay, farm macbin
ery, household goods, etc. Sale
will begio at 9:30 Credit, 6
months. J. M. Cbesnut, Auct.
Thursday, December 26 Oli
ver Pleusinger intending to quit
farming, will aell at his resi
dence. 2 milea southwest of
Need more, horses, cattle, farm
machiuery, oats, corn, fodder, 6
h. p. gasoline or kerosine en
gine, feed mill, household goods,
etc Sale begins at 0 o'clock,
sharp. Credit 8 months.
" Saturday, December 28 flos
well Htaioes, administrator" of
the estate of Annie M. Hersbey,
will sell bouse and Jot in New
vGrDtdt at 10 o'tlec' on the
fibove named day. xt"eo bills.
Be a Booster
There's nothing to be gained by nursing a grouch. It will not help your business. It will not help you.
Be a booster for your own business, any way.
We are boosting for our business in a modern way right now. We want more business. We have built
up a good, strong, creditable bank. The more patrons we have, the stronger our bank will become. We need
your business. We want you to do business with this bank. But this is only one side of the question our side.
We can also help you. We safeguard your funds. We offer you every accommodation afforded by any reliable
banic. It's to your advantage as well as ours to make our bank your bank.
Capital, $50,000.00. "... Surplus and Profits, $48,000.00.
. Tremendous Sale of Garment
We have put our entire stock of coats, suits and dresses on sale at very much re
duced prices. Here is a chance for Holiday investments you cannot
afford to miss; an noil mi ted assortment in smart models.
. v.. -
(9 ,:, 1 BWHKTIOi m Mttl
COATS : Uero you wi.l find coats of
individual distinction, styles that will meet
witb your instant approval, in the season's
most p J ular material, showing the beauti
ful Evora cloth, silvnrtones, crystal cloth,
Bolivian, Worumbo, Velour, Kersey Velour,
Uroaddoth and Duvet de laine; most any
wanted thade or color can be supplied. All
beau tu ul up to date models.
SUITS : Here is an opportune selling
of woman's suits, lu so complete an assort
ment, and in such excellent qualities, that
tvjry woman who Bees them will realize the
advantages of immediate selection. They
are thown in all the fashionable colors and
in such materials as Velour, silvertoue,
Duvet de laine, poplin, serge, broadcloth
atid bunlla cloth. They are notable for
their smart lines.
DRESSES :-Io an almost unlimited
number of designs, thown in Tri colette,
serge, Bilk, crepe, stin, charmeuse, taffe
ta, velvet and combination dresses. Many
stunning models are shown in this assort
ment, any one of which will prove to be a
good investment at the prices asked, this
early in the season.
The above garments represent our entire stock, together with a few choice mod
els bought for the occasion and are offered in advance of our usual mid-winter
sale, giving our patrons a real chance for Holiday gift savings.
Chambersburg -- - - - - Hagerstown.
G. W.
& Co.
Have a large line of
Avoiding (he Flu.
The influenza is not disappear
ing as fast as it was hoped. The
situation imposes upon everyone
the duty to watch himself closely
and keep away from it, and also
as far as possible not to carry it
toothers. If you have a case at
home, don't go among people who
might catch the malady. We
strongly suspect that there is
much thoughtlessness in this re
gard. If you are subject to the
flu, don't endanger other people,
even if you escape yourself. We
are told that the epidemic may
last into the winter and that is
possible if people do not exercise
greater "are than they seem to be
doing. There is more danger to
the community in carrying it than
in going where it is and getting
it. But if you get it, or think
you have, go home and stay there
till it is all over.
Farm for Sale.
What U known as the J. C.
Fore farm near Knobsvllle, con
taining 120 acres, 63 acres
cleared and balance in good
limber. The improvements are
good frame dwelling house,
bank barn and all other neces
sary building. Price and terms
right. Good ctanco. For
further particulars irquire ol
the owner. W. R. Uumhekt,
Knobsville, Pa. 12 6 2t.
Ladies , Misses' ando;
Children's Coats,
which they will be glad to show you. Prices
from $1.50 to $30.00. Avery
' rrrrr cIaoI -v f Vi
Underwear for Men
in wool and cotton: Also, for Ladies' and
Children, Boys and. Girls, as long
as they last. They are val
ues that we cannot
duplicate this
The Thrice-A-Week Edition of
the New York World
in 1919
Good Wheat Outlook.
The growing wheat in the val
ley of the Big Cove, and in fact
all over the County, presents a
most promising appearance.
The fall weather was most favor
able both for seeding and growth.
Remembering the early setting in
of winter last season, almost all
farmers seeded earlier than us
ual this season. Not for years
Koa th whnt InokpH better nor Mr. and Mrs. w. h. Heerner
. .. . . j .. j ' nmvrninftnied bv Miaa Ava Her-
Degun tne wmier period unu . t -r", t- M "Bnlhl
more favorable conditions. aat Friday.
y If You Have Property You Don't Want
If you want property you don't have, consult
us-VVe bring buyer and seller together.
McConnellsburg, Penna.
The scales seldom fail to reveal the truth, they are
a fair gauge of health. If you are losing weight and
are not feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re
place the loss and build up the powers of resistance.
a unique combination of tonic and nourishment
having, del mite recenxtmcuve properties, ennr.nes
the blood, resits vrirl-.t nnd irjpTto vigor .md
; ((D tona to the ulio'.fi r.y-ierw. H y i feel you!-.:!f lo,ing
VJ A ground, try Scoti's r ' - - ?i. ...jth-P.-Mw.
la Jail for Dog Tax.
Sooner than pay a license fee
of $1 for hta dog, William Shug
hart, a farmer living near Car
lisle, went to jail, declaring as
he did that "The Lord will de
liver me as he did Peter and
Shughart, who is well to do, is
a member of a peculiar religious
sect and believes that going to
jail for his beliefs is commend
able. He was convicted in crim
inal court last week after a
short trial, in which he declared
that to pay more than 25 cent
for a dog license was unright
eous and was sentenced to pay
the costs, the fee and $25 fine,
but refused to do so and deliver
ed a sermon while waiting to be
taken to jail. He claims that
the new (Jo tax law ii unfair.
Practically u Daily at the Trice ol
a Weekly, No other Newnpaper Id
the world gives ho much at ho low
a price. ' '
The value and need of a oewapnper In the
household wax never greater than at the pres
ent time. We have been forced to enter the
great world war and a large armr of oura la
already In Krunoe IlKhllnff griyfit batllen und
winning mugnlllcent vlotonm. You will want
to have all t'e newa from our troop on Ku
the moHt momentous year In the hmtory of
rope n bnulellcliln, and 101) nromWc to be
our unlvcr e.
No oihrr ncwupuprr at no .m ill a price will
furnUh Much prompt and accurate new i t
thee wo Id ahuklngevenlH. HIm nolneoewury
to Kay more.
Tub Tunica A-Wkkk Would' regular
uliscrlptloupilue In only 11.00 per yeur. and
ihltt puyM for ISe paper. We offer this un
eiliiullcd nrwMpuper and Till Kui.ton CuUNTT
Nbwh together for one year for U.i&,
Th rffiilp.uhunrlnLlnn Fnnca nf thA twn
papers I I2.M.
License Notice.
It In ordered thut all uppllcatlonN for llwnse
for the nuIu of vlnoiiH, NpirlloiiN, limit, or brew
ed H(iiorN. wholesale or retull, for the yeur
IIIIR, will he heiird onTuewluy, the 1 41 h iluy of
Jiinuurv. MIIU. ill III o'clock u. in., of h.IU iluy,
ut which time nil persoim upplyiriK or milking
oliJeciloiiN to appllcutionN, will ho heard by
evnleuce, petition, rciiioiiNtniuoe or oouihcI.
There inul he no nommuiilratloa at any Utiu
on the huliject wl h the Juilgt perNiiually
either hv fUcroriinv p Ivulo wv.
The petition, verllled liy anidavllof anpllciiiit,
Khali be in conformity with the reiulremeutH
of the act of AKsembly. Jmlgmeiil IhiikI hIiiiII
be eieinited In the pemil mini of two thoiiMiml
(if-Jmai) ilollarN, with uoIIcnhIIiiiii two reiutalilu
freeholdem of the county of Ktilton aN Niire
lli'N. each of them to be a bona lldo owner of
real eNluie In niiI 1 county worth, over und a
uIhiva nil IniMimbrauceN.'the niiiii of two llmuif
and dollarNoroneviilllclcntiiireiy where
the name In ii Security. TriiNl or Surety Com
P'Miv organized and existing UD'lcr thu law of
IiiIn Coininoiiweulth or under the lawn of any
olherKlate of the tlnltnil SlalrN of Aincrlo t,
duly authorized todo bu-lnes within the State
of I'eniiNylvanla hy the liiNurance Comiu hIiui
er thereof; to be approved by the Court grant
lug mich llcrmie and to he eoi dllloncd for the
faithful oliservanue of all the law of IbM.'oni
monweallh relating to the selling or iurnlnhlng
of vlnoim. HtilrltuoiiH. nialt or brewed liquor,
or any admlilure thereof, and to pay all dam
age which may be recovered In anv uiitlon
wh'ch may be liiNiliuted aguliiHl the IkmoHee,
under the provlnlonN of any Act of the An
Nvmhly, and all conIh, line and penullle Im-
Fnihed, upon "mil HcenNeeuDileraiiy Indlutment
or violating any Act of AKNembly relating to
telling or f urulshlng liquor a aforenald.
If any pemon In urely on more than one bond,
he Nhull cerll'y that he I worth four thounand
(l.iHi.tO) dollar over and auove all Incum
brance, und ovi r and above nny prevlou
bond he may be on a Hecurlty. 'I'he Niiretle
may be required to appear In Court andjuntlfy
undor oath.
The Court Nhall In all eae refuse the nppll
catiou whenever. In the opinion of the Court,
having due regard for the number and ehiirao
terof the petitioner for and agalUNt the ap
plication. Niich license Is not necessary for the
iccommiHlalJon of the piibllo and entertain
ment of slraugersnnd traveler, or that the ap
plicant I not a lit pemon to wboinsuuhlluense
ihould be granted.
Petition must be filed with the Clerk of
the Court of Ouarter 8elonN not later than
Saturday, the ill-1 day of December. 1UIH. ()b-
lectlouN and remonstrance mutt he Hied with
the Clerk of mi'd Cou t not later thau Weduea-
.lay, the 1st day of January, iuiu.
TTpon aufflulent enuse being shown or proof
being made to the Court that the party holding
said license has violated any law of the Coin
monwealth relating to the sale of liquor, the
Court Nhull, upon notice being given to the
pemon lioeiueu, revolts iiim license.
Hv the Court,
AtteM! P.J.
Nor. II, Ifll,
Shoes for Everybody
at reasonable prices lota of them selling
they must be right.
Domestics a f ull line.
We consider ourselve? fortunate to ho ahla
to show as good a line of outing as we Oj
have; but our early buying Vi
saved us. Si
rouwiu need lots or goods and we havo
them tor you at prices no one will beat.
Let us prove it to you.
Geo. W. Reisner k Co.. i
McConnellsburg, Pa.
P. E LITTLE, Present
The Hancock Bank
Hancock, Ad,
The Bank placed by the State Bank Com
, missioner in a high position on
Resources over half million Dol'ars.
We respectfully solicit your business.
Winter Schedules
McConnellsburg-Chambersburg Auto-Bus Line
Loave Leave
McConnellsbarg Chambersburg
6:00 am. DAILY 8:00 a.m.
'8 00 a.m. M on. Wed. Bat., only 1.45 p.m.
2.00 p. m. 6.30 p. m.
8.00 a. m. SUNDAY 10.30 a. m.
MdCnnnellNb'K to Clianibrmb'K II.M KnrJ Farm to Chambemburk .M
MuCouiiKllHburK tl Kt. l-oiidim ,7f Aiple Way to ('liaiubemburK ,l0
Kt Loudon to CliumbemburK Kt, Loudon to St 'I'linin
St. Thiiiua to Chauibemburit .40
In KHeot After Nov, i.
We pay 8 per cent, interest on chocking
account balances of $50 and over.
Four por cent, on Time Deposits.
The Union Exchange Bank
A good Bank Tor Everybody. Come to see us. Open until t p. m.
Subscribe for the News.