Vl . THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURO, PA. caws A Now in Pink Wrappers To save tin foil for Uncle Sam, VRIGLEY5 is now all wrapped in pink paper and hermetically sealed in wax: 1, The tangey flavor of mint 2. The luscious different flavor 3. The soothing flavor of peppermint All in pink-end packages and all sealed air-tight Be Sure to get VRIGLEY5 because The Flavor Too many wren reckon time by 7u5 lys. When axltnrs ride U'a a sipn Mfre thost has "walked. JfQk MM Low Meat Prices vs. High Cattle Prices If the farmer cannot get enough for his live stock, he raises less, and the packer gets less raw material. If the consumer has to pay too much for his meat, he eats less of it, and the packer finds his market decreased. The packer wants the producer to get enough to make live-stock raising profitable, and he wants the price of meat so low that everyone will eat it. But all he can do, and what he would have to do in any case to stay in busi ness, is to keep down the cost of pro cessing the farmer's stock into meat so that the consumer pays for the meat and by-products only a little more than the farmer gets for his animals. For example,last year Swift & Company paid for its cattle about 90 per cent of what it got far meat and by-products (such as hides, tallow, oils, etc.) If cattle from the farm were turned miraculously into meat in the hands of retailers (without going through the ex pense of dressing, shipping and market ing) the farmer would get only about Vs cents per pound more for his cattle, or consumers would pay only about 2 cents per pound less for their beef I Out of this cent or two per pound, Swift & Company pays for the operation of extensive plants, pays freight on meats, operates refrigerator cars, maintains branch houses, and in most cases, de livers to retailers all over the United States. The profit amounts to only a fraction of a cent, and a part of this profit goes to build more plants, to give better service, and to increase the com pany's usefulness to the country. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Lasts! 3 The boat rocker the Ana of unit rlmony deserves fcrk tn'te. While the stanoe goes 'O the nwk ward limn gels there with liolh feet. (Conducted liy tlif Niitliuml Wonian'i C'hrlBtlHn Temperance I'nlon.) A VOICE FROM CZECHO SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Tho president of the Cecho Slovak republic, I'rof. T. O. Mitxnryk, formerly of tho University of Pi-ngue, In a lec ture on "Kduciited Circles Mimt Ie slroy Alcohol Superstition," sliows the ' responsibility of the tnrilvliltml for Ills j neighbor. ' ' "I'rouresslvc ethics dciiuind of Hie , modern man it higher stiito of mind; I alcoholism dcRi-iides the whole mnn; ; It Is hostile to progress, retrogressive. I "The modern ethic holds love of nclghhnt to he the root of nil ninriil duties. Love of neighbor menus Inbor for one's neighbor. Io not nsk of ' flip modern ' limn sentimental phlt- , nnlhiopy hut the consciousness ot . responsibility for the nllevliilion of , fihyslenl and Intellectunl need, l'ut alcoholism vonkcns sympnthy for fel- ' Inwmcn, weakens the will to work, weiikens belief nnd confidence In mini's Worth. For nn active love of one's , neighbor nnd luhor for him, n clean 1 heurt nnd clear head are also ueces- sary. "Love of mi l work for one's neigh bor require, In the case under discus sion, the example of abstinence. V.x nmple against example I Through the example of drinking Arc most drink ers seduced to drinking. No mail has a natural craving for alcohol poison. Especliilly should the educated give the example In the present stage of our scientific knowledge nbout alcohol. A physician, teacher, or educator who tolerates drinking commits u crime. It Is Incumbent nn the educated and lead ing circles to destroy the nlcohol su perstition theoretically by .iillgblen- ment of the people, and pracil. ally by i abstinence. THE WINE DELUSION. Dr. William Urmly, In the Chicago News, recently exploded the old su perstition that wine Is a strength building tonic. He says: "For a long time there has been n suspicion growing among thought fill physlclnns that nlcohol does not de serve the reputation our medical fa thers gave It in medicine. First It was proved beyond nwestlon that alrVd was not a food. Then It was settled that alcohol ioen Trot stimulate the heart or the brstn. Then It was found that Jcohol Ales not help digestion, but rather lvnllIts or delays diges tion, "Rot alcohol, as w4ite 'trr -ns some lHged tonc, taken In dessert-spoonful or tablesfoonful or larger doses, does flush tlie Invalid's face for a time, does walte the Invalid feel warm, does lower ffl:e body "toutperatnre slightly hy cweesslve heat 'radiation from re laxed 'ir dilated MUl'fiice vessels), docs Impede the nierfial 'processes, does de lay 'fhe normal 'titrvous response to anyoxtermil stimulus (as in quick fir ing lit a targot 'that moves) and does 'render the victim' of (he delusion tern ipornrlly forgetful' of his troubles. "A mighty ior 'tonic,' after all. '"So far as -any strengthening or Wood building ' effect Is concerned, a glass Of milk will accomplish almut 'four times- acnuch ns the same qunn !tlty of 'the'heit wine will accomplish and do'iro'Txisslble harm." A DENVER "BANKER ON PROHIBI TION. 'Albert A. Rccd, tice president wr.t trust officer of United Stales Na tional hank, mivs: '"Without any reluctance and wiib out' qnnllllcntlon of any sort I am able to Stat" that the effect of prohibition in 'Denver amd Colorado have lnvu beneficial frOii every point of rWw moral, social, 'Industrial and flnnirfl. This seems W be the almost nnlvernnl opinion nnd Judgment of the huitm and professional men of Colorado. ""There Is no' demand, and I dnrcjr little desire, ! return to a liquor fif4 Icy. ' Personnlli, I am In favor of tm hlbitlon, local, state and nallonnl I have never heard or seen a valMl r sound argtinwut In support cf n trfltilc In IntofbMtlng liquors." SALOON TAXES. ' The brewers ln Heading, P :aro taking a stand tmv lower valnatlwi on the various snlim properties watnurert throughout the ity. They claim the town council slvinl 1 consider, wh fix ng'n tax valuation; the fact that ios KlMo prohibition will cause a deinwiiv tlon In the value of these prnnfrtcH. OrrHunrily snlixim tpropertles are "val ued. .at a higher fism'o than thnw ad Joining beennse they bring a mvb hlghen price In llie il.wrkot . Oii'llie other hinLa, saloon, hecam fOf its i usually undonwnble character, .deprecates the value, f other proer itlws In ' its nelghhoiitoad. Are they mot. entitled to a relurtHin because of depreciation caused lij'iSW presence ot the 1 Ifl (CAN Ali A. 'IflKohlbltfon Is a slgnnlw:ccss," de claims ;tlio ,Jlef of polbie.af Toronto, Canada. "Ia fact, I almost .ejiuddcr to think what uwar-tlme coiiHliUons with out It would ilave been." A oikIous de velopmriut of prohibition daysi.ls nn ab normal dutu-eiMKi In the nuuibor.of can dy store. It i-cms to be jiliysiolog leal fact iiuit iijsndy Is fouud to be a more or antlsfylng sulmfliule as a atlmulant tuA .cravlng-qulUir thy a large numlier tf jieoiilu who furituiirlj nsed alcohol. NO RUM NEE AC O FOR T YANK81 "They don't need ruvi nnd they don't jet It. They go over (the top with a ejic J- and a deterniluiiillon to reach ttiir objective.' The ogly trouble Is for Ihelr commander to lop them when they get there." Tliess are tho words of G. II. Lnngford, formerly of the Out Hundred nnd Second L'nltcd States field ni'tlllery, who Is at Jwmo recovoring from wounds. The government has taken the bat put of barley,Pb)ljidclpbla Inquirer. Who Is JesusChrist? (THIRD SERMON) By REV. W.W. KETCHUM Director of the Evening Classes, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TEXT lie salth unto them, But whom tay ye that I am? Matt. 16:16. In two previous sermons we consider ed the character of Christ, his Word nnd his work as witnesses of him. We now consider another fact of his life that will help ns to answer his scorching question. It Is his resurrection from the dead. Proof of Hit Deity. Taut, In his epistle to the llo- mnn places the resurrection of Christ before us ' ns n certain proof of his deity. "De clnred," be cays, "to be (he Son of Clod with power, nccordlng to thu spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead" (1:1). Paul wrote these words not more than thirty years nfter the event. If Christ nnd not risen, It would have been an ensy matter to have proved their fals ity. Paul knew they were true. As Luke says, Christ showed himself to be nllve after bis passion by many In fallible proofs, being seen of them forty days nnd speaking of the things pertaining to tho kingdom (Acts 1 :3). In recent years the resurrection of Christ has not been given the place It should hold In helping us to nnswer Oirlst's question perhaps becauso rmlnlt nnd new bud Imbibed ton much ((f livrnma critelsm. Now that It Is no longer popular to peddle wares mndo In Oermnny, we may consider afresh this phnso of truth, as an evi dence of the deity of our Lord. Tho resurrection of Christ Is tho best attested fact of history. Gilbert West, luwyer nnd skeptic, found It so when ho set out to demolish It. And bo will any honest mind today. The proofs of Christ's resurrection mny not sntlsfy all minds, for If Christ Is risen, he Is the Son of God with power; nnd certain people do not want a Christ before whom they must bow and confess thnt he Is Lord to the glory of God. It Is not the purpose nt this time to adduce the Scriptural proofs of Christ's resurrection. They are nt hand for nnynno to study who will. Suffice it to say thnt there are fourteen witnesses and classes of witnesses to the resurrection of Clirlst. Do you dc sire to know who Jesus Christ 1st Then I challenge you to Rtudy, with no unprejudiced mind, the records ton tnlnetl In the Scriptures. This thing was not don In a corner; nelter arc we without the record of It. Tfc-e Scrip tures are Oiled with the proofs of the n"snrwtlwi of Cfcrlst, and ihey are open to all men for their consideration. Bodily Resurrection. Rut hat are "we to wtderstond 'fcy the roMirrc.ctlon of ChrlslT Mnny tilk today s If nil thnt Is meant by it ils tho continued fxlstence )f the person ality f Jesus after dnHh. Of diirse It wans thrtt, but as fie very word It-' fteff Indicate, It menrs the rlstng up rf lliat Which has Gallon down, Its atnndlng forth ngaln. Tho resurrection of Christ, then, has tcflo withitho body rf our Lor. I, which wins burli'd nnd In which be again stood forth 'from tlm grnve. It means tlwt tho mlsen Chvtat Is not n dlsein bouiod spirit, but a spirit embodied In thnt easement of -which dfiPlh robbed It. Thhs.lo tho 'tenehlng if our Lord himself. "Iiindleune nnd sw; n spirit luitli not 'flesh nnil bones 'SB ye see me have," wos his 'word to Ms wondering nnil (lni)bthig disciples, wtl.cn nfter the rtsiirrertbai he -flhiod in 'their midst. It is provwl byrlhiv fact' of the empty tonih tho dMelples if ound onithnt Easter .morning. 3t ws tin erol)oaied Christ whom Alary mistook for.'lli gardener. Itvwas a ctrportill being -who walked null talked wlthitlie men. on their wny tolKmnmus. :It ms Josus :Cn his ris en ikoily who ascended :lnlo beaver froui tno Maunt tff Olives. jQermao Ort&cs Doomed. OtjfltiDot a iplty ilhnt Qenimn criti cism lias btitui Ollowexl to wllm this ffundttiiiental aiiil pincIoHS tcirth of tho bodily resurrootlonmf .our;Lotd? Let UH-votv that wo.nro Uouo-with It, nnd rotiitn to tho nk'nchiug , of th Scrl twee, g'crhnpn .this .good thlnur, with niunyioKiers, wtlLcomc out of tie war -Nint-wo will tiit ; pet nil t German Infi- delt .Miillkcpllcniio InbKpret our Blblo nor no, do our thlnhlngifor us; m r ac cept -.thelr concin.slons .In spitltunl thing iiuirf mil a n j more than In ether things. Too iltuif has Annovk'n ibreathedi'.ho foul gusiiM i( iinlwliof fivm the fas bombs )iudcd on tmr sIiitcs by tie long-raiiBe n-'llglous funs of Germany. I It not itlmo to prolMot 'Our sons nnd daughters, m well as (4iursahes, froic Gtrmiin InUKWIIty? lUrtlglous pro-Ger-nuius In pmrfwsors chlirs nnl pulpits should be eouied. They we itlio jiup pets of Gerwinn rellgloiwi ;nutocracy, that luns tried tc hold Ameri!ii ;and tho rest of tho woMW In the bomditgeof un belief. Wo do ftvt want Grruinu tnade Christianity; we wont tho Clirisitiwilty of the Jilble, wWch offers pe.tw to every troubled heart. Prisoner Embraeo the Gospel. There has been a religious revival l the Jails of Chicago during the pas! year, particularly tho Cook county Jail, Jn which 240 prisoners professed to turn to Jesus ChrLst, under Die preach lug nnd personal work of students of tim Moody Bible Institute. A striking evidence of tho genuine ness of this work wus'tlio scone la the Jail when a prisoner named Anderson was jiwigcil. Fifty prisoners In the boy. PPtftoO were on their knees projr- W W LJi A SMriOVtD UNIFORM HITEHNATIOrlAl SUM'SiNl IIHHl LESSON (By ItEV. 1'. It. KIT.WATEK. I). P., Teacher of Krwllali lllhle In the Moody Blblo Institute of ClilcnKO.) (Copyright, 1918, Western Kewrpnper Union.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 15 JOSEPH F0RGIVE3 REN. HIS BRETH- LESSON TEXT-Ocnesli 46:1-15. GOLDEN TEXT If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also Torsive you.-Miittlww 0:14. DEVOTIONAL IlEADINd-Oenoeli 44: 18-34. - ADDITIONAL MATEIUAO-Gnesli 42: 1-44; Kphcsluns 4 SI. 12. I. Joseph Disclose, Hl lditlty to Hie Brethren (vv. 1-3). He treated bis brethren harshly at first, his purpose being to ascertain ns to whether they were tho same cruel, heurtless men ns before, nnd to Irouuce poiuioiice in muir i-uii. k,,,'y Mt t,,elr K,,lu ,,,'nr,lly re" pc-ntl of their folly. Judah's pathetic ... ...... u -Tlw.tr . r.ppeal overcame his apparent nnwi- ness, causing mm 10 uisciosu tlty. Ilelng unable to restrain his pent 'P emotions ho orders every one from i presence. This act on tho port of Joseph troubled them; It ought to have ' .I...... ,,1.1.1 'I'll, .11 U I1U 1 tr.lVI'IIIIMl u:tmi' iih-iii tsuiM. ami.,. ....... - It being a time of Joy for them. This most beautifully Illustrates Christ's dealing with bis brethren, the Jews. Just ns they who had rejected him and sold him were compelled to come to him for aid, so when the great tribula tion comes, Christ's brethren, the Jews, will cry unto him for aid (Daniel 0:27; 12:1; Matthew 24:21; Zecharlnh 12:10 14). Joseph dealt severely with his brethren to test them nnd bring them to repentance. So Christ will do with tho Jews (Hnsen 5:15; Kzeklel 22:1! 22. As Joseph's love was behind his harsh exactlngs, so back of Christ's treatment of the Jews will be his greut love for them. II. Joseph's Effort to Assuage the Grief of HI Brethren (vv. 4-8. When Joseph revealed himself to his brethren, tho remembrance of their sins pierced them through. Joseph's first question was about his father. This shows that his desire was to put their thoughts fur away from their crime. He Invited them to como near unto him, and assured them God had overruled their crime In Fending him for their salvation. They meant It for 1 evil, but It wus part of God's plan for I good. This does not excuse them from ' the guilt of tho sin. In some future time Christ will become reconciled to ; his brethren, tho Jews, nnd be their I Savior nnd benefnetor (Isaiah 11 :10 ' 10). Peter, on the day of Pentecost, ' Miowed that tho Jews' treatment of i Ci"M was such, nnd that God's over- ruling providence had turned It out for good. Just as Egypt was obliged to come to Joseph for sustenance nnd become servants for Pharaoh through him (Genesis 47:13-20), so will all tho wotld yet como to Christ for his bless ln'g, and be reconciled to God through htm (Islalah 2:24; 11:10; Psalms 72:7-17; Zecharluh 14:10). III. Joseph Sent Hit Brethren With Good Newt to his Father (vv. 9-15). As soon as Joseph's brethren knew hlra and were reconciled to Win, they I were sent with tho glad tidings to their father, lie assured tliem that he I would, nourish them nrrfl that they ' should he near him. Tb?y were dlrect 1 cd to tell of his glory. Jacob would not have mourned the death of Joseph had he known of Ids glory. He now gave them the Kiss of reconciliation , and they wore permitted to talk with him. lleooTicllliltloii precedes coin ' munion. Frth Must Show Itself. If thehurilhis salt, then the church must 1 'different from tho world around It. If the church Is light, then the clisrch nwist lie unlike those who have ixt committed themselves to the lcndcrsblp " Christ. When Chris tians ay Yovi samo things which un believers uny, nnd do tho samo things which scoffers do, they cease to be a leavening Xorco In society. If faith In Christ is to have any meaning, It must show Itself In the creation of a new lype of man. A Christian should have something In him not to be fouud In any otker human being. Unless he Is more In disposition, aim and coo duct thiia thoso around him, he Is not giving tlte world tho Impulse or guid ance which humanity Is In need of. llroadwuy Tabernacle Tidings. In God's Garden. iitv llko tho trees planted In We God's garden. Tho Divine Husband man needs to graft, prune and spray his trees so that they will bring forth the lrt trult. Some of the little pests which ut out the life of the tree are Indifference, selfishness, linklndness, worldlltieas, Irreverence nnd dishon esty. Tho spray which kills these Is the Holy flplrit. riest Three Things. A great scholar In Scotland hna said recently that since the war be gan there wero only throe things Which hold tho hearts of tbo people of Great Britain prayer, aacrlflce, and Immortality. These aro three ot the supreme litlngs of life. When llfo becomes earnest and serious small things and unworthy Interests sink iiito tho huckRTound. Relief Not Burden. A yoke Is not aa Instrument of tor tune; It Is nn Inurnment of mercy. It Is not a malicious contrivance for making work hard; It Is n geutlo de vice to inako hard labor light. And yet men speak of the yoke of Christ as If It were a slavery, ami look upon thoso who wear It as objects of com passion. Doing Good Turns, Have you over noticed how much of Christ's life was spent In doing things in merely doing kind things? Itun over It with thnt In view, nnd you will find that ho spent a great proportion of his tlmu simply In mak ing peoplu happy! In doing good turns to people. GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES For centuries all over the world flOU MKDAL Haarlem Oil has af forded relief In thousands upon thou sands of cases of lame hack, luiubligo, pclallca, rheumatism, gallsiones, grav el and all other alTeciions of the kid neys, liver, stomach, bladder and al lied organs. It acts quickly. It does the work. It cleanses your kidneys and purities the blood. It makes n new man, a new woman, of you. It frequently wards off attacks of the dread nnd fatnl diseases of the kid neys. It often completely cures the distressing dlsenses of the organs of the body allied with the bladder nnd kidneys. Illnody or cloudy urine, sed iment, or "brlckdust" Indicate an un healthy condition. Do not delay n minute If your back aches or you are sore across the loins or have difficulty when urinating. Go to your druggist ut once nnd get a Puts a Stop to all ,9 , i u in n i, i i i p unun i t o , t v t It It always a terror to old people and a menace at tome time or another to very human being, young or old. It It the forerunner of more llle and suffer ing than almoit any of NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS and ahould never be allowed to go unheeded. At the very tint Indication of constipation get OR. TUTT'8 LIVER PILLS which for 72 years has been successfully used for this most prevalent ot all disorders. For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere. Dr. Tuft's Liver Pills li1li,,nMiMii.l;l:lltl!(1 I 9IUWIY an LICK IT UffKBa.um.mt. w IS contains corrraAS roa wosms. sulphur roa Tut aiooo. SMTrrTra ma thc kid tetia vnyir. A TnNtf AND niRC DAIRY SALT. USID BY VI. fl RINARIAh II VLAN& f NO DOSING. AW TOUR DLAU.R IOR SLAIRMANS OR WRIlt Blacknan Stock Remedy Its Class. "Forestry is u work of art." "How sol" "It's nil wood cuts." Important to Mothera Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOIUA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature In Use for Over 80 Years, Children Cry for Iletchcr's Castoria Proper Kind. "They were sweeping charges." "What were?" "Those made about the Imom fuctory." Infections or Inflammations of the Eye. Wh. thT from rsttriinl or Innrnal cuss. are rromptly hcalrd by thu ua of Itiimao Eyo Balaam at Dlfht upon rotlrlnf. Adv. WAS SURELY "ONE GAME GUY'' Most People Will Admit That Corporal Browne's Message to His Wife Contained Truth. Tho American ndvaneo was heliiR mi de In an open Held on the hanks of tho Vesle river in France, where the Germans bad planted a machine Rim on 111 nil ground, which enabled them to deliver u sweeping lire on the Americans. Try ns they might the Yanks could n t flunk tho German position. They j"t n pot shot nt Fritz and continued thi'lr advance. "'rltz was not Inclined to expose t.::nsclf and kept bis kuii working. "Say, sergennt, jjlmme that pit of yours," sold Oirporal llrowne. Iirowno tlvcw his owni pistol and, with an antdiimllc In each hand, he jot up on bis hands mid knees nnd took n peep. Sny, boys, tell the wife for me thnt I was one jmine t-'y1 Ko 1ijii to till of yon pnys !" ISrowne went oirl after the Itochos. Ho got tliem, too four of them and it perfectly pood machine Run. Stars iid Stripes. Just the Thing. I'atienct! Haven't you got out your winter fnra yt"tl 1'alirce Oh, no. I'm not fc'olng to ct !ein out. "Hut you can't wear your summer furs nil wlnor." "It, I can. Tni roIiik to spend tho winter at l'ulni Beach." Tfic rca! food elements of wheal and bar ley so made as io be rich in sugar, and ready to eat from package with milk or cream.7Jtais Crapeftts A Substantial Food and Economical box of imported GOLD MIC DAL Haar lem (ill Capsules,' They are pleasant and easy to take. Each capsule con tains about one dose of five drops. Take them Just like you would any pill. Take a small swallow of water If you want to. They dissolve In the stomach, and the kidneys souk up th. oil like n sponge dries water. They thoroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the inlliimma'.lou which Is the cause ol the trouble. They will quickly relieve thoso stiffened Joints, that backache, rheiimntlsm, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brlckdust," etc. They are an effective remedy for all dis eases of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach nnd allied organs. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you are not satisfied nfter a few days' use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. None other genuine. Adv. Distemper CURES THE SICK And prevents others having- tlio disease no matter how exposed OO cenU and 1.1,1 a botli, SS.r.O and SI 1.00 doim botllra. All gobd druggists and turf ko1m houses. Spohn MediceJ Co. Goshen, Ind.. U. S. A. DROP BRICK IK FEED BOX Company Chattanooa.Tcnn Backache The excruciating pain which comes from a lame back is quickly alleviated by a prompt application of Yager's Liniment. Sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, sprains, etc. should always keep a bot tle of "Yager's" handy as its penetrative qualities quickly bring relief from pain. At all dealers. Price S5 cents. The Urge bottle of Ysge rs Lini ment contains twice as much a the usual boc bottle of ImimenL GILBERT BROS. & CO. j BALTIMORE, MD. Every W oman Wnnls FOR PERSONAL HYP.IFNK Dissolved la water for douches etopt pelvic catarrh, ulceration and in flam. nation.. Recommended hw LHU F Pinkham Med. Co. fop Ib A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore ores. Economical "fr dnuia and tonicid.1 poww Su.pl. Fr. 50c. .Ilruwu, w pwr..) by wi. Ih l'im Tra1t Comr.nr. Bvoo. M.. j Virginia Farms for Sale rn nt to bfl had bar- AlltiV MVItMntai anma earni tmm nrHt 81 JrW 111 ItlO bUBlntlftll! bUM lund Uall las . 1KH.OAHD CO., Norfolk, VlrginU. HIS ADVICE TO SUFFERERS Mr. H. T. Hi right, of KM Arabella St.. Knozrlllit PltUbumh, 1'a., ul,.rl fur V Tiara wlib iu.ni.ch. Ilv.r, hlailil.r, kidnor tmubln snd Mihnm. Imrlna bis imtrlnK, he trl4 itTerTtbing sdiiKnl Ui hlia. wblrh cuaihiin a furtiinn. Sli butilrnnr Hi. lion, I'rof. Dr.Jits. Ilnrnmn's hM ll IIIimkI 1'url Onr pmvMl ui him lis omrlu. '1 hi. Mim.i K. iuMf Mn bn moUwlbr p. real pt, prrpald. thrrf biilllM a'UO. Korapwi.l ailtlca ana tntUuionlsla. pWr ihnr nnh dl.iinoals of onr eax.. K. KKKITIKil' Kit, atsuafacturlng Cb.mUt, Uarrlck, I'linburtb. l-a. Ever Do Anything Foolish? CrulnlTTciohava. BTr;btr li.. liaOwiinbot (imhI. lor toivni. oh-Hinip or Thrift Miampa. I tlmnk too. Monor back If jou don't want ibiv"ls. UAHlFfA llllOB, W M. UuuiUia at., BW lUUK AIRPLANES Won (he War "rriTrS. Diwh.nle. Loarn how to hnlld alrpianaa. Manufaa lurxr. and tlo.eraniont n.M tralnrd aion. L.t oa teach roa how hi build jour own alru,; oi oouna In praoUcal alriil.na om.lniolln auallnt . tou. W. bars Un.lit liiiulrod. of thiriK ma arbymi. Nn b.Kiltndr at our school! practical work univ. Wrltn for llln.imicrt booklet. (!. li V. B. AI.KO Bt HOOL, u l .rk Huw, Mew jork SALESMEN "s'e.1 Our, Wei t Virginia Grown Nuraarv Stock. Fine canvlng outfit CKKK. Ca.li Oomuilaalou Paid Wrekhr. Writs hf Israt, The Cold Nursery Co., Mason CltT.W.Yi, w. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 50. ti 1918. Irritating Coughs Promptly trrst comht, colds, aosrieneta, bronrhiiia and aJmilar inflamed anil Irritated conditions t)t the tlroat witb a IciteJ rsmeU