The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 05, 1918, Image 3

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'furry Picture
Back Feel Achy After Grip?
COLDS and influenza leave thousands with weak kidneys
and aching backs. The kidneys have to do most oithe
work of fightingoff a cold or a contagious disease. They
weaken slow up. Then you feel dull and draggy, irritable
or nervous, and have headaches, dizzy spells, lame back,
backache, sore joints and irregular kidney action. Give the
kidneys quick help and avoid serious kidney houbles. Doan a
Kidney Pillt are always in unusual demand after grip epidemics
as so many people have learned their reliability. Doaris are
used the world over. They are recommended by your own
friends and neighbors.
Personal Reports of Real Cases
Mr. E. C. Hampshire, 1312
Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, Vs.,
says: "I was in awful shape four
years ago with kidney complaint
and nothing helped me until I be
gan taking Doan'i Kidney Tills.
They fixed me up all right and I
haven't had any aign of the trou
ble aince. The cure Doan'i made
for me hai been a teat of time
and haa been laiting."
John W. Maroney, Sixth and
High Sta., Oakland, Md., says: "I
was troubled by my kidneya off
and on for years. Whenever I
caught cold it acttlcd in my kid
neys and brought on an attack
of backache. The kidney aecre
tiona were irregular in pannage,
giving me much annoyance. When
I read about Doan'i Kidney Pilla
I used a box and they corrected
the trouble. I haven't used them
lately, but if I am troubled again
I would use Doan'i for I know
how good they are."
Faith, The
"Title Deed"
Acting Director Mlnlowy Course, lfood
Bibls lusutute, uucago
v s
ny REV. P. 13. K1TJSWATER, D. l.,
Teat-her of English Ulule In the Mooay
Bible Institute of ChlcaKO.)
(Copyright, 1818, Western Newspaper
60c t Box at All Stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Mfj. Chem.
Faithful Old Manuel.
"Soldiers are porsonlnVd ns Tommy
Atkins and sailor as Jack Tar; why
nt personify Industrials workers as
"Well, don't wet You often hoar
of Manuel Labor." Ihmtoii Transcript.
One bollls of Dr. PsetTa "Dad Shot"
nvi you money, time, anxiety and
hralth. One doe ufflcleot, without Carter
OU In addition. Adv.
A woman Is the Inventor of a pars
sol lhat can be collapsed and convert
ed into n knitting ling.
To kwp rlean and healthy take Doctor
Pierce'. Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
the ior man's mint
Kvery mother Imnfrlnes her baby's
t(M s look like rosebuds.
Mabel That fish looks like trout.
I'm very fond of trout. I wonder if It
Is trout.
Nornm Why don't you ask the
MabeUto chef, sweetly) What kind
of fish is that 7
Chef That is fried fish, ma'am.
Your meals hit bock 1 Your stomach
Is sour, add, gnssy and you feel bloat
ed after eating or you have heavy
lumps of Indigestion pain or headache,
but never mind. Here Is Instant relief.
Horse Owner
who has ever tried
win readily admit
that it Is by far the
but and imul econom
ical liniment for general siabls use.
For strained ligaments, spavin,
harness galls, sweeny, wounda or
old sores, cuts and any enlarge
ments, it gives quick relief.
It contains twice as much as the
usual 60 cent bottle of liniment.
At all dealers. Price 35 cents.
I Baltimore, So.
Small Pill
Small Dose
f f IYER
have stood the) test of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, indigestion and to
clear np a bad complexion.
Genuine bear signature
Generally Indirata a lack
of Iron in tho Blood
Carter's Iron Pais
Will help this condition
Don't stay upset I Eat a tablet of
Pape's Plnpcpsln and immediately the
Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stom
ach distress ends.
Tape's Dlnpepsln tnblets are the sur
est, quickest stomach relievers in the
world. They cost very little at drug
stores. Adv.
Its Kind.
I would like to lutve a swell lunch
eon.' "Why not try one of dried apples
and water?"
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease
Catarrh la a local disease, greatly Inllu
enred by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh.
It Is taken Internally and acta through
the Blood on the Mucous Bnrfares of the
la composed of aome of the best tonics
of the Ingredients In
MEDICINE la what produces auch won
derful results In catarrhal conditions.
Druggists 76c. Testimonials free.
F. f. Cheney & Co., Propa., Toledo, O.
TEXT Faith is the substance of things
hoped for.-Heb. 11:1.
Think of crocodiles shedding light
on Holy Writ I The story comes from
Egypt now a par
ty of scientists
were excavating
the ruins of an
ancient Tillage,
burled for centu
ries under the
drifting eands of
the Sahara. They
were searching
for manuscripts
but found nothing
but crocodiles
mummified croco
diles, naif in dis
gust one of the
younger members
of the party seiz
ed a baby croco
dile by the tall and dashed It against
a stone, bursting It open. To his aston
ishment cut rolled bundles of manu
scripts of every description ; legnl doc
uments, court records, bills of ex
change, receipts for taxes and house
rents, private U tters of nil sorts, and
even a schoolboy's examination pa
pers! The other crocodiles were also
made to yield up the treasures with
which they were stuffed. Imagine the
excitement when they discovered that
many of these "papyri" were written
In the age of the Caesars and In the
Identical Greek of the New Testament
Great floods of light have been
thrown by these manuscripts on the
meaning of New Testament words,
many of them standing forth with a
picturesque vividness never before
seen. From the "papyri" we now know
that the word in common use In the
apostolic age for "title deed" Is the
word In our text above given translat
ed "substance." "Faith Is the title
deed of things hoped for." What
find I
An old saying has It, "Seeing Is be
lieving." Should It not read, "Bellev-
Ing Is seeing?" Here lies before me a
crumpled, dirty five-dollar bill. It was
Issued a dozen years ago and has been
bandied by Innumerable fingers, but
the stamp of the United States govern
ment on It Is still plainly visible,
Which one of its possible holders ever
saw the five silver dollars It claims to
represent T No one cares to see them
the promise of the government Is
enough. Here, "believing Is seeing."
My five-dollar bill Is only a promise,
and yet my fnith In it Is my title deed
for things I hope for: potatoes, flour,
butter and what not
But faith, to be valid, must rest upon
the trustworthiness of the word of an
other. The support of faith Is always
outside of one. A five-peso note Issued
by the state of Chihuahua, Mex., may
be worth five pesos, and again It may
not. That Is where the bandit, Villa
lives, and the scene of his most spec
tacular depredations. Is the state of
Chihuahua solvent T And If so, will it
continue to be so in case I want to re
deem this promissory note? My faith
In a promissory note Is the measure of
my confidence In the promlssor.
The very essence of faith Is strik
ingly Illustrated In our word "amen,
We use this ancient word every time
we pray, bnt do we understand Its
meaning? It Is really a Greek way of
pronouncing on old Hebrew word. Je
sus used it each time our version
reads "verily, verily I say unto you
The old Hebrew word dntes back to
Abraham's time, and earlier, only he
called it "nnmn." Anything is "nman
that Is solid, firm, secure and abso-
lutely dependable. Abraham and his
wife Surah were old and stricken In
years, but childless. God promised
them a son in their old age In spite of
the fact that, humanly speaking, such
a thing was impossible. Romans 4 :10
21 describes how tills startling promise
affected Abraham: "Being not weak In
faith, be considered not his own body
now dead when he was about nn hun
dred years old, neither yet the dead
ness of Sarah's womb; he staggered
not at the promise of God through un
belief, but was strong In faith, giving
glory to God; and being fully persuud
ed that what he had promised he was
able also to perform." That Is to say,
Abraham recognized the fulfillment of
this promise as entirely a miracle of
God's power. What he said to God
was, "Thou art 'aman.'" In other
words, "Thou canst be depended upon 1
Thy word is firm, secure, absolutely re
liable." Abraham's rest of faith was In
the almlghtlness of God and the faith-
Don't wait until your,
cold develops Spanish
Influenza or pneumonia.
Kill it quick.
LESSON TEXT-Oonesls 41:33-44.
OOLDKN TKXT-lle that Is faithful In
a very little is faithful ulso In much.
I.uko 16:10.
Thirteen long years have passed
since his brethren sold him. They
have been years of fiery testing for
.Joseph, but his faith Is triumphant.
There Is a mighty contrast between
Joseuh In the nit at Potlinn and .Jo
seph as prime minister of Kcypt.
Joseph Made Prime Minister of
Egypt (vv. IW-4I).
1. The Occasion (vv. U:'X1).
It Is the Interpretation of Pharaoh's
ilreaniH. In his dreams murium saw
seven fat klne cninlng out of the river,
followed by seven lean ones, which de
voured the fat ones. This dream was
followed by another In which he suw
seven ears of corn conic up on one
stalk, rank and good, only to be de
voured by seven thin ones. These
dreams produced uneasiness In l'hn ru
oh's mind. Itclng thus troubled over
them he sent for the magicians and
wise men of Fgypt to Interpret them
to him. Vpon their failure to Interpret
them, the chief butler calls to mind the
prisoner who had Interpreted his
dreams two years before. I'haraoh
hastily brings Joseph from prison anil
places his dreams before him. Joseph
disclaimed wisdom for hlinseir, luir.
confidently asserted his faith- In the
wisdom of (iod. (Sod Is pleased with
those who will thus lean upon him in
the crucial hour, nnd will never disap
point I hem (James 1:5). Mttle did
Joseph's brethren, the Ishmnelltcs who
cairled him Into Kgypt, or Potiplmr
whose slave ho became, realize what
the future would bring to him. Ills
yenrs of suffering nnd waiting were
part of God's plan for ills discipline
and education. It l God's law for
those who would reign, that they suf
fer. "If we suffer, we shall also
reign with Win" (2 Timothy 2:12).
Joseph's exultation from the state of
humility Is a fine Illustration of
Christ's humility nnd exaltation (1'hll
ipplons 2:0, 10).
II. Joseph's Naturalization (v. 4,').
As soon as rhnriioh thus exalted him
he changed his name to Zapnath-pna-
iieah, an Kgypt lun word having vary
ing designations; ns "Salvation of the
world." "The prince of life of the
world," "The revealer of secrets."
"The food of life," etc. No doubt It
was Pharaoh's purpose to designate
him ns the preserver of life, the re
vealer of secrets, the Interpreter of
dreams, and the author of the plan by
which Kgypt was saved from the awful
famine. He thus was naturalized, and
his civil status rendered compatible
with his official rank. Then Aseniith,
the daughter of the priest, wus given
him to wife. Intermarriage with tills
caste completed his naturalization by
elevating him to social position. Jo
seph's elcvutlon wus to save the
world from famine. Christ's eleva
tion was to save the world from spir
itual death. All unknown to his breth
ren, the Jews, Christ is now at tho,
right hand of the Father, the Savior
of the world from Its famine of death.
As Joseph received n Gentile bride In
the time of his rejection and exalta
tion, so Christ Is now receiving a Gen
I lie bride (Komuns 11 :2).
III. Joseph's Wise Administration
(vv. 40-10).
He Hist made a careful survey of
the land, then organized his forces nnd
looked after the details of the work,
lie did not use his power and position
for himself, but to save others. He did
not Idle his time away, for lie knew
that only seven short years remained
in which to work.
Standard cold remedy for 10 year in tablet
form Mfe, ure, no opiates bresk up a cold
in 24 hour relieve (rip in 3 day. Money
back if it fall. The genuine bos ha a Red top
with Mr. HUT picture. At AU Drug Store.
Cuticura Soap
Best for Babyl
Soap 2no.. Ointment J ninnm
Mkcu mailed irw uy vmucui '"'
SALESMEN w0ans,e,1
Our West Virginia Grown
Nurry Stock. Fine cnnviwmlng ontllt FHEE.
CaaU Commission Paid Weekly. Wills (or lerai.
Tlte Cold Nursery Co., Mason City.W.Va.
Wntann K.Cnlman,Wah
inuUHi.l ll'ioJu, rreo. Illyli
.l ri rencoi. Ijo.i retail.
Writer In Mother's Magazine Gives
Advice as to Treatment of the
Small People.
Miinthii (!. Nichols makes n stroiis
plea In Mot tier's M;ipizlnc, to allow
the child to choose between rldit and
"Don't make me do It, iiimntna, let
mo do It," pleaded a little fellow on?
day when his mother was trying to ex
ercise rather arbitrary authority.
'A small boy was objecting to dolus:
an errand for his mother. She said
pleasantly, "I can inanai.'e If you do
not do It. but I can fc'ct my work out
of the way much sooner, If you do.
SiiiidosIiic I let .vott choose whether
you will nceomniodrte me, or I nceora
module you. I'll say nothing more
about this, and you may do Just what
von think It Is fair for n boy to do by
his mother." It did not take Ions, for
the son to choose the better way ami
to walk off proud of his independent
ConxliiK a child to do what ho
nimht to Is a (piestlomilile policy, yet
In a dlpilllcd. innlier-of-fact manner
to show 111 in that you tflve him credit
for common sense mid a fair amount
of amiability anT rlirht purpose Is to
ciicoimicc him to use those iu:ilitles.
It helps 111 til to do his best In the best
possible way he chooses his own ac
tion, and can choose n irsilit.
Too Stout to Skip.
"How stout Mrs. K. Is!"
"Yes, she can't even skip thrmiKh
dull story." Town Topics.
Lives 200 Years!
For more than 100 years. Haarlem Oil,
the famous nutiomd remedy ol Holland,
has been recoil ieil as an infallible rilu t
from all forum of kidney nnd bladder dis
orders. Its very a no is proof that it must
have unusual merit.
If you are troubled with pains or aches
in the back, teei urea in me uiuriimn
Fruit Rich in Oil.
A new fruit coiiliiliiiiic a lurjie per
centnee of oil bus been discovered In
llio region of Torrcon, Mexico, and Is
known by the mime of chiehopoxtlo.
Experiments show that 25 per cent of
Its contents consist of oil of urent val
ue In industrial pursuits reipiirin;; a
lubricant of hluh ouulity. It Is pro
posed t introduce the cultivation of
this fruit upon a lurjie scale.
The palriotia
spirit and devotion
with which Ameri
can women havs
so far performed
war-service work
and made sacrifices
has never been
equalled in ths
history of any
country. Mother,
wives and sLstere
supiwrt this burden
with strength and
fortitude. But
those who al
ready miserable)
from the complaints
and weaknesses
which are so common to women, should
take the ri(?ht tonicforthc womanly system.
If a woman is borne down by pain
and sufferings at rcmilar or irregular
intcrvuls, by nervousness or dizzy sjk'IIs,
by headache or backache, "Favorite
Prescription" ehnuld be taken, "l'avor
ito Prescription" can now bo had in
tablet form as well as liquid at mo?t
drug- stores. Send to Uoctor Pierce's
Invaliils' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for a
ten-cent trial package of tablets.
For fifty years Dr. Pierce's Pleusant
Telleta have been most satisfactory in
liver and bowel troubles.
Danville, Va.
" Ur. Pierce's Fuyor
itc Prescription is a
wonderful tonic for
expectant mothers.
My own ejcpcriuico
with it hns proved to
me that tt not only
keeps the mother in
a healtltv, happy con
dition but it niso
helps wonderfully in
pna'ciitiii!? suffering.
Mysister.nlso vouches f(,r the Prescription
just ns enthusiastically as 1 do."
Mrs. V. L. l'arton, 627 Monument SU
From the landlord's point of view
the man with a large family of small
children Is a (hit failure.
Mean Suggestion.
Hi There lire many profoiin
thoughts to be read In my mind.
She Hound III calf?
headaches, indigestion, innoinnia. painful
or xtone in the bladder, you
or too frequent pannage of urine, irritation
in the hiiuiiicr, you w
certainly find relief in dOLU
will alniOHt
llorl,.m Oil Cmmulea. This is the K"od
old remedy that haa stood the test for
hundreds of years, prepared in ine proper
uantity and convenient form to taue.
la imported direct irora uouanu iuu-
oratories, and you can get it at any
drug store. It is a standard, old-time
home remedy and needs no introduction.
Kach capsule contains one dose of five
drops and is pleasant and easy to take.
They will quickly relieve thow stiffened
joints, thst backache, rheumatism, lum
bago, sciatica, gall atones, gravel, "brick
dust." etc. our money promptly refund
ed if they do not relieve you. liut lie sure
to get the genuine OULI) MEDAL brand.
In boxes, three sizes. Adv.
If your eyra smart or feel scalded,
man Hyp Balaam applied upon going to
I Jutt tlia Ihlnf to rclliv them. Adv.
The two deadly enemies of tempta
tion are will-power and won't-power.
Immediate Shipments
New South Corn Hill
Writ ii for foil description
nil prlc of this tuindard,
durubl corn mill product
Ada, wliolmom tnol. Or
der nuod promptly. Writ
jics cork nu co, hi . vnit sa. n t
Bronchial Troubles
5?otli the Irritation snd you relieve the
aiktttu. Do both, quickly and etfectirely
f Uiing promptly dependable remedy
Talking In a Circle.
"Why doesn't that fellow come
the point of his speech?"
"There Isn't any point."
fulness of his word, just as my confl-
known, combined with some of the best rJonce In a five-dollar note rests In the
blood purltlera. The perfect combination TTnirl
States government
God In his Word has offered to us
eternal life In Christ Jesus. He tells
me this Is a gift bestowed miraculously
from above by the Holy Spirit. How
t ' mv heart pneerlv reaches out for this
alluring prize. He offers this to "who
soever will." That Includes me. I be
lieve and It Is mine. Faith Is the
"title deed" to things hoped for. My
fnlth mokes God real and his wonder
ful salvation a blessed fact here and
now 5 and "being fully persuaded that
what he has promised he Is able also
to perform," "I rejoice In hope of the
glory of God."
And Drive Malaria Out of the System.
"Vonr'Habek acta like magic: I haTeaiTen
ft to numerous people In my paritta who wer
suffering' with chills, mnlarl,nd fever. I rec
ommend It to those who are sufferers and In
ned of a good tonic" Rev. 8. Scymnnowskl,
St. Stephen's Church, Perth Amhor, N. J.
Kllxlr Habelc, 60 cent, all drutralsts or by
Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocsewskl A Co.,
Washington, D. 0.
Imports of almost 1!00,000,000 gal
lons a year are required to meet Chi
na's demand for kerosene.
When Bah Is Teethlnat
tli Stnmwih snd Bowel trouble. Perfectly harm
less. See dlracUon on the bouls.
Some spinsters envy wives, nnd some
wives envy spinsters.
A Wholesome, Cleansing.
V sTilll Belreshlng snd Healing
wM Loflen Murine for Red
Tj ness, Soreness, Granula-
It ff Cation, Itching and Burning
wj V0 the Eyes or Eyelids:
"2 Drops" After the Movies. Motoring or Goli
rill win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist
foe Murine when your Eyes Need Care. U-U
Marts Ey RtmsUy Co.. Cbicasa
Washington Is now called to noon
Victory prayers by an electric siren.
The Habit of Prayer.
William Gurnal, whose "Christian
Armour" Is a real devotional classic,
made, in his day, a solemn Inquiry
of praycrless families. His words
will bear prayerful and careful
thought. "Ton that are heads of fam
ilies," he said, "but have not had a
heart to set tip the worship of God In
them, I am afraid that God hath lit
tle from you In your closets, who hath
none from you In your families. It Is
no breach of charity to suspect your
cure for your own souls when you
show none for your relations."
action a
We weave It, and
cut It, and we
The Loom of Life.
It Is a solemn thought that every
jno of ns carries about with him a
mystical loom, and we are always
weaving -weave, weave, weave this
rolie which we wear, every thought
1 thread of the warp, every
(bread of the weft,
wo tlve it. and we
stitch It, and then we put It 011 and
wear It; and It sticks to us. Like 11
snail that crawls about your garden
patches and makes Its shell Jy a pro
less of secretion from out of Its own
substance, so you and I are making
that mysterious solemn thing, ve call
character, moment by moment. It Is
our own self iiKjdllled by our actions.
Character is the precipitate from tho
stream of conduct which, like the Nile
tlelta, gradually rises solid and firm
nbove the parent river, and confines
Its How. Alexander Maclaren.
Pack of Liars.
"Them people over at Tuuillnvllle
arc a pack of dad-burned liars!" de
clared old Wash Gulliger of llumpus
Itidge, Ark., upon his return from a
night's stay In the county sent. "I
driv' Into town Just after dusk, nnd a
couple of miles before I got there I
could hear n hooraw going on. When
I arrived bells were clanging, whistles
blowing, gents rambling around with
torches, guns nnd such ns thnt. It
'peared to be a right lively function,
but I missed something.
" Tlcnsunt time,' says I to a feller,
'but whur Is he at?'
" 'Whur Is who at?' says he.
" The nigger,' says I.
"'Aw, this hain't a lynching,' snys
he. The allies have signed nn Arme
nian with the Dutch.'" Kansas City
Color Classification.
Hazel had been making mud pies
and had gotten her face nnd hands
smeared with dirt. Coming Into. the
kitchen while tho girl was out, she
began stirring some batter she found
on the table. Her father happened to
enter the room Just then and ex
claimed: "What's going on here?"
"I'm the new cook," announced Ha
zel readily.
"Well, If you're going to cook," said
her father, "you'd better wash your
face and hands first."
"Oh," replied tho little girl, "I'm a
negro cook."
Sympathy Is one thing most men are
always careful not to waste.
A blind beggar depends altogether
on bis sense of touch.
n Ats79ntrnn
An Inner Grace.
Holiness Is something different fron
virtue. It Is not the same as duty,
still less Is It the same us religious be
lief. It Is 11 name for an Inner grace
of nature, an Instinct of the soul, by
which, though knowing of earthly ap
petites and worldly passions, tho spirit,
purifying itself of these, nnd Independ
ent of reason, argument nnd the strug
gles of the will, dwells In patient and
confident communion with tho seen
nnd the unseen good.
Look to the Light!
Beyond every shadow lies n light.
Beyond the Good Friday of u Jeopar
dized world freedom lies the palpi
tant resurrection dawn of a new lib
erty for men which we will nurture in
to u civilization such ns the world hits
never been. God puts tho blackness
before the transfiguring light; there
fore, let not your heart be troubled,
neither let It bo ufrnld. Memphis
Commercial Appeal.
Object of God's Solicitude.
You are us much the object of God's
solicit tide us If none lived but yourself.
There is only one medicine thnt really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver
and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root stnnds the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in thou
sands upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription for
special diseases, makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate cflcct is
soon realized in most cases. It is a gen
tin. honlinir vecctable compound.
Ktart treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation fend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Another Angle.
"Does the count intend to contest tils
wife's suit for divorce?"
"No; but his creditors do."
A deposit of copper ore hns been dis
covered In Sweden that is about f)0 per
cent puro copper.
at J-t 1 Y JV"1 .
. ' - . . 1 t...l
Net r,nnlent15Fluid Drachm;
". rnuni.-n PEH CENT.
:Aihffrnnd bvRcula-
Chccrfuincssana frr:.
A hcli-ful Remedy for
71','n r.OMPAWf.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears tha
11' 1U
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
1 - r J-.v 114
f Gold' "t
farmers from the rich wheat fields of
.'(mail whr vnu can bnv eood farm land
at $15 to $30 per acre and raise from 20 to 45 bushels
of $2 wheat to the acre it's easy to make money. Gmada
offers In her provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
160 Acre Homesteads Frea to Settlers
and other land at very low prices. Thousands of
farmers from the U. S. or their sons are yearly taking
advantage of this great opportunity. Wonderful yields
also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farming is
fully as profitable an Industry as grain raising. Good
schools; markets convenient; climate excellent
Write for literature ana particulars as 10 reaucea
railway rates to Supt. Immigration, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
Cor. Walnut 1 Broad Sis.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Canadian Government Agent
You Are Dying By Acid
When you have Heartburn. Gas, Bloat, and that Full Feeling
after eating. TAKE ONE
Rids you of the Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel
the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH IT.
Sold by druirirlsts (rnerlly-If your drna-a-lst can't supply you a bl- box of Xatorlo for
500. send us this sdr. with your nam nnd 1dros snd w will nd It to you ynn Pn srnii
us the S0C after you get It. Address Katoulo Bcmedy Co., 1018 8. V. abah Are., Chicago. "'
-.-SaV -