The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 14, 1918, Image 7

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Influenza or Grip
fa old enemy it with ui again, and
(btlhcr we filiht Gorman or n germ, we
U1t put up a i00& tight, and nut be afraid.
J),e influenza runs a very brief course
(beo ll"-' Plll'ent i careful, and if we keep
lie (yglein m good condition and throw
,j the poisons which tend to accumulate
rilbin our bodies, w can escape the dis
remember these three C'a a clean
pou'tb, a clean Hkin, and clean Lowell.
To carry off poisons from the system and
ttrp the bowcla loose, daily doses of a
iflMnt laxative should be taken. Such
, one l ma(l ' May-apple, leave of aloe,
pot of jalnp, ""'I called Dr. Picrco'a Plcns
ut Pellft- Hot lemonade ahould be used
jf attacked by a cold, and the pa
jirnt slmuM be put to bed after a hot
pa.tar.l foot-bath.
Xo prevent the attack of bronchitis or
jgdiiw'iiia and to control the pain,
Inane tablets should be obtained at the
Img store, and one given every two hours,
tb lemonade. The Anuric tablets
,fre firt discovered by Dr. Tierce, and,
ttcy flush ths bladder and cleanse the
(i'lnrys, they carry away much of the poi-
tlio uric acid.
it is important that broths, milk, but-
itrmilk, ice-cream and simple diet be given
fPgubrly to strengthen the system and in
the vital resistance. The fever is
junini'licd by the use of the Anuric tab
,u, but in addition, tlio forehead, arm
ai hand may bo bathed with water
(trpid) in which a tnl'tcspootiful of sol
intui li n hcen dissolved in a quart. After
in attack of grip or pneumonia to
build up aii'l strengthen the system, obtain
it the ill"!? stnro a good iron tonic, culled
"Irontii" Tablets, or that well known
Icrkl tcnic, Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Look out for Span
ish Influenza. '
At the first sign of
a cold take
StsndsM cold remedy for 10 year, in ttbltt
lonn "ft, sure, oo opiate breaks up cold
It H hours relieves grip in 3 dsrs. Money
bsrki'ltnols. The genuine box hat Red top
mtb Mr. Hiii'a picture. At All Drug Stores.
Modest Joyrider.
"You iiiixlit let mo Imve your cur for
lie iiflernoon, uncle."
"All right, my buy, you enn tuke It.'
"Ami, sny, unfit', nin you lot me
nave tin price of n couple of lines, or
o" IJiision Transcript.
Cuticura Heals Eczema
lad rashes that Itch nud burn. If
there Is a tendency to pimples, etc.,
prevent their return by making Cuti
fnra ynur dally toilet preparation. For
free samples address, "Cuticura, Drpt
X, Boston." At druggists and by mall.
Soap 2.", Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv.
William's baud In connection with
1st slipper has played a very Impor
tant parr in the work of civilization
If .von want a thing dono well ask
the waiter to brine It rare.
Fes! Lame and Achy?
U'Ms nnd grip leave thousands with
weak kidneys and aching; bucks. The
kidneys have to do most of the work of
fighting off any germ disease. They
weaken slow up, and you feel dull, ir
ritable, or nervous have headaches,
dizziness backache, sore joints and ir
repiLir kidney action. Then the kid
J;v need prompt help. I'se Doan's
kulney I'ilU. Thousands praise Doan's
fur quick, satisfactory result.
A Maryland Cage
E;m 'id art n i. t ib.sAn
ll'tUtUmT iCSknmyor. HunierHct
V WsW.Ul A it a -Kt..lnl.l Xt.l
Buys: "1 had a bnd
case of Kidney
trouble that both
or til nie off and on
fur years. Tim fre
quent iiassaRes of
tho kidney secre
tions annoyed me
ii lid my back was
ofien lnnio, weak
und painful. I used
Doan's Kidney
Pills and they
'I"' hud no return of kidney trouble
r"'.Ti 1 eertnlnly hold a hih opinion
ll'la medicine."
Grt Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Bob
rfT'l fTin - -- m Mi liiLiM i mi iff
lara aione count.
promising price
lists da not Irurl
'you to best results.
We have practiced
fairness in fur buying
For 53 Years
Our price-list Is bas
ed entirely on "fair
l... I .t 1.
sending shippers price
canhcpaldona suuare.
honct assortment
ana th ends by send-
i (
i. ..i:iv.riimpiiy ror
the full amount due.
Let us send you our
CJu. j
l$,.i rpsrs
Immtrllat SMnmenfn
Cnrn Mill
711? Wr,,B fur full dracriptftia
j-it 5n,i prion r this fcUiularJ,
u.iruiMH mm null pn.duc.
niitt, whitimiiiua nioal. )r-
flcni Hiltut ii. ur.n.
, wisiiti-siusi, a. t
n!H. WW" r merlC
"lt lo rwlloat dandrulL ,
f or Rwtoria, Color n J '
lSlF,rirJr "TFaded Hlr.
r n
hlZfrHm business. U
(Conducted by I ho National Woman's
Christian Tcniporunea Union.)
From tho Emergency Fleet News we
Ifiirn tlmt the CoiiHt Shipbuilding coin
pany of 1'ortlund, Ore., bus started n
new fiiHliIon In the ceremony of launch
ing. II. 10. Penned, president of the
company tells the utory thus:
"When ubout to launch the 'Cubiirn,
the first of this month, wo bethought
ourselves of the wusto connectetl with
the following of tlio tlino-lionort'il cus
tom of christening u new ship by
breaking a bottle of wlnu n cross her
hows, und although wo would advocate
nothing to ditract from tlio pleasure
and satisfaction of putting u Rood new
fihlp inlo the water, we thought nt this
particular time It would be mure ap
propriate to utilize the money usually
spent -for u ship's christening fur the
purpose of aiding tin- distresses of tin;
dependent children of French n ml Ilel
Klaus, and, Instead of bedecking the
ship with ribbons -and smashing Hid
customary bottle of wine, we took tlio
stand which bus been placed In the
fflitowny tif our yard, Containing u
slotted inlllc bottle Into which our em
ployees tlnip from time to time pennies
nnd small change for these dependent
children, placed It on the stand at the
bow of the ship, iillncheil substantial
piece of money to a small ribbon,
placed this money inside of the bottle
mill drew tlio ribbon through the slot
and tucked It to the bow of the ship.
"The young Judy wln was chosen
sponsor for this launching, Instead of
breaking the bottle of wine when the
ship started to move, cut the ribbon,
which, figuratively speuklng, releases
the ship from Us nttiiclimeiit to tlio
land, nnd while she sped tiponjior way
to old our men nt the battle front,
she left behind her as an omen of good
luck nnd Godspeed a bit of substan
tial good cheer to those who have been
left to suffer while their parents hud
gone fori li in their protection, ns well
as the country for which they wero
nlTcring their all.
"Wo aro mentioning this circum
stance thinking it might be of mate
rial help In the raising of funds for
the care of these dependent children,
If tlio builders of ships generally saw
fit to adopt this diuiiiK the war period
ns a universal custom."
Great Britain la deeply Impressed
with America's solution of the censer
vitioii problem us regards beer. The
Sunday Evening Telegram of Loudon
thus comments:
"No more beer will bo brewed In the
United Stales after November ; that
Is a simple If drastle way of answering
the question of bread or beer. As
America semis us grain, it looks as If
sho Is closing her breweries that ouim
. may remain open. It Is very doubtful
If, supposing the circumstances wero
reversed, we should tin the same for
her; but It Is a uolablc example of the
determination of the United States to
I let nothing stand In tho wuy of curry
ing on tho war."
A recent cartoon tleplcts Ariss Bar-ley-Rye
turning her back upon Mr.
Beer P.urrel ami walking off with Mr.
Flour Barrel who wears a military hat
ami carries a gun. Sho Is saying to
tho jilted B. B.:
No, thanlts, Mr. Itrew; Tm through with
I'm joined to a better mm
Who treats me white to my prent dellslit,
A man who can work nnd a ninn who run
Tm done with boitlo and can.
Too Inns; has thn yield of my bnrley field
Boen brewod into deadly beer.
I shall nonr turn lo (lour, I'm tho maid Of
tho hour; .
From Im'Iiik a rnrso I now lweoino power.
I'm through with you, sic. Do you
hear ?
Whisky will not be dead or ended
with the law that makes the trnflU: Il
legal. The fight must bo continued
against illegal whisky, tTie vilest, most
dangerous kind. Only constant vigi
lance, public co-operation and great
forces of ilt'tor! Ives can deal adequate
ly with thnt danger. Tho best weapon
against whisky Is thorough under
standing of the character of tlie whis
ky poisons. Chicago Ilerald-Ilxam-Iner.
An order issued by the commander-in-chief
of the Allied armies, according
to IAbstlu !e (July lo, 1!)18), for
bids the 'Consumption anil sale of "al
cohol nnd alcoholic drinks" In the 'ar
my zone. The order states that "Kvery
oue must understand that all of this
Vblcli Is capable of diminishing tho
physical -and moral strength of our ar
my becomes, In the fuce of the enemy,
a TerltubXe crime against .national de
. After one year under prohibition In
South Dakota, Superintendent Stucke
man of the Klute Children's Home re
ports that "For the llrst time during
twenty-five years of our Children's
Home society not a single child lias
been admitted to Its custody on ac
count of boor.e playing a prominent
part In establishing Its dependency."
Thirteen thousand nbsta liters aro
equal to 15,000 noniibKtalners. GIv
me a teefotnl arniy und I will lead
It anywhere. Lord Roberts.
I venture to predict tjiat no advance
!n the control of preventable diseases
(if linnfnt-lnl ii litrVrHfinct i-lt,lt, ,.1.1 I
accomidlsh such reduction of the mor
bidity nnd mortality of the community
lib will undoubtedly follow the elim
ination of alcohol as n beverage. Ha
ven Kmerson, M. O., Health Commis
vloner, New York CJIy.
' It Is claimed by some that alcohol
19 a food. If so, It is n poisoned food.
Frederick I'eterson, M. D Profes
sor of I'sychlatry, Columbia Univer
sity McdJoii School, Now York City.
It t Soldier Neces
sarily Immoral
and Irreligious?
Secretary ol Correspondence Department,
Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
TEXT Cornelius, the centurion, a just
man, and one that feareth God. Acts
What will be the character of the
several million young men who will
come back to the
United States
from the great
world war? Will
they be cruel,
barbarous, Immor
al and Irreligious?
Some seem to
think thnt they
will, reasoning
that the business
of the soldier In
slaying bis enemy
will produce this
result. They sny
that men In cer
tain occupations,
for Instance thnt
of slaughtering
I I.IMII1UI9 111 LJIO Mllin, 111117', U1C IK'i
permitted to serve on Juries. It Is
', reasoned thnt the constant Fight of
blond blunts their sensibilities so that
t they would not be slow to doom n fel
low mnn to death on slight evidence.
I It must bo admitted that the terri
ble business of warfare develops In
omo men the spirit of cruelty and
I bntnllty.
I It. Is claimed, also, that the life of
j the soldier cannot but result In the
. i i i. . t. . i. i nHA n ,
lowering of his morals, nnd that It
will almost certainly utterly destroy
anything like religions principles.
Doubtless some will como back more
Immoral thnn they went away, and
some who went away moral will come
tack Immoral. We believe, neverthe
less, that there Is no necessary peril
In the occupation of a soldier, when
the Issues of the war In which his
country Is engnged are righteous nnd
Just. Indeed, we believe tho contrnry
result will be far more likely.
Take BIMo soldiers, those thnt be
longed to Israel, Clod's people. There
was Joshua, a redoubtable soldier, a
great commander-in-chief of the mili
tary establishment of Isrnel In the
!nys of Moses. lie was a great fight
er, but could sny, "As for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord." Gide
on did not disdain to fight manfully
against Ids enemy, and ho was ono
whose sword wns wielded ns with tho
sword of the Lord. There was David,
the greatest fighter of his day, fight
ing from a mere boy to his old age,
yet David wns a mnn after God's own
heart, nnd wrote, "The Lord Is my
Shepherd, I shall not want," "Who
h.ive I in hen von but thee, nnd there Is
none on earth thnt I desire beside
Coming to New Testament times we
find severnl soldiers mentioned, all of
the Romnn or pngnn army. Centuri
ons are mentioned severnl times, nnd
In every case with commendation. One
centurion was a faithful friend of
Putil on his Journey to noruo. Anoth
er went to Jesus and besought him to
come and save his child. lie wns a
nobleman, and hnd built a synngoguo
for the Jews; and Jesus said his faith
was greater than any he had found
In Isrnel. Another centurion said of
Christ on the cross, "Truly this was
the Son of Ood." Cornelius was a cen
turion, "a Just man who feared God,"
and a mnn of prayer. It Is also re
corded that the hnd a servnnt, a de
voted soldier, probably an Ignorant
bnrbnrlnn, but one whom tho Spirit
of God had touched. And It is to bo
remembered thnt in those days battles
were hnnd-to-hnnd and usually result
ed In the denth of the defeated party!
All through the rentnrles many grent
soldiers have been grent Christians;
rnd unquestionably a large number of
officers nnd men in the present war
pre also decided Christians.
Never were soldiers of any army so
guarded ns to morals and religion.
The Young Men's and Young Women's
Christian associations, the Salvation
Army, the church organizations, tho
enmp pastors and chaplains, with hun
dreds of ministers visiting the camps
are giving splendid service in this di
rectum. The government of the United Slntes
has made provision for the protection
of the camps nt homo nnd abroad
from Immoral Influences to an extent
never before attempted, nnd never be
fore were the prnyers of Christian peo
ple bo earnestly offered for the sol
diers ns now. Many men are being
rrnyed for who were never prayed for
before, nnd many are hearing the gos
pel In the camps who never heard It
With these considerations nnd oth
ers thnt might be set forth, It Is our
belief thnt men will return more chiv
alrous, gentle, moral and religious
thnn when they went uway. They will
come back to bo lenders In our
churches and In nil kinds of religious
service like tho soldiers who came
lack after the Civil war, both In the
North nnd In the South, to be the
lenders In the churches.
Food for Strength.
The spiritual life must be fed. We
cannot expect to be alive splrltunlly
unless we are on the alert for spirit
tml food. If we nre following u'
starvation diet ns regards prayer and
Bible study, wo need not be sur
prised If we become spiritually
A gasoline shortage mny keep many
a family close to the fireside, If there
Is enough fuel to warrant calling It
a fireside.
The only real renson n man can't
wear his straw hat nil winter Is be
cause It makes those who see him un
comfortable. That Influenza epidemic comes
along at Just the right time for some
fellows who aro working for the first
11)110 In years.
! V KJ
Some time ngo tho Red Cross called
attention to the need of very simple
' and substantial layettes. They are
given to mothers who are destitute;
those whom war has driven from their
homes or left without support. The
nttentlon of women is called to this
work again. Many women know how
to do the plain sewing required and
pre so situated that they can work
at home more conveniently than In
tho Red Cross rrmins. Making layettes
( will appeal to most of them.
i Information as to materials and
number of garments required, must he
got from the Red Cross chapters, and
also the patterns, since all nre made
according to the standard fixed by tho
Red Cross. The layettes needed for
these III tie ones must be most prnc
tleul. It Is n beautiful work and
ought to bless the woman who gives
her time and loving thought to it ns
much as It benefits the little unpre-
, pured-for mite that arrives In u chilly
( world.
, The Stage Woman's War Relief Is
itlll asking for cast off kid ami cham
ois skin gloves, hits of soft leather
( ns old sofa covers and any other pll
flble leather that can be used for mak
ing Jackets for aviators. Women lire
asked to send In the leather and If
possible to have gloves eleaii Ml before
sending them. Those of chamois skin
can be washed, but kid gloves must bo
.'leaned In gasoline. The cleaning Is
not Imperative, but It Is greatly tie
Hired. Soon we shall have n greater
Criterions of
If women ever wavered in their al
Icclniico to the titllor-miidc suit for
street wear they have repented not
In sackcloth and ashes, but by re
turning with more devotion than ever
to the favorite garb of Americans.
Now Hint fur capes ami scarfs provide
so much casual grace, along with extra
wnrnitli the women of -our laud are
appareled acconllog to their hearts'
desire ami no one can study them on
(he streets wltlmul appreciating how
well the coiabinalion suits them. The
luxurious note bitroduceil by these fur
pieces Is Just the addition needed by
the plain, tailored suit. In the depth
of winter we shall see iiuifTs and hats
to mutch these neckpieces. In such an
outfit beauty will go byiulil'ully
dressed for some months.
In sails as in tailored hats, the line's
tho thing thnt Is to be emphasized.
Decorations nre to be sparingly used
and lire best when they enhance the
tailored finish which Is the crowning
glory of suits. An Illustration of this
appears In the picture above. These
suits are made of wool velours or
broadcloth with plain skirts. In one
of them the skirt Is shoe top length
and In the other It Is two Inches long
er. " Roth' coats are three-quarter
length; one of them double-breasted
with collar of gray squirrel. This coat
hns n narrow belt of the material,
that terminates at each side In a but
ton, ami plain coat sleeves with turned
hnck cuffs of squirrel fur. Rut the
finishing touches that will cause the
tallor-inaile admirer to dote upon this
suit lie In the small silt pockets,
Joined to flap pockets by six pin tucks
laid In the material with perfect pre
.Islon. There Is n similar bit of clever flu-
The Demand for Ties.
"The demand for men's ties this
rail," saltl a New York manufacturer,
"has some rather significant features
In It. We have n customer located
nn Fifth avenue In this city who for
merly wanted only the best we had to
offer, nnd many rich and striking col
ors. This year he wants good quality
end workmanship, hut not the most
expensive, nnd bright colors he will
have none of, compared to former
jenrs. Compare wl(J this some of
out customer who are located In oth-
jB ,
number of aviators than ever, and the
more aviators the more leather Jnck
ets must be mado for them. Send
gloves or other suitable leather by par
cel post to the Stage Woman's Wur Re
lief, 300 Fifth avenue, New York City.
Amber Blouses.
Klesh-plirk chiffon and georgetto
blouses are being worn so universally
now that women of exclusive taste
have turned to another tint, and thnt
tint seems to be amber, not yellow, and
not tan, but Ihe Intlescrlble golden
shade produced by sunlight shining
through clear amber. A simple tucked
batiste blouse becomes, touched by
the magic wand of amber, an exclusive
model woi'lli several dollars. Amber
chllTon blouses cost still more, ami
amber organdie trimmed with filet
lace Is t xceeillngly distinguished In
Modioh Lines,
Some of the new frocks are mado
wilh bodices somewhat on the lines of
a sweater. The weight of the skirt Is
not supported by the bodice; Instead,
th skirt Is carried to the waistline nnd
Hit! blouse is adjusted outside of It,
with the merest hint of draping to In
dicate the position of the wnlslllno
without defining It. A frock built
upon these lines Is of while satin, with
the neck cut square nt the buck nnd
sides. A narrow collar of old bluo
crepe und cuffs of old blue were tho
Elegance in Suits
Ishlng ill Ihe other suit where tabs,
with parellcl rows of stitching, are ex
h'litled above tin large, tint pockets.
The sleeves have a smull stitched
panel set in. anil rows of buttons vvllh
simulated buttonholes.
Hats of White Beaver.
While, lurry beaver, In the season's
newest shapes, Is expected to find fn
vor In millinery circles. High-class
iiuintifaclurers who are showing them
have only the best to say regarding
their sale, due attractive hat of this
type was a turban with the effect of
a tain. It was Iriminetl with- large,
flat flowers of white velvet with an
edge of while crochet wool. This com
hliiatlou Is said to give support to tho
assertion made In the trade that tho
popularity of beaver Is going to make
for the popularity of flowers this sea
son. The Apron Front.
When milking uprons save a piece of
the goods about 10 Inches square. Hem
fill sides. Make two buttonholes, one
on each corner of the top. Sew two
buttons on belt of apron about 1(1
Inches apart. When you are doing dirty
work button the square on belts. Saves
apron anil washing. Can be ininle nf
shelf oilcloth, then all you do Is to
cut luiltonholes.
Square Jet Buttons.
Square Jel buttons are used from
tilt! tP of the collar to the wii 1st lire
In one of the new frocks. The collar,
which Is high und liming, Is held up
by wires, for otherwise the heavy,
square Jet bullous would pull It down.
or coiniuunllles which are more strict
ly uuinufaeliirlng centers. They Used
to take the cheapest ties and most sub
dued colors we could furnish. Now
we cannot gel anything expensive
enough or too brllllunt for (hem."
Old Superstition Banned.
Smart milliners assure ns that thero
Isn't the least bit of bad luck In white
peacock feathers that Is salt to lurk In
their opalescent brethren. And so
your ermine toque with -Its snowy
.sprny need not worry you at all
Vr-s : J ' Net Contents 1 Fluid Pranhm'
Al.f.DIlOL-3 riiH CENT.
llntMhcStomachSnna iMwrisu
p UicrcbyrromoUniDiCcsfon
Mineral. Not nahooi
brbll, StOl
h im W
K i,oti.fiill(einodyfcf
nnd lVvcrisnno
facsimile Si(5naWLof
. Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Poor Mules!
A mule Kklnner from Alubaimi was
brought Into a dressing slnlloii. His
munition wau'oii hnd been blown up by
a (iermun shell and be had three grave
"I low tlo you feelV" ihe doctor asked.
".Mighty bnd," said the mule skinner.
Then lie tided, sadly:
'TiUt not because of my wounds, doc.
You get me wrong. You see, I was
goln' on up front with my four old
mules nnd a wat:oabiiii of death for
those thimned I Inns when u big 'nil
ptumped right In front of us and it
killed all my mules; I feel nikiity bad
about them animals gctlm' humped off
so quick !"
Catarrh Cannot Ho Cured
by I.OCAt, A I'l'I.K'ATK .':t. an thoy
uiiinot roach III scat o( tlin illsru'".
C'aHirrli Is it local illsc.m... jrrcath- ImIIii
eni."! by cnnstllutltinnl conilltlnim. li W.l.'K
PATAItltil Ml'IUi'lNi: will cure rutarili
It is taken Jiiti-rnally ntet nets tlirtmrrh
the ltlooil nn llic Micntm Hurfnco nf tlir
Is cnnipofied of snino of tlie Itest Ionics
known. comHned witli soino of tho host
hlc'd purlllcrs. The P"rf"i't romtilnntlMrt
nf Ihe Imrrcllpnts In HAt.tfl CATAHIMI
Ml-'lTri.K H what irnilucrs Fii'h won
jcrfnl result In ratarrhnl conditlnns.
PruKKlHln 7r,c. Tc-tltnnnlals free.
F. J. Cheney A Cn., props., Toledo, O.
Bore All Three.
Jin Mosquito (in the slllly night)
I'll Just bet thai mnn Is one of them
newspaper sqiiib.xiultlis.
Pa Mosquito How can you tell,
Ma Mosquito I'.y Ihe bum homor In
his blood.
A Regular Cutup.
omythe Say. I hear that new min
ister you have is a comical fellow.
Smllh Well. I should sny lie Is. II
h:n hung a sign on Ihe church read
III),' 'Tire Kscnpe."
Wanted Information.
Professor The first 111:111 was found
In India.
Professor Who found him?
Whrn Buhv is Trrthlngr
lhi Htcumch nnd llnwol trMiiiilm. I'urtovllf taartu
It's. Si'o dirucUoiisiia tn 1 buitlit.
P.ill llolienr.olleril fell down when
he tmilcrlook to fool all the people
all the 1 line.
Soro Eyes. Illmnl-Shol Kyrs. Watrry Kyrs,
Sticky Mycs, nil h. 'ilc.t promptly with nlulit
ly applli'utiiins nf ltmirtn Kyo Adv.
The girl who Is the most popular
with men In general Is Ihe most apt
to make one man miserable for life.
For centuries COLD UK DAT. Haarlem
Oil hits been it xl.iiiil.ud liiiii-eliold remedy
for kidney, liver, bladder and stoiu.tcii
trouble, nud nil iIimmmm onncctcJ with
the uiinury nre .in. Tho kidneys nnd hi. ol
der are the most important organs of the
body. They an the filters, the puritiers of
your blond. If the poisons winch enter
ynur system through tlie blood nail stem
sell are not entirely thrown out by the
kidneys und bladder, you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain in loins and lower abdo
men, gall stone, uravcl, ditliettlty when
urinating, cloudy nnd bloody urine, rheu
matism, Hciatien and lumbago, nil warn you
to look after your kidneys nnd bladder.
All thee indicate, some weakness of the
kidneys or other organs or that the enemy
microbes which are nlwnys present in your
svotein have attacked your weak spots.
(iOI.I) MI.D.U, Haarlem Oil Cnpstiles sic
what you need.
They nre not a "patent medicine," nor
a "new discovery." For 200 years they
It means a miserable condition of III health that leads to all sorts of specin!
aliments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, Indigestion, pain;
Of various kinds, piles and numerous othsr disorders CONSTIPATION Is
erlma against nature. Take OR. TUTT'3 LIVER PILL8 and hava your liver
and bowels reauma their health-giving natural functions. At all drugglsta.
Dr. TWs
contains corwsAS ros wosms, juipiiuh
AW HOlia OtAltS
Bi.ackman Stock Remedy
jri ii-i.ii vkmt v iir
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Hit Sole Reliance.
"No mailer what the emergency,
Itrother Johnson," begun Ihe presiding
elder. "If we trust in the Lord"
"That's ubout all I can tlo, jut at
present, Parson." replied (lap Johnson
of Itiimpus Itidge. ".My fourteen chil
dren have got (bus yur intlucu.y, mid
when they sneeze In unicorn Ihe house
bulges. I hain't got in Insurance on
It. and I'm Just selling back and Int-t-!ng
in the Lord thai the house will
hold together till I be children
well." Kansas City Star.
When mi nis don't lit find you bi b h
gas, acids and undigested food. When
you feel lumps of distress in Fionmch,
pain, flatulence, heartburn or headache.
Here Is lnttuut relief No w aiting J
.Tip't as soon as you eat a tablet 'r
Piipe's IHapcpsIn all the dyspepsia. In-.
iligest 11 und stomach distress einK
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Pape's IMapcpsIn never fall to litakti
sick, upset stomachs feel line at once,
und they cost so little at drug stores.
Some Exceptions.
"Women are not given lo abstract
reflections." "Aren't Ihey nhveys
stealing glnnces nt a mirror?"
have been a standard household remedy.
They nre the pure, original imported ll.uir
Oil your great-grandmother lived, nnd
are perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth
ing oil sonks into tho cells und lining i t
tne Kidneys ami tnroutili tlie lilaihlcr, ii:v
iag out the poisonous (terms. New life,
iic.-li strength nnd health will come as yoj
continue the treatment. When complete
ly restored to your usual vigor, continue
taking n capsule or two each day; they will
keep you in condition nnd prevent a re
turn of the disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays nre es
pecially dangerous in kidney and bladder
trouble. All druggists sell tiOLD MKPAL,
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will it f:ind
the money if not ns represented. (SOU)
Mi'DAh Haarlem Oil Capsules nre im
ported direct from the lalmratoriea in Hol
land. They nre prepared in correct quan
tity nnd convenient form, nre easy to taka
and tiro positively guaranteed to givsj
prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed park
ntics. Ask for the original imported
;LD MKDAU Accept no substitute.-
Uv&v PH
ros rut sioon,
Company Chattanoovfa.Tenn.