The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 10, 1918, Image 6

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or New
In Thlo Depi
ri: m ent Our Readers In Fulton County and Elsewhe
Around tho VAorld NAlth the Cam or a on the Trill
of History Making Hoppenincfa.
FVlay Journey
Quick Action By Wilson Lfkelw
An Dm... AI t I
vii i caiiu uiiensive,
Armistice Would Give Mllltarin, A(
opportunity To Improve Thi
Situation And Then Shelve
The Parlor Radical.
Maximilian's Note To Wilion,
Amsterdam. The text nf n, ...
u t 'ujlL& 77 -
Wartime neceiRltlea in Washington have halted the plaza development by which the space between the Union 8ta
tlon and the cnpltol was to have been converted Into a beautiful park. Dormitories for government workers are being
built on the entire space. It Is one of many bousing projects under way to relieve an almost unbelievable congestion.
When the allies recaptured Peronne
city Is here shown.
TheHe American aviators are consulting maps Just prior to starting upon . : lv , ' '
a bombing expedition on Metz, the Alsatian capital. kfpt4fflr
' J'
Here are types of the Turkish prisoners taken by the thousands In Tales
tine by the victorious troops of General AUeuby's expedition.
French Revolutionary Calendar.
The convention of the French revo
lution abolished the ordinary calendar
BDd established a new one, beginning
about the autumnal equinox, with de
scriptive names for the months. The
present time of year was under that
arrangement the last month of the
year. It extended from August 19 to
September 18 and was called Fructtdor
w v Sty
they found the Uuns bad reduced it to a
Real Riches.
Do you know what renl riches are?
Some people never know, but others do.
Ileal riches consist not In hnvtng, but
la giving. Some of the people who
are envied as wealthy, are In reality
poor starved souls to whom the Joy of
sacrifice Is an unknown luxury. Not
until you master the art of giving up
for others are you really rich. Exchange.
mass of ruins. A scene In the wrecked
Mrs. JoNophus Daniels, wife of the
secretory of the navy, Is here shown
In the blue uniform and bluck trlcone
hat of the Y. W. C. A. war work coun
cil, which she now wears on her visits
to the hostess houses in different
camps n nil naval stations.
Surprise to Mother.
Tho" little girl worked herself up into
that form of bud temper which Is gen
erally known to parents under the
name of "a tantrum."
Hut her mother did no make the
common mlstuke of chastising her
whITo she was In that mood. She
called the little girl to her side and
arjcued with her.
"Dear child," said the mother, "don't
you know thut when you get yourself
into such a ntuto nobody loves you?"
"Dear mother," answered the child,
controlling herself with difficulty and'
peaking through her clenched teeth,
"when I am In such a stnte I don't
care a darn whether anybody loves me
or not I" Cleveland 1'luln Dealer.
Belgium After the War.
Attention Is enlled by the Rclglan
Bulletin to the fact that In the dis
trict of Liege after the wor the cool
mines of the basin of Liege will re
organise In still greater proportions
the food service which they had cre
ated for tho miners, but which the
food shortage forced them to suspend.
The syndicated coal mines In question
will open establishments to furnish to
the workers food, clothing, shoes, etc.,
t cost
:l SSI'
. i
rj5 &fjL
Ever since the cleaning out of the St. Mlhlel salient tho fortlDcatlous of Metz have been under the fire of the Amer
ican artillery.
nni-tiwiii-mMtfinWiirriiifmw'rriiiMM'-nfniWliin (mtt&YY',iMtom f-HfiffifiOTiiSW(riWsiei
This photograph shows a German artillery train camouflaged for protection ugulnst bombs from French, Eng
lish and American airplanes. In the foreground are men with an antlulrcruft gun.
Mrs. Walter Hlnes Tage, wife of the
former ambassador to Great Britain
and a member of the American Bed
Cross, Is here shown at the bedside
of a wounded American soldier In Eng
land. American women regularly visit
the American wounded In base hos
pitals and more than COO have already
been enrolled In the "care committee"
of the Bed Cross.
Mrs. Frunk I'. Brown of Cincinnati
Is winner of Natlonul Capital Prize No,
1, offered to war gardeners by the
war garden commission. She took first
prizes amounting In all to 1 100, which
she Invested In War Savings stamps.
On a plot 100 by 100 feet she raised
enough vegetables for her table alt
summer, in addition to 125 cans of
vcgctnblos she put up, and 25 bushels
of potatoes.
Ifr , , It ( 3 I MlWWI'llllllIMW'''IMMWBWjpilMiliiul)Liii1ii M.Jiiliul...i n i.MiW.flJ.iv
I f
ml'S bb mm :
With the lighting on the western front becoming more open, cavalry 1.
being employed in greater numbers. Canadian cavulry made a spirited dash
Into enemy territory and rounded up thousands of prisoners. This ofllclal
photograph shows the Ilelnles coming Into the lnfuntry line after being driven
In by the cavalrymen.
4 -
' L! if Uf H-mmtr
.j... .iLy.Jt - 1 . w
The last stage of reconstruction of wouuded soldiers la Walter Iteed hos
pital Is the farming and gardening course. Besides bringing the men Into the
air and sunlight, the course gives an added Impetus to agricultural work as
one of the leading after-tho-war occupations for returning man power.
Know German Plans by Its Hum.
- Though the hum of airplane en
gines differs widely In the various ma
chines, It Is claimed that a Ocrmun
plune, away from the roar of the
guns, can be recognized by the sound
when too high up for the bluck crosses
to be distinguished. A rise and fall
In the hum Is due to Intermittent
syncnronisntlon of the engine beots,
and the drone Is also, as a rule, deep
er than that of any engines of the
British or their allies. It Is Inferred
from this that the German machines
have a slower rate of propeller or
crank shaft revolution than the others.
forwarded by the Imperial Germ,,
f I 11 ri .
wjumeiiur, iiiuub Maximilian, in
President Wilson, through th0 sw
government follows:
"The German government n,in...
the President of the United states to
lake In hand the restoration nf i,u...
acquaint all the belligerent sim,,, 0(
this request and Invite tin m t ,,u
plenipotentiaries for the i,iin..o .
opening negotiations.
"It accepts the program si-t forth k.
Ihe President of the United Shi. i.
his message to Congress on January
in nis later pronouncements, c.-iii clalij
his speech of September 27. m n .i.
for peace negotiations.
"With a view to avoiding fnnh..
bloodshed, the German government r.
quests the immediate conclusion f
armistice on land and-'wiiter and In
the ulr."
It Is announced that Tin key will
take a similar step.
Washington. Instant rejection h
the United States will bo tho fate of
the latest peace proposals from the
Central Powers.
President Wilson will handle the ill.
uatlon and handle It In a hurry.
The Austrian note reached the Svcd.
Ish Legation Sunday. W. A. K Ekm.
gren, the Swedish minister, delivered
It personally to Secretary of State
Lansing. The text of the note is un
derstood to be the same as that car
ried in the newspaper cables.
No Peace Yet
There was no" disposition in ofllclal
circles to distinguish -between the Ger
man and Austrian moves, as the pro
posals are deemed but another step In
the great peace offensive now under
way. Because the two governni-oti
are acting In accordance on the mat
ter, word of similar action on the part
of Tuikey is expected momentarily,
It can be stated semi -officially, how.
ever, that peace Is Impossible at the
present time, as far as either Ger
many or Austria la concerned. The
reason It Is Impossible Is because they
have made It so. Officials expressed
disgust at the hypocrisy which cloaki
the present proposals, and which
glares from beneath the camouflage
of good faith. Here are tho reason!
they advance:
The military situation has made the
move necessary, and therefore rereali
It as a diplomatic attempt to overt the
disaster German armies face on the
field of battle.
At home Germany has undertaken
some reforms, and the appointment
of Prince Max, of Baden, termed I
Parlor Radical," as Imperial chan
cellor Is cited.
But, It Is pointed out, an Improved
military situation would allow the
militarists to get rid of Prinre Mai
and his coworkers as early as It wai
possible to displace Von Herding,
Mlchaells and other chancellors.
Peace at this time, it also wan said.
would leave Germany with the nucleus
of a mighty army with which she could
again Jeopardize the tranquility the
whole world hopes to experlenco once
a real pence Is obtnlned.
As a further evidence of the hypo-.
crlsy of the German move and the
Austrian move, too, for thut mattr,
ofliclals point to the request for pea
which comes at a time when (ierman
armies are wantonly dpstroylns towni
and villages In France and Ilelbiuni,
while politicians In Berlin and Vienna
are working for "German peace." I"
addition, German armies still occupy
other alien territory and the evacua
tion of all occupied territory Is only
one of President Wilson's 14 prin
ciples. ,
Troops That Fought In That Sector
Marching Back.
Ilerlln. German troons whlcli have
been nahting in the ranks of the Bul
garian Army have been withdrawn anil
are now marching bnck towards tneir
headquarters, snB the official stalej
ment Issued by the Gerinun general
army headquarters, which adds:
"They have completely met tho hit"
demands made upon them and hav
accomplished excellent work."
German Forces, Berlin Says, Are Re
treating Beyond Damascus
Berlin. The Gorman ofllclal report
ays: ,
I. n Kiiii flirhHni? In 1
Iuri limn unnaiiwiici ,i..---" .
estine by the side of tholr trusty Tu1
Ish allies have been compelled i
Junction with the weak Turkish fore
to yield to pressure of superior n'n
forces and are retreating b6,"
Damascus In a northerly direction.
Parls.-Threat by Austria that A"
iled aviators dropping or
porclamatlons will be Pun,IM'"L
h.. hrnmrht n threat of nT"
from the French Government.
Austro-Hungarlan Governnu-
. . a i aviators
executed the French "l,'or'tl"aW
retaliate by Inflicting jt
la double proportion upon Ausin
ftcers who are prisoners.