The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 03, 1918, Image 8

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    i Conor Roll Cimmit!ee.
A central honor roll committee
for Fulton County has been ap
pointed by The Pennsylvania
Council of National Defense and
Committee of Public Safety to
compile data for the permanent
archives of the commonwealth,
of this county's participation in
the world war; to give generous
recognition of all acts of heroism
on the part of our men, and to
hold memorial services for those
who have died in the nation's
Six members comprise the com
mittee. These members are Rev.
William J., Lowe, Rev. Edward
Jackson, Rev. C. F. Jacob?,
Rev. Wilson V. Crove. Hon.
John P. Sipes and John B. Run
yan, all of McConnellsburg,
They have accepted their duties
and at a meeting on last Thurs
day evening effected the follow
ing organization: President,
Rev. William J. Lowe, secretary
and treasurer, John 13. Runyan.
In addition to the central com
mittee there will be a commit
tee, or an individual, in every
township in the county who will
carry on the work in their dis
trict, and submit such data as is
requested to the Central Com
mittee in McConnellsburg. This
local committee will beinamed by
the County Council and Commit
tee. The data to be compiled and
put in form for permanment
preservation is as follows:
Names of officers and enlisted
men, togeather with the units to
which they belong, the dates of
their entry into, and their dis
charge from, the service.
List of those who died in the
service, together with place and
date of death.
List of all those wounded in the
ggg marcs mtmn irawit, EfttfoswrsLEjaoj&e, wt
Wh Nj Girl Under Thlrtj
Should Go To France.
List of all those reported miss
ing. List of those decorated or cited
for bravery or special servce.
Names of nurses and women
in service, together with the
dates of their entry into and
their discharge therefrom.
It also is the purpose of this
committee to erect at the Court
House an honor roll marker, on
which.will be listed the above in
formation with the exception o
the military units to which the
men belong, which will be held
until after the war is over and
then placed uponlthe marker.
At the meeting held Thursday
evening the committee decided
to hold the first memorial ser
vice for those who have died
from this county while in the
nation's service in the schoo
auditorium in McConnellsburg.
Saturday afternoon, October 19th
at 2 o'clock. Invitations will be
sent to the relatives and friends
to those who have died to attend
this service.
Ibis is a work that will not
only record the achievements o
this County in the present cor
nict, but will be great value to
those who are so nobly serving
this country in its hour of trial,
after the war is over. Every
family who has members in ser
vice should make it their duty to
see that this committee has al
pertinent facts about those who
are in the service.
Far the present, and pending
the announcement of the Dis
trict Committees, the above in
formation may be sent to John
B. Runvan. secretary. MrCVm.
nellsburg, Pa., who will file same
witn tne records.
Miss Irene Head ley Armea, who
has just returned from Paris
where she spent six months as
Hostess of the Hotel Petrograd
operated by the Young Women's
Christian Association, declares
that not a single person under
thirty years of age should be sent
to France.
I would suggest that not a
woman under thirty go abroad
unless she can accept responsibili
ty" Miss Armes said. "Life on
the other side is entirely differ
ent. The first thing an American
discovers when she arrives, keen
to do her 'bit', is that France is
full of hard working people ard
she does not seem to be needed
."After her first three months
abroad, whatever is weak inside
of you begins to realize that this
is a situation stripped of every
bit of artifice, camouflage or red
tape, and that only the tinners
that count are left."
Miss Armes declares that "over
in France these days, nobodv
preaches religion." "Every
thing is stripped bare" she said,
and 6ince the war began, Eng
lish and French women have
grown silent. Any one who can
not understand this thing should
not go to France!
American Eo'diera are consum
ed with curiosity about French
girls when they first arrive, Miss
Armes said. "The soldiers are
much more interested in them.
thin in the American girls who
are doing war work around them.
It it pereectly obvious why this
is so. These girls are different
They are more interesting at first
than their own women folk are
The soldiers want to play with
them and talk to them and find
out what manner of girls they are.
They find willing listeners
first or an, because they are
Americans, and then because
they are alert, eager young lads,
keen for fight
Eeport cf Red Cross Garments.
The Fulton County Chapter A.
R. C. made for the month of
September 108 drawers and 100
undershirts. This allottmentof
hospital garments was Bent to
the Pennsylvania Division Head
quarters Philadelphia September
28. Forty-fiye ladies sewed in
the Red CroBs room, and to their
credit, some were present almost
every afternoon.
Our Chapter has both the
workers and the enthusiasm for
doing good work, as September
is a fruit month there was sacri
fices made.
No matter how many sacrifices
we made, no matter how great
the cost, this war must be won;
and the winning of it will call
forth all our energies as a na
tion. Men and women, boys and
girls, will be required to do their
part to the uttermost, if our pur
pose is to be accomplished.
Working Committee,
Ulay be Misunderstanding.
There appears to be a misunder
standing in regard to building op
erations under the new order o
the United States Government
twill be necessary, hereafter,
to receive the approval of the
Pennsylvania Council of Nationa
Defense for every new operation,
and it will be necessary to re
ceive the approval of the Build
ing Director for all repairs cost
ing more than $2500.
Heretofore it appeared to be
understood that new operation
costing less than $2500, might be
undertaken without the approva
of the Building Director. Thi
is not the case, since there must
be approval for every new op
"I believe", said State Build
ing Director B. Dawson Coleman,
that when proppective builders
understand exactly what the
Government desires, they will as
cheerfully and unanimously re
apect us wisnes as auto owners
have observed "gasle3s Sun
Burn Wood.
After many years urging the
conservation of timber, the Unit
ed States Government now feels
obliged to face about and ask the
public to burn wood instead o
The Council of National De
fense has issued instructions
throughout the country, advising
people everywhere to burn as
much as possible in order to save
The State of Pennsylvania
owns more than a million acres
of land, and nearly all of it
timbered. It is possible that the
next Legislature will be asked to
take Bteps which will enable the
public to use a judicious amount
of the timber for firewood.
The Federated Churches of
Mconnellsburg, Rev. William J.
Lowe, Minister. Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock a Rally Day will
be held in St. Paul's Reformed
Church. Both Sunday schools
and congregations willv unite in
this service. Chriatain Endeav-
er meeting at 6 o'clock and even-
ng service at 7 o'clock in the
Holy Communion at the Mc
Connellsburg Lutheran church
next Sunday morninj at-10:30.
Preparatory services Friday
evening at 730.
Here the styles
are the latest
and the prices
are the cheap
est. Buy where
you get Styles
and Values.
Our Fall And Winter Styles
Orbisonia's Largest
Department Store
Come, lookthem
over and see for
yourself the Val
ues you get
Orbisonia, Pa.
Orbisonia, Pa.
- We wish to announce that after receiving our large
shipment of Fall and Winter goods which we bought in
advance at lower prices than we can buy now, we have
p aced them in stock, and now are ready to be sold at the
old price. So don't forget to buy where your dollars
count the most, and the values are the best
Come Early and Get the Best Choice.
We have a larger assortment of merchandise than any
other store in Huntingdon county for our
store is the largest.
Ladies' and Misses' Suits. Coats and Dresses in the
i i i i .
laxesi styles, colors and material. Our Millinerv Denart-
ment is now ready for your inspection. The latest
onapes, Designs and Colors.
Men's and Bovs' Clothing m un-tn-datfi Stvles. Fits.
and Values, is what you get here all the time.
We carry a full line of Merchandise for Men. Kariifls.
and Children to suit your prices; so come to our'Big
otuie lur your neeas.
You can easily pay your railroadexpenses by buying here.
Come, look them over. Our values and nrines are
- fale Kerjser.
Fndiy, October 4 to. George
D. Ueefner, agent, will soli at
the late residence of Mrs. Lydia
Ueofner at Hustontown, house
bold good consisting of stoves,
tiblos, chur?, carpets ard mat
ting, bedroom furniture, sew.
HS macti'ie. dishes, runner!
'rult, etc. The aala will betHo at
0 o'clock, when terms will be
made kcown. J. M, Cbesnut,
ivednesday, October 80,
Howard B Swope intending to
remove from tbe County will
ell at bis residence near Sipos
Mills horses, cattle, farming lm
plements, grain, potatoes and
bouaebold goods, bale fill be
gin at 10 o'clock. Credit 6
months. James M. Cbesnut,
The Presbyterian and the Re-
'ormed Sunday school will unite
in a Sunday school rally in the
Reformed chuch next Sunday
morninjr at 10 o'clock. The Pres
byterian Sunday school will meet
at the Presbyterian church at
9:80 and hold a short session,
Now is tho tlroo to buy a Wath
before they go higher iu prico.
Stop and seo us and hava us explain tho
different makes and grados. Always a
good assortment on hand.
McConnellsburg. - Chambersburg.
Ollico abovo Crouse'a Kestaurant,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Monday and Friday, 1 to 4 p. m,
Subscribe for the News. .
Cumberland Valley Farms.
205 A. llmi"4t,nnA llinil tl mill! rintn ...l...l ..II I-- nnllil'Htldl)
-" " -1 i k1 ,u miwncfc, an muni wun.--
not rough or hilly, 3 floor bauk barn, 14 room housn, grain crop lias b'5
o-uu ousneis in a season anil other crops In proportion; splendidly arr.n
to divide: price rlitht and terms nav.
135 A. Slate and gravel land, close to the Lincoln Jllghway, ft mllefi!
of Chambersburg, good frame house and log bare, possession this fall. "0,l''
00, will loan the purchaser $5000.00.
I00A. along the Lincoln Highway, not hill v. laree brlok house and bri
barn, all In good repair, terms and time of possession to suit tho purcn'ef'
25 A. aliitn land h Inn it Ilia Ktnta nnml K m!U hnn,lu,ru1uirir. lW
tS "w wmvu .iuuU j iniii,. uuiu vii 111" wi n n
fi ame house and good barn, fruit and good water, 43S0O 00.
3 A. along the Lincoln Highway, with 7 room frame house and bath, t'
ble. fruit and good water, $2000. CO.
14H A. fi nilliia wuiit. nf hlr,iwinuK., V,,.., oil .iiwpMSHrJ . 0"'
... ........ ....... . wui mii.u i., H 1 1 VI 11 I1UU.D II 1 1 II u I I ' " " '
buildings (no barn); 25 A. good timber, owners will consider any reason3'1
proposition and arrange a liberal loan to the purchasor.
24(1 A. hour TTnrinr Yiimlr Knun on1 fam Vwman nut hillYi
nlng water, 20 A. good timber, a sulondid stoc'x farm. 410.000. Will l"1"
lhe purchaser $7500.00. -
A. Ilinnstonn lnnrl 3 mfl.ta ft.nm PlinmliaMulnn.. .Inmv muiMidnni r"ftl
.. .. ....... w ....ivw a...a VII.IIIIIDiauUIKi II I II II .....
large frame house, bank barn, equipped for the dairy business, 8 ""
fruit and good water. Must be sold soon, purchasor can have possesi'1
mis Ian.
The West Mill property, near Upper Strasburg, with 12 A. of lund, f"
buildings aid modern equipment, a sulondid opportunity for any ono
terested in the mill business.
See us before you Buy or Sell.
Chambersburg, Pa.