The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 19, 1918, Image 7

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BUU unlulvtNd
W Being Relieved of Or
ftanic Trouble by LydiaE.
pinkham'i Vegetable
in. took Lydla E. Pint
OW'.LiU rVmnnnnd tnr an nr.
wi veB""" eariic trouble which
nulled me down un
til I could notDutmr
foot to the floor and
could icarcely do my
work, and ai I live
on a amall farm and
raise six hundred
chickem1 every year
it madeifc very bard
forme. ' ,
"I saw the Com
pound advertised in
our paper, and tried
It. It haa restored
( health o I can do all my work and
j t . in praiei ui vh. -
'"".r.r-.if friends." Mrs. U. H.
tvis-Tlt B. 4, Oregon, III.
?i"-ithAt,.ve suffered the tor-
JSof uch troubles and have dragged
tnresoi su" y-- a;h
f?wh!?h this famous root and herb 'Provence, or wandered over the wldo
"..)!, I .villa E. Pinkham's Vegetable roads of Italy. You do not, I admit,
ZZZlnnA. brought to Mrs. Alters.
' inn pvprvwiiviu III V
everywhere in Mrs. Alters
.J! inn should profit by her recom-
".j.iinn. and if there are any com-
3 cVtions write Lydla E. P.nkham'i
Rlci.i. r-n . Lvnn. Mass.. for advice.
IteKMlt of their 40 years experience
I, your gutv-g
Costly Capitulation.
"U-nr Is inluhty expensive business
leu, (lie presents I lmvo to make
Et llf 111 111 .... . -
nipt UK'." ISoston Transcript.
..rt.m tn iiifiti.ii niiii.iur rifiriK.
Try tl Make this lemon lotion
to whiten your tanned or
freckled akin..
SauM'ze the Juice of two lemons la-
(0 1 bottle ConiUiuiiiR uiree uuuueo ui
. ... - I 41 J
Orchard White, shako well, and you
have a quorter pint of the best freckle,
fljnburn mid tan lotion, and complex-
Ion whltcner, at very, very smuU cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
Jrug store or toilet counter will supply
ttirw ounces of Orchard White for a
few cents. Mussnge this sweetly fra
grant lotion Into the foce, neck, arms
ind hands and see how quickly the
freckloft. sunburn, wlndburn and ton
disappear and how clear, soft and
silts tin- skin becomes. Yes I It li
formless. Adv.
Moment In the Life of an Aviator That
Makes Up for Much He
Has Endured.
When vim lmvo been on patrol a
tazwnv behind the enemy lines, shoot'
It? up towns and camps and railway
trains like a pack of aerial cowboys;
when, on your way home, you have de
liberately disobeyed orders and Ion fed
i lone way behind the other members
of your group In order to watch tho
pretty sunset;, and as a punishment
lor this esthetic Indulgence have been
overtnken by darkness und compelled
to lnml In strnnco country, only to
have jour mnehlno Immediately sur
rounded by German soldiers; then,
bavins taken tho desperate resolve
Hat they shall not have possession of
jour old Imttle-scarred avion as well
is of your person, when you are about
to torn It n match to It, If tho light
jllsicns on a long French bayonet and
Jon leurn that the German soldiers
have liwu prisoners since the battle
of the Somiiie, nnd have Just finished
thilr day's work nt harvesting beets
to be used In making sugar for rrenen
pollus uh, Isn't It a grand and glo
rious feeling?
To which I would reply, "Mais oul,
Bon vleiixl Mills oul I" James N.
Hall, In July Atlantic.
Extreme Test.
"Smooth, eh?"
"Smooth I've known hlin to
I trnllic cop out of a pinch."
A church bell has an empty hend
ltd a long tongue, yet It Is discreet
mouch not to speak until It is tolled.
1 )
111 Take
you hear it more
and more when one
is asked what he'll
have for his morn
ing drink.
Deli rthtful aroma
and xaste.and free
dom from the dis
comforts that go
wixn coTTee.
Nourishing health-
jui, economical.
NO WASTE stell
ar important item
these days. Give
ICouuucUsd by the oullouul VVumaul
Christian Temperance union. i
"Anybody who has ever traveled
abroad and baa gone Into the wine
mnklng countries will realize that
there Is no drunkenness there. This
statement was made by Julius Kabn,
representative In congress from Cali
fornia, at the hearing in the senute
committee on the prohibition amend
ment to the agricultural bill.
And United States Senator James D.
I'lielun, from the same state, suld tuut
"In wlne-maklng countries there Is
conspicuous sobriety." Hcur what
Vance Thompson, author and Journal
ist and experienced truveler, suys In
reply to tlio clulm that there Is no
drunkenness In southern Europe:
"He who makes that Btutement
speaks out of deep ignorance, lie
has never dwelt In tho villages of
BC0 B0 wild and manifest a drunken-
in tno harsh, northern, spirit
drinking lands; but tho southern
drinker, making up In quantity what
was wanting in the alcoholic strength
of his beverage, reaches tho sain
stage of physical Impairment, begets
the same poisoned offspring, dies in
the sumo kind of alcoholic dissolution
to use the technical phrase. Ills
moral corruption, an Ms physical de
generation, is slower in Its progress;
but statistics must be piled hospltul
high to show It reuches the same end.
"It was in my horoscope to watch
for 20 years the growth of the alcohol
hublt In France. I snw the nation
weary of the too feeble Intoxicant of
wine and tuke to strong drink. During
those-years the drinking of absinthe
alone rose from an annual consump
tion of 1,000,000 gullons to over 5,000,-
000 gallons. The J?reAch race, with
dangerous deterioration, turned from
the slow poison of wine to the fiercer
and moro active of alcohol poisons to
the wilder alcohol of amers nud ab
"With whnt fine splritunl energy,
born of buttle-perll, Frunco drew her
self back from the abyss of racial de
generation, you shall see, but assured
ly she was golngeven as tho wine
boy Is muklng for whisky drunkenness
toward the alcoholic deterioration
which Is national deterioration, which
Is national death.
"Let there be no doubt about it ; tho
wine way to drunkenness Is a way like
any other."
The following poster has been used
In some of the burrucks of the French
army in promoting an educational
campaign agnlnst the use of alcohol:
One who uses alcohol
Ott.s ulcer of the stomach.
Gets phthisis.
Gets delirium tremens.
Gets a wurd In au lusune asylum.
Gets to prison.
Gets disgraced.
Ha further
Loses time.
Loses money.
Loses Intelligence.
Loses will-power.
Loses self-respect.
We tnmper with their persnnnl lib
erty when we draft them for tho army.
Tuko a mnn out of his home, make him
change tho stylo of his clothing, as
sign hours for his meals, drill him,
work blm, control his habits, put him
on shipboard, Bend blm to tho firing
line, nnd thero make him fight and
possibly die, and you are tampering
with his personul liberty considerably.
Coroner Hiiuer of Cincinnati tho
other day returned a verdict to tho ef
fect that John Lewis, three years old,
of that city, "catnn to his death from
nlcohollc poison accidentally adminis
tered." The examination In the ense
brought out the fact that John's
brother Charles, eleven years old, gavo
him several spoonfuls of whisky to
cure Ills cough. The child died an hour
after he wus admitted to the general
"No, I don't believe In prohibition.
said a leading capitalist ami manufac
turer in n greot state which went dry
at the last election. "Nut thero wns
nothing to do but to destroy the sa
loon and the liquor business. It had
grown so strong that no laws could lie
enforced against It. Its political pow
ers were becoming so great and it
wns bo bold nnd contemptuous that for
tho sake of life und liberty It had to
ho wiped out."
S. S. Kresge of Petrolt, Mich., told
tho senate committee on agriculture
that thero was not a single arrest for
drunkenness or accident, or theft In
Detroit, a city of 800,000, on ono day
after prohibition went lifto effect. Ar
rests for drunkenness during the
month of May in Petrolt went down
from 1,(102 In 1017 to :)7 In IMS. Moiv
duy absences at the Ford plant wero
2,020 on the last wet Monday, 1,028 on
the first Monday, und 1,5'X) on tho sec
ond dry Monday.
In cities and towns free from the
temptation of tho saloon, father brings
homo ids money and suys to mother,
who doesn't take in washing any
more: "Let's all go to tho movies
and have a good time." And they go
to see "lilt the Trull Hollldny," und
applaud gleefully tho nntillquor Sun
dnylsms of tho one-tlum drink mixer.
It is easy to set why tho film produo
era like prohibition.
Christ's Method
of Reform
Assistant Duo, Moody Bible
Institute. Chicago
TEXT I teseech thee for my son One
linui. Philemon 10.
lbe epistle of Philemon was written
under most Interesting circumstances.
Its recipient, a
gentlemnn living
in Colosse, wus
master of a slave
mimed Oncslmus,
which means
Profitable. Dut
the slave In ques
tion had been far
from profitable.
Indeed it seems
he had stolen
money and run
off to Koine, the
haunt of thieves
and criminals of
ull sorts. Here he
came Into contnet
with Paul, who
was Imprisoned, nnd was led to faith
In Christ. He endeared himself to the
npostlo by ministering to blm In bis
bonds, a service for which his training
ns a slavo peculiarly fitted him. Yet
the time ciiino when Paul felt he
should send him back to bis owner, tho
Christian Philemon. Put he places In
his hands the letter with which ull the
world has become familiar, in order to
Insure him a kindly reception as a
Christian brother, In spite of his past
defections. Erasmus said of this let
ter, "Cicero never wrote with greuter
eloquence," and Kenan declared that it
Is "a small but true masterpiece of the
ort of letter writing."
We will not deal at this tlmo with
the marvelous tact exhibited by Paul
In appealing to Philemon on behalf of
Oneslmus, but confine ourselves to the
terms used by the apostle In speuklng
of the slave whom be is sending home.
It will help us to appreciate these
terms if we remind ourselves thut, in
Paul's day, slaves were looked on ns
"things" rather than men. Wenlthy
men sometimes owned ns many as 10,
000 or 20,000, nnd a couple of hundred
In a family was common. In the time
of Augustus 400 slaves were put to
death because their mnster hail been
murdered, presumably by one of them.
How remarkable, then, the expres
sion Paul uses, "My son Oneslmus
whom I have begotten In my bonds."
He calls the thief his son! Again be
refers to him ns "my very heart" (v.
12 It. V.) und suys, "If thou count m
therefore a partner, receive hlin as my
self' (v. 17). Anything which could
muko n Pharisee talk so ubout a slave
Is certainly worthy of consideration
and the wonder of It Is Increased as
we recnll thut Puul was a Komun citi
zen also.
Again, ns If punning on Onoslmus'
name, he says that no was in nine
past "to thee unprofitable-, but now
nrofltnble to thee and to me." Whnt
was this power that had taken Onesl
mus out of the refuse heap of society
nnd made blm useful to all to whom
he wns related? Voltaire said, "Phil
osophy does not concern Itself with
common minds. We have never under
taken to enlighten cobblers and maid
servants. We leave that to apostles.
Turning Point for John B. Gough.
Well, fortunately, the apostles knew
power, even the gospel which Is unto
salvation to every ono who believes.
Wo wonder what Voltaire could huve
done for Oneslmus, or to come to mod
ern times, for John U. (lough? Cough
once lay In the gutter, drunk, with the
noonday sun pouring down on bis face,
A good woman passed by and In coin
passion threw her handkerchief over
Ids lilonted face to protect it. When
he awoke he found the dainty hand
kerchief und was greatly moved. Said
he, "I am deep enough down, Cod
knows, but some ono bus thought me
worth ultylng, and If I am worth pity
Ing, I nm worth saving." It was tho
turning point In bis life, and that he
became "profitable" needs no demon
Finally Paul bids Philemon receive
this mun, "not now as a servant, but
above a servant, a brother beloved,
specially to me, but h'v much more
unto thee, both In the fkvh aud In tho
Lord." As one has put It, "In the flesh
Philemon bad tho brother for his
slave; In the Lord Philemon had tho
slave for bis brother." Wo need not
urge that a gospel whlck made master
and slavo brethren sounded tho death
knell of shivery. ,
First Christianize Then Civilize,
We hear much today of social re
form, but forget sometimes that "the
soul of improvement Is the improve
mi.tit nf the mml." Would that we
inlcht learn from the story of Ones!
mus this truth, which nil tho Christian
rmitnrlcH Illustrate. The history of
missions In Creenland Is a typical one,
Hans Kgedo went out first and labored
faithfully on the theory that we should
first civilize, then Christianize. Hut no
finally gave up his tusk as hopeless. Ho
was followed by John Pack, who re
versed the process and found tho se
cret of success. From his lips a sav
age named Knjarnak heard tho story
of Christ's agony In tho garden. It
melted his heart and ho went out with
flowing eyes and irresistible pathos to
tell his countrymen the story of the
Cross. Ho does most for social reform
who plants most deeply tho Spirit of
It Is a masterpiece of tho devil to
make us believe that children cannot
understand religion. Would Christ
have made a child tho standard of
fultb if ho had known that it was not
capable of understanding bis words?
It n far easier for children to love nnd
trust than for grownup persons, und
so wo should set Christ before them
us tho supreme object of their choice.
A child of Cod can see more on his
knees than a philosopher on his tiptoes.
(By Ilev. Y, H. KITZWATEH, D. D.,
Teacher of English Bible In the Moody
Blblo Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright, 1D18, tT WAwtpro Kfwxpupir tJnlim.
LESSON TEXTS-Matthew 28:14-30 ; 6:1
12. GOLDEN TEXT All thlnfts are yours;
. . . and ye are Christ's; and Christ If
Ood'a. I Corinthians 1:21-23.
TEACH ERB-l'Balma 17:15: Ianluh 51:11;
Acta 10:26; Romans 2:10; 6:1-2.
I. The Parable of the Talents.
This parable, like that of tho Ten
Virgins, Is associated with tho second
coming of Christ. In both Instances
there Is evident on unprepnredness on
tho part of tho people. In tho first
case there Is failure of the Inward life;
In tho second, there Is fulluro to use
the gifts which hove been entrusted to
them. Tho first was failure to watch ;
tho second wns failure to work. Ky
talents Is meant, tho gifts which Ood
has entrusted to his servants. It mny
bo natural endowments, special emble
ments of the Spirit, or It may be the
gospel of Jesus Christ. With refer
ence to these talents note:
1. Their distribution (vv. 11, 1.").
(1) A sovereign one. The servnnts
belong to the Lord as well as the
money. (2) An Intelligent one. The
distribution was made on the basis of
the ability of each servant. Tho rea
son one man received one talent wns
because the Lord knew that ho would
he Incapable of using two or five. (3)
A purposeful one. The talents were
given to lie traded with. They were
not given for the servant's own use,
but stock-ln-trado for the enrichment
of the muster.
Employment of the talents (vv,
10 IS).
In this employment all the servants
recognized that the talents did not be
long to them. The two-talented mnn
and tho five-talented man put their
talents to use, which resulted In a
Inrge Increase. It Is always true Hint
the right use of talents Increases them.
Tim one-talented man hid his In tho
earth. The unmistakable sign of tho
onn-talented mun Is that he Is hiding
his talent. The twn-tnlented and five
talented men are always busy.
3. The accounting for the talents
(vv. 10 :).
(1) Its certainty. There Is n dn?
coming when the Lord's servnnts shall
Live an account to hlin for. the nse they
have nmdi r,f their talents. (2) Tho
time of. This Is at the coming of tho
Lord. Those who are using their tal
ents will rejoice when the Lord comes
Hint they mny present unto hlni their
talents with Increase. P.ut the one
talented man will have fear and dread
ngnlnst that duy. (3) The Judgments
announced. To the faithful there wns
reward. This reword consisted of
praise: "Well done;" promotion : "rule!
over many things" nnd entrance "upon
tho j iy of tho Lord." For the faithless
one there wns awful punishment which
consisted of reproach "slothful ;" be
ing stripped nnd cast Into outer dark
ness. II. Characteristics of the Subjects
of the Kingdom (Matt. 5:1-12).
These beatitudes are connected with
each other with the strictest order of
logical sequence. They set forth tho
characteristics of those who are sub
jects of tho kingdom. They fall Into
three groups: four In the first, three In
the second, nnd two In tho third.
1. Poverty of spirit (v. 3). To bo
poor In spirit does not mean to be
without money, but to come to tho
end of self, to bo In n state of nbso
hito spiritual beggary, having no pow
"r to alter his condition or make him
self better.
2. A profound grief becnuse of this
spiritual bankruptcy (v. 4). The
mourning here Is not becnuse of vx
ternnl cares, but n keen consciousness
of guilt before n holy Cod.
3. A humble submission to Cod's will
nnd obedience to bis commands with
nit asking the reason why (v. .1). This
Is the outgrowth of mourning for spir
itual Insolvency.
4. An Intense longing to conform to
the laws of tho kingdom (v. 0). Hav
ing received the righteousness of
Christ ns n free gift, every desire of
his soul Is to be filled with righteous
ness. . Merciful (v. 7). At this stage tho
subjects of tho kingdom tnke on the
character of the King. Christ was
merciful ; his followers will bo like
wise. fl. Purity of heart X v. 8). This heart
purity begins by having our henrts
sprinkled from an evil conscience with
the blond of Christ, and is mulntalned
by 'living In fellowship with him. Those
who have puro hearts can see Cod ev
erywhere. 7. Peacemakers (v. 0). Those who
Jiave I n reconciled to Cod by Christ
not only live In peace, but diffuse peace.
8. Suffering for Christ's suke (v. 10).
The world hated Christ ami crucified
blm. Those who live for him sluill
suffer persecution (II Timothy 3:12).
J), Suffer reproach (v. 11). It means
suffering under false charges. In such
case we shall glory In It because It
brings great reward In heaven.
Always Do Your Best.
What Cod may hereafter require of
you, you must not give yourself the
ieast trouble about. Everything he
gives you to do, you must do ns well
lis you can, and that Is the best pos
sible preparation for what he may
give you to do next. If people would
do what they have to do they would
always find themselves ready for whnt
comes next. C. M. McDonald.
Education From the Bible,
lend your bible, muklng It the first
morning business of your life, to un
derstand some portion of It clearly,
and your dully business to obey It In
all that you understand. To my early
knowledge of the Illble I owe tho best
part of my tusto In literature, and
the most precious and on tho whole,
I ho one essential part of my educa
tion. Kuskln.
This is one of the Swift & Company
Branch House Men.
They are all pretty much alike in the
way they feel toward their work and that
is what this ad is about.
They know that most people couldn't
get such good meat promptly and in good
condition if it weren't for the branch houses
of which they are in charge.
They know that the branch house is
one of the most important links in the chain
of preparing and distributing meat for a
They know that Swift & Company must
have its branch houses run at the highest
notch of usefulness; that even a Swift &
The Talkative Pest.
Hokus Here comes Tnlkulof.
Pokus Io you know hlin to speak
Hokus No, merely to listen to.
Town Topics.
Important to Mothers
Exnmine carefully every bottle of
CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy
for Infunts und children, und see that It
Bears the
In Use for Over 30 Years,
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Mrs. Nabor Ioes your Jmsliand
play golf, .Mrs. Nuwlfe? Mrs. Nuwife
No, he dosu't use that kind of lun
gimge. Grove'i chill Tonic TnMoti and
(.rove's Tameless chill Tonic
Ton nan nv ica Univn'i Tiifch.ifht chill Tnnle In
1'nlilft t"rum wHI In Hrnii,thi kind Ti.u hiu
iwuf Ix'iixlil. Tim Uiblrl. ar Inlvn.l' .l Tor lluiio
li.iirvluruiiwil"Wiitiiblia nolier Umn a nrriip.
and it a ciinvi'nli'iirn fnr tlwMi Im travp).
1,HOVK'8'WUT(iH;TAUI.Krs 'ciintalneiaotlr
Uhi wnnn uuilli'lnul pmiH-rtliMi and nnalura til"
awnan'MiliaaamuveVranK'leMi chill 'hmlo wOlcu
Is ul uplu bulUua. Tho prlcuut oltlior la Hie.
Milling Corn Flour.
It has been found possible to use
much of the wbeat-inilllng machinery
of the I'nlted Slates for milling com.
In this way the output of coriimenl
was almost doubled wlililu five months.
Instead of using eight million barrels
of wheat flour each month, America
cun now depend upon corn products
for nil breadstuff dcniuiids.
For rtnturics GOLD MEDAL Ihurlem
Oil has been BUndurd hnumdmld wtiiivlv
for kidney, liver, bladder unci Htmnach
trouble, nud nil diw'asos connected with
tho urinary organs. The kidneys and blad
der are the most important organs of the
body. They nre the litters, the punliers of
your blood. If the poittons which enter
your system through the blood nnd stone
ch are not entirely thrown out by the
kidneys and bladder, you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain in loins nnd lower abdo
men, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy nnd bloody urine, rheu
matism, scinticu and lumbago, nil warn you
to look nfter your kidneys nnd bladder.
All thesa indiente some weakness of the
kidnevs or other organs or thnt the enemy
microlics which nre always present in your
svsleni hnve attacked your weak spots.
l.OLD MKDAL llaurlem Oil Capsules are
whnt you need.
They are not a "patent medicine," nor
a "new discovery." For 2U0 years they
Are You Bloated After Eating
With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurting near your
heart? For Quick Relief Take ONE
1, DCfor
You can fairly feel it work. 4 It drives the GAS out of
body and the Bloat goes with it. .
Removes QuirMy Indigestion, Heartburn, Sour Slomach, etc.
Cef EATONIC from your DruggUt with lh DOUBLE GUARANTEE
rVnd frr lh "llolp" Book, Arir1rH Katonic rUroarbf Co., 101S-34 So. Wthwb Avwitu, ChlMm, tit.
An Undersea Episode.
Mr. Flub You miy jour Hon U in
dlHjiosod? Mrs. Fish Yes bo wus bit
ten by a mud dogfish I
United Stilton mint coined OOO.WXV
000 iieniiles In 1917.
VtiRnhoniln lnive no coupons Attach
ed nnd nro Irredeeinnblo.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
l.niuiiltia or mall. Wrli fur r Urn lliaia.
Branch House
Company branch house won't run itself, and
that it is up to the branch house man to
run it properly.
Any branch house man who doesn't
see his work in this light is transferred to
some other place with Swift & Company to
which he is better adapted.
They are picked men, these branch
house men. Every time you sit down to a
steak or chop, or cut of roast, you can give a
grateful thought to the whole crew of them.
And remember, in a general way, that
everything that makes life smoother and
more convenient for the result of the
thouRhtfulness and- effort pf a lot of people
of whom you have never heard.
Swift & Company, U. S.
kUU Iiqiuimh i!e; li-ii
Spohn Medical
Stop It or you never can keep well. If you vnko vrilli a bad tnsto In th
mouth, coated tongue, perhaps headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid live
deranges the yrhole system, produces dyspepiia. coalivrnr.a and piles, jhero
i. no belter remedy for the disorder, than D.t. TUTTS LIVER PILLS.
Try them just once and be eternally convinced. For sole by all druggist
Dr- Tuff's liuer Pills
lion't imagine you lire ti vocalist
simply becnuse the neighbors full to
shoot at you when you attempt to
CnniMpntlnn generally Indlrnl.a dlaordire
alnmarh, liver and bowels. WrtKhi a Indian
Vrjri'tanle I'llla realora regularity wlthuut
griping. Ait.
Some men are always looking for the
bundle that will enable Iheiii to pump
Success Is the one crime that some
folks refuse to forgive In their friends.
hnve liccn a standard household remedy.
Thev Hre the pure, original imported Haar
lem Oil your great grandmother used, nnd
are perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth
ing oil soaks into the cells nnd lining of
the kidneys nnd through the bladder, driv
ing out the poisonous germs. New life,
fresh strength nnd health will come as you
continue the treatment. When complete
ly restored to your usual vigor, continue
taking a capsule or two each day; they will
keep you in condition and prevent a re
turn of tho disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are es
pecially dnngcrous in kitlnev nnd Madder
trouble. All druggists sell tiOLD MKDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund
the money if not as represented. (iOLD
MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules nro im
ported direct from the laboratories in Hol
land. They are prepared in correct quan
tity and convenient form, nre easy to tnke
and are positively guaranteed to give
prompt relief. In 'three sires, scaled pack
age. Ask for the original imported
(iOLDi MKDAL. Accept no substitutes.
your stomach s sake)
Good Reason.
He "And or why do you wnnt to
get a divorcer' She "1Wchuo I'm
niiirrled, of course."
Summer Dlarrloeaa .
ran lis enniMllwl mom ouli-ur wltn OKOVBTI
IIAIIY IUIWKI, MKHH INK ami It la abauluuur
Imrinlraa. Just as sfliwUTS lor AJulla as fur
Hit State.
"Your friend is In n ciuve revery."
Thnt comes from bis beliiK burled
In tboiiKbt."
Amusement circles circus rinns.
Fall Run of Distemper
lCDnH!l,QM msll miliar nnwjr Mnsa tery
jriMlll J rixnll.. II la a aurn rur and a nenlle t
JToU iim It ai per llr'll"na. Simple, ( nnd The large aj
la mlir lln. nnntlly and an onwe lU'ri- llioll lh.' amall !
)mir h. r. hi I .-I r Ill fur line fall and wlulvr. All avugv
nr iniuiuiai'turvr.
Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.
Skin Tortured
Babies Sleep
Sample rmrh tm nf "Caltmra. Dapt. S. !
All nmaataf.: iwap a. "nrnwrn w ami du. ,MnBv
The aborn mniaturE
liVtTy f T UUli 11 TT (11119
Dissolved in water for douches stop
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and InlUsn
nation. Recommended by Lfdia
Pint, ham Mrl. Co. far ten Tear.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore eyes. Lconomicad,
Hu aitianntinary rlcantin an scimirklal
Sampta Fr. iOr. all dWaa. or ll"i (s
a. mail. TV HaTlnn Toil fii-npanT, tW. . M - ,
ft m rtrPC PriHim hma. barn. raaaj4
DU HluKL J tl.Hir; rvhant; inarurl f,in
Biles. Tries CUV. O. U. Barbrr, I'Binu Ulf, la
Don'! Throw Away Your
nA Cl..i Hai Clran It tip Willi INM'AK
Old Straw tiai t i.sankk.
Ulldi Halra Uii mau. IJ6 1'uuiam At., 11
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 38-1918.
Only a few of tho things we want
nre Absolutely necessnry to our wri
1 1 ti imi 11 laws chnnRe, bnt science I
F"" aflrls 111
WsaCnl I
TwoaUay I