The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 29, 1918, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor
AUGUST 29, 1918
Published Weekly. 51.50 per
Annum in Advance. ,
K tiered al the Poatoflos MoGonnilliburf
Pa., m isooiul-oiM man matter.
McConnellsbarg People Sbnald Act in
If you Buffer from backache;
If you have headaches, dizzy
spells; ' v
If the kidney secretions are
Don't delay likely your kid
neys are sick.
McConnelisburg people rocom
luend Doan's Kidney Pills.
' Here's a M cCon n nllsburg
man's experience:
L A. Youse, says: "About
three years ago my back ached
badly, and it hurt stoop or
lift. Doan's Kidney Pills at
Trout's Drug Store and they Boon
gave me relief. I gladly endorse
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the
same that Mr. Youse bad.
Foster Mil burn Co, Props, Buf
f alo, N. Y.
FIj is an Ally of the Ban.
Approximately 200,000 deaths
in the United States during the
last yearjesultedfrom the activ
ities of a single ally of the Teu
tons, and he is still allowed to go
at large.
This enemy, which leaves a
trail of disease snd death, is the
fly. It is well known that he is
bred in filth and leads a life of
crime; that more soldiers were
killed in the Spanish-American
War by flies than by bullets; that
thousands of babies die every
year from diseases traced direct
ly to the fly, yet his existence is
almost ignored by a large portion
of our population.
The "swat-the-fly" campaign
waged in this country during the
last few years has worked won
ders, but it will not result in
complete victory until every one
unites in constant and relentless
war upon him.
The best time to dispose of a
fly, of course, is while he is still
young and before he has become
steeped in crime, but effective
work can be done for the Beason
The United States Public
Health Service has made an ex
haustive investigation into the
life habits of the fly and has
found that he more than deserves
his bad reputation, If you will
write to the Health Service,
Washington, D. C, you will be
furnished with information as to
how to deal with the fly, how to
end his pernicious activities in
short, how effectually to put him
out of business.
In the meantime swat the fly;
don't let one escape. A fly prop
erly swatted when it is young
will save a million or more swats
at its great-great-great-grandchildren
later on. Reclamation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Reisner
and daughter Eljzabeth, of
Shippensburg, accompanied by
Mrs. Edward H. Reisner and
son Edward, Jr., of New York
City, came to McConnellsburg
last Sunday morning and spent
the day with George and Jacob.
Mrs. E. H. Reisner and little son
are remaining in the home of Mr.
J. G. Reisner.
From August 21, 1918 until
the season cIobss cider will be
made each Wednesday.
7 15 8L W. G. Alloway.
Specialist in Chronic Diseases
Acute disease get well of themselves or
run into chronic form. There is always a
cause and you can not get well until the
cause is removed. Cause and effect is the
great law of nature. You know the effect
find the cause. Send me your name
and address and let me study your case.
Consultation Free
Arrangement of Pension Lists in EnuJ
land Has Humorous as Well as'
Pathetic Aspect
If the? average nuin "wire naked to
stittw tho proportional vii I lie of Ms
II nitiH, lie would pi-obnhly reply Unit
snrli a tn Mk wits iih tinpoMHlliU' to per
form II H It WHS rllllCUlllllH lO HI't, llllt
tlic pwixloiiH nil ill Mf ry turn- hud tc
iniike such nn iiKMONsincut recently, r
murks London Tlt-J'.ltn. A new order
In council lius stipulated tho weekly
pension to ho ullotted to men who
flu vp lost a llinh, mid the lint linn Its
humors iih well im II puthctk' uxpect.
Thus we find It mort profltiihlc to lone
your U'ft nt tho tlilh tliun nhove tho
kneo; In fucr, tho pliico of nmputiitlon
Holectcd hetween tho thigh unit the
kneo rimy miike a difference of .'In Od
a week. A leg token off lit the hip
brines In n re'"1'"" f Wh, n short
'thigh with pelvic hand 14s, above the
knee 12 M and below tho kneo 10 fid.
Tension for the linn, too, hnve been
nioiiHiired by Inchon, the right arm cur
rying n vnluo of 1m more thiin the
left. 'I'll ns tho right n rm ninptitiitod lit
the shoulder curries with It a penwlnn
if lfis a week, iibovo or through tho
elbow 14 nnd below 11a Cd. This rat
ine suggests a problem. Why should
the extent of nmputiitlon from rlhow
to shoulder vnry as much ns 2k, nnd
from elbow downwnrd only 2s (IdT Tho
rlHlnif nciilo suggests thnt the lower
lnilf of the nrm Is worth leu tbnn the
upper, n puzzle Intensified by the fact
that a man cannot lose the upper part
without lows of the lower.
Tradesmen In England Who Received
This Mark of Favor Each Year
AreObjects of Envy.
Once a year, In the New Year' fin
ret to, appears a long list of trudcKiuor
who nre holders of royal warrant
Thl lint at the preKont time exceed.
1,200 inline!. Since the death of Queen
Victoria eonHlderably over .TOO nitmef
huve been added..
It Is n privilege greatly coveted nnd
much envied thin of the royal war
rant, for It In not one lightly bestowed
upon every trudewnun who ha tie
piled good to bis majesty's household
It Is distinctively a murk of royal fuvor
Tlt-IUta siiys, and to noma extent a
testimonial to the excellence of tb
purveyor's goods.
Its prlnclpnl outward sign Is the us
of the royul arms over the shop front
and upon the writing paper of tho wur
runt holder, nnd It Is an offense ugalnst
the luw for uuy person- not being u
warrant holder to uso the urins. Ap
parently, however, Its misuse Is a com
mon occurrence, for during recent
years hundreds of cuses of Impropei
use huve been dealt with by the Itoyul
Wurrant Holders' association.
The Novice's Mistake.
In Tules of Flying Service, Mr. C.
G. Crey tells about a Htrunge entry In
the ofllclnl report of an olllcer who hud
recently Joined the service nnd wan
sent to pas a seaplane through Its test
for the Kngllsh nuvy. He had to go
tip as a passenger with tho construc
tor's pilot nnd to keep a log of what
occurred during he test.
ThI U what he put down: "O.-O.1 a.
in., left ship. 0:10 a. in., altimeter
shows 300 feet above sen. 0:12 a. in.,
curious phenomenon. Met a sea gull
flying backward !"
That meant that the machine, flying
nt the rate of about 80 miles an hour,
overtook a sea gull which I not a
fust flyer going at about 40 miles nn
hour, and thnt up In the air without
any background to give a proper sense
of direction, the bird looked ns If It
were flying toward them tall first.
Probably the officer knows better now.
Youth's Compunlon.
Boon to Indoor Photographer.
The nitrogen-tilled electric lamps
hnve proven a boon to the Indoor pho
tographer. They nre resorted to In
vurlous ways to secure Improved re
sult. It produces fur more actinic
rny than the ordinary Incandescent
light, und a Toom lighted by n 2iX
watt lamp can be photographed In a
fraction of the time required with a
light of the old stylo. In a room of
ordinary size, with walls nnd celling
of a medium tint, nnd with the cam
era stop open to No. 8 on tho dlu
pbragm scale, an exposure of from two
to four minutes will be enough to get
excellent Interior view. Photogra
phers 'now ulso uso tho gns-flllcd lump
In tho daytime to Illuminate dark cor
ners and shadowy places when they
ore taking Indoor view.
Electricity Routs Drudgery.
Domestic drudgery is being rupldly
lessened by electricity. A recently In
vented electric scrubber cleans 15,000
square feet of floor In nn hour, nnd
this lina been followed )y nn electric
floor polisher that doe In a few min
utes work thut often requires hours of
urduoiiH bund labor. The machine Is
connected to the nearest lamp socket.
The wax being spread over the floor
by the means provided, a heavy bristle
brush making .1,000 revolution per
minute quickly give a smooth nnd
brilliant surfnee, with no aid except
guiding over the floor.
The Difference.
"How would you answer tho old
question about tho difference between
a politician nnd a statesman?"
"I should say," replied Senator Sor
ghum, "that a polltlclun tries to glvo
people anything they wnut und a
statesman trie to give them what
they will npprove of, after they've jot
xioml SB A"poq jo; )uauiqsjnoa Jfu
-UHluan; snqj 'uojUti oq pmoa mtuoU
inj3JiK uoq J.)j;o 'iioi, 'tplnup
JO k)OqS U1) UO Hl Ktl0U0HO(I-UOU
j qj.u po(Ujd sua piujiiof smx 'li3ll
eqj suai uorpiipojd unbuii imb.
uy 3(jnp eqj u puoj uq pinoj jadud
eqj )Bqj on 'wtuuqdMoqd HuUiiuo. nu
a p.i)iijd so. )f 'plJpiiJt U OUt
tun& euios puqsqnd 'iuiiuinn'j. hiJ
sua HtHM.JUUiiu soiu oqj 0 nuo 'Jtup
u 3UuuuiJujua jo (u.ip poo
(Conducted by National Council of the
Jiuy HroulH of AnnTVa.l ,
A Scout I ulway cheerful Even
nt si'hool when hi toucher, burrussed
by mischievous pupils, loses her tem
per und Is unjust, tlie Scout smiles
Just the sumo. At home when hi poor
tired mother Is fretful from nervous
worry or hi father I cross because
of business cures und vexations, It Is
the duty of a Scout not only hi duty,
but the great privilege of h Scout to
come Into the home circle us the cheer
ful man comes Into tho wet camp und
spread cheerfulness nnd happiness
broudcust by immediately getting busy.
Soon he will see the wrinkle In bis
fnther' forehead Ironed out and will
be rewarded by a smile from his tired
mother. Then ho will know thut ho
bus ludeed done his good turn that
dny, hocuuso anyone who brings good
cheer Into camp or home is contribut
ing bis bit to the betterment of tho
I Cheerfulness Is a matter of train
ing und good digestion. If a Scout
tuke cure of hi health, and obey tlio
third article of the out h. which Im
knows is to keep himself physically
strong, mentally awake, and morally
Htrtlght, It will be easy for hi in to be
cheerful; In fuct, It will tuke an effort
on his part not to be cheerful. Ho,
must remember the prayer, originated
by National Scout Commissioner Jnu
Heard for tl Scouts:
jvow I lay me down to BWp,
i pray tne i.ern i inuy not imrK;
If I Kliuulil dlu licfor" I wuku,
I pray the l.unl I'va done my work.
As a further old In raising the stand
ard of tho Koy Scout of America and
Improving the appearance of Scout
weurlng the uniform, It I recommend
ed by nutlonal headquarter that a
system of frequent Inspecthm of every
troop he developed, and thut no boy be
jierinltted to successfully pus nn ex
amination unless hi uniform Is prop
erly put on and thoroughly clean. Soup
and water will not Injure the Hoy
jScout uniform.
' The practice of allowing tho boys
'to appear ut a troop meeting or on
'the public thoroughfare or even In
camp In a uniform which shows evi
dence of unclcnnllncs I not conducive
to the best training of the Scout.
Boy Scouts do not carry rifles, but
thla spray gun Is winning on battle.
A troop of T.oy Scouts with a bend
for business could accomplish us good
result us were secured In a commun
ity drying plant ut North Lincoln,
The drying plant consists of a eul-
Inet about 10 feet long, 2 feet high
and S'4 feet wide. The cabinet I
divided Into five section, four of
which are lurge enough to uccoinmo
date two stacks of drying tray of
ten each. The compartments ure let
tered and the trays numbered and u
record I kept by the caretaker of tho
trays assigned to the various puton.
A charge I made to cover cost of
operation nnd the salary of the care
taker. The caretaker Is nt the plant
for two hours In the morning nnd for
about ono hour In the afternoon. The
patrons have their vegetable und
fruits ult prepared when they come
to the plant. Two or three slicing
mnchlncs nre provided for the conven
ience of those who do not have them
ut home.
The poor families In I.lnflcld, Pn.,
nre aided by the P.oy Scouts cutting
.down the dead trees In the forests und
distributing the firewood among them.
Tho breeding places of mosquitoes
In Memphis, Teiin., have been located
by Hoy Scouts, who assist in their ex
termination, Tho thousands of caterpillars Infest
ing the tree at (ilen Cove, N. Y., have
Inspired the Itoy Scout to make It
their duty to kill them, thus suvlug tho
Value of a High Aim.
A glorious aim reacts In vitalizing
ministry upon the entire being. It Is
curative. A big holy aim Is very hos
tile to the petty ailments of the mind,
ns It Is also very destructive of the
mean dlsenses - of the henrt And
through n healthier mind nnd henrt we
give ourselves a chance of more-exuberant
physical health. Perhaps It Is
true, In a larger wny than wo usually
think, that "He shall quicken your
mortal bodies by his spirit thnt dwell
eth In you."
J . . - .. ....
.. . A 1 T it v ir
Mountain Climbers Discuss Possibility
of Daring Rare Atmosphere
. Above 24,000 Feet.'
At a meeting of the Itoyal Geograph
leal society, Dr. A. M. Kellas presented
on elaborate discussion of the question
whether It Is possible for well-trained
mountaineers, to ascend to tho sum
mits of the loftier peuks of the Ilium-
luyu mountain, more, than 25,000 feet
In ultltude, none of which ha so fur
been climbed.
The present altltudo record In
mountaineering Is 24,000 feet, by tho
duke of the Abruz.l's expedition to thu
Kurakorum, VMi. The altitude of tho
highest mountain In thu Himalayan
nnd In the world Hverest Is 2!), Ml
feet. At that height the barometric
pressure and the oxygen supply I
only ubout one-third d great us nt sou
level, says the Scientific American.
The experiences of balloonist. Is not
conclusive n to the physiological dllll
cultlcM of such nn ascent, because tho
rapid rise of a balloon doe not glvo
tho aeronaut time to hecoine accllmii'
tlsed to great altitudes. On the hnsl
of a large amount of data Hoctor Kel
las (himself an experienced mountain
eer) expresses the opinion that a mini
In first-rate training, iicclimntl.ed to
maximum possible altitude, could make
the nscent to Mount Everest, provided
the physical dilllcultles are not insu
perable. A supply of soillu.m peroxide, to pro
vide oxygen ii an occasional refresh
ment would be of much assistance. At
present one of tho "physical" dilllcul
tles of ascending Everest Is the fact
that the government of India will not
let traveler approach within one hun
dred mile of the mountain.
System Arranged So That Patients May
Hear Phonograph Without Dis
turbing Others Near By.
A system of "silent music," Installed
by n Chicago firm In a hospital ut
Ottawa, III., Is described us consisting
of a spring-motor cabinet with u turn
table similar to the ordinary phono
graph without a horn. Attached to
the cabinet Is a special music-traiismlt-ter,
corresponding to the tone-nnn and
reproducer on , tho ordinary phono
graph. The transmitter 1
by the vibrations of the needle travel
ing nn the record, and transmits theso
electrlcul vibrations over a system of
wire throughout the hospital. The
wiring termlmitiiH at outlet Jacks
alongside of patients' beds.
The patient can be furnished with
n bead receiver attached to a cord and
plug. When the plug Is Inserted In
the Jack ulongslde of the bed, the pa
tient may hear the iiiimIc by placing
the receiver against the enr. The re
corder I Inaudible unless the receiver
I held close to the ear, und conse
quently one patient may receive enter-
talnment while the patient In an ad
I joining bed may sleep without disturb
Far Too Rich to Be Safe.
Madame Lchuudy, who lost secur
ities to the value of f IOm.OoO through
the capture of the Prlns Ilenrik by the
(iermans, will not be very seriously
Inconvenienced by her loss. In pre
war days her fortune was estimated
nt 8,000,000, so she I the richest
woman In Franco nnd, next to Fran
Krupp von liolilen, the richest in Eu
rope. Mme. Lchuudy holds her wealth
In horror, nnd lives under nn assumed
name In order to avoid publicity. Her
residence nil the year round I n small
flat In Versailles, where the domestic
staff consists of one servant, who I
assisted In tho work by her mistress.
Mme. Lchnudy distributes In charity
nearly the' whole of her Income, most
of her donations being made anony
mously. One Miracle Led to Another.
A man' with huge smoked goggles
nnd a pitiful stoop groped hi way
along a street In Iiuffalo tho other day.
Patrolman McNiimani watched him
from nTur. lie stopped two soldiers In
uniform nnd told them that he was it
victim of the Mexican war, nnd after
describing the horror of the struggle
tlmt had cost him his sight, held out ll
tin cup. I It) t hi story did not move
the soldiers, and they passed on.
"Oh, you think that Just because you
wear uniforms you're somebody!" bo
shouted lifter them. Patrolman McNa
mara thought It so remarkable for a
blind man to sense the presence of u
uniform that ho restored the sight of
that war victim by tho laying on of
hands. P.ulTiilo Express.
Vicar as a Farm Laborer.
Itev. Iteglnald James, vicar of St.
John's church nt Watford, England,
writing In hi parish magazine, says:
"I have chosen tho part of helping my
nation by offering myself for most of
the week n an agricultural laborer to
n neighboring farmer, who I bard put
to carry on without help. Fortunately
I have been brought up to manual la
bor, nnd the farmer think I shall do
very well. I think I shall look very
well In my new vestments. I have al
ways longed for n smock. It I quite
In keeping with my 'high church' way,
for the monks of old were great agri
culturists." What Crusoe Forgot.
Mother was reading the story of Itoh
Inson Crusoe and Albert was trying to
think of what ho would have done un
der the sume circumstance.
"Mother," he suld, "Ihero wus one
thing that they forgot."
"What was that, denr?"
"Wl"'. can opener."
Stone Ships Not 'Entirely New.
While stone ships, such ns are being
made now for the government's uso In
the war, are considered quite a novelty,
they n-ally are not so new after all.
Away buck In 1819 n boat of concrete
was launched by a Frenchman named
Lambot. Since then there hnve been
many experlmnt with tbl type of
vessel and many forms of concrete
boats have I n floated successfully,
The Dutch nnd the Italians have been
uslug concrete burces for a loug time.
THINK how much coal you burn in a range when you're' not cooking. That's all
wasted money thrown away. And Uncle Sam wants every housewife who can, to
save coal. Here is a good way for you to do your part. Use an oil cook stove instead
of the fuel-wasting coal range. Then the only time you use fuel is when you are
cooking. And that fuel, kerosene, is much more economical than coal.
not only give mosf satisfactory results they save steps in house work and do all the
cooking just as well (usually better) than a coal range.
Think how easy it is to strike a match and have an intense heat in less than a minute.
No coal or wood to carry. No getting down on hands and knees to rake and poke at
the fire. Your New Perfection is always ready when you are.
'i -
Mi; 'jf.l u'i&:,ixV,J
ti. . jT-3ars:".rv-ji
XeMriMiii.-. .
1 v 1 f 1
pnomsren amrnhmfn'ts to thr
Foil THI'.IK AI'filOVAI. Oil JlfcJJ KC
Number On.
Proposing nn ametntiwnt to nrtlcln nlnn,
tu'i'tlrtn fmir of Hi'' I'oiiHtif niiuM if iliu
Coiumoiiwi'iilt h of I'l'iinxylviinlu; au
thiilixtUK tliv tiliil)' 10 Ishom IiuiiiIm III
thu umuuiil of tifly iiiIIIiiiih of d'lllarx
for tlie liiiiirovi-ini'iit of I Im Uigliw.iyK
of thu Coiioniinwi'ultli,
Sprtlon 1. Ho It ri'Holvi'il hy thu 8 n
i mill Hiiiini! of Iti'iui Mi'iiliilivcH of the
ConiiiKiiiwi-iilltr of IVnnyivuiiLi in U. n
erul AiiHi-nilily mil. That Hit' fullowloK
II Mil niillH-Ill I'l till! fullKllllllloll llf I'l'llll-
) lviinl.i mill tliu k.iiiii! Im hcri liy, prn
Iidhi il. In iiiciinlaiH C with thu i;ila''i-litll
urlli lK lloriol:
vThul Hi i'lliin fuur of iirtlcl lilni', w hich
remlH 114 follows:
SiM'tlon 4. No 'lilit hlinll be cri-litfd
by or on t-It 1 r of. the Hint,?, rxivjit to
Hupply riiHiial ili'lh li im Ii m of ri'Vi-iiui'. re
pel lllVIIHIOII, Hllllllll'HH lllSlirK'C'tioll, h'f (III
the Hliili- In war. or to jiay t-xlMiluit
debt: anil the debt rreiited to kJimI.v d.
nuluncy 111 revi nue Hliall never exiefl In
th KKri'Kate, ut uny one time, one mil
lion dollni'H," be iinieiiiliil ku nn to r.-ml
um follows:
Heetloii . No debt slmll be created by
or on behalf of the Hlule, except to Miip
ply ciihiiuI ili'llch ncleM of rvenue, repel
inviiHlon, HiippruitM Innnrrectlon. ib lend
the Htulo In war, or to pay existing deOt;
atiil the debt eroiileil to Biipply d. -Helen-tleB
In revenue n!iall never 1x1 eed In the
BKKrcKHte. at any one time, one million
doliarn; I'rovldnl. however. Thai thu
Uenerul AHxembly, lrr.-i live of uny
ilebi. may authoiUe the Htnte to l-uo
bomln to the amount of IH'ty inllllonn of
doll im for the purpoHe of lnip'"Vl"K anil
ribnllilliiK the lilKhwiiya of thu Common
wealth. , ,
S. . lion 2. Hald proponed amendment
ahftd be HDlMliit (! to the llialllleil elecl
lira of the KlMle, at the guncral election
to be buhl on lliu Tileday imKt followinK
.....t,,..i. . ,ii.'vnoi''WT9 TO TIIK
ri.'ii "ni'.n .i i... 1 . -
PKNNSX I.VANIA. ANI I '''rj' ' .
,.ti..eii'I.MI 'I'll I !NJ I'l I iSl . -
ill I , 1 i ,.0 .( , f , r.n . . 1 - ........
Number One.
ProiaialiiK an amendment to aeclloit' elev
en of article hixi 01 ou -...n. na
tion of l'i nnsylvaiilii.
11.. 11 nunivi'il liv the Hi nuie and llotne
nf l:i presenlativi a of the Commonwealth
of I'eiinsylvanhi In ileiieiiu rtsscmu.y
net That the following aincinnneiu 10
II... . ' . ll ,. I u.i, ol the Collliuoawealt.ll
01 -eiiiisyi 111011 w. .,
hen hy. nroiiofed, In in coi dance with thu
the same la
eighteenth aril' le thenol:-
Ain..nd aecuon eleven, article sixteen
of lliu Constitution or me Cominonw ealth
of I'euiiaylvanhi, wlilch reads as
No tol l. male uoiiy in l""" " "
and ilia. oiiulliu, privlh K"a hall oe ci ai
cd or orgunl.i J In puisuani e of any 11 r
without three mom iih pn-v n
notice, ut the place ol ill.' inu'ii.e ..
lion of the Intention to apply for sucli
privileges. In audi manner us ahull l"
, ... ui.'.ll 1. i-leil'ter
pre rinei: ny w, n......
I... ......1. ...K iI.m " be Liiiutei for a louit-
er period than twenty yearn," ao that It
hall read us lollows:
Tlie (ieiieral AUscmiiiy anaii nave io
power by lielllllUI lUW 10 piuvnie ii
ii I'oiii'iiliou or uaiiHs uuii
Hum coni-
panl.s. unu 10
preacrlhu thu jioweri
Iheieor. . . , Mi, ,
A Irui COPY Ol JOIill ll'-nunii ion f". '
" " CYllUH K. WOOLS.
Becrelury of the Cuinmoiiweulth.
Number Two. ,
i'ronoslnc an amnndment to aectlon alx.-
S ol article three of thu Constl ution
of lh Commonwiuiiii 01 1 -In
uccordaiicn with the provlslona of the
elgliteetith urtlcle thurcof.
Hectlotl 1. He il enacted by thn Bennte
and House of m-pres. 1 uaiiv.-a u. ...
Commonwealth of lVnnaylvuh a In Oen-
m'eU to I::- '"h'uIio;. of the Con,
inn wealth of Pennsylvania III "
"nee with the pr.nMlons of thu ulgh-
"Thla 'a'lion'Mxi.'ot nrtlcl. Ihtee.
W!!M'!:,hm,1;UHNol'ha;.y .hall be paid
out of the treasury, ex it upon an. ro
il il Ions hy law, and on wurrant
wii bv the p.'.l otilcra In t.uiau-
anee h i.. .f," b". i.i.'l Ho- same is here
by',n, n.l.d'ao that the auu.e ahull read
,''".. "w. N,n y ,"inI,l'e,11":1:!
"expiz,::;'! srK
iT" ! wlUchia'up'proprtatlon .hull
- ' r , . ......... ,, , nn 11 1111 n 1 1
my e
How to Cut
down your
new p Section
But after you do get your New Perfection be care
ful what kind of kerosene you use. There is only
one kind that will always give most satisfactory
results. It is called Atlantic Rayolight Oil to dis
tinguish it from the other kinds. Ask for it by name.
aii .i: n..i:ui rvi : u: li.. r: i :i
iiikiiiii- iiviiiiifiii ill, iv vii
burns without smoke, smi-ll
intense heat, too.
Select your New Perfection Oil Cook stove now.
There's a dealer near you.
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
thu flrat Monday of November In thu
year nineteen hundred und eighteen, for
the purpiiKf of deciding upon the aiiprov
al and ralllicatlon or tre' rejection of
said aim mlinent. tiald election ahull bu
opened, held, mid cliiMed upon h.iI'I elec
tion day, at the placea and within thu
bourn at and within which MaM elecl Ion
la dlrecieil to bu opeiied, held, and
closed, and In accordance with the pro
vialoua of the lawa of lvrmsylvanla
KovernliiK cleclloiiM, find umeiiilmviita
thereto. Hui'h amendment ahull ba
printed upon the ballolH In the form and
manner prcKcrlhcd by the election lawa
of I'euiiHylvuniu, and ahull In all re
apecia cuufoi III to the re(Uiieim lit ut
auch laws.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. i.
Becrelury of lliu Commoiiwualth.
Number Two.
PrnposliiK an amundmi nt to aectlon
iiKlil. article nine of thu Constitution
of I'eiinsylvaiiliu
Bcctlon 1. J'.e It enacted by the Henale
and Mouse of Ucprcsentai Ivia 0! tliu
Commonwealth of Iviinsylvanla In tb 11
eral Assembly met, and It Is hereby en
ncled by the authority of the miiiih;,
That the Constitution of the Cotniiioii
wealth of I'ennsylvanlu, In aceor'lalao
with the provision of thu eighteenth ar
tlclu Ibereuf:
Anieiidment to Article Nlnn, Section
That aectlon cluht of article nine, of
the Constitution be amended by atilkluK
out tli said section and Inserting in
place thereof the following:
Section N. The il. lit nl any county,
city, borough, township, achool ilistil -t,
or other luuiilclpaliiy or Incorporated
district, except as provided herein, and
III auction lllleeii of this article, slmll
never exceed aeven i"l per centum upon
the ussessed value of the t.ixnlne rop
ertv tlierelu, but the debt of the city of
Philadelphia, may- be Increaaed In HUch
amount that the total city debt of suld
city shall not ex (I ten per centum (Hh
upon the assessed value of the taxable
properly therein, nor shall any audi 11111
nlclpalliv or district Incur any new dcht,
or Increase its inilebteilui-s loan niiiount
fXcciiliiiK two (1 per centum upon su.h
iiHscshed valuation of property, without
be expended. All public money .ahull b
paid by the Mate Treasurer oil wurrant
drawn by thu Auditor (icncrul.
A truu cony of Joint- Hi solution No. J,
CYlll'B K. WOOl'S, I
Hucrutary of lliu Coininonweulth.
Number Threw.
I Proposing- an uineiidmeiu to nrtlde nine, I
I aectlon eight 01 tnu v-oiihiuuuoii or
Heel Inn 1. lie It resolved hy thn Hen
ate and House of ItcpreScniai Ives in lii n
erul Assembly met. Tuut the following
umeiidmeut to the Const It iiilun. of IVnu
aylvunla he, und thu li.-rehy, pt
posed, in aecoiilauuu wltli tile i ItihtucutU
urtlcle tliereof:
That, article nine, a. cthin i lnlit, ku.
uineiiiled to read ua follows:
Section x. The debt of any county,
city, borough, township, achool il.sul. 1.
or other miuiid.alily or Incoi poiuied JJ.
lilit. except as provldid herein, ami 111
aectlon liiieeii of this article, Hhijli n.vir
exceed seven til per centum upon thu
ussessed value of tlie toxit'.ilo property
therein, but the debt of the city ol I'hll.i
delpbla may he Increased In audi amount
Hint the total city ildit or Raid illy shall
hut exceed tell per ti nt uln (.I'M upon I ho
assessed valuu uf liie taxable p.npcrty
therein, nor shall any such miitildpulily
or district incur uuy new il. l.l, or in
crease lis Inilehtednesa to an ulmninl ex
CeedlllK two i:i per ci'llluill 11 1" 11 such
usscased valuation of iroierty, without
the consent of the eleclora thcrcol at u
tiubllc elei'tloii In audi manner as shall
lie provided by law. Ill ascertaining the
borrowiiiK cajiaclty uf thu city of I'lilhi
dclphlu, al any time, then; shall be de
ducted fruni Hticii debt so much of the
delil of said clly Ha ahull have been In
curred, or la about to be Incurred, and
the proi Is thereof expended, or about
In lie expended upon any public iinpiove
lui'hl. or in the coimliui lion, pun liuae,
or i nnd. 'intuition of any public utility, or
part thereof, or facility therefor, II such
public Impiovement or public utility, or
part thereof, whether separately or In
conneeiion with any other public Im
provement or public utility, or ti nt there
of, may reasonably be expected to yield
revenue In execas of opcrnlliiK expenses
aulllclenl to pay the Interest and sinking
fund charges thereon. The method of de.
terinlnlnu audi amount, so to be deducted,
may bu prcaci Ibi d by the liuneral Absciii
bly. In Incurring; Indeblcdnesa for any pur
pose the clly or Phlhnlclphlu may issue
Iih obllitulloua maiurlng not later than,
tlfty truu yenra from the date I hereof,
Willi provision for a slnkllut-f ullil sulll
dent to retire Maid obllgulbma ut mutur
lly, the payment to such sinking fund to
be tu c' or graded annual or other
periodical tnstaliiii glR. Where any In
dehledneaa ahull be or ahull have b". n In
curred by Raid city nf Philadelphia, f"r
the purpose of the const met Ion or Im
provements uf public works or ulllllh a of
any character, from which Income or
revenue la to be derived by an hi city, or
tor thu reclamation or land to be used
In the construction or whnrvea or docks
owned or I1' be owned by Maid clly. audi
obligation may be In al) amount sulll. lent,
to provide for, and may Include Iha
ammint of, th Intereat and Inkliif-tuml,
1 cm v r-i'iiiii, 1 11' ll ir
or snuffer. Glvo n mnm
th conaent of thn vUcVirx th. rwfr
public election In auch laaini' r i-1
bu pro liled hy law. In .1:1:. 1 i.niinn
borrowimr c iiiiicity of the mu.I itj
i'hiliHlclpnla, ut uny tine, ile-n- 1
be excluded from the i-jilc-ulail-n
deducied from auch debt n urn li .)!
debt of the sahl city as slmll h.iv. t
lueurriid. and the proceeds iIhthiI
Veatisl, In any public iiiiiio,' iii,li
any character which ahull 1." yl Mm
the auld city an annual curr. at r
nue. The a mount nf aia li il "In
ahull bu ascertained by capi' .tin i (
annual net revenue from mi. li im;t
inent diirlnic the year limn. I 1
'cillnir, the time of auch ;is. rt.uiin.
and such capitalization shall l. i-ur
ml bv uscertalnlnif the prliielp il nrr.
which would yield such t.r
net reveiine. at the uveraue 1 hi- of
tereat, and sliiklnu-fund clnna 11)
upon tliu Indehleilness lnciii..l ! .
city for audi purposca, up In tin- I
of auch ascertainment. The ni'Uii
determlnliiK auch amoiini. mi la l
dudud. may be prescrlh. d by di' ' 'I
ernl Assembly. In Inciirnin! n.ll'
liesa for any purpose, tie- my "t I':
(1. h.nia mav Issue It s Olllil al."l m.
Iri not later ilian llfty ' "
the date thereof, with ir.i is.'.n (if
ainkhiK-fund sulll. l. nt to r. m .:.l
IlKHtlona at. maturity, Hi" 1 : t- "t
audi slnklnir-IU1"' to be In '".n'1
tailed annual or other iiMi.-.-l w
or Bhnll hav been Incurrcil tv wi'J'
lM'il., fur the inn 1'ie-' c'
oii.titu 11, re aiiv one in '. . r
ei.iislroilloll or Improvement "I l'"
works of any character from M'H
come or revenue la to lie il. nv'i "
city, or for the reclamnt Ion uf law
be used In the const ruction nt aiwn
or iloi ks ow I or to be owa il by
city, auch nbllKiUlona may 1' m '
amount snllldent to provl le la: e'
Inclnile the amount of, the i"l r'111''
slnkltiK-fiHi'l cburnea ncciuinK mill
may accrue thereon inroot omm.. 1
.ml of construction, anil
t lie
Pirn 1 m ' "", " . , .nil
.... . ...... ...... ,ti'i..r in
or the wont lor wmni r...
i...n 1. ...... 1. ...'ii h mil. unit
,.. I I. re.Ollre.l III h'W li ' ' "
.mild Interest and slnkbut-fm I l'1'''
reiiulted ny aecuon leu.
the Constitution of I'.-nnsylvai .
the expiration of said period of
4iHer the cointilellon or sain ;
A true cojy of Joint lit solatt' n .w
Becretury of the Coinm,al111
charvfea nccruliiB and which '";"'!"''';
there. n throughout the P'-rbd
ulnar' oil. Ullil Ulllll l oe r I .
year iiiwt me '
which suld I hleilnesa shall H n
Incurred;, and aald city shall n J"
quired to levy a lux to pay '' .
und aiiikiiiK-funil churges ua roi"
ni'llclo nine of tin'
I ..r I in W'TR
lion or Peimsylvunlu. unlll '!'' ,a.
.r u.i al iutIoiI or one veur after l"
plelion of of said work. ., .
"a true copy "'lil-B W?'
1 Hccretary of thu Cuiiiiiioii"11'
& I
Number Four.
An nun nilmont to aectlon one nf
..I' II..' I'liOSlllllllllll of iMi"
lliu. relating to taxation.
Hcctlon 1. He It reaolved by 'I'1".8'"
ate and House ot Repreaiinlailv' ' ;
Cuniinonweallh of i'cnnsylvaal'' l" "
erul Assembly met, and It Is I"1''"',-,,,
ncled by the authority of the Hum.';
Hie rollowll.l amelidinellt 10 III' '
tutlon of the Cominoiiwciiltli of
vanlu be, and thu aunie l "': ulJ
Jinseil, III aecoioaiico won nc ."
-.r .1 1.1. .....II. tirll.'le I liefC' ll :- .
1'lial section one of urtlclu Ilia', "
, reads as follows: a.
"All taxes aha II be uniform, i !' '
game class of aiibjicln, within Pi'' 1 v
I linniu i.r tlie auihorlty l'V i".a . .
tax. nnd ahull lie levied and ' '' A,
uniler general laws; oui iu ni
aiinbly may, by K.'h'ial l'wl,'l'.
Ol'ikll.ltV IIH.'. '
public purpogea, udonl placea "f r ' ' fi
worshlii, placea or burial not use . i ,
ror iirlvale or corporate prollt, un'l , w
tutioiia or purely public "
.a iiiled ao aa to read us '"ll"; ,M
All taxes ahull be unllottii. '","',,.
aunie class ot aubjccls, wlllil" '
torlul limits of tho auihorlty lev) i"
tax, and shall be b vied .ami ' ' o)
u r general Inwa, and the Mil )
.or luxation may be dnssllhil for 1 ,
pose of levyltiK graded or P ' ,,,
taxes; but thu General Asset"." y ,
by general Inwa, exempt froMi ''',,
public property used for lllll,"',,l, ..i,,,
.actual placea of relllfhiua worst I . i
ol burial not used or held (or jai
corporate l.rollt, und lnstltutlo '
ly public charity. . ,M)m.itl
H.'cllon 2. Hahl proiosed n "'7, , t-
ahull be aiihmllted to 11 "".! , ,., ii"
lira of the Htate, at the g.".'' . , ,h'
to be held on Tuesday next '"llu.', V'f
tlrsi Monday of November m " m
' iillieteen hundred and ,l,ll'',,'1',' ',1,,ri.v
pnrpoRe or deciding !.'" 1 ' ' t'
and ratlllciitlon or the n jec H H.n
umeniliuenl. Hald election "I"' ,1, , I.'''"'"
oil, in I.I and dos. il upon '". ,uri
day. at the pluces nnd with J , ,11
at und within which aulil d '; '.(. ; i
reded lo tied, held III.' m ' , ,1,
In accordance with the Prl,l,'',y,.,il"i
laws or Pennsylvunlu KoverliHtK rt.
and Hineiidmeiita thereto. "' hiut
ment atiall be printed up" 11 ,' ,, , W
In the r..rm and manner pi's !
the election Inwa or l'""""v,'. ' the M'
ahull In all respeda cuufoi'" l"
uulremeiit of audi Inwa. .,,,, Jlft
, A true copy ofa "ife '
Scrtary ot thn Commoiiw