The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 11, 1918, Image 5

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!;SlBiSnN6 PlfiAfiSAFSS
j,I (!Cil and General Interest, (lathered
4( Home or Clipped from our
Eggg35 cents at Maion'a.
H S. Kreps and wife and son,
ofClearsprin?, Md., spent the
Fourth at S. A. Ne3bit's.
postmaster Grant Mellott and
Harvey Snyder of Needmore
mae an early motoring trip to
jl'cl'onnellsburj? Monday morn-
Miss Myrtle Stouteaglc, of Al
toona, ia spending her summer
vacation with her sisters Mrs.
V. S. Warthin and Mrs. Conrad
Warrie Johnston and son, of
jfewville, Pa., are visiting the
former's sister, Mrs. J. L. XJrove
and oth'T relatives in town and
the Cove.
Mr. S. E. Peck, who spent a
few days last week in the home
of his brother Bennett at McLon
nellsburK went to Bedford Coun
ty Saturday.
Miss Elizabeth Patterson, of
Riltlmore. spent a few days dur
ing the post week ftithe home of
her parents, Hon. and Mrs. 1).
H. Patterson.
Hon. S. L. Buckley, of Fcrt
Littleton, was transacting busi
ness in McConrellsburg last Fri
day and was a pleasant caller at
the News office.
The beys named in last week's
News to go to Camp Lee, will
leave McConneiUburg about the
22iid of July. The exact date has
not been given.
Mrs. C. C. Young, of Ilolli
daysburg spent the time from
Sunday until Tuesday in the
Inme of Mr.' and Mr3. B.. W.
Peck at McConnellsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Logue
and daughter Kathlyn, of Ellerys
lie, Md. are visiting in the home
ofthe former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Logue in th.1'3 place.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Nace
end Mrs. H. V. Black of Hunt
ingdon, were guest3 in the Mc
Candlish summer home at the
Pleasant Valley Fruit Farm last
Dr. Clarence N. Trout and
family, of Red Lion, Pa., mot
ored to McConnellsburg last Sat
urday and are spending a few
days in the home of tne Doctor's
mother Mrs. M. B. Trout.
Mrs. Geo. K. Nelson and chil
dren who had been spending two
weeks at the home of Mrs. Nel-
lon's parents near Hollidays-
burg, returned to her home in
McConnellsburg last Sunday.
There will be a meeting at the
Knobsville M. E. church on Fri-
evening. July 19th at 8
o'clock for the purpose of organ
izing a Tod Township Red Cross
Auxiliary. Let everybody at
tend. Simon Boor and family of Mat-
tie, came over last Sunday in
I tUnl- T: n rl tr,r linrtat.
ueir new x aig onu .wn. uuin
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Mellott at Needmore.
Mr. Boor is a successful merchant
and farmer.
Maurice E. Trout, spent the
time from Friday, evening until
Sunday with his home folks in
this place. Maurice is connect
ed with a large cotten brokerage
firm and has been located in Los
Angeles, Cal., for some time.
Among the out-of-town people
who were here at the "Fourth"
were Mrs. Jessie McDonald Shade
and the Misses Georgia and
Blanch Wnodal. of Chambers-
burg, W. D. Myers, and W. R.
Daniels, ol Hancock, and Daniel
Teeter, of Greencastle.
Mr. Owen Blowers of Camp
Co t. Getty fibsiburg. was a visi
tor in the home of Mr. and Mrs
Wm. H. Fix from Saturday un
til Sunday evening. Mr. Blow
ers is a cook at Camp Colt, and
it now looks like Will would have
anther cook in his family be
fore loi or. as he is rather scarce
of cooks.
undcr-aize or under-weight
remember Scoff' Emulsion
is nature's grandest growing
food; it strengthens their bones,
makes healthy blood and pro
motes sturdy growth. ...
con ft Bownt, Bloom fltld, K. .' '
William L Clival), of Brush Creek
Valley Loses lis Lift by (be Ac
cib'.ntal Discharge of His Gun.
Wilihm L. Duvall, aged about
2G years, was the victim of a
most unfortunate accident Mon
day afternoon which cost him his
life. It is Kaid that he went out
to pick some berries, 'and as
hawks had been rather trouble
some, he took his gun along, and
in attempting to. cross a fence,
the gun was discharged, the load
entering his breast caui ing al
most instant death. The funeral
took place yesterday.
The unfortunate man vas a
son of Amos W. Duvall. On the
5th of August, 1914, he was Mar
ried to Miss Pearl Mellott, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
S. Mellott, near Sipes Mill. One
son George, about 15 months old
together with the almost heart
broken wife, survives.
Of the Gil men in the first Ful
ton County draft, William is the
first to lose his life. He belong
ed to Class 4, and would not like
ly have been called into the ser
vice very soon.
From Camp Lee.
Floyd T. Hart, 31th Co., 9th
Bn., 155th Depot Brigade, Camp
Lee, Va., in a private letter to
the Editor, says the reason he
does not write for publication is,
that "when there is so much to
hear from the boys over there,
the experiences that ve have
here, would be uninteresting
reading; and yet I can assure you
that they are interesting enough
to us sometimes. I have been
playing in the Third Section
Band of the Depot Brigade,
which probably accounts for my
still being at Camp Lee; for all
the boys with whom I came to
camp have gene. The boys who
came down last week are rear
me, and have given me some of
the home news. Does any one
accuse Needmore of being slow?
If so, how about the Sar Savings
Drive? It seems to me it went
over all right. Of course, Ishall
be glad to get a letter from any
one that is glad to send me one.
My address is given at the be
ginning of this paragraph."
The picnic held by tho mem
bors of tho RedCross of Eud and
vicinity was a great success
beautiful day, good speaking,
plenty of eats. Tno net proceed
will sum over $100 for tho Red
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wilson and
two daughters and grmrtson of
Maok'tou, took Sunday dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Truax.
Marian Elwarch Is spending
part of hsr vacation at home.
Shi will tench the coming year
at Carnegie.
Dr. Harry Cunmogham and
wife, of J uniata, took dinner Sun
day with bi3 brother W. L. Cun
Word received from Roy EirJy
from somowhero in Franco"
ava he likes it and thev will
'soon hck tho Kaiser and be back
for Xmas dinner.
Rush Woodcock spoilt Sufiday
"vith her cousins near Three
Mrs. Sarah Truax, of Home
stend, who had been visiting re
latives and friends for a phort
time, iefton Friday. After visit
ing a Bhort time in Everett, nho
will go to Cumberland lor a
couple of weeks, will then take
the mother, MrR. Ann Uarnett
for some time, homo with her.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E En ley
went to three Springs Inst Sun
day to visit an aunt who h.d
recently returned from a llos
pital in Philadelphia. ,
A. D. Berkstresser of Saxton
Bpont tho week end with hia
A communicstion from Emma
ville signed by P. P. Plowhandle
is pot published for the reason
that his name does not appear in
tie Directory of Fulton County,
nor on tho tax duplicates, nor on
the list of drafted men. It looks
like Mr.riowhandle handled some
jabs in his communication to
w iich he did not care about hav
ing his own name appear.
Rev. Eminhizer will preach at
the Wells Valley U. B. church,
Sun lay Ji ly Hth tt 10tf0;
atMt. Tabor, 7:0. The last
quarterly conference will be held
soon and the stewards are ro
quested to get busy,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles lioson
berry, Mrs, Inn Fair and .iny
Kaofer motored to Mrs. R G.
ilorton'd ar.d ' spent the weok
end. i
Frank Cuiilatcl, who it sur
geon in the military hospital at
Camp D,x is home on a furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles R?ese
and child i en Vtuiu visiiura hu'U
among relatives.
Mr. uay Stunkird, who is in
the navy is homo on a furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Araick
and children, MUa Dewey
Sprowl and Mr Eirl Cjssna,
spuut u fGiV days in Johustowu.
Misa Ruth lliwkins has gone
to ShariUsVille whore she will
Htay a short time.
Mr. itud Mrs Uequoat, Mrs.
Chulraer Srvariz aud baby spui.t
iho week cr.d' at Miss Mane
ilastr R ) Aland Anderson has
returned from dirard Col
Rev. J. II Dliug prcuched
hirf farewell sermou here Sun-
day evening. Hois now going
to Francp. wh"ro ho will bo m
gigedinY. M. 0 A sot vice,
and will hnlp to nulo. Ufa better
for tho soldi.)'.-.".. We wish good
p:'fd. ' II .3 J: l g.-od ec;-vico
while here atii helped a gre:.t
many from ft !." nt foi Ilict II
wife and child t-n wi'l stay in
ICverott until hi i ft urn
Mr. John 'I'm .x Hid wife re
turned to tin iittier'a li mn at
Urush C
Mrs. liortlri Doshong ia amorg
th.o Mck
M-s Cl.yflo' Wa-sirg has ro
turned Ivmj'h aft' r a h.o"t visit
v.'itn fripi'd.s nt :
Mr. MyrT,!3
iii i p Ti .vel.
D iM and Mrs.
fJi-rrgt; Sormvi arid c.h Idren are i
visiting i h-.i r pi' i.ts here. ' I
A pi ty w;n g'ven Motuhiy
ovomng in hoiiwr i.f tli hoys who
atohoine from l!io army and
navy ll f urh -u ';lns. Those prus
H;t were Mrs Hii'.le ("Jracay,
Mrs. Mary Unrman, Mrs. Myrtle j rations, and merchandise of nea,r
D..II, Mrs. Z jln (lui-on, M. 10 y all kinds may now be pnrchas
Llorton, (1-rtin Rnhy Warsing, ' cd in France through the huge
II.i.'j! and lv It rt ju, U.wey j general store established by the
Sprowl, ( ldi'j IJiwim, Fannu , quartWmaster corps, at lower
Siruiika. d, Niillie Mills, Clara ; prices than charged by retailers
llixson, Ij 'tvi. Cromer, Sto.'la 11 ).' j
ton, Amy lloit'ji), Anna ard Alico
Anderson, Mirtha Fid wards. Jes
mo M jllott, Mine Ciulhiid, Eva
lyu aud Veina Forf-man, Liara
and Rjba Eirley, Eloannr Sipa,
Jay Stuokard, Frutik Gaillard,
Harry UurkcU, Ellis Sprowl,
Emmctt liainttt, William and
ilartman Audorhon, Fred R )inig,
John Chamberlain, William
Stunkard, llowitd llortoa and
(Jeorge Eirley.
Chickens Starving To Death.
R.;inrti reaching tho L'onusyl
vania Dopirlmcnt of Agricultuie
indicate an unusually high mor
tality or death rate among small
chicks this year.
Iuvestigation, in many caes,
shows thu chicus sUrviug a j
death, this beirg especially true !
as to quicK feaiheriog varieties!
like Legliorhs and whoro chicks
are artificially brooded aud roar
ed. Mill feed.;, especially wheat by
product liko middlings and
bran, both used extensively in
chick feuding, are at proseut very
high in hbro and chicks fed
largely on such mill fcods and by
p.'oduots become auvtmic, wua'f,
dipeased atid d:o.
Tho discouraging thing bo-
sides has been that as the fo ul
va'ue diicrea-ed, tlu pneo in
creased until muny poultrymon
in desperation hav.5 boon drivoa
Into abandoning. feeding of such
mill and by-products entirely
aid resorting to boiled oats,
cracked corn aud chici''and
scratch grains.
Magical results havo beon re
portou bv owners with unthnf
ty and dying chicks whenltthey
changed to a nourishing and con
contmtod diet as ah we, esp 'ci
ally when, in aldixion, somo
animal food like Rour milk was
supplied in abundar ce.
C. A. Edwards and W. A.
Martin, of Kobertsdale, stopped
in McConnellsburg last Saturday
on their return from Waynes
boro, where Charlie had been to
get some repairs for his thresh
ing outfit. He expects to be
busy now for sometime threshing
the big crops out for Huntingdon
County farmers.
Kid Cross Festival.
A Red Crosa festival will he
held in the grove at Fairview
Church near Hiram, Pa., Satur
day evening July 13th.
For Fulton County for tho Current Week, Approved by Food
Administrator John It Jackson.
Artl' ls.
I '..'icon,
Hoans, Pea .
Melius, Lima '. .
I. read, store wrapped 1 lb loaf,.
Ilri'iid, store wrapped J lb loaf.
I'titter, Country
dices'-, Cream
Corn Meal, 10 lb buy;
Corn Starch
Flour, Harlcy, per lb
I'lour, Vhlto Corn, pur ib
Flour, Kieo. per Ib
Flour, Wheat, ! r Ib
Hums, ,'IUJ
Lard, Country
Oats, Kollud
Satinon, l'iuk
Salmon. Kod
Sii(ar, (Irainilated
j Money Not Merchandise
j should lis bent Soldiers.
I Thecriestion of the shipment
of parcels to France first came
i to the attention of the war de-
i partment when the commanding
! goneral of the expjditionary
forces cabled that congestion of
. .such srti des had reached such a
point that rrench rnnroads were
unable to handle the load. A
, l)(,ard appointed by the Secre-
i trry of War and tho PcstnmHter
i Goneral examined 5,000 sacks of
parcelpost mail, and found that
the articles b ing sent not only,
in the main, were absolutely un
necessary, but undesirable. The
investigation showed that the
amount of such mail had reached
a total of 5')0,0()() pounds a week,
I an! was steadily ir.cre.'.sing.
Relatives and frior ds, accord
ing to a recent statement by tho
wc.r deps'rtrr.ent.w ill find they
often can do a greater service to
soldiers by sending them money
for the purchase of articles in
France than by forwrrding tha
articles. Tobacco is now being
supplied as part of the army
Rev. Strain preached an Inde
pendent Diy sermon at Fairview
on Sunday forenoon. Tho text
was I'roverbs 14 31. As he
couldn't preach tho sermon at
everyone of tho six aproint ments
before July p,h ho preached tho
sermon after July 4ih at Fair
view. Wo were sorry to hear of the
accident to Josiah Wittor which
Mcccssilalod his goin.r to a hos
p tal for treatment. We hope he
may soon recf-ver.
A few of our people attended
Indjependooce Day celobration in
McConnnllsburg. Most of the
people were busy hat vesting, no
oubt considering that,- at this
um0j t0 r,0 tt punotio duty.
Homo of our peoplo altonded
tho play "A Southern Cinderolla"
it Ilustontown, on Saturday ove
nirg. From reports the char
acters could not havo been hotter
rcivMMen tod.
We were sorry to learn of tho
accident to John IJ. Sipjs ot Ilus
tontown and his-' consequent !
d.ith Mr. bipjs was one of
Nature's nohleuinn Ha could
"h'.'o a brother's nod by a kind
ly word or a helpful deed " Ui
d?aMi v'!l b'ui Jd- s to the com
uninity whoi'n lio livod.
Our farmers have been getlirg
alorg tirst rate with their harvest
this year.
L'nloa Lawn Service.
The Union lawn service at the
Court House last Sunday evening
was attended by a large number ,
rl. p I
of persons. The sermon was
preached by Rev. Wilson V.
Grove, of the United rresbyteri-
nn Pliiirph D.m't fnrrrpr thflt ft
an onurcn. uont orLe' 8
similar service will beheld at the
same place next Sunday evening
, , "
at Yi.iuana on eacn suDsequeni
Sunday evening during the sum
mer weather. The sermon at the
lawn service next Sunday even
ing will bo delivered by Rev. Dr.
Claypool, of the M. E. Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hock
ensmith and children Paul, Eliza
beth and Franklin of Johnstown,
motored to McConnellsburg last
Thursday and spent the time un
til Sunday with their Fulton
Countjy relatives and friends
when they returned home, ac-
, 1 TYI .
compamea Dy. sun. nocKen-
Biuibu a iuuiui an, muuioo iuv. -
Consumer P y.
.'IH to 45c tor lb
H to Klc por lb
111 to 18o por lb
8 to 1)1!
.'10 to 3'm per lb
.'1"h! por Ib
l.'l to 14 por lb
Oc por lb I2IJ lbl :ir,
3.'J to .'lie por lb
H2c por Ib
pur ib
1 If to 1'ic por lb
to A Jc por Ib
27c per lb
74 per lb
10 to lie per lb
2')! '
8.20 to IS. (10 cwt
School . Letting;.
school directors of the
various districts of Fnltnn Coimtv
wj meet as follows
WELLS No. 2 Friday July 19
Brush Crf.KKE mma v ille
Sat., July 20.
1 Juy 22.
Todd McGovern's, Tuesday,
' July 23.
BFTIlEL-'-Warfordsburg, Wed-
! nesday July 21
TAYLOit-IIustontown, Thurs
day, July 25.
Union-Center, Friday, July
Belfast Needmore, Satur
day, July 27.
Dui5LiN-Ft. Littleton, Mon
day. July 29.
LIcking CitEL'K Harrisor
ville, Tuesday, July 30.
Ayr Webster Mills, Wednes
day, July 31.
The directors are requested
to meet in their respective dis
tricts, at the above named places,
on the above named dates at I
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
filling the schools for the ensuing
term, and transacting such other
business that may come before
the board.
J. Emery Thomas,
7- I-2t. County Supt.
Fine larm Pur Sale.
Situuto i mile northeast of
Knobsville, Fulton County, Fa.,
containing 135 acres. So acres
which is cleared and in a high
state of cultivation; the balance,
in second growth timber. This
farm is well watered; two springs
at tho house, and running water
in the barnyard and pasture.
Buildings are all in go'id condi
tion, consisting of 8 room dwell
ing house just remodeled and
paiuted, batn, implement shed,
granary, chicKea house and hog
pen. One-founh mile to school
house. For further information
ca,1?n tl10 owaer on;the premises,
or address him at Knobsville, Pa.
S. M. Pittman.
6 20 It.
Uncle Sam's training camp
thoators will do a $3,503,000 busi
ness in tho ll'8tyear of op?ration
under the Commissiou on Train
mgCamp Activies If the people
back home will provide tho sol
diers with their tickets by sand
ing them Smileage Books, says
tho Smileage Divison of the com
mission. Smileage coupons to
tho amount of $355,000 have been
redeemed to data. C3
Charter Notice.
In tlie Court of Common 1'leas otFul'oi
Conn y.
Noilei'ls lmniliy iflvi-n tlmt un iipplioiitlon
will be u uilo to lliu kuiiI oourt on Wetlni'siluy,
Jiny iTtli. 1 til H. nt luo'cloi'k A. ft. uiulcr tliu
Act of Anseiiilily of Hie Coicumowcultli of
1. iii.M.vlviinln. entitled "An net to provide
for the Incorporation und rOKUlutou of cor-
umoorp.iioBH".pproiApriiM im.and
tlic.suiiplt'mculfi thereto, for tin charter ol un
intruded ooi-pjmuiod to be oa ea tue skc-
UKbdATION. tho chnriiotor Bud object
whereof Ik iho uiulntcnince of ths worship of
0!od uccoriliutf to the fiilih, discipline nnil
, .uiib. inMi-wbuaiN ciuitenoi
Nonii Amerion. mirnt uuo pnm. to
! h v- ur" "" 1l,!0'1",l(,u!;
I Ills, iuhI privileges or tlioKftlil Act of Awoui-
My mid Its supplement.
The p .opened ehurler Is now on till In the
I'lothonotitrj'HOIIIeo. x
JOHN 1. Sll'KS,
Juno 20, St. i Solicitor
Cash for Old False Teeth
Hon't mutter If brolien. We pity up toir 00,
nciirilliiir to villuii. Al-0 citsh for Old (iold,
Ji.wnlrv. Sllvur. ilentul erowni or lirlduework.
We Huiid ensh by return mini una win nniu
Koiids 10 iIhvh for s ihIit h npprnvul of our
I u ty 1,uruul ,H"1 or wrll "rnl,"r
j Domcstie Supply Co.t Dept. 52, BInghamtou,N. Y.
W-, ! III.; , AMONII II HAM,. ji
1 lpt mi i,tkn...nMni,1i.,iti.,yihtiiTii
Hot iillrirH Pay
.'II to 4uj per lb.
12 to 13c per lb
111 t!) l.ljn por lb
(I I
2'to .i)o por Ib
28 to .10 per lb
10 to 11 per lb
flu .
10.oo por bbl
A y'VK !.!'.','h';';.";'" "itfir.i'd
Try V'J L""r. nri 111,4 HiMmi. W
Back the Government
to the Limit
The Government has asked American busi
ness to pursue a certain course for the dura
tion of the war.
Keep quality up and prices reasonable,
a strictly non-profiteering: policy.
It is the only patriotic policy.
It is the policy this company has always
adopted and the one we will continue to
We stand ready to undergo any sacrifice
in order o cooperate with the Government.
We believe it is best for ourselves.
We know it is best for our country.
We appeal to all concerns big and small
to adopt the same policy.
'American business must rally as a unit to'
the support of the Government.
It is the surest and quickest way to win tho
United States "fires
are Good Tires
" 'Rityul Cord
A KiwiKwyiiii.ii;ii.! y .
We KNOW United Tires are GOOD tires. That's why we
sell them.
II, C. McCLAIX, Ilustontown,
. L. K. iMcCLAIN, McConnellsburg.
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
ior u.b.Pianne
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
for less than 15 cents. Cash roust ac
company order.
For SALic-One D T. Hohn top
busrgy, good a9 now. Inquire of
ErraCloveugor, Ilustontown, Pa
G 13 3t
Foil SALii-Urush Touring
Car, pood Condition. Price
right apply to W. C. Peck, War
fordsburg, K 1. G 7-2
Foil Sale-Overland-Six. Has
not covered more than 2200 miles.
Good as new. You'll be ticaled at
the price Roy O. Palmku,
Naedmore, Pa , 11. II 1. 6 13-2t.
Wantiod Situation as trunk
driver, or cliauffuer. Am entirely
fioiiilar with ttia handling aud
care of automobiles and trucks.
Apply to the Nkws oflico.
5 27 2t.
Wool Judye Morton will pay
tq growers 65 cents a pound for
wool delivered at his home. Five
cents a pound les for blackberry
or Uv o-grown government
price. Dung ta;3 to be removed
0 6 2
Micn Wanted Laborers, Car
penters Holpors, Mechanics Hel
pers, Firemen, Trackmen, Stocli
UnloaderB, (Joke Oven Men, and
other help. Good wasjes and
steady employment. Apply to
burg, Pa,
8 23 tf
' 'N'.fthy' ' Chain' ' Vsco ' ' l'luln'
. .' V ..
r;i. Ui I
Lorps recruits.
who wear
Kstiiti of Henry II. Lop, late of Union
township, Fu lion County, l'u.,(lo
citused. Now, Juno II, I!)S, the Court prnnt
a rule uxn the heirs and other pur
lies interested in tho partition of the
estnto of tho Haul docrdent, to eppenr
in open court on Wi'dnohduy Jtily 17,
1'.), nt 10 o'clock, a. in., und accept
or refuse tho real cstato nt the valu
ation lixed by return of imnietit, or
nmlte hUl.son tho siime, or sln.w ciiukh
why the siinia uliall not hn sold ou their
refusal to ueecpt the same.
In pursuit mn of the uhove order nn
lieo is hereby jjlven to 1'titia Price,
mid her husband, Mr. Price,
I'iney drove, Md.: Howard, North.
I lose,' Wayne county, N. Y.; Lewis
l.iet!, Cumhei'land, Md.; Henry Lee,
Cundterland, Md.; George Loe, Ilun
eoek, Md.; Ellen Lee, Cumberland,
Md., nml nil other non-residents of
this coinnionwealth, InterestiXl In Raid
estate, to appear inJOrpliuns' Court on
Wednesday, the 17th day of July, HUM,
ut 10 o'clock a. m., in accordance
with said order of the Orphans' Court. -
0-20-3t Clerk Orphans' Court.
The Thrice-A-Wcek Edition of
the New York World
in 1918
Practically u Daily ut the Prion of
a Weekly, No other Newspaper In
the world gives ho much ut so low
a price.
The vultin nml need of it newnpnpor In tho
household nn never uivulT ttuin nt the prvv
eul time. We Imve been forord tue. tertha
k-reut w .ikl wur unit it Inrtfn Brm V of ount In
ulreuily I . I'lHiioe. You will wimt I l.t nil '
t-o news from our troops on Kuropen lutltle
tlelits, itiul hits rotulses to ho ilie nusl mo
int'lous ytuir tn tlie histerrof our unlver e.
No n litr nottopiiper t a Kinnll prlo" lll
rurulNti nihIi prontpt nml aeeurato tiewn 4 f
t In"- wo Id HtmkiiiK eventt Ills not neoesMtry '
to sit y inoi o.
Tint Til lie A-Wkkk Woiiui'r remliir
nnhsoilVtlO" p li'o I" only l, 0 per yenr nd
this piivn for I Hi piipc m'. Wo offer lull iiu
eilimlled newnpuper nd Thi Fiti.'nm CoUM'T
Maa totielhur for onu yoitr lorf.l&,
The regulur lubnorlpiton pnoo of tin two
piper l U.60, ,