The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 04, 1918, Image 5

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0llcsl and Qewal Interest, Gathered
at Home or uippea iroa oar
Ethel Hays, who taught
at pleasant ville, N. J., last year,
is home for her summer vacation.
jlisg Nelle Barmont went over
to her brother John's near Le
tter Monday to stay a few
MissWreatha Mellott left for
State College Monday to take one
of the special courses in that in
Btitution. Mrs. Alex Patterson, near
jjewville, is visiting her mother
Mrs. E J. Johnston, South Sec
ond Street.
Miss D. Vernona Mellott of
Needmore has enrolled as a stu
dent in the summer Normal,
School at Millersville.
Mrs. Roy Daniels and son, of
Hancock, are spending this week
in the home of her sister Mib.
W. A. Secrist, in the Cove.
Misses Esther Sloan and Mary
N. Kendall went to Chambers
burg last Friday to attend the
conference at that place.
Charles H. Eitemiller and
daughter Myrtle, of Mercersburg,
visited in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Comererlast Sunday,
Miss Annie Reisner, who has
completed another year's work
in the McKeesport High School
is home for her summer vacation.
Mr. Russell Nelson, who had
been spending a short vacation
at his home in McConnellsburg,
left Monday for Ocean City, N.
tio fiflprAment of the Holy
Communion will be observed at
the Big Cove Tannery Lutheran
church next Sunday morning at
10:30. .
Jacob H. Comerer. and daugh
ter Genevieve of Hagerstown are
visiting in the home of Jacob's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.
Mrs. Josephine A. Sloan r.nd
Mrs. Matilda B. Trout returned
home last Saturday after hav
ing spent a week in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reisner at
Hagerstown, Md.
Mrs. E. R. Patterson and little
son "Billy" of Philadelphia, ar
rived in town last Friday evening
and are gnests in the home of
"Mrs. Patterson's parents, Hon.
and Mrs. D. H. Patterson.
Mrs. Geo. A. Harris, who had
been visiting friends in McCon
nellsburg, left Tuesday morning
for Hancock, where &he will spend
a few days visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. McKibbin.
It cost' J. F. Slaybaugh a farm
er, $3 50 on Monday evening to
pass a trolley car on the wrong
Bide in Chambersburg. Mr.
Slaybaugh had gone into town to
get a neighbor who had wrecked
his automobile by colliding with
Charles Glunt and family of
Biglerville, Pa., called at the
News office a few minutes last
Saturday as they were returning
from a motoring trip to Bedford.
From here thev went ud to visit
their relatives and friends at
Knobsville for a day or two.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hatfield
(Jennie Bailey) and their foster
daughter, Miss Maye Woodward,
accompanied by Mr3. G. Ellis
oipes-all nearNeedmore, motor
ed to MpHnnnpllshnrff last Satur
day. Mrs. Hatfield brought some
luscious raspberries for the edi
tor and his wife, which were
much enjoyed.
daughter or Mr, and Mrs. Ray
K-ohler, New Oxford, Adams
her tongue when she fell over the
rocker of a chair at her home.
A Dhvsipinn uroa onmmnnpH nnrl
found that it was impossible to
ew on the tip, which was hang
ng by a bit of skin. He removed
jhe piece of tongue,
iuun niLvnc.rf
:un...'.. t . t
, nature's grandest growing
rood; it strengthens their bones,
I "lakes hpnlfk,. LI J ,1 nrn.
--- .. UlUUVi CUM KIWI
tootes stiivl .u
T h e r e w i 1 1 not be preaching
services in the Presbyterian or
the Reformed churches in town
next S inday on account of the
absence of the pastor, Rev.
Fresh pies, cukes, and sand
wiches sold on the Fourth in front
of the News office from eight to
12 o'clock noon. Proceeds for
the benefit of the Red Cross War
It costs $5.00 run your auto
mobile through the streets, in
Hagerstown with the cut-out
open. The price will likely be
six in McConnellsburg, when the
first few arrests are made.
Instead of the usual preaching
services in the various churches
in town next Sunday evening, a
union service will be held upon
the lawn at the Court House be
ginning at 7:30 and lasting one
Mr. John A. Garland, a former
resident pf this county, but now
a resident of Bedford county,
called at the News office Tues
day morning. It was Mr. Gar
land's first visit to McConnells
burg in ten years, and he noticed
many changes in the old town in
that time.
Special Price for Old Hens.
I will pay 25 cents a pound
for old hens that are brought
within one week. Soring chick
ens weighing over li lbs., 36;
and 23, for eggs.
Frank Mason.
Four Army Truck Trains.
The movement of Army Truck
trains over the Lincoln Highway
has been unusually active this
week. Three trains convoyed by
three companies of soldiers pass-
sed through McConnellsburg
Monday, and one train Tuesday.
Most of the trucks were empties,
a condition that is somewhat
Well Known Eje Specialists Here.
Rubin and Rubin. Harrisbnrg's
leading eye specialists will beat
Seylar's Drug Store in McCon
nellsburg Tuesday and Wednes
day. July 9th and 10th. Two
days only. Your eyes examined
free. No drops. Glasses care
fully fitted at reasonable prices.
Bad Nice Visit.
Mrs. Tobie Glazier, who with
her brother J. P. Hege and wife
made a trip to the west, returned
home a few days ago, much pleas
ed with the trip. Their first stop
was at Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
where they visited Mrs. Ella
Lockhart (nee McLucas) -and
Ceorge McLucas, living at the
same place; from there to Ida
Grove, where they visited their
brother. Dr. J. W. Besore and
son: thence to council liiuns.
Then, after spending a day at
Omaha, they went to McClellan,
Iowa where they visited a neph
ew, Dr. Albert Besore thence to
see Dr. Mac Besore; thence to
Butler. Mo. where they visited
their sister Lottie (Mrs. J. H.'
Funk). In Missouri, they found
the thermometer at 106, wheat
harvested and being threshed.
School Letting.
The school directors of the
various districts of Fulton County
will meet as follows:
Wells -No. 2, Friday, July 19.
Brush Creek E m m a v ille
Sat, July 20.
. THOMPSON-Center, Monday,
July 22.
Todd McGovern's, Tuesday,
Bethel-War fordsburg, Wed
nesday, July 24.
Taylor Hustontown, Thurs
dav. July 25.
Union-Center, Friday, July
Belfast Needmore, Satur
day, July 27.
DUBLIN-Ft. Littleton, Mon
day, July 29.
LIcking Creek H a r r ison.
ville, Tuesday, July 30.
Ayr Webster Mills, Wednes
day. July 31.
The directors are requested
to meet in their respective dis
tricts, at the above named places,
on the above named dates at 9
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
filling the schools for the ensuing
term, and transacting such other
business that may come before
the board.
J. Emery Thomas,
7-4-2t County Supt.
The War Savings Stamps Trive Last
Wtek Ended Gloriously For
Fulfill C unty.
Tuat the citizens of Fulton
County are filled with the war
spirit up to the point of satura
tion is evidenced by the prompt
ness by which they meet every
call of the Government for fi
nancial assistance. Of the Lib
erty Loan bonds, this County ab
sorbed more than $200 000.00
worth, and with the closing of
the War Savings Stamps sale
last week, it is certain now that
a like sum has been invested in
the "baby bonds." This means
more than $40.00 for every man,
woman and child in the County,
in addition to what has been
given to the Red Cross work.
On account of the fact that re
ports have not been received
from all the school districts, the
report of last week's drive is
given by townships; but next
week, we expect to give the re
port of money raised at each
school house.
No. of
School Schools
Districts reporting
Ayr . . .1 H.2:'0 6
itethel . . 4,fti0 U
Helfast. . . IT.Iiso 1)
Urush Creek . J ,45 (i
Dublin . . . l.i,7:0 7
Licking C'ru-k, (.!ISD 5
Mi.Contiellslmrg . 2.v!D I
Taylor . .
Thompson . . 14 K!0 7
Toil J . . ",S!M .r
Union . . . ;t.!i;ii 4
Wells . . I.(i25 A
Attention to Water Consum
ers of the Borough of
The McConnellsburg Water
Company has spent a consider
able amount of money to furnish
its patrons, not only an adequate
but pure supply of water. By
adequate you give to every con
sumer a supply sufficient for its
needs: by pure you give a supply
that protects not only the health
of the borough but of the sur
rounding community. Each
consumer knows, or should know,
that this is not optional with the
Water Company, but is according
to thejegulations of the Health
and Public Service Commission
of Pennsylvania. Discrimination
cannot be tolerated and in order
that every individual consumer
can be treated accordingly the
Water Company will install
water meters to the individual
consumer, inese meters are in
such simple form that every
property holder can be able to
calculate not only his actual con
sumption, but his water rate for
the period as per regulations.
The asset of any community is
its water supply, without this
you cannot exist, and so it. is
with a water company' without
your co-operation. In order that
you may thrive and the water
company exist, it is neces
sary that trie water com
pany post new rates, rules and
regulations. In McConnellsburg
it is absolutely necessary that
economy be practised in its water
supply for the reason that .the
water facilities in this district
are anything but simple. iThe
more money the water company
is compelled to expend to provide
the consumer with a pure and
adequate supply, it is but natural
that the consumer must be ex
pected to pay proportionately in
order that such a water com
pany may exist.
The water company's represen
tatives will be at the Hotel Harris
until the end of the present week
and would deem it a favor if any,
all at.or a committee designed by
the consumers would call upon
him for any explanation. The
company also wishes to call the
attention of the delinquent pay
ments and desires to state that
their representative will receive
and receipt such bills as may be
due. If such bills are not paid
promptly, it will become the
painful duty of the company to
Bhut off the water supply to
these delinquent consumers im
Three temporary office build
ings, providing working space
for 6 250 persons, have been built
in 10 weeks in Washington, D.
C , by the construction division
of the Army, without the employ
ment of a contractor. One, a
3-story structure, 491 feet long,
260 feet wide, with a floor space
of 270,000 square feet, was ready
for occupancy 24 working days
after the first spadeful of earth
was turned.
For Fulton County for the Current Woek Approved by Food
Administrator Job') l Jacknon
Beans, Pea
Beans, Lima
Breail, Btore wrapped I lb loaf..
Bread, store wrapped i lb loaf.
Butter, Country
Cheese, Creum !
Corn Meal, 10 lb bag
Corn Starch
Flour, Barley, per lb
Flour, White Corn, per b
Flour, P.lco. per lb
Flour, Wheat, per lb
Hams 3(4
Lard, Country
Oats, Uullod...
llico, 10J
Salmon, Pink ,
Salmon, Ked
Sugar, Grauulated S.20
From Camp Lee.
Levi H. Garland, 23 Co.. Gth
Tr. Bn, Infantry Replacement
Camp, Camp Lee, Va., in a letter
written last Saturdav afternoon
says: "At the end of five weeks
in the service of Uncle Sam, I
still enjoy the best of health.
It is very warm to-day, but it was
quite cool during the past week
with much rain. During the
past three weeks we have been
putting in full time drilling, and
we expect to go to the rifle range
"I certainly wish that the peo
pie at home could have the oppor
tunity of visiting a soldiers'
training camp. It would be an
eye-openerto some who think the
Government slow in preparing
men for the Front. The real
truth about the matter is, that
the Government is working with
marvelous speed.
"The Y. M. C. A. is doing great
work for the soldier, and it should
have the heartiest cooperation of
the people at home. The person
who does not support the Y. M.
C. A. and the Red Cross i3 eith
er woefully ignorant of what
these organizations are doing for
the moral, physical and spiritual
welfare of the boys who have
left the comforts of home, or is
hardened in greed and selfish
ness. Our people should be
proud that they have the oppor
tunity to help in so noble a cause,
instead of turning their backs
upon the solicitors, as some do.
If you had ason ora brother in
the army, you would feel quite
differently about it; and it may
not be long until you have that
mt m 1 1
experience, ineiiie ot a soiaier
in times of peace may, to some
extent, be a lazy one; not so in
time of war. No boy on the
farm in harvest time leads a
more strenuous life. There is se
rious work ahead, and the result
will depend upon how well the
boys are prepared.
"Hundreds of new recruits
came into camp during the past
week. When a boy first gets in
to camp he feels like a cat in a
strange garret, but he soon be
comes infected with the spirit,
and wishes for the time when he
can join the boys in France and
do his bit to win the world for
Albert F. King and wife and
three children visited relatives in
Illinois last week.
Howard E. Kirk is attending
the Cornell Aviation school at
Cornell University, N. Y. He
has plenty of hard work at the
Mrs. Samuel Deaver of Balti
more is visiting the family o f
Josiah Deaver.
James Lyon and David Her
shey made a business trip to
Brush Creek Valley recently.
Last week some of our farm
ers made some good clover hay.
Owen Laidig, of Mt. Union
spent Sunday with the family of
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Laidig, and attended church at
Fairview on Sunday.
The War Savings Stamp sub
scriptions exceeded the quotas
at several places in our township.
At No. 1 school house every one
present subscribed, the youngest
subscriber being nine years of
There was a good attendance
at the Red Cross Festival at
Fairview last Saturday evening.
Everything prepared was Bold.
Mrs. Owen Laidig and little
son Robert of Mt Union are
visiting the family of Martin
ltotallor Pay
34 to 4()o per lb.
12 to 13o per lb
1.1 to l.'lyo per lb
7 Jo
2') to 3(lo per lb
2H to 30 per lb
Consumer P y.
38 to 4.rKj per lb
1" to 10c per lb
1(1 to 18c per lb
8 to i)l!
27 to 3c per lb
3.'x! per lb
4 13 to 14 per lb
6c per lb (241 lb II 35
33 to 34c per lb
32c per lb
lie par lb
14c to 13c per lb
10 to 11 per lb
,(lo 1
10.IU) per bbl
to 3c per lb
27u per Jb
7 per 11
to 11c per lb
to 18.(10 cwt
Miss Mary Benson is spending
some time with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. James Benson.
" Millie and Fred Bollinger, who
were employed in Mount Union,
have returned home.
Miss Hazel Black of Juniata,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D M. Black.
Those vifcitingat Bruce Shore's
last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Gladfelter and children
Rachel and Hayes; and Mrs. Gray
Palmer and daughter Alice, of
Mount Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swartz,
spent Saturday, evening at Mrs.
Alice McClains.
We are sorry to hear of the ill
ness of Mrs. Clark Bergstresser
and Miss Margaret Leidy. We
wish them a speedy recovery.
Mr. John Lamberson and his
grand-daughter. visited his
son Chas. last Saturday.
Mis3 Alice Shore, who was
sdending some time in Hunting
don and Mouut Union, has re
turned home.
Fine Farm For Sale.
Situuto mile northeast of
KtiobbVille, Fulton County, Pa.,
containing 135 acres. 55 seres
which is cleared and in a high
Htateot cultivation; the balance,
in second growth timber. This
farm is well watered; two spriogs
at the house, and running water
in the barnyard and pasture
Buildings are all in good condi
tion, consisting of 8 room dwell
ing house jjst remodoled and
painted, barn, implement shed,
granary, chicken house and hog
pen. One-fourth mile to school
house. For further information
call on the owner onjthe premises,
or address him at Knobsville, Pa.
S. M. Pitt man. 6 20 4 1.
Harrisbnrg's Leading Eye Specialists
Seylar's Drug Store,
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 9tb and 101b.
If you need glasses cull and get fit
tod up properly Bnd carefully. Your
eyes examined Free and good reading
glasses aa low as two dollars.
The Windsor Frame
Strong, stylish, better looking, the
latest In shell rimmed t ames, come In
and see them.
Broken lenses duplicated no matter
where you got them, bring the pieces.
Our best service ut least cost at
your disposal.
Charter Notice.
In Hie Court of Common I'lvas of Fulton
Couu y.
Noilcelsboreliy given Unit an application
w ill be mndo to ilia Hitid court on Wednesday,
July 17th, I0IH, at 10 o'clock A. M. under the
Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
l'ennsylvanlu, entitled ' An act to provide
for the Incorporation and reimlat ou of our
Uln corporations " upproted April tit 1874, und
tlicisiippleuicniN tberelo, for tin charter of un
Intended corporation to be oa ed TaE SEC
tlKkGATlON, the character and objeot
whereof Is the maintenance of the worship ot
(lod according to the fullh, discipline and
practice of the United Presbyterian Church of
North America, nil tor these purposes to
hive, possesi, and enjoy all the rights, bene
llu, aud prlvlleuesof the suid Act ot Assem
bly und Its supplements.
The P oposed charter Is now on Ille la the
Prothonolury's o(ltoe.
June 20. St. Solicitor
Cash for Old False Teeth
Pon't matter K.brokcn. We pay up tollk 00.
ucoordliiK to value. Al-o cash for Old Uold,
.Inwelrv. Silver, dental crowns or brldttework,
Waseml aash bv return mall and will hold
Koods 10 davs for sender's approval of our
price. Send by Parcel Post or write Urst for
Domestic Supply Co. , Dept. 52 , BIngbamton.N. Y.
hut r roar "
lruifI.U A-kfr, .( KVm.TPRH
"' "'' A
hl-rhnklrr'a Diamond Tiraa4A
I'llla in Krd and Uuld mtl.lliAV
J"". ilc.l wiih Him RiMm. V
ynnkMinai llml, Sft. Al r k.l i.l.l
War Has Multiplied the
Value of Good Tires
Never were cars so necessary both in
business and domestic life.
Never was their continuous and eco
nomical use so imperative.
Never was freedom from tire trouble
and tire expense so absolutely essential.
The rapidly growing demand for
United States Tires prove their war-time
Thousands of motorists each wetek are
turning to United States Tires to get de
pendability and economy.
United States Tires last longest and
carry you farthest at least cost.
They enable you to make the most of
your car passenger or commercial
now, when it is more than ever a vital
war-time necessity.
There js a United States Tire for every
possible 'heed.
Our nearest Sales and Service Depot
will tell you which ones you should have.
United States Tires
arc Good Tires
We KNOW United Stitea Tire are GOOD tires. That'3 why we
sell them.
II. C. McCLAIN, Hustontown,
1:. R. McCLAIN, McConnellsburg.
Sapolio doing its
Join Now!
Wanted, For Sale. For Rent.
Lost, Found, Etc.
R ATES find pnt. nr wnrrf fni-nnrh
Insertion. No advertisement accented
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
Pon Sale One D T. Bohn top
busrgy, good as new. Inquire ol
ErraClevenger, Hustontown, Pa
6 13 3t
For Sale Brush Touring
Car, good Condition. Price
right apply to W. G. Peck, War
fordsburg, R 1. 6 27-2
For Sale Overland-Six. lias
not covered more than 2200 miles.
Good as new. You'll beticuled at
the price Rov 0. Palmek,
Needmore, Pa., R. R 1. 6 13-L't.
Wanted Situation as truck
driver, or chaufluer. Am entirely
familiar with tua handling and
care of automobiles and trucks.
Apply to the News office.
5 27 2L
Wool Judge Morton will pay
to growers 65 cents a pound for
wool delivered at his home. Five
cents a pound less for blackberry
or llGrca-grown government
price. Dung tags to be removed.
6 6 2t.
Men Wanted Laborers, Car
penters Helpers, Mechanics Hel
pers, Firemen, Trackmen, Stock
Unloaders, Coke Oven Men, and
other help. Good wages and
stead v employment. Apply to
burg, Pa. 8 23 if
work. Scouring
orps recruits.
who wear
this ,
ANY JoT emblen
1 for MARINES!
Estate of Heury II. Lee, late of Union
township, Fulton County, l'a., de
ceased. Now, June 11, 191S, the Court grant
a rule upon the heirs and other par
ties interested In the partition of the
estate of the said decedent, to appear
in open court on Wednesday July 17,
llllh, nt 10 o'clock, a. m., and accept
or refuse the real estate at the valu
ation ti.xed by return of inquest, or
make bids on the same, or show cause
why the same shall not be sold on their
refusal to accept the same.
In pursuance of tho above order no
tico is hereby given to Letitia Trice,
and her husband, Mr. Trice,
Tiuey Grove, Md.; Howard Lee, North
Uoso, Wayne county. H. Y.; Lewis
Lee, Cumberland, Md.; Henry Leo,
Cumberland, Md.; George Lee, Han
cock, Md.; Ellen Lee, Cumberland.
Md,, and all other non-residents of
this commonwealth, interested in said
estate, to appear injjrphans' Court on
Wednesday, the 17th day of July, 1!1N,
at 10 o'clock a. in., in accordance
with said order of tho Orphans' Court.
6-20-3t Clerk Orphans' Court.
The Thrice-A-Week Edition of
the New York World
in 1918
Practically a Uuily at the Price of
a Weekly, No other Newspaper in
the world gives so much at bo low
a price.
The vhie und need of n newspaper In the
household viih never Kreuter tlmo ut the prev
ent time. We have been foroel tocucrthe
irrout world war unci u lirire fcrmv uf our. In
ulrendy to Krnnce. You w,ll)'iirai t hv all
t' e newi from our troops on Uuroptiiii hnttlo
lle'iN, nmt lout rroniln's o tie he most ino
uii'niouN your In the h'Hiory of our unlver
No oihr newspaper t o amll price will
furnish hiicIi prompt ami (ooutRt new of
lhen woiliUhHkliitfevont. Ills notneociwury
toKiiy more.
Till THHiCfrA-WKKK Wohi.iM reulr
mitMorlptioi. p.loe tmiuiy t'.'O per year, and
ihln puv for IW pupe . We offer thU un
muulled uewHpnper ami Tub Kpi.tuW CoUKrr
Nw loKi'lher lor one year foril
The regular utMorlpUou price ot the two
papers la liW,