The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 04, 1918, Image 2

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Belleau Wood a Happy Hunting
German Commanders Told Thair
Troopa That Army Had Landed in
America U. S. Artillery Bril
! Ilantly Carrie Out Iti Part.
American Array in France. (W rman
prisoner captured by the Americans
en storming the Belleau wood taction
sow number 250, including seven olli
cers. One of the oi!l era ttuid the Ger
man commanders huve been telling
the soldiers that the Gorman have
landed an army in America, captured
New York, and are now marching to
wards Philadelphia. The Germans
duo are told that submarine!) have
sunk between 40 and 50 ships in Long
Itland Sound.
The Importance of the American ad
vance In Belleau wood Ih not indicated
ly the amount of territory captured,
s that only amounts approximately
to 600 square yards. The new posi
tions of the Americans, however, dom
inate the ridge beyond ho thut they
now hold the upper hand.
The Amerlacns made an Irresistible
msh for the complete clearing of the
wood, in which it was discovered the
Germans were still occupying a small
trip of thu underbrush. The attack
aa preceded by a 13-hour bombard
ment from the American artillery,
German prisoners pay tribute to the
brilliant dash of the Americans, de
claring the men in the assaulting party
fought like demons.
The Germans were virtually cleared
cut of the wood several days ago, but
the discovery was made that' under
cover of darkness they had planted
machine guns behind huge bowlders,
la sunken roadways, in shell hole and
t In trees in a narrow area on the wine
f the wood. It was most difficult to
. et at them in these positions, and
one fierce hand-to-hand fighting oc
curred during the night while the
clearing process was being carried out.
The Americans now are In possession
of virtually all the valuable tactical
positions in the lielleau wood sector.
Most of the prisoners taken belong
to the Three Hundred and Forty
event h German Division.
The American artiiluy again bril
liantly carried out its part in throwing
the entire German line Into confusion.
Prisoners said that the position from
"which they had been taken was like an
Inferno under the American fire. They
were happy to get out alive.
A captured German officer, arrogant
nd sarcastic, remarked: "We are Just
urting with the Americans. We are
going to wipe out whole division as it
they were companies."
The German private were less arro
gant, and apparently were glad they
were captured. One declared that the
Germans were surprised at the Ameri
cans, who appeared so young but
fought like devils when they got
started. Another declared:
"The war will soon be ended. There
are too many Americans comJng to
This prisoner was a Prussian who
fought on the Russian front. He con
fessed that the Germans were prepar
ing to attsck the Americans in Belleau
wood when the American troops start
ed their attack. It was a surprise af
fair. The Americans came one way
and the German officers tried to force
their men forward the other way. This
prisoner was shot in the leg by his
own officer because he hesitated con
fusedly between the American guns
and bayonets and the pistols In hands
of German officers.
Raymond S. Howell, of BaiD'svIllc.
Ohio, who was in the first line of the
Advance, describing the operation,
"We took up a position in the open
wood; there were no trenches. Tim
Germans opened a heavy die and
shells fell around us like rain. We
charged over the rocky hill, our fel
lows laughing and yelling a war
whoop. We then came upon a wheat
field and crossed in the face of a
withering shell and machine-gun fire
nd drove back the Germans at the
jo'.nt of the bayonet.
Some idea, of the thoroughness with
which the Americans prepared for the
attack may be gleaned from the fact
that they fired approximately 5.000
t)l;h explosives In one hour. Tin1
American gunners worked so fast the
Germans said they did not have time
to think. The German lines were torn
up and the ground around strewn with
German dead and wounded. Two mem
bers of a German hospital corps were
Mexican Sisal Growers Agree To
Lower Price.
Washington. Mexican sisal grow
ers have entered into an agreement
with the Food Administration to sell
In this country 600,000 bales of this
rear's sisal ciop at price three cents
pound below that received last yeni.
Food Administrator Hoover said he
estimated the agreement would save
American farmers approximately $6,
000.000 on binder twine next year.
Embargo On Action Hss Been Lifted,
Says Harbin Dispatch.
London. The embargo on Chinese
action In Siberia has been rMsed, ac
cording to a Harbin dispatch to the
Daily Mail. The reason given for this
action Is that Russia Is taking no steps
to prevent the Germans from advanc
ing In the east.
The woman hodcarrler has made her
appearance in New York Cjty.
One Hundred
220,000 IRE
Plan 3,000,000 Men Under
Arms August t
Meade To Get Men Prom Maryland,
District Of Columbia, West
Virginia And New
Washington. As a further step to
ward carrying out the War Depart
ment's plan to have 3,000,000 men un
der arms August 1, Provost Marshal
(ienejal Crowder called on the Gov
ernors of all states except Arizona
and Illinois for the mobilization be
tween July 22 and 25 of 220,000 white
drart registrants, qualified for military
This call is expected virtually to ex
haust the number of men now in Class
1, available for active military service,
and, when added to school requisitions
of 23,436 men, brings the total calls so
far announced for July to 243,436. To
complete its program for the remaind
er of the present year, the department
will have to depend on the 400,000
Class 1 registrants expected from the
June 5 enrollment and the 250,000 or
300,000 to be obtained through the re
classification now In progress.
In the call New York leads the list
with 22.241 men; Iowa Is second, with
17,840, and Wisconsin third, with 13,
200. Tne State quotas and camp assign
ments follow: ,
Alabama. 2,000; Camp Hancock, Ga.
Arkansas. 2. '.63; Camp Pike, Ark.
California, 4,000; Camp Lewis,
Coloiano. 1,100. Camp Travis, Tex.
Connecticut, 2,307; Camp Devens,
Delaware, 205; Camp Dix, N. J.
District of Columbia, 459; Camp
Meade, Md.
Florida, l.OfiO; Camp Greenleaf. Ga.
Georgia, 3,055; Camp Gordon, Ga.
Idaho, 1,000; Camp Lewis, Wash.
Indiana, 7.700; Camp Taylor, Ky.
Iowa, 5,292; Camp Gordon, Ga.
Iowa, 12.557; Camp Pike, Ark.
Kansas, 3.700; Camp Funston, Kan.;
900, Fort Riley, Kan.
Kentucky, 4.100; Camp Taylor, Ky.
Louisiana, 2,100; Camp Hancock.
Mn.lne, 2,0(17: Cnmp Devens, Ma-s.
Maryland, 2.000; Camp Meade, Md.
Massachusetts, 8,800; Camp Devens,
Michigan. 8.900; Camp Custer, Mich.
Minnesota, 10,000; Camp Wads
worth, South Carolina.
Mississippi, 1,000; Camp Greenleaf,
Missouri, 11,200; Camp Funston,
Montana, 4.000; Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Nebraska, 4,000; Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Nevada, 300; Fort Riley, Kansas.
New Hampshire, 721; Camp Devens,
New Jersey, 4.418; Camp Dix. N. J.
New Mexico, 740; Camp Travis,
New York. 2,000; Camp Humphreys,
Va., 8.219; Camp t'pton. N. Y.. 7.317;
Camp Dix. N. J.; 4.675 Camp Meade,
North Carolina, 3.000; Camp Han
cork, Ga.
North Dakota, 3,100; Camp Custer,
Ohio. 7.200: Camp Jackson, S. C;
5,000, Camp Sherman, Ohio.
Oklahoma, 400; Camp Travis, Tex.;
4.000, Cnmp Greenleaf. Ga.
Another Seriously Injured At Training
Field In Michigan.
Mount Clemens, Mich. Second Lieu
tenant John T. Hoyle was killed near
Selfrldge Field here when the alrplan"
which lie was piloting fell In a prac
tice flight. Second Lieutenant Allen
R. Khey, observer In the machine, was
serloulsy injured. The machine In
which the men were riding fell from a
height of 1,200 feet.
Marine Lieutenant And Sergeant Lose
Lives At Miami, Fla.
Miami, Fla. Lieutenant Duncan C.
Cameron, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ser
geant Ernest I Ahistrand, of Chicago,
both members of the Marine Corps
aviation section, were instantly killed
at Curtis Field, near here, when an
airplane in which they were making
a practice flight fell about 900 fee'.
A broken control rod was believed to
have been the cause of the accident.
Million Strong
Oregon, 2,500; Camp Lewis, Wash.
Pennsylvania, 11,700, Camp Lee, Va.
Rhode Island, 1,751; Camp Upton,
New York.
South Curolina, 1,800; Camp Jack
son, S. C.
South Dakota, 4,000; Camp Dodge,
Tennessee, 3,653; Camp Gordon, Ga.
Texas, 8.700; Camp Travis, Texas.
Utah, 500- Camp Lewis, Wash.
Vermont, 205; Camp Devens, Mass.
Virginia, 3,500; Camp Lee, Va.
Washington, 4,000; Cnmp Lewis,
West Virginia, 4,8',.5; Camp Meade,
Wisconsin, 5,200; Camp Taylor, Ky.;
8,000, Camp Grant, III.
Wyoming, 800; Fort Riley, Kan.
Total, 220,000.
Reported Turkish Attack On American
Consulates Unexplained.
Washington. Another Inquiry hns
been sent to Sweden by the American
Government asking for information
concerning the reported seizure of the
American consulate and looting of an
American hospital by Turkish troops
nt Tabriz, Persia. It was disclosed
that the State Department already has
asked the Swedish Government twice
to report the facts as quickly as pos
sible and has addressed a similar re
quest to the Spanish Government.
Illinois Stcats Zeltung Was Founded
72 Years Ago.
Chicago. The Illinois StaaU Zel
tung and the Chicago Presse, German
language newspapers, suspended pub
lication. Creditors announced their In
tention of applying to the courts for
the appointment of a receiver to take
charge of the property. The Illinois
Staats Zeltung was founded 72 years
ago and was one of the oldest and
best-known Germun language daily
newspapers In the Middle West. Hor
ace L. Urand was the principal owner
and until recently its editor.
The Morgantown And Kingwood Not
Earning Enough.
Washington. Word reached the
Railroad Administration that the Mor
gantown and Kingwood Railroad, run
ning 48 miles between Morgantown
and Rowlesburg, W. Va., connecting
with a number of coal mines, would
suspend operations July 1 because of
a deficiency In earning Railroad Ad
ministration officials said they would
take no action to os.-uie continuance
of operation until the line had actual-
ly suspended.
U. S. Grand Jury On Trial Of Graft In
Chicago Office.
Chicago. Investigation by the Fed
eral grand Jury of alleged graft In
the operations of the local branch of
the Aircraft Board has been Instituted,
Department of Justice agents are said
to have obtained evidence that since
last fall and until a few months ago
money flowed like water from the local
offices, and that rich men's sons with
out qualifications were given high sal
aried positions as inspectors.
Red Guards Break Into Residence,
Says Report.
Copenhagen Russian Red Guards
have broken Into the residence or
Nicholas Romanoff, the former Rus
sian Emperor at Ekaterinburg and
murdered hint, according to the Rus
sian newspaper VJIa, says a Stockholm
dispatch to the National Tldende.
Ottoman Empire Gets $52,800,000 Of
- $140,800,000 Sought.
Washington. Failure of the latest
Turkish man wus reported In a dis
patch from Switzerland announcing
thnt only 12,000,000 was obtained of
32.000,000 sought. Germany already
bus advanced to the Ottoman Empire
nearly 180,000,000. The Swiss dis
patch says It Is predicted the Turks
now will have to Issue new pifper
Senate Military Committee O.
12,000,000,000 Measure.
Washington. Approval was voted
by the Senate Military Committee of
the provision In the $12,000,000,000
Army Appropriation bill, ns it passed
the House, empowering the President
to call to the colors all men of draft
age who can be trained and equipped.
The salary of the president of
Switzerland amounts to $2,200 a year.
Baker and Other Prominent
Officials Take Part.
The First Number Drawn From The
' Bowl Was 246 Ths Second And
Third, Respectively, Were
1168 And 818.
Washington. The United Stales
class of 1918 Thursday stood at atten
tion as the numbers assigned each
young man attaining his majority In
the year coded last June 5 were drawn
In the national draft lottery.
Historic events of a little leu than
a year ago were repeated ok, from a
lurge glass bowl In a committee room
of the Senate Olllce Building, were
drawn the numbers representing
7 1 4, .".00 youths, the majority of whom
within a few months will be enrolled
In the forces fighting for democracy
and against Prussiunsm.
Secretary linker, members of the
Senate and House Military Committees
and other high Government olllclals
witnessed the drawing by blind-folded
mm of the little capsules from the
bowl, each capsule containing a
"master number" to be applied in the
4.500 registration districts of the coun
try, according to total registration.
The numbers In the order diawn
I To 10.
216. 1168, 818, 1091, 479, 409, 492, 151,
6:'9, 355.
II To 20.
580, 710, 10, 599, 29, 210, 415, 305, 259,
21 To 30.
1153. 110, 298, 301, 17, 328, 370, 74,
901, 083.
31 To 40.
, 618, 136. 909, 1001, 322, 1195, 145, 737.
604, 470.
41 To 50.
482. 777, 1154. 1194, 988, 207. 617, 7C7,
51 To 60.
1078, fi.,2. 1196, 817, 1071, 377, 447,
61 To 70.
1171. 1111. 220, 57, 8S5, 76, 1105, 220,
C07, 1164.
71 To 80.
2I.S, 78, 122, 785, 1160, 008, 928. 279,
81 To 90.
1200, 87, 712, 252, 209, 1025, 177. 823,
717, 19.
01 To 100.
209. 4, 753, 77S. 306, 320, 822, 239.
$59. 130.
101 To 110.
500. 229, 1010. 851, 1093. 1133, 397. ,
405. 1120, 1101.
111 To 120.
S09. 319, 70. 1069. 575, 108, 810, 357.
SCO, 414.
121 To 130.
579. 5SM, 1125, 400, 792. 1107. 719,
Mi', ;,s, .in.-.
131 To 140.
4ol. 1120, 28, 1089, 881. 89, 1147. 451
151. 091.
141 To 150.
927. 787, 1007, 807, 867, 793, 800, 90
151 To 160.
65. 752, 1169, 411, 519, 125, 1025, 365,
82.-,. 921.
161 To 170.
829. 276, 1190. 45, 72, 570, 135, 1029,
275, 301.
171 To 180.
212. 396, 906, 01, 590, 234, 91. 743, 405,
181 To 190
51. 318. 21 1. 63. 1198, 231. 703. 613.
191 To 200
41. 971. 875, 317. 1051. 4 16. 274. 81,
902. 833.
201 To 210.
367. 637. 32, 66, 16, 299, 202, 218,
211 To 220.
"4. 515, 981. 571. 957. 1099, 191, 153,
82. 530.
221 To 230.
995. 1187, 427, 228, 147. 622. 762, 980,
231 To 240.
419, 55. 33, 50, 802, 285, 535. 639, 1012,
241 To 250.
714. 429. 816, 088. 48, 519, 206, 13,
254. 477.
251 To 260.
253, 3, 1 101, 342, 31, 64. 924, 108, 567,
261 To 270.
198, 4(2, 137. 545, 776, 620, 297. 1118.
271 To 280.
193. 155, 999, 543, 823, 1152, 216, 240,
281 To 290.
1083. 158, 985, 804, 865, 618, 112S,
638, 270. 11.
291 To 300. I
1130. 880, 552. 927. 69. 241. 401. 385,1
Senr.tor Martin Would Instruct Senate
Conferees To Yield.
Washington. Senator Mir.Mln. of
Virginia, majority leader of the Sen
ate, Introduced u resolution directing
the Senate conferees on the Annual
Agrlcultmal Appropriation bill to re
cede from the Senate amendment pro
viilin,'; for ii Government minimum
gua. tee of $2.50 a bushel lor wheat.
The House managers hud refused to
Dehydration Is Cheap Way To Pre
serve Food.
Washington. Dehydration, or dry
ing ol l':u:t:t and vegetables, urged now
by the United States Government as
a food savin;; Pleasure, costs but about
one-quarter cent n pound.
The process reduces the products
treated to from one-seventh to one
fifteenth original size; and leaves a
practically nonperlshable food, affect
ed by neither heat nor extreme cold.
a pa v m
1084, 700.
s 301 To 310.
35, 641, 113, 630, 976, 656, 676, 513,
311 To. 320.
1183, 398, 02, 101 1, 1188, 303, 337, 895,
600, 904.
321 To 330.
1163. 709, 843, 728, 1122, 18, 1103,
819, 143. 402.
' 331 To 340.
440, 223, 1086, 620, 521, 200, 1049, 404
54, 761.
341 To 350.
594. 1032, 697, 660, 603, 601, 81, 649,
966, 1040.
351 To 360.
338, 173. 424, 489, 189, 604. 266, 443,
643, 481.
361 To 370.
36. 278. 681, 815, 682, 184, 438, 344,
958, 636, 935.
371 To 380.
1137. 264, 789, 745, 88, 1028. 188, 797,
537, 1072.
381 To 390,
607, 578, 4.14. 192, 450, 701. 245, 418,
685, 978.
391 To 400.
221. -193. 898, 1155. 1095, 727, 1151.
114. 257, 39.
401 To 410.
855, 346, 648, 11 15, 940, 30, 977, 925,
498, 119.
411 To 420.
280. 1022. 886, 296, 952, 7.14, 1167,
893, 352, 187.
421 To 430.
1135, 512. 813, 709, 160, 98, 362. 300,
632, 751.
431 To 440.
909. 1098. 49, 695, 646, 1037, 979,
701, 1179, 912.
441 To 450. .
857. 432, 517, 25, 452, 1043. 480, 707,
288, 316.
451 To 460.
991. 253 .657. 540, S8, 817. 277, 12,
4il5. 802.
461 To 470.
34. 616. 349. 448, 433, 856. 677. 504,
554. 453.
471 To 4B0.
661. 228, 293, 717, 1 19, 1045, 590, 420,
830, 420.
481 To 430.
208. 584. 914, 930, 1077, 1080. 663,
112. 510, 812.
491 To 500.
939, 918. 828, 423, 687, 2, 947, 1175,
768, 588.
501 To 510.
1197. 17. 202. 95. 818, 962, 412, 561.
1101). 972.
511 To 520.
77. 40. 1138, 309. 1114, 287. 758, 263,
243 227.
521 To 530.
8. D'7. lli9, 713, 608, 392, 553, 93,
760, 658.
531 To 540.
911. 426, 904, 791, 99, 402. 628. 811,
190. 131.
541 To 550. '
1127. 123. 021. 1191, 186, 317. 739.
300, 900, 629. '
551 To 560.
1011. 451. 1189, 431. 204. 503, 983,
1-71, 587. 120
561 To 570.
615. 194, 150. 1O50, 781. 94, 118. 260,
577, 773.
571 To 580.
265. 1023, 156. 970, 407. 67. 1026,
1105, 956, 'if,.
531 To 590.
706, 1082. 80S, 811. 770, 289, 1159. 40,
913, 182.
591 To 600.
38. 564. 882. 333, 795,- 624, 693.
605, 1060.
601 To 610.
647. 232. 633. 903. 754. 351. 1021. 621.
559, 959.
611 To 620.
517. 868, 281, 565, 654, 801, 7, 27,
474, 929.
621 To 630.
541. 231. lof,7. 916. 665, 640, 1038,
10.16, l., Jb.i.
I 631 To 640.
I 102-!. 576. 726, K97, 702, 1015, 258,
I 1158. 233. 558.
641 To 650
1 262, 853, 179. 1, 52, 1170, 920. 1110,
6, 858.
651 To 660.
1052. 1070. 312. 3S1. 456. 406, 219,
24. 597. 917.
661 To 670.
1!. 1193. 595, 1096, 105. 763, 602.
710, CT0, 237.
671 To 680.
471. 366. 1002, 416, 520. 1064, 572,
436, 941, 71.
681 To 690.
887. 208, 062, 671, 178, 679, 896,
764. 798, 2X6.
691 To 700.
320. 612. 19, 459, 220, 998. 1058, 196,
494, 318.
701 To 710.
1046. 1S5, 1062, 790. T,62, 669, 842.
383, 60S. 6S0.
711 To 720.
439. 722. 1180, 035, 339. 990, 922, 59.
505. 531.
721 To 730.
1,IM 1S7 7i, J""- ""
'. ts.
4i 10 hj.
r,:"- 7U- sfil K81' J1:, 784'
-. - ,
'' 10 '3U-
755. 195. 417. 975. 592,' 080, 710, 926,
- 128, 838.
accept the amendment and a deadlock
on the bill resulted.
Hoosiers To Prevent Destruction Of
Wheat By Fire.
KoUomo, Ind. Scores of business
and professional men here are guard-In-;
grain elevators, patrolling wheat
fields n ml maintaining a close cordon
around threshing outfits In Howard
county to prevent any possible destruc
It requires no special container or
sealing. Plain paper to protect
against dust and Insects are the best
und cheapest containers.
Rehydration restoring the water to
the vegetable requires from 20 min
utes to two hours; and the reconsti
tuted product has lost neither Its orig
inal flavor nor Its color.
GAL. 1 NEWS 33.30 A. M. FRI..3..
Butte, Mont., Is paved with ore once
regarded us practically valueless, but
now worth $32 a ton.
751 To 760.
329, 1006, 172, 161, 256, 1108, 83, 50
1097, 905.
761 To 770.
387. 472, 756, 623, 313, 1076, 44, 1172
478, 116.
771 To 780.
1066, $14, 138, 92, 343, 497, 653, 696
164, 899.
781 To 790.
983, 1044, 907, 733, 872, 1074, 973, 292
181. 422.
781 To 800.
1156. 1061. 1148, 382, 667, 686, 140
835, 222, 467.
801 To 810.
1099, 1085, 128, 1142. 1176, 217, 1027
371. 495, 1018.
811 To 820.
782. 1009, 1157. 841. 533, 455, 197, 103,
79, 771.
821 To 830.
Ell, 485, 15, 1131, 1192, 1034, 625.
1106, 1139, 943.
831 To 840.
945. 369, 141, 26, 110, 211, 748, 1004,
772, 967.
841 To 850.
726. 129. 805. 794, 639, 400, 104, 051
775. 912.
851 To 860.
1087. 922. 642, 98G, 157. 31, 678, 890
642, 1073.
801 To 870.
627, 746, 1063, 1088, 96, 272, 989, 1141
837. 876.
871 To 880.
876. 124. 845, 524, 934, 490, 780, 311
693, 256, 1094.
881 To 890.
1079. 63. 43, 142, 846," 1141, 538, 291
100, 1020.
891 To 900.
374. 1065, 359. 248, 134. 705. 1003, 358
340. 80. '
901 To 910.
715. 552, 50:1. 508, 201, 955, 127, 101
744. 1113.
911 To 920.
475. 159. 380. 731. 1177, 483. 905, 700
170, 971.
921 To 930.
682. 144, 23. 749, 350, 473, 832, 883
573, 614.
931 To 940.
250, 388. 569, 22, 437. 673. 1185. 1053
646, 670.
941 To 950. '
685, 21 1. 656, 457, 21, 400, 180, 866
1068. 839.
951 To 960.
708. 699. 394, 280, 954, 1055, 75, 672
1102, 282.
961 To 970.
1000. 1101. 1101. 874, 938, 1047, 1006,
888. 854. 803.
971 To 980.
563, 50, 908. 891. 484, 1075, 324, 47,
674, 1166.
981 To 990.
126. 1132, 732, 1092. 8G. 60, 783, 129,
1149, 799.
991 To 1000.
689. 273. 724, 059. 323. 395, 205, 821,
375, 1180.
1001 To 1010.
1143. 757, 183. 1010, 528, 831. 73. 1171,
993, 526.
1011 To 1020.
311, 1031, 378, 421, 167, 169, 1129, 307,
675, 946.
1021 To 1030.
284. 1116. 826 759, 730, 461, 515, 111,
824. 175.
1031 To 1040.
491. 458, 1 121. 953, 523, 146, 852. 1121,
9, 331.
1041 To 1050.
20, 601, 551. 1081, 1150, 600, 556, 327.
720, 1017.
1051 To 1060.
334, 220, 255, 212. 591, 863. 951, 500.
100, 849.
1061 To 1070.
486. 910, 115. 877. 399, 291, 403. 892,
320, 634.
1071 To 1080.
050. 409, 827. 879, 441. 496, 848, 611
683, 354.
. 1081 To 1090.
997. 994, 376. 109, 996. 878. 249, 281,
261, 215.
1091 To 1100.
814, 950. 5. 290. 1103. 363, 463, 873
919, 283.
1101 To 1110.
1029. 166. 779, 'l 17. 1199. 571. 723. 129
310, 009.
1111 To 1120.
133. 105, 42. 213. 170, 1039, 393, 225.
1178. 550.
1121 To 1130.
870, 915, 083, 470, 526, 174, 625, 341,
1030, 933.
1131 To 1140.
499. 273, 711, 006, 987. 598, 315, 390
889, 1008.
1141 To 1150.
738, 408. 1019, 968, 1119, 544, 982
1013, 525, 602.
1151 To 1160.
1140. 931, 1182, 641, 121, 901, 444, 725
774, 221.
1161 To 1170.
705. 162, 806. 810, 132, 1123, 488, 981.
941. 788.
1171 To 1100.
960. 419, 413, 894, 118, 681, 271, 97.
325, 721.
1181 To 1190.
332. 236, 645, 1054, 379, 389, 834, 850,
619, 171.
1191 To 1200.
408. 301, 527, 508, 750, 152, 084, 090,
930, 225.
tion of wheat by fire. No chances are
being taken on any Hun depredations.
Centenarian, Just' Dead, Had Large
Matrimonial Experience.
Marion, 111. "Uncle" Joe Dempsey,
Williamson county's oldest resident,
who died here this month four days
before his one hundredth anniversary,
had married 13 times. He purchased
his own collln seven years ago and
married his last wife five years ugo
Income Tax Of $14,000,000 Turned In
By Somebody.
New York. Some one made n Fed
eral Income tax payment of $14,000,
000 here, the last day for payment of
tils taxes before a 5 per cent, penalty
Is Imposed. Collector Edwards an
nounced the receipt of such a sum
from an Individual, but declined to
disclose his identity. lie Is obviously
one of the richest men In the United
Deserting his wife mid three children,
JohnMulcfsky, of Shcuumlouh, ll Is
alleged broke open the trunk of his
fnther-ln-law, who made his homo with
him, and stole $200 and left for parts
unknown. His wife claims gambling
caused his downfall. Police have Is
sued a decree against all gnmbllng
places and slot machines.
J. Burns Kadal, of Waynesboro, has
made an unprecedented offer to the
war gurdeuers and farmers of the Ma
hanoy valley, Travorton and Krbe
township who lost week lost heavily
when s hailstorm ruined their gar
dens. He hHS .1000 tomato, cauliflower
and pepper plants which he offers to
send free of charge to victims of the
hailstorm who are willing to replant
their war gardens.
Four buildings In Unlontown were
completely destroyed, another diunag.
d and one woman seriously Injured
during a severe elect rlonl storm which
swept Fayette county. The home of
Burgess Thomas llcl'adden, of Fair
chanca, was damaged, arid Mrs. Mo
Fadden badly shocked. The home of
Sol G. Krepps, near Republic; the
barns of William L. Stewart, Luzerne
township ; Pr. Charles H. Smith, near
Bute, and O. D. Porter, Luzerne town
ship, were entirely consumed hy
flames which followed the stroke. The
loss Is estimated lit Hhout $7.1000.
Corporal Irving O. Doyle, forty
years old, of Rending, serving In the
army, died In a San Francisco hos
pital. The annual donation day of the
Berks County Tuberculosis soeimy for
support of Neverslnk Snnltorlum,
Reading, realised $.'.0.O0O.
J. Walter Wilde, of Hazleton, was
appointed a major of infantry In the
reserve militia anil assigned to the
second regiment.
Wrapped In American flags. Mrs.
John Kociilg and Mrs. John Meyers
effectively stopped an attempt of a
party of workmen to lay R pipe line
across their properties In Sutihiiry.
Procuring a revolver, Mrs. Koenlg
wrapped n ting about her shoulders
and Jumped Into the ditch. She de
fied any action. Mrs. Meyers followed
suit, and tlffe workmen retired, admit
ting that they were beaten.
Pen Argyl council has passed an or
dinance prohibiting gambling In any
form in thut town.
After eighty-live cases were report
ed, the epidemic of measles at Mnrys
vllle Iihs been stemped out.
Professor M. C. Klnurd. of Wrights
vllle, has been elected principal of the
Bangor schools.
In the will of Mrs. Anon Chnppcli,
of Taylor, the First Congregational
rtturch of thnt city Is given $.V.
At a meeting held In Carlisle, the
Carlisle Motor club resolved to dis
solve until after the war. The action
wus deemed expedient because of the
economic conditions caused by the
John Sell, eighty-three years old, of
McKee, hss applied for service In the
army ms n veterinarian.
At a meeting of wholesale and re
tall liquor dealers In Siinbury It was
decided to cut out the clubs and fam
ily trade If the liquor shortage con
tinues. Boer picnics will also be ta
boo In Northumberland county this
summer, as far ns the breweries and
beor wholesalers are concerned.
Highway Commissioner O'Ncil has
asked for bids for 75,000 feet of new
rond construction, to be opened In
July. The construction Includes Ken
nett Square borough and Pocopson
township, Chenter county; Holidays
burg, Clarion and townships In Erie,
Greene, Mercer and Washington coun
ties. An appropriation of $500,000 hns
been made by the railroad adminis
tration for enlargement of the New
York Central shops near Jersey Shore,
to Include new car shops and new
machine und blacksmith shops, as well
ns Improved equipment und power,
plant. Work will be started nt once.
Running from her home In Shnino
kln to greet a plnymste, six-year-old
Mabel Hlggins ran In front of a six-,
horse team, was knocked down and
trodden by one of the heavy draught
horses, and Is In a dying condition at
the Khamokln State hospital. '
The commission of Kdwnrd J. Fox
ns supreme court J-istlce was signod,
hy Governor Brumbaugh and sent to.
the home of the Justice. This Is the
first time in recant yenrs that two ap
pointments of Justices of the supremej
court have been inn do within a month.
On charges of buying wheat from
Snyder county farmers and exchang
ing It for (lour eountrary to food ad
ministration rules, M. l. Brulmker
and David Neltz of Sellnsgrove, were
ordered to return the flour and to pay
$10 earn to the Red Cross.
Herbert Hays, a grandson of Molly
Pitcher and a well-known citizen of
Carlisle for ninny yenrs, has died.
The fiftieth nnnlversary of the In
stitution of Mount Cnrmel Lodge, N".
C30, I. O. O. F., was celebrated l
Mount Carmel. Among the speakers
were Fred Gross, who has been sec
retary for the lost forty-eight years.
War conditions have not slowed up
police work In Muunt Carmel. There
were fifty arrests In two dnys for
various offenses.
For twenty-one years Janitress of
Liverpool public schools, Mrs. IJI'V
StHlley, lias been re-elected.
Compulsory work for labor slackers
la urged by the state compensation
Instead of spendipg It for the nsns'
summer outing, the boys nnd girls In
Trinity .Reformed Sunduy schn'.
pottstown, voted to send their picnic
fund to the soldiers In ramp to make
them more comfortable.
Construction hns begun on an ad
dition to the Rowe motor truck plnt
at Lancaster that will Increase the
floor space from 24,000 to 72.000
square feet.
Fnlllng asleep with a lighted Igr
ette In his mouth, Tony Verano, of
Shamokln, suffered burns und a bad
care, und bis barber shop whs dam
aged $2(MI.