The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 27, 1918, Image 8

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    rxra rvLTow cotnmr wiws, MccosnnsLLiiiriB, ra.
J u uu
Eyeryone invited to help celebrate the Nation's Birthday in the County Seat
and thereby do your bit for suffering humanity through the Red Cross
to which organization all the proceeds are to be donated.
Headed by Joan of Arc with her attendants, Goddess of Liberty and Uncle Sam
on a float, Mothers with Service Flags, Red Cross Nurses, Jr. Red
Cross, War Garden Workers, Red Cross Dogs, Differ
ent Orders of the County to be represented.
At 8 P. M. Uncle Sam will conduct an auction sale
of packages to be brought for him by the people.
Fortune Telling by Real Gypsies. A "Community Sing
at 9 o'clock. Something going on all the time.
Everypne in the County will be given a chance. to take a shot at the Kaiser.
Meet Your Friends in McConnellsburg on the 4th
Cor Soldiers Get Increase.
While the Government has its
hands full providing: men to fight
in the present great war, it does
not forget the boys in blue who
fought in the Civil War. The
act signed by the President
on the 10th of June, becoming:
effective on that day says, that
from and after the passage of
this act the rate of pension for
any person who served ninety
days or more in the military or
naval service of the United
States during the civil war, now
on the roll or hereafter to be
placed on the pension roll and
entitled to receivea less rate than
hereafter provided, shall be $30
per month. In case such a per
son has reached the age of
seventy-two years and served
six months, the rate shall be $32
per month; one year, $34 per
month; one and a half years $8
per month; two years or over $40
per month.
Let Unde Sam have the coal
Thousands of tons of coal will be saved this summer in homes that
formerly used a kitchen range all during the hot weather. These homes
are going to use oil cook stoves so there will be more coal next winter
and therefore more for the government Will your home be one of them?
It should be.
will be in the majority of these homes and
there should be one in yours. You will
not only save coal you will save money.
Kerosene is far cheaper than coal. And
with a New Perfection you can have the
same good things to eat and with less
work, trouble and time. It doesn't heat
up the whole kitchen like a coal fire
does, either. You can regulate the heat
exactly as you want it. No fire to fix.
No ashes to bother with. Many good
cooks prefer to use a New
But they get the best re- TfoVOllCMlt
suits (and you will too) when MsSStsT
they use Atlantic Rayolight Oil instead of
ordinary kerosene. The difference is in
the quality the way it is refined and pu
rified. All waste matter is taken out. All
thei heat-producing elements are left in.
Atlantic Rayolight is a superior kerosene
yet the price is no more than for the
other kinds. There's a dealer near you
who sells Atlantic Rayolight Oil. Look for
the sign, "Atlantic Rayolight Oil For Sale
Here." Decide right now that you will
have a New Perfection Oil
ATLANTIC Pnnlr Rtnvp this Birnimor
Your dealer can show you
one now. Go and see it today.
THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Your Advantage
It is decidedly to your advantage to have your money, whether you have much or little, al
ways under control, and to have it safe.
It is also to your advantage to know where to go for business information, to have a bank
able and willing to accomodate you, to feel that your bank is your friend, striving to help you by
its careful attention to your requirements and interests. We want all to know that the customers
of this bank have these advantages. We always feel that our customers are our friends and as
such we are interested in them.
No Better Investment.
From whatever angle it may
be considered, an investment by
an American citizen in Liberty
Bonds or War Savings Stamps is
the best investment in the world.
The money so invested goes to
the Government, which loans
some of it to our allies: all of it is
used in one way or another to
maintain, support, arm, equip
and make victorious our armies
and all our allies in Europe.
Surely no American money could
be put to a better purpose. Here
is an investment in the power
and success of our country, an
investment in the efficiency,
strength, safety, and success of
our fighting men on sea and land.
Boys On TneFarra.
The boys on the farm are bet
ter off if they only knew it, than
thousands of the boys who are at
large wandering hither and thith
er, searching and looking for
"rich bonanzas" to turn up.
There is nothing like being prac
tical and there is but one way to
be so. Acvuire business habits
and train yourself to do good,
honest, hard work. Don't waste
your time learning to tie a cravat.
You can buy cravats already tied.
The Most Valuable Product of the Farm
Do you farmers realize that the profitable business of cream production is rap
idly coming into favor do vou realize that it IS profitable: even yielding
better returns than grain or live stock?
We have established a permanent market at McConnellsburg, and as the cream we
gather is for the manufacture of ice-cream and evaporated milk products,
we can always pay a higher price than creamerymen
buying cream tor butter making.
Our station will be open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week
and we would be glad to have you call and talk the matter over
with our manager, Mr. Frank Tritle.
u r
. Price until July 1st, 44c per lb for butter fat -
Cumberland Valley Creamery and Dairy Co.
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