The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 27, 1918, Image 7

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Such Flavory
Sliced Beef!
THE tenderness of Libby's Sliced
Dried Beef, will delight you but
you will find the greatest difference
In the flavor I
Have Libby's Sliced Beef with creamed
sauce today. See how much more tender,
more delicate it is than any other you
have ever tried.
Ubby, M?NeiII Libby, Chicago
Athletics In the Navy.
AH forma of athletics are encour
aged In the nnvy. All of the turgor
fblps nuil nil stations have complete
athletic equipment, ns well an a regu
larly npjiointed athletic otllcer and In
itrudor. The nnvy Is a service of
nigh Idenls and requires the lilnlicst
Undunl of physlcul fitness. To de
One the social status of the navy man
today Is unnecessory. A man In nui y
uniform Is welcome everywhere. Tho
navy's blue shirt Is a badge of cour
ge and distinction. Uonton Globe.
Summer Diarrhoea.
mi to xnnlmllrd mure quickie with GROWS
SiBY BUWHIi MBllMINS and It la abeolulclr
tarn I'M. Jut M eflecUTe tot Adults M (of
Sunshine and Clouds.
Only true friends Htnnd by you when
jou ore under a cloud. Insects sur
round you when the sun shines.
That Killed Fist.
A tnniled fist swinging ngnlnst a
wall of bayonets la not un Imposing
Reason to Be Proud.
A boy deemed worthy to wear a uni
form has u right to do a little strutting.
A torpid liver condition prevent! proper
food anlinllatlon. Tone up your liver wllb
Wright' Indian Vegetable PI I la. . They act
gently and Adv.
Easy for Some.
llokus How did he acquire his rep
utation for such great wisdom?
l'okus That's easy. There ain't a
subject under the sun about which he
can't remain silent and look wise.
He Probably Meant Raze.
Jones (suddenly become patriotic an
planning to plant things) I say, old
man, how do you raise a garden?
Jones' Itlght Kick First you get
some seeds and plant them, then you
buy a hen, nnd
Jones And then?
The Itlght Kick Then you leave It
to the hen. She'll raise It. Cartoons
Swift & Company
Has Grown
The fact that a business organ
ization has grown steadily for
forty years proves that it has
kept continually meeting a vital
business demand.
It must have kept "fit" or it could
not have stood the strain of ever
shifting conditions.
Swift & Company has been trained
in the school of experience.
Every day of its forty years of
service has solved some new problem
of value to its customers.
Every year has proved its ability to
learn by experience, and to use this
knowledge for the benefit of those
with whom it deals.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
All farmers having it for sale should write us at once for prices
Obtain more money for your wool by selling direct to
LEWIS BAER & CO., Inc. (Wool Dealers)
Drive In.
A man's heart should be ns an open
rami gate a standing invitation to
"drive in."
Cutlcura for 8or Hands.
Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds
ot Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub In Cu
jknra Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with soft tissue paper. For
wee samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept.
. Boston." At druggists and by mall
b0P 25, Ointment 25 and GO.-Adv.
Has a Big Mouth.
Maybe they .call the Kaiser a big
Kim beemiso he im8 n uixteen-lnch
, When Your Eyes Need Care
JMuPne Remedy
"""asiiutox OO..CUU1AUO
Alfalfa in New Zealand.
The raising of lucerne or alfalfa In
New Zealand Is receiving much atten
tion of lute, and the different varie
ties are being tested, with the result
that there was cut during 1917 three
crops of Turkestan lucerne with a
total of 0 1-5 long tons per ucre of the
green lucerne, weighing shortly after
cutting 11 tons of Peruvian per acre,
12 tons of Poltou, 11 tons of Rus
sian, 12 tons of Spanish, 121-3 tons
of Hungarian, 14 tons of Patagonlan,
and 14 tons of Marlborough lucerne.
It Is estimated that the Patagonlan and
Marlborough lucerne, when converted
Into hay, would give an approximate
yield of 3 tons each, which at $10.40
per ton gives a total value of $03.13
per acre.
A Prayer for $
Each Day
Extension Department, Moody Bible
Institute, Chicago
TEXT Teach me
P. 27:11.
thy way, 0 Lord.
Life Is made up of "chores.'
The text Is a prayer which every
Christian would do well to use dully.
There are three
reasons why this
prayer should be
c o n 8 1 a n tly of
fered. I. The Need of
We are by na
ture Incapable of
knowing the way
of the Lord. Nat
urally we are In
Ignorance con
cernlng spiritual
things. God must
reveul his way to
us and he does so
In answer to such
a prayer ns this.
But prayer pre
supposes a spirit of meekness. If
meekness ho absent we will pray In
vnln, for It is unto the meek he shows
his wuy. Moses was called the meek
est man, hence It Is said, "He made
known his ways unto Moses." If we
would know his wny we will In meek
ness pray, "Teach me thy woy, O
Our proneness to wander Is another
reason for using this prayer dally. We
are naturally Inclined to choose our
own way because It seems right, for
getting "there Is a wny which seemeth
right unto a man, but the end thereof
Is ihe wny of death." There may not
be much difference between our wny
and his at first, but however slight ut
the beginning the end will be the dif
ference between life and death. Like
a clock losing a second or two each
day, so the error of our own way may
be hnrdly noticeable nt the start. It
must dully be corrected. The dally
proyer for Instruction will guard the
believer from his Ignornnce and prone
ness to wander.
II. The Need of Personal Instruction.
It Is said God makes no two things
exactly alike. So each Christian has
his or her own peculiarities. Kacb
one hns peculiar problems and difficul
ties which confront no one else. Many
things are common to all believers,
but each has .some things which are
peculiar. It Is this peculiarity of prob
lem or difficulty which causes the need
of personnl Instruction. Only the Lord
knows all the circumstances and only
the Lord knows nil the woy. Others
may know much; they cannot know
all. Hence the advice of others, how
ever well Intended, and however wise
the giver, enn never take the place of
the advice the Lord gives. And the
Instruction of others, however good
and godly the giver, can never take
the place of tho Instruction of the
Lord. The church of God Is made up
of units and euch unit has its own pe
culiar part to perform. Without the
personal Instruction of the Lord some
Christian mny be found doing anoth
er's work while his own lies neglected.
As the body Is one and yet hns many
members and ench member Its own of
fice, so Is the Church. Two questions
must be asked by ench Christian
"Am I In the Lord's wny?" and "Am I
In the Lord's way for me?"
III. The Need of Divine Personal In
This need arises because of the
Christian's threefold enemy ever lurk
ing beside the pnth and ever ready
to lure astray. The world will present
many nlternntlves (or the Lord's wny
and bring them to the believer's at
tention so craftily that unless forti
fied by this dully prayer the feet will
unconsciously stray uway from the
right path even where the desire not
to stray may be found. Only the Lord
can discern all the twists and turns of
the world. It Is not merely the evil
world but that religions seemingly
godly world which holds the danger
for the Christian. It ''11 be satlsfled
If It can Induce (lie believer to do good
If the good is done In a wrong way.
Because a thing Is good It does not
necessarily follow that It Is. good for
each Christian to do. Only the Lord
knows what Is good for each one, and
he must be looked to for the needed
Instruction. The flesh also Is ever on
the alert to lead astray. The Lord
alone can divide between the soul and
spirit or between what the Christian
Is by nature and grace. Hence the
Lord alone can bo relied upon for In
struction. And lastly, the Devil as
sumes the appearance of an angel of
light, and he can so work on the con
science ns to make one think that one
should do evil. Paul says, "I verily
thought I ought to do" certain things,
but later ho confesses he was at thnt
time "a blasphemer and Injurious."
I Tim. 1 :1!1. The Lord alone can see
and guard ngnlnst the Devil's wiles
and devices, hence the Lord alone can
give proper Instruction.
In view of our natural Ignorance
and proneness to wander, In view of
our peculiar problems and dlllleultles,
and In view of the world, the flesh nnd
the Devil, our safety lies In this dully
pruyer, "Teach me thy way, O Lord."
(Bjr REV. V. ti. KlTZWA'lEa D. U
Teacher of Eng-Uah Bible In thi
Moody Dlble Institute of Chicago.)
(fnovrla-hl. Wratern Newepaper Unlou
A Sunset
The sun sets on some retired mead
ow, where no house Is visible, wllh
nil the glory and splendor thnt It lav
ishes on cities, nnd perchance, as It
hns never set before where there Is
but n solitary marsh huwk to hove
his wings gilded by It, or only a mus
quash looks out from his cabin, nnd
there Is some little black-veined
brook In the midst of tho marsh, Just
beginning to meander, winding slowly
round n decoying stump. We walked
In so pure and bright a light, gilding
the withered grass and leaves, so
softly and serenely bright, I thought I
had never bathed Jn such a golden
flood. ... So we saunter toward the
Holy Land, till one day the sun shall
shine more brightly than ever he has
done, shall perchance shine Into our
minds nnd hearts, nnd light up our
whole lives with a groat n vakenlng
light. Thoreou-
GOLDEN TEXT For God 0 loved thi
world, that he gave his only begotten Son
thnt whosoever belleveth In him should no
perish, but have everlasting life. John I
Thou art the Christ, the Son of thi
living Ood.-Matthew 10:16.
I acn not ashamed of the Gospel Or
Christ, for it Is Ihe power of God untt .
salvation to everyone that belleveth. -Ilomana
The method of review must largely ,
be determined by the Individual tench- I
er. For Junior and Intermediate1
classes n good way will be by the use
of n good map of Palestine, to trace the
Journeys of Jesus from bis birth to Ms
ORcenslon, giving emphasis to some of
his- vital teachings, deeds of mercy
and power, atoning death, triumphant
resurrection nnd glorious coming
again. Indeed, this method, with .omo
modifications, enn be used to good ad
vantage with all grades. A good way
for senior nnd adult classes will be to
recall the principal facts of each les-
son of the quarter, and state their
central and vital teaching ns they bear
upon the golden text. In such caso,
each lesson ihonlil be nslgned one
week previous. The following mny he
suggestive of the latter method:
Lesson I. As Jesus wns pnslng
through the consts of Tyre nnd Sldon.
he wns besought by n Syrophoenlc'nn
wornnn to heal her daughter, who was
grievously possessed with a demon.
After npparent Indifference, In order
to lend her Into nn Intelligent faith,
he healed her daughter. As he further
Journeyed through Decnpolls, n denf
nnd dumb man besought him for henl
Ing. In spite of the fact that he wns
so soon to be offered up, nnd other In
terests thnt were upon him, he healed
this man. In both cases he showed
not only his sympathy, but his mighty
power over demons and physical dis
eases. Les 'on II. As his earthly career wns
nppronchlng Its end, Jesus began to
take account of bis ministry. Ho
wanted the disciples to hnve definite
nnd personal knowledge ns to his per
son, lie knew that the opinions of
others would not suffice them In the
hours of darkness which were Immedl
iMy before them. In order to he ef
ficient witnesses they must know that
.Testis Is the Christ, not merely some
great tencher or prophet.
Lesson III. .Testis wns transfigured
before Peter, James nnd John, to show
I hem his triumph over denth In his
glorious kingdom. This occurred nt a
time when the disciples were sorely
tried. Jesus' rebuke ' apparently
estrnnged them. He wns transfigured
"before them." showing thnt the chief
object of the transfiguration wns to
"repare the disciples for the ordeol be
fore them. An Inspired commentary
tmnn this translation Is found In H
Peter 1 :1V10
Lesson IV. As Jesus wns endeavor
Ing to show his disciples how he must
be crucified, they were disputing ns to
who should be the greatest In the
kingdom. Jesus tnught them thnt
humble, self-denying service Is the
sign of true greatness. This Is n les
son which needs to be learned by most
of ns today, ns despite our best efforts
we note Insidious self-seeking making
Itself known.
Lesson V. A certain rich man In
oulred of the Lord ns to what he must
do In order to Inherit eternal life.
This young man wns of nn amiable
disposition nnd earnest and sincere,
but he hail wrong notions ns to salva
tion. Jesus showed hlni that his su
preme need was not doing something
to he snved. but to be willing to sur
render nil things for him. In teaching
him this lesson, he made It clear to the
voting mnn that he loved money more
than the Lord. He. HVe many todny
In the hour when decision must he
made between this world nnd Jesus
Christ, turns nwny sorrowful.
Lesson VI. While the Lord wns
consciously facing the cross, the disci
ples were concerned about positions of
pre-eminence. Jesus taught them that
those who would follow him must not
seek for greatness or position, but to
render lowly service. In this Christ
Is the grand example. In due time he
will exalt those who In lowliness of
heart serve him.
Lesson VII. Jesus drove out Ihe
money chnngers from the temple, and
declared that the house of God should
be n house of prayer Instead of n
house of merchandise. This lemon
needs to be learned by many churches
today. Those who use the church, or
lli! holy religion for which It stands,
for financial or social or political In
terests are nollullng the Lord's house.
I and all such should be driven our.
Lesson VIII. The scribes sought to
entrnp Jesus by asking rnptlons ques
tions. To the question as to what was
the greatest romnmndment, he replied
that It was love to God with all one's
heart, soul, mind and strength. Slnco
Ibis Is the first nnd grent command
ment, to violate this eomtnni.dment Is
to be gu'lty of the greatest sin. Those
who do not love God, then, with Ibelr
entire being, though they may be hon
est, generous nnd gracious, are grent
Lesson IX. While Jesus snt nt
meat, a certain woman annotated him
with precious ointment In anticipation
of his burial. The Lord was pleased
with this net, for It was out of n heart
of fervent love that she lavished upon
him her best.
Lee on X. In connection with the
last Passover, at wh'ch Judas betrayed
Jesus, the symbols which represent
the body and blood of Jesus were In
troduced. In the emblems of the com
munlon we nppronrlnte the very life
nnd blessings1 of Christ.
Lesson XI .Testis died between two
malefactors to make atonement for
the world's sin. lie gave his life a
ransom for ninny. While on the cross
they mockingly said he snved others
himself he could not save.
I( Made of Short Piece of Cotton
8trlnfl, With Head at
Each End.
The Mexican friction match, from
)ur point of view, Is a curiosity. For
)ne thing, It Is not made of wood, but
s a short piece of cotton string. Sec
jndly, it has two heads.
There Is an undeniable advantage
about a match with two heads. If one
falls to light there Is another In re:
jerve. But the Mexican matches, to
Jo them Justice, rarely go out. One
can strike them successfully In a fulr
This Is because the cotton string Is
coated with wax. In Mexico there are
factories In which such matches are
turned out by Ingenious machlnvs, but
lilllons of them are made by hand In
laborious fushlon, the strings being
tipped with phosphorus composition
by girls nnd boys whose wages ure a
few cents a day.
One match In Mexico is really two
matches. Thus, when the unlive starts
a lire or lights n cigarette with a fresh
one, he tucks the string back Into his
pocket for use next time.
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bluddcr disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or
gans to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, are often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers' Swamp lloot, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bc'.il im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binidiamton, N. Y., for a
simple bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
First Fiction Known.
The oldest work of fiction extant
Is thought to he the "Tale of Two Broth
ers," written .1,-00 years ago by the
Thehan scribe ICniinnn, librarian of the
puluce of King Mcncpthiih, the sup
posed Pharaoh of the Exodus. The
tale, It appears, was written for the
entertainment of the crown prince,
who subsequently reigned as Setl H.
Ills name appears In two places In the
manuscript, probably the only surviv
ing autograph signature of an Egypt
ian king. This piece of antique fiction,
written on nineteen sheets of papyrus
In n bold hieratic hand, was purchased
In Italy by Mine. d'Orbiney, who sold
It In 1837. to the authorities of the
British museum, where It Is now
known as the D'Orbiney papyrus.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over so xeurs,
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Treatment of Prisoners.
There Is still talk In some quarters
cf Wales of a German Invasion. A
thousand yenrs ago, however. Inva
sions were quite u common thing along
the Welsh shores. The Vikings came
nnd went pretty much as they pleased.
They burnt and massacred In a
wny that would have delighted the Ger
mans. On one occasion they burnt
St. David's, and actually cooked and
ate the bishop which, no doubt, de
lighted the antlchurch people of those
days. On the other hand, when the
Welsh cnught a Viking they flayed him
alive nnd nailed his skin to the church
door. There wns no softness with
prisoners such ns Is exhibited today.
The Twlrlera Luck.
"It's lucky for me I'm not In the
box," said the great baseball pitcher,
ns he paraded up and down the room
with his tooth-cutting son and heir.
"Why," asked his wife, sleepily.
"Because," he answered, "I don't
seem to hnve nny control of the bawl."
rollcemen nt Ottawa, Cun, hnve dls
olved their union.
For centuries all over the world
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has nf
forded relief In thousands upon thou
sands of coses of lamo buck, lumbago,
sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, grav
el and all other affections of the kid
neys, liver, stomach, bladder nnd al
lied organs. It acts quickly. It does
the work. It cleanses your kidneys
and purities tho blood. It makes a
new man, a new wornnn, of you. It
frequently wards off attucks of the
dread nnd fatal diseases of tho kid
neys. It often completely cures the
distressing dlsenses of tho organs nf
the body allied with tho bladder nnd
kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, sed
iment, or "brlckdust" Indicate an un
healthy condition.
Do not delay a minute if your bnck
aches or you ore sore across the loins
or hnve dllllculty when urinating. Go
to your druggist nt once uud get a
box of Imported GOLD MEDAL Ilaar
lorn. Oil Capsules. They are pleasant
und eusy to take. Euch capsule con
tains about one dose of five drops.
Take them Just like you would any
pill. Take a small swallow of water
If you want to. They dissolve In tho
stomach, und the kidneys souk up tho
nil like a sponge does water. They
thoroughly cleanse and wash out tho
bladder and kidneys and throw off the
Inflammation which Is the cause of
the trouble. They will qul'.-kly relievo
those stiffened Joints, that backache,
rheumatism, lumbago, solution, trail
stones, gravel, "brlckdust," etc. They
we an effective remedy for all dis
eases of the bladder, kidney, liver,
rtomnch And allied organs.- Your
druggist will cheerfully refund your
noncy If you are not satisfied after a
few days' use. Accept only the pnrr?,
rrlglnnl GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH
Capsules. None other genuine. Adv.
Unnecessary Fears. t
Of course the eloping couple's roll-er-skoto
of a car had no chance
against the old man's high-powered
roadster. He soon came up with
"Do not take her back," pleaded the
young mnn with tears In his eyes.
"Take her back?" echoed the stern
parent. "Why, I have come to bring
her knitting out tit and chewing gum
so she would never have an excuse to
come buck." (
A man without hands can never feel
Why buy many bottles of other Verml
fug.e, when ona bottle of Dr. Perry's "L4
Bhol" will act surely and promptly T Adv.
Do Not Read Casualty Lists.
An Englishwoman, writing In the
Atlantic Monthly, says: "We do not
rend our casualty lists any more.
Many of us dare not. When we meet,
we do not even speak of those who
have gone nwny. A very touching
thing was told me by one of my
neighbors. He wns the last of 24 of
ficers in one of the Gordon regiments.
Hi said that the places were Just
filled up us soon us they were emptied
nnd they never spoke of those who
hod fallen. That brings the reality
of the tlvjng to you."
Direct from the
Discount on Hifhest
Tires Guaranteed
For 4000 Mile
Write for price list' No.
55. Wt ship C. O. D.
subject to inspection.
High MileageTire Co.
Ceneral Office
KM North Bread St. II Philadelphia, fa.
All standard
makes In our
New Is the Time te Ctt Ria ef Taeie Ugly Spats
There's so lonirr the altshtest need of rVellnr,
ashamed of your freckle, as Utlilne double
trenfth Is fusranterd to reraora the homely
Simply get sa ounce of Othlne dotihle
strength from your druggist, sad spply a little
of It night and morning and yu should soon set
that etco the worst freckles bare begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones bsve esnished en
tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce
Is needed to completely clear tbe skin and gau)
a beautiful clear rompleilnn.
Be aura to ask for tb double strength Othlne,
as this Is sold nnder guarantee of money back
If It falls to remove freckles. Adr.
Kill All Flies! "MS"
Phmdanywhan, Daley Fly Killer attracts and Mis
aUSUaa. NeaeJa,oniameneal,onTanleataBdeb.
film evar; 'wal aeC ll m
Daisy Fly Killer
' SM kr !!.. ar S eaat
a eserM. .
aaaeio aeniaa, see ec KMJ moomtn, si V.
I wwu J
The Exact Locality.
Magistrate Otllcer, tlid you catch
this man In flagrante dcllctu?
rollceman No, your honor; I caught
him In the back alley.
Life Is worth living a great deal bet
ter than most of ns live It.
Itching Rashes
With Cuticura
Soap 28c. Olafeaeat 29. ad 80c.
A toll prvptrmttoo ef r1fc
Hlp to radtaat dtuMirvS.
ForRMtoria Color mmd
BtMnty teGray or FmUo1 Hair.
Me. and t Ihnn-l-M.
luatoomlng In. Von'lleay Hi a great propoeKlo.
l'oalal for Ire ptnlenlara. Sample ado. Verdoea
Supply Uo.,M0 tf. Central, Case Vardoo,OaJufona.
I.tlrTINOrS FAINT-ObJoeta painted able Is
aoeolnt darkneaa. I'ackatf una dime, prepaid.
rmamaaHAKJU., Best, a.leol Satatet.,flhiileli
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 26-1918.
The Malaria Mosquito
A mosquito cannot communicate malaria unless
it is infected with malaiia. The bite of a malaria
mosquito will transmit malarial parasites to the
blood of a person and these malarial parasites which
feed on the blood should be destroyed before they
have time to increase in numbers. Malarial Fever is
sometimes called Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever and
Swamp Fever.
Grove' c
TastetecG chill Tonic
possesses the power to entirely neutralize the mala
rial poison. The Quinine in GROVE'S TASTELESS
chill TONIC kills the germ and the Iron enriches the
You can soon feel the Strengthening, Invigorat
ing effect of GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It
is an exceptionally good general strengthening tonic
for the Child, for the Mother and all the Family.
Pleasant to take. Price 60c
Perfectly Harmless, Contains No
UuX'Vomica or other Poisonous Drugs
Middle Aged
Axe Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O.-"I was passing; through the critical
period of life, belnp; forty-six years of age and had all
the symptoms incident to that change heat flashes,
nervousness, and was in a general run down condition,
bo it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as
the best remedy for my troubles,whlch it surely proved
to be. I feci better and stronger in every way slnco
taltinp; it, and the annoying symptoms have disap
peared." Mrs. II. Uoddkh, 935 Napoleon St., Fremont,
North Haven, Conn. "Lydia E. Plnkham's Veffeta
ble Compound restored my health after everything else
bad failed when passing inrouga cnanrjeoi me. xnero
symptoms. -
liven, U)nn.
Is nothing like it to overcome tbe trying sy:
Mis. Flobuics Ihm.I.A,Box 197, NorthHav
la Stsch Cas
Jisig ths (jircatcst rccoird ifojr tiSa3 greatest cjbed