The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 06, 1918, Image 7

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Tint ilrop o little Freezone on that
"hT corn. InBtantly it stops aching
Jon 11 that corn right off. No
Stm Costs only a few cents.
Honey and
Moody Bible Institute,
Get a tiny bottle of Freezono for a
few cents from any drug store. Keep
ninnvs handy, to remove hard corns,
,oft corns, or corns between the toes,
and the cullouses, without soreness or
Irritation. You Just try It!
Freezone Is the sensational discov
ery of a Cincinnati genius. Adv.
With Eleven to One Against Him,
Country Constable Was Willing
to Give Up the Fight.
Inference nt a dinner party was
mnile to the trials ami tribulations that
dfinslonaiiy fall to the let of the mo
torist, when this little nuecdnte was
recalled by Ilepresontntlve Horace M.
Town of Iowa :
(int. nftrru'ton a motorist was whiz
nine aloiis an unfamiliar highway In
the West when a country coustnMe
nfipi'iireil In the road with an uplifted
"Wlnit's the trouble?" asked the mo
torist, brir.ylnc his car to a stop. "What
do you want?"
"Very sorry," answered the consta
liK "init you were going at the rate
of fifty miles an hour, and I will hnvt
to arrest you."
'You are wrong, my friend," de
clared Hip motorist. "I wasn't ilointf
nny better than twenty-five miles an
Irniir. mill here Is n ten-dollar bill to
r-mk ii what I say."
"All rivlit," returned the constable
with an nir of resignation, as the ten
mis transferred. "With eleven to one
spiinst iiie, I ain't going ti take no
chances mi belli' called down by the
Justice o' pence." Philadelphia Eve
ning Telegraph.
TEXT And the tnste of It waa like wa
fers made with honey. Ex. 13:31.
After their wonderful deliverance
it the Red sen, one would suppose
that the people
would never mur
mnr again, but
hardly were they
through singing
their, song of de
liverance before
they began to
complain of their
privations, n nd
long for the flesh
pots of Egypt.
What was God's
answer? Honey
nnd waffles for
hreakfast, and
quail broiled,
fried or frlcassed
for dinner. The
ninnnn wns round and white like waf
les and had the taste of honey (Ex.
10:13. 31).
This story Illumines like a search
light the duty of dally Bible rending,
for while the manna answered their
abjections, and assured them of God's
protection nnd care, It was also to be
a test of their obedience.
I. It must be gathered freshly each
day. It would not keep until morning,
much less could ono gather n week's
supply on a single day. Neither will
half a dozen chapters read on Sunday
suffice for our spiritual heeds all the
II. Eneh tierson must gather the
Uiy P.EV. i: u. 11 1 WAT lilt. D. v..
Tcaclitr of English ttlblo In ttie
Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright, Mis. Wtstiirn Newspaper Union. I
I 1 "
SlIMSQIOOL nervousmother
Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health.
LESSON TEXT Murk 14:10-72.
GOLDEN TEXT-Wutrh und pray that
ye enter not Into temptation. Murk 14:38.
DEVOTIONAL ItEAHlNU-Jolin ll.l-l".
TEACHERS Mutthew Luku 22:1T-
20; John 13:1-36.
I'RIMARV TOPIC-Jemu and hla dlacl-pli-s.-Murk
JUNIOR TOl'IC-JcBUg betrayed and de
I. Judas' Bargain With the Chief
Priests (vv. 10, 11).
This black crime was committed
immediately following the beautiful
act of devotion by Mary'. Tbo mo
tive actuating Judas was avarice.
This awful depth of Infamy was not
reached at n bound. I'.eeause he did
not master this besetting sin at the
beginning, he was conquered by It.
II. The Last Passover (vv. 12-1:5).
1. The preparation (vv. 11MG). .
In reply to the disomies' Inquiry
ns to where they should prepare the
I'assover for htm, Jesus told them
to go Into the city where they would
meet a man bearing a pitcher of wa
ter, whom t'.ey should follow. In
the bouse to which they were tlnw
led would be found a guest chamber
a large upper room where they
could make ready the I'assover. Tills
Is an example of Christ's superhuman
knowledge. He not only knew that
the disciples would meet this man,
but he knew that Judas had bar-
for himself. No foraging j Knm.,j xvtl, ,. priests for his
Good, Old, Reliable Peterson's Oint
ment Stops Itching Instantly.
"Had 51 ulcers on my legs. Doctors
wanted to cut off leg. Teterson's Oiut
mint cured me." Win. J. Nichols, 40
Wilder St., Rochester, N. Y. a large box for 30 cents at any dnig
tt, save Peterson, and money back if it
dotn't' help you at once. Always keep
Petersen's Ointment in the house. Fine for
burns, scalds, bruises, and the surest rem
edy for skin diseases, pimples, itching
eczema and piles the world has ever known.
"Petersen s Ointment is the best fur
bleeding nnd itching piles I have ever
found. '.-Major Charles K. Whitney, Vine
yard Haven, Mass.
"1'etersnn's Ointment has given great
satisfaction for Salt Rheum." Mrs. J. L.
Wt-lu, Cuvlr-rvllle. N. Y.
All dnieiTlHts sell It, recommend It.
Mail orders filled, charges prepaid by
Petmon brog., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
His Forgetfulness Costly.
Sllsraleiilntlon on the part of an
Eidlsli baronet landed him In trouble
ond the tolls of the law at the same
time. .
As appears from the London press
Hie ltev. Sir Douglas Edward Scott.
Kurt, who. In his fifty-fourth year,
cb.'sc tn take to wife a restaurant
waitress might have succeeded in con
fenling from the Interested authorities
(lie Important fact that a former bride
Mis still living:.
The mistake the baronet made wns In
purchasing a varied outfit for the new
wife, declaring It to be for Lady Scott.
The story Innocently enough, knew on
ly one Lndy Scott, the first and up-to-tlint-lliiie
only wife of the baronet, nnd
delivered the clothing to her address,
r'rnin tho newspaper accounts the
taste of the wnltress-brlde was not
Lady Scott's taste, and inquiries fol
low eil.
His Turn to Command.
"Stand easy dad!" was the unusual
coiinaiind received. by a man at Grims
by. Knglnnd, the other day. An elder
ly tun n, who Is n corporal In the Lin
colnshire regiment, and who has been
on active service, returned home on
leave. llt wns met by his son, who
weal straight into the force from
Charterhouse school, and o'ltnlned a
eiMmnissloii. The returned father
gravely saluted the boy, and the lat
tor smilingly retorted: "Stand easy,
Hen a Fnoi.Kase, the antiseptic powder to be
sunken into the shorn and sprinkled In the foot
ontli. It relieves pnlnfnl, swollen, smarting feel
f anil takes the Htinsr out of corns and bunions,
lined tj the Amiionn, British, awl French
"Hips. Allen's Foot-Ease la a cenaln relief
wr tired, aching feet. Bold e-Tery wh-re. AdT.
Knlcker What wits the mountain
that brought forth the mouse?
Iloeker U was the Peuk of Production.
nsi,ftV.u"h'c ,rf" Tonic for the Blood
. S lASIKl.KSS chill TONIC I'unlles and
is rich,., , hckI. It umiisoa ilio liver, drives oul
112 1 K" hul Ids up the. whole svstein. A (len
J1 Htrc'utiicniug Tonic for Adults ami CuUOisu,
squad could gather for the whole tribe
any more than the pastors of a city
can gather the spiritual food needed
by their congregations. There Is a
blessing In the gathering which the In
dividual cannot afford to miss.
III. The manna wns suited to the
needs of nil. The strong and the
weak, the aged and the young, found
It alike suited to their tastes nnd
needs. , And this manna diet was fur
nished by God during all the forty
years of their wandering In the wil
derness. No wonder they called It
"bread from heaven" and "angel's
food" for so It wns.
IV. One peculiarity of their superna
tural food was this, that when they
came to measure what they had gath
ered, the most eager and Industrious
had nothing over, and the feeble hod
no lack.
This was certainly mlrnculous. Hut
no more so than the way In which God
! Illumines the Word and applies It to
our dally needs.
A minister once told me thnt he
returned from vacation with a heavy
heart. He wns nearly sixty, and not
strong physically. He seemed to hnve
no message for his people, and he felt
that he ought to resign.
One morning nt devotions he rend,
"The Lord shall Incrense you more
nnd more." He caught a glimpse of
the boundless resources of grace nnd
glory which God had In store for him.
He cried out: "Oh! wife, I haven't
got to go, after all." When she nsked
what the verse meant, he snld:
"Don't you see? It means thnt an old
minister with a new experience Is bet
ter for a church than a new minister
with an old experience." It wns easy
then to- take up the work, nnd the last
I knew he was serving God success
fully In the snme church.
For devotlonnl uses the Psalms are
perhaps the best, because they cover
bo wide a range of experience. In the
morning rend Ps. 19, and at evening
Ps. 8. If you are going on a Jour
ney, Ps. 121 Is appropriate.
The Gospels also are excellent for
devotional reading, because there we
Come In contnet with the words and
works of Jesus. We see how he lived
In the home and by the wayside, In the
carpenter's shop, nnd by the open
grnve. We see him In public life nnd
nnd In private ministry, always the
same, never hurried, never worried, al
ways thinking of others and never of
himself. We see him playing with the
children, watching the hens in the
doorynrd, and the birds on the trees,
the growing grain nnd fading flowers.
In everything he saw God's love nnd
care, and from all things natural he
drew some spiritual lesson for his
own or others' comfort.
If It be asked how much one should
rend at a time for devotlonnl purposes,
T answer: Rend until your heart
burns. You may read a chapter or a
book or a single verse, but rend, If
you can, until yon nre consciously In
touch with God, and then wttn tne fa
ther's morning kiss upon your Hps,
vou nre ready to meet the outside
Some people feel that they cannot
spnre time for the morning watch, but
I Question whether nny child or uon
enn afford to do without It. Our souls
need to be fed daily as well as our
bodies, and the Bible Is the soul's prop
er food,
It Is a good plan when one has read
a chapter to ask oneself:
1. What Is the subject of this chap
2. Is there any example In It for me
to follow?
3. Any error for me to nvold?
4. Any duty for me to perform?
5. Any promise for me to claim?
6. Any prayer for me to offer?
And remember that one verse of
Scripture committed to memory, and
really believed or obeyed, Is worth
more than a whole book read hastily
and without thought.
Philadelphia, Pa. "I was very weak,
always tired, my back ached, and I felt
iCKiy iiiuBi. ui w
time. I went to a
doctor and be said
1 had nervous indi
gestion, which ad
ded to my weak
condition kept me
worrying most of
the time and he
said if I could not
stop that, 1 could
not ret well. I
heard so muchabout
LydiaE. Pinkham a
zetable Com-
rrand my husband wanted me to try it
took it for a week and felt a little bet
ter. I kept it up for three months, ana
I feel fine and can eat anything now
J. Worthline, 2842 North Taylor St.,
Philadelphia Pa.
The majority of mothers nowadays
overdo, there are so many demands
upon their time and strength; the result
is invariably a weakened, run-down,
nervous condition with headaches, back
ache, irritability and depression and
oon more serious ailments develop.
Itis atsuch periods in life that LydiaE.
I'inkham's ..Vegetable Compound will
restore a normal healthy condition, aa
it did to Mrs. Worthline.
At the Opera.
"What a powerful voice that tenor
hasp "Yes ; I can't hear myself tulle
when he's singing."
rlirht's Indip.n Ver'tablt Pills contain
"thing but vefptab', Ingredients, which act
f'titly as a tonic and purgative by stlmu
n and not by Irritation. Adv.
Cloud Within a Rainbow.
"There may be a cloud without a
rainbow," someone hns said, "but there
can never be a rainbow without a
cloud." The clouds of life bring the
bow of God's promise, If the ' dark
ways In which we are called to walk
are the ways In which he luta set us,
and not those Into which we wnndei
through our own perversity and folly
t'UICh fanners linvn found ii wnv to
'r't heather so It can be used for cat- Watcrbury American,
tie fodder.
trayal. I'or this reason lie. Kepi se
cret the location of tho upper room,
thus preventing Interruption by those
Into whose hands Judas had betrayed
tin Lord.
2. The betrayal announced (vv. ITCH.
The betrayal was to bo by one of
tn.. iiisiiiiig who was eating with
Jesus. This betrayal bail been pre
dieted, though such prediction did not
Interfere with the free net of Judas
In tho betrayal. It was because of
this act of treachery being freely
committed by Judas that Jesus pro
nounced upon him tho awful doom
"Good were It for that man if he had
never been born."
3. The bread and the cup Instituted
(vv. 22-i!:).
These were symbols of his broken
body and shed blood, by which he
made atonement for mini's sins, thus
ratifying the new covenant. This is
not only a memorial service, but has
a forward look to the perfected King
dom of God which shall be ushered In
with the coming of the Son of uod.
III. The Disciples' Cowardice Fore-
told (vv. 20-31).
In spite of their cowardly turning
from the Saviour, tie assures mem
that after his resurrection he ould
go before them Into Galilee. Peter
protested against such act of dlsloy
alty by the disciples, and assured tho
Lord that though all the rest should
forsake him, yet he would not. The
Lord (showed him how little he knew
even of his own best resolve, tilling
him thnt on that very night be would
deny lilm thrice. All the disciples
said the same thing.
IV. The Agony in Gethsemane (vr.
The clenr vision of the coming
anguish of the Cross, accentuated by
the utter failure of the disciples to
understand or believe, brought upon
him an indescribable anguish of soil,
so he took Peter, James, and John
and went apart to pray, ihe cup or
agony was not mere death, hut the
sacritlolnl death for sin, under the
weight of the world'B guilt.
1. The first prayer (vv. 3.r-3S).
vniitlistiiiiillnir the darkness of
i, n
the hour, he prayed In faith accom
panied with a willingness to obey.
When he came and found the three
sleeping Instead of praying, he com
manded them tn watch and pray so
as to be fortified against temptation.
2. The second prnyer (vv. 30-4S).
llo went apart and uttered the same
words, and upon his return found the
disciples asleep again.
3. The third prayer (vv. 41, 42).
When he came the third time nnd
found the disciples, asleep, ho an
nounced that the Son of Man was
betrayed, and thnt the betrayer was
at hand.
V. The Betrayal and Arrest of
Jesus (vv. 43-02K
1. The sign to the mob (vv. 4.1-47).
With the basest of hypocrisy Judas
pointed out Jesus to the mob by a
kiss, the sign of love.
2. Jesus forsaken by all (vv. 48-52).
At the sight of the Master's be
trayal and arrest, one of his disci
ples attempted to defend him by re
sorting to the sword ; but seeing that
Jesus made no attempt nt resistance,
they all fled. Their courage failed
them In the hour of trial. How little
man knows of his weaknesses until
the crucial hour.
VI. Jesus Before the Sanhedrln (vv.
1. Contradictory testimony of false
witnesses (vv. O.I-DD).
High Priest's Questions: (vv. CO
CO). (1) "What Is It that these witness
against thee?" To this Jesus was
silent, showing that no evidence had
yet been given worthy ot answer.
(2) "Art thou the Christ?", To
this he definitely replied: "I am"
and quotes a Scripture passage which
they recognize as referring to the
Messiah; This claim they answer
with buffeting and the most shame
ful treatment.
VII. Peter Denies Lord (vv. C0-72).
Though Peter loves Jesus, yet In
the hour of supreme trial he falls.
Grievous as his sin Is. It Is not like
thnt of Judas. Ills failure was due to
1. lionstlng'soir-dofense (vv. 20-31).
2. Lack of watchfulness (v. 87).
8, Neglect of prayer (v. 38).
4. Service . In the energy of the
flesh (v. 47). ' , ,
Will sot
No) mere Plot with S tale sHachmenl. but a
t iw pnefd. jc nliac Imi Irmrnl. Urana tlx tiaih
tiom Ihe di:l an t Ihe dirt horn the potalon al well
firhinea that coil ivt Uiwi ai nuch. St-tl
br7!i with hwh sich to prevtnt clojjira. Pol
ished hiah caihon tee( ahovel. AiWable v WU
niulale drplh and pitch elartlv.
briiae polatota. ( Don't buy a Unll,
Harrow, Lunt bpifadcr, Potato
Dwtr, or any other piece I raim
Machinery tie!
om itiecialcau!
machine you want and give
rout ileal.
York. P.. V
f 1 aaftttlCMMsl
Your Best Asset
A Clear Skin
Cared for By
allfliete hut, clean,
orniOHnU), CeOvoUitOl,
cheap. Lutl til NUon.
Mad of uftWl, etn'tapiU
or Up etar i will ot oil
or Injure an ft) ibf . Qua
inlMd tffoctivt. Cold by
dtalart, or wot bj
prtaa, prai-alJ, for tl.UO.
gS Think of Factory Prloo
SR Snme price as before the. vrar.
"C Then write tone for ratnlnrne.
AMERICAN t'LAU MKO. CO., Eastou, l'a.
C..k f nM Falis Teeth Poirt matter if hn ten.
sih lor uid rain i win , pay tl ,l6 pt,r ,.,
a'u riiah lot i'ia f"ia. aiiver. pmiuitiui, uruiw nu.w
tod old snld Ji'wolry. Will aend eah uy return mall
und will b d siocl 10 days for ander a appmval ot
Uiy pHv. alltoLar,U.K.OU! 1. lSM.,ruia..Pa.
Wyoming Oil Making Small Investors Millionaires
Buy the lloyeat iocs iiock that will sell for ss many
dollsra In a h,,rt time. Write for particulars.
Ian UOVtt OIL IlliTlNING CO., Ureybull, Wyo.
n K V?"UTf nation B. Coleman,
Wt I i" II I Patent Lawyer. Washington,
stall i, c. Advice and booss Tree
Bates resauaabla. Ills beat references. Boats rvloe
WANTED Live Agents to Sell Oil Stock
For new company wltb oil leases In four suites snd
already producing oil. An easy stock to sell. Liberal
commission snd eicluwlve territory to first ap
aiicants. U. K Maun. hi. C. Uldg., Denver, Co hi,
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 23--1918.
Or, at Least, That Would Seem to Be
the Idea That Was in the Mind of
Private Jones.
Somewhere in Knince, they're all
here or they will he.
I'rlvate Rill Jones, late customs In
spector at San Francisco, walked Into
n depot quartermaster's office, n copy
of raracraph , S. O. , In his
It was evening and only a major nnd
a captain were present.
"What do you want'" asked the cap
tain. "Transportation, sir," replied Pri
vate Jones, puttlnc forth his hest sa
lute, "this order says I've put to pi "
"Well, I'll he." said the captain,
Intci-niptinc "This Is the hist place
I expected to see you."
"Well, for the love of Mike!" ex
claimed I'rlvnte Jones. "I'd V known
you in n minute If It wasn't for that
mustache and ihe a shoulder hars."
The captain used to he In the Im
migration department In San Francis
co ami he ami Private Jones vised to
work together.
Bird Man of the Future.
"Confound It!" exclaimed the bird
man of 1W7I A. 1.
" Wnatter pop'i" asked the nljiht owl
. "(Hi, I was f-'oitiK t fly out n little
with the hoys last nluht, hut my wife
stuck my wliii: full o' molasses und I
couldn't fly any further than the Y. M
C. A.!" Richmond Times Dispatch.
The Chinese alphabet consists or 2H
Even the treat virtue of patience Is
often Ihe victim of had weather.
DoYou Know
The Fine Flavor
Fire starting from an overheated
boiler !n tlie biiseiuent of the Ciilmn
bla Theatre Imililinir, In Erie, owned
by A. 1. Wescliler, destroyed ihe In
terior of the Iniililitii:, causlii),' a loss
of 7."i,t"(Xi.
William J. Noll, of I'.ismnrck, was
re-elected liail'iiiiin of the Lebanon
county Republican committee.
John C. Hums, of Kuiibiiry,, tiled of
Injuries siifTereil a year ami, while at
work as a railroad employe.
Five men, all over ci:h:y years, ami
whose combined ap's totaled 417
ears, lieipi il celebrate the eighty-
Mf'.h b'nlnlay of Daniel M. I'.ri.wn, uf
Forrest (!. Slierk, of Rot hoi town
ship, run down by a pnssctijrer train
ui the Lebanon anil Tleniont division
of the Readiui; railway, escaped with
the loss of a foot.
The elj.'htccn!h annual session of
tin' crand council, Pennsylvania Cath
olic I'.elietli'lal Icnuuo, will be held at'easti r, June -1, with inoriilnj.', af
ternoi n nnd cvenlnc sessions.
Tl.ioiich a mistake in iuIkIhk ce
ment with sell, liis'eml of fril!l;:cr,
Thomas I!. IPiches, Serautoii, has
probably the only cement ivtvlen In
the stale, but doubts If it will jrpiw a
crop of concrete.
Frederick C. Martin, a itm-ic'an of
sotne mite, returned lo Marrisbiirj:
from York, after the police, called In
by Ins faintly, had scaivhcil flic river
for hours in the belief that be iniLtht
have committed suicide.
Mrs. K'sa Sanacfln, ;tf."'d forty, of
Kiisieti, wits killed when struck by :i
train on the l.i h'cli Valley railroad
while :!ie was pb-UltiK coal on the
tracks Sl:e b'avi s t.vo 'ii'bll'en, the
otiiij.'er one "lily seven months old.
I 'hhiuliti; that sh: was called witch
nyd thief. M.s. Mair.'fet C. l.iitie, of
Vest I.alrvlew. e.cur Carlisle, ' li:t
brought a shinier n.-t!oii for $ihVi
nsrn'l'st Mrs. Mai el Davis, lier lic!i;h
hi'l ntiil the hitter's husband, Chester
It. Davis.
I'tlllble to j.-et homes for men Just
arrived lo work o'i (rovernmetit con
tracts, the Daplan Silk '-oi pontt'on, at
Ifavieton. has ,'si;. 1 bids on dwellings
which it w'll erect for employes.
1 1 ivls I',. Sheehnn, second rotitemnt
ami ti'iariiTiunstiT of the second vest
ment of the reserve militia, has retim
ed and will pi to Prance. Major A.
S. Henderson, of the iliird rculttient,
has also r s'cm'd.
ConsliohiM ken's three policemc:)
have informed cmmo'I they will (tail
June 1 unless pay is boosted to $1)0 a
A double execution took p'aee m
the Rockvlew eii!!e:iiar.v when Ill's
Ohrie. a Servian, of Lebanon county,
and (Iiilseppo I'olitn, nti Italian, of
Westn.ori hit d county, were si nt to
the chair. The former was convicted
of the murder of a woman with whom
he was livinu'. with IVito wai sen
fenced to .death for killinc Dominic
Nn I nil, of New kensinflon, last Aug
ust. Reports tn the Woman's Home and
Poreiun Missionary society of the Fast
Pennsylvania conference branch of the
Pnited Kvnnirelical detioniintil'on
showed SI ."." Ml contributed for mission
work. There are eighty-five societies
with IH.-J members.
r.ceause I!. C. Rtithven, local con
tractor, bus failed to start work on
the county road between Carhontlale
ami Diiryea. 'he county commission
ers will force the contractor's bonding
company to make Ihe repairs.
Pollsville court issued an Injunction
prohibiting County Treasurer W. R.
Atlamxoli from selling ihe properties
of HiNi's of Cass township for
alleged non-payment of tases. The
persons involved have built their
houses on hmds owned by coal com
panies. The hitler pay taxes on the
land and the citizens pay taxes on
their houses, but the county ofiieiaw
are trying to compel the homestead
owners to pay taxes on both bind ami
houses, which would make double Inte
ntion on Ihe land.
M. L. Kinder, a Suiibury lawyer.
was acquitted by a Jury of a charge of
forging, the name of Mrs. Anna A. .Mil
ler to a note.
Dr. Ceorge W. Pevnlheisel, one of
the best-known physicians of Lancas
ter county, Is critically 111 at the Co
lumbia hospital from nppoplexy.
The American Hose company, of
Ashland, has contracted for a combi
nation motor lire truck to cost $ll),.'i(0,
most of which was raised by popular
Ila.le P.rook miners were put to
tight bv a black bear, which appeared
on the road taken by workmen on their
wnv home from the colliery. I right
cued cold diggers declare this minimal
was a real one.
A rose on u crahnpple tree at the
home of Fred YVnechter, borough clerk
of West Ilnzleton, attracted attention.
The crabapple blossoms were past for
s' liie time when the rose appeared. It
is while and quite large.
Said to have been grieving over tin
near departure for France of her son,
Lieutenant Renjainiu Rriindt, Mrs.
Min-enret liraiult. sixty, died nt her
' r" -
home In SteePon.
While working on a pole hero,
Charles Kistner, employed by the
Counties (ins and Klectric company,
wns sliockcd bv n live 'wire and is In
a critical condition at a hospital.
Crushed between cars, Richard T.
Full., of Alumna, n freight train
lii.tit.-elllllll. was instantly killed at
A dancinc pavilion on the Sernnton
,.oiii-t lioiise sdiiare. to raise money
for the Ked Cross, realized !rKH In one
Charged with sellln,-: Kquor tn n sol
dier. Joseph While, bartender In a
i.;,.i.vlll,. liotel. Is in lull In default
of siillll) bail.
An unusual petition to the public
service commission wns for restoration
of n grade crossing the R. & O. rail
road bad removed.
("Sconce VV. Mallek. of Herndorn,
and Samuel Peters, of New Cumber
land, will erect a knitting mill at Le-moyne.
A. , UlW
Tempting veal loaf
WHAT Is more tempting
for a summer luncheon
than Libby's savor?
Veal Loaf I Prettily garnished
it makes a dainty yet sub
stantial dish and one all
ready to put on the tablel
Order Libby's Veal Loaf today.
You will want it always on
your shelves for quick lunch
eonsfor unexpected guests.
Ubby, McNeill Libby, Chicago
Are Common in Western Canada
The thousands of U. S. farmers who have accepted
Canada's generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy
farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by
bountiful crops of wheat and other grains.
Where you can buy good farm land at $15 to $30
per acre get $Z a ousnei lor wneai ana raise cv iv
43 bushels to the acre you are bound to make money
that 3 what you can do in Western canaaa.
In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta you can get a
and other land at very low prices.
During many years Canadian
wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels
to the acre many yields as high as
45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Oats, Barley, and Flax.
Mixed Farming is as profitable an
industry as grain raising. Good
schools, churches: markets convenient,
climate excellent. Write foaliter ature and
particulars as to reduced railwnr rates to
Supt. ot Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to
Cor. Walnut and Bread Sis.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Canadian Government A rent
b"L"swlwhi .v J- imiAvrunmmx
rM5 a r,
All farmers Laving: it for sale should write us at once for prices
Obtain more money for your wool by Belling direct to
LEWIS BAER & CO., Inc. (Wool Dealers)
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
for U.S.Marine Corps recruits.
Join Now!
Chiiicse lH-uiiuts are usually hand
sorted by women after being sifted.
Oil has been discovered nt llcll 1
hind, Newfoundland.
our IFeworit iFoosI
XMml Any fear
Kramer Says: "Eatonic" Rids Weak Stomachs oi
Acids, Gas, Heartburn, Food Repeating
and Stomach Miseries
What miserable feelings nre caused "EATONIC neutralizes the acids,
hy nu upset stomach! That dull, that form the painful gases, "sweet
heavy, "bloated." sensation that follows ens" the stomach, and gives the gnstrlc
a full meal, robs good living of half juice a chance to do its work as It
Its pleusures. Is there nny way out should.
for you sufferers with stomach wak "To promote appetite and aid diges-
nossT tlon, take EATONIC tablets one or
Yes; II. L. Kramer, the man who two after each meal. They are per-
originated Caecarets, has found a sure, fectly harmless. Eat them Just like
quick, relief for indigestion, dyspepsln, candy.
"sour stomach," heart-bum, formation "For distress after eating; sour,
of painful gases, "bloating," etc., etc. "gassy," acid stomach, vertigo, nausea
He calls his stomach relief EA- nnd belching, nnd thnt wretched,
TONIC, and It certainly Is making a pufTed-up, "lumpy" feeling, after over-
wonderful record. Countless thous- eating; there Is nothing to compare
amis of people who formerly np- with EATONIC Tablets."
proached their meals with dread, now All druggists sell EATONIC 50c
eat their fill of their favorite foods for n large box. Watch out for lmlta-
without fenr of the after-effects. tlons. The genuine bears the name
Mr. Kramer says: "My EATONIC EATONIC on each tablet guaranteed
tablots are the solution of the age-old to do nil thnt .Is claimed; or If your
problem of Indigestion and all forms druggists don't carry EATONIC send
of stomach misery. to Eatonic Remedy Co., Chicago, 111.
Small Pill
Small Dose
SmaU Price
ifv A Remedy That
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be
and Happy
Makes Life
Worth Living
Genuine bean signs tura
many colorless faces but Vs will greatly help moat pale-faced people