THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. ' mm n This Department Our Readers lr Fulton County and! Elsowhoro May journey Around -the Aorlc3 Alh -the Camera on the Trail of History IV! king Happenings. FRENCH PATROL BOAT PROTECTS THE AISNE CANAL A I ' aY&x Wd MWe:dLii : til,' er'ijaiam WsjV. . . .... ,y. iny:yf..- , -7 I ruicli t'linlionts Imve been tinned with iiiitlnlrcruft guns to protect tlio Alsne raniil from enemy flyers. Those l iivc hi'i'ii liitfruiiieiitnl in driving oft millers iitteiiiititiff to destroy the canal. Tho picture Khows tlie dock of one ( f tli i- limits with Its Imticry of atitlnlrcrnft Runs ready for fiction. HUGE GERMAN SUBMARINE STOPPING SPANISH LINER If I MM AyZl M 11 hi I MM if ?'7 " W tMfi i V live t'I't 'ins Ccn.iiin Kiiliinarin". mil' of tho lnrgcst typo employe. 1 hy the Teiilons for lonc-rniine cruises, has stopped the ui!i miiil stemner Iiil'imlti Isabel de ISorbon off Cadiz. The submarine is shown circling about the steamer while oncers ami 15 men of tho crew were busy searching the detained ship. The photograph was made from the ei' structure of the Spanish steamer while the search was In progress. RADGES FOR VETERANS OF MEXICAN ROW mm , r " i- Y3 if - c-v.V "'l V if .. . ' 0MltV, BanK$, CATHOLIC BISHOP OF A. E. F. tin- Sill Here are tlu? new Mexican service budges, which are being distributed to Kiiierlcau veterans of the border brush, (in the li ft is the navy badge, both s being shown, and on the right the army badge. FIRST AMERICAN-BUILT TANK IS BIGGEST YET Pg'j iff v' ;; hfi , mm I : if NJjf ' ' h hi J vi " ' ; & ' : :--it ,, 1 : i 11 The first Amerlcati-bullt tank, culled the "America," Is Mho biggest ever const rucked, uml Is greatly superior In pow er to nny other. It weighs 45 and Is propelled by steam. This Is the most recent photograph of ltlshop l'atrick J. Hayes of New York, who has been named bishop of the American nrmy at the front In Krance hy 1'opo Iteucdlct. When lilshop Hayes goes to tho front he will be extended every courtesy by (Jell oral I'ersblng anil tho ollicers of the expeditionary force. Although he has been given no high nrmy rank, the war dopnrlmcnt welcomes his tip polntment and will provide him with nil tho nocoMfcnry credentials for his work. Ho expects to visit the men nt the front very rooii. Cermany to Grow Cotton. Germany and her allies are undertak ing to overcome their shortage of cot ton by developing production In I!ul giiria. Olllclal dispatches recently said the Bulgarian government has under taken to place large blocks of Mil table laud nt the disposal of planters. The piinclpal cultivation will ho done In the lowlands and river border of1 tho IXibrudJii niH In tho vicinity of Adrln-ticple. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE EKG1NEERS ON THE JOB IN FRANCE if p . M j j) mrfWit V i 'torn "-f m -i---r.jL.v....- ..-., t f. . l-lirfl.. . -. ...ja, Some of the Americau lucoiiiollve engineers now In France are here neon hard ut work assembling a big American engine. CALIFORNIA TOWN DEVASTATED BY THE RECENT EARTHQUAKE f "I a 4 I 1 - H mm-' This slrll.iug photograph shows the plled-up ruins In the business district of San .laclnto, Cal., afli'r the earth quake. Soldiers are patrolling the devastated area to gunrd against vandals. The shock, which was felt throughout southern California, did most damage nt this spot, where It destroyed mure than a third of the city. Including almost the entice business section. The neighboring town of Hornet was also severely hit by tho earthquake, the damage In the two cities amounting to half n million dollars. PROTECTING FRENCH ART IT . , r. IT ' 3L hnri 'I-'' ' v'-n-fff MM... I......... H. i. in,.- inn uiiii-i iimut mi 1 1 1'linui n hi fTriince are guarded against damage by the enemy air raiders. Tho photo graph shows how the statues In the garden of Versailles pi;!,-,ee are protected. Pushing "Liberty Dread." The "Liberty bread shop," nt 35 Huntington avenue, Huston, lias boon opened uml is being earried forward wltli tho approval of the Massailni setts section of the woman's commit tee, council of national defense, nnd tho woman's committees on food con servation of state and city. The shop gives tho public practical Information on legitimate and puhiluble substitutes for white bread nnd there tiro dally demonstrations In hreadinaklng. All tho work of baking Is done by nil ex pert baker. Volunteer workers net lis saleswomen and servo luncheons. Wild Broncos Sent Abroad. There should he plenty of bucking and pltelilng of broncos along the western front In Europe now, ns 31, (100 absolutely wild Canadian horses have arrived In Europe, according to Clyde Ininlap, horse wrangler, who returned recently to Virginia, MiW, from the Canadian northwest, wl ere for "1 months ho bar been roping the animals, says nn exchange. He said most of the horses were captured In the wllils of the Peace river country, northwest of Edmonton, and none of them bus ever looked through n bridle. "MURDER GUN'S" WORK IN A NURSERY ".'.""MllUM".iyn 4 XV 1 ... i i 1 1 2- nr. v: ',jv 1 ; in. r. i s i:;.j s tvsrl i .f -.1 tv 1 I :Y-:' 1 i 'If ''W f'KW . --XI I i I III 1 11 1.1 in )lalSwlrw, 1 The pliotograpli sbow tlie condition ot u day nursery in 1'iiris after the bombardineiit by the big (ieriunn gun In the forest of St. (lobalii Unit shells the city at n range of almost eighty miles, due shell landed In the nursery and created the awful havoc shown. Many of the children and their nurses were killed and the rest of them Injured. TRANSPORTING THE SERBIAN WOUNDED J ML . C I. ! " ' UAn.. , , S Is 1 . tf.J.. ( M , - ..t...... V .. k ..I , This photo shows n unique method of the Serbians for transporting their wounded soldiers from the mountains, where they are still fighting tho Iiul Biiriuns and Austrlans. ... . NERVOUS PROSTRATION May be Overcome by Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Thi Letter Proves It ' West PhlladelDhla. Pa. "Dnrincr tha thirty year I have been married, I have . i ij i .il i . i . . been in bad health and bad aeveral at tack! of nervoua proitratioo until It aeemed aa if the oreani in my whole boa; were worn out. I wbj finally fersuaded to try ydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and it mad well woman of me. I ean now da all my housework and advise all ailing women to try Lydla E. rinkham'i Vegetable Com. Sound and I will guarantee they will erive great benefit from It" Mra. Frank Fitzgerald, 25 N. 41st Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. There are thousands of women every where in Mrs. Fitzgerald's condition. Buffering- from nervousness, backache, headaches, and other symptoms of a functional derangement. It was eratef ul spirit for health restored which led her to write this letter so that other women may benefit from her experience and find health as she has done. For sufrprestions in regard to your con dition write LydiaE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of their 40 years experience is at your service. ill Both Quality: And Quantify Try Yager's Liniment, the great external remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, chest pains, backache, cuts and bruises. This liniment has wonder ful curative powers, pene trates instantly, and gives prompt relief from pain. It is tho most economical , liniment to buy, for the large 35 cent bottle contains more than the usual SO cent bottle of liniment. 35c Per Bottle AT.Aa GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. MlVER For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Pries Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron In the blood, as most pale-faced people do. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep After Cuticura So 2Sa. Oinlmtat 25 aad SOa. What Do You Know About CATTLE? Do Yon Waal lo Know the CATTLE BUSINESS ? Prop ui. a P"t mnl tnriny and get iUBH rNKOKMATIUM about tll N.'W ll,.. "CATTLE, KRFF.DS AND ORIGIN" about all brt'cdi uf cauia od aarth. !. DUIS ROSERTS' UIERINART CO. , I 100. W1UKESK1. WIV DAISY FLY KILLER lr. II flies. hai,ei, oratnuiUl, toavwltnf, ehaap. Lasta alt easots. ad of bsjUI, eaa tsftll or if OMf(lU mot toll or Injura anylhlDf . Qtiao anttd IImII. Md hf dsjalsjra, or tent by M. nm, prepatd, (at 11.09. tUHOLQ ftOMtltt, 1IO KALt VI., ftOOM.TNa M. T. NIC-O-PINC An rieeltent rtmnij fur InxH'la on plnou, anoh naroM. palma,fernaand TrtfoiableplanU, orniiini'r rrtunilnli price .IV.dellrtrtd to any (mrlotlhe fintrdHlfttfa. Bffirnc. Union 8 ugaUauk. 1. 1 Erwar, lac, 116 f Si, WuklMHa, Ik C Tomato Plants S!SSlK?nSSSSS at 1 60 f i at 11 tiu. lmu. 1 11 at 1Q.UUU &t U.V.JAMISON, o.b. bar tVdl' HAIU lw, tut 1.UU1I3.IM BUMMERVILLB, 8. a WANTED Live Agents to Sell Oil Stock For ni-w company with oil ifn In fmirautm and already produolnvoll. An ay llurk totxll. Liberal mniiullun and nolu.lva Urrlinry to nriit ap allcania, O. K Mann. H. 4 C. BlOg., Uanyrr, Outa. CI, far Old F.I., Tth WtjK bron. alio caftb (ir old guld, alUnr. plait hnm, dntl full ind old Bold JewttVy. Wtll and cush ty return oiall od wilt hold RtMidalO dri for nrndr a appniral of mj priots. sillL.lir,lKpC1twui . tUt,,rfella,,ra, OLD SCRATCH Kills Eczema , ml othr Nkin tllstiMOi. I Kin itqiitekly,n(Tpr fklisv ktiitm iti,bt nukiL sUfaJU cvami, niuuiutr, b, 4