The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 02, 1918, Image 7

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For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
m hs been etandurd household remedy
liver, bladder end stomach
i0T u and ill disease, connected with
' ffu inarl organ,. The kidney, and
tdder" tH. met Important organs of
.tody They are the filters, the pun
.ftmr "cod. the poison, which
fiers oi .fcrmich the b bod and
enter your .
tomach are n" lu"v :
uu. . 4 J ki.n mn ant Annmea.
ie kidneys nuu -- -
1 1..nI.ABa .nrVAllGIIAafl.
f Jcpponilency, Diu-w, " ---
I headache, pain in Ioim. and lower abdo
fmen Ball-stones, gravel, difficulty when
i urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
j matiffli, viatica, lumbago, all warn you
i-.i. f vmir kidneva and bladder.
i iraiK n- . -
i -wl.TlAT. ITafirlnm Oil Pnnaillnfl fltP
(iOLLI ju i
what you need.
They ere not a "patent medicine' nor
, "new discovery." For 200 years they
have been a standard household remedy.
They are the pure, original imported
Haarlem Oil your great-grandmotbcl
used, and ore perfectly harmless. Tin
healing, soothing oil soaks into the cell
and lining of the kidneys and through
the bladder, drivng out tho posonoui
germs. New life, fresh strength and
health will come as you continue thil
treatment. When completely restored to
your usual vigor, continue taking a cap.
sulo or two each day. They will keep
you in condition and prevent a return ol
the disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are
especially dangerous in kidney and blad
der trouble. All reliable druggists sell
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
They will refund the money if not as rep
resented. In three sizes, scaled packages.
Ask for the original imported GOLD
MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.
l means a miserable condition of ill health that leads to all aorta of special
ailments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, indigestion, pains ot
Various kinds, piles ana numerous omer aisorae
aeainst nature, and no human being can be well for any length of time while
constipated. DK. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS is the remedy and has been used
successfully all over this country for 72 years. Get a box and see how it feels
l.. vour liver and bowels resume their health-giving: natural functions.
. , , ,
For sale at au aruggisw ana acnicia cvcrywncrc
Or, Tuft's liver fills
Or Dlstcmpfr In stallions, brood marcs, colts and all others Is
meat destructive. Tha norm causing; iho disease must be re
moved from the body of the animal. To prevent thr trouble
the same must be done.
Will do both cure the slok and prevent those "exposed" from
having- the disease. (0 cents and II a bottle: & and tit the
dmen. All druitiflBti. harness houses, or manufaeturere.
Sl'OHN MEDICAL CO., Manufacturers, lioahen, Ind., U.SJU
Ferry Captain at a Loss as to How
Much to Charge His Unusual
Sprnkins nt n dinner, Sonntor .Tunica
V. Wmlsworth of Now York referred
to the trials nnd trllmlntions of the
motorist, tind contributed the following
In the enrly dnys nn nutolst drove
up to n smnll ferry where the elinrpe
for horse transportation wns 25 cents
for n single tenm nnd 40 cents for a
double tenm. He wns nnout to bo on
the bont, when the cnptnln told lilm
he would have to wnit. Three times
the ferry went buck nnd forth across
the river, nnd finally the motorist be
gan to get Impatient.
"Can't tnke ye over yet," declared
the captain In response to the other's
demands to be ferried across. "Yer
the first one o' them things that ever
come down here nn' I. don't know
what to charge ye."
"Don't know what to charge met"
wondcrlngly returned the motorist.
"No," answered the captain. "I've
been studyln' ye six different ways,
tut domed if I kin flgger out whether
yer a one-hoss tenra or a two-hoss
tenm." Philadelphia Evening Tele-prniih.
By Gosh I
Miriam Field Is Just r"t seven, but
fhe knows there are "bnd words"
which little girls do not use. How
ever, she can make her meaning clear
without them.
A few dnys ngo her mother sent her
to the grocery nnd she returned nil e
cited. "Oh, mother, I got Into no aw
ful row," she said. "Mr. Smith, the
grocer, wns awful mad about the food
laws," continued the young narrator.
"Do you want me to tell you exactly
what ho said?" with expectation of
using a naughty word by permission.
"Well, no, you need not tell the exnet
language," said her mother. "Well, he
Mid that word In 'Long l!oy,' " con
cluded Miriam, which was Just ns ef
fective ns the tlnsh that Is substituted
for swenr words In polite print.
Hut will Mr. Ilerscliell look over
"Long liny" again anil see what "bud
words" he hns been using, for "you bet,
by gosh, he'll soon find out." Indian
iiyulls News.
An Unfortunate Guy.
Maj. Frederick rainier, press cen
sor a ml novelist, said nt a dinner:
"I am astonished at the high prices
which prevail hero in America. In
England nnd France tho high prices
tire understandable. They are caused
by the submarine. Hero their chief
cause seems to be the profiteer.
"I wns lunching with a friend of
mine the other day when his wife laid
before lilm the bills for the week's
marketing, lie looked the bills over
with a wry face. Then he said :
" 'Why do they call n guy like me a
tonsiiiiH-r, I'lilnierT All I do Is pro
duce.' "
Not the Kind Expected. -
"A good many ladles were disap
pointed this afternoon."
"How was that?"
"The guest was spoken of ns n
bridge expert nnd he turned out to bo
nothing but a famous engineer." IIos
tou Evening Transcript.
Soothe Baby Rashes
Thnt Itch nnd bum with hot bnths of
Otitlcurn Sonp followed by gentle
nnolntings of Cutleurn Ointment.
Nothing better. For free samples ad
dress, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X. Boston."
fWd by druggists nnd by mnll. Soap
25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv.
A New One.
"Your sister hns spen' a great denl
of. time In Italy, hasn't she?"
"Oh, yes, Indeed I She quite italicized."
hen you have decided to get rid of
worms or Tapeworm, use "Dead Khot," Dr.
till Vermifuge. One dose will expel
'Bum, Adv. .
Society mny set itself up on tho top
' a mountain, but any donkey laden
lth gold can rench It.
I When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
POHmsrtlng-Jiilt Hje Comfort. 60 eents at
iV?'ts or milL Write for Free Mre Book.
l-i&ny T7 O C
r or ojc
When vou buy
Yager a Lini
ment vou ort
splendid value! The large
35 cent bottle contains more
than the usual 50 cent bottle
of liniment.
Try itf or rheumatism, neuralgia;
Sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises.
At all dealers price 35 cents.
GILBERT BBOS. A CO Ilaltlmors, Md.
Laborers Wanted
White and Colored
Steady Indoor Work Good Pay
Time and One Half for Overtime
Hubbard Fertilizer Co.
602-3-4-5-6 Keytar Bldg., Baltimore, Md
5th At. &GiatH St., Caatea, Baltimore Cs.,Hi
$1,473 Net Profit
MADE ON $200 .
through this offlee In dart' time with PUTS
A CALLS. Similar opportunities looked tor la
them In the eonilng SO and Ml daya, If 70a are
Interested and wish to take advantaae of theae
opportunities, write now for BOUKLHT K-W.
liKi'ot jou all Information.
20 Broad St. New York Cilj
Dealer In Pott and Oalls since 1MM.
When You Need a Good Tonic
Malaria, Chilis, Fever and Grippe
ALL DRUOOIRT9 or by Parcel Post, prepaid,
from Klociewaki A Co., Washington, D. C.
Kill All FliosI mslsl
Plcd any where, Daisy Fly KIIIrttmcUuid kllli
all AIM. Nt3t,c1tri,ornmntltcmfnlfntnd cheap.
Ltuti all MtMft. Had
of mUl. rtui't 11)111 tr
tln Dr; will not anil or
In fur. anvthliUT. fluaru.
U0 ffcua. Aak for
Daisy Fly Killer
br aprM, iMCIMild, 11.00.
Tomato riants-LMspisa assstj, tsrllsns sat Stses
6UI, (l.KI l'OMTPAll)
1.01, nil fob. KiO, 4Ue
t.utNlatf AOf here l.wiu, KM
lllUUat 1 .36 J
EOU l'LANTS. M.l'.laiprovrd.
KM, 1.J1 fob. UK), MJO
l.txxi, rx here l.Uuu.H
t.uw at t.iwl
A toilrt prrrmtloii of mtrltw
Jlolp to rvllet dandruff.
ForRaitoHot Color and
Boauly to Gray or Faded Hair.
fcivc. and l.00t lrutriftta.
Think of Factory Prloe
Hanie urlra aa liefura the war.
... ...
AMERICAN 1'LAU MFU. CO., Eastern, 1'a,
"Help Win the War By Raising Poultry"
QoTprntDnntaarii. If yon by or hau-h lfn than MX
fiTilla plaoed nndr a ben, you are waiting
time and money. Write fir Information bow to
are this money for jo Quell. Mont Bupcewufnl plan.
Every Motor Car or Cycle Owner t&VnS
of our Tulrnnlien that will repair blow-out in Smln
utea to perfection. Htmpie and tafe. Nogatollneof
elertrlclty. 80 Id under monej return iiuurantee.
6UU.0UI In une. 1'artlculam free. Oomplrte irt wltb IS
patobea, ft.lW. Write WbUf , ill Ank, raiUdtliAia. Pa
lory home-made ubntltute for ordinary breadi.
Nourlhin. tatit, cheap. (Juarauteed not to produce
lugar. write WLLflun, uua uu, avoi Augeioa, iaiii.
Make an
Frett-Prf,. PU.t. gW
planu. MUCH UNIT Hit than Hothouse Tlanu.
Allrarlntlrs. MJUforll : l.lwu forwat; postpaid. Hr
express, per l.WW. fMaiMt risal W., Albaa , IteMll
h P.FNTC Bl moner tullln gennlne rpro4oe.
MUI.I1I3 tlunot Llbortr 1IM1. HumpKi ftoi-nls,
fslHaU. Ctrt Coapuf, Ihsi I, Slk, UsiUssU, 0,
TIK A nKTECTITR TraTell blf nan expert
eoce nnnecflssury, Partlonlars free. National lie
leoUTS Institute, WW Oenlrei Natl Ilank, BU Lou It
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 18-191&
Teachers That
Moody Dible Institute,
4SbA' -
TEXT And they that bo teachers (mar
Kin) ahull ahlna as the brlghuiciss of tlis
llriiiumi-iit. Liunlul UX
AocordliiB to nnclont fable, Jupltor
onco (ilTi'ri'd the prize of Immortality
to lilm who wns
moHt bonutlful to
miiiililnd, nnd the
court of Olympus
wus crowded with
competitors. Tho
warrior boasted
of his patriotism,
the rich mini of
Ills IllUIllllCflK'P,
the orator boast
ed of Ills voice,
the poet spoke of
his power to
move even the
gods by
Seelnj? u vener
able inn n looking
upon the group of
competitors but presentiiiK no claim,
Jupiter ex'-l.ti'iied. "Who nrt thou?"
"Only a spectator," said the sukc; "nil
these were once my pupils." "Crown
lilm, crown lilm," said Jupiter; "crown
the faithful teuchcr with Immortality."
MakliiK due nllowanee for the ex
triivapinco of this fable, there yet re
imilns eiioiiKli of truth In It to prove an
Inspiration to every faithful teacher.
God bus indeed laid upon you a great
responsibility. As a teacher ami com
panion of youth you buve an liillueiicu
second to no other in the community.
Vou are in daily contact with nilml.i
that are Itritrtit, hearts Unit arc sensi
tive, and wills that lire pliable. They
lire sent to you for the express pur
pose of beliii; iullueiiced by you, and at
the most plastic period of their lives.
Grunted that the special work for
which you lire employed is to educuto
the miu I ; mill, Is it not your duty ulso
to lead iliem Into the realms of spir
itual knowledge, ami above ull to In
troduce them to the Great Teacher,
who said, "Take my yoke upon you
and learn of me, nnd e sluill Ilud rest
unto your souls?"
We ull know that young people do
not wish to have religion thrust upon
them continually, but they do, without
exception, admire a strong Christian
character, and they appreciate a lov
ing Christian Interest In their welfare
u nd n n ocensiouui curliest word upon
the subject.
Itemember also that tunny of your
pupils receive uo Christian trnlulng nt
home, nnd they will doubtless go out
Into the world without any definite re
ligious principles unless they receive
them from you.
Of ull the Instructors whom the
writer had In school and college, uo
one did so much in shaping his life as
the district schoolteacher who Intro
duced hi in to Jesus Christ. And there
wus seldom a term In that school when
someone wus not laid under the sumo
debt of gratitude. There was no dis
tinctive religious teuchlng in the
school, but in nnd out of classroom she
so exhibited the beauty of holiness In
her own life that her pupils bocamo
easy converts to her Lord and Muster
when the opportunity arrived to pre
sent his claims.
Every true teacher hopes to letive
the stamp of his own personality upon
those entrusted to his care, llles.scd
is he whose personal Impress leaves
on every heart the beautiful Image of
If you nre n Sunday school teacher
your opportunities are ull the greater
for leading your scholars to Christ.
No one can estimate tho iullucncc of a
real heart-to-heart talk with u pupil,
or the touch of a loving hand, or the
power of persistent prayer, but those
who use these means know that they
are almost Irresistible,
A man In New York said to his pas
tor, "You ought to Imve known my
mother. She was always hunting for
the lost. In the town where she lived
was a family of low reputation, con
taining seven boys, each of whom wus
worse than the rest.
"She went to the home and asked
the parents If they would send their
boys to her class in Sunday school,
and they cursed her. Then she tuckled
one of the boys on the street, and per
suaded lilm to ceme into her class.
He sat there a while, nnd then started
for the door with the teacher after
him. He told her to go to hell, and
she came back deeply grieved, but not
discouraged. Two Sundays later she
had lilm back in the school. After a
wlille site lured the second boy Into
her class, and then another and an
other, until dually she had them nil.
"Everyone of those boys wns con
verted, and all seven of them became
preachers of the Gospel. The boy who
told his teacher to go to hell preached
her funeral sermon only u short time
ago." "Until he tind It," Is u good
motto for every teacher to write In her
111 bio.
I know n pastor who hud n teacher
In his Sunday school who failed so
completely as a teacher Unit the su
perintendent had to n sk her to give
It up. She consented mill entered a
Itible class asi pupil. Soon she cauie
to the superintendent and asked If she
might teach a class provided she found
the material for It outside the school.
In a little while her class grew so
large that It had to be divided. Still
It grew, and ngaln and again it had to
be divided. One by one she brought to
tho pastor's study to confess Christ
and unite with the church between
00 and (!0 of her scholars.
Hut when we live a divided life,
when we call Ojrlst, "Master," with
our lips and crucify him ugnln aud
ngaln upon the cross of our own con
venience, wo may as well take n vaca
tion until wo decide, once und forever,
whono we ure, aud whom we ure to
rerchnnco In heaven soma day to mo
Borne tilcKKeil aalnt will come, and say,
"All hull), beloved I but for theo
My soul to death hud fnllon a prey," oh, what ruplure In the, thoimht
Oi"oui to ylory to hava brought!
Through the patriotism of the citl
Bens of this country thousands of
amoke kits are being distributed to
American soldiers in France. Author
(ties agree that men in the trenches
need cigarettes almost as much as
food and munitions.
Doctors, nurses, and commanding
officers all join in the demand which
has awakened in this country a great
moyemcnt to keep our boys supplied
with smokes.
Millions of the famous LUCKY
STRIKE Cigarettes are "going over"
all the time. There's something
about the Idea of the touted ciga
rette that appeals to the men who
spend their time in cold, wet trenches
and billets.
Then, too, the real Kentucky Hurley
tobacco of the LUCKY STRIKE ciga.
rette gives them the solid satisfaction
of a pipe, with a lot less trouble. Adv.
Lost In tne Dessert.
T.lltlf l'eurl had spent the night fit
the home of her mnri'leil sister. The
next morning she appeared undecided
wbelhiT to return home or to accept
her sister's Invitation ami remain to
luncheon. Finally she slipped out Into'
the kitchen, held a whispered colloiitiy
with her sister's maid, then culled np
her mother's cook.
"W hat yon goln' to have for de
pert, Annie?" her sister heard her ak
over the 'phone. "Stewed prunes:"
echoed the child In disgust. "Well,
that settles It. I'.irillc is goln' to have
Ice cream. I stay here."
The symptoms of kidney nnd blniMer
troubles arc often very iliNtrrfxing and
le.ire the system in a run down condition
The kiihirys kcpiii to mlTer mnt, as al
nint every victim complains of In me. buck
and urinnry troubles which thoald not 1
nctileetcd, as these danger rignaln often
lead to more dangerous kidney troubles.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Knot which, so
many people say, soon heals and ttrengtli
ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney,
liver nnd bladder medicine, and, lirins
an herbal compound, has a eentlc heal
inn effect en the kidneys, which is at
most immediately noticed in most easel
by tlmse who u-e it.
A trial will convince anyone who maj
be in need of it. Itrtter get a bottle fron
your nearest drug store, and start treat
went at once.
However, if you wish first trt tet thii
(treat preparation tend ten eents to D.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinglinmton, N. Y for
sample bottle. When writing be sure an
mention this paper. Adv.
Just Acquired Ownership.
Sallle fame home from school one
day with the news (hut Carolina was
not nn own child of the Woods, but
was adopted.
"What's 'adopted,' mother?" she
asked. Her mother explained that
when children were sent to parents In
the usiiul way they took what came,
but If none wns sent they went out
and selected one that Just suited them.
Sallle stubbed over the problem, then
aid: "Oh, I see, the Woods don't own
Caroline, they Just rented her."
Mew Is tie Tub to Ctt Rio sf Tkttt Ugly Spell
Thrre't no Innpr-r tlit sllchtwt nenl of rVfllng
t'lismed nf your (n-rkles, as (Mliloe ilmil'le
st.tngtb It guaisDlti'tl to rr-inuve these bonieljr
Simply get tn minr of Oihlne donltle
etretiKlb. from your lni!ri,'lt, sml sHly a Utile
of It nlfht nnd morning suit you should sooa see
that eren the worst froekles dure lo-gun In dls
ipiirsr, while the Milliter ones hive vmdihrd rn
llrely. It It seldom that more than oue oones
Is needed to romplelel.r rlenr tho skin and gain
s beautiful clear complexion.
He surn to ssk for the doulite strcnKlh OlWn.
as this Is sold under mi.-irnntee of money tmek
If It falls lo remote freckles. Adr.
Couldn't Tell.
Two fanners met at the county seal
shortly nfter n cyclone had visited
that neighborhood.
"Well, sir," said one of them, "she
shook up things out my way, to be
sure. Ity the way, Henry," he ndded,
"did that new burn of yours get hu.'l
"I can't say," replied tho seconO
farmer. "I haven't found It yet."
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through the
Wood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundntlon of the d I ton to,
Fives the patient strength by Improving
the general health and assists nature In
doing Its work. for any ease ot
Crtnrrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to cure.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
V. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Quite Enough.
"You can't fool the people nil the
"I don't want to fool 'em nil the
time," declared the alleged statesman.
"Just u few wekes before election will
do mi'." Louisville Courier-Jonrnul.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every hottlo ol
CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for lufauts and children, aud see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 'M Years,
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Concert Conductors.
Church This pnper says "Itallroads
will act In concerts."
Ciothnin Well, they will not' want
for conductors.
A Valuable Iron for the Wood
OHOVBS TASTKI.KSS chill TllNIl) I'urllles and
Hnrlrhes the HliHd. It aniunes the lifer, drives out
malaria and bullos np the wlil tistem. A (ien
rul ttlrongtlmulDg Tunic fol Adults aud Cullunjn,
Too Conscientious.
"Let me order you n denil tasse, my
denr lady."
"Can't get it. This town's dry"."
Unman Kya Balsam la an anllseptlo oint
ment, applied externally nnd not a "wafh."
II henls Ihe Inflnmcd surfaces, provWUng
trompt relief. Adv.
No man was ever so much In lov
dint it Interfered with his ipp'jtlte.
(Conducted by the National Woman's
Chrlmlun Tnmocriinco Union.)
From on nrtlele In the Union Signal
by Mrs. Kllzaheth I'rcstou Anderson,
president North Dakota W, C. T.
U wo quote the following paragraphs:
"Wbllo North Dakota Is an agricul
tural ami not u maniifiicturlng stute,
yet according to the United States
census for 11J10 the average number of
wnge-enriiers Increased In ten years
J05 per cent. The value of goods pro
duced Increased In tho same time U0."i
per cent. The value of furin products
increased during the siuno decade '-111
per cent; the value of live stock J.V
per cent; the value of crops l!.'tl per
cent. This percentage of Increase was
not exceeded by any other state In the
Union. During the yenr ISU.'I this state
led every slate In ruilroad construc
tion." "The tax on $1,kh) of actual value
In 11)13 was !M) cents. The same year
In Minnesota the tax on $l,(Ki) of ac
tual value was SL'.l'J; Montana, $l.'JO;
Idaho, $111; Iowa, $J.4."i; Nebraska,
f Mlchin-a, $-; Indiana, R(V'
"The agricultural wealth of North
Dnkotn exceeds the agricultural wealth
of the six New Kngland states com
bined, nnd, with the exception of Tex
as, exceeds In value any of the It)
Southern states, nil of which, except
Delaware nnd Florida, have more limit
three times North Dakota's popula
tion. The total wealth of the state In
creased from $:t,'17,(HKV"W In 1N!M to
$l,!i7:i,01(5.r.lO In 1P17. Under prohibi
tion the state has multiplied Its wealth
nearly six times."
"North Dakota has n bank for every
707 inhabitants, In years, from
ISILS tn V.H.'t, the bank deposit in
creased more than l.tKHi per cent. No
state In the Union exceeded this per
centage of Increase. The p''r capita
bank deposit In IDKI was $i:!S. In
1917, according to figures compiled by
the state commissioner of agriculture
and labor. It was $i:.'l.".!C. Hns any li
cense state nearly doubled its per enp
ltn bunk deposit in four years? Tho
per capita weal;li in 1017 was $2,M1.
F.lghty per cent of the people of the
state own their homes."
' e e
"North Dnkofii bus the largest num
ber of consolidated schools of any
stute In the Union. These give the
children In rural districts the advan
tage of grade and high schools. An
amount exceeding $5.MKMKK Is ex
pended on the common schools of the
stnte every year. The state Has a per
petual endowment fund for schools
nnd Institutions of $(M.(MKl,0HO. North
Dakota boasts the lowest Juvenile tle
lluqency rule of any stute."
Judge Henry, for 1,1 years Judge of
the district court of Folk county, Iowa,
speaking concerning his attitude on
prohibition, said:
"In the discharge of my duty I wns
compelled to send my playmates of
childhood days to penitentiaries, In
ebriate asylums and to the Jails ns a
consequence of saloons In lies Moines.
During my IS yenrs on the bench, I
spent four years In the criminal divi
sion. 1 sent more than a thousand men
to penitentiaries and Julls for criminal
offenses committed by them, nnd I
know that !K) per cent of these crimes
were caused by drunkenness orlglnnt
Ing In saloons.
"I granted more than l.CKHl divorces,
nnd I know that IK) per cent of them
were the consequence of drunkenness
and the drunkenness wus due to the
saloon. I have tukeii thousands of
children nnd placed them In state in
stitutions for public protection and
education whose homes were ruined by
drunkenness. I have seen und know
the moral depravity, the poverty," dis
grace, the ruined hopes of mothers and
children, the Insane asylums and poor
houses crowded until the accumulated
curses tluit I have seen springing from
the presence of the saloon condemu
that Institution as the vilest Inllucnce
thut Infests this world today."
The Americau Lumberman well puts
It thus:
"No longer Is the appeal for total
abstinence based upon emotional or
even upon moral grounds. Drinking
simply does not lit In with modem
standards of elllclency, and the Indus
trial world Is the most bitter opponent
that tho liquor Interests confront to
day. Since the United Stntes entered
into tho war, the conviction also has
grown that lu view of the necessity
for food conservation, ns well ns for
the highest measure of productlpn In
all lines, Indulgence In booze takes on
an unpatriotic uspect."
If Infinite w isdom led Jesus tn supply
a (U'lnand for wine, reason compels the
conclusion that prohibition Is the prod
uct of Infinite folly. C. A. Wlndle,
mouthpiece of tho liquor Interests.
If liquor dealers will contlne them
selves to such beverages ns Jesus sup
plied, there will be no saloons, no drink
problem, and Wlndle would be earning
an honest living. American Issue.
What shall It profit a nation to gain
the revenue from boute aud to lose
the boys?
The state hospital for Inebriates at
Knnxvlllc, la., Is finding lt,s supply ot
patients steadily diminishing.' Two
yenrs ago It cost $12,24:1 to maintain
tho hospital for one-qunrtcr. For the
quarter ending December 31, 1017, the
maintenance was only $3,44), a 75 per
cent decrease In two years.
Testimony of a Senttlo citizen : "You
can't tell a longshoreman from u bank
er when you see hlui on the street
SiX y
reV WHY&s
v 1 Steadies nerves1
2 Allays thirst
3 Aids appetite
4 Helps digestion
5 Keeps teeth clean
6 It's economical
kKccp the soldiers ""V
Chew it after every meal
The Flavor Lasts!
High Cattle Prices
High Beef Prices
If consumers are to pay less for
beef, live-stock raisers naturally will
receive less for cattle.
If farmers arc paid more for live
stock, consumers will necessarily pay
more for meat.
Swift & Company pays for cattle
approximately 90 per cent of the price
received for beef and by-products.
The remaining 10 per cent pays for
dressing, freight to market, operation
of distributing houses, and in most
cases, delivery to the retailer. Net
profits also have to come out of this
10 per cent.
This margin cannot be squeezed
arbitrarily without danger of crippling
the only effective means of performing
the complex service of converting
cattle into meat and distributing this
meat to the fighting forces and to
Swift & Company's net profit on
beef during 1917 was only of a
cent per pound. On all products, it
was a little less than four cents on
each dollar of sales. Complete elimi
nation of these profits would not affect
appreciably retail prices of meat, or
farm prices of live stock.
Swift & Company will be glad to
co-operate, in devising methods that
will improve conditions in the meat
and live stock industry.
1918 Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yard9, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company
U.S. A
Lend Him
u . S t
Actions speak louder
words"-Act - Don't Talk - Buy Now