The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 02, 1918, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PBOK, Editor and Proprietor
Published Weekly. 51.50 per
Annum in Advance.
itre4lttaePcioffloe MoConmlliburg
P n teoonQ-oiM
Act Quicklj.
Do the right thing at the right
Act quickly in time of danger.
la time of kidney danger,
Doan's Kidney Pills are most
1'ienty of McConnellsburg
evi ience of their worth.
I'.rs. D Keyser, McOonnells
bu g, says: "My back ached
cor itantly and the pains in my
lou were bo severe it was almost
Impossible for me to bend over.
I had but little strength and my
housework became a burden.
One box of Doan's Kidney Pills,
produced at Trout's Drug Store,
cured me."
A Lasting Effect Over two
years later, Mrs. Keyser said:
'Doan's Kidney Pills completely
cured me of kidney trouble. 1
am in good health now."
60c. at all dealers. Foster
Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo,
N. Y.
George Eastman Sees Realiza
tion ot Nation's Ideals
In Big Sales.
In a Htiitt'iiH'iit by Ocoru'c KnHtmup,
gcticrul iniimik'tT of this Knst limn Ko
(Ink Company, of KoHii-kIit, N. Y., I'lii-
plniHlM 1m laid on t1i fact that the huo
vvhh of the Third Liberty Loun by
iiiaii8 of popular Hiilmrrlptlon will
'n-pnwnt u rt'iillxutlon of the groat
dcinocrutlc Idi-ul. Mr. KiiHtiimn wild:
"No niun In bin rllit (mmihi-s seeks
to ni-rmmiliite money except for the
for greater benellts It will buy him.
Only tin; miner xeeks money for Itnelf.
Does not the Bunie prluelple upply to
a nation? We are the rlihext uatlon
In the world by muny time over, and
we have been incused by len sucxe-
ful natloiiH of belUK money-maker to
the vxclimlon of Home of the higher
tlii'liKS f life, but the time Iiuh come
for u to prove that that rliunje wan
without foundation, that we have
ouirht money Hlmply for the higher
thiiix It would buy and not dimply
for the HiiUe of aimiKMliij,' money.
' "The winning of thin war Ih the
jreatest tlilni; we have ever had a
chance to buy with our money. It I
Liberty Bond Campaign Commit
tee Doubles Effort aslitanlc
Conflict Rages Overseas.
The Third Liberty Loan campaign,
which In now holding the attention ol
practlcully every community through
out the country, Ih the greatent finan
cial campulKU that has ever been con
ducted. Never before bus there been on or
ganization ho carefully (Wined, so
carefully trained mid so curefully pre
pared. .
From the beginning of the present
campaign canvassers will be headed
uway from local head(pinrters toward
every single homestead, olllce, shop,
factory or plant In the Tjilrd Federal
Iteserve District, with Inst ructions not
to overlook un opportunity to sell
bonds to any one who has or may be
uble to save the amount of money
On every citizen will be forced home
the fact that it Is his duty as a matter
of patriotism and loyalty to the coun
try which provides him with a honw
and with safely In that home, to In
vest his. money In the future of his
countr;.. It w ill be pointed out to him
that the vital need at present Is the
success ol l!ic Liberty Lain, mid that
Sunday noon, Big Cove Tan
nery was astonished at seeing a
horse passing through its suburbs
in a manner .which seemed to
cause curiosity. Soon, the run
way horse was followed by Frank
Cutchall and its owner, Bunt Car
baugh. The horse was not caught
until it was overtaken at Ray
mond Shives's near Laurel Ridge.
Mr. Carbaugh was getting into
the buggy when the horse be
came frightened, throwing its
owner under the buggy and drag
ging him a short distance. Mr.
Carbaugh returned home with a
demolished buggy and a few
A larsre crowd eathered at
Laurel Ridge last Sunday for
preaching but were disappointed
as the preacher Rev. Garland,
did not appear.
- r- r - . a
Mr and Mrs Wnlt-pr Shaw nnd which prints monotony ia its
sonKer.neth, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ue, and it can also be used in
!. Ulouser and children George, rither large amounts, utcause
Mary and Florence, "Forded" to o' the food ruling of March 25, a
Woman's fork.
For the past few years the
lines that have designated a
difference between man's work
and woman's worn have fast
been obliterated until now,
nearly all boundary lines are re
moved. "As a rusult of this,"
says Mrs. Eugenia G. Benn, of
the Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture, "women are pre
nared to fill many places nec
esearily made vacant by the
war. She is not only standing
ViabMa hnt leading the men in
many industrial and professional
dntiea. However, woman will
never lose that sense of useful
cooperation as a helpmate which
places her first duty to do the
thiDfirs which serve as compie
ments to the greater work of the
men. In other words it is our
first duty to do the little things
that men leave undone. Because
of this fact sometimes our work
Beems small and its results medi
ocre. Especially on the farm does
women's work seem to lack ap
preciation. From early dawn
until late at night the multitu
dinous duties of the home, house
family, stock, garden and poul
try demand the attention. Be
sides these the women's duties
to that greater field, the com
mt nity.peristently calls us. And
ad 3d to all these, comes the per
tin mt call to war work. There
wa i never a time when women's
du eshave been so numerous,
bu 'rom now on until a perma-
ne j is peace for the world is won,
our duties will incseaseeach day.
No demande must be made on
the farm- women's time energy
or abilities that are not care
fully considered first and spared
If possible. Conservation ia our
watchword and let us not forget
that the most necessary thing to
conserve is energy. At times
we seem to have almost a super
human strength to do our best
fnr a cause that is morally right.
Let us never belittle ourselvee or
our labors, and let us never as
plre to do the thing that we see
some other women doing that
our good common sense teils us
Is just beyond our present use
fulness. It has been my exper
ience that it is always the beat
plan to do well the little things
that come to band and, having
done them well, with the thought
of worthy promotion ahead, tbf
. lareer things have come when
was ready to shoulder their re
A very pleasant surprise was
held last Batnrday evening at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Shadle in honor of their daughter
Miss. Vera's birthuay.
Harvey Wible is making some
improvements to the house be re
cently purchased f r o m J. W.
Snyder by putting in new doors
and windows and repaperlng,and
by painting Inside and out
Mrs. Grover R. Peck and child
ren Merrill and Catherine, of
You Supply the Bricks!
I'll Do the Rest!
Needmore last Sunday to hear
Mr. Huston lecture.
Raymond Shives and sister
'lora, spent Sunday afternoon
with Miss Cora Nesbit.
Geo. A. Smith spent the week
end visiting and traveling.
The Potato as Food.
What body nped does the po
tato nrvir? The proportions of
its separate food tkmouta arc:
Water 74 to 80 percent; Car
bohydrate (chiefly starch) 18
to 20 percent; Protein 3 to 2J
percent; Fat Trace; Mineral
matter 1 percent.
Sicce the amount of protein is
small, the totato is not highly
valued aw a body builder. The
ciief food elemeut of the po-
the finest thing a nation ever lind a
chance to do with Its money. Ami tne
fl,.t thine about the way we are
flndliiK the money for this realization
of a great Ideal Is the perrect uemo
cracy, the perfect willingness behind
the contribution of the nation's ne.v.
It is not being wrung from people ny
an imnresslve government. Through
the Liberty Loans It Is being volunta
rily dedicated to the purposes ami ine
needs of the nation. The Third Lib
erty Inn will be great In the number
of dollars by which It will be counted.
Hut It will lie greater still as a tokeu
of the unseltish determination of the
American people."
therefore, these bonds give him an op.
ii.iriiinitv for the sort of investment
that will mean freedom for him ami
safetv for h's descendants.
The great dragnet will reach Into
every home ami Into every business
house with an urg y and persist
erne Justilled by the great emergen
cles which we now face.
An ii K ii n iu'lti-i iim fenture of the
nrescnt drive Is the fact that the peo
pie have come to realize the value of
I'. S. (Sovernment Bonds In the strict
lv Investment sense. It Is no longer
necessary to educate them on the
comparative value of these Issues In
relation to other securities.
Help Uncle Sam to
Drop This Depth Bomb!
rp' --'w m- u- -
tato is starch, therefore, one of,
its values must be that of a fuel
food. This is, it furnishes
energy for muscular work.
Its largo amount of water and
its tiher (trcludfd in the car
bohydrati ) put the potato in the
class of bulky foods, especially
valuable for supplying ballast to
The mineral matter- in pota
top is very vVuablo, containing
as it does potash, phosphorus,
iron and other mineral sub
stances. The potato also seems to con
tain tome of the little under
stood substancs which ap
pear to be essential to giowth
and tualth.
In addition to these actual
food values which are so de
Birable, tho potato can be pre
, pared in a variety of ways, a fact
wider use of potatoes should be
Two of the less used but de
sirable potato dishes are:
Bbepherd's pie and potatoes with
cheese, prepared the same as
macaroni and cheese. In place
of macaroni use cold baked or
boiled potatoes, These sug
gestions come from the Penn
sylvania State College- home
economics extension department
Red Cross workers at line of
communication canteens in
France accompany American sol
diers on shopping trips, to Bee
that they receive correct change
and otherwise advise them in
their encounters with French
.TOT r4TfcT TTl'O'fF
An Extra Hand for
Farm Work
Delco-Light is the busiest and most ef
ficient workman on the farm.
It not only furnishes an abundance of
clean, safe and economical electric light
for house and barn, but
It furnishes power to pump the water, operate
the separator and churn, wash the clothes
and grind the tools
It lengthens the working day by making it
possible to do the barn chores safely and
easily after dark
It pays for itself in time and labor saved
And at the same time it adds greatly to the
comfort and convenience of farm life.
Delco-Light is a simple, compact, highly
efficient electric plant that requires little or
no attention, and that runs oh kerosene, gas
or gasoune.
For further information
apply to
Dudley, Pa.
Agent for Fulton Co.
Lend Him S
"Arlione sneak louder than
wordsAct - Don't Talk - Buy Nov
Stone Bridge station, Franklin
County, spent several days dur
ing the past week in the home of
Mrs. Peck's mother, Mrs. Katie
Kelso. .'
Bert Shaw is preparing for the
erection of a monument at Henry
Anderson's grave.
Wilbert ilelman, wife and
daughters Olive and Helen, of Mi
nersville speofr Saturday evening
and Sunday in the home of Mrs
Hel man's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, W. Wagoner.
Mrs. VergleGres9, Mary Hel
man and OdaGutshall spent Sun
day with Miss Lola M. Wilson.
Miss Margaret Summers, of
Todd, spent a couple of days with
Miss Celia Foier recrntly.
Mrs. S R C rne; who h a d
been on he sick list is able to be
out again.
I Have Just Received
A Carload of New Idea Manure Spreaders and a
Carload ot Weber Farm Wagons.
Thanking one and all for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of the same, I am Yours truly.
Mercersburg, Pa.
Well, in our last advertisament, we called
your attention to Dr. Hess's Remedies for
all kinds of Stock. We sure have sold a lot
of it. and the results have been great. A
lot of people have said they never got so
many eggs; never had pigs to do so well
cows to improve so in the flow of milk
From all this we cannot help feeling that
where these Remedies have been tried they
have done good, and no advance in the
price either.
This is a line that we are proud of. We
have quite a lot of shoes that there is not
much advance on. We bought these goods
early, and got them in, and know we can
save you big money. We have in Boys' and
Men s bhoes, the Military bhoe, and we saw
a pair that was bought from a catalog house
for $5.00 that we are selling thesame shoe
at$3.bO and $3 85. Look at yourcata
Iogue and then come in; or, let us send you
a pair the same as they do, and we know
that you will be more than pleased.
Garden plows 3 25
Horseshoe rasps 40 and 45c
Bunch straps 15c
Lnox soap 5s
Holdfast shoe nails 5c
Oil window shades 48c
Heavy tin wash boilers 1 65
Lawn mowers 4 75 and 5 50
Men's wool and fur hats
1 00 to 2 60
Hame straps
Mouse traps
Rat traps
Meat saws
Straw hats
13 to 30j
3 for 5a
80 to 85o
25c and 1 25
just got a jot mat was or
de ed in January at
U 40 t 95, 2 25 and $2.60
inewe are bargains and
wont last long. We have
150 roils.
See our Big Work Shirts
at 85c.
We also have a nice line o!
Ladies' and Men's undei
wear, Ladies vests 10, l!
15 and 25c
Mens' 2 piece underwear
45 and i
Men's union suits,
Men's dress shirts 65 to 1
See our line of suspend
ers 25 to!
El A
We have some nice Suits at old prices for Boys and
Mens. We think it would pay any one to buy these good
while the stock lasts, as the new goods at much mere mon
ey, will net have so much wool in them. Thanking yot
kindly for the nice increase in our business.
"Always on the Job,"
A splendid assortment of House
Dresses, ' Children's and Misses'
Dresses, Middy Blouses, beautiful
Waists in various Materials, Wash ,
Skirts, and Dress Skirts all at ex
ceedingly reasonable prices.
of Piece Goods for Dresses, iSuits,
and Waists that, will certainly ap
peal to you.
of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Shoes, for quality they can't be beat.
Our Clothing Stock
has some splendid picking. We are
selling lots of them at prices far
below present value.
Wall Paper Stock
we have had for several sea
sons, and the price no higher than
last year, although there has been
quite an advance this season.
Floor Coverings Plenty.
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.,
McConnellsburg, Pa.