THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. aders THE RUFFLED DRESS By MILDRED WHITE. n "This Departmont Our Roadora In Fulton County and Elsowhoro May journey Around the Aorld Alth the Oamora on tho Trjall of History INIalclng Happonlnga, AMERICAN TROOPS PASSING THROUGH LONDON ON WAY TO FRONT VIEW IN BETHUNE, ONE OBJECTIVE OF GERMAN DRIVE f wm I 1 ' WMW 1 W0&Mm litest i S i&m Immi 1 I I,,. i n 1 1 lit ii 1 1 city of liothune Iiiim been niii! of tliu objectives of tlit Germans In their drive In Flanders iiihI tliu ... .. . .1 . I i. Nil I . - t. . I. . I il .. .1... I. ..II. I p.riil-h li:i v I i i I I Mliiiiniirnl.v to t lie towns inni guarucu u. mis pnoiogriipii miuws uiu sipiare ui m-minn.-, iuc uunsr v: being damaged l.v gunfire. NUCLEUS OF AMERICA'S GREAT FLEET OF SEAPLANES i I ii (urniinfiiit-H' r inVrtir Vv v, nil n it I lifi i Ill II ill. mulniH f the li thft of Ht'iipliuu-s Hint Undo Sum Is going to have U bliown hore. At this uvlation sta 1'i !;iin's tuv kIiowu nrrlvlug or on tho bench. BIG BRITISH HOWITZER IN ACTION 9 . 1 4 I'lns iilmiiii'iipli slums ii Ilrlllsh linwiliirr, liiililcn by ciiiiinulhiyc, In iictlon -'lust- ilu' Huns. The i,'iin rrow lire ruvi'i'lnj; their e;irs to uvoid the ileiili'iiiiifc' '''i't iif (lie explosion. RUSHING WORK ON MERCHANT VESSELS liiljippi LEANING VIRGIN SHOT DOWN JjSl 'i'.i...'.?n' "Mif'iey, s .a ' ft The h'lininj; Virgin lit the top of the Alhert eiilheilnil, now hehlnil the Oer intin lines, was shot down by Uerinnn artillery. The (Inure luiil been over hniiKliiK the street since MH, when the city was shelled by tho Gerimins. There was a widespread superstition Hint when the Virgin fell peaeo would he deelared. Making It Easier. "Pn you have luentless days nt your house V" "Yes," replied Mr. Mcckton. "10v eryhody except the due" "Why the exception?" "Well, Henrietta Is rlnht compll inenlary nhmit It. She says toy su perior IntelUcence enables mo to bo philosophical about a situation which would crieve Hdu because ho couldn't understand It." Texas had done some shipbuilding before tho war, lint In no comparison ,v'"i what Is heliij; done now. Many of the bluuest wooden ships ever built helnij Iniinched there. This jiliutogrniih shows two huge wooden vessels n Hie ways nt u Texas shipyard. He Knew. As an Introduction to n valentine son),' that ('. K. Park, supervisor ot music In the Kushville tchools. was Kolnj: to tench to llrst-Knide piiills, ho asked them: "What day Is tomor row?" lie expected the reply to be "Valentine day," but n riiiiiII voice piped from the back of tho room: "Meatless day." Indianapolis News. ,.) '!iMi.'".mi),illl'i '.u vv im iwn' v wyti y i " " .. M I if (lf . , : : :: I'holo by -. I ft tuuyA! t A ? -r - .tS5fW I iwMwiuayji'fi!iB .''WWi1'l;j'yrlBWiMii' I I VJ.'.rT'LA'i ""--ii"ilM-' iirt -iivfttlii Virtm -'----.---V''-'..A'. I I Il Is a niiminin sight nowadays to see the brawny and hardened veterans of American I raining camps passing through London on their way to the I'rcnch front. Many of our units are landed at an Kngllsh port, mid the men are given n bike ihrotigh Kngland to stretch their legs after the long sen voyage. The photograph shows the system of pack carrying adopted by our troops on the march. FIRST PLANE USED IN FRANCE BY AMERICAN ARMY AVIATORS ' : " l This i hotograph, taken on tin uvlation Held somewhere in ! ranee, shows the first airplane used In France by aviators of the American navy. BURNED HAND IN BANDAGES Er.& fef l.ea'i.L The president's first public nppenr nnce sini'e ho bmiied his left luinil on tho red-hot exhaust pipe of the tank "Prlttanla" was at the funeral of Don Santiago Aldunate, ambassador from Chile. The president Is accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. Good Word for the Mule. "A mule," says one army ollicer, In singing Maud's praises, "Is most em phatically not tin low-down, ornery anhnal that she Is commonly supposed to be. As far as strength, sure-footed-ness and Maying power are concerned, there Is no comparison between her and n horse. "I have never seen n mule rattled. And let me tell you. their ears nre not big for nothing. They hear the least little sound and nre not backward In lifting their voices nnd telling yon about It. Tiny are Indispensable In trench warfare." Hoover Not Popular With Her. Helen was fond of the Icing on cake. A cake was brought to the table with out the customary icing and Helen was much disappointed and wanted to know why the loved Icing was missing. Her mot her told her that we were helping Mi'- Hoover by using les. su gar. The little maid was silent for n few' moments, then said, "I wish God hadn't made Mr. Hoover." Didn't Want That One. "Central, have you got my call?" l'.iiz, buz. He took down the receiver nnd list ened. "Where have you been, you brute?' "King olT, please," responded the gentleman gently. "Thank goodness. I have the wrong number." Louisville O'lMot -Journal. BAILLEUL, CENTER OF FIERCE FIGHTING liailleul, one of the Important strategic points on the Flanders front, was taken by the Germans after a bloody fight unil thereafter was the center of desperate struggle. The principal street and the church are hero shown. COLLIER CYCLOPS, STRANGELY. MISSING V. 7 Wl v AJV - MUM -minuMm I'liolo 'III t This Is the I'nlted States collier Cyclops which bus been missing for many weeks. Tho vessel, one of the finest of her class, was on tho way north with u cargo of manganese from Brazil and carried 201 men. (Copyright, 111, Weiurn Newipapcr Union. It all began by Miss Vandervourt happening to enter the pliyslclun'8 of fice where Cellu was employed as sec retary. At first the society younff woman glanced carelessly at the little figure seated before the mnhognny desk, then her glunce changed to oue of pleased recognition. "Why, Cellu I" she exclaimed, "Who would huve expected to find you here!" The doctor's young secretary re turned the greeting coldly. ".My friends of a more prosperous time have long ceased to 'expect' uuy thing of me," she replied. Hut Vandervourt responded frankly: "That Is unfair of you, dear; you yourself have been much to blame for tho seemiiiK neglect. After your fa ther's death you disappeared complete ly. Kven the adoring Frank Kimball was unable to obtain a clue to your whereabouts." Cella's face flamed. "There was no reason," she an swered slowly, "why Mr. Klnibnll should have tried to 'locate me. Our conditions had changed." Steadily her clear, blue eyes looked Into those of her former friend. "Father's Invest ments had been unfortunate," said Cellu. "I was left penniless, mid wus obliged to seek work," A tremulous sinllo curled her lip. "ou know, Jo sephine, 'working girls' were not In cluded In our circle." "What nonsense!" Miss Vander vourt promptly responded. "As if we should have forgotten you, Cellu I To make restitution for your ungenerous suspicions you must (vine out and pcnd tho week-end i4 'The Gables.' I positively will tuke no refusal. Just the old chosen few will be there, nnd we shall all be so glud to have you." Josephine's hand warmly clasped hers, while quick tours filled tho sec retary's eyes. "I will come," she Impulsively agreed. And when she adjusted her hat luter, before the mirror, her cheeks were glowing with a new nnd delicious excitement. There was still more than an hour before the shops would close for the night, nnd she would have time to select a new frock. Silk wus out of the question ; crepe also. Cella hopefully made her way across the department store show room to a swinging ruck where, be neath a sign printed "$15.00," organdie gowns were displayed. Kagerly she swung the rack about. Various pinks, greens and blues were discarded, and then the little ru filed dress came Into view. Of softest gray It was, bluo rib bons quaintly woven among Its frills. Cellu sighed In admiration. "Just the thing!" she confided to the saleswoman. "Huve you my size?" Thoughtfully she considered. "I will huve tho dress charged," said Cellu. "The frock will he chnrged to your account, mndume," she announced. Colin smiled at her own reflection when arrayed for the week-end party, the elect was so visibly charming. Frank Klmltall was evidently not slow In recognizing this fuct; neither hud absence nor the determined aloof ness of his one-time sweetheart chunged his affection. Persistently he Ignored her forbid ding manner and plead his own cause. "What sort of n mnn did you take me for," he accused. "It's no use, Frank," she said decid edly. "I have thought the thing out. If you hud really tried to find me at first" " "Tried!" exclaimed tho young man, exasperated. Hut Cellu rode back alone In Jo sephine's carriage to the boarding house she called home, nnd there were tears on tho milled dress that night 09 she folded It away. Then, after a dull, lonely month, when Frank Kimball's repeated telephone calls were discour aged, came an astounding bill from the great store that was his father's. Cellu gasped at It In dismay, but In stinctively reullzed Its Import. A ter rible mistake had been made In the price of tho quaint organdie dress nnd she was chaYged for fifty dollars. Wearily she went to tho ales woman. "So sorry you misunderstood," said that person. "Some one must have slipped the dress on tho wrong rack. Mr. Woods!" she called sympathetical ly, nnd before Cella realized she was being escorted by that gentleman to tho mnnuger's otllce. "It really Is not remedial." Cella ex plained, "The dress has been worn." Hut the courteous Mr. Woods placed a chair for her In the manager's office. When Cellu looked up again Frank Klnibnll stood staring down upon her. "You, Cella I" be exclaimed. "Great Scott I Woods has been telling me of your your " "It Is nothing," she answered firmly, nnd arose to go. "I beg your pardon," Frank Insisted. "The mistake Is entirely our own. The frock should bnve been upon Its own hunger. You will bo chnrged fifteen dollar." "I shall pay," Cella started out bravelythen her voice faltered "fifty dollars," she added faintly. Then, In one quick, breathless mo ment she was swept from her feet straight Into her lover's nrms. "In just as short a time as It takes to get It," snld Mr. Frank Kimball, "we shft'l necure a license, and you and I will V married. I won't stand ft chance of losing yon again." One Secure. , "There may be meat and egg nnd milk trusts, hut there never could be a successful vegetable trust." "Why not?" "Because there would be sure to be a leek In It somewhere." thing Seem ?hat Way. Bucon Conservation Is the Just now, Egbert Then I suppose the man who makes two blades of grass grow where onlv one rrow before la In dla- ' grace?