The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 04, 1918, Image 7

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D Li Jl I
I Courage Is a matter of the blood,
lthout good red blood a man has a
Ienk heart and poor nerves.
Ia the uprlng Is the best time to
ke stock of one's condition. If the
Mood Is thin and watery, face pale or
imply, generally weak, tired and 11st
tss. one should take a spring tonic.
lie tllUl will uo ma sprniK iiuuHC
canine, on old-fashioned herbal rem
iv tliut was used by everybody nearly
0 yeurs ago is sun snie ana sane ue
(hum It contains no alcohol or narcot
ic, it Is made up of Blood root, Gold
in goal root, Oregon Grape root,
C uecn's root, Stone root, Black Cherry
krl extracted with glycerine ond
(inde Into liquid or tablets. This blood
fcmlc was first put out by Dr. I'lerco
fa rendy-to-use form and since then
Ins been sold by million bottles as Dr.
flcrce's Golden Medical Discovery. If
riiRglsts do not keep this in tablet
i.inn, send CO cents for a vial to Dr.
lerce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Kidney disease carries away u largo
crwiitage of our people, 'hat Is to
(done? The answer Is easy. Kiit less
ilput, eat coarse, plain food, with plenty
f vegetables, drink plenty of water
ptween meals, and tuke an uric acid
nlvent after meals for n while, such as
nnrie (double strength), obttilnnble at
fliuost any. drug store. It was first
Iscovered by Dr. Tierce. Most every
nc troubled with uric acid finds that
Anurlc dissolves the uric acid as hot
voter does sugar. You can obtain a
rial paeknge by sending ten rents to
loctor Tierce's Iuvnllds' Hotel and
Surgical Institute In Buffalo, N. Y.
Cuticura Soap
Is Ideal
For the Hands
! Their Kind.
"What do you suppose the mermaids
mve for pets?"
"Ocean greyhounds und sea pusses,
kif course."
How's This ?
We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh
!lhut cannot be cured by HALL'd
Un Internally and acts through the Blood
eon the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sold by artiKKieia tor over xoriy years.
Price 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
HI Idea.
Waters lie wus stranded on a hid
den bnr.
Booze Pinched In n speak-easy, eh?
Toti novcr can know how superior to other
jirtparp om Ur. l'eery's "Dead Shot" la un
til you nav iriea 11 once, a singis uuss
cltiui out Wormi or Tapeworm. Adv.
Did you encounter n luzy mnn who
did not attribute his trials and tribu
lations to bad luck?
Act well for the moment and you
have done well for nil time.
Keep Yourself Fit
You can't afford to be laid up with
ore, aching kidneys in these Java of
high prices. Some occupations bring
kidney trouble; almost any work
maliet weak kidneys worse. If you feci
tired all the time, and suffer with lame
back, sharp parls, dizzy spells, head
aches and disordered kidney action, use
Doan's Kidney Pills. It may save an
attack of rheumatism, dropsy, or
Hright's disease. Doan's bare helped
thousands back to health.
A Virginia Case
Alex. Umbcrger, 8pll
ler St., Wythtville, Va.,
ays: "I hud a steady,
dull ache across the
mall of my back. Hard
work and heavy lifting
brought on the troublo.
The kidney aevrellons
were Irregular and
painful In pusaage and
at times, the backache
was so severe, I could
imruiy airaignten. it
was hard for me to gel
OUt of hefl mnrntnirs
Doan's Kidney I'llV
irengmenea my tmcs-" -and
regulated my kidneys and the
benefit has been permunent."
Get Doan's at Any Stan, BOe a Bos
Why suffer from
excruciating neu
ralgia cains when
an application of Yager's Uniment
will give quick relief?
This 1 iniment is good too, forrheu
inatiim, sciatica, headache, pain in
cheator aide, sprains, cuts and bruiiti,
Hnch bottle contains niorethan the
Uaal tuo buule of llnlmsuU
UILHEKT BROS, ft CO.,Haltlinore,Md.
Mother Gray's Powders
Benefit Many Children
Thousands of Moth
ers have found MOTHER
DERS an excellent rem
edy for children com
plaining of Headaches,
Colds, Constipation,
Feveriahness, Stomach
Troubles and Bowel Ir
regularities from which
children suffer at this
season. These nowders
re easy and pleasant to take and excel
lent results are accomplished by their
Jjse. Used by Aothers for 31 ytars.
Sold by Druggists everywhere, aj cents.
Trial package FREE. Address,
ke a prompt and effectlre remedy one
that acts quickly and contains no opiates.
You can get such a remedy by asking for
ft .
Appealing to the
Dcaoof Moody Bible Institute,
TEXT Oh Israel, return unto the lr
thy nod, for thou hast fallen by thlnt
Iniquity. Take- with you words nnd turr
to the Lord; say unto him, take awa
our Iniquity and reralve us graciously; sc
will we render unto thee the calves of o'lt
lips. . . .
I will heal their backalldlng,
them freely; for mine anger
I will lovs
Is turned
away. Hosea 14:1-11.
I. TlnekslIdlnR In a religion senxe Ii
falling nway from one's pro'esslon
even thougn it 1
not always lslhl
to the eyes of men'.
A Christian need
not blaspheme,
nor commit mur
der, nor theft, nor
adultery, to be a
backslider. He
need only exalt his
own reason above
the Word of God,
or neglect tho
house of God, or
begin to fellow
ship with the
peoplo who do not
know God, to
mnke him a back(
slider. HuekslldliiK Imperils tho sol
vation of the soul, for although tho
Bible teaches tho perseverance of tho
saints It also teaches tho perseverance
of the sinners. While Christ teaches
that the sheep whom the Father hath
given him shall never be plucked out
of his hand, yet the evidence that we
are his sheep Is that we hour bis voice
nnd follow him.
The backslider not only Imperils the
salvation of his soul, but also makes
havoc of his peace from day to day,
for gloomy thoughts and self-reproach
and an uneasy conscience possess him.
This must be so because even If ho
does not doubt his salvntlon at the
last, he must know that the building
he Is erecting on his foundation Is one
of wood, liny and stubble, that cannot
stand the test of the fire which Is to
try every Christian's work of what
sort It Is In the duy of reckoning that
Is coming.
The backslider Is a serious menace
to other Christians nnd n great ob
stacle In the way of those that are
unsaved. Lord Byron Is on record as
dating his earliest feelings against
Christianity from having witnessed
how little some of Its votaries were
actuated by the spirit of love they pro
fessed ; and Invld Brnlnerd, the great
missionary to the American Indians,
tells how the savages In Delaware re
fused to listen to him because of the
bad treatment they hnd received from
some who called themselves Chris
tians. II. But for the penitent backslider
there Is encouragement and hope. .Ills
Is not an unpardonable offense, since
God Is ever calling upon his people to
return to him on the ground of tho
reconciliation which Christ made for
them on the cross. In the text he Is
doing that In Israel's case, reminding
them that they had not been thrust
nway by him, but that they had fallen
by their own Iniquity. It was their)
own fault, and yet he tells them how
they might come bnck, "Take with you
words," ho says, "and turn to thq
Lord." He even puts the words In
their rwuths telling them Just what to
sny. They are to say, "Take away ini
Iqulty and receive us graciously." Ant
they are to promise him that they wilt
render him the praise and gratitude of)
their hearts, for that really Is what Is
meant by "the calves of our Hps."
And how will God receive nnd bless
those who thus return to him In faith?
First of all, he will heal them, apply
ing the balm of his forgiving nnd
cleansing love to the wounds which sin
has made on their souls. And he will
do this freely, eagerly, like the father
of the prodigal son who seeing bis son
n great way off, ran to meet him nnd
fell on his neck and kissed him.
It is not the works of our self-right-eoiisness
that God desires In ortler to
bring about our restoration, but rather
broken anil contrite hearts. Our works
will follow our words If the latter nro
sincere nnd true. In other words, God
commences where man would end. Man
would want to recall his former life be
fore he would return to God. But God
would hnve him return first and then
he will find that his former life has
already been recalled.
Oh, Is there someone In whose heart
this touches a responsive chord?
Some Chrlstlnn whose life has been
crusted over with the cares nnd pleas
nres of this world, but with whom
God's Spirit Is now pleading! Let hlin
venture wholly on the love of God In
Christ who will not "quench the smok
ing flax nor break the bruised." Wo
say unto him in the language of tho
prophet, "Come, return unto the Lord
for he hath torn nnd he will heal you ;
he hath smitten nnd he will bind you
III. But let not this exhortation bo
concluded without n loving word of
warning to those who nro not back
slidden, but who may be. You have
stood by the sea and watched tho
waves break upon tho shore. For a
whilo they all seemed to touch the
snmo point. At first It wns Impossible
to soy whether the tide wns going out
or coining In. You had to watch close
ly for a while to determine. By and
by tho ebbing waters told the tale.
It Is so with backsliding and back
sliders. The process of declension Is
very gradual. No Christian ever sub
stituted vice for virtue by a sudden
resolution of mind. Tho slipping away
began underneath, while the surface
appearance remained unchanged.
Prayer became formal, the eye of fulth
grew dim, self-indulgence gained
ground, and at Inst men could no
longer, take knowledge of him that he
had been with Jesus I Oh, watch nnd
pray, that ye enter not Into tempta
tion. Mirror of Life.
Wo nro mirrors reflecting tho life
of Christ, but we must stay close to
him and keep the mirror part of us
impbovid umroRM international
(Hy E. O. BICU.IiKS. Acting Director ot
tho Sunday School Course of the Moody
Illble Institute, Chicago.)
(fnpvrlKht, IMS, WntM-n Newspaper Union
I.KSSON TEXT Mark 7:1-37.
OOI.DEN TEXT If the son therefor
shall mako you free, ye shall be free In
deed. -John 8:3l.
TEACH ICRS Matt 15:1-31, II Cor. 3:17, 18;
Onl. 6:1-26.
and the deaf man.
MEMORY VERSE He hath done all
things well, be maketh even the deaf to
hear and the dumb to spoak. Mark 7:37.
This lesson denls with the lost of
those four events which mark tho
crisis In the life of our Lord at Caper
naum. It occurred just before the third
period of his Gullelenn ministry and
tho time of tm flnul departure for Jeru
salem. We have seen what the attl
tudo of Jesus was toward tho law of
his nation. In this lesson wo see his
attitude towurd tho rabbinical tradi
tions of the peoplo which wero the
opinions of men nnd not the luw of
God. Just si.' many toduy look upon
tho forms and ceremonies of the
church as being verily the law of God.
Moreover, these traditions wero made
a pretext whereby men evuded tho
law. So today we find men very relig
ious nnd punctilious In their churehly
duties, who fall miserably In their ap
plication of the moral code to conduct.
The analysis fulls Into four general
divisions: One, the nccusutlon, (vv.
1-5. ; two, the answer, (vv. (1-13) ; three,
the application, (vv. U Z)., nnd four,
the Illustration, (vv. 21-37).
I. The Accusation, (vv. 1-fi). Tho
growing hatred of tho I'lmrlsees, led
them to make long Journeys from Jeru
salem that they might spy on Jesus
and find a pretext for nccusutlon.
While they were studying Mm, they re
vealed their Ideas of the kingdom of
God. They took special notice that
the disciples of Jesus nto without
washing their hands. We must not un
derstand this to mean so much the re
moval of defilement, as the neglect of
n ceremonial observance over which
the Pharisees were punctilious, (vv. 3,
4). Verses three and four Illuminate
certnln traditions to which tho Jews
adhered tenaciously. Thus exempli
fied we enn see thnt their Ideas of
man's relation to God were largely n
matter of external ceremony. Purity
to them was on outward matter largely
governed by the traditions of men, (v.
II. The Answer (v. 0 13). The an
swer of Jesus revenls the very oppo
site Ideal. He begins by calling the
Phnrlsees hypocrites. A hypocrite Is a
play actor one who hides behind a
mask. Applying the prophecy of
Isaiah, Jesus plainly tells the Phnrlsees
that they are hiding their true charac
ter behind tho mnsk of ceremonlnl
cleansing. Such piny acting Is but a
poor Imitation of the real heart con
dition demnnded of God, (Psa. 01:10).
Their hearts were far from God, even
though with their Hps they professed
to serve him. The love we express to
God consists not In ritualistic worship,
but In doing his will from the heart.
III. The Application, (v. 14 23).
Jesus takes advantage of this discus
sion, and, turning to the multitude, up
on whom the rharlsees would bind a
grievous burden of ceremonialism and
falsehood (Matt. 23:4), warns them
thnt It Is not so much thnt which en
ters Into a man that defiles him, B9
thnt which Issues from him (v. 15). It
seems quite natural that In their per
plexity the disciples should nsk Jesus
what he meant by that. In his reply
(vv. 1S-23), Jesus shows very clearly
that "the Issues of life" (Prov. 4:23),
reveal the corruption which Is within.
(See Mutt. 12:3-1. 35; Gen. 0:5; James
3:10-12). If the heart be not cleansed,
what will It avail If we wash tho
hands? What then Is the application
for this pnfcnt day? Clearly we arc
taught the danger of Hp service with
out a change of heart. Substituting
good for the best Is sin. Forms aud
ceremonies are good and hnve their
place; they arc slgnihYnnt for they are
Importnnt teaching factors; but they
must not be substituted for a pure
heart. We must beware lest we hldo
behind Euch a musk.
There is here also plain teaching ns
to Jesus' estimate of the Pentateuch
ond Inferentlnlly of the prophecy of
Isaiah. Ho specifically calls It "tho
Word of God." Surely we can accept
his estlmuto as contrasted with the
tradition of tho elders or the "con
sensus of modern thought."
I-ess tnlk and more walk.
I-ess wIshltiR nnd more dolnir,
I-esa prcachlnir nnd mote pnu-tlrlng,
Lens organization and more of the spirit
Finally, we have two Illustrations
ns to how Jesus sets men free, (n)
Jesus' silence appears to deepen faith
In the pleading Syrophenlclnn woman
(v. 24-30).
(b) We have the cure of the deaf
and tho dumb man, (vv. 31-37) ; In
stantaneous healing, showing divine
Jesus was setting his people free
from their bodily Infirmities nnd at
the same time delivering them from
their sins and imperfections nnd bring
ing them Into his spiritual Kingdom.
This he Is still doing.
Fullness of Life.
Christ came Into the world that we
might hnve life and have It more abun
dantly. The cramped, starved, half-developed
lives that so many are lead
ing are not In accordance with God's
plans. The plant thnt grows In the
shade, straggling nnd pale, Its bios
soms blighted before they unfold, Is
the type of many a one to whom God
Is ready to give life In Its fullness.
Do not be sntlsfled with mere exist
ence. Reach down for the deep things
nf pvnerlence. nnd un for those which
are high. See thnt your lire is run,
tree and good, as God meant It to be.
Yoa naturally fed secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The tame standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Koot.
Swamp-Root is scientifically compound
ed from vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and Is taken in
teaspoon ful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
According to verified testimony it is
nature's great helper in relieving and over
coming kidney, liver and bladder trou
bles. A sworn statement of purity Is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should have
the best.
If you are already convinced that
Swamp-Hoot is what you need, you will
find it on salo at all drug stores in bottles
of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
The Makers,
r.ooth Tnrkington, the novelist, met
In n New York book store a young lady
who was buying books to send to the
"I think I ought to send them seri
ous, heavy books history and so on
don't you?" she doubtfully Inquired.
I "Good gracious, no!" said Mr. Tur-
ktngton. "Send them novels, rousing
novels, and nothing else. History?
What do they want with history? Why,
' they're making It!"
Why use ordinary cough remedies,
when P.oschee's German Syrup has
been used so successfully for fifty-one
years In all parts of tho United
I States for coughs, bronchitis, colds
settled In the throat, especially lung
troubles. It gives the patient a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In the morning,
i gives nature a chance to soothe the
Inflamed pnrts, throw oft the disease,
ht'ptng the patient to regain his
he. Ith. Made In America and sold for
mor 'bun half a century. Adv.
Sylve. r, nged four, was sent to bed
rnrly as .. i.tinlshment. While saying
his prayers 'ie remarked :
"Oh, Lord, I have asked you to make
me a good boy and you haven't done It,
and I tun very disappointed In you."
New Is the Tiae ts Gst Rid of Thtie Ugly Speti
There's no longer the slightest need of
feeling ashamed of your frcckks. as the pro
scription othlno double strength Is guar
anteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It nlKht and morning and you should
soon see that even the worst freckles have
begun to disappear, while the lighter onu
have vanished entirely. It Is seldom thnt
more thnn one ounce Is needed to completely
clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear
He sure tn ask for the double strength oth
lne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money
back It It talis to remove trickles. Adv.
Why Sambo Keeps His Mule.
"Why don't you get rid of thut
, mule?"
I "Well, suh, I hates to give In. If
I wus to trade tint mule olT he'd re
gard it as n personal victory. He's
been tryln' foil de las' six weeks to git
rid of mo." Everybody's Magazine.
Pimply Rishy Skins
Quickly soothed und healed by Cuti
cura often when all else falls. The
Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint
ment to soothe and henl. For free
samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. X,
Itoston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
You may doubt It, but he who cried
"Good Wiil Toward Men" Is still very
much alive.
To keep clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasnnt Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Farm Information Is the secret of
farm Inspiration.
Springs His Usual Conundrum, to the
Delight and Bewilderment of the
Prune Club,
"We've missed you for several morn
ings," remarked the blond typewriter
to the thin boarder us he glided Into
tho ineatless-wheutless breakfast ta
ble, according to the Yonkers States
man. "Well, see If you can miss this one,
Cutle," replied the conundrum throw
er. "Why Is the English general, Sir
Julian Ityng, the hero of Cumbral, like
Annette Kelleriminn, the swimmer?"
"One has mudo good In flights and
tho other In tights," suggested the
bank clerk with the red necktie.
"Puck up! I said why arc they
alike, not why are they different,"
came from the thin man.
"Kecuuse they are prominent for di
vers reasons," ventured the school
teacher with the shell glasses.
"Won't do," answered the man who
started the trouble. "Listen. Here's
the answer: Itecnuse they were both
made famous by the tanks."
Island Rapidly Disintegrating.
It was on Simbowa, a Uttlo east of
Java, that an explosion occurred years
ago, audible for nearly 1,000 miles, and
so completely burying a whole prov
ince that only 20 persons escaped In
a population of 12,H)0.
The fine-grained dust or ashes, grecn-Ish-groy
In color, of which tho Island
Is composed, Is very friable, anil the
wnves, dashing against tho new ob
struction In their way, have torn off
tho edges and considerably reduced
the Island's area.
The largest amount of material Is
gathered on one sltlo of the crater,
through which the title of debris
poured; nnd there a cliff, 150 feet high,
fronts the sea. Inland the cIHT slopes
gently tlown until It reaches the level
of the tongue of land, about a mile
In length and only ten or twelve feet
above high tide, which forms the rest
of the Island. It Is a bare, dark In up
of ashes, which tho ocean rollers are
doing their best to bury out of sight
beneath the sea.
Putting Her Foot In It
Not long ago a miscellaneous party
of visitors was being shown over n
ducal palace. One of them, a stout,
overdressed woman, feeling herself so
cially considerably above her fellow
sightseers, turned to the housekeeper
ami said :
"And how Is tbe duke? He wnsn't
very well when I saw him last."
'"Ills grace has a slight cold," re
plied the housekeeper, "but otherwise
Is III the best of health."
After allowing the company suffi
cient time to recover, tho lady re
sumed :
".V"d how Is tbe dear duchess?"
"The duchess, madam, has been dead
these thirty yeurs."
Their Awful Plight.
She And what was your most ter
rifying experience during your two
years In the trenches?"
He (grimly) The night
She Yes, yes?
He When, with the Roches only
100 yards away
She Go on I
He and gas bombs raining and
liquid lire coursing upon us
She Yes, yes I
He When we suddenly discovered
She Go on 1 ,
He That there wasn't a cigarette
In our whole detachment 1
All She Could Be Sure Of.
Mr. Itrown, widower, hnd advertised
for a housekeeper. On the applicant's
arrival, Mr. Itrown was out anil his
three-year-old daughter answered the
"What's your papa's name?" the
woman asked.
After a pause the little girl an
swered: "I don't know what It was
before ho wns married, but It's Mr.
Itrown now."
Some people kick because they are
unable to discover where the shoe
The foe Is as hard to kill as an
old hedge fence but we'll get him.
Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book
shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer
for less money than the live steer cost!
Proceeds fiom the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products
covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling
expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift &
Company's 1917 figures as follows:
Average price paid for live cattle per steer
Average price received for meat . .
Average price received for by-products
Total received . -. -. -. hr . . .
This leaves for expenses and profit
Of which the profit per steer was
There are many other interesting and instructive
facts and figures in the Year Book. .
We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free
' for the asking.' Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
Swift Sc Company, U. S. A.
the sun with i'
Vision for a moment, those far off ports
beyond the trackless seas
From Arctic Ice. to the torrid lands
beneath the Southern Cross
From towns tucked in the mountains, to
the bucy river's mouth
WRIGLEY5 is there!
There, because men find
comfort and refreshment
in its continued use.
Because of Its benefits
and because
Xa The TJavor g
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking far
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon th
efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Every Available Tillable Acre Must Contribute; Every AvalUM
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreace to be seeded, but man power
is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; On
Demand From Canada Alone for 1918 Is 400,000,000 Bushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but Decafs
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who am
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the Uniicsl
States developed first of course) but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied
we want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where yoa am
best serve the combined interests.
Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wage
to competent help, 50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wage
good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cost
a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return
For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be lusl
' After n mnn lius acquired n certnln
amount nf wisdom he would rut her
ndd to It tlmu display Ida iiieuger
68.97 CI
Their Idea.
"What Is the principle of repeaftae
rifles?" '.'I suppose It Is to make
shot tell on (lie enemy."
i ma 11