fHE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURQ, PA. NOW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or ganic Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Oreprm, II!." I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for an or ennie trouble which Picture ers n THIs Dopartmont Our Roadors In Fulton County and; Elaowhero May Journey Arouncj the Aorld Al-tl-i the Oamora on the Trail of History IVIaklng: Happenings. qijznMMmmw MAKING ARTIFICIAL LIMBS FOR CRIPPLED SOLDIERS OF OUR ALLIES pulled me down un til I could not put my toot to tne noor ana could scarcely do my onrlc. And aa I Hv on a small farm and mm raise six hundred chickens everv year it made it very bard of Word Events for News Read IIIIIIIMIIIUIII 1 11 mm I for me. "I haw th Com. I'W'iWr.. Vw- Ht V IS A U 7. "I .... W.H. W. SriMiJW"- j Konr AiiH-ricim soldiers in ;i llrst lim- Iri-m-li on tin- wi-st Ironl ; wlillc Uvo of II nrc f(MTntlnu n miiWiln.' Kim ill.' Iliinl ix 'ps.Tinu ll' rc.-.::ll mill Ilic foiirlh Is in;ikln m n-port for their Kiipi-rliirs. 'J IL.trl il. Villi-. In IMniS ilestroycil .it tlx' sniiif Him- III ) (iiTiiiiins sent shut iiml kIii-II Into the worlil r.'iinwn.'il rutlicilriil of Notre liiiinc. ;('.., I,,,' iivncli niptmvd by the Kn i:cli while tier s weiv linloiiilin iiiiimiiiiitl.-n from freight nirs from K.-seii. NEWRUS BRIDGE, ONE OF LONGEST IN THE WORLD N (. - . k hiiil-es In ihe worhl. the rnilwii.v h.-hlue over Ihe Amur I,..,.,, roinplelcil after live veiilK of const ruction lit a cosl of S'.I.IHHI.IHKI. :s ihe co lellon of the Amur rnilwny from Kueiiu'e to Khiiluin.vsk. It is I ...I llMS tlCII lie III I lie Will'. ;is II will lie necessiiry unlliiK to dispMlches recelvcil here, ;icn GRENADE RECEPTION This I'uilii in the llrst line trenches "soinew here where the hnltlcs rajje.s" Is ready to (ire a rille ni'cnnilo into the minks of I lie oncomliij,' Teutons. DISABLED MEN TAUGHT USEFUL TRADES 1 A.vS? "3 rAT 1WW ffl w i A Imsplliil wliere disahh'd Nohllers leiiiu various trades has lieen estah Hshcd lu luihlln, Ireland. Here lire some of the men who have hecotue skilled 'iirveiH, mm ior ioe inni'in i f,- will he occllpli'il li.v .liiiiinise troops In FOR A HUN ATTACK mi mtHMnw IsY ' n i 45x fclr4 m v ' :-. A . river lit Klml.nrovsl;. Sll.crlu, which The hrhlfe Is 7..V.IS feel hum', lis llnlsh most likely tlmt this new l.rhl'e will ... rl'.li. ui.i.llinw ..I' Silixl'ln which. protect Ihe supplies there. COURTS MOSLEMS' FAVOR Kaiser Wllhelm dons u Turkish uni form when lie wants to Impress the Mohammedan Ktilijects of his ally. Sul tan Mehuied V. Pictures of the tier limn emperor so arrayed tiro liclnt: shown to the people of (lerinany and the ottoman empire us rcpreseiitliiK Ihe protector and deliverer of the Moslems, f In hi rl i discreet silence is malnttilued rccnrdlli); massacres of Armenians and ill-treatiiient of other Christlmis as well as .lews with the sanction of his friend, I ho sultan. It will he noticed that the kaiser has hedecked himself wllh every decoration It Is In his power to liestow. Knew What He Was About. ISostoii has frequently heen made the hull of the Joker who declines that our cops g nhotit with their noses hurled In n volume of Kpletoits or some other ancient. We've never noticed any doing this. We confess, however, to ItearliiK of a policeman who was hit vliij; his hahy christened and pivc the name "Septimus Oetnvl us" to the otliclatliiK clerKyman. "Hut er " heKiin thtf minister. "That's nil rlaht, sir." said the cul tlvaled cop. "He's the seventh sou, hut the elKhlh child." Hoston Kvening Tritnscrl)t. 119 YOUNG AERIAL RECRUIT i. i iiimii j " wt vas-rx Miriest pluiit In the worhl for the liiiiliiifiiclure of iiriillrlnl llinlis loealeil In Wiishlnu'loli. I. C wliere liuuilieiH if "new" leys iiml nriiiH lire tiirneil out dully for ttm use of the KiikNsIi. ('!iiiinli:iii nnl French sohllcrs rrlpplcil on Ihe hiitlli'llt'lil of I'm lire. ANTIAIRCRAFT GUNS PROTECT ADRIATIC COAST FROM HOSTILE FLYERS ,- ;ir4i'. u. ; '1 n 1 1 ii M it ii imlhiircrul't nuns nioiiulol iiml protect tin ast cities from aitiu k ENGLAND'S FIGHTING PRINCE I t'nele Sam Is ralslm; ami tralnliiK for his nerlal dispatch service thou sands of currier plucoiis. "Over there" these duinh creatures carry Important iiicssnces from tidvanced posts mid from nvlators to the artillery. The photograph shows one of our hoys holdliiK n cnrrler pigeon Just, a few clays old. r, o w..i.Tn Nrw.iniii.r l;nlitu Ai on rullwny cnrrhiui's ami iimniicil hy hy Austrian ami (iertimu aviators. QDD HIDING PLACE A I'oilu posiim In the slump td' u tree from which a Heche sniper for iuc'V made life mlserahle for the men In the llrst line trenches in the Alsne seett,' A French raldiiiK parly under cover of night llnally discovered tho Hocho 'i the slump of this willow tree and the sniper will snipe no more. Fish's Armor. The possessi'in of a complete (ir mor is very common mining tlsnes, as n matter of fact, the scales of fish, when of sulllclent size and thickness, and covering the greater part of the hody, form u most effective protection against Injury. Some fish are com pletely encased In n dense liony armor covering the entire hody. The eyes, nil the 11ns, the lips and other small necessary apertures nlone are tnovahle, these appearing In openings at the side where they occur, held In position hy surrounding tough skin. First Coal Was Quarried. Nobody knows Just when man first came to use coal its find. Coal was not systematically mined until little more than 4tH years ago at Newcastle, Kng land. These coal cptarrles were not deep and were frequently Hooded wllh water until VJ.ri years ago, when mining begun to go below the surface. Hy that time Watt hud discovered the power of steam. Coal was used to generate sleam and steam was used to pump the water out of the coal holes. In tills wny burning coal made It possible to obtain more coal to burn. 'Xi':...-. Ilnliim sailors patrol the Adriatic coast OF A BOCHE SNIPER Why He Wished to Enlist. 1'uul (iury of Anderson Is nil Ameri can, with the exception of a glass eye. The substitute optic Is alien. Onry tried to enlist In the United Slates marine corps at the recruiting station tit Louisville, lie was rejected when his Infirmity was discovered by Sergeant !. C. Wright. "Didn't you know that the loss of nn eye would prevent your enlisting?' linked the sergeant. "I thought. It might." explained (Jury, "but this glass blinker Is tho only part of me that was made In (!er; ninny! and I want to take It back." He was advised to mall It. Indian apolis News. Confront Troubles Bravely. . A feeling of "bigness" conies to the man or woman who strikes right at the heart of the hard problem before him or her. Therefore the wise girl or woman Is she who will try to smile when all the world seems awry. Keep, lug calm and quietly resolving to sur mount the difficulty before her means that she will not only master It, but feel bigger and braver us u result. Kxchange. ,i'v .-v. ifc '.v pound advertised in Our paper, and tried it It hftA rmtored my health so I can do all my work and I am so Rrateful that I am recommend ing it to my friends." Mrs. D. si. Alters, R. R. 4, Oregon, III. Only women whohave suffered the tor tures of such troubles and have dragjred alone from day to day can realize tha relief which this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegfetabla Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. Women everywhere in Mrs.' Alters condition should profit by her recom mendation, and if there are any com plications write Lydia E. Pinkham a Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of their 40 years experienca is at your service. For Lameness Keep a bottle of Yager'i Liniment in your stable for spavin, curb, splint or any enlargement, for shoulder slip or sweeny, wounds, galls, scratches, collar or shoe boils, sprains and any lameness. It absorbs swellings and en largements, and dispels pain and stillness very quickly. YAGERS LINIMENT 35c Per Bottle At All Dealers Each bottle con tains more than the usual 50c bottle of liniment. GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE. M0. Equal to the Emergency. Mrs. I'lathush 1 met Mrs. Gabh at tho funeral today. Mr. I'lalhiish oh. that talkative woman? "Yes; and she kept talking all the time, and I was afraid she would dis turb the service." "Why didn't you tell her to keep still?" ' "I did. but she said It wasn't her funeral." Portable Distillery. A I'renih perfume-tiianufacturlng company has constructed a portable distillery to obtain extracts from either wild or cultivated (lowers In the regions In which they grow. To restore a normal action to Liver, KidncVH, Momai'li and Itowels, take Oar licld Tim, the aiild herb laxative. All drutiKiKts. Adv. Sirange how a fellow with plenty of spare-time never seems to do any thing. Kvery girl has her own way of tank ing a youiiL' man Ulss her. Strength Gave Out Mrs. Schmitt Was Miserable From Kidney Trouble Until Doan's Came to Her Assistance. Now WelL clmae of life," taya Mrs. Margnretha Schmitt, 03 Alabama Ave., Hrook- lyn, N. . My back aoaeil ana painea its if it were broken. When I moved in bod, sharp, darting pains caught me serosa my linen nun i couldn't turn. Morning 1 was stiff and tore and it felt aa if heavy weights were tied to me, I was so, worn-out. I often came near fall ing from dimness and flashes of fire would eome before my eyes, blinding me. 'f ttml th mml mA Nn. Schmitt vere headachea and my kidneys didn't act regularly, ine secretions pawu too often and caused much distreas. i Kar.llir a1,1a tn fin mv hniiseirark and just to walk upstairs took all my atreagth. "As soon aa I began taking Poatl I rM.A., IHllm T ininmvftfl snd sit 1, in 'v . .-. boxes put me in better health than I bad enjoyed lor years." Mrs. Schmitt gave the foregoing statement in 1918 and on April 8, 11)17, she said: "My cure has been permanent. I keep Voan'$ on hand, however, and take a few dosea occa sionally." G Doan's at Any Storo. 80o Boa DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. BRONCHIAL TROUBLES Sootha the Irritation and you rellera the distress. Do both qnlckly and ettectirslr by promptly usuif a dependable remedy-" m wmw