THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, PA. ires PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS 3 in This Dopar-fcmon-t Our Roadors in Pul ton Ooun-ty and Elsowhoro May journey Around tho World Al-th the Camera on the TV sail of History Making Happenings. BURIAL PLACE OF OUR FIRST SOLDIERS KILLED IN FRANCE fill I i;(('M&4mTf$ VOLUNTEERS ENROLLING TO BUILD AMERICAN SHIPS In n lit 1 1 ('cmi'lcry Jul owislih; (lie riuiu'il villiic? if liiitluili'iiii-nt in l.nrriiiin ri'sl ihc ihrrc llrst AiihtIciiii hhI dlcrs to 1'isc their lives Turin;,' ilio enemy. The hnys, (ni'iionil (Jresliiiin mill Privates Knight unil liny, were killed (InrliiK nn eiiKJiyeineiit Niivenilirr 3, 1!17. A inniiunient will mark I lie ict w liere tliey nre Imrieil. 'J'liis plmt ;rii pli shows a party of Amerlenii new ipajier eorresiimidenls at one of the Knives. FRENCH TRGCPS ADVANCING BEHIND HEAVY CURTAIN FIRE & y :? "Zt fu& I K u, 7 . ; 1'lils Is hut n Ninall liatrh of tlie men who are daily enrolling' to Imilil ships to heat the kaiser, vnlunli'erliii; for tliis work are enrolled in the United States shipyard volunteers of the puhlle serviee eaeli one of tlieni will he iven a certilieate slyned by board, to testify to the volunteer's patriotism. All the reserve. men To Kdwnrd S. Hurley, ihiilniian of the United States shippliiii BRITISH USE DUMMY TANKS TO DECEIVE THE GERMANS f X Jt -4. i 4 v.v-O'y i f'4 4h ""I - j .WMWWMMWW II jll III y j IIJIIJI Iiijjmiji MUJmllllfl'lf; ."'J.' J ' I .IJU'JJJJ IT1 i lirXflKtlKTIE " ' " t-u,,,., i., . , . Nf'l'i r t fm ' '1"'" - A'--.- v.. ". v , .:. ..- . , , . ...... ii-vi i rf' I Tliis ii n;ilkiili!e liho:ij;r:ii!i sliows i-'iciic li troops co:i:iir,' Ii.':hI on in ih au'vniire lielilml a heavy lire eiirtain "lilch makes them indistiiiL:iiish::hli- to Hie eni-niy. This r:i hi was made dhvetly across ' Man's I.aml on II nemy treni'ln's. and the pholoraplier evidently risked his life as he must have been at an advaneed listening post. TAKING ON BOfciBS FOR 'AN AERIAL RAID ! bishop becomes chaplain TOW N?f fWW.'.flnv 9 S 1 W il . r-- ?rsf f if. is t iw A I niieh aviator taking lioinlis ;dfo:ird his maclilne in pn-iiaralioii for a rild over tlie military establishments of (lie ei y. ASSEMBLES MACHINE GUN BLINDFOLDED 1 f ' VCrVX I If Mut JQf v. .v.- AV -r I v t Having found llii' battle tanks a meat stieecss, the I'.r tlie ei;emy to indui e hll:i to waste hi ammunition and to Is here shown beintf taken to a position near the front. ish are now ii-lnu' iliiiimiy imitalions of rover movements of tlie real HiillKs. One them to ileeeiva of tlie diitmale BRITISH PEERESS A NURSE AERIAL BATTLE IN PROGRESS N,'WRinM-r I nii'i? :5 x. to y lilsliop William 1'. Iteiulnuton, who was reetor of tlie St. 1'aul's church In Minneapolis for seven years ami Is well known In religious circles In tin: Northwest, is now serving ns rhnpluln of a hospital unit at Fort Mcpherson, (!a. The ' photograph shows 1 '.I shop neailiiKton In the uniform of the army. 4 ! fPt ( li: 11 iU if V'l mik ilhil I ft & t-V' 5 I.ildy rurness, one of the noted women of the I'.ritisli peerage, Is serv ing as n nurse in the lied Cross be hind tlie line s in France. Many, like her, have given up personal comforts and the Joys of social life, to enlist their efforts: In their country's muse. Many are serving in Hie hospitals close to the tiling line in France. Tlie Yankees have always been noted for their ingenuity and nlilllty to 1'iitidle tho most lntriruto pieces of machinery, bo It Is not surprising to see Nils iiriny expert tnkltiff npnrt und then putting together nguin, while bllnd-fulUi.-d. a machine gun. The photogruph was made at an army trutulug cauiy. What We Believe. If we nil acted upon what; we nil be lieve, what u different world this would he. Kvoryone admits that it Is more blessed to give than to receive. Yet Instead of seeking happiness by giv ing of our best to those about us, we sit walling for It to be brought to us, through the kindness of cithers. We are like those who are learning to swim ami though they know the wa ter will bear them up If they follow ell- l lions, cannot bring themselves to let go. it Is safe to trust to tho trnllis that all believe, but so few act upon. (ilrl's Companion. Exciting. Johnny was at the concert nnd he was badly bored. Ills mother was un easy, for Johnny was disturbing oth ers, but when a girl began to sing "The Minstrel Jioy" and reached the line "Ills father's sword he girded on," Johnny was nllve with excitement. "You like this, Johnny?" said his mother. "It Is" "He quiet, mother, do.," said Johnny Impatiently. "I wnnt to see what happens to him when his futlier gets home." A Cheerful Liar. He's n cheerful liar, even when the thermometer goes to 'siren below zero. Kcrently, on the coldest morning of tlie year, ho came Into the ollire mopping the perspiration off his brow. "What's the mutter, Jim?" asked his ollire mutes. "I'.ecn working with your furnace?" "Nix," said Jim. "I've been phasing robins from cherry trees and driv ing the sparrows from my strawberry patch." Then somebody railed attention to white spots on his nose, cheeks and ears, and when the frost had been rubbed out of them, the telephone bell rang. A wifely voire rung for Jim, saying: "Can you come home for n few hours? The water pipes have frozen and burst, ami I'm afraid tho house will be Hooded, and It Is so cold the children are crying." I Jim stopped his "canioiillaging and didn't pretend to wipe any more sweat from his faro. " " '..':' -.. :y.y... -v:-.':' : .:' i--:- . , s . : , & f v v I'llologi it i in-- oi ine iieiuai inani'iit el'ing ol Hie on 1 1 icpuuics in Ilie realms above have been extremely few and have not shown In any sense the graphic tenseness of an actual air tight tliat is shown In this photograph. The French plane at the (op Is maneuvering ,'ui- position preparatory to swooping down on its icrmnn adversary. After a short hut thrilling macliine-gun duel tho 1 1 'jchmnn succeeded In downing the Teuton. The photograph was Hindu by observer In another French battleplane MAKING BIGGEST GUN USED BY ALLIES ?WV4cJW Can't Resist Odor of Onions. The? Inquisitive subscriber of Whar ton wauls to know If we are "(rmpta-tion-proof." We ran piisg n hock sign ami turn up n successful sniffer at u Julep, there's n little restaurant on Travis street thut makes us take tho other side bemuse of the nlmost Irre sistible odor of fried onions that pours out tho front door nil tho time. Hous ton Post If,. ' WfL 'rH' Iff i r t. 1 i" 5 'rt m 1 """So I y3 ' XV l- J i- W m. Ik. f At Alleged to have oeaten bis w f 8 to death, Wasil Tlrum, sixty, of BHllevw, neur Scranton, was committed to pris on on a charge of murder. Two hundred Altoona boys har Joined the Junior Home Ouards. Thj 50i) striking miners nnd labor ers i;t Enterprise colliery, Shaniok'n. have returned to work upon advlre of Lender John F. Holllgter. Milton, with "iioo population, has bought $30, iinu worth of war stamps. A coronor'fl.Jury at N'orrlstown hai found that Miss Sallle Monn, cf Con ahohncken, caused the death of her new born baby by choking It. The Allentown rliamher of com merce 1ms been asked to support an application for a charter for a com pany that plans to run a dally motor truck service between Wilkes n.vrre New York and Philadelphia. After Ifiivlng driven his 'nutom "bl' 41,000 miles, Rev. R. S. finydrr, of Schwetiksvllle, has ahandom d tho ma chine and purchased n horse. Iinprei'slve patriotic rerem dnes marked the dedication at Shaniokln High school of a service fl: l; contain Ing HIT stars. Unless appendicitis Is shown to have been due to a strain rrr 'lyr-d whl'e at work. I' Is not a cause for state compensation. The assessed valuation of Carb"n county, according to the last r-tu-n made by the assessors, Is ov- $27, nno.Olin. The assessed valuation of the mliliKe coal field poor dM-lct, which comprises a portion of Cirb and a part of Luzerne counties Is $40,(100,000, The man who fell dead In tho Schmidt hotel. Shenandoah, Ins been Identified as flecrge I.'ovaneski. seT-pnty-flve, of the western section, strange hoarder. Rev. Harry W. Snyder, pastor of the Memorial Lutheran church at Ship pensburg, has rerelved n rail to the First Lutheran church, Johnstown. Without a lx'd, money or n? vllnil attendance, fieorge Hawk, flftyt!ire died on tlie floor of tho shack In which he lived, near Penbrook. Receipts from automobile licenses for 1 0 1 S wont over the $,oon mark. Mount CarwV boasts of a Rl Cr ss membership of fi77r In a population of 1S,ono. Miss Kst'ier M. Rarlet tlei'l at her home In llazleton, i's t'ie result of Injuries sustained by fill'ng on the at Hale Park on New icnrB diy whlV skntim:. Heath w is du to tin absc: ss on the brain. Honoring sons who h'iv" enlisted tr) serve in two armies, the Sacred Heart Polish Catholic church. Serantcm, Ins unfurled two serviee flags with 93 nnd 3" slurs. William .1. Yonn; has b"rn nrmfd postiiMsier at Uobertsdale, Hutit'ng ilen county. Rtinbiry sehoid board has refuel to grant a Jl'o monthly Increase In par no Its high school teachers and a's declined appeals from Janitors f r mo"-" tm nry. The fotr-month old baby i f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cl'ifberlaln, cf V" wlek, ftnothered In bed. Samuel' Shukovls, a MrAd io miner, wis so hid'y crushed by a fall cf r ck that he died In the Hazleton State hospital. With coal, sa'arles and other c penses $:to'io to Jli.Oiin nb.ive thng' of ilast year, Pottstown school d'reet ors are firtlier dlsecmrag-d bv t'ie state n)!r:Hation heln'T ?"no 1'' tlian the his! one. Stepidng aside to avoid nreld 'U. with a coal train. Retiiamln She-ni'n-Fky, need thlty two, of Mahanoy Plan?, was killed wln-n he walkel Into the path of a Heading ps-senger train on the opposite track. Falling forty fee' from n hu'ldlng on which he was working In Ib rsh y, Chan'es Rerger, of Chamb T-lmre, ra reived Injuries whlrh resulted in his death. Lehigh county's public snfity com mittee has Inaugurated a ri'mp'lgn among farmers with a view of h-!ng Ini? about the planting of the largest Herentte of potr.tois In the hls'nry of the rnunly. of the Ninth nn'hmr:t district. United Mine Worke-s cf Ame'rlca, at Sliamnkin. report that thi membership has attained a record standard of 01 per cent. On farms near Ha.leton women and girls in bloomers will be "Inrmettes" the coming spring and summer. The pnliee are Investiga'lng an explosion In the home of Mrs. William ,T. Yankl-k. in Washington, whrn sbe threw coal Into the furnace. Mrs. Vanklrk was burned on the face and hands. Miss Hose Lamb, a t-a'ned ntr nr Lanst'ord. has left for the League Tsbuiil navy yard, to enter the Red Cross service preparatory to Being to France. . Although the Ire crop In the T.eLigh valley this winter was the best the history of the valley, less Ice his been stored nwny than H many for mer years. On January Alexander Kerscnnr eot into a fight at Rethlcl rm with Joe Ounbonts, and the former's upper Up was comphtely bitten off. It wa found some time nfter the fight anl taken to St. Luke's hospital, where p. was sewed on, nnd nt last Kersrn'.r has left the hospital with his lip fn'.ly restored. Caught In a rush of culm that hi1 been weakened by the thaw nn ' rnln. Jnmes Monnghan, n;red twcn'yl'v", ef Clranlvdle, near Scnnton, ;y, sufTiv rated nt the Wild Cat wishery. TT was the sole support of e. wI Lwel qinthr,-. The body was recovered. This photograph shows men at work on n rO-mllllmeter howitzer In the Creusot War works, France. The 520-inIllimctcr guua nre the largest used by tho ullies od the western front, Many Interpretations Possible. "Too much silence," says Iiooth Tnrklnglon, "Is open to suspicion. It may he reticence, or It may be a vacuum, it may be dignity, or It may be false teeth." The Automoblllst Tho man In front drives like macj all day, and tho ladles sit still and look at the scenery. Man at the wheel has no time for that When they stop for the night, he's too tired for conversa tion. From the Atlantic. . . .... .