THE PULTON COUNTY NKWS. McCONNELLSBUBQ, PA. TO ALL WOMEN WHOARE ILL This Woman Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Her Personal Experience. McLean, Neb." I wnnt to recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable .MJmpouna 10 an women who sutler from any functional disturbance, as it has done me mors good than all the doctor's medicine. Since taking it I have a fine healthy baby girl and have gained in health and strength. My hus band and I both praise your med icine to all suffering women." Mrs. John Koppelmann, R. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, has been restoring women of America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements, in flammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues" to give this successful remedy a trial. For special suggestions In regard to your ailment write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its long experience is at your service. Cold Breezes Cause Sneezes and warn you that you are taking cold. Don't let it settle in your head or throat Drive it out with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Clears head and throat and relieves coughs and hoarseness. All druggists, 25cta. a bottle. HUm M at aula rt Hkt't TWWcW tin Mean Intimation. "I was so cinlmrruHHcd by the occur rence I was afraid I would lose coun tenance." "You needn't hnve been. No mich I in k." BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet .vour cough, soothe the In flammation of a sore throat und lungs, ftop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, Insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with ensy expectoration In the morning. Made nnd sold in America for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civil ized countries. Adv. " Depended on Her. Bess "Is- her husband a periodical drinker?" June "Yes; sometimes she will go for weeks without nagging." Why Bald So Young? Diii.iIrtifT nnd dry scalp usually the cause and Cutlcura the remedy. Rub he Ointment Into scalp. Follow with hot shampoo of Cutlcura Sonp. For free ninple address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston. At druggists nnd by mnlL Sonp 2.r, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv. There are millions of rensons why n man can love an heiress, nnd euch ;nie of them Is n silver dollar. Tb Ovinia Till Dmi Not Afleet Head Keean.e of It tonie and laiallva effect, La intra Uniwo Quinine can be taken by anyone without earning nerrousnees or ringing In the bead. There li only one "Hromo Quinine." M. W. GttOVBS Ignaiare It on box. sua. To support ii table for Invalids n nriirket ibat limy lie attached to any bedstead bus been Invented. A torpid llvrr condition prevent proper food eeilmllatinn. Tone up your liver with Wright' lndlnn Vegetable Pill. They act gently and aurely. Adv. Somehow a man never discovers that lie ts n fool until long after his neigh bors have found It out. Whenever there is a tendency to consti pation, sick headache or biliousness, take cup of Garfield Tea. All druggists. Adv. Hon't get the habit of going around with your bristles up. HEALTH RESTORED Serious Kidney Trouble Was Re moved by Doan's and Results Have Been Permanent "Kidney trouble put me in a bad way," Kay Thomas A. Knight, 624 N. Ninth St., East St. Louis, 111. "it cume on with pain across my back and the attacks kept getting worse un til I lind a spell that laid me up. Morphine was the only relief and I couldn't move without help. The kidney secretions were scanty, painful and filled with sediment. "I was unnble to leave the house, couldn't rest nnd became utterly ex lmunted. The only way I could take ease was by bolsterinff mvself iin nr.Kaeti with pillow. For three months I was in that awful condition and the doctor aid I had gravel. Doan'a Kidney Pills brought me back to good health nnd I have gnined wonderfully in strength and weight." Sworn to before me, A. M. EGGMANN, Notary Public. ALMOST THREE YEARS LATER, May 24, 1917, Mr. Knight said: "The cure Doan's brought me bw been per manent." Cei Doan'a at Any Store, 60c Boa DOAN'S JLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. CHILDREN'S COUGHS nay be checked, and mere (erlons condi tion of the throat will be often avoided br promptly g Wing the child a dose of 1 111 llll WM I Brains vs. Embonpoint By JANE OSBOKN (Copyright, 1318, by the McClure Newspa per Syndicate.) When Ned Majors, promising young er brother of Stone Majors, hend of the dress manufacturing house of Mujcrs & Clny, was put In charge of the "Stout Model" department of that largo concern, ho announced his Intention of hovKat n woman for his "right-bund nam." Stone Mnjers nnd the other executives of the concern hud ulwnys held out ngnlnst women In responsible positions. Even their stenographers were young men. Girls were well and good at the telephone or to run er rands, or something of thnt sort, Stone Majors told his brother, but when you come to hnvlng them In your office with you, you first get to noticing wlmt sort ff dresses they wear, then you start In muklng pretty speeches, nnd the next thing you know your mind Is more on the girl thnn.your business. "When I get rendy to marry," he continued, "I'm going to get some nice young girl, fresh from hoarding school. I don't want some one thnt knows the dress-miimifncturing business better than I do, and that will serve us shop talk at breakfast and dinner." "That's Just where I'm perfectly safe," Net retorted. "I couldn't possi bly fall In love with the sort of girl I'm going to get. What I want a wom an for Is becnuse In my end of the work the right sort of woman can fairly sell the models off her back. I'm going to hnve n 'stout ;' that's why she will help sell the type of dresses thnt I nm going In for, and, moreover, thnt Is why there Isn't liny remote chnncn of my falling In love with her. I could like n stout girl a lot nnd get along with her henutlfiilly. but I'm no Turk. I don't wnnt a fiit wife. I simply could not think of It." "Well, how nre you going to get this 'right-hand man' of yours?" "Advertise, of course. 'Wanted A stout woman with brains nnd n knowl edge of the woman's dress business.' Thnt ought to get her." So the advertisement was Inserted In the morning pnpers, and for an hour or two the door thnt led to Ned Major's office was blocked with henvywelght nppllcnnts, who considered themselves q will fled for the position. Apparently they all did qualify as to embonpoint Ned's problem was simplified Into tell Ing which of the fifty-seven applicants had the most brains. So Important did he consider this qualification, In fact, thnt when Hilda CInrk tipped the scales only at 100 pounds hardly one of the others but hnd done better Ned waived this slight discrepancy be- cause of her very nbrious advantages In the other considerations. He had hnd a set of scales brought Into his office from the fnctory, so thnt he might not trust to mere guesswork re garding the weight of his applicants. "You look fat enough, anyway," he said good-naturedly to her, as he helped her step down from the weigh' Ing platform. "Eut plenty of butter and potatoes nnd things. I guess yon nre Just the 'man' I'm looking for." And as he showed her to the exit hall he made his way to his brother's office, "Well, I've got her," he said. "And she's fat and nil Intellect. We're both safe. I never could get sentimental over such a heavyweight, and you couldn't stnnd the Intellect She's the kind of girl that looks as If she knows Just what a buyer was going to order ns soon as he came Into the place, and It Is all In her eyes the brains, I mean." So Hilda Clark was Installed, and before long Stone Mnjers had forgot ten that he ever opposed his broth er In taking on a woman assistant With an amnr.liig capacity for hard work and a keen Interest In all the phases of her work that brought her active mind Into contact with other minds as shrewd ns her own, or nearly so, she soon had charge of the selling end of the business for both broth ers. Her personal magnetism, rather than actual beauty, made every frock she tried on take on new Interest nnd distinction, nnd this, as Nod had fore seen, had considerable ' effect on the size of buyers' orders. No mere mnn, even with the same ability as Hilda Clark, could ever have pushed the sell ing of the Mnjers & Clay "stout mod els" ns she did. So the work piled up, nnd evenings, when she was not stay ing after hours straightening out a tnngle of orders wKh Ned, she was conferring with Stone. It was hard work, but pleasant. It agreed with her, but "What's the matter with the last model?" was the blunt nnd peevishly put query of one of the large buyers one day some six months after Hilda had come to be Ned's "right-hand num." "They nre the dowdiest things I ever saw. Say, honestly, just be cause a fnt woman's fat she doesn't BIRDS HELP SAVE THE CROPS Winged Destroyers of Tree and drain Insects Should Be Protected Declare the Audubon Societies. The Natlonnl Association of Audu bon Societies Issued a warning against the Indiscriminate sluughter of birds and wild life, declaring perils threaten the agriculture of the United Stutes unless action Is taken Immediately to snve the lives of cortulu nnimuls and birds. "The crops will save the nation," the bulletin says, "but the birds will help to snve the crops. Therefore, It Is nec essary thnt the birds be saved. "The thoughtless and Irresponsible would kill the robins, nnd thus destroy the nuturul enemies of grasshoppers, beetles and caterpillars; they would exterminate the woodpeckers and thus execute those traditional watchmen of our fruit nnd forest trees which de stroy the larvae of the gypsy moth; they would do away with the chicka dees, which annually eat myriads of bugs, cauker worms, moth and plant lice. They would slay the orchard wunt to dress like ber greut-grnnd-mother." That wns the first of the complaints. Others followed. The designer was blamed first, but sho wns apparently putting out as good Ideas as ever. The workmunshlp wns the same, and the snmo quality of materlul was go ing Into the dresses. One day Ned cume Into his brother's offlce with a pale but relieved face. 'I know what's the matter; Hilda's lost twenty pounds. She's been doing It gruduully. I knew something was wrong, for the models looked so dowdy on her. I knew she must be getting thin. You know, I never could fall In love with a fat girl. And, anywuy, I got her on , the scales today. She wouldn't get on, so I lifted her on. I couldn't huve lifted her when shu first cume. And I found out whut was the matter." "Does that help matters any?" snapped Stone. "Well, not so much, only thnt we know what the matter Is. And, be sides" "Hut. we ought to have a woman here that can show the dresses. She is ruining the business now. The buy ers say something Is the matter with the models. Couldn't she take niitl tbln, or something, or drink milk?" "She says It doesn't do any good. I knew you'd sny that, so I suggested It to her." Ned laughed at the humor of the situation, tbut was not apparent to bis brother. "And, besides, there was aomethlng I wanted to tell you" "Wei'. I hate to sny It, but Hilda Is not tioUv any good U she can't get tut. again. She's clever, but that isn't enough. And yet I hate to let her go. Can you think of anything else we might get her to do? Is there some thing In your department you might get lu r to do so we wouldn't huve to cut down her salary?" Suddenly the two men sat up very straight and began to talk about two entirely different orders uiilmatedly, In an effort to persuade Hilda Clark, who had Just entered,, that they hud not been tulklng ubout her. "Has Ned told you?" she smiled, putting a sisterly band on Stone's arm. "Yes, Hlldn, nnd I'm sorry ; hut may be we can do something about It." "Sorry? Because I'm going to be your sister-in-law, or because I've lost t venty pounds?" "My sister-ln-luw t Why didn't wine one tell me?" cried Stone. "I did try to tell you," lnughed bis brother. "And I huve something to tell 'v both," announced Hilda. "You kno v Unit first day I came here. I saw Neu and after I left his ofllce he showed me to the hull and well, I got mixed up and went the wrong way. Ned must hnve come In here to talk to you, for I heard quite disllnctly what he snld. He said: 'We're both safe. I never could get sentimental over such an heavyweight, and you couldn't stand the intellect.' So I knew right away that if I wanted either of you men to fall In love with me I'd either have to diet or become brainless. At first I ate all the potatoes and sugar I could. I knew this hard work would naturally pull me down, und thn well, Ned and I seemed to hit It off from the first, nesldes, It wns easier losing pounds than brains, nnd I'd rather pnrt with them. I may need my brains Inter on. So then I began to diet. Thnt's why I wouldn't huve lunch with you because I didn't wnnt you to see what I was about no sugar, no potutoes, no bread. I told my best friends I was Hooverlztng. And so I lost twenty pounds. I knew It was the ruination of my business career." "Do yon mean you honestly did thnt?" demanded Stone. "Would any woman really do thnt much for Ned?" Hildn shook her head strongly In the nfflrmntlve. "Well, suppose after you hnd got thin he hadn't happened to like you you'd have lost out both ways?" Ned had endured his brother's ban tering long enough. He stood behind Hilda and put his arm around her now shapely waist. "I'd have married her If she was a perfect forty-six," he said. "Stone Is only Jealous because you didn't decide to lose your brains for him." Perpetual Honeymoons. A woman writer asks If a perpetual honeymoon can exist In this modern day, nnd quotes In connection with the question whut another woman snld, to wlt: "Any woman who hns lived with a mnn eleven years can find ground for divorce." There Is much talk of this kind nnd there nre many divorces, nil of which are the product of mate rialism, which doesn't see the differ ence between pleasure and happiness. That fact in its real working is behind all divorces and married Infelicities. The fact Is that pleasure Is materlul and soon wears out; happiness Is spir itual and lasts forever. Every mar riage must note these standpoints, for they nre swayed by one or the other. This Is the age of divorces, becnuse materialism flourishes as-never before. It makes the husband impatient nnd the wife Intolerant. When a couple renches thnt state they should slug old hymns together and go to prayer meeting. Cigars and dry goods won't snve them. Ohio Stnte Journal. oriole, the bulk of the food of which consists of cubbage worms, grasshop pers and the larvae of all kinds of nox ious Invaders of garden and farm." Importance of Paraguay. It was from Ascunclon, Paraguay, that pnrtles went out. to found ISuenos Aires, Santa Fe, Corrlentes and others of the important cities of the River Plate region. In fact, Argentina and Urnguuy were once under the Juris diction of the governor of Ascunclon, and It wns nt the frquest of a Para guayan governor that Argentina was cut off from Purnguay. The first rail road constructed In South Amerlcn wns built In Paraguay. The first Iron foun dries,, the first cannon and munitions factories of South America were all established In Pararfuuy. Artificial Ivory From Potatoes. An artificial ivory of creamy white ness and great hardness Is made from good potatoes washed In diluted sul phuric acid, then boiled In the same solution until they become solid nnd dense. They nre washed free of tn add and slowly dried. Lungs Are Weakened By Hard Colds CASCARAK? QUININE & The eld family remedy In tablet form safe, cure, eiy to teke. No opiates no unpleasant after effecta. Cure cold In 34 hour Grip in 3 days. Money back if it Illt. Getth genuine dox wiui Red Top and Mr. Hill' picture on It 2 Tablet, for 2Sc. At Any Drug Store Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TakeRHRDMACIDRtoramore treeaote and drlte Ibe potaon from IbetyeleBi. ilurin on Tn msim rtn aunaiTi.a 01 tut oitim" At All Draggl: Jat. Bally k Sea, Wkele.ile Diitribitatt BalUaaare, Md. American Dollar Flag Saa fmC rale foof Tafeta. feet loaf. k ODl.Ulcad aeved ttnpet; free ! Ilferr br parcel aoet oe receipt of ffte- tort price. II OU. Ineladiag pole, ball ma gel? aalie boldar, II m. Den for free catalogue of and dernrailoae We eaak worm end Enter Dm loan anr othei eooeera la Ibe aorl. Price cane u before the ear AMERICAN FLAG MFG. CO., EA3TON. tA. Oklahoma ha more omltl-mllllonalrea then an) oihereuui, eineptNew York. Men poor tn-dar an Independent to-morrow. lKllara grow rapidly Ii Oklahoma. For I More! In Information wrltl H ILLUanOK. 40 arale Sietuf OUakeu till. OkUkeal FfiRMIH A for making artlBelal eoal.appli I vsixmui butter without aiiplea and rerea ooffee. lent postpaid fur dime. a. . weoereri, file The Conditions. "Nut everyone can he n golden mouthed speaker." "Anyone enn whe has money enough to pny the dentist. Important to Mother Examine curetully every hottle of CASTOU1A. that famous old remedy for tnfuuts and children, nnd see that it Hears the Signature of In Use for Over leurs. Cliilc'ren Cry for Fletcher's CastorU Accounting for It "What stiff milliners he hns." "Yes; Imt then he's in the starch 'mslness." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To imlf pint of water add 1 oz. Ray Rum, a nniall box of Harbo Compound, and U oz. of glycerine. Any dniRKint can put this up or you can mix it nt home at very little coct. Full directions for mak ing and use come in cuch box of Burbo Compound. It will gradually darken ptrenkrd, faded ftray hair, and make it soft and rIorsj'. It will not color the palp, i not ticky or greasy, and dot! not rub off. Adv. An Apparent Alibi. "You huve been summoned to court for speeding in your car," said the stern Judge. "There must bu some mlstuke, jour honor," replied the gray haired man. "I think not. The ofllcer who report ed your case suys your car was going at the rnte of '1', miles un hour." "Well, to tell the truth, Judge. I lidn't notice the speed of the car, hut to prove to you that we couldn't huve neen going very fast, I will say that a 'riend and myself were playing a game :f chess, and we hnd almost finished when we reached my ofllce." New Kind of Animal to Him. IHcky wns born on un Isolated Texas 'snob. Having no neighbors, his piny mites consisted of pet pigeons, rabbits, i dog, a cut and a lame magpie. Ills mother, planning a trip "up north," snld to him: "Now you'll huve 4ome little cousins to play with. You'll like that, won't you, IUckey?" "I'm not sure," answered the little fellow. "Io cousins have two legs or four?" Comparative Riches. "The Comeups boast about the nuin ler of limousines which drive up to heir doors." "Humps! We hnd a full coal cart irlven up to ours." Conjugal Amenities. He "I tell you, living In a flut will be terribly trying." She "It can't be half as bad ns living with one." A Baked Cereal Food Different from the usual run of toasted or 6team cooked cereals, Grape-Nuts is baked in giant ovens baked for nearly twenty hours under accurate con ditions of heat, so that the whole wheat and malted barley flours may develop their full, rich sweetness. You don't need sugar on Grape-Nuts. "There's a Reason Temperance Urates" (Conducted by the National Woman' Christian Temperance Union.) PROHIBITION TRIUMPHS. Time v.-us, says the Union Slgnul, when we were hilariously huppy over one new prohibition state gained us the result of 12 months' effort. A half dozen or more congressional victories in one year now cause hardly u ripple of excitement, so nccustomed have we become to prohibition's triumphal march." The record for 1017 Included state wide prohibition for Indinmi, Utah, New Hampshire, Netv Mexico und Porto Klco. Measures passed by congress were: Prohibition fur Alaska. Prohibition for Histrlct of Colum bia Antlllquor advertising law, forbid ding the sending of advertisements and letters soliciting liquor orders Into states in which liquor advertis ing Is unlawful. A law prohibiting the shipment of ulcohollc liquors through the channels of interstate commerce to Individuals In prohibition states. A law prohibiting absolutely tlie produetlnn of distilled spirits for bev erage purposes. An army bill, prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquor, Including beer, ale or wine, to uny ofllccr or member of the military forces while In uniform. A resolution providing for the mill mission to the state legislatures of uu amendment to the federal constitu tion prohibiting the manufacture, sale, transportation, Importation or export ation of ulcohollc beverages. THE SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT. It Is the day of the economic argu ment against the liquor truffle, suys the Union Signal. The appeal to the "bank account nerve" Is undoubtedly tremendously convincing und should not be mini mized. However, we believe that for nil ages and clnsses of people the buslc, fundamental argument present ed by science as to the real nature of alcohol, If rightly understood, settles the liquor problem with u finality that silences our opponents ami awukens the Indifferent us does no other pre sentation of the subject. When you have once convinced an Intelligent hu man being that alcohol In any form or quantity Is n deadly protoplasmic poison to all the living tissues; that it stops the processes of evolution in the human race; that It not only retards but destroys those faculties which make for Intellectual and moral abil ity, you have closed his mouth abso lutely, and he does not attempt to tcnvll or Indulge In sophistries on per sonal liberty, revenue, or states' rights. Some forty years ago the women of the W. C. T. U. set out to put scientific temperance teaching Into every public school in the United Slates. They suc ceeded. The result was that u genera tion grow to manhood and woman hood to whom the evils of alcohol were ns real as death. It Is this that lias seuled the doom of the drink traf fic. HOW THE DRU ' TRAFFIC "HELPS BUSINESS." Judge Wilbur F. ISrynnt of Hurting ton, Neb., voted against state-wide prohibition when the amendment was before the people of that slate. Now, lie says, nothing could Induce him to vote for Its repeal. "So fur," he says, "we see nothing but its good effects. If hnd effects appear later, our chil dren may be trusted to settle the busi ness. . . . The claim thnt the traf fic in alcohol drinks Is nn economic benefit is nn empty and barren ab surdity. It helps business In the same way that a fire helps business. Sup pose that nil of Harrington, west of hroadwny was burned down. What a flood of Insurance money would rush Into the banks! Think of the lumber which would be sold nt the yards! Think of the nails mid hinges which would be sold nt the hardware stores! Every carpenter, plumber, brickmnson, stonemason, and laboring mnn would hnve a Job In rebuilding the town. Let us set the town on tire!" THEODORE ROOSEVELT ON PRO HIBITION. When wo must feed our nrmy nnd help the armies of our allies, not n bushel of grain should bo permitted to be made Into intoxicating llqmuv Neither the men in the army nor the men engaged in doing vital work for the nrmy in connection with railroads, factories, mines nnd shipyards should be allowed to waste strength, and health In drink nt this time. The same rensons that render It necessary to prohibit the sale of liquor to soldiers in uniform, or within a given number of miles from a military camp, nnd to stop Its use on battleships, apply to extending similar protection for all citizens engaged In the work of rail roads, factories, mines nnd shipyards. HATS OFF TO CONGRESS. Fo" the first time In history of any countiy ut war, the great nntional legislative body made It n criminal of fense to sell liquor to n soldier or sailor, and also made It a crime for any house of 111 fame to be near a sol diers' cantonment. This congress had the wisdom, the vision and the grit to cut aside ull formal Ideas and re member that If you hnve a man nt the front to shoot straight he must think straight and live straight. lion. Joseplms Dunlels. WINNING THE BATTLE. v Congress provided for a seven years' war for the securing of national con stitutional prohibition, but from the alacrity with which state legislatures have proceeded to ratify the amend ment It would nppear thnt the battle will be won within half that time. After observation of mnny years In the practice of medicine. It Is my pro fessional opinion that beer Is doing more harm to Immunity than all other alcoholics. Dr. Charles N. Duvls,, Chicago. Win the War by Preparing the Land Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops Work In Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada CO-OPERATIVE FARMING IN MAN POWER NECESSARY TO WIN THE BATTLE FOR LIBERTY . The Food Controllers of the United Statei and Canada are asking for greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail able to be tent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burdan of supply. Eviry Available Tillable Acre Must Contribute Every Available Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed ing operation. Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; the Demand From Canada Alone (or 1918 Is 400,000,000 Bushels To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United States developed first of course $ but it also wants to help Canada. When ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied, we want to direct him there. Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can best serve the combined interests. Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages to competent help, 250.00 a month and up, board and lodging. Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wage?, good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return. For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had pel; to: U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, OEMRTMEWT OF UBOH EDI UIPATI I IS A PRIMF ARA1NST NATURE I Stop it of you never can keep well. If you wake with bad laite In the mouth, coated tongue, peihapa headache, your liver i torpid. A torpid liver derange the whole ayatem, produce dyapepaia, cotivene and pile. There is uo better remedy for thete disorder than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS. Try them jurt once and be eternally convinced. For aale by aU druggitts. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills Wanted Some Joy Left Snriili, who Una lietinl u K'"l donl of late about I In' (lays on which we may not uso the dinVrt'iit articles of illi't, I'liinc downstairs a few morn ings ii Ko and addressed her mother with this imiulry: 'Tlcaso, mamma, whalless day Is this? 1 hope it's not 8veetless." AND NOW THEY ARE COOKING TOBACCO TO MAKE IT BETTER For a good many years The American Tobacco Company have been conducting a 6eries of experiments having as their object the improvement of smoking tobaccos. And it is interesting to know that oni of the greatest of their discoveries was one of the simplest, and that was, that cooking or toasting tobacco improved it in every way, just as cooking most foods improves them, They took a real Burley tobacco, grown in this country; toasted it as you would toast bread; moistened it to replace the natural moisture driven off by toasting; made it into cigarettes, called them "LUCKY STRIKE, the toasted cigarette," and offered them to the public. The result has been the greatest demand ever created for any tobacco product in a similar length of time. The change produced by toasting is not only most wholesome, but the flavor is greatly improved, just as cooking improves meat, for example. Adv. Pennsylvania hunters kill 3,(XM),000 rnlihltM yearly. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, us they cannot reach the neat of the disease. Catarrh la u local dini-usc, greatly Influ enced by coiixlitiillonal condition. HALL'S CATAKHli WKLK'INE will cure catarrh. It I takun Internally and act through the Blood on the Mucous Burfiicra of the Bystem. HALL'S CATAHHII MKDICINK Is composed o? some of the bent tonic known, combined with ome of the best blood purlllor. The perfect combination of the InKredlenls In HALL'S CATARHH MEDICINE la what produce uch won derful result in catarrhal condition. PruggfRtB 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. No man Is truly good whose motive is a love of praise. A we grow more sensible, we refuse drug cathartics and take instead Nature' herb cure, Garfield Tea. Adv. A woman may be lieaton, hut she rarely acknowledges It. Fortify tho System Ti The strong withstand the Winter Cold Better than tho Weak. If your Blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system will not be able to withstand the Winter Cold. Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the cold weather by taking regularly irv's TasteHess hi Tonic Contains the well-known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system, thus fortifying the system against colds and grip. Price 60c. Whenever You Ncett a Genorat Tonlo T&ItQ Grove's STRANGLES Or Dlalrmpar In tMlon. brood mart, coll nd all othrr I meat d''tructlv. Th "rm earning lh dla muat t r movrd from Che body of lb animal. To rvnt tb troubl the him mini be dona. SPOHN'S COMPOUND Will do bolh ura the ali'k and prevent thoaa "expoed" from huvlnc the dlseaae, &0 cent and II a bottle; It and 110 lha dnien All flnicKlat. harneaa hmiara. or manufacturer 81'OHN MEDICAL, CO., Maoafartarers, Uoahca, lad., U.S.A. A Seven-Year-Old. r.lnks What Is jour dearest wMiT Jinks That I knew as much hi uy; son thinks I do. Judge. WOMEN SUFFERERS MAY NEED SWAMP-ROOT Tliounnnd upon thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble auJ never suspect it. Women' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy; condition, they may cause the other or gans to liei'iime dmcasod. Tain in the back, headache, loos of am bition, nervousness, are often times ryinp torn of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. J)r. Kilmers' ISwamp Root, a physician' pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N. V., for ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. A woman says It Is almost ns sol. pmn to be married ns not to be. Why buy many bottlea of other Verml fuea, when one bottle of rr. Peery'a "Dea4 Shot" will act aurely and promptly T Adv. Itepentanoe never comes too late. HAVE YOU BARREN COWS f Am your ma. rue or sows troubled aiV?rl with Abortluu! Orerouai Uw dll fPMlJ acuity br fewlln V- 1r- "! Robert' DKtcumu I unit: i-ricrsi.ou It sou on the oriiiint of repnMluclloa and puts the animal In better brood ing condition. Held Ihe Prtrlical Horn Vrlerhuriaa, ttoi tor tn biUt m ibarlfcie l lewe If no dealer In roar town, write Or. rfotirll tit. Co, 100 Siut titan, Raukuks, Ml. WHY NOT UTILIZE YOUR SPARE TIME And Sell Our Fartiliiar la Your Locality A laro, pleasant and profitable bnslnes caa be worked up with a small ellortou jour part. We will assist you If you wish In the sale of our brands not only by UDdtirUklng an adrer tlsing campaign but also by sendicg one of our representatives to help you. Write us Immediately If loterostcd, before your territory Is takou. THE HUBBARD FERTILIZER COMPANY C02-J-4 5-6 Ktrstr Building. Btltloon, Harflahl BRANCH : 8IARSPOUT, MB. W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. S--1018. Against Winter Cold