The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 07, 1918, Image 7

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Cold At Once
The old famllr remedy In tablet
form esfe, sure, easy to take. No
opiates no unpleaiant after effects.
Cure! colds In 24 hnura Grip in S
days. Money back if it falli. Qettht
(cnuinv pox Wlin
Red Top and Mr.
Hill't picture on it
. 24 Tablata for 25c.
At Any Drug Store
Thought Cake Fainted.
Vlrpulii loved to help her mother.
Otio ilny her mother wns making a
special effort to lmko n prize cnkp for
the church fair mid Villain wns nil
Interest. The take rose beautifully
mid appeared to be thoroughly done,
but when removed from the stovo It
fell flat and hud n sad streak thi-ouch
the center. Another cake was Immedi
ately mixed In haute and little Vlr
Klnla'H eyes crew lare ns sho Ik
tened to Iter mother luiiientlni; over the
first fad cake that bad fallen. The sec
ond baking proved the Rome ns the
first, hut the third attempt resulted In
n veritable triumph. Vlrglnln, how
ever, could not rally from the morn
Inn's tragedy, and when her nunt come
over she exclaimed in went excite
ment : "Oh, untitle, mother made three
cakes und two of 'em fainted."
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
Tierce's l'lcasant relicts. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomuch. Adv.
Patriotic Environment
.Toniih entered the whale.
"Kvery day is both meatless, wheot
less and lightlewi," lie pointed out
Lots of men would rather swindle
o fellow man out of n nickel than earn
a dollar by honest labor.
For ft disordered liver, take Gnrfleld
Ten, the Herb laxative. All druggist
Never waste your time arguing re
ligion with a man wbose wife takes in
Wise Is the prophet who does not al
low his predictions to go on record.
Yager's Liniment is excel
lent for any kind of pain or
congestion. It quickly re
lieves backache and rheu
matic pains, and is a splen
did remedy for Neuralgia,
Sciatica, chest pains, sprains,
strains, swellings and en
largements. Keep a bottle In your home for
emergencies you never can tell
whi n you will require something
of the sort.
35c Per Bottle
Each bottle contain more than tht
usual 50 cent bottle ol liniment.
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night.
' Purely Vegetable'
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to the faces of
those who lack Iron in the blood,
as most pale-faced people do.
And Sell Our Fertilizers in Your Localil7
A large, ploafant and prolllablo business can
be worked up with a small ellort ou your part.
We will amlst you U you wish in the sale of
our brands not only by undertaking an adver
tising campaign but also by sending one of
our representatives to help you.
Write as Immediately If Interest-id, before
Jiur territory Is taken.
802-3-4 5 8 Ktrstr Building. Bsltlaviit, MiryUii
Soothe the Irritation and yon relieve the
distress. Do both quickly and effectively
0f promptly nslng a dependable remedy
(Conducted by the National Woman's
ChrlHtlan Temperance Union.)
Alcohol is a poison to till parts of
tin body, but the purt which ulcohol
can duniuge most quickly und to the
greatest extent is the dellcato nnd
sensitive bruin. And Unit Is a fact.
The first effect of tuklug ulcohol into
the system la felt by the bruin; the
worm dii:niigo is done Is the most deli
cute purtM of the bruin ; nnd bo it fol
low, tlist when a iiiun tukes u drink
of whisky or beer, or unythlng else
containing ulcohol, It promptly mud
dles hlH thinking, weuk-ns his Judg
ment, mid Jooscns his control over his
fiction. Iu other words, it quickly
steals from him whut is best In him ;
it reduces the force of highest bruin
control which uuturo has given him,
which he has developed through ages,
and which marks him out us different
from brute imlmals.
Now, of course, wo don't ineun to
suy that when a person takes a drink
of unythlng containing alcohol he nt
onco is reduced to a brute animal ;
but very few will dispute that a drunk
en person Is not much better than a
brute animal. And the reason he has
been reduced to such a state by alco
hol Is because, before he can tuke
enough of it to kill his body, ho has
had enough to paralyze his brain, es
pecially the highest parts of his bruin.
It has paralyzed his power to think, It
has paralyzed his power to Judge, ha."
paralyzed his power to control his uc
tlons. The uinount of ulcohol which
makes a person drunken vnrles with
different people. Some run stand very
little, others u grout deal. However,
even a very little, though It does not
show itself in drunkenness, bus fl
dunuiglng effect on the brain. This Is
what we want to point out particular
ly. Too many people think that If
they drink alcohol In moderation, Mich
for example, us three or four glasses
of beer n day, or one tr two drinks
of whisky a day, they are not doing
themselves nny harm ut ull. Very
many even think that they may safely
drink as long ns they stop before get
ting drunk. These are very danger
ous and mistaken Ideas to have.
Drinking even In moderation has dang
ers for the bruin und nerves, und
Mondy drinking is very bad.
One of the most terrible effects of
alcohol on the nervous system Is de
lirium tremens the "D. T.'s." Now,
it Is not necessary to drink oneself
drunk to get the I). T.'s. Here Is what
a doctor who has handled an enormous
number of alcoholic patients and who
has made a life-long study of their
troubles, has to say: "Many men who
have never been Intoxicated, but have
fur years steadily taken ulcohol, will,
after some seven? nccident. develop de
lirium tremens." Official Bulletin, Ru
reuti Public Health Kilucatlon, Depart
ment of nealth, New York City.
"Whereas we believe that the use
of alcohol ns n beverage Is detrimental
to the human economy; and
"Whereas, its use In therapeutics ns
a tonic, or a stimulant, or ns a food,
has no scientific basis; therefore be It
"Resolved, that the American Medi
cal nssoclntlon opposes the use of al
cohol as n beverage; nnd lie it further
''Unsolved, that the use of alcohol us
n therapeutic agent should be dlscour
ugeif." The above resolution wns adopted
by the American Medical association,
an organization representing 80,000
physicians nnd surgeons of the United
Dr. Charles H. Mayo, president of
the association, declared In his Instal
lation address: "Alcohol's only place
,s in the arts and sciences. National
prohibition would be welcomed by the
medical profession."
Speaking of the proposed govern
ment purchase and control of the
liquor business In Great Rritnln, Dr.
Robertson Nlcol says .In the Rrltlsh
Weekly : "We have to put the question
whether America would allow the
money she lends to the allies to be spent
In such n fashion. . . .' We doubt
whether Lord Reading would venture
to nsk tin; Americans to lend us 500,
000,000 in order that we may compen
sate the great multitude concerned In
the liquor trade.
Concerning the result of the prohi
bition referendum In Ohio, the Outlook
says; "If we owned n corner saloon In
some Ohio town and had given serious
thought to the diminishing wet re
turns, we would feel Inclined to Insert
In a local paper an . advertisement
reading somewhat as follows:
one farm. Present owner desires
to retire from business on the ground
of ill health.'"
Patient Rut this is "brain food,"
doctor. 1 thought it wus my liver thut
was affected.
. Doctor Yes, but "liver medicine"
will do you no good until you get
brains enough to stop drinking. Tem
"When the German soldiers entered
Relglum." says Sir Harry Johnston,
"they really lost the chance of getting
to Paris or to Calais by 'stupefying
themselves with strong drink."
Salt in Winter.
It has been found by experiments
that dairy cows require more salt dur
ing the wintertime than during the
summer months when they ure on pas
ture. Disinfect Stalls.
Stalls used for calving purposes
should be cleaned nnd disinfected after
each calf Is born.
Most Common tfalf Disease.
The most common disease of the
young calf Is Indigestion or scours.
(By E. O. HKI.l.EKS, Acting Director of
the Sunday 8chool Course of the Moody
Bible Institute Chicago.)
(fopvrluht, 11117, Western Newnpnpcr t'nlnn. 1
w m
WESSON TEXT Mark 3:7-2.-..
GOLDEN TEXT-Anu hn ordnlneii
twelve, thnt they should be with him. and
that ho mli;ht send them forth to preach.
-Murk 3:14.
TEAC'HKHH Matt. 10:1-4; I.uke C:12-1B;
John 1315-27; Mntt. D:13-1G; JC:24-2!J; John
17 :.-.; If Tim. 4:7-8.
1'IUMAKY TOl'lC-Jestis chooses twelve
and wlint wn know nhriut thorn.
means to bo a disciple of Jesus.
No man can alone accomplish nny
great task. Kvery great leader hnS
been blessed by one or 'more equally
great helpers. Luther hud his Melnno
then; Wesley, lis brother Charles,
Whitfield and others; Moody had
Whittle, Rllss, Sankey, Towner and
more. These lenders but followed the
example of our Lord. Jesus' ministry
made him much observed and greatly
multiplied his duties nnd burdens.
When, therefore, ho chose these dis
ciples, he desired not only to obtain
help und to begin to teach those who
were to take his place, but, like every
other act, he desired to teach n lesson
to those who were so carefully observ
ing him. In verse 14 we arc told thnt
he chose twelve, which was n signifi
cant number, corresponding to the
twelve tribes, und at once confirmed
his assumption to the Messlnhshlp and
mennt that the wondrous prophesies
were being fulfilled. It also served to
utimulute those upon whom the choice
fell. Jesus, us we know from other
passages, retired to the mountulns to
pray. The cull cume from on high
(v. 13), nnd those culled "went up" to
him for preparation nnd for quiill
flcntlon. The cull is a purpose
ful one, for it Is not enough to go up J
wt must ulso go down und out, hence
these are "sent" (vv. 14. lfi). Only
those who are authorized, however, are
sent. Those whom Jesus sent out weM
to found a new kingdom ami to do i
greater work than merely to Judge tl.t
people, because they were not only to
judge results, but they were to change:
results by altering causes; hence they
had power over demons, even ns the
Master, for evil has no rights. The
source of their power Is to be Jesus,
for he Is to be with them, our own pro
tection as well (Matt. 'JS:'J0) ; and their
power Is to grow with its usage, for
we learn by doing. These men were
originally united, not by n creed but
by an Ideal; not by n doctrine or teach
ing, but by actions; not by n subscrip
tion to n confession. At onco they met
with conflict. First of all by n blas
phemous unbelief. The Holy Ghost Is
no more holy than Jesus; but, If wo
slander blm In his veiled condition and
before his utiHnlshed work, great shall
be the penalty. Those who hute (iod
shut ont the light. Secondly, by a con
flict with misdirected zeal. There wero
those about Jesus who watched overj
him, whereas rather they should have
had him watching over them (v. 21);
On the other hand, the scribes accused
him of being possessed of devils. They
attributed to the devil the work that
the Holy Spirit und Son were doing.'
Whut u strange picture! Friends seek
ing to restrain, enemies accusing and
relatives Interposing, yet nothing can
stop the onward march of the kingdom'
of God. Luke tells us that these twelve
were selected from among the rest of
the disciples. They were to have a
greater nearness and more extended
authority and, of course, greater test
ings than the others who were disci
ples or "learners." These disciples are
to lie the light of the world. The Chris
tian, "who is the salt of the earth,"
loses his Identity and will lose his salt
ness and become like the world, If ho
keeps not near unto Christ. As light
Is n good thing to preserve, purify and
to demise, so lire the Christians, yet
there is a greater thing, when we ener
gize, direct and believe. This Is what
the apostles were to do. The aggres
sive Peter nnd the other "Son of
Thunder," the reflective, cautious
Thomas, these were the men who werj
sent forth ns public herulds (John
1 :30.) Some they nre to win by per
gonal solicitation (James 1:41).. Oth
ers by public proclamation , (Acts
2:30-41.) Men nre saved through men,
and those whoni he sends forth are
those who huve first learned to follow.
Their work Is made permanent only ns
"they abide In him." God wants the
hearing ear, the believing heart nnd
the confessing moiKh , (Uoni. 10:14):
The one who would preach Jesus nnd
have power In his name must first of
nil "be with him," that Is, he must en
joy n deep, abiding, victorious life of
fellowship with Jesus. Jesus gave di
rections to those be sent out, first to
preach; second, to heal Illness; third,
to cast out demons ; nnd they wero pro-i
pared for the work they had to do, by
the Lord Imparting power to them to
do it (v. 15; see Matt. 10:1; Acts
1:5, 8.) Our mission is to both body
nnd soul, but Christ puts the spiritual
needs first (vv. 14, 15; see Mutt.
10:7, 8.) The dlfllculty with many
healers of today Is that they Invert
this order. Those whom Jesus sends
out are to offer his kingdom to men
nnd not command men to receive It.
Their work will bring vnriunce upon
the enrth, even nmong those in the
same family; but those who will not
go ure not "worthy of me." Jesus snw
plainly thnt the victories of his king
dom were often hindered ruther than
helped by the presence of great
crowds (v. 12). Why send Judas?
Undoubtedly he hud ull the desired
qualifications for leadership anil cho
sen us he wns thnt "he might be with
him." He need not hnve hardened his
heart, bringing upon himself a greater
condemnation. Jesus hus a three-fold
work, the Spiritual need of which Is
foremost; then comes the ministry of
heullng; to Invert the order Is to Invert
the teachings of the Book. The church
has a ministry to perform, but Its min
istry to the moral leper Is first, cleuns
1ns them and raising those dead Id
trespasses and sin.
I a aamasBaa a am. a aw, sn a .ant.
mi nil mi niiiirmn
One of the Best Ever Harvested.
Tho cereal crop of Western Canada
for 1917 was the most vuluublo one
ever harvested; the returns from all
classes of live stock have been equally
satisfactory. Tho wool clip wns not
only greuter than In nny previous year,
but the price obtained wus double that
of 1910, which In turn wus almost
double that of the year before.
As wns the ense In 1915 nnd 1910,
many farmers wero uble to pay for
their land outright with tho proceeds
of their first year's crop. Further evi
dence of the prosperity of Western
Cumuli! Is shown by the fuet that, one
In every twenty of the population Is
now the owner of 'an automobile. If
tho farming community alone is taken,
It will bo found that the proportion of
automobile owners Is still greater. The
bank clearings of the leading cities of
Western Canada were consistently
higher than they were In the corre
sponding periods of 1910, and then they
were higher than the year preceding.
In Winnipeg $.r,00,000,00 more wns
clenred In tho 11 months ending No
vember 30 than In the sumo mouths a
year ngo.
The entry of the United States Into
the war has strengthened the bonds
between thut country and Canuda. We
nre now working together for tho
Hiimo ends. Those who are not fighting
nro promoting a greuter production of
foodstuffs. In' this connection Western
Canada offers a wonderful opportu
nity. Not only enn larger quantities
of staple foodstuffs bo produced, but
the cost of production Is lower nnd tho
remuneration greater than where land
Is" more expensive. Notwithstanding
the fact that the price of farm prod
ucts has doubled during tho past threo
years, there are millions of acres of
arable land In Western Canada which
can still be bought nt a low price.
Western Canada has nn enormous
acreage prepared for seeding to wheat
In 1018. It Is larger than In 1917, nnd
will probably surpass tho record nrea
put Into crop In the year 1915, when
the largest crop ever known in the
West was harvested. The year 1913
should also see n further Increaso In
live stock activity.
Farmers have been Investing consid-
ruble sums In cattle; the high prices
l "ired for wool and mutton have
oi : () the eyes of Western farmers to
the , ssihllltios-of sheep, and such was
the d' '"nnd for breeding animals last
fall thai it. was Impossible to meet it
adequately: the campaign for greater
hog production Is expected to yield tin
increase oil between 'Si and SO per cent
in 19K
Those who are contemplating coming
to Western Canada cannot do better
than come early In the spring when
they can nt In a crop and harvest It
in the fall. In this way they will be
able to achieve something that will
not only be of great benefit to them
selves, but also to the great cause for
which the Allies, Including the United
Slates, are now lighting. Advertise
ment. Well, Why Net?
"Pa, why do we pruy for dally
"Why don't we pray for potatoes?"
Says Pile Remedy
Worth $100.00 a Box.
Columbus Man Knows What He Is
Talking About.
I hnve had Itetiliin plli-s ever since my
e.irliest recollection. I am .M years old
.ind have sulTiTi-d terribly. I have tried
many remedies and dnelms. tint no cure.
About 8 weeks hki I saw your nd for
Peterson's Ointment. The llrst application
stopped nil ItclitiiK", nd In three days nil
Horoness. I have only used one 'Sc box
;ind consider I am cured. You have my
heartfelt thanks, and may everyone, that
lias this trouble see 1 his nnd Klvo Peter
son's Ointment, Unit Is worth a hundred
dollars or more u hox. n trial. Sincerely
yours, A. Ncwth, Colunihus, Ohio.
"It makes mo feel proud to he nidi' to
produce an ointment like that," says Iet
erson. "Not only do I KUaranlee Peter
son's Ointment for old sores nnd wounds,
hut for Kcienia. Salt Hheutn, fleers. Itch
lnr; Skin. I'lrnples. niuckhends and nil
skin diseases. I put up n bit,' box for ftl
cents, a price nil can afford to pnv and
money back from your druggist if not
ratlsflod." Adv,
Try Socks, Then.
"Why don't you give him tho mit
ten?" "It Isn't cold hands he has; it's cold
Important to Mother
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA, that famous old "emedy
for infants und children, and see that it
Bears the
In Use for Over 'M Veins.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Grave Situation.
"So Marie Is engaged?"
"Yes, to un undertaker."'
"Air undertaker? She must be dead
In love."
The Big Problem.
Probably one of our knottiest war
problems Is to find out how to make a
woman believe she looks patriotic In
last year's clothes.
Tn rt tbn ireniilno, cull fur fall nam LAXATtVB
llltiiMO UIIININM. Look fur iliimiture of U. W.
U UUVU. Cure. CoW InOno tuo.
Appropriate Results.
"Pld the actor get a hand on his
"No; he mnde such n fist of It."
Sweetest natures are those possess
ing the faculty of finding contentment.
The shoes of the near future will
be of canvas and composition.
au .-...o,iimiliiHiiiiiiiiii"S
After tho Murne8 for Tired Ef es. g
1 MOVleS Red Eye Sore Eyee
2 Rfrwbe-R!iiuire. Mnrln; la t Furlt B
I Trntmiit for Hre tht feel drf nd rnru 9
I uuerour u mnohof yourlorlns csw g
! u jour Teeth and wltn the iim remilsrlty. -1
! Sold t Uroi Mid Optiol Store, or br MelL g
til Mirtai In Imio, Co, Chlctio, fw FtM (hoi I
I inuiuuiiiw imisMuiwaiimuiyuiiuuiiumwiiiUHUii
Good Method Now That So Few
Are Being Printed.
Little Mental Arithmetic Required by
System Which Is Explained Here
Little Rhyme to Be Com
mitted to Memory.
Calendars for 1018 are going to be
scarce, purtly on account of tho paper
shortage and partly because advertis
ers ure cutting down expenses, the
largo insurance companies, for In
stance, having made It 11 rule that their
scents will have to print their own
calendars. It used to bo that one wns
flooded with calendars of all sorts and
shapes about the llrst of the year; now
one has to buy them.
Why buy a culemhir If one can carry
the whole thing In one's head? Thern
nre several ways in which one can fl
ure out the day of the week upon
which nny day of the month will full,
but the majority of tlieui require nn
utuouiit of mental arithmetic that Is
beyond the powers 0 the man In 11
hurry, or the woman urranglng for u
Here Is a simple calendar arranged
by a memory expert. It consists of
twelve words arruuged ns n rhyme.
These twelve words ure Indexes for
tho twelve months, and they ure three
In a line, so ns to make it easier to get
ut the months by taking them three ut
a time:
Time Flloa Font,
Men Wlnely Bay;
Men Think, Ainu!
Tlino'i Foolutl Away.
The Inltlnls of these words give 11s
the day of the week upon which the
first of the months will fall In 101S,
taking them In order. T stands for
Tuesday, Th for Thursday. S Is fur
Saturday and A for Sunday. M and
V nro for Monday nnd Wednesday re
It Is obvious that If one knows (ion
what day of the week the first day of
nny mouth will fall, one has only to
add sevens to It to discover the dates
of nil similar days of the week In thut
month. If the 1st of August fulls on
u Thttrsduy, the 8th. l."i!h, IL'd und 2!Hh
must all be Thursdays.
Now suppose you have committed
this III tie rhyme to memory nnd wish
to know upon what day of the wer'c
the Fourth of .Tilly will fall in 1!HS,
July Is the seventh monlh inel the sev
enth word In our couplet, beclnulng
the third line. Is Men. As M stand
fur Monday, the 1st of July must be n
Monday, so the -1th will be a Thurs
day. Let us suppose your birthday Is
.March 'J?,. As March is the third
month the word Is at the end of the
llrst line, und the Initial F shows Unit
the 1st of March will be 11 Friday. If
the following Fridays are the Nth, 1.1th
tind 2'Jd your birthday will be on a Sat
urday la V.HS.
Suppose It Is Christinas day yon are
looking forward to.- IVcciuhcr Is the
last of the twelve months and the
Initial of the last word in our little
rhyme Is A, which stands for' Sunday.
Then the Sundays In December will be
the 1st, 8th. 1.1th and l!L'd, and Christ
inas day will be three days after Sun
day, or Wednesday.
Spoiled Children.
On a crowded Intcrurhan car the
day lifter Christmas there wus 11 Jost
ling, pushing, complaining bunch In the
rlsle. There wns Just one woman In
the bunch who wns not complaining,
and she was good to look at, being
cheerful, pretty nnd perfectly clothed,
from her russet shoes to the brown hut
thut topped her gold-brown hair. Her
lovely brown suit was coming In con
tact witli nil sorts of shabby clothing,
hut she chuckled, nnd remarked to the
strange woman next to her: "Whut
spoiled children we lire! Here we nre
In a warm, comfortable cur, fairly fly
ing over the road, and grumbling nil
the way. I can remember when a trip
to Indliinupolls meant, for me, a chair
in n farm wagon, maybe way buck over
the hind wheels, and yet, even In zero
weather, Jolting nnd jouncing over fif
teen miles of frozen roud. I never
whimpered. I was Just glad all through
for the chance to tuke the wonderful
trip to the city."
A fdicepisli grin spread over a num
ber of faces in her vicinity, proving
that others could dig up similar memo
ries. Indianapolis Star.
Greeks In Turkish Territory.
Professor Andrendo of the Univer
sity of Athens, who is a specialist on
the extent of Greek citizenship beyond
tho Greek frontiers hi Macedonia
and the other Haitians, lu Turkey,
Syria and Asia Minor pointed out the
great predominance of the Creeks In
the regions to bo 'evacuated by the
'arks if they nre to leave Furope.
V'.e whole vilayet, or province, of
An.-i-'iiople, extending from the l!ul
kans i'owii to Constantinople, ho de
clared, is us much Greek as It is Turk
nnd whh the Turks out it is practical
ly till Greek. "Even Constantinople,"
he snld, "is u Greek city the largest
of Grei-'ii eltres with v population of
;i.ri0,000 Greeks. Thut gives tin Idea of
the extent of Greek cltlzepship In all
this section down to the straits, which
will hnve to be considered on tl.o basis
of nationality nnd race, when the Turk
leuves Europe. .
The Vale of Llangollen.
No traveler In quest of those "cer
tnln Jolly humours" thnt Stevenson
talks about would ever pass by Llan
gollen, declares a writer. It Is a small
market town near the English border,
clustered about the River Doe and
shut tn by hills on all sides. The Dee
winds through the valley like a silver
thread, now vanishing In the woods
nnd now llnshlng In the sun, while Its
curves and eccentricities add grnce und
benuty to the picture. The town bonsts
a fine old bridge, built in 13-15, which la
accounted one of the seven wonders
of Wales. It Is a quaint structure, and
from Its pointed recesses, where Idlers
profitably spend the day gazing and
Bshlng, Is a view that for variety and
qlcturesauennsa Is not to be axcellwd.
has been a household remedy all over
the civilized world for more than half
a century for constipation! intestinal
troubles, torpid liver und the generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
such disorders. It Is a rnost valuable
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys
pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on
Iienduche, coming up of food, pnlpltu
tioti of heart nnd many other symp
toms. A few doses of August Flower
will Immediately relieve you. It Is a
gentle laxative. Ask your druggist.
Sold In all civilized countries. Adv.
Girl Band President.
A girl president lives in Clovehind,
O. She Is president of 11 bank, and Is
only seventeen years old. The bunk
has 8."i() depositors find a capital of
?l.r).".fi8. The depositors ure members
of the council educational nlllunce,
who stive their money to buy Liberty
loan bonds, vacations nnd presents.
The deposits come lu pennies. Some
persons literally have "only n cent to
their names."
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum, a Hiuull box of liarbo Compound,
bud 14 oz. of glycerine. Any drugKint can
put thin up or you cna mix it at home at
very little cent. Full directions for nuk
ing and uhu come in each box of liarbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
Ireakcd, faded gray hair, and make it soft
and (ilutwy. It will not color the scalp, is not
ticky or greasy, and docs not rub oil. Adv.
Not So Much Work.
Mr. I'.angor William, have you bro
ken another gluss?
William Yes, sir; but I was very
fortunate this time. It only broke In
two pieces.
Mr. Hunger So you cull that "for
tunate," do you?
William Yes, sir; you can't Imagine
what 11 bother It Is to pick .them up
wheu they break Into a hundred pieces.
"Cold In the Head"
la an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Ft
oris who ore suliiert to frcanent "colds
In the heart" will find thnt tho use of
build up the Bvsteni, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Kepi-alcd uttucks of Acuto Catarrh muy
leri'l to Clironlf! enmrrn.
n Internally and arts through the Flood
on the Miuons Surfaces of the System.
All Prueiiiats 75c. Testimonials free.
I11A10 for nnv case of cntnrrh that
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
Power of Money.
Money may be misused. The power
It represents may be abused, says a
noted writer, just lis the power of the
press or any other physical or social
force may be abused. And tho desire
for money may be perverted. Just as
may be any other normal or healthy
desire. I'.ut that Is not the way to look
at money any more than It Is the way
to look at any other power or quality
of human nature thnt may be used ei
ther for good or evil.
Dr. IVi ry "Drad Khot" li iiiiwnrful bat
puu. uiie uuao 111 cnoiiKn to cxprl Worms or
Uupi wonn. f.o castor oil nccvMury. Adv.
Where Canes Are Popular.
There Is probably no country in the
world where the use of walking sticks
Is so general ns in tho United King
dom. Practically every man carries n
cuiie, not only In the towns und cities,
but ulso in the country; ami, in addi
tion, there Is u large demand for walk
ing slicks for women, these being used
extensively in the country nnd ut sen
side resorts, but not to u greut extent
In the cities.
The winter months nre always rain)
and even during the summer tie;
weather is often very unsettled, so that
the use of umbrellas Is also unusually
greut. These conditions have made
the manufacture of umbrellas and
walking sticks an Important industry
in the l'.rilish Isles.
Had Similar Failing.
Mistress It's only fair to warn yui,
Bridget, that my husband sweurs 0
nttle sometimes.
Ilridget That's all right, mum. So
do I. Life.
An Eaiy End.
Ill I'erliins As for me, I want to die
rich. I never yet hoard of 11 rich fel
ler being bung or eieetrocutwl.
Defeat Backache and Kidney
Trouble With Anuric
Many people In this section- have suffer
ed from rheumutlsni ond kidney troub'e
and have found that Anuric was the most
successful remedy to ovorcome tbeso
painful and dangerous ailments.
The lucky pcoplo ure tbose who hae
suffered, but who aTe now well becauao
they heedod nature's warning signal In
time to correct their trouble with thnt
wonderful new discovery of Dr. riorce"s
:alled "An-u-rlc" (diuble strength). You
should promptly hood these warnings,
some of which are dizzy spells, backache,
Irregularity of the. urlno or the painful
twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum
bago. To delay may make possible tho
aungorous forms of kidney dlsonso, such
as stono In the bledilcr. If you want
quick relief buy An-iric now (COo a pack
sgo) or send Dr. I'lerco 10c for trial pk.
This will prove that "Anuriu" eliminates
uriu acid as hot wuter melts sugar.
isWirisTfWiHrft?iri J
settle on
Canada. Canada's invitation to every Industrious worker to settle in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta
farmers to make money and happy,
by helping her raise immense wheat
You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free ?
or other lands at very low prices.
(and at $1S to 930 per acre that will
wheat to the acre it's easy to beebme
also grow wonderful crops of Oats, Barley ana t lax. Mixed farm.
Ing is fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. The excellent
eraasea. full of nutrition, are the only food required either ' .
for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches;
markets convenient; climate excellent. Write for literature
and particulars as to reduced railway rates to SupU of Im
migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Car. Wains! lOraid Sis., PhUaddphla. Pi.
Canadian Government Agent
Back Given Out?
Housework is too bard for a woman
who is half sick, nervous and always
tired. But it keeps piling up, and gives
weak kidneys do tune to recover. If
your back is lame and achy and your
kidneys irregular; if you have "blue
spells," sick headaches, nervousness,
dizziness and rheumntio pains, us
Doan's Kidney rills. Tbey bav6 done
wonders for thousands of worn out
A Virginia Case
Mrs. P. T. Timber-"ton SrhT4kav
nine, o o. juiwiunu
St., Richmond, Va.,
siys: "1 suffered
f jr months wltli fre
i.uont spells of
cramps In my hands,
feet and limbs and
wag almost helpless fcr1.
for a Ioiir time. I
uon t snow now I
ever stood the knlfo
111(0 pnins thut slmt
tliroiiKh my body.
Arter 1 nnd used
thirteen boxes if
Drain's Kidney nils
I was cured entirely
and I have entnveil
better health since then, Wan I ever
hud before."
Get Doan's at Any Store, 0e a Bos
Wat son E.Coleman.WMh.
Inglon.D.C. UduJlh fri. llhrh
l roferonuw. UwtiMulu.
Wisconsin's Fine Potato Crop.
Wisconsin furnished 0,-iOO,0H)
jushols of the entire potuto crop of
the United Stutes, which amounted to
410,(XK),0OU bushels In all. This It
about 8',a per cent.
Contcd tongue, vertigo ond const!
Iftttlon are relieved by Garfield Ten,
Expensive Hostelry. .
"I like to stop nt this hotel."
''The proprietor makes me feel us If
I wned the pluce."
''Well, lifter you've paid your bill
yen will feel that you ought to own
the place, whether you do or not."
Piles Cured In to 14 Dsts
DmslU refund mniir r if I'A.O OIN'I'MHKT falls
Uicuri' lichlnii, llllnd. Ulenlloiior I'rouuaui I'lio.
b'lnilitpuUcaUoQtflTos rcUuf. too.
Economizing Time.
"What will you have for dinner?"
asked the nffable waiter.
"tin ahead and bring what you nre)
solving today," replied the hungry
man. "lon't iiiuke me guess."
Wrlnht's Incllnn VrrMnlil rills contain
nothing but vck initio Initrfillents, which act
gently ns a tonic Rml vurKatlvc by sllrxiu
lotion asd not by Irritation. Adv. ,
Hard on Henry.
Tm afraid Henry is going to lie dis
appointed with uriny life," remurked
Mr. Cobbles.
"Why so?",
"Henry wns always dead set ngalnt(
manual labor, an' I understand ull
them trenches In Kurope was dug by
The Kuglish government has liu
proved the quality of the ule brewed
In thnt country.
Htnpnnge of the bowels .
More rultlo ilti, of imrn.rnlii of ttl
U 1 n e I jmi4 dc I iik d n-n ruou Uiafi from
ail oUit-r bowl 1 nmblcs
Dr. Ilvl! ltoherta'
fed dry on tho tongue will overcome
pttmlyhlA and ftUivpnifcotUie bowels
Itiui svoldinff dn-ucklag wtilcli is
(liinscrouc In ltclf.
Kftd the Prirtinl Horn Vtttrtntrlso
Stall rw fr boBkl M AtorUM ! I
If no d.'nlcr tn Tour town, write
It. Bins labirtl' fit. Co. 100 Grand Annul. WiskiiHa, l
Relieve Feverltdinefta, Constipa
tion.ColilHnnd correct dlscroprnof
the Htomavta and bowels. VudH
fi'tktrtfcr tr ytart. All ITlipf iHts,
Hnuiple mulled KHRK. Ad-
ureas A. S. OLMSTED, Ls Ro, N. V.
Soldiers Soothe
Skin Troubles
with Cuticura
'Soap 25c Ointment 25c & 50c
Name, and Addresses unSrrfH
Lincoln. Noomnkaanilvlrlnltv. furnvtcd wlibln of
days, i'rlco I10.UJ. rill lie. runs, l.ll.n II.., o.bft
jl. -rr3
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 5-19ia
Maryland Folks Testify
Ilrunswiek, Md. "Several months
ago I wus taken with a severe puln la
the small of my buck. I saw un ad
vertisement in some newspaper of Dr,
Pierce's Anuric Tablets, und wns so
Impressed with it, thought they would
possibly be benellclui in my case, nnd
knowing the hii:h reputation of nil
Dr. Tierce's remedies I immediately
sent for a trial puckngc of 'the Anuria
Tablets and begun tcking them ns soou
as received, and la u very short time
wus relieved of the trouble. I believe
this remedy, like nil Dr. Tierce's rem
edies, to bo everything thut Is claimed
for It." V. G. 1IOAK.
Dr. Tierce's reputation Is back of
this new medicine and you know thnt
his Tleusniit Tellets for the liver, his
Golden Medical Discovery for the
blood, and Ids Favorite Prescription
for the Ills of women hnve hud a
splendid reputation for the past, CO
IM s&MM JU u -w ... -
that's what thousands of farmer
who have none from, the U. S. to
homesteads or buy land in Western
Is especially attractive, sne wants ,
prosperous homes for themselves
crops to teea the wona.
Where you can bay good (arm
raise xo to ah dusucu oi $2
prosperous. Canadian farmers
, tarns su.
f '