The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 17, 1918, Image 3

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What Lydia C Pinkham'f
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio. " I suffered from
Irregularities, pains in my side and was
bo weax at umes i
could hardly gat
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and three boarders
it made it very bard
for me. Lydia E.
Pinkbam's Vege
table Compound
was recommended
to me. I took It
and it has restored
my health. It is
certainly the best
medicine for woman's ailments I ever
aw. "Mrs. SARA SHAW, a, CtOm i
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this
medicine and wrote this letter in order
that other suffering women may find
ronei as sne tua.
. Women who are suffering as she was
should not drag along from day to day
without giving this famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege
table compound, a trial, for special
advice In regard to such ailments write
toLvdia R. Pinkbam Medicine Uo..Lynn,
Mass. The result of its forty yean
experience is at your service.
Heave you
Lumbago or Gout?
Tate R n ECM A C I DK lo iwmnre the cause
sou drive tbe poison (rum the item.
"iMiiiirint os thi muni
nn huuiiu 01 TBI ocrtist
Jti. Btfly k Sea, Waele sals Diilribator
Baltimore, Md.
Cottonseed Oil for Canada.
The United States food uduilnlstra'
tlon has completed arrangements with
the food controller of Canudn, wberebj
cottonseed oil and Its products maj
move Into Canada for local 'Canadian
consumption. There will be no re-ex
port of these products. As Canada
raises sufficient hogs for Its own uses,
export licenses for hogs will not b
granted for an indefinite period. The
policy of the food administration Is to
see that Cunadu is supplied with ccr
tain necessaries from the United
States required for feeding their own
people, but no more. Itcgular licenses
will be required on all shipments as
heretofore, but uo licenses will be is
sued without the approval of the food
controller of Canada.
Kept His Word.
"I thought you said you'd make mo
a good price?"
"So I did."
"But you have charged me more foi
this suit of clothes than I have ever
paid before 1"
"Well, you can't say I didn't make
it a ,xod price while I was at It"
Soothe Itching Scalps.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
drulT and Itching with Cutlcura Olnt
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. For free
samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept X,
Boston." At druggists and by mail.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
Important Mllepost
An Important mllepost on the road
to manhood Is when mother finally
agrees to let you have a cup of tea
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
rierces riensnnt I'ellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
five-sevenths of all the women In
New York city are In favor of woman
Dr. Faery's "Da shot" not only expel
worm, or Tapeworm but clt-ans out tho
ucus In which th.y breed and tones up
, una aose sulllclent. Adv.
Mrs. Dorothy Stockhnm, eighty, con
oucis a large furin near Litchfield,
HotUnf Breifht Relict Until Dmi'i Wert Did
Wwierfii Iopnnmut Was EHerttt
"I had such awful cutting palnB
In the small of my back and hips. I
ofteji had to cry out," says Mrs. Er
nost Wlethoelter, 550 Madison St.,
St. Charles, Mo.. ('The pain was
knife-like and I couldn't turn in bed,
iu iuti x whs almost
helpless. My feet and
ankles swelled badly,
my hands were puffed
up and there were
swellings under my
eyes. ..
"I often gtc so
dizzy I had to sit
down to keep from Hn. WminIiit
fulling and my health was complete
ly broken down. The kidney secre
tions pained terribly In passuge and
in spite of nil the medicine I took,
I kept getting worse until I was a
"By chance I rend about Doan't
Kidney Pills and bought some. After
I had used hulf a box there was a
change ond I continued to Improve;
the pains, aches and swellings left
and my health returned."
Sworn to before me,
WM. F. WOLTER, Notary Publlo.
May 25. 1017, Mrs. Wlethoelter said :
'I think as highly of Doan's as ever.
Whenever I have used them, they
Dave benefited mn."
Cot Doaa'e at Any Slot, 60c Bos
DOAN'S J,a,".V
ISHy ta,toot Take fa hwd. and
"wroart toot heiUn hf promptir Uklnf
Xorrlstown. The Merchants' Asso
ciation has decided that mores bo
closed Thursdays until the middle of
March afternoon and evening tliut bout
and light may be suved.
Xorrlstown. The council hns adopt
ed a resolution protesting to the Public
Service Commission tho proposed In
crease of fure from 5 cents to 0 cents
by the Heading Transit Company.
Pottstown. The ainbulaiwe of tho
Good Will Fire Company averaged a
call for ench day of last year.
Norrlstown. Charles J. Hengen, one
of the oldest clerks in the local post
office, has been transferred to the mill
tnry post ofllec nt Newport News, Vn.
Chester. -The Chester County Oas
Company hns boosted prices 10 cents
per thousand feet.
Perkasle. John Renchrlst was killed
while felling trees for Corson Lewis, a
contractor, as a limb of a tree fell
across his breust.
Glenloch. A new farm school for .'10
hoy pupils Is to be opened on the John
Slbhle farm of 127 acres, adjoining the
St. Paul's Church.
Chester. -For the third time within
a couple of years Messlck Bros., men's
furnishers, have been rohlied, this time
losing $1,000 worth of goods.
Chester. When Comptroller Robert
O. Kay of Chester county refused to
approve some bills of Sealer of Weights
and Measures Townsend for certain
meals the latter ofllclul brought suit
against tho county, and Magistrate
Patrick has awarded him Judgnu nt for
Doyiestown. Arriving here with
government requisition for coal, repre
sentatives of the shipbuilding plant at
Bristol got five tons.
Doyiestown. The "barbers' trust
of tills place has been broken by' the
Announcement of E. .7. Steuber to go
back to old prices, 10 cents for n shave
am) 15 cents for n haircut.
Millerstown. Thirteen Inch ice has
been taken from the Juuiiltii river by
local Ice dealers.
Harrlsburg. Special courses In gns
engine and tractor opcintlon will be
given this winter ut the Stale College
for farmers.
Willlamsport. The recent cold wave
has caused a general suspension of Ice
harvesting in this section owing to the
fact that the Ice has formed such n
thickness that It is Impossible to linn
die It.
Lebanon. Rather than Insist on the
fulfillment of a contract to supply city
school buildings with coal and thereby
reduce the present limited supply ol
fuel on hand the School Board decided
to close four South Side buildings foi
an indefinite time.
Clmmbersburg. The Intensely cold
weather has caused heavy losses :n
live stock. Ilutids of pigs have died
because of the frigid weather, and
calves and colts have died all over the
state because it was impossible to heat
the stables enough to save them. Even
cows and horses are reported to have
perished from the zero weather. Many
chickens had to be killed because ol
frost bitten feet and. legs.
Scranton. Members of the fire de
partment are now aflilliitcd with the
American Federation of I-abor. They
have organized a locul and have ob
tallied n charter from the international
organization. News of the lire fighters
unionizing caused a stir in miiiilclpul
Harrlsburg. The state is Investigat
ing smallpox In big Pittsburgh Indus
Lancaster. The revenue receipts of
the Ninth district for December were
$012,405.84, an increase of $115,000 over
Lewistown. CSrocers' patrons will
&Hve nctunl cash each trip carrying
Vareels home.
Harrlsburg. Harry E. Klugh has
been appointed chief clerk of the state
department of agriculture.
Lancaster. Lnncaster county In tho
past year has Issued 1.010 marriage li
censes, uu Increase of 222 over the nest
highest year.
Harrlsburg. Each one of the thou
sand men who had been employed In
the munition shop destroyed by fire
was offered employment on the con
struction of new buildings. Plans for
erecting concrete structures were aban
doned to suve time. The company
plans to get back to work ou four Inch
shells for the navy within two weeks.
Hazlet on. -There will be no parade
or festivities at the June convention vf
Co Six County Firemen's Association.
Instead of spending their money to
hire bands, the fire companies of Lu
zerne, Luckawanna, Schuylkill, Colum
bia, Montour and Northumberland
counties have decided to buy war bonds.
Wllkesbarre. The cold weather that
hns' caused great suffering In north
eastern Pennsylvania has not been
without Its blessings. The Ice harvest
Is now on In full force, and reports
from the Bear creek and Pocono sec
lions are that Ice 18 Indies In thick
ness Is being cut.
Harrlsburg. The water famine which
Sliemindoah had been undergoing was
greatly relieved by the mild weather
opening , up the frozen springs and
Pleasantvllle. Speechless because
of throat trouble, and unable to call
for help, Agnes McDonald, aged
twenty-two years, was burned to death
when fire destroyed the McDdnald
residence here. The ' girl's mother,
Mrs. John McDonald, a widow, was
out, and It is believed that sparks
from wood used as fuel in the girl's
bedroom set fire to tne carpet. The
girl was ill in bed.
Simbury. Owners of river Islands
ten miles south of here have sued mine
owners for a total of $20,000 for crop
ruining culm washed on their lands.
Hazleton. The Lehigh Recreation
Club gave $553 to the Red Cross here.
Altoona. The Federal Food Survey
has quadrupled Its grasp upon deal
ers in foodstuffs In tbls city.
Harrlsburg. In a statement to the
people, Governor Brumbaugh com
mends the example set by Rev. Dr.
H. C. Stone of Philadelphia, chaplain
lot the reserve militia, In going to
France to aid American soldiers and
What Is Furnished the Fighting, Men
of Various Nations Federal Loans
Made to Farmers Now Reach Almost
From Committee on Public Information.)
Washington. According to estimates
based on an army of 1,500,000 men,
17.5(H) nurses will be needed. The pres
ent strength of the army nurse corps
f the medical department Is fcbout
't.S(K). To Increase tbls number by
nearly 1,000 per cent In a year Is the
tusk faced by the corps.
Hospitals at nrmy jninips and canton
n. cuts still need nurses to bring the
iiiota for ench up to the minimum of
:V considered necessary, although
ilnce the urgent need for nurses was
'I'ide public In December neurly 2,KR)
r-nests for application blanks huve
teen received.
In order to get the enrollments up to
; needed number some of the re
IMlremeiils heretofore Imposed have
Jcen waived. According to estimates
:here are between 80,000 and 90,000
registered nurses In the country and
il.out 2IKMHKJ other graduate and prac
tical nurses.
The equipment of no soldiers Is com
plete without emergency food rations,
('lilted States troops are supplied with
Ihree different parched mulze-meat
packets and three chocolates. The
former Is u revival of the maize-meal
it the American Indians, on which they
could exist for days while hunting or
an the warpath.
The "chain-shot" ration furnished
Itelgiaii, French and Teutonic soldiers
Is winter food of compressed meat.
There are more than n dozen varieties
ot compressed teas used by tin Rus
ilan commissary. Compressed r.'c and
amcarnnl Is supplied Oriental tiroes.
Oat bread In sausage form Is use ' by
nine of the north British troops.
A curious ration Is the compress)
fig coffee of the central powers, which
may either be utilized for food as It Is
or converted Into n coffeelike drink.
Smoke-dried pears are used In the
tame armies. The Swiss soldier re
reives an emergency ration of white
rhocolate made entirely of cocoa but
ter and sugar.
An ltullan army chocolate Is In wiu-wige-length
form, while their plum duff
goes Into a beef niembrii.';.
Up to December 1. $,.,0.S24,C.".5 had
beeU paid out to farmers on 5 per cent
long-time lonns, according to a report
covering the operations of the 12 fed
era! land banks. The total of loans
npproved. Including those closed and
those awaiting verification of title and
other formalities, Is $105,1:10,529.
The Interest rate under the farm
loan system has been Increased from 5
to 5V4 per cent, to apply to all applica
tions which have not yet been ap
proved. borrowing Is done through co-opern-tlv
farm-loan associations organized
Dy farmers, each association being
eoivposed of ten or more farmer bor
rowers and each group borrowing at
leatt $20,000. Up to December 1 the
farm loan board had chartered 1,830
such co-operative associations.
from the annual report of the secre
tary of the Interior:
"In this department we hnve during
the past year had n glimpse of the ex
panding romance of chemical study.
We have found adventure in the search
for the hidden secrets of petrole-im,
natural gas and coal jar, of coal smoke
ami the refuse from a hundred fur
naces and smokestacks. We appear to
have suddenly driven Into a chemical
nfjtj or perhaps It would be more ac
curate to say that we have suddenly
realized that we are such an age. New
explosives, now fertilizers, new sou sees
of power, of food, new materials for
construction and destruction, new
preservatives of life, und new ugencles
for the sweetening and wholesomlng of
Hfethese ure to the credit of the
modern chemist, and as n by-product
of this war we are to have a higher ap
preciation of this branch of .science,
and our genius for discovery which has
so greatly been applied to problems of
mechanics will find In analytic unit
synthetic chemistry u field of oppor
tunity subject to almost Infinite ex-
All wooden Christmas boxes for sol
diers of the expeditionary forces re
ceived too late for shipment will be re
turned to the senders If return postage
Is mailed to the superintendent, rail
way mail service, New York, N. Y.
To aid in supplying suitable material
with which to Illustrate sermons, lec
tures and school work, the division of
pictures, committee on public Informa
tion, I preparing official stereopticon
slides showing America's participation
In the war.
These slides will be mndo available
soon for general use, at a nominal
charge to cover actual cost.
An embargo has been placed on the
fxportation of butter, except to nations
associated with the United States in
Entering the recruiting' station, he
told the story of his many attempts to
Lieut Daniel M. Gardner, Jr who was
In charge. The youth was measured
by the examining physician and found
to be 6 feet 8 Inches In height and
weighed 210 pounds.
"Too bad," declarea the lieutenant
"You will have tomake another try,
because you are even too tall for the
marine corps."
Clawed by a Hawk.
Bt Marys. O. Clawed some time
Raw materials of many kinds are
needed for the equipment of United
States troops. Jute, silk, fur and linen
all find their way into the uniform of
an Infantryman, In addition to tho
wool and cotton which ore utied In
greater quantities.
A hulf ounce of silk Is used In the
standard yellow gloves and a slightly
larger quantity In the riding gloves.
Silk Is also found In the service hat
and undershirt. Linen enters the equip
ment list In only one article, the shelter
tent. Jute Is used In breeches, coat
mid overcoat ; fur In the service hat.
Mussel pearl, Ivory nut and bone
form the buttons ou different articles
of the uniform. Aluminum Is used In
the bayonet scahbatd, canteen, cup,
knife and meat can. Iu the slicker are
nine nnd a half ounces of rubber.
Horsehlde and leather, wood, Iron,
steed, bronze, brass, zinc, copper, tin
and lead are used In various articles.
No port of an airplane Is subject to
Srenter strain than the landing gear
when the machine Is brought to earth.
Because of this each piece of the wood
en material Is made from carefully se
lected spruce, re-enforced by binding.
The metal Joints are further strength
ened by rubber windings which also In
crease resiliency. All parts ore cut to
air-stream shape to decrease resistance.
In the construction of one alrplune
of the more simple type 244 feet of
spruce, 58 feet of pine, 1 feet of nsh
and VA feet of hickory ore used. Tho
list of materials, exclusive of the en
gine, also Includes $502 feet of wire,
!)8 forglngs. 921 steel stamulngs. 57
square feet of veneer, 11 gallons of var
nish, 59 gallons of "dope," 201 square
yards of linen. 34 feet of rubber, and
05 pounds of aluminum. Over 4,000
nails are used, 3,377 screws, aud 27(1
Reports coming from Southern
camps show the vaudeville shows, run
ning In tents, are crowding seating ca
pacities. With the 10 government the
aters at the cantonments completed,
the commission on training enmp ac
tivities will soon start several hlgh
gntile theatrical companies on the
rounds of the camps. Kach company
will be out about 15 weeks.
Local committees in cities and towns
throughout the country will put ou,
sale "stallage" looks the week of Jan
uary 28 containing coupons good for'
admission to the entertainments In
camps nnd cantonments. The books,
are made In two sizes, to sell at $1
and $5.
Figures from examinations made by
amy and civilian shoe experts at army
u mps show tlTnt only about 13 per
ci-M. f'f the men wear shoes which fit
properly. Of the several groups of
men examined L'S per cent wore shoes
one-half size short, 20 per cent wore
shoes a full size short, and 8 per cent
wore shoes two sizes short.
P.epoits ascribe the high proportion
of misfits to tin inclination of men to
choose shoes too small, faults of nieth
of and supervision of fitting, Insuffi
cient numbers of larger und narrower
sizes, an incorrect marking of sizes by
While men registered under the se
lective service law ure not being ac
cepted at recruiting offices for enlist
ment in the uvlutlou section of the sig
nal corps, they may be Inducted volun-k
tartly Into service by their local hoards
If they are physically fit, sulllclently
skilled, and not required to fill the
current draft quota. They will be
sent to Camp Kelly, Tex., for distri
bution Into tunics, training nnd forma
tion Into squadrons, with ranks und
salaries running from $30 a month as
private to $81 a month as muster signal
electrician, fond and quarters provided
by the government.
Christmas gifts for the expedition
ary forces aggregated 050 tons. Hun
dreds of thousands of pounds of tur
keys, purchased In Fnstern markets
and refrigerated on the ships, togeth
er with great quantities of cranberries,
sweet potatoes, and mince meat went
to the forces overseas. In the United
.States every enmp was supplied with
fresh turkey ami the usual Christmas
In n recent review of military opera
tions the secretary of war says:
"The various reports of Immediate
peace proposals by the Germans on
seemingly favorable terms should not
for a moment Induce us to slacken our
preparations for war. It Is only neces
sary for us to lecall that during the
Christmas season hist year the Ger
mans put forth very similar peace
Christmas mall this year was 25'per
cent heavier than ever before, accord
ing to the post office department. The
congestion was less, however, because
the packages were mailed earlier thun
In former years.
The military service flag of the light
house service, department of com
merce, contains 1,200 stars, one for
each officer and employee of the light
house service now serving in the mili
tary forces of the United States.
A radio message from Lyons, France,
to the committee on public! information
quotes an editorial from the Frank
furter Zeltuug of December 8. The
Frankfurter Zeitung Is a liberal organ
with a large circulation throughout the
German empire. It Is quoted as say
ing: "The German people desire In no
sense whatever that the opportunity
presented by the favorable situation
on the east front should be used for
realizing 6n theVwcst front the vain
dreams of the annexationist fanatics
at Puu-f-ctmunlsm."
ago In a fight with a chicken hawk,
Ben H. Strasburg, forty years of age,
married and residing In the Ferguson
school district la disabled with blood
poisoning affecting one of hts hands.
Tbe hawk was killed. It measured
four feet between wing tips.
Danville, N. T, a village of 4,000 In
habitants, closed all stores, banks and
factories recently to get In the potato
crop from surrounding fields for fear
the snow and wet weather would cauae
It to rot
a Note a
(Conduced by the National Womun'i
Christian Temperance Union.)
Some time ago a schoolmaster of
Cologne, astonished ut the poor work
done on Mondays by the 54 boys in
bis class, questioned them as to the
manner In which Sunday had been
spent. .He leurned tliut 19 bud spent
the evening before In some cafe or
beer gnrden, thut 20 had taken wine,
24 beer und 19 brundy; 17 hod had
both wine ond beer, 14 had had wine,
beer and brandy, ten had been very
tipsy nnd eight hud been nauseated.
Doctor Buyer of Vienna requested a
certain number of school directors to
divide their 591 pupils Into three cate
gories: Good, adequate and Inade
quate. Then, with their aid, he divid
ed these Into five classes: (1) Those to
whom alcoholic drinks were unknown;
(2) those who drank occasionally; (3)
those who drank beer once a duy; (4)
those who drank It twice dally; (5)
those who drank it thrice. The results
were as follows:
Good Adequnte Inadequate
Pet. ret. Pet
1 41.8 49.2 9.0
2 34.1 50.0 9.5
8 27.8 68.4 13.7
4 24.9 57.7 18.3
5 24.0 33.3 00.6
Whence tho conclusion that the wn
ter-drlnker Is almost always at least
among the adequnte, If not among the
good, scholars.
"If the proposed amendment shonld
be adopted by three-fourths of the
states," says United States Senator
Sheppard, speaking of national prohl
bltlon, "tho traffic In Intoxicating
liquors for beverage purposes would be
forbidden anywhere within the Ameri
can republic. Prohibition would be Im
bedded In the organic law of the na
tlon. Is It not tlnio thnt the federal
government, the largest social unit we
hnve, should take a hand when tho
traffic In a poisonous drug Is taking
from the enrnings of tho American
people six times as much ns they ex
pend for bread, ten times as much ns
they expend for furniture, nnd twico
ns much ns they expend for clothing?
As I view the matter," concluded Seme
tor Sheppard, "the member of either
branch of the American congress who
denies tho power of amendment to the
states, especially nn amendment which
vast numbers of the people desire tho
states to consider, violates the basic
principles both of the constitution and
of popular government, repudiates tho
fundamental rights of the states and
overturns the two most sacred priv
ileges the people possess, the privileges
of referendum and of petition."
The man who Is not willing thnt the
question of national prohibition be sub
milled to n poll of the states Is not
traveling the path of safe democracy
"If we are to pour out our money
nnd blood we must Insist thnt w
shall have a fair return for the price
we pay. How can It be done? Only
In one way that Is big enough to be
named In the same breath with Eu
rope's gain the abolition of the liq
uor traffic I By nation-wide, bone-dry,
rock-ribbed, bomb-proof, never-leak
prohibition as the lurgest possible mil
Itary preparation nnd the only ade
quate compensation for tho prlco we
pay. . . . Immediate prohibition
Is n supreme military necessity, nnd
would mean victory ogalnst any nntloc
that remains In partnership with rum
I do not tremble for my country, I do
not fear the ultimate result, howevei
long drawn out tho conflict; but na
tional prohibition would mako assur
mice doubly sure, accelerate the vic
tory, work blessings upon all, hard
ships upon none, und pay dividend)
for eternity when pence shall come
National constitutional prohibition la
our one salvation." Clinton N. Dow
Tbe first Monday after the dry law
went into effect In the District of Co
lumbia, Judge Mullowny remarked
from the bench: "Just think of It I
Monday morning docket usually con
tained the nnmes of from 40 to 50 per
sons who had been arrested for intoxi
cation. Today we have two or three
persons charged with that offense. It
Is bard to conceive that such a great
change could be brought about in sc
short a time."
Brandy brands a man ns the property
of n ranch where everything Is red hot.
'As the cowboy on the ranges knows his
iMister's brand on every steer nnd
rounds them up, so nt the final round
up the owner of each branded beust
will know and claim his own.
If we cannot afford to. let the liquor
trade make drunkards of our soldiers,
neither can we nfford to let the liquor
trade make drunkards of the men who
are to raise food for tho soldiers.
William J. Bryan.
Coal operators In the Pittsburgh dis
trict, meeting to discuss the fuel situa
tion, declared that liquor selling with
in five miles of a mine should be pro
hibited by the president of the United
There are people who are urging
that the government appoint nnothet
liquor investigating commission. Quite
like the grand dukes who not long ago
appointed a commission' to Investigate
and see If there was any discontent In
"Try to be one of the ancestors to
be bragged about In the next century,'
urges the St Louis Globe Democrat
We advise getting on the band wagon
for national constitutional prohibition.
To half pint of water add 1 os. Bay
Rum, a small box of Burbo Compound,
and M ot. ut glycerine. Any druggist can
put thii up or you can mix it at home at
very little coat. Full direction! for mak
ing and uue come in each box of liarbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
streaked, faded gray hair, and make it aoft
tnd gloaay. It will not color the acalp, ii not
sticky or greary, and does not rub oil. Adv.
No Patent
"Have you n talking machine at
your house?"
"Yes; have had one for tbe past ten
years that hns never been out of or
der, never ran down and hasn't stopped
"Where did you get It?"
"I married It."
It has been fight or die for many of us
In the past and the lucky people are
those who have Buttered, but wbo are now
well became they heeded nature's warn
ing; algnal In time to correct their trou
ble with that wonderful new discovery
of Dr. Pierce's called "An-u-rlc." Tou
ehould promptly heed then warning,
ome of which are dlziy spells, backache,
IrreKularlty of the urine or the painful
twinges ot rheumatlam, sciatica or lum
bago. To delay may make poealble the
dangerous forms of kidney disease, such
as stone iu the bladder.
To overcome these dlatreaalnf condi
tions take plenty of exercise In the open
air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely
of water and at each meal take Dr.
Pierce's Anuria Tablets (double strength).
You will, In a short time. And that you
are one of the firm tndoraers of Anuria,
as are thousands of neighbor.
Step Into the drug; store and auk for
a 60c bottle of Anuria, or send Dr. V. M.
Pierre, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg.
Anurlc, many times more potent than
llthta, eliminates urlo acid as hot water
melts sugar.
Many Women Suffering Trouble
and an Epidemic Feared, Declares
Physical Director.
Now it's "knitting nerves," caused
by concentration of mind nnd hand
on the needles. Thousands of women
In New York ore nllllcted, according to
Dr. Louis n. Welzinlller, physical di
rector of the West Side V. M. C. A.,
who adds that his only patients show
Ing symptoms of the new war-time
complaint hnve been women. Doctor
Welzinlller says that there Is liable to
be an epidemic of "knitting nerves"
unless knitters learn to knit properly.
lie offers the following advice as a
remedy :
"Don't hunch over your knitting; sit
upright, nnd when your mind tells you
you hnve knitted enough, quit. There
are Sfci days In a year, and you cou
finish a sweater In a day, no matter
how much you love a soldier or a sail
Dr. C. T. Chrlstensnn of the Psycho
logical Research society concurred In
the predictions of Doctor Welzinlller.
Ho attributed the nerve scourge to
the failure of women folk to compre'
hend "the vibrations of nerve laws."
He continued :
"The women are overworking them
selves. Knitting has become a craze.
Nerves cannot stnnd this strain."
Constipation can be cured without dram
Nature's own remedy selected herbs ii
Uarneia iti, Adv.
Will Rebuild Salonika.
Greece will spend $1,108,000 to build
8,r00 homes In the burned district of
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There Is
on iv one way to cure catarrhal Dearness,
and that la bv a ronatltuttonal remedy.
through th Blood on tbe Mucous Surfaces
of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of th
mucous lining- or the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you have a
rumbling aound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It la entirely closed. Deafness Is the
result. Unless the Inflammation can be re
duced and this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing; may be deatroyed
forever. Many roses of Deafness are
caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed
condition or tne mucous surfaces.
case of Catarrhal Drarnes that cannot
be cured by HALL'S CATARRH
All Druggists 75e. Circular free.
P. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Early Submarines.
The modern sulniiurlne is tho result
Of the slow development of an Idea
and the cumulative work of many in
ventors. Successful experiments In
submarine navigation were made con
slderahly more than 100 years ago. In
1747 the Gentleman's Magazine, a Lon
don periodical, published n picture of
a submarine boat that wus being op
erntod on the Thames. It was Invent
ed by an Englishman mimed Symnns.
Between J773 and 1770 un American
named Btislmell built a submarine boat
which was used In actual warfare, but
with little or no effect. It embodied
sonio of the features of the modern
submarine. Between 1790 nnd 1810
Robert Fulton, American Inventor of
the steamboat, built several suhma
rlnes which served to demonstrate the
feasibility of underwater navigation,
but he died before completing his ex
perlments. Experiments and Inven
tlons continued In several different
countries until the present fighting
machine was developed.
Imaortanlto Mothers)
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA, thnt famous old remedy
for infants and children, and sec that It
Bears tho
Signature of
In Use for Over ao leurs.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
A Misnomer.
"I saw somewhere In Cairo that men
In the native tailor shops Iron clothes
with their feet."
"Then I suppose it would not be
proper to call tho employees of such
shops, hands."
KtwDlna the Outllry Up
Our fur Colds and urlp, It uow toe oer bui. on
tcooDtilof uh Uimn In the price of U) Hi alt-
IrDi MMIolnal,unoentretM Hiiracuana unrtn
! auniAinad In LA1ATIVS HKOMOUlilNINH.
It was DooeMArr to loomuH tbe prloe to tbe Uruy
liib H taw suod Ui ten tor a Quarwr ot a Ced
ar. is atea dj wj uiriuwa nation.
Many a man's thirst has separated
him from his last quarter.
For every wise thing In law some
lawyer hns a fool reason.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Mo Smarting Jtst ISre Ooufnrt. AO eerjui at
llmrr'i" or a-alL Writ fur t ree Bt Hook.
Colds bring
Thi old fmU remedy la tablet -ftxm
Mft, (lire, euay to take. No
opUtai no unpleauuit after effect.
Cure cold la 14 hour Orip la ,
dara. ttoaey back If it felle. Oct the '
fenuint bos wita
Red Top and Mr.
Hill'a picture on it
la T.M. I IL,.
A.AnyDStoe. M
Tells of Old-Time Herbal Remedy
Fairmont, W. Va. "Since I can re
member, when a
boy at home, Dr,
I'lercc'a remedies
were used in my
family at differ
ent times and
tbey always
proved to be Just
as advertised1.- 1
personally havf
taken the 'GoIV
en Medical Dis
covery' and know it to be a splendid
remedy for the blood, liver and stom
ach or deep-seated coughs and bron
chi nl trouble. I have also taken the
Tleasant reliefs.' They clear one'a
system of all Impurities and In a very,
mild and easy manner. I know all Dr,
Pierce's remedies to be good." M. IX,
NEAL, 803 Virginia Ave.
All druggists. Adv. i J
Famous Policemen of the East.
Two of our most famous gunboat
won their laurels In the East. Tho old
slde-wheeler Monocacy, says a write!
In St. Nicholas, which has handed
down her Indian name to her Yang
tse successor, was for years one of tin
most familiar Rights In Chinese waters.
She burned wood, and was unwloldly
as a berry boot, but did yeoman service:
even as late as the Boxer troubles Iq
1000. The Petrel, one of Admiral
Dewey's famous squadron nt tho battl
of Manila bay, Is now used ns a station
ship In Cuhnn wuters. Tho Callno,
Don Junn tie Austria, Elcauo, Islo da
Luzon, I'nmpungn, Quires Hamlovol,
Saniar and the Yillalobos once Sew tbe
flag of Spuln, for they were captured
from the Spaniards at Santiago or Ma
nlln bay. The Yillalobos proved too
mucle of a name for Yankee tars, so
they have rechrlsteued her the Village.
Why use ordlnury cough remedies,
when Boschee's German Syrup hns
been used so successfully for fifty-one
yenrs In nil ports of tho United
States for coughs, bronchitis, cold
settled In the throat, especially lung
troubles. It gives the patient a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In the moraine
gives nature n chance to soothg' the
Inflamed parts, throw off the disease,
helping the patient to regnln bis
benlth. Sold In oil civilized countries.
30 nnd 00 cent bottles. Adv.
Cannot Live a Half-Life.
No mun can live a half-life when
he has genuinely learned that It l
only a half-life the other half, the
higher life, must haunt him. l'hllllps
Bermuda's Imports.
Bermuda's 101(1 Imports aggregated
$.1,57.1,899 In value; exports, $2,821
A nt.l m -A 4A rr.i,i t.. xi u
Ivn. N. Y.. asking for a sample will rena
you. Adv.
rrof. II. J. Hunt of Bangor, Me., en
plorer, believes laud exists In the Aro
tic ocean.
"ITave you a tireless cooker7" "Nov,
but. we huve a coalless eellnr."
Distemper Can Be Controlled
bj uln Im. D4TID ROBIBTS1
Practical Home Velariaariaa
Sn1 for frr bnoklrt on 0RT10TI
Is Cows. If no dealer Iu jour toss.
Or. Roberts' 1st Cs., 100 lisrf tmraa, WMtaka, T
A Hard Nut
to Crack
When a cold bits you in the head or
throat, it's hard to get rid of it
Don't experiment. Break it up
with Hale's Honey of Horehound
and Tar. Prompt and effective.
All druggists, 26cts. a bottle.
Try Plka's Toothache Draps
FLORIDA Maruuola, Manatee County)
TTARM H" b kn 36Sjm., ur,
IF Ala'dHanlowin
" operation.
Excellent nilmaJ fm,iti '
Manasota Land and Tube companyJ
OulffitsOrest War
Picture 19x11 Inches.
Interesting Battle
Scene. A world wide
sensation. The blir
gest knock for Bill
end Block. Only ESo.
A. X. SMITH. S8t La Stile Avenue. CHICAGO
Whu Bald So Young
kud uaiiaruu aim
- Itching v1th
rQiticura Ointment
Shampoo wrthCutiniraSonn
. SoMcxwlw;y(hntmiitt
" l-Abktft'A.
tolltl preparmMoa of awrML
, a J I nrlpatoeredloetetfaadrall.
2lT, I I FerRestoria. Color aixt
V irBeeutytoGTejrerFeclWrUa-.
"Food Problem" 8trt rlaht- Mt rwMt kMawiiM
toe. I fcthbftt Bnllni Ii
We N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 2-1Q18.