The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 06, 1917, Image 9

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cceptable Christmas Presents
toolJ not "few like Christmas
i dainty and ornamental aprons
Ured mon8 tne Btts displayed for
U Thoy belong to tho festival,
(jrlstmas trees sou cnuuies, nuu
jtmas time usually provides a sup
! the coming year.
L oew and attractive Christmas
Lqi pictured here, show them to
Lftij md frivolously Inclined as
They are or one oatiste wun
U tad edgings of lace. ' Either
L or batiste may be used for the
M Id this Instance they are of
each Is minted to suit the Individual
taste. The little figure at the left If
holding her hat and. when he IS
placed, the mouthpiece of the 'phonf
Becomes the crown of It
pill compact and comprchen-
kit, designed to carry all the
f needed by our boys In the navy,
y them and their belonging! fit
It Is made of blue denim
little red cotton-flannel, stitched
red thread and bound with a
I; braid. Short lengths of braid
M In It serve to bold comb,
1 pencils, etc.
kit curries an unbelievable num-
i things among them these:
la i soap box, talcum powder,
brush, pencil with eraser, paper,
arils, black and white thread,
!, pins, safety plus, tooth brush,
;te, bone buttons, bachelor but
fety pins, corncob pipe, bag of
d and hns room to spare for
things. It rolls up and Is tied
'1( strong braid or tape used for
4 It. One of these kits, fitted
Mi fine gift along with a gay lit-
ft of sweets, or something equally
i, for Christmas.
;'f Indies, liiiulu .xt ..i.,...,i ........ i
K OUT loln.k . . ... ..
. -- yiiuuus anu invite us
-- nidi win uever oo do-
Tht'Un Ka it., i ,,
1 u, a IHUKUl'rilll
8 they make fascinating gifts
Mr n. ur women menus.
'Witnnds at the front of a small
"II trlilM. .
" teiepnone is 10
r" The mouthpiece Is un
r nd when replaced forms the
lof 1,.., ...
- "i r springs rrom a hign
wuquet or disappears alto
r Is frnnklv in ....i.i,.-, i
Mill niurawp j
Ptngocrnft novelties are made
... uui xrom thin bonrds,
'''te. The figures are out
'"cm ready for nalntlntr and
"ln Many Tradltl
ons of the
PPert During Festival
""sla, the enormous countrv
wr one-sixth of the land sur-
' ins . .
( ...iiuhu ueiugs ceieurnte
"J tho great winter festl-
1 lt w,n bo foud that
mL MtBln mnny traditions of
mas . rmn wh,ch Bhows thut
" Ms once observed In honor
iL8tnda Country Of
4 th ,; "wression and surfer--abb
... true t0 on altogether
jjfwSf-brlghtncs8' free-
JeUdV ralD eeneral features of
thel,l.8ervQnce at are typ-
'"den tnlUn 18 the 8lnBlnif
hnturu. Ko'Joda songs, coin-
fou i t ' lluvo uten siicri-
- - aeatUen days, but are J
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iTi , n nm 1 1 ii mi'jif j ifm i Tfffiitrrmii I nniM
Camisoles that la corset covers, bj
a less matter-of-fact nnme are nevci
neglected when the Christmas list of
salable finery Is made up by buyers
for the big shops. This year they havt
presented shoppers with many lovelj
camisoles of ribbon, or net and ribbon
combined, or crepe georgette and rib
bon. Those shown In the picture an
In pale pink, which Is the favored coloi
for fine underwear.
Very wide satin ribbon, decorated
with small tucks, lace Insertions and
French knots In pink and blue silk;
serves to produce the camisole at thi
top of the picture. It Is edged with
frill of pink crepe and supported b)
shoulder straps of satin ribbon.
The camisole below it Is made of
fine, white net, banded with sutln rib
bon. The same ribbon is used foi
shoulder straps and for drawing up
the fullness over the bust. It Is fin
ished with a small bow at the front A
flat clastic run In a narrow hem In the
net, adjusts the camisole to the waist,
shabby with use.
Just the newest things In breakfast
caps are of Chinese Inspiration and
among them appears the cap wltt
mallnes crown and wired lace frill fol
a brim that is shown in the picture
Narrow bands of ribbon, joined in I
rosette on the top of the head, sup
port the Ince frill and a narrow gold
braid at the head of the frill adds t
rich touch to this bit of finery.
The bedroom slipper in the hand ol
the fair wearer of the cap Is madi
of satin ribbon sewed ta a soft sol(
and gathered about the top. It is helj
on by a narrow band of flat elastic
covered with shirred ribbon.
Among the prettiest gifts for Christ
mas appears this set made of chenlllt
braid and fur. The chenille Is wovet
In alternating, diagonal stripes of re
and black and the neckband and cuffi
are lined with soft, black satin. Soft
glossy bands of black fur are sewefl
on the edges of .the collar and cuffs an
the ends of each fasten together wltt
snap fasteners.
On the collar there Is a rosette ol
puffs of black mallnes, centered wit!
a cluster of tiny, durk, red roses and
their foliage.
To measure the air pressure In auto
mobile tires a guage has been invented
that Is the same size as a lead pencC
and can be as easily carried.
now sung with fervor and devotion at
Chrlstmus time.
In some places a maiden dressed l
white and drawn on a sledge frort
house to house represents the goddesi
of the sun, while her retinue of maid
ess sing the Kolyadn, or carols. Hen
oguin appears the ancient custoni ol
glft-mnklng, for the maidens who at
tend the goddess expect to receive glf tl
In appreciation of their songs.
In parts of Kussla the Virgin Mar)
and birds tnko the place of sun and
stars In these songs, which are sun
throughout tho Yule season by groupi
of young folk at social gatherings, ol
from house to bouse, and form tin
lending feature of the Christian festl vl
The familiar greeting of "Merrj
Christmas" Is not heard In Russia, un
less among foreigners, the usunl salu
tatlon of this day being, "Greetings foi
the Lord's birth," to which the one ad
dressed replies, "God be with you."
Current Is supplied a new electrli
headlight for bicycles by a generate'
which Is driven by friction agulnst th
front wheel of a machine.
The younger school children are
proving themselves Immensely helpful
In work for the Red Cross. They are
tnthuslnstlc and surprisingly persist
ent. They soon leurn how to make
all the small, simple knitted articles
of wool or cotton, Including squares of
wool yarns for quilts or comforters,
ind the simplest of baby bonnets and
mufflers. From knitting cotton they
make wipes or sponges for hospltol
use, and of outing flannel or eiderdown
the girls of twelve or more are muk
Ing bootees, and caps for Infant wear.
Their efforts have been directed to
ward doing things that will help keep
the shivering throngs of Europe warm
Jurlng the coming winter. They have
turned out thousands upon thousands
)t ration heaters, and cannot get too
many of these.
For the little squares of knitted yarn
that are afterword sewed together
into quilts odds and ends of wool aro
used, as the color makes no difference.
They should be , six Inches squnre
when finished, and for yarn of the
iverage size SO stitches are cast on,
coarse yarn requires a few less, and
Oner a few more. In the city schools
the younger boys and girls knit the
squares, and the older girls join them,
ind line the quilt with flannel, or some
tuch material. The plain garter stitch
Is used for nil these articles.
For baby bonnets of wool yarn, 30
itltchos nre cast on and a strip 15
'.nches long Is knitted. This Is fold
ed crosswise at the center and the
edges on one side sewed together,
forming the cap. A facing Is knitted
for the front of the cap, usually In a
contrasting color. For this 12 stitches
are cast- on and the strip knitted 15
Inches long. This Is sewed to thi
front of the cap and turned back to
form the facing. Narrow ribbon ma)
be threaded through the edge of thi
cap at the bottom, to draw It In close
about the neck, and to tie under th
chin, or a cord made of the yarn, fin
ished with little tassels of yarn, may
be used Instead.
The wipes, or sponges, are nine
Inches square and knitted loosely.
When binding oft every alternate
stitch Is dropped; this makes the
square soft and spongy. There are
different wnys of knitting thora to get
this same effect, but they are less sim
ple. The work for the Red Cross
benefits the children In many ways, so
thnt they are helping themselves as
well as others. They ore much more
keenly Interested In the war than they
otherwise would be, and their patriot
Ism Is stimulated by all that they do
and learn.
Button Bag From Old Purse.
Do not throw away your old pocket
hook which has become too worn to
carry. It makes an excellent button
bag. Hooks and eyes and very small
buttons may be kept In the compart
ment which w is used for small change,
thus proving a :;i eut convenience when
one Is In a Li mv.
Gold Breezes
Cause Sneezes
and warn you that you are taking
cold. Don't let it settle in your head
or throat Drive it out with Hale'a
Honey of Horehound and Tar. Clean
head and throat and relieves coughs
and hoarseness. All druggists, 2Gcta.
ATTENTION. I Can Relieve You
of nnriwMtr n4 nr fnttjnr.ranuwdi boi Ma
Agent wuid. UUuibuUir, mt CmUm.tCLIomlo
Cleveland claims 1,01)8,000 popula
tion, based on city directory estimate.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that lt
Bears tho
Signature of
in use lor Over SO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
When man was given dominion over
the beasts It implied self-control.
That Itch and Burn Are Usually
Ecxematoue Cutlcura Quickly Heals.
It needs but a single hot bath with
Cutlcura Soap followed by a gentle
application of Cutlcura Ointment to
the most distressing, disfiguring
eczemas, i tellings and burnings to
prove their wonderful properties. They
are also Ideal for every-day toilet use.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Bold everywhere. Adv.
A woman always acts surprised
when a mnn proposes to her.
Bracelet Sllppc a Pretty Fad.
The newest kind i.-f ihoes for eve
nlng wear are of mctuii'c brocade cut
with a fairly long vamp and a high
heel. The particularly novel feature
Is the extension of the top of the slip
per to form a strap which Is contin
ued Into a bracelet suggestion just
above the uukle.
To Drive Out Malaria
And Build Up The System
Take the Old Standard GROVE'S
TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know
what you are taking, as the formula is
printed on every label, showing it is
Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The
Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron
builds up the system. 6o cents.
There are some sins which we can
forgive they nre our own.
to SH
Inexpensive Table Decorations.
Wherever we drop In for afternoon
)ea we Just nnturally gravitate toward
I table thnt glows with a candle under
t pretty shade. Snmll vases or bas
lets of flowers have almost ns strong
lure and every hostess knows that
nothing else adds so mueh to her table
is lights and flowers. So every year
Jiose who moke a business of manu
facturing table decorations bring out
ew variations In the use of silk or
paper for shades and something new
to receptacles for flowers.
The pretty flower bnsket shown
ibove requires only deft fingers and
)nper rope to make It. The rope Is
poven over a wire foundation and the
fmall basket carries an ordinary wa-
er glass. When the basket Is woven
If gray or brown or Ivory color or
rreen rope, according to the prefer-
ince of Its maker, It Is varnished with
hellac., Either real or artificial flow
irs, with fresh, or preserved ferns,
sake up the bouquets that adorn llv-
ng rooms and dining tables these days.
Jouqucts of artificial flowers are
fcshlonable and serve to help brighten
lie house, with the approval of fas-
Sdlous people. There Is a great vogue
!or them In fact, esposlally for those
3iat copy closely old-fashioned garden
lowers like the aster and marigold,
lie daisy and chrysanthemum and, of
.ourso, always the rose.
The candle shades and roses shown
-n the picture ore made of fine crepe
paper and much like the candle shades
)f last year or any other year, except
that the candle light filters through
two thicknesses of paper In two shades
jf the some color, with the lighter
shade on the Inside. At the left a
:andle shade Is mode of large rose
petals In rose pink and each petal Is
Ined with paper in a lighter pinn.
rhere are small roses and rose leaves
let about the shade near Its top. Soft
shades of purple ond lavender together
nake lovely shades of this kind. The
shade at the right Is even simpler. It
a made of light and durk rose color
ind Is as protty In deep and pale yel
low In orchid or the lighter greens.
Of course nothing can ever equal
Washlna a Feather Boa. .
In washing a feather boa add a
teaspoonful of liquid ammonia to a
basin of soapy water. Squeeze the
boa lightly in this until all the dirt
has been removed.
Rinse In cold water several times,
then pass through a blueing water and
bang In the open nlr to dry. ,
Warm Boudoir Robes.
The dressing gown of corduroy or
relonrs Is no novelty, but tt Is worn
Mi much as IX It were one. Paris has
nntural flowers In charm, but some
Imitations of the rose ore so good that
they might be displayed In a florist'!
window. The paper candle shades,
when they are well made will vie with
those of silk or ony other sort in ef
fectiveness, so no one need bo without
Suits to Suit All Figures.
The suit styles shown this season
are so widely varied that no woman,
whatever her figure, should have the
slightest difficulty In making a selec
tion. Little boxlike coats, sometimes
loosely belted, with wide sleeves and
high severe collars, are worn with nar
row skirts, the silhouette arrived at
suggesting the Mundarln coat and wide
trousers of the Chinese. Russian
blouse suits are also popular, and one
of the styles featured for vouna
girls has been dubbed the "tube" suit,
inasmucn as tne coot is straight and
narrow and at a little distance ap
pears to be cut with the skirt.
Belt Line Diversified.
The best line of the new frocks is as
diversified as one can Imagine. There
are belts of oil degrees of width. Ther
Is still the beltlcss frock that has a
girdle drawn loosely about the hips,
and there are occasional hlgh-walsted
belts. Tho tendency In the new frocks
Is to emphasize the normal waistline,
however, and this probably means the
persistence of the separate belt of
leather or embroidered silk.
Blouse With High Collar.
The new tnllored blouse Is developed
with front and back yokes, from
which box plaits are laid, or there may
be a cluster of plaits in the center
back and on either side of the front.
The high collar is not figuring large
ly In the tnllored models, the flat col
lar that reaches far, down the front
being favored. Narrow fluting la a
feature of these waists.
stamped with Its favor dressing gowns
and all sorts of boudoir finery substan
tial enough to bo really warmth-giving,
and so the vogue for the corduroy
negligee continues. Sometimes these
gowns are Uned with soft silk, quite
to the hem ond some Ames the lining
stops at the hips.
Why use ordinary cough remedies,
when Boschee's German Syrup has
been used so successfully for fifty-one
years In all parts of the United
States for coughs, bronchitis, colds
settled In the throat, especially lung
troubles. It gives the patient a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In the morning,
gives nature a chance to soothe the
Inflnmed parts, throw off the disease,
helping the patient to regain his
health. Sold In oil civilized countries.
80 and 00 cent bottles. Adv.
New Tork hns n horsemeat market
As It Used to Be.
"When we drank from the same can
teen." roared the old veteran.
"Grandpa," Interposed his grand
daughter, "the sentiments of that song
are praiseworthy, but I fear they may
tend to counteract certain health rules
I have been trying to teach little Wal
do. Don't you know any songs ubout
sanitary drlnklug cups?"
Oood hrnllh depend! upon ood dilution.
Wrliht'i Indian ViitjiUI I'lilt ucSUrd
your dilution and your boaltn. Toula u
w.M u purgatlva. Adv.
An American Bridge.
A representative of on American
compnny recently arrived In Colombia
to inspect the site for a bridge over
the river Coello at Chlcorul, Depart
ment of Tollmn, which Is to be erect
ed In connection with Tollma railroad,
now under construction.
8tat of Ohio. Citv of Toledo. Lucas
County us. . . .
Frank j. cnenry maxca oain mat n
nlor nartnar of tho Arm of P. J. Cheney
Co., doing bualness In the City of To
ledo, county ana mate aioreiam. ana mm
aid Arm will pay the ium of ONE HUN
PRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh
that cannot ba cured by the uia of
Bworn to before ma and aubacrltxfl In
my oreeenca, this 6th day of December.
A. D. 188.
(Beal) A. W. Oleason, Notary Public.
en Internally and acta through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the Byitem.
DrUKglHts, 7Sc. Testimonial! free.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio.
The Alternative.
Prisoner What nre my chances?
Lawyer If I can't hang the jury,
you will.
Costs Less
and Kills
That Cold
The rtaadard cold cure for 30 ytari -I
tablet form tafe, aura, no opiatae
om cold ia 14 hour. grip In I
daya. Money back Kit falla. Oct the
Saoulae boa with Red top and Mr.
Mure picture oo It.
Com leaa, t'ee
more, eavce money.
!Tabkte lor Ma.
At Any Drug Store
Manaeota, Manatee County;
ImUm I I U
1 ; " iw
TFACTS i","y annually. Wax.
P Lht and Ice Plant now ia
" operation.
uceDent railroad facilities.
Manajota Land and Timber company.
$100 INVESTED M.lft5a
p.uuvi mnr. lanraamaidMi. nam raTir,. ae
Ml U M.,
i:A?!E&crci.oPEniA,ornp:Ai,TH m
IKAUTV, It't frra, Hlpld. Sind for It today
MUAbLM AUMNCrTue Meal Bo4 BU, Me la
Wot Sale-riasdy little ranch. Wet tarn Ooloraoa,' a
noner-maieri partly equlppadi flneellmata;
aur. Hrery adTaatatfe. Owner leaving eoenuy.
bciumabi ncrnioa. l.nifM, a !,
U PIV.etne Mae mim-
au iieu cap
nara. SatUfaeUua anaiu.
.ta. Wrlie for prloaa,
W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 48-191.
(By U W. Bower, It D.)
Backache of any kind la often cauead
by kidney disorder, which meana that the
kldneye are not working properly. Polaon
oua matter and urlo acid accumulate
within the body In sreat abundance,
overworking the sick kidneys; hence the
congestion of blood causes backache In
the same manner as a similar congestion
in the head causes headache. You be
come nervous, despondent, sick, feverish,
irntaDie, nave spots appearing berore the
eyes, ban under the lids, and lack ambi
tion to do things.
The latest and most effective means
of overcoming this trouble. Is to eat spar
ingly of meat, drink plenty of water be
tween meals and take a single An-u-rlo
tablet before each meal for a while.
Blmply ask your favorlta druggist for
Anurlc, double strength. If you have
lumbago, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, be
gin Immediately with this neweat discov
ery of Dr. Pierce, who Is Chief Medical
Director of Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute In Buffalo, N. Y. Bend 10 cents
for trial pkg. Largo package CO cents.
Richmond, Va. "Dr. Tierce's Fa
vorite Prescription was recommended
to me by my
mother In law,
who had great
faith In Its enV
clency, and after
using lt I was SB
I . A .. M
IL I nave gives
birth to eight
children, and aa
a precaution t
guard against
many of the un
pleasant features)
and the many discomforts that sc
company this period, and to give ma
tone and strength, I took lt nil through
my delicate state with four of my
children, and I am happy to relate I
received tho full benefit of the medi
cine and could not have been mora
comfortahle." MRS. A. M. EA8TV
MAN, 1703 W. Carry St. Adv.
at -7vm J Ml 1s
it means miserable condition of ill health that leads to all aorta of epecia)
ailments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, durzineee, indication, pains of
various kinds, piles and numerous other disorders CONSTIPATION is crime
against nature, and no human being can be well for any length of time while
constipated. DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS ia the remedy and has been used
successfully all over this country for 72 years. Get bos and see how it feels
to have your liver and bowels resume their health-giving natural functions.
For sale at all druggista and dealers everywhere.
Dr. Tuffs Liver Pills
f Backache of Women
How this Woman Suffered
and Was Relieved.
Fort Fairfield, Maine. "For many
months I suffered from backache caused
by female troubles 'bo I was unable to do
my house work. I took treatments for it
but received no help whatever. Then
some of my friends asked why I did not
try Lydia K Finkham's Vegetablo Com-
pound. I did so and my backache soon
disappeared and I felt like a different
woman, and now have a healthy little
baby girl and do all my house work. I
will always praise Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to women who suf
fer as I did." Mrs. Alton D. Oakks,
Fort Fairfield, Maine.
The Best Remedy ia V) NH
A Kind Heart.
"Did your wife do ythlng for her
"Yes, she gnve It to me."
Plain Suits In Evidence.
The severely plain tailored suit in
blue, brown, black or black ond white
woolen mixtures will be much In eri
dence during tb coming seasoa,
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing elae but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or
gans to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, are often times symp
toms of kidney trouble. .
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers' Swamp-Root, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle Im
mediately from any drug atore.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation tend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
ample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
If you can't afford the best, then
Ret the best that you can afford.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Mo "martini Jnn Bra Comfort, (0 eanta at
rogftiaia or mail, rrnt ror araa mjn nuoa.
Uitum mwm nsiai e.iia wntinwaw
Youngstown, O., hns 2,000 women
working in steel mills.
In reference to KlIxlrBabeklbecraarraiMafV
far chillt and fmvtr and all malarial Jinai.
"Within the lal five month I bare aold g,auO
bottlesof Kllxlr Habek for aUlarla.Chilliand
Ferer. Our cuitomera apeak Tery well of It."
Henry ETana, 92S FBt., N. W., Washington, D. 0.
Kllxlr Habek 60 centa, all druiwTata, or by
Parcel Poat, prepaid, from Kioczewakl A Co.,
Washington, V. 0.
Ridicule seldom kills unless the
death Is dosorved.
Have you ever used MOTnEIt'S JOY
SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and
Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Ca
tarrh? If you haven't get lt t once.
It will cure you. Adv.
Don't cry over spilled milk. Stop
spilling lt
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
ricrce's l'lensant Pellets. They regu
late liver bowels and stomach. Adv.
Everything goes round In a sewing
Tou narcr oaa know how superior to other
? reparations Ir. Paarya "Dead Shot" Is an
il you have triad It once. A elncte dosa
oiaans out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv.
Speaking of women's complexions,
seeing Isn't always believing.
'A pJ
((( HsiEs
For 35c
When you buy
Yager's Lini
mens tou cet
splendid value I Tho largo
35 cent bottle contains mora
than the usual 50 cent bottle
of liniment.
Try i t ( or rhramatltm. neuralgia,
sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruiaea,
At all dealers price 35 centa.
GILBERT HKOH.A CO Baltimore, Md.
ifclM aranaratloa ( aalt
Btpi an anhdleata daadraC .
For Raatariaa Color aa4 '
aantytoGrar r Fadad Hahr,
0c and ti.afrat tmnylita.
may be cheeked, and mere ear I oaa coadt
tions of the throat will be often, avoid
by promptly fblns the child a dose el