The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 29, 1917, Image 5

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    ran ruLTOK cosrrrr mm, gxcorryauagraa. pa.4
.UndOeneral Interest, Ontbered
Afl 'llnnAft IrAffi (IHI
Rowan the Eye Man
.ill be at Three Springs, Wed
i... rwemher 5th: Roberts-
nesaay. ----- - - - T
i.i. Thiirsaav me oui. ijas
Other dates next week.
rwlie Carbaugh of lower
jvr township was transacting
. Atim loaf TTiMlav
miiinm H. Peck and his son
:.'i0ar Austin Lynch, of Gem
w'"" : . . .
oent a few nours in town last
iff .Tames S. Brattan has re
Lrnpd from his trip to Ohio, and
. i j
sports having naa a very enjoy-
ibla time.
tfiofl Esther Sloan is bavin
L addition built to her tenant
i a m
bse now occupiea Dy Mr. ana
ti A. J. Rotz.
PhiliD Rotz and family, o
id township, are spending the
f ... .
Mc end with relatives and
fipnds in Aitoona.
Mr. George H. Mellott, rear
Laster, Franklin County, was
Wulating among his Fulton
wnty relatives and frienda laut
Mr. D. H. Fraker, of Fort Lit
tton, was a business visitor at
the Connty Seat last Friday.
id a pleasant caller at the News
Sir. and Mrs. H. U. ' Nace.
LiW. L. Nace, and Mr. A.
Nace all of this place mo-
to Chambersburg Monday
ffissM. B. Laley, Need more R
went over to Mercersburg last
jrday mornhtr to spend two
leeks in the hmn. of the family
P. Henlnrshot.
iter h:!v'n' spent a we?k at
wi'n hnr pirents Miss
ierKei.dall rctt'rr-ed bw
lies ; t the Curr Lrjrland Valley
;nnal Lat Monday.
rs.Ji.mP3 C. McQiade sport
time from Fi idfty until Sun-
evenippr in the home of her
rents Mr and Mrs. David H.
ire, iier Knolsville.
Ir.aid Mr.. J. C. Kivk end
gMer Marjorie accompanied
Mr. A. S. Greenland-all of
Valley, motored to McCon-
sburg last Saturday.
IDES.-Frank 0. Sines
i the highest market price
m nicies At fieir butcher
J a McConnelhiburp, a'so
-est nnco TMV.d for naif Blrina
f Plntig and tallow.
man C. Hixson, with the
'-erBros., in Hagerstown came
"Wing to snend Thankso-iv.
the home of his parents,
Mrs. C. D. H! vsnn Hoof
ah Way.
ri Harry Clouser fEthpl
Nan) of Pnrlialo ma
onnellsburg last Friday even-
7 is new the guest of her
her. Mrs. Susan Mvnrn
Extension. .
I-h'm is seriously considering
"fnerlot with the United
in the W!lf onri tit nniiA
. no nave
Aether this would ho a
'or the reverse.
Urlio oi i i .
ouiencic ana fcdgar
"UfWplla V11 a--J
1 -..... jaucy, iuuioreu
Onnellsburg last Friday,
arranjring for the ad
vent of the sale which
- ' Ul, JVC"
7 you feel sluggish and
05 hred and indifferent,
b 7. me hrst symptoms
Cjunj strength and your
J Positively needs the
-'uc iuuu-iumc in
rPieniftK - ii . j
m :. 'our oiooa power,
Le,'naP and ilasticity of
I ... h "
mature with the correct
("Hood which is better
n any drugs, pills or
nr -"oiic mixtures.
Wr"orwfKian cqd llvrr oil In
h, Irn,','i" l now i-cfined In our
t jU , cnn Inboratoricr which
f SwT. P"re uii,i Palatable.
"wwnc.BloomfieW.NJ. 17-16
John H. Gordon and family of
Thomson township, have moved
to Berkeley Springs, West Vir
ginia. Mrs. Chas. F. Ehalt and son
Hillary and daughter Josepnine
of the Fulton House, left Wed
nesday morning for a trip to Kan
sas. ' -
Don't forget about the Camp
Fire Girls' entertainment in the
Auditorium on Thanksgiving eve
ning. Every cent of the pro
ceeds for the War Fund. En
courage the Girls and at the same
time help a good cause along.
Mrs. Anna R. McClallan. of
Fostoria, 0., came to Pennsylva
nia a few weeks ago, attended
the Baptist Association at Sprinjr-
field and is now visiting in the
home of her brother Allison S.
Greenland, near Wells Tannery.
Taking advor.tage of the ab
sence of his wife, who is visiting
her parents in New York, At
torney John R. Jackson, went
over to the home of his parents
near Akersville and participated
in a family turkey dinner last
Emory Diehl, Walter Snade. B.
W. Morris, Alfred S. Liyton,
Upton Plesfinger and Artie Diehl
all of Whips Cove, went to
Fort Loudon last Saturday for a
carload of Ford cars for Emorv
Diehl. Dealers claim that cars
are hard to get now.
Taking advantage of the clos
ng for a week of the Johnstown
City schools, Miss Emma Sloan
came home and spent the time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Sloan. Emma's sister
Sc3tt,(Mrs. T. H. Walker,) spent
last Saturnay nirht and Sunday
in the parental home.
Mrs. Rose Dalbey, who is mik
rg her home temporarily vith
:ier son Will in Chamberflburcr.
came to McConnellsbnrjj Monday
morning, pcccmr.anied by her
son-in-law Mr. Eugene Stitt, of
Pittsdurgh, and she and Mr. Stilt
were guests in tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. W. Reisner while
in town.
Charlie Sigel and Buhrman
Stahle. of Buck Valley, motored
to McConnellsburg last Saturday
and spent a few hours attending
to buriness. Mr. Siirel has iust
completed 13 years continuous
service as assessor and row his
towhship has placed the autlitintf
of accounts in his hands for the
next term.
Congressman Fccht nrfes that
those people who check; up and
send to him lists of Farmer's
Bulletins should not fail to write
their name and address thereon.
tie nas receivea many copies
which do not bear the names and
addresses of the senders, hence
does not kdow to whom to for
ward the bulletins.
Through the generosity of our
townsmae jonn A. Irwin, we
were premitted to sample a bar
rel of "Jonathan" apples which
had been sent to him by his son-
in-law Robert B. Cunningham,
president .'of the Elevation Or
chards Company, which is situ
ated bn the sunny slope of Jacks
Mountain in this State. For per
fection of form, color and flavor.
they were just as fine as any Pa
cific Coast fruit we have ever
A short time ago Mrs. A. S.
Greenland, of Wells Valley with
a bucket of milk in each hand,
went out to turn into the meadow
a pair of twin calves that are
real "pets" about the place. One
of the calves seemed to think her
a little slow getting the bars open,
and playfully gave Mrs. Green
land a "bump" which sent her
ntothe. "middle of the road."
What was fun for the calf was
serious for the good lady, and
when the doctor was called, he
"ound her suffering from a badly
sprained back, and it is only now
that she is beginning to ba able
to be about her work as usual.
A number of our exchanges
contain news items of rural mail
carriers quitting the U. S. mail
service on account of the high
cost of living, feed, etc. Ore
reason for their resigning is the
fact that mpn are making frcm
$4 00 to $5 00 day in the factori
es and mines, with no expense,
while carriers receive $3 30 per
day and are required to furnish
a horse and bnggy or an .automo
bile. There are fewer applicants
now. for jobs in postal service
than ever before due to the un
usual labor conditions prevailing.
The postal authorities are look
ing to the coming Christmas rush
with something like dread.
Qdihg lata rull Swing.,
The Central Pennsylvania Ed
ucational Jubilee Campaign ij
getting into a full stride. Dick
inson College at Carlisle is one of
the institutions interested end
Williamsport Dickinson Seminnrv
is the other. The total asking
for educational interests within
the bounds of thid territory is
$450,000. Of this amount nearly
uu.uuu is already in sight.
The local campaigns in both
Carlisle and Williamsport have
been carried through successful.
Dickinson College at last reDorts
raised $30,599.00 and Williams
port Dickinson Seminary got
$100,000 in Williamsport and
The local campaign for Harris
burg was officially launched Tuea-
oay.when Bishop Wm. F. Mc
Dowell of Washington D. C. ad
dressed nearly sbventy Methodist
leaders at the Board of Trade in
Harrisburg. The intensive drive
for that citv will begin Monday,
November 20, and will last for a
week. The minimum askinir of
$50,000 has been jet r.nd it is
hoped that the maximum will
hover close to $73,000. W. S.
Snyder i3 the general-in-chief of
the local forces. The Mnjcr gen
erals are Warren VatDyko and
C. W. Curtnett. The?o officers
in turn will have command over
ten captains and tlu -o. cantuina
over ten companies.
Each noon tbi workers will
gather for luncheon. At that
time the various team capLins
will bring in their reports- r.nd
will receive orders for the cam
paign work for the next twenty-
four hours.
Rev: Edwin L. Enslinp-pr of
Roaring Springs. IVnnsylva ii..
reports a succe-f jI rlrivo on his
charge that noUod 2,Q"A Up
avrrsthnt Ginning Sunday will
brinn in $DC0 more.
Dr. J. P. Workman District
Superintendent in Wet Virginia
writes "Our district i;ave a little
n.ore than $214,000 to Wept Vir
ginia Wcs'.eyan College. M.iry
predicted that the churches
would have to rcb every other
CHUse. We have done "our bit"
for Red Cross, Army Y. M. C. A.
etc. have given to benevolent s
more thnn double the amuui.t we
ever gave before and yet fev.rr
churches report deficiencies in
pastors' salaries than ever bef'oro.
The increase for di.-cipliriary
benevolences is ebout 14 per
Wanted, For Sale, For Reat,j
Lost, Feed, Etc.
The C. L. S. C. completed the
study ot this year's course. "Life
in Ancient Atiioiis," on Monday
evening and will js-ive a brief sum
mary of tha b m tbo form of
an entortntirneutat tbo home of company order.
Mrs. I) W. Peck on Friday even-
l)a NoveinhMr fit) af 7 inlir.l Fm? Alilo-nnhilo flro anil Ufa
J mv U KlULHi w-iw-wtA maw '-
Light refrehhrnents will bo bor- insurance, see John R. Jack- V
ved in accordance v.ith Greek son, Asrent. 6 28 17 tf 0
custom. A collection will liot.alr
en for the nencfit of tha "Y'a
RA'I'FS One nent per word for each
wR.irMon. no aavertmomont accepU-a
lor !0H8 bu&u lo couts. V&atx must no-
00XO0OOOO0X xxxooxxooo
Following h tho program to be
l'Give brief geographical rie
tcripiion of Grttco 2. Describe
public bui)dii;, Acropolis etc.
Miss McGovern. a
GreokArt Egyptian
ait? Mr. C'.'atton, 4 Name some
famous men of this period nnd
classify tl t-m; also, nornn Greet!
aeiues xsetha iNesbit. 5. What
efk-Ct Iriii rriioinn nu mr.rulcV
Fou Sale-Registered Poland
China Hoes larce tvoe. Price
nj,'ht-l Howard Peck, War-
tordsburg, Pa R 1. 11 15 3t
Buckwheat. Bring ua good
milling buckwheat uow. We pay
Why was $1 35 ensh fo'-4S pounds. Uakky
E Huston. Saltillo, Pa. 10 18-tf
Fulton Kousk, McConnells-
burg, Pa. for sale Apply to D.
11. Patterson, Renl Estate Brok
er, Webster Mills, Pa.
ii i ii
Was the pusiio j iRtitled in con- '.
de'nn.ig Hc.ciatet? Mr. Jackson. IIoG Bkeedeus Fine Thorc-
jm r It. 1 r i . 1- tt
oreu liQfKsijire uoar. service
one dollar Fernando Deckeu,
uear Saluvia.
11 29 2t.
G W o m a n ' fasLioris M rs,
(.remhrad 7. Women's life,
Athenian funeral aud lombs.
rs. Wckibbin. 8 Comparison
ijltcition of Athenian and
Modem t.mos Mrs. Hull
Lost, Sunday evututig Holei.
0. N ads lost her ' CimriH rft iinrnn
Givt; fullacuiuntor how Pascils the pavement j'lsk in front of her
s eius a(.Rj iwr btcvens. 10 father's residence. The finder
W an mxn spiMtiqn moro to be will be rewarded bv rfiturnin.ii. i
i . . , . . . . . " n
uvi!(u man woman's and would t0 the Fulton Count IWr.
yoa rrinor have uvea tneu than
Tho Irwin Store
is ready to supply your needs. We want you to
do your buying at this Store. Ouf
Stock of Gift Goods is Complete.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China,
Novelties, Books, Pictures, Toilet Cases,
Smoking Sets, Toys, Dolls,
Games, Etc., Etc.
Our Grocery Stock is very Complete. We can
supply all your table wants with pure
fresh goods. -
To make everybody happy is a duty and a pleasure.
ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo
now, and why?-Mrs. P:ci. 11.
Describe G ct k irama and thea
lorp tsmitn. i is
tho uuro important pridotu pub or the homo. Mrs.
Ed. Peatty, of Philadelphia is
visitin r relatives here.
Men" Wanted Laborers, Car
penters Helpers, Mechanics Hel
pers, Firemen, Trackmen, Slock
Unbaders, (Joke Oven Men, and
other help. Good wa03 and
steady employment Apply to
bur;:, Pa. 8 23 tf
Farm For Sale containing
2b3 acres near Amaranlh uosi
The r eefing tt the Christian etlice Fulton county, Pa , first
... .... i . . -
crutch h. " eliistd with the addi- class home and farm . Opeuins
tion of ;vv 'i " new members. for a rood cronner. Terms can
Mrs. Gen. '-'la Bishon. of Gali- bo muftwetsy. Writo.1. L Rich
on, O., 13 spe:. -.:r.g some weeks auds, Clarusburp1, W. Va., or
with her parct.' Mr. and Mrs. Attorney J. R. Jackson. MeCon-
David Ritz.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winter.
of the Cove celled at Mr. Stoner's
luf t Sunday.
I nellsburr, Pa.
10 25 8,
Administrator's Notice.
i ..-.'-I.? fi in-nry u. Leu, m-.e OI union
lieorge uaniman, ct tonnecu- ' " ucutuse J-
..j ii . notice ik nerrnvclvpn Unit lettcrsof Admin-
cut and hairy llamman, of West lKlrul,,n u",u " "uvc rwte nvo otei
r- . , Ki.iun 'i iu inc uuin.rsi;:na aii person, nuv
ihi were recent ruesra rr i ommw nvainst miui eKtmo r.i nn-wm
, , TI t! in uroiji.rly authentiuuted for . ottlniuttit.
nmi inoxc owing ihe nuine will please cull aud
Vtl k HI'lQ l T TT IT
ll-S!-17-t, ALuilnlHtrutor.
; their cousin, John llamman.
Mrs. Bessie Pittman, of Mer
ccrdbu?, spent a few days recent
ly with Mrs. Clem Lehman.
Born to Mr. sud Mr?. Bruce
Her.dershot n little daughter," on
iast WeJne.-day.
cent, over last yenr.
Keurj Les.
Henry Lee, a Civil War veter
an and one of the oldest citizens
of Back Valley, died at his home
Saturday night.
The. deceased who had been in
poor health for some time, was
born in Philadelphia but spent
most of his life in Buck Valley.
lie served his country during
the Civil War with patriotic
pride. Mr. Lee was about seventy-five
yeara of age and is sur
vived by the following children;
Mrs. Letitia Price, Piney Grove;
Miss Ellen, Cumberland; Miss
Mary at home; Henry and Lewis
Cumberland; G-erge, Orchard
Valley; Howard, New York, and
Frank, Buck Valley.
His remains were laid to rest
in tee Lutheran Cemetery. Moo-
day November 12, at 3 P. M.
Services were conducted bv
Rev. A. W. May, of Bdlc Grove.
Local In: liiuti. '
The third lecal institute of Bel
fast township was held at Maple
Grove last Friday evening. The
topics: 1. How Can We Lnorove
the Writing? 2. Rivie.v Work;
Extent and Value o'. 3. Use of
Incentives in School Work, were
discussed by the following teach
er?: George Mellott. Levi Gar-,
ind.' Hobart Trinrx. Clnrenr
Morton. Flovd Hart. Etta Wall z'
Foster Hollensherid and ex-teach
er S. L. Wink. The schoolroom
was tastefully decorated, which
speaks well of both teacher and
pupils. Clareuce Morton, Act
ing Sec. - ,
Leather Goods.
Handsome Handbags, Purses, etc , also Music Rolls and
conv?niant Dressing Cases for ladies and geutlemen. Fine
for Rifts. Reasonably priced.
Correspondence Papers.
Our richly boxed Correspondence Papers are worth a
visit to this store to see. There is a distinctiveness and
character In every box which appeals to particular people,
therefore admirable for gifts to either ladies or gentlemen.
Sweet Grass Baskets.
Can you think of a better gift for mother or sister than a
work basket make by the Indians? They are economically
priced and please the ladies.
Picture Frames.
Our frames have unu&ual!y woil fatted corners and aro
made in tho various finishes of hard wood. If you have a
picture you think a lot of, we c,n frame it just right for
you. Charges reasonable.
EctT Cross S.icia!.
The Buck Valley auxiliary of
the Fulton County Red Cross
Chapter, will hold a Swallop ThnrcfJav and FlidaV NOVPITI
Supper and Box Social in Lashley luuliU2J auu nmaJJ amm
Hall Saturday evening, December 29tll and 30tll.
1st. ihe proceeds, of course,
J! i.1. . r J -1 . ni -r-i .
are lor me nea woos war Jf una. If you nced R,asHeg call and get fit.
me community is asKea to u UP y me uat Known eye special-
iret behind the hovs in thf "ts I'ennBylvania.
trenches" hv takinir ftrlunntnrro Your eje9 examined frcp, carefully,
... ' ami Rtissos properly iiHed,gooil read
oi mis opportunity to ao tneir 1uk passes as low as
1NO. 1. hxtra lurm bargain. All of our high grade work at rea
i7 &cre firm, with two 6 room sonac"n i"lces
tone houses in good coudition,
District S. S. Cnvj-H'-tM
T'o annuul Ditti ict KuriK.v
School Cor vent ion will ho he'd
De:;nmber 10. 11, 12 13 and 14
at tho felloviing r.hf: Whips
Cove, Needmore, W -Vn Tao' ery,
Huston town and McUonnellsburs
Tho date and place of each will
be tive l n next week's naDMr
We wi1! have a Stati Worker w ith
is and will have a pood nrosram
n - i: n
for each meeting.
Everybody is Invited to attend
aud belp tho cause Geo. A.
Comerer, Secl'y,
good barn stablirg for 0 bead
along a good solid road, close
to small town. Prico only $3 COO.
20 r.crcs wood sud meadow, bal
ance farm laud.
No. 2 A small cheap farm of
29 ncre?, fj room fctore house,
wugor.s-.hfd, Lt r stable, barr,
plenty of fruit, 00 yurds from
school bouse, about 3 acios tim
ber, balance farm land. Will sell
t'ti.i fRi m to quick buyer for $1,
ICO. Four hundred dollars down,
balance on mortgage, if desired.
2. mls from railroad.
For further information, write,
or call on,
Ammon 13 Hknsch, Esq.
11 29 2t. Moft'-'omory Ce... Pa.
Tfcc Thrice-A-Week Edition cf
the New York World
ia 1918
Examination muJo nt vour homo If I
not convenient to call at the druir
Btore no extra charge.
License Notice.
1'rnctlcnlly a Daily at the Pl ica of
u Wtckly, No other Newspnper In
the world rivcs so much at so low
The vuliie Mil tei-cl of n no Hp.-ipr in the
housotioM wns ui-vcr ureiitcr Ouin at iho pren lime. We lmvc been, forced to e. ter the
ureut w rid wtr uud lu-tre mmv of our Is
iilruuily la I-'rnnee. You will wunt t - huv l nil
t e Hewn from our troops on Europe n buttle-
'tlKds, undluiH TiromlseH io bo ihe niosl uio-
meiaoiiK year In tho h story of our unlvcne.
No o hi-l- nnwHpnper nt ho tmbll u prli-e will
furnish sueh prompt nnd uoouiBto news of
llie-e world sbukliiK events. His not necessary
to suy more.
Tn Tiiuii-B A-Wrku Wohld's rcguliir
sul)urlptloop Icelsotlyll.CO per yeur, nnd
this pays for ISO ppe-, We offer this un-
quulled newspaper nnd Tub Fui-toh Oountt
News together for ono yenr for ts.l
The fnular subscription pries of the .two
paper. Is ii.K,
It lv lli'it nil n .mll.n I l.i.iu fm. II.....lm
for Ihu si.lo of vinous, spii'lloiH, malt, or brew
eil liiiinrs. uhiili'vule or retail, for Hie year
HUH. u ili be imTiit.-iriuv. ihi. lAtli.luv ..r
J.iuuaiy. I ll 1 1. at IU o'clock a. m of sultl luv.
lit which lime all prisons applying or nuiliiuK
iciHiiiiis io unniiciiiioiis. will lie hi'ili'il liv
eviin-ucc. petltioii, rcinousi iiince or counsel.
'I'li.-r.. lintel li. n.i I. mi. mil .i,, in nni, . 1 1 .
on i no Milijuet wl h th- Judif-s personally
ciiiicr uy tiii r or auy p lime w y.
l-lin lli-tl! lull. VHI-lUrd hv- Hllltlil i-fl ,if :ii.iill,.,int
shiiii lie ili conformity with the requirements
of llic act of Assi-iulily. Jmli.'iiieiil biihil shall
oi- i-xi.-eiiicu in me pi-uui sum in two thousand
(Mlii iluliars. with not less than two reputable
freeliolilrtrs of the county of l-'ultou as sure
tics, each of tin-ill to be a buna llile owner of
III islril.- in K:li I h.llin'17 Ui.i-lll nvi.r mill ii.
above nil iiicumhrftuoc: fic sum of two th-ms-
auu (tuitMi miliars oronc :icieutsureiy hero
the same Is a Security, Ti i . or Surety Com-
puv oiKii.nzi'il i'Dil cilsliliK u mer the laws of
this Coiiniioiiwealih or uiidi-i lie laws of any
oibei-slate of ihe United Stales of Amerli-M.
d ily iiiui.irl.ed todn bu Iucsk i ,ln the.Stite
or reiinsy.viiniii kviiio insurance l'iuiiu sion
er thereof: to be uppmveil by the Co'irl iirant
luir such license ami io be cocdliloneii for ihe
faithful observance of all the laws of thiMCorrf
n,....U.u,.ll I. ill.,.. ... lltu nll., S....lul.ln..
v..,.. .v,h u ..... niouM . tmilimilUK
of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed IIiUoi-h,
or uny iiiiiuixi,ur inereoi, anu io pay Ull Ulllll
iitfes which may bn recovered In an notion
wh'eh may be instituted aifiilust the licensee,
ilt.1,,1- 11,.. tll'i.vlwl.lliu ,f l.llvl A ill it fl,a A u
v., u., u. ..v ... .,,u
.n.nltli, ,, ,,.1 fill .n,lu Il,,,.u nnH Mttnt.lnu l..
posed, upon said lieeusi-cundurutiy iudletmcnt
.... l..l... I.... ...... A...... A...l.l.. ...I...ln..
im iiuii.iiiih nu. ... yi. ...-w.-uiniY ii-iiii,iu VU
.e Unit or f urulshlUK llipiors us u foresaid.
If any persou is suretyonniorethiinonelxind,
he shall certl'y thnl lie Is worth four thousand
fHinJU.fti) dollars over nnd nuove ull Incum
brances, nd ovi-r and above any previous
bund he mav be on ns seeuiiiy. The sureties
may he required to uppear in Court and justify
under oulh.
The Court shall In nil cases refuse the nppll
cation wheucver, In tho opiuion of thftOourl,
havluit due regard for the number nnd charac
ter of the petitioners for mid utralusl the up
plleations. such llceuse Is not necessary for the
ucoommodiitlon of ihe public ami entertain
meut ot stiaiiKersiind travelers, orthatthe np
plleant is not a tit person to whom sucajiceuse
should be granted.
retitlons must be filed with the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions not Inter than
Saturday, the JDnd day of December, Il)i7. Ob
jections uud remousiruuces must be tiled with
the 1'lerk of said Cou t not later than Wednes
day, the Sad day of January, 11)17.
Upon suniclent onuse belnir shown or proof
belim made lo the Court Unit the party holding
said license has violated auy law of the Oom
tnouweulth rolutln to the sale of liquors, the
Court shall, upon notice helm given lo, the
person licensed, revoke said license,
lly the Court,
Attest: p. J.
H. KRANK HENRY, Clerk Q, S..
Nov. 18, 1U17. 1
Fall and Winter
by buying your Dress Goods. Ginghams,
Outings, Blankets, &c., now. We bought
all these goods very early and we know -that
prices have been wonderfully boost
ed since then, but we can and will sell a
lot of goods this season at prices actually
Under Wholesale Prices
obtaining to-day. With no break in sight
and the possibility of still further advan- v
ces in some lines, it will pay you to see
our stock before long.
our entire line, which is now in, compris
es all the best standard makes, goods that
will fit and wear, and much cheaper
than we can get them now.
Shoes For The Family
This will be one of the hardest, if not the
worst, proposition the buyer will have to
face this fall, but we can ease tho situa
tion a great deal for you out of stock
bought before the leather market got so wild.
That you should take this matter serious-
ly, goes without saying. Come here and
let us help you.
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.,
McGonnellsburg, Pa,