The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 18, 1917, Image 4

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    m 1TJLT0H OOTTHYY ITgWI, Mc00?mgLLtBTyttr3, PA,
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A CALL AT THt wuulhin miu w
TRY IT-We take all the risk and cheerfully refund your money if
' you are not entirely pleased with your purchase.
Home Woolen Mills Co.,
Spring Street Chombersbui. V
Published Every Thursday.
. b. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor
Published Weekly. $1.50 per
Annum in Advance
l"TwrealMPooffl MoConntlliburg
Pm., as seeono-ci
That Bad Back.
Do yon have a dull, steady ache
in the small of the bacn-snary,
stabbln twinges when stooping
lifting distressing urinary
disorder? For bad back aud
weakened kidneys McConnells-
hnm residents recommena
Doan's Kidney Pills- Read this
McConnellsburg statment.
L. A. Youse, retired batcher,
MPnnTi(.lliihnrflr. says: "About
three years ago my back ached
yAlr and it hurt me to stoop or
lift Doan's Kidney Pills, pro
cared at Trout's Drug Store,
soon gave me relief. I glady
anrlnraa them."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
imnlv ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the
that Mr. Youse had
Foster Milburn Co, Props, Buf
falo, N. Y.
farm, better known as the Kell-
ner farm. We are informed
that the considerations was '600
Marv E. Daniels and Mr. aud
Mrs. Max II. Sheets, of McCon
nellsburg, with Max at the wheel
motored to Greenhill last Sun
day and spent a few hours in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E
Mrs. Wm. .Bwopeand W. A.
Vallance. whose illness was noted
in our last report, have rallied
and are now somewhat bettor.
Mr.and Mrs. Edward 0. White-
hill, near1 Cypher, Bedford Uoun-
tv.Mrs VV. R So33f and adopt
er daughter Alice-with. Post
master W. R. Speer, of Everett
at the wheel after visiting the
family of James E Lyon at
West Dublin, came to Greenhill
and spent a short time viewing
the new cemetery fence at the
Presbyterian Church last bun-day.
fiflnrca K. Hoop has lostoy
death two good serviceable
horses this summer.'
Conrad Sipes has bought the
house and store room of Nevin
Laidig, who with his family
moved to Jeannette, Pa , a lew
weeks ago.
Board. This program is the
most ambitious in trie way 01
school building known In the
State in any year.
The report shows there were
erected twenty one buildings
ranging in price irom $50 000 to
1100,0 0, fix from iuu uuu w
$200,000, six from $200. OoO to
$300,00 and two costing more
than f 600,0' 0 Pians for 223
buildings costing less than $50,
POO wore submitted to the Board
Inquiries made, showed that
material prices went up during
the year from 15 to 35 per cent.
Allegheny County leads the
counties In number of buildings,
showing twenty-four - cost
more than $650,000. Luzerne
and Washington divide next
honors with eighteen, but tay
etta is rieht behind with seven
teen; Berks shows seven; Blair,
three: Bucks, seven; liradlora,
five; Beaver, five: Butler, six;
Cambria, fourteen; Chester, lour
Delaware, nine; Erie, six; fc'rann
lin four; Dauphin, three; Licka
wanna, nine; Lancaster, nve;
Lehigh three; Montgomery, ten;
Northampton, four; Nor tnu moor
land, three; Schuylkill, eight;
Westmoreland; fafteeuand lor,
will be au addition to the large
existing number of bills of var
ious designs, few of which are
known to the average man and all
of which are taken on faith.
Our long-time friends Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Sipes left last ri-
day in the Autobus for a visit to
Mrs. Sipes' .sisters in ueaiora
and Rainsbu'rg, and to their
rinchter at Huntingdon.
That Mr. and Mrs. Simon De
hnni?. of Worton. down on East
em Shore of Md , are loyal ad
herents of the Primitive Baptist
Church is shown by the fact that
on Wednesday of last week t&ey
traveled from their home a dis
tent of 260 miles by train and
mtnmobite to McConnellsburir,
where they were met by Roy M. I
Sipes and conveyed to his homej
at wbico place they remained
uatil Saturday morning, when
thev were taken by Milton Deck
er and wife in their automobile
to the Baptist Association held
this year at the Sprint, neia up
tut r.harch in Huntingdon Coun
tv. Prom Springfield, Mr. and
Mrs. Deshong1 go to a Baptist
Association in Virginia, and from
that one. they will attend a simi
lar Association in Delaware all
before returning home. Mrs.
Deshong comes by her devotion
to the Old Baptist church honest
ly, for she is the great fcrand
daugeter of Moses Starr, a prom,
inent clergyman of that faith in
thi conntv many years ago
Mr. and Mrs. L C. Mann and
daughter Marian, of Everett mo
tored to Greenhill on Thursday
nf last week where they were as
.i.ted by Will Balr, wife and
daughter m making a kettle of
toothsome applebutter lor use in
their home in Everett this winter.
Mi- Mann had a eood yield of ap
ples on his mountain orchard on
Sidling Hill known as tne iveu
hen Daniels farm.
1 William Schooley, son of Com
missloner Charlie Schooley, has
purchased the Mrs Philip Melius
Only chronic diseases. Send me
. lit
your name and address ana win
send you a mailing case ana huuu
Mank. Don't use dope for chronic
troubles, get cured. It Is a satis
faction to know what the cause is.
Mr. L. I. Deshong's healtn
seems to be improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Uarn-
hart are all smiles: It s a boy?
M r. and Mrs. Richard School-
ev. near Harrlsonville, and the
former's mother, are spending
the week-end in B iltim ore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Balr and
son Max of Greenhill, spent last
Saturday in McConnellsburg.
Our school Is progressing nice
ly under the care of Edgar Hann.
Miss Thelma Metzler left last
Wednesday for Lemaster to take.
charge of a school.
A family reunion and apple
butter boiling took place at Mr.
andMrs. Isaiah Sipes lastThurs-
a m
day. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer Strait ana
daughters Velma and Cora, Mrs.
L. B. Mellottand daughters JNei
li and Arlene. Mr. and Mrs.
Eirl Metzler and daughters
Marbne. Mr and Mrs. ' Speer
Strait, Wilmer Mason. The day
was spent most enjoyably ana
lone will be remembered.
Our farmers are nearly all
done seeding, and busy husking
Mrs. L. B. Mellott and daugh
ters Nellie and Arlene, of Need-
more R. R. visited her mother in
law Mrs. Marie Mellott one day
list week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Rollings
head and dauhtersv Ruth and
Hasel visited in the home of Mr.
aud Mrs. Allen Deaver near
Miss Nelhe Kline visited in
ika hnma nf Mr. and Mrs. L. I.
DeBbons last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel btrait
and four children visited in the
home of Mrs. I. W. Schooley last
Quite a number of our young
people took in the Hagerstown
fair last week.
A number of our boys have
goue to Camp Lee Vs., sorry to
see them go.
Small Change Much Needed.
School Building Program.
Pennsylvania invested seven
million, three hundred thirty-
three thousand, five hundred and
sixty four dollars ($7 833,561) in
the construction of school houses
outside of Philadelphia and Pitts
hnri?h in tne year ending jui i,
v - o - -
Antr tn a reoort lust
101, iwai'b r
I completed for the State Board of
TMur.ation bv Dr.J. George Beutit
.Executive Fecretary of the
From Philadelphia Inquirer.
Never before has there been
such a denund for small bills and
coins and the mints seem utterly
unable to supply it. Although
the fractional currency extant is
almost $200,00 J.000 or two dollars
for every individual, and al
though there is a vast number of
one and two dollar silver certifi
cates outstanding, the cry is for
more. As a result Congress re
cently passed a law permitting
national bank notes of one and
' two dollar decominatioo.althougb
these were prohibited many
years ago.
I Unquestionably the increase in
the price of all commodities has
bad much to do with the short
'aire of fractional currency and
small bills. It requires a good
deal more cash in band for mar
keting now than formerly, and
in Kpite of banks abouudiug, the
individual now carries more
monev In bis pocket than was bis
custom a decade ago. There are
so many large corporations witti
big payrolls that banks necessar
llv are put to it to collect weekly
the amounts needed in small
bills. Eventually they get bacit,
but not swiftly enongh.
It is rather hard on Uncle bam
that just at this time the price of
silver is so hieh He has unlimi
ted rowers of coiniog fractional
currency and used to do it at a
gcoi deal more than 100 per
cent, profit. Unlonunaieiy
when silver was low it never oc
curred to him to lay in a large
stock, so that now he is compell
ed to py almost twice as much
as three years ago and his pro!
its are by so much reduced
Still that would not be so bad l
he could supply all demands and
that Is what he cannot do for
lack of stamping machine.
An effort has leen made to use
this occasion to put silver dollars
into circulation but ith little
result. There are hundreds of
millions of ' them piled up 1 in
vaults against which certificates
of varying denominations are
IssueJ. Circuiting these would
settle the small bill questions,
hut aside from the Far West our
neonla will rot have the cart
wheels, for once they get out oi
the Treasury the cannot bo
HnoH.irWted" tack. In a short
time we n ay f xpect tbe new
national bank small notes which
A Woman'i New Shoes.
When a woman has a new pair
of shoes sent home she performs
altogether different from a man.
She never shoves her toes into
them and hauls until 6be is red
in the face and all out of breath
ar d ther. go ntf.ropicg and kick
ing around, but pulls tbem on
half way carefully, twitches them
off again to take a last looK and
see if i-he baR gotiho right one,
pulls 1 hn m on again, looks at
them dreamily, says thoy are
just right then talie another
look, stop3 suddonly to smooth
out a wrinkle, twists around and
aurvevs tbem sideways, and ex
claims: "Mercy, how loose they
are," looks at them sgaiu tquare
In froLt. works bor foot around
so they won't hurt her quite ko
much, takes tbem off, loons at
them, looks at the heel, tbe bot
tom ar ! Iho insido, put them on
again, walks up and down the
room ouce or twice, remarks to
her better Half that she won't
have them at any price, tilts
d wn the mirror so she can
see how they look from that way,
backs off, steps up again, takes
thirty or forty farewell looks
says they make her feet awful
j big and never will do in the
world, puts them on or off three
or four times more, asks her
husband what he thiuks about it,
and then nays no attention to
what he snys, goes through it all
again, and finally says she will
take them.
Our township was not well
represented.'at Hagerstown Fair.
Jacob Hann and wife and sons
Cletus and William were recent
visitors in the home of the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Mrs. Norman Mellott and
daughter Madeline spent last
Sunday with Mrs. Mellott's par.
ents Mr and Mrs George W.
Albert Mellott snd wife, and
daughter Z iid, spent a day re
cently in the home of tbe form
er's ante.4 Mrs. Rood Meliutt
The visitors at Uowa"l Truax's
last Sunday wore Mrs. Uartman
Truax aud s n Dowy, Brady Mel-
lott, wife and nn R ?ed and daueh
ters Helen, Nellio a .d Arlene;
Norman Mellottand a'tc- Mor
inn. Mra. B adv Mel'olt and
Mrs. Upward nax a-r- suters.
R ubeu C Hann was one of
nnr an' Hier hovt that wont to
Camp Lop. Ue has tha best
wishes of hi many friends at
New Real Estate Agency,
Having retired from the Mercantile business
with a view to giving his entire attention to Real
Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any
one having real estate for sale, or wanting to
His thorough acquaintance with values and
conditions in Fulton . County, coupled with long
and successful experience in handling Real Es
tate, makes it possible for him to bring about
results in the shortest possible time.
EE. Write, or call on,
M. E Barton wife and daugh
ter Gwendoline, Mrs. Maggie
Barton and James Barton, spent
last Sunday in the home of A. E
Deshong at Andover.
Lincoln Deshong and family ot
Harrisonville, visited, Henry
Barton's last Sunday.
Elton Barton, wite and daugb
ter Lois motoved to the valley
Miss drrie Barkman and Miss
Minnie Lynch spent last Satur
day and Suuday evening in kver
James Barton, Miss Celia Bar
ton, Miss Jessie Pee, and Miss
Gwon Barton made a trip to
hJvcrettlast Saturday.
George Rhm of Gipiville
spentSunday at Ernest Uixson s
Miss Anna Wilkinson return
od home from the hospital last
Sunday and she is getting along
Mrs O iver Cleveagar spont
the latter part of the week in tho
home of her pon Elmer.
Educational Meeting.
The first Local Institute of Ayr
District was held at McNaush-
ton'B School last Friday evening.
The meetine was well attend
ed bv the patrons and others and
an interesting program was
rendered by the pupils which
speaks well for the work that is
hairier done nt that Dlace.
The Bubject3 discussed by
TAnphers and natrons were: 1.
How may we as teachers and
natrons better our Local Insti
tutes? 2. Patriotism; how taught
Teachers Dresent were: Messrs.
Harris, Glazier, and Humbert
and Misses Nesbitt and fittman
from Ayr, and Mr. Smith from
The next institute will be at
Cito School-Cora Nesbitt Sec
"No Harm Done!"
'Mr "clothes are waterproof.
o ia my powder, its
The Dense Waterproof
SmokflfM Powder"
John Hoopengardner and fam
ilv who were hurt in an auto ac
cident last waek, are recovering
from their lrluries very nicely
Oar farmers are getting along
well with their work. L-)ts of
arjDlebutter is being made.
County Superintendent j
Emory Thomas, visited our
schools last week.
Tbe Red Cross Society met
Saturday afternoon at Mrs
James Denoen's. They decided
to hold aUallow'een Baazvrat
Lashlev Hall on Saturday cvon
mg November 2nd. Everybody
come and join In the good time..
Ravival meeting is in progress
it the M. E church. Revs
Dickey, Beard and Funkhouser
are in charge this week
Miss Myrtle O.vbmiu is epend
inzsoino time with her sWtei,
Mrs. Ntal Barnhart m O. chard
N B. and B J. Ilixson, M. A.
Barkman and son Jacob, with
James McKee at the wheel,
motored to Hagerstown, last
Wednesday ahd took in tbe a
Roes Hixson and family spent
Sunday at N. B U xson's.
Rev J. R Duvall, wife ana
daughter of Burnt Cabins, are
visiting relatives in Brush Creek
C E Hixson, Ross Barkman
and Hohart Barton, with Roy
Ritchey at tho wheel, were at the
llazerstown Fair on Wodnesday
of last wee'-:.
Mrs. P. D. Hixson is on the
sick list.
A son came to brighten the
home of Mr. and Mr. Sidney
Rorabaugh October 3rd.
A C Deshong and wife spent
Sunday at B. J. Hixson 's.
W. U. Duvall and wife . spent
Suuday with theformer'abrother
A. W. Duvall and family.
Elton Bartoa wife and daugh
ter of Saluvia spent Sunday at
Geo. Schenck's.
Tha P. O. 8. of A of Crystal
SDiloe will holl their annual
oyster supper October 27. Every
body Invite J.
Wanted, For Sale, Foi
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per wort
Insertion. No aaveniwmeoi
for leu than 15 cent,
company order.
FOR Automobile, fire
I insurance, see Jons E.
SON, Agent.
Farm for Sale or Rent,
portuoitycallon or iM
L. Wink, Need more, f
Buckwheat. Bring
milllnjr buckwheat now.
$1 35cshfor-lSpounds.-
E Huston, Salullo, n
Guns a& ammunition for
all portanena requirements,
Call or send your order.
59 N. Main St.,
Chambersburg, Pa.
Western Maryland Railway.
In Effect May 27, 1917.
Subjeot to ohnge without notloe.
Trlni leave Htneook n (ollowi 1
Mn. !-.. m. (dally except Sunday) for
Cumberland and Intermeaiaie pom
No. 4-9 W m (dally, eioept 8"T) J
Hagenvown, ana ineriucum. .
pittHburga, umuagoftno nwi.
N0 VnPW.ynebo o. ObTnTSeribuTroet
tburW if"v, H tlmore. Waahlng-
lou, i-b ladelphla and New om.
Friii Sale Two 1
-lJ .nrlf
one 16 montns ow
months old. They will
fine large team. Iba u
vnr Sale Two-&wrj
half Frame House and M
able property, rrw
Inquire at News oft
General Manager,
n n DTirar autI
Oen'l Passenger Ag t
nnr "
Wanted Mao
horse and buggy
Condition Powder
Address 9 Industry
dianapolis. Indiana.
i? s at.r. Farm H
a.roa naar Dott P"
.,, I
Tk,. i. o rarft OMrl,u
quick buyer-;
Chl.fbM-lrr't Diamond It rant
Mil. im Um. A ftnd li.ilfl Mi'tslli,
tutara, aealnt with Hlu RdJmo.
IHlUikVn IIUIWII VII I IA f, 1" rv
Trotect Your Euildings front Fire.
Use Gould's Fire Resisting
Piunt In all colors. It preserves,
beautifio?, snd wears as long er
longer and is cheaper, tnan
other standard faints. On good
surface a uallon will cover buu
square feet two, coats. 'Roof
paint, too, in sll colors, for
Sale by
(3-14-if. McConnellsburg-, Fa.
J' IA f 'i' . J""1
1.Tln0rS. W"
pers, Firemen. Trw ,
Lhar. hplD. U00U
stoaay wirirfl.
burg, Pa.
poslte the Court II "
nellsburp, r
Jumcii J. Ilnrrln, MoCoa ellhburg. P.
Hull ft He ml er,
Soolt lluuyan, "
w. Sevlivr. "
Jo.ib Wlnegardner, Clt'r Ridge, Pa.
M, U. Holi'iwhead. liurrlsonvl'le. P.
A. J. Uirabufson. lluntontown. Pa.
HrlA Hunil Saluvia. ll.
Mli liewle IleUr', Wells Tannery. Pa.
siorv niuo -- .i
I m u m m flf K '
house-stable, bJ
r . r.-nnn fnoL
able locauuu r(
hnmo Will sen 1 ,
m ana uu -
dress, LEWi -'Hill,