The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 11, 1917, Image 8

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CI !
tT A TV V You have an o!d pair of
WWfftZf scissors handy. You keep
v iJr snipping a httlo here, a
little there, trying to keep
the flame even. The same thing every evening;
but don't blame it all on the wick. If you uso
Instead of ordinary kerosene, you won't have charred wicks.
There's a great difference in kerosenes. Rayoliht Oil is
so perfectly refined and scientifically purified that it always
gives a sure, true light and an even, steady heat without
smoking, sputtering or any nasty burny odors. Results liko
that are worth being particular about. Insist on petting
ftayolight Oil. You'll always find it at stores that display tho
sitf : 'Atlantic KayoIIght Oil for Sale Here." That 6toro is
good place to deal regularly, too.
(' m tUntiflr fact that, of any artificial light, a
n lamp u tha matt rmtlfut and pleating to thm .
Philadelphia od Pittsburgh
Smokeless Oil Heaters
Mik cold room nlca and comfort
blarcuardlnioftbswctUier. Quick,
radiant beat (t the
iriko or a Bitten,
too them t your
Rayo Lamps
Th alwirt relltbtt
light makers. Hand
aome deii(na f or cverr
room. Give a clear,
meUSvrlluht, Ideal for
all purpoea. At your
dealer1 , 11.80 up.
Rayo Lanterns
Safest and best Give
piercinir, fur-rearh-IniilitfUtontuedarkeit
niKht. Durable con
atructlon. Oil founts
never leak. At your
dealer'a, Wo up.
Ph ffrutn mi.rl.nt. ftp., tnlrnn from thfi ChATO-
erstiurg dully cewnpitpem. The provfoluD
inp are tnoi irM iiqmid in mouunnmr
Vheat . x 2.00
Juw wheat.
(ran 2 20
'orn 2.0i
ats on
tye no
luWor, C.-eamory
tutter, Country 3.j
!Vi. rir dozen 30
It is thought that the United
States will have 600,000 troops
across the Atlantic by spring.
The Kaiser seems certain that
the Iiord is on his side. If he
would get over on the Lord's
aide, the end of the war would
not be far distant.
Notwithstanding the high
price3 of guns and ammunition,
the sale of hunters' licenses in
many of the countie3 of the State
has broken all records,
Last Saturday, thirty-six wild
geese passed southward over Mc
Connellsburg. The fall passage
of tccse is a fair indication of
approaching cold weather.
The Food Commission may com
As per Ruling of the Treasury Department of tho s
United States. Any Bank or Trust; Company,
may qualify as a. Depository of Government
funds. The
has been approved as such and has
now Government Funds and Deposit.
Williams Cessna.
Mr. George N. Williams, of
Eoswell. Ta.. and Miss Violet
P. Cessna, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Watson Cessna, of Wells
Tannery, were married at 7:30
p. m., October 2, 1917.
Well, last week we told you about glass jars,
tin cans, jar gums, coal oil, etc. We can still sell
you glass jars-quarts at 60 cents, and half-gallon -at
85 cents; jar rings at 5 and 8 cents a doz. or 35
cents a pound. Tin cans at 50 cents. Coal oil is
12 cents a gallon, now.
Underwear Shoes and Clothing,
We are in shape to save you some mony on un
derwear, shoes, and clothing. We bought all these
goods early, and we arc going to give you the ben
efit of the nice saving.
You want to see the Men's fleeced underwear
we have for 50 cents eacc; alo, the one at 65.
Men's union suits at $1.21, $1.03, $1.90, $2.50
and $3.75.- Men's wool shirts a:id drawers $1.00
and $1.35. Children's separate underwear, 15
cents and 35 cents each, liovs' union suits 55 cts.;
Misses heavy, 55 and 65 cents. Boys' sweater
coats, 50 cents to $1.25. Men's sweater coats 50
cents to $3.25. Boys' sport coats, $3.25 to $7.50.
Men's heavy Overalls $1.00 and $1.25. Gallon
crocks 10 cents Men's work shirts 60 cents. Men's
wool shirts 95 cents and $1.98. We think we can
save you, also on
Shoes for the Whole Family
These goods are hard lo get, but we expected
this and bought heavily, and we are now very glad
we did. We hrve just received a work shoe for
men that was ordered three months ago that is
hard to beat and we can sell it at $2.60. 50-lb.
lard cans 55 cnts, butcher knives 10 to 25 cents,
-same kir.d and same price as last year. Linoleum
v, 85 and $1.00 a yard, 100 split rivets 5 cents, corn
bushel basket 95 cents, bed blankets $1. 25 to $3
horse blankets $1.25 to $2.50, Buggy harness
$18.00, $20.00 and $22.00, set bunch straps 10
ire Extinguisher.
We have a good fire extinguisher. Any one
that owns an automobile should have one. They
cost but 35 cents and one might save the price of a
new machine. If you have rats, why not try Rat
Corn? It will kill them, and you won't have a smell
either only 20 and 45 cents a box.
This is the time of year to get your stock and
chickens in good condition for the winter. Just
try Dr. Hess's remedies. 25, 50, and dollar sizes.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
One Door East of Cline's Garage.
Makes Your Slvirs Good as New, and Looks Like New.
All kinds of Harness Kopalrs, Prompt attention reasonable Prices.
C. F. SCOT!', Proprietor.
fell Knowa Eye Specialist Cere.
Rubin & Rubin, Harrisburg's
eye specialists will be at Seylar's
rimer store. McConnelUbunr Wed-
pel the enforcement of the law nesday and Thursday, October
which Dlainly states that potatoes 17th and 18th. Uyes examined
must be sold by weight-' not by free. Glasses at reasonable
measure. Sixty pounds is the piice3. AU't.
Urns wiil sell at lus residence
In Mf.Uouuullaburir. Fa . a large i tn Pnlnin vnrfte1v whr.t thev
fourth annual Harvest lot of Household goods consisting mean t0 the man of comparative-
oi u-ju', spim&a, uuiiiw, lyr smau income, me present
largo sideboard, leather couch, revenue bill provides super taxes
leather seat dmirg cbairs, dm-- j jn addition to the existing tax
iag tables roll top desk, large oil j jaw 0f jU8t about a year ago, and
stove, carpets, liooleum a lot f the law increases taxes over the
nice potatoes, and -man v other !one originally passed early in the
established weight of a bushel of
84,154 persons were committed
to Pennsylvania prisons, jaus
and workhouses in 1915 Cost to
the taxpayers was $3,438,737.
Eighty-two per cent, of the peni
tentiary inmates were addicted
to the liquor habit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Reis-
ner and daughter, Mrs. Montgom
erv and Mrs. Aughinbaugh-all
of Shippenaburg, motored to Mc
Connellsburg last Sunday and
called on Mr. Reisner's brothers
Messrs Geo. and Jacob Reisner,
Home display of farm products
was held at Red Bridge, Frank
lin countv. last Friday and Sat
urdav. The exhibit of register
ed cattle has an inspiration to
stockmen to improve their herds.
An automobile party consist
ing of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Mat
thias, Alvey Peterson and sister
Clementine, and Miss Mary
TCnnfl and Miss Cora Doran all
of Burnt Cabins came to McCon
nellsburg last Thursday evening
and attended Chautauqua.
Eighteen banking institutions,
with an aggregate capital of
over a million and three quarters
of dollars, have been incorpnrat
ed in Pennsylvania since Decem
ber 1, 1916. In the same period
thrpG State banks either dissolv
ed, were absorbed or liquidated
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hart,
daughter Miss Mina and son
Harrv. and Mr. Arthur Hitchins
all of Kennett Square, Pa.,
motored to this county last Sat
urday morning and visited rela
hives in McConnellsburg and in
Relfastand Brush Creek town
All the hotel bars and whole
sale liquor dealers' places of
husiness within five miles of
the soldiers' camp at Gettysburg
were closed by order of the
United States authorities last
week. The- order extended to
the Elks and Eagles and they
will not be allowed to dispense
liquors to their members at their
Judge Thomas J. Frather,
who has made and kept Craw
ford County dry. got through
the September primaries with
flying colors. He had four op
ponents for the nomination, all
of them men of standing and
strong personal following.
Nevertheless, he polled 53 per
cent of the entire vote cast and
troes on the November ballot
without opposition.
The man who goes to France
to fight has 14 chances out of 15
of returning home in safety, ac
cording to figures compiled by
Roger W. Babson, the noted sta
tistician. Mr. Babson's conclu-
Card of Thanks,
The Nsadmore Bnnd ta!3 this
opportunity to think the citizens
of McConnellsburg for the very
ermrtorn treatment zive'i them
during their stay in the Borough
last Friday; especially to those
who aided them in a financial
Sals Register.
Kntnrrlav. October loth at
' J I
two.lvn o'clock sharo. George A
Card of Thanks.
For the generous vote I re
ceived at the late primary elec
tion, for the hearty Bupport and
influence of many worthy citi
zens, and for open hearted hos
pitality shown me in the homes
while making my canvas, 1 here
by express my appreciation and
hearty thanks. .
J. Clayton Hixson.
Notice of Installations.
D. D. G. M. Frank Ranck will
install the (Hirers of the I. 0 0.
r I.dgtB of Fulton owo'y s
follows: Harrisonvi!!, October
13; McConnc-llsburg, Ocfnber 20;
Fort Littleton October 27; Wells
Tannery, November 2; Water
fall, 3. It is bi ped that there
will be a full turnouto! ihe mem
bers of the respective lodges at
this time, and tl-at Filter lodges
will find it an orpntLir.e time for
a friendly visit.
N;w Incoas Tixes.
As there seems to be a great
deal of confusion over the new
income taxes, it is worth while
articles. Credit six months
Tuesday. October 16, David M
Kendall, having sold his farm and
lntendincr to remove to McCon
nollsbun' will sell at his reBi
dence, l 't mile south of McCon
uellsbursr. Caws. bogs, farming
rnplemouts.household goods etc
ale begms at 1 o clock p. m.
Credit 6 months, J. J Harris,
Auctioneer. Gto. A. Uomeror,
Thursday, October 18' h, Mrs
William S. Grac-y will sell at her
residence a mile northwest of
Gracey, oh the road leading from
West Dublin to New Grenada,
horses, 1 cow, 9 sheep, 4 hogs,
(arming implements, harness
etc. Sale will begin at 1U o clocn
Credit 6 months. J. M. Ghesnut,
Tuesday, October 23, Eli llann
having rented hi farm will sell
it his residences miles northeast
if Need more. 4 horses, 11 bead
if cattle two of which are readv
for the butcher, farming imp!e
meats, harness, wagons, buggv Site bosrins at 1U o ciock
Credit 6 months. J. J. Harris,
Wedtiesday, November 7
Walter A. Puck havine sold his
farm aud intending to roraov
from tho countv will sell at hU
residODce atNeadmore, automo
bile, hordes, cattle, hogs, farming
implemeuls, corn, hay, fooder
household goods, etc. Sale will
begin at 10 o'clock. Credit 6
months J. J. Harris, auctioneer.
Saturday, November 10th, Geo.
P. Metzlor will sell at bis resi
dence at HarrisonviJle, 2 hors' s,
6 bead ot cattle, harness, farm
mplements. wheat, hay, and
many other things. Sale begins
promptly at 10 o'clock. Credit,
6 months. James M. Chesnut,
Wednesday, November 14, J
1 Covalt, haviug sold his farm.
will sell at his residence at CovhIi
1 bay mare, 5 bead of cattle,
bur'v. harness, farm implements
sions are based on the mortality carpenter tools, household goods
figures of the French army dur- etc. Sale -begins at 10 ciock
jng the three years of the war, Credit 6 months. Harry Anthony
which include the heavy losses at auctioneer. Jacob A. Powell,
the Marne and Verdun. Accord- c'ork
Wilson administration. The ex
isting law and the one about to
be enacted must be read togeth
er to understand the total tax.
In the first place, unmarried
men are allowed only $1000 ex
emption and married men but
$2000. plus $400 for eachIepend-
ent child, not exceeding two in
all. Let us take the case of a
married man without, children,
with a net income of $5000,
which is the limit from which
the new super taxes begin; his
taxes for the enrrent year will be:
On incomes from $2000 to
$4000 (new) $40
On incomes from $4000 to
$5000 (double) 40
Total $80
This is based on a net income
after all deductions of taxes,
interest on debts, untaxable in
come or income tax paid by
corporations. Usually this will
represent a man with a gross in-
come of at least W-m.
If the net income is $75000, he
must pay five per cent, on the
additional $2500 (or $125). mak
ing $205 his total income tax, In
comes beyond $7500 have a rap
idly rising surtax and supertax.
In case the above man is un
married, his tax will be $100 on
a net income of $5000 and $225
on $7500. The new law makes
changes in methods1 of adminis
tration which must be carefully
studied, especially those clauses
dealing with exemptions and pay
ments at the source, which latter
are abandoned except for tax
free securities. It is expected
that in a abort time the Treasury
Department will issue a complete
statement dealing with the law
and regulations permissible un
dar it. The new taxes are pay
able on incomes for the whole of
this year and it i3 incumbent on
every taxable to have his ac
counts in good order ready for
governmental inspection if that
i3 found necessary.-Philadelphia
ing to the death rate of ' the last
vear. a man nas cnance3 in w
of surviving warfare and is on
ly about three times as likely to
meet death as he would be at
Wednesday, November 23, L
W. Funk will spII at bis residence
1 mile west of Needunoro, horse0,
cattle, hogs, gram, etc. bale
begins at 10 o'clock. A. L. Wille
I auctioneer.
Good Training.
A few handfuis of corn may
seem a very small matter, but
when a hundred persons each
waste a small .quantity the total
is serious when we think that
some of our Fulton county boI
diers in France may see the day
But B jy Gnud S!i os f-om thP;
whore jou do not m h.
D I U'vlV tO 'OKCtfru
Tlic Real Family SLce S(
Shoe. lUts. Truiilm, SuitJ
Uii:hrei:a, d vi , Mt.u's
lloM.ny, & a,
Tho "Huyl'iKlit" (in the Sy
Chamber&lurg, Pa.
Stoves Stoves Stov
Look over our big Stock of Stoves w!i
you need one
I furnish repairs for all kinds of Stove
Write me your needs
145 South Main St., Chambersburg,
Chambersburg, Penn'a
Player Piano
You Can Play It I
A Million Melodies at Your Command
4"i-t fa
l!k77 .on Ti
Easy to Play, Easy to Pay
$395, $430, $475, $52o.
12 Rolls Music, Bench Scarf, 2 Free U
when those handfals will be
worth their weight in gold. We
refer to the sinful waste of corn
annually on Hallow'een niht.
We stand for everything that
will furnish our boya and girls
clean sport, but we are constrain
ed to appeal to the patriotism of
parent teachers and guardians
to begin at once to impress the
boys and girls with the enormity
vounjr p- i
tfy vo urua - p
be developed W'
and here w
the younff
Will you
lee9 boy9 "ne3l U
of oar sugije3"
k u
,J Gross
J until