THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCQNNELLSBURG. PA. TWOJTEARS Could Do No Work plow Strong as a Man. III. "For about two yean from a female trouble to I was unauie 10 waia or do any of my own work. I read about LvdiaE. Pinkham's fy '-ifirk Vegetable Com pound in the newa- VV-'M PPer8 and deter- brought almost im mediate relief. My weakness has en tirely disappeared and I never had bet ter health. I weigh and am as strong aa a man. ia well snent which pur- QLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable M-'t-Mrs. Jos. O'Bbyan, 1765 FTt... r.hipao-o. III. Kv;,,i of Lvuia E. Pinkham'a Ubie Compound, made from rooU Jberl. i unparalleled. It may be j.iih perfect confidence by women BftitlCr iruin uhhjibi-ciiiciiwj, ujiinur tan. ulceration, irregularities, peri- 1IIH, DSCKBcne, ucniuig-uvvii tr Tttulency. Indigestion, dizziness, ! tervoui prostration. Lydia E. Pink .'i Vegetable Compound ia the stan rirtaedy for female ills. .Arco . .iiiiiiii iff mm Never Boasts. k o( our iible senators was nrgu- i mutnentous naval question with jjjincnt. ton know I never boast," the op- vtt remnrkid during the nrgumeut. rer boast I Hullyl" exclaimed mratrir. Then. In a more reflcc- Uood, he added, "No wonder you :( about It." t-i.t'i Inaiin Vrxttable Pllli contain I' U bill V fiauie inn ruii-iiiB, wu.vii bv ,'. lonlo and puraatlve by etlmu- L ul Dot by Irritation. Adv. There Was a Reason. km mm thrown together ut a horse fre discussing their adventures it the equine tribe. M horse ran nwny with me once Iwsn't out fur two months," re in! the mini with the plug lint. rial's nmliiiii,'," replied the man li the howler. "I run nwny with n j once and I wasn't out for two "What Make Is It?" party of Frankfort folk spent a :t Sunday (during their pastor's .linn period) on Sugar creek. One party, who reluctantly admits he Is fine fisherman, soon land idnchMss. 'Tin! crowd gathered ?A to admire Hie fish, when nn 'vyiar-olil miss excitingly asked, 'it make Is it?" Needless to sny fitlior drives a car, and Is not J of n fisherman. Indianapolis PCURA HEALS ECZEMA ilRithej That Itch and Burn Trial Free to Anyone Anywhere. the treatment of skin and scalp les bailie freely with Cutlcura anil hot water, dry and apply in Ointment. If there Is a nnt taxlcncy to rashes, pimples, etc., at their recurrence by making r your daily toilet preparation. sample each by moil with Book. 'ta postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, 4 Buld everywhere. Adv. A Pacifist. Ihri years old Ueglnnld was nl- J i celebrated coward. Purlieu- w ns afraid of nil four-footed i!. There wm tnllr Iii lli fiimlU- 'tine a diiL'. Willi yon lit:,. In hiit-o n il.u. tmv will the iinniil nnri'iit. PC wld It.'plnnld. Wistt later Iteciniild returned toiler's side. Evidently he had taming over lu his mind the prop- riceutlv siibinlttoil. J like to h:ive n dog," sold he, "if nave one with his mouth shut." Ethel' Note. "Wm on the mirth alito nhn " herself 01) lint' enMitl nncUInn )s Insists (,n hnvlng perfect t V y w"y for nny wnslon, l on recently to trlvo n reren. 011 very slmrr nntin t .iiuii. ,1 . ""HC IV II UIHllll ; f ub w""nn who was passing 51 tjie CltV. KIIVH Mm T.i.llnnn.,,,11.. P All three of her house- Serr- pone Unit day and only the tit hum.. ' M" tlie I'li'iiiiiiii.-. 1:1,1. n. f .. . 'r""iiu iiri lime IllL- 'Inilchter, "you i?n tn ttn. ,Inor Jw the gm,stg , wlle , fln,sh FN the rlill.i m.i..i t... it. " "I'jeeieu, mil limn- l porsuaded to go. "' man wem on with her prepn , J ws Interrupted several - hick, the cook, and cv- ! L m helpless when It 'mm . "K w"'ut one. But "ra m 1. 1 . ... Ei In come in nnu tnKe n the reception room and she Md Wl'11- At ,n8t She ulrtfl l,llp '""r to find Ethel sho f n,mj , . ,vm "us uiue pnnieu N llr I ' mnln 18 UP Larislg talk and sit dmvn P l"itti'rv i . "IbZ ,,ye s,,ll'ld t0 clvo x"Knt "here needed. ebrear by eating ptToasties what arb isatSL yv (Conducted by tlitr- National Woman's v-iiriaimn i eniperanco union.) CATHOLICS AND PROHIBITION. The liquor publicity bureaus ure making much of the fuct that Curdlnal Gibbons U opposed to prohibition. They would huve the public forget tho many ulahvnrt champions of the iintl liquor cuuse In the Roman Catholic church. They would like to blot from its memory the words of Archbishop Ireland: "Were God to pluce In my hand a wnnd with which to dispel the evil of Intempcrunce, I would strike the door of every saloon, every distil lery, every brewery, until tho accursed traffic should be wiped from the fuce of the earth." They would erase from the retnemherunco of the communi cants of that church tho scathing in dictment of Archbishop John J. Keuue : "If I could cause the earth to open and swallow up every snloon In the world, I would feel that I was conferring up on humanity a blessing. The snloon Is bad for the home, the church mid the country. It has no redeeming feature." They would have good Cuthollcs for get the advice of Cardinal Manning : "The drink trafllc is a public, permu neut and ubiquitous agency of degra dation. The drink trode Is our shame, scandal and sin, and unless brought under by the will of the people, It will be our downfall. Do you know how you can help to break up this unholy alliance between government and the greatest fruud of the uge? Vote ngulnst It." The Union Signal. GREAT GAINS TO LABOR. Conditions In Shrevcport, La., a dry city, arc thus described by Mr. Thomas J. Greer, president of the Louisiana Federation of Labor: "Since tho Influence of the liquor trafllc has been removed from union politics we have made tremendous gains In Shreveport since the town went dry In 1908. Membership In ln bor unions has Increased from 1,8(10 to 3,700, and home-owners among union men have Increased 40 per cent. The carpenters' union has Increased Its membership from CO to 375. When Shreveport was wet tho paint ers' union had 35 members, working ten hours a day for $2.75. Today the paint ers' union bus 145 members, eight hours u day and 55 cents an hour, or n scale of $4.40 per day. Harbors have shortened their hours of labor, raised wages continuously and have a 100 per cent organization. A brewery under tho wet regime employed six non-union brewery workers; today an Ice fac tory at the sumo locution employs 40 union Ice workers." FEW SITTING IDLY BY. Of nil tho reasons that may be urged ngiiinst the tise of alcoholic drinks (especially during the war) tho two that must nppenl to physicians with Irresistible force, nre (1) the nction of alcohol In lessening nil forms of clli clency, physical, intellectual and moral, mid (2) the Intimate connection al ways found between drinking, prostitu tion and the spread of venereal dis eases. Tho evidence against ijeohol on these accounts Is so overwhelming, so well-established and so generally known that It does not seem necessary to go Into details. Only the other day nn experiment wus mentioned In the Journal which showed that f0 grams of brnndy caused a depreciation in the marksmanship of expert shots of 30 per cent in rapid firing and f0 per cent in slow firing. Whnt sense Is there In training men to become effi cient nnd then sit idly by and let the hard-won efficiency be taken away by alcohol? Journal of tho American Medlcul Society. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? I have observed that every bandit crew that goes forth to murder starts from a saloon; that every ponderer has his rendezvous In n grog-shop; that every den of thieves makes Its victims drunk before It robs them; that every bouse of prostitution hns Its bnr or Is In partnership with booze; that every gambling den cither Is In a saloon or sustains a close relationship with one; that. the pickpocket "trust" Is housed In a saloon; that tho "pny off Joint" for the crook nnd the crooked policeman Is In n snloon ; that the pro fessional bondsmen nnd character wit nesses for thieves nnd holdup men nro saloonkeepers or bartenders. Judge Gemnilll of Chicago , Prohibition in Mexico. The Mexican states of Chihuahua nnd Sonorn both recently became dry. P.y n decree sold to hove been given directly by President Carranza as a war measure, prohibition became ef fective throughout Chlhuahun July 8. Gen. Ellns Culles of Sonorn, known as the father of prohibition In that state., Is enforcing a law against selling liquor In every community nnd min ing camp In the state. RUSSIA STILL ON WAGON. Prof. Frank A. Rny of Ohio State university, who just returned from Russia, where he went ns a mining ex pert, says In a newspnper Interview that vodka Is ns completely bnnlsjicd ns cznrlsm, tho liquor press to the contrary notwithstanding. The revolu tion has not changed the prohibition decree. FOWERFUL GERMAN ALLY. Germany's most powerful ally is the drink trafllc. It destroys more food stuffs than the ruhkinrincs sink. Lovc'i Demands. "Love requires not so much proof as expressions of l. ve. Love demands little else thnn tho power to feel and require love." Rlchter. Uncle Eben. "Some men tries to make dclrse'fs dlsagreenblo," said Uncle Ebcnj 'aa' ome don't have to try." Great Fire Loss. Tir York i.i it " ,m" . .... ...... ... . ...,... , Through the newspapers we learn that tho Nuvy league Is asking for owing kits for the murines now in training for service in Fruncc. The lecgue calls for 0,500 of these sewing kits and they are Inexpensive nnd easy to make; so here Is nn answer to the question at the beginning of this article. Tho marines cull n sewing kit n "hussiff," which Is the marines' way of saying "housewife." And before we get through making sewing kits we nre likely to find "hussiff" has been added to the English language nnd to have to look lu the dictionary for Its derivation. The "hussiff' Is made of cotton khaki and sewed with red thread. It Is 13 Inches long nnd 7V6 Inches wide and has five pockets 3ft inches deep by 2'4 Inches wide. A top flap folds ovr the pockets. . A red tape, sewed on the back of the center pocket, ties the kit when it Is rolled up. The kit Is fitted with the following articles': A pair of bluut-pclnted scis sors four Inches long, No. 1 needles, a thimble, nn assortment of safety pins, cards wound with heavy khaki, black and white thread and two safety pins strung with khaki buttons. The Red Cross Is Issuing calls for ration h eaters. They are made of newspapers folded and pasted Into tight rolls of a certain size, then cut nnd boiled In pnralUn. They serve to bent the food and drink of the sol diers and should be placed In the com fort bags made for the men In service. Many thousands of them will be need ed and they arc so simple that chil dren can make them. Directions for making these heaters can be obtained from Miss Cook at the Chicago chnptcr headquarters of the Red Cross. It Is a Velvet Season j - liK'nirrr W" '"It Is n velvet season" say the mil liners, nnd the displays of new milli nery for full leave no room In the mind for doubting this assertion. Plain nnd panne velvet dominate all the showings. Ilntter's plush, with a sur face much like panne velvet, Is rep resented, and heavy velours and duve tyn both velvety In appearance nre In the running. In plain velvet nnd In velours nnd duvctyn the quiet, rich colors approved by fashionables arc at their best. Pnnne velvet and hut tor's plush both look best In blnrk and white and In the darkest shades of sedate colors, to which they add bril liance. Trimmings nro very simple nnd not permitted to interfere with the lines of the shapes in nny way. Fancy fea tures, Including ostrich, ribbons nnd ornaments, nre relied upon for deco rative features. Small ostrich tips, used In groups, are returning after an exile of several seasons, along with draped turbans of velvet, and they look so well together that there Is n sort of kinship between them. It Is hard to think of velvet without being reminded of ostrich. Wlde-biimmed bats with n fringe of ostrich laid upon the upper brims have already made mi assured success. Coquo feathers and furs in pompons IS SUBSTITUTE FOR LINEN Handpainted Oilcloth Utilized Make Attractive Runners and Luncheon Sets. to There Is a saying that In those days of war prices, only the millionaire's wife can afford to uso real linen In her dining room. A grent many women are substituting handpainted oilcloth for the accustomed lace and linen luncheon sets, says the Philadelphia North American. Stunning sets In black enameled oil cloth for the out-of-door English brenk fast or porch luncheon nre decorated with bunches of - brilliantly col ored fruit. A largo center dolly Is used, with four each of the medium nnd small sizes. An or dinary enameled kitchen pie plate painted black nnd decorated with tho same design makes a unique bread or sandwich plate, and a papier niachc bowl stained black and decorated with the fruit motif on the outside, filled with luscious ' gropes and oranges, Is tho most stunning kind of a center piece. The square luncheon set Is rather new, developed In ton oilcloth stenciled with field flowers In brilliant blues and reds nnd yellows. Delft blue with sprays of small pink flowers or pnlo green with black nnd white will make very pleasing combinations. Small Breaks In Lace. Where there are only a few threads broken In Irish or Swiss lace they can easily bo repaired with n needle nnd thread the same size as that used In tho manufacture) of tho lace. Pluce n tiny knot at the end of the thread on the needle nnd draw this through tho pluco where tho broken thread joins the body of tho lace. Having done this, draw n succession of loop knots over the floating thread very tightly close to tho bnse. Now follow with the ... . ..-.,4 !, courso thut tho old nre sure to be found on the classiest hats, sharing honors with flat applique flowers made of fur. Since so many hats are made of velvet the Ingenuity of trimmers Is exercised to place the covering on tho shape In a variety of ways, as may be gathered from the group of chic velvet hats pictured here. The combination of two colors In one or two fabrics, as midnight bluo nnd wine-colored velvet, or black velvet with beige velour, In the body of shapes, Is a feature worth notiug In new millinery. It appciirs In the smartest patterns. Soft, draped crowns and bulky crowns hnve already Impressed them selves on the styles for winter. Among tho latter the "bog" crown Is a Paris Importation, made like tho paper bags used In France, and Inverted on vari ous brims. The bulky crown looks best on women with round, plump faces. Ono of them Is shown In the hat nt the left of the group. The draped crown, which mny be pinned at any angle becoming to the wearer, ap pears In the center hnt, while the hat at the right attests to the survival of the fittest with the round crown nnd rolling brim of the French sailor. Instead of the conventional center and Individual plate doilies, two nar row runners crossed at right angles in the center covering four places nre particularly good on tho small squnre table. In this case stenciling the ends of the runners, the center one, nnd per haps a narrow border design will be all the decorations necessary. The practical value of using oilcloth ns a substitute for trfble linens Is ap parent. After the meal, wipe off the cloth, and your work Is done. No wear and tear on the linen nnd no laundry bill to pay. New Tailored Blouse. The new tailored blouse Is developed with front and back yokes, from which box plaits are laid, says the Dry Goods Economist, as there mny be a cluster of plaits In the center bnck and on either side of the front. The high col lar Is not figuring largely In the tail ored ' models, the flat collar that reaches far down the front being fa vored. Narrow fluting Is a feature of thcM waists. It Is used to edge collar, cuffs and front. Line Your Muff. Line your winter mufC with velvet; If you haven't new velvet, use old. It will never wear out, Is much warmer than silk, and one doesn't hnve to be constantly rclinlng, as one does with silk. thread hnd taken, nnd do the same with tho other loos, end, knotting It securely close to the body luce. Cut nwny the loose ids and the break Is no longer perceptible. Famous Cherokee HaJfbreed. Sequoyah, Inventor ot the Cherokee alphabet, was one of the great men of the Indian race. He wus a halfbreed whose English name was George Guess. Ills father was a white mun and his mother a full-blood ludltui woman. - How to Enjoy the Bible 1 By REV. HOWARD W. TOPE Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TKXT-Oh, bow I luvo Thy luw.-I'. 119:97. Some people enjoy the Bible greatly. They open It as eagerly us u hungry man sits down to 4 1 rLiiifl dinner, nnd they weary of It. Do- "'T ld says, "Oh, how I love thy Law! It Is my meditation all the day. How sweet nre thy words unto my taste! You, sweet er than honey to my mouth." Many people cannot truthfully speak ns did tho Psalmist. On the contrary they And the Bible a very uninteresting book, and though they reud It occasionally; It is not because they enjoy it, but rather from a sense of duty. Is It possible for anyone to real ly eujoy the Bible so thnt they will prefer this book above all others? Sure ly It Is, und nny one who will uccept the following suggestions will soon find the Bible has become tho most precious of all books. In order to enjoy the Bible one needs to be born again. The various books of the Bible were written by godly men, und for the use of godly people. While Its stories nre always Interest ing to children, and Its sublime 'senti ments und literary beauty uppcul to all classes, still tho book as a wbolo does not Interest ungodly people, purt ly because It Is a constant rebuke to them, and partly because it Is ad dressed chiefly to those who love God. A person who has not been born again does not enjoy spiritual things, be cause he has not a spiritual nature. As soon as ho accept. Christ, however, he becomes n partaker of the divine na ture, and at once the Bible becomes a necessity to him. It answers his ques tions and satisfies the cravings of his new spiritual nature. Sign of the New Heart. One of the first and surest signs of a new heart Is n relish for the Bible. This Is what the Apostle Peter refers to when he says, "As new-born babes desire ye the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby." A book on lodge matters can hardly bo ex pected to Interest one who tloes not belong to that particular order, neither Is a railway guide very attractive to one who does not desire to travel. Let n man Join the lodge, however, and at once ho Is Interested to learn all ho can about the order. So If he Is plan ning a trip tn Europe he finds grent pleasure lu rending Baedeker's Guide, because It describes tho countries where ho Is going. For the same rea son the Bible Is interesting to a Chris tian, because It Is a series of letters addressed to him personally by his Heavenly Father, describing the coun try where he Is going, and giving full directions as to how to reach It. Another condition requisite for en joying the Bible Is thnt we recognl.o the real object of life, which Is to be come acquainted with God. "And this Is life eternal thnt they should know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast seen" (John 17:3). If the real object of one's life Is to know God, the Bible ut once be comes the hook of all books, because It reveals God's character and purpose as no other book does. David's opinion of It Is expressed In the words, "Thy Word Is n lamp unto my feet nnd n light unto my path," and God's esti mate of It Is given In his Injunction to Joshua, "This book of tho law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night." Itevelatlon Is progressive nnd neces sarily slow. It has taken God many centuries to reveal to the race what Is contained In the Bible, because sin has so blinded our vision that we are slow to apprehend spiritual truth. Furthermore, the Bible has to be re vealed to each human being separately, ns If there were no other person In existence. Since the Bible Is the prin cipal means by which God reveals his character and purpose, It Is evident that our acquaintance with him, which J began nt our conversion, will progress just In proportion to our study and practice of the word of God. Know Your Bible. If we neglect the Bible, we shall never know God Intimately, nnd we shall always be wenk and Inefficient Christians. If, however, we search the Scriptures diligently, we shall find It n most fasctni'Mng study, nnd as our acquaintance w. God Increases we will grow In grace i.nd spiritual power. "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and st'll do exploits. (Dan. 11 :82.) The reason why the t.Mble has a personal Interest for each of us Is that It Is God's mouthpiece nnd medium of communication with the people of nil ages. For Instance, when God saw men forsaking him to pursue their own evils, ho cried out through his prophet. "Let tho wicked forsake his way, nnd the unrighteous man his thoughts, nnd let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him." Thnt message was not limited to tho proplo of. Isaiah's time only, but It represents God's feeling toward the wicked and unrighteous In all ages. Agnln, when Christ said, "Come uuto me and ye that labor nnd nre heavy laden and ye shall find rest unto your souls," that Invitation was not restricted to those who heard It from the Savior's lips, but applies as truly to you nnd me. With God all time Is one eternal now. "lie Is the same yesterday, toilay nnd for ever." As we rend the Bible, then, let us listen for God's voice In It, nod prayerfully search for his meflaago for us. Two cf a Kind. Among the nneedotcs of old tli.n Digllsh actors Is one of the propilcii r of u Lendon theater, wlui was also nn actur of comic parts. On m caslon lie gave n member of bis com pany, also conicillun, the customary two weeks' ,inliee to quit. "Why urn 1 dismissed V" tho Indig nant comedian queried. "Well, you see, Jonesey, you nro n bad actor." "So are you," was the quick retort. "Ah!" tho manager rejoined, "that's what It Is, Jonesey. The public won't stand two of a kind our kind so one of us has to go, ami I'm sine that that one Isn't me." Wonderful I "How are your nephew and hi bride getting along by this time?"' "Finer than frog hair!" triumphant ly replied tho Missouri an. "They've been married mighty nigh three weeks now, and, by cripes, they are still speaking!" Judge. Tho winds at Curacoa are so steady that three wireless stations depend Upon windmills for power. IRS DRUGGIST KKOIVS BEST KIDNEY MEDICINE fixtccn yean co I begun to sell Dt Kntiici Ku'iimp-ltoot and today I bebn it i one of tho bent medicines oa tWi nmrkct; nnd my patrons are very much pliaxcil with the renulta obtained from UB tine and piak very favorably regardm iC Swuinp-Koiit ban liccn very tuccnnful ia the treatment ff kidney, liver and bbdifa trouble according tn the reports reecrraal and 1 hnve no luiUncy in rccommeauiij it for I have gmit faith in its merit. Very tndy vniirn, OWL lilt It; STORE. IV It. K. Hoio, Oct. 3, 1016. hcdalia, Vwoni. A Letter to Dr. Kilmer y Co. Blntfhamton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will D For Tan Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer 4 Cv Binuhaintop, X. Y., for a aampl tiss bottle. It mill convince anyone Yon will nlno receive a liooklet of Valuable iav formation, telling ahout the kidnrya ant bladder. When writing, be sure asd aara tinn this paper. Large and medium mm bottles for sale at all drug atoreav A4. Admiration Is a woman's first lam and devotion Is her last. What is Castoria C ASTORIA Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, ParegarieV Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor otber Narcotic substance. Ita age Is Ita guar antee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fereriajv ness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for o 80 years, has borne the signature of Chas. IL Fletcher, and has been madeendt his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive voubthU. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-Good" are but Experiment thai inne wun ana enaanger me neaun oi inianis ana Children Experience against Experiment Genuine) CoKtorla always bear tbealKtiattii-eof 1 STY t r - W Open-Air Exercise and Carter's Little Liver Pills are two splendid things For Constipation If you can't get all thfe exercise you should have, its all the more Important that you nave tbe other tried-and-true remedy for a tor pid liver and bowels which don't act freely and naturally. Take one pill every night ; more only when you're sure Its necessary Small Price Carter's IfA? WITTLE vtf( HpLLS' Genuine bears aignstura CHALKY, COLORLESS COMPLEXIONS NEED CARTER'S IRON PILLS Raise High Priced Wheat on Fertile Canadian Soil Canada extends to you a hearty invita tion 10 settle on Her l-Kht Homestead lands of 1 60 acres each or secure some or the low priced lands m Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheal la higher but Canadian land juil aa cheap, so the opportunity is more at tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the worU by tilling some of her fertile soil land aimilar to that whkk during many years haa averaged 20 to 45 bushela of wfcatt to the acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat around $2 a buahel and land so easy to get. Wonderful yields also Ot Uata, Barley and Flax. Mixed farm in Western Canada is as profitable an industry a grain growing. - -...,-- - . The Government this year ia aikin(farmerataMla. created acreage Into grain. There ia a great demand far (arm labor to replace the many young men who fcai volunteered (or aervice. The climale ia healthful aa4 agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good achoofa as4 cnurcnea convenient, write tor literature aa to icon railway ratea to Sup t. of Immigration, Ottawa. c'n J. P. JBFFR&Y, Cor. Walnut a Dread Sis., Philadelphia, Pa, Canadian Government Agent fill) Hill Had the Pharisee. Ono nmn who appeared fur physical eramliintlon before a local exemption bonnl recently was asked by the physi cian If ho hud ever been sick. "Yes," said the mun, "I've hud the phnrlseo a couple of times." direful qiieslloiibt; Anally broiiulit out the fact that the man hnd had the pleurisy. Indianapolis News. Pr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" la powerful but aft. One dote la enouah to expel Wurma or Tapeworm. No caator oil oeceaiary. Adv. The Very Worst I'enelope I suppose he broke) nean eveimiiuiyi IVi'tllta Far worse! IVnelope You don't mean to say tm broke the eiiKiigeiiientt IVrdltu No. lie played poker wt papa and broke him. Gave Him Away. Mrs. Itramlybnll returned home nnu afternoon from quite nn extended visit to her old home. Among the first questions put to her maid was: "Have you noticed that my husband missed mc very much when I was away, Annie." "Well," said Annie, "I didn't notice It so much nt first, but yesterday ho seemed to bo In despair." Whenever You Need General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Taatelesa chill Tooio is equally valuable aa a Gen eral Tonic because it containa the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up tba Whole System. 60 cents. Barber Shops for Birds. An Indianapolis mother tells the story of the four-year-old "prldo of tho household" who observed a wee bird lying on the sidewalk near their home. It was. of courso, without feath ers, being very young, nnd had evident ly fallen from Its nest among the boughs of tho onk tree above. "Oh, muvvcr," snltl tho youngster, "I didn't know they had barber shops for little birds. I.ooky, this one lias all becu shaved." Indianapolis News. Undoubtedly. "He's rich nnd yet he never spends nny more than he hns to." "That's probably tho reason he's rich." TPAVE Granulated Eyelids, II -5f,Jf SrEve, Eyc Inflamed by 'n, t Sun Duand Wind quickly KT?VT 1 &relM!ved by Murine. Try It In 1 Why Thai Lame Back? Morning lameness, sharp twtntw when bending, or an all-cay back ache ; each Is cause enough to ss- pect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. Help the kidneys. W Americans go It too hard. We overdo, overeat and neglect aor sleep nnd exercise nnd so we sre fast becoming a nation of kidney sufferers. 72 more deaths thaa In 1800 Is the 1910 census story. Use Donn's Kidney nils. TVm- sunds recommend them. A Pennsylvania Caae D. It. PifnKle, 913 Oak St., Indiana Pa... a a y a : "I aunored acutely from pulna across the amnll of my back. The kidney accretions passed too frequently, especlnlly at night and I felt miserable. Two boxes of Donn's Kidney fills rid me of the bark ache and regulated the action of my kldneya. The cure haa lasted and my kidneys are now in aiiape. Cat Doaa'a at Any Store, 0 aW DOAN'STAV FOSTER-fvULBURN CO, BUFFAIA III i ibJ-iiW rI2 very Woman W antui ifvi . Jr?r C your Eyeaand in Ilaby'i Eyct. IUUK LILJNoSaartlai.JutEreComlort tn , Id TuhM 11. Tot Hook tht Km - mm. Ask alulae Ere Bwucdr Ca.a Chlcaco FOR PERSONAL HYGUJIE. Dissolved in water for doochea etape pelvic catarrh, ulceration and M&saa mation. Recommended by I-y&ai L. Pinl.hain Med. Co, for teat raera. A healing wonder for ttaaal caJaerk, ore throat and tore eye. Friirinaaiial Hu eitiidinnr rltuuoa and ewndkbl 'f Vf """wo. nT i av il. 1 hr I II"1 I otH OwnpwnT. Ikwtnw. Mm. J I AniPfi I ent wo en mi lAle?la0 t too (Mraocal Ikimi Wooif to Immsb wrlnklM, obtain snit rruia lwr. it Uea j oar Mcnil, MBTUXna CO., JoUaT. It. W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 3-WJ. I