The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 12, 1917, Image 8

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The date of the school letting
for Thompson School District
has been changed from July 28
to Wednesday, July 18.
Among last Saturday's visitors
to our town was the Rev. Henry
Wolf, near Dane. This famous
fruit grower has not been fre
quenting our streets lately.
Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
, Mann removed from Philadelphia
to Idaho to join their son Charles
Jr. Mr.. Mann was a former post
master and merchant at Salvuia.
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pays the highest market price
lor beel hides at taeir butcner
hop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
Sheepskins and tallow.
Economists are leaving no
source of waste uncovered. They
are now lamenting the waste
over a million a year because the
tops of women's stockings do not
wear out Well, why not leave
the tops of!?
Last week, ground was broken
on the banks of the Monongahela
river, near Pittsburgh, for, what
is said, will be the largest stee
plant in the world. Two hundred
houses are being built to start
the new town.
"Puppies with the belly-ache
is what Judge Landis, of Free
port, I1L, called one hundred and
five slackers whom be sentenced
to prison for a year for declaring
that they had not registered and
would not do so.
LaMar Daniels, a stepson
H. B. Trout, had one of his feet
pierced by a nail a few days ago
when he jumped into the cellar
of the new house that is being
erected for C. R. Spangler at the
northern end of Second street
Because it is known that many
men under the standard military
height are good fighters, excep
tions will be made and they wi
he accepted in the army and
navy when they have the frame
to withstand required service.
Very little over the one fourth
of our population produces food
stuffs. The other three-fourths
buy it When the prices get too
high, all suffer because the food
producer has to pay more for the
wares made by the majority
class. -
Miss Olive Pittman is in the
Chambersburg hospital where
she had her left thumb amputated
at the first joint yesterday. The
amputation was made necessary
on account of a felon from which
' she Buffered more or less for over
a year.
L. 0. McLean and W. F. Pat
terson, two young men formerly
identified with the construction
. of the McConnellsburg and Fort
Loudon railroad, are operating a
sand mine near Caledonia. A big
steam shovel loads on cars two
hundred and fifty tons of sand
Though he is now 59 years of
age, Harry A. Sheads, a former
resident of Gettysburg and son
of John H. Sheads of Cumber
land township, Adams county,
has joined the British army and
is now stationed at an intern'
ment camp in British Columbia,
where he is in charge of the
German prisoners of war.
J. Oram Wible recently ten
dered his resignation as a .sten
ographer in the Public Service
Commission at Harrisburg, and
has accepted a position with the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
at Pittsburgh as stenographer
and clerk to the Inspector of
Police. Oram was formerly a
McConnellsburg boy, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wible.
Ravensburg, near Webster
Mills was given quite a surprise
last Saturday evening when Mrs.
Robert Gordon, her daughter
Ruth and two sons Leslie and
Kessel, of Carlisle, with Mr.
Kreps, of Mercersburg at the
wheel, arrived at the home of
their former neighbors Mr. and
Mrs. John Bain, where they spent
the night leaving the next day
to visit relatives on this side of
the mountain.
It It a grave mistake for mcUuTt to neg
lect their achea and pains and auder in
alienee this only lead to chromic tick
neaa and often shortens lifn.
If your work li tiring; if yrr nerve are
excitable: If yon feel languid, weary or
depressed, yon should knew that Scott'.
Emulsion overcomes just rich conditions.
It possesses in concentrated form the
very dements to invigoiate the blood,
strengthen the tissues, notrish the nerves
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands of
mothers and will help you. Mo alcohol.
Bcutt Bownt, BtaomflcM. N. J.
"Real Service" leans "Do it Now"
Our constant aim is to render Jprompt and efficient service.
For you your safetyyour needs we are here.
We believe this has been a large factor in our constant growth until now our
bank is a "Tower of Strength" in this community.
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
For Automobile, fire and life
insurance, see John R. Jack
son, Agent 6 28 17 tf
Wanted. Good Cast Iron
Scrap 65 cents per hundred.
Hancock Foundry and Ma
chine Works. ' 6 28 tf.
Lost. Oa July Fourth,
lady's white chinchilla coat was
piacea by mistake in the wrong
automobile at Hustontown. A
liberal reward is offered for its
return to Hiram post office. It
Wanted A young or middle
age woman to help with the care
of two children. Call at the News
office or write Box 78 McCon
nellsburg, Pa.
For Sale Restaurant and Ice
Cream Parlor, in Chambersburg,
centrally located .near Public
Square, doing a nice business
and 'paying well. Reason for
selling, poor health. Will sell
cheap. Call or address, McCur
dy's Restaurant, 21 S.MainSt,
Chambersburg, Pa.
Wanted: A good hustler to
introduce our TEAS, COFFEE
and Baking Powder and full line
to the trade. A very good prop
osition to the right party. Good
reference 'and small bond re
quired. Write to Grand Union
Tea Company, Harrisburg, Pa.
6 28 St.
Criminal Aoto Drivers.
Last week, an auto was upnet
on the Lincoln Highway about a
mile this side of St Thomas and
the lives of several people en
dangered, all because the driver
of another auto was traveling on
the wrong side of the road.
mat no one was Killed is no
credit to the offending driver who
passed on serenely after the
driver of the other car had done
what he could to avoid a collision,
with the result that his car skid
ded and turned turtle. This is
not the first nor the second com
plaint that has reached us about
drivers following the left hand
side of the road. It is nothing
short of criminal to drive over
cur crooked mountain roads in
that manner, and least of all is
there anything "smart" about
County Pays Nothing.
Free demonstrations of latest
and most efficient methods of
canning, drying and otherwise
preserving food have been offer
ed to all the counties of the
State. These demonstrations
are being held all over Franklin
county, and hundreds have at
tended some of them. AH that
is necessary to secure the same
for Fulton county is the announce
ment of places of meeting and
the loan of an oil stove. Farm
Bureaus in fifty-six counties have
made the arrangement for their
respective counties. Who will
do it for Fulton? Individual
members of the Public Safety
Committee cannot be expected to
do it at their own expense. The
object is twofold first to put
many dollars into the pockets of
our people, and .second, to in
crease the general food supply
of the country. It is money to
the County looking at the pro
positions from any angle. Shall
we miss all the good things of
fered? Lik the road proposi
tion, we are missing actual cash
(not less than 12,000.00) every
year that we spurn the State's
offer to pay most of the cost of a
County Agent
Do Not Boy It.
Do not buy fertilizers this year
that contain anything but acid
phosphate. If the price is based
on two or more ingredients, pass
it by. Common commercial fer
tilizers contain but three ingre
dients at most, namely, nitrogen,
(sometimes called ammonia)
phoshporic acid, and potash.
The carrier of nitrogen is worth
from $80 to $100 per ton, and the
common carrier of potash is
worth $600 because of war inter
erence. This is entirely too
much to pay to use them aa fer
tilizer, and a small fraction of
one per cent only adds to the
price and is of no "earthly" use
to a crop.
Cold Storage.
Readers of this paper have,
doubtless, noticed for many years
the high price of potatoes and the
scarcity of apples in this place
after the holidays, no matter
how plenty they were in the fall.
t has occurred to us many times
that a little fortun awaits the
man who will apply the well-
nown remedy, namely, proper
storage facilities in cooperation
with local producer.
Money ia It.
If our taste inclined to book
agency, we would want . nothing
better to sell to country people
next winter than a 300-page com
pilation of the actual experience
of thousands of back yard gard
eners who, in the year of 1917,
tried their hands at raising veg
etables for the first time. Stories
like the one about the woman
who "forgot to take the lids off"
when she planted her tomatoes
would sound tame. Some one
will write a funny book on that
subject and make a fortune out
of it.
Only chronic diseases. Send me
your name and address and I will
send you a mailing case and question
blank. Don't use dope for chronic
troubles, get cured. It Is a satis
faction to know what the cauBO is.
Public Sale
On Saturday, August 11,
1917 at 2 o'clock p. m., the
undersigned will offer for sale at
hn residence 1 mile tort1! of
Knobsville, la Dublin township,
Fulton County, Pa., his farm
C'jnt inine
53 Acres
and 40 Torches, having thereon a
7-room frame dwelling house
with' summer kitchen attached.
A well of never failing water at
the door. Bank barn with wag
on shed and corn crib attached,
and all other necessary outbuild
ings. About 40 seres of this
farm is clears i and in fine state
of c ltivatior ; balance is well
timbered with white oak and
black oak. Abundance of fruit
of all kiods. Farm well watered.
Privilege will be given the pur
chaser to do the fall seeding.
This la a great opportunity fcr
aay one wanting, a good small
farm, and any cne interested is
nvited to come and examine the
farm before the day of Bale.
Terms: Ten per cent when
property is knocked down; one
half, including the ten rer cent,
when deed mdeliyored, uud bal
ance in one year with interest.
W. II Wagner.
M. Cuesnut, Auct
Give Longer Service
THE best architects and engineers recommend
Barrett Specification Roofs because they know
that such roofs give longer service at less cost than
kany other roof covering known.j
Barrett Specification Roofs have a record behind
them covering 60 years of satisfaction.
- If you need anything in the roofing line write ut
and we U Jell you morcabo.ut.thcm.
V'i Note These Prices
1- ply Roofing with cement and nails $1.15;
2- ply, $f.40; and the Barrett best grade
that has been known to last for 20 years,
2.ply $1.65; 3-ply $2.00. This is good
goods and will give service.
Stock Remedies
Now is the time to use Dr. Hess' Stock
Tonic, Louse Killer, Dip, or Disinfectant
and the best Poultry Remedy for small
peeps and sick chickens 25, 60, 60c,
$1.00 and $2.00 per package. Try our
Roup Remedy.
Garden Plows
Sayl Don't do without one of these as you
can do more work in one hour with it than
you can with a hoe in four hours. Price
We bought these goods a long time ago,
and we are in a position to give you last
year's prices on most of them, Ladies'
vests, 10, 13 and 15 cents; Ladies' Union
Suits, 25 and 30 cents. Men's separate
shirts and drawers, 25 and 48 cents;
Men's Union Suits 48 and 98 cents. See
Machine Oil
We can furnish you the best Castor Machine Oil
35 cents the.kind that is sold most places at 45
and 60 cents. Icre Cream freezers, $2.50; axle
grease, pound cans, 9 cents; 3i-lb. pails 25 cents;
Banner lye 10 cents. We have a nice lot of separ
ate pants and suits for boys at last year's prices.
Shoes at Old Prices
We still have a nice lot of shoes at old prices. You
will not find two or three sets of price marks on
our shoes where they have been marked every
week or two to keep pace with advancing city
prices. . Call to see us when in town. We are al
ways busy, but not too busy to Igive you a glad
hand and prove to you that it is worth your while
to make your purchases at our store.
Com and See Us.
McConnellsburg. Pa.
One Door East of Cline's Gara&e.
Makei Your Shoes Good as New, and Looks Like Ne
All kinds of Harness Ropalrs, Prompt attention. Reasonable ity
C. F. SCOTf, Proprietor.
Harrisonville Store
We have been doing our best to keep up our sin,
though many things are scarce and hard to get, t
have been steadily advancing and are likely to en
higher if the war continue. We were fortunate en J
buy some things before they got so high and w H
ing to give our customers the full benefit. VVe haw
of wire fencing below the present market price asi!
ik iast.3. Tf c nave
Boggy tire f 2 25 per set
Wagon tire 5 cts. pound.
Mowing scythes OOo to $1.00.
Snaths 80 cts.
Buggy Shafts 65 cts.
Plow handles, rough, 25 cts.
. Plow bandies, finished, 60 cts '
Fly nets $1 85 and $1 75
Manure fork bandies 20 and
25 cents.
Grain rakes 25 cts.
Guards, each, 30 cts.
Sections 5 cts.
Half Sweney all-leather,
lars3 00. 6,1
Ventiflex pads 55 cts
Canvass Collars $185
Oil Cans 10 cts.
Good Overalls $1 10.
Roofing (Certain-teed Products Corporation) the natia
Iy advertised kind, with cement and nails -none betta
ply $1.10; and 2 ply for $1.35. Asphalt stone-surf,
roofing, with cement and nails, $2.85. Automobftjj
l UDes, uiowout patcnes, &c.
Mcshns 9 cts. up.
6 quart aluminum Berlin's
tie $1 35
tie 1 1 CO.
Nickle plated copper tan
ties $1 75.
Ladies' house dresses $1 00.
Misses' dresses $1 0).
Children's white and colored
dresses 60 cts.
Gauzes, two for 25 cts.
Oil cloth per yard 18 cts.
x .Lie uuua
are against
every other
ii s imttir fir b
mm l
is the drink I
,of 18 merits
At All Fountains and in Bottles
QhaI Bottling Co.
Roy C. Cromwell, Propr.,
Fayette St, Mercersburg, Pa.
Gentral Garage
One Door West of City Hotel,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
If Innkinnr f nr o morlSum vwfA CAT
HomftncTraio rv ri i hfi
Studebaker Six at $12
All Kinds of Tires, Oils, and Accessories1
Hand all the Time. Utility Var
nish Renovator
Removes Road Oil and W
and makes your car look like ne
A Full Line of Ford Repaid
Don't forget us. You'll find us a
need in time of trouble-
Mrs. Wilson L. Mace and dau
ghter Helen are visiting in the
home of, the former's uncle Hon.
Wm. A. Caldwell at Milton, Pa.
Ex-Judge Peter Morton had a
concrete sidewalk laid in front of
the post office and the adjoining
office this week,
Prompt Service.
Garage in rear.